Blazing Armour

Chapter 25


The fire in Wanyuan Community was extinguished at around eight o'clock in the evening.

When the body of Zhou Ying, a war fighter of the Love Bridge Squadron, was carried out, there was a depressive sobbing sound at the scene. The commanders and fighters who had just participated in the firefighting lined up on both sides of the road, with their faces full of dirt and bruises all over their bodies. Tired, he watched his comrades off.

Chen Xiaofei, the head of the Hongwu detachment, the Political Harmony Committee, and the deputy head of the detachment all rushed to the scene after hearing the news.

Chen Xiaofei shouted solemnly: "Salute—"

The commanders and fighters raised their right hands one after another, and the nine fire trucks on the scene sounded their horns at the same time, and the mournful sound made the night darker.

Chen Xiaofei dispatched another squadron to clear the fire, and let those involved in the firefighting go back to rest.

The fire trucks drove away one after another, Ren Yi didn't leave in a hurry, but walked to Chen Xiaofei's side: "Captain Chen."

Chen Xiaofei nodded: "Thank you."

Ren Yi looked into Chen Xiaofei's eyes: "Captain Chen, Coordinator Xu and Coordinator Qian and Commander Qian are all right."

Chen Xiaofei turned his head and glanced into the distance: "Qian Yue's mood is very bad now, you were there at the time, what happened?"

Ren Yi's eyes were dark and painful: "When they were searching for rescue, an aunt insisted on going back to get her belongings, and ran back to the scene of the fire regardless of dissuasion. Zhou Ying went back to rescue her, and the floor... collapsed."

Chen Xiaofei took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Ren Yi, I know you are worried about Qian Yue, but why did the floor collapse, whether the water was sprayed too much and there was no uniform load, and there were obvious signs of the deformation of the steel beam. However, why did the commander not notice that these are Qian Yue's 'problems'."

Ren Yi bit his lip, his heart was full of unwillingness and grief.

He knew that what Chen Xiaofei said was right, if someone was killed, the cause and effect must be thoroughly analyzed, and all the commanders from bottom to top should be held accountable, including Chen Xiaofei.

But that is a rapidly changing fire scene, a battlefield of life and death, who can ensure that his instructions are 100% correct, is Qian Yue responsible, as an on-the-spot commander, yes, but is he wrong

Chen Xiaofei saw Ren Yi's thoughts, he patted Ren Yi's shoulder, and sighed: "I know what you are thinking, no one wants such a thing to happen, but it happened, we need to sort out every responsibility, Let’s warn others to avoid such things from happening.”

Ren Yi nodded: "I understand."

"Don't worry, I will take care of Qian Yue's matter, you can go back and rest."


After Ren Yi returned to the squadron, he took a shower and then fell into a drowsy sleep.

Due to such a temporary incident, this year's detachment's martial arts competition was canceled. According to the results of the first day, Phoenix Squadron was still the first place, but no one paid attention.

In the fire accident in Wanyuan Community, including Zhou Ying, a total of 6 people were killed and 32 people were injured, 5 of whom were seriously injured and have not escaped danger so far.

After dinner, Qu Yangbo called a meeting for everyone to give psychological counseling to everyone, especially the two classes who had participated in the rescue, and they must have been depressed for a short time.

After the meeting ended, Qu Yangbo said to Ren Yi, "You can take two days off."

Ren Yi nodded: "I'm also planning to take a vacation. I just called Xu Shen and Chief Coordinator. I want to participate in this fire tune."

"You took the initiative to ask to participate in Huodiao?" Qu Yangbo thought for a while, "Alright, did he agree?"

"Well, the Huodiao Department has always been short of people, and I have worked with Gong Yingxian before." Ren Yi sighed, "Try to get the results as soon as possible."

"It hasn't been determined whether it was an accident or arson. Are you going to cooperate with the police and the police?"

"I'm going to watch on behalf of the Huodiao Division, and Gong Yingxian will definitely follow."

"Why? The bar case is quite special, but most of the house fires in broad daylight are accidents, and they didn't go through the process of police and police supervision."

Ren Yi paused, and said in a low voice: "Gong Yingxian is very persistent in fire cases, and this time he went with me to Wanyuan Community, he must want to know if it was an accident at the first time."

"Persistence?" Qu Yangbo frowned puzzled.

"Yes, persistence." Ren Yi understands Gong Yingxian's persistence, even if he is afraid of fire and hates fire, he still wants to approach and challenge it.

"Okay, don't worry about the squadron, with me and Goge here, I'll let you know if anything happens."

Ren Yi forced a smile: "Thanks to the virtuous wife."

Qu Yangbo also smiled and said, "Get lost."


When Ren Yi came home at night, his father was already asleep, and his father felt light, so he entered the door on tiptoe, but at this time the phone rang suddenly.

Ren Yi hurriedly pressed the call button and said in a low voice, "Hello?"

"Ren Yi, is it convenient to talk?" A pleasant male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Qi Xiao? Wait a moment." Ren Yi entered his room, closed the door, and then restored the normal volume, "Say it."

"I saw you on TV, the one in Wanyuan Community."

"Oh." Ren Yi said pretending to be relaxed, "I'm still on TV."

"… Are you OK?"

Ren Yi was silent for a while: "It's okay."

Qi Xiao said softly: "Hey, I saw that one of your comrades in battle and harmony passed away, so I was very worried about you. You didn't get hurt or anything."

Ren Yi smiled lightly: "Really not, don't worry."

"Have you been away recently?" Qi Xiao asked, "Let's meet up, I miss you."

Ren Yi hesitated for a while, usually Qi Xiao asked him out and he happened to be on vacation, so there was really no reason to refuse, but at this time he hesitated, but he still agreed: "Okay, I have something to do at hand, I'll go find it when I'm done. you."

"Wait for you." Qi Xiao suddenly chuckled, "It's the first time I see you in combat uniform, you are very handsome."

Ren Yi smiled and said: "You can come to the squadron to see me when you have time, we often wear them in training."

"Okay, I've always wanted to see it too."

After hanging up the phone, Ren Yi fell on the bed, recalling everything that happened in Wanyuan Community yesterday in his mind, and with the onset of drowsiness, all the pictures gradually blurred, only Gong Yingxian's deep and quiet eyes were clear stand up…


Early the next morning, Ren Yi drove Ren Xiangrong to a small shop where their family of three used to go to have breakfast, and then the two went to the park. Ren Xiangrong was sitting in a wheelchair, the sun shining on his face, reflecting a quiet and peaceful Smile peacefully.

While pushing Ren Xiangrong, Ren Yi chatted about the recent sacrifice of a soldier in war and harmony. After hearing this, Ren Xiangrong said: "Old Chen is right, maybe the collapse of the floor is really related to the excessive shooting of water, maybe the squadron leader really He did not predict the deformation of the steel structure in advance, although the biggest fault is not his, but as a cadre, as much power as he has, he must bear as much responsibility."

It has been less than two years since Ren Yi became the squadron leader. In his career as a firefighter, he only encountered the sacrifice of a comrade in arms and a friend around him once. It was a pain that he would never want to recall in his life. Commander, it's not his turn to take responsibility. But this time, he couldn't help but think differently. If he was Qian Yue, could he do better

When they are cadres, they all have a bottom line principle, that is, where they dare not go, they can't let Zhan Hexia go. He brings people into dangerous places, and he will try his best to bring people out, but even He tried his best not to make mistakes and tried his best to protect everyone, but he might still encounter unexpected accidents that were difficult to resist. As long as he thought of Qian Yue's mood at this time, he would be oppressed and out of breath.

Ren Xiangrong patted Ren Yi's hand: "I know you are afraid, who is not afraid, we went to Baosheng Chemical Factory together in several shifts, and in the end, few of them came out alive. Who do you blame at that time? Can you blame the non Do you want to go back to the person who got the bracelet? She also lost her life, so what's the point of blaming her."

Ren Yi's nose was slightly sour, and he remained silent.

"A true warrior of war and harmony is afraid, but does not back down." Ren Xiangrong said solemnly.

Ren Yi nodded bitterly: "Dad, I will never back down."

"Hey, I still feel uncomfortable when I think of Baosheng Chemical Factory." Ren Xiangrong smiled wryly, "At that time, the superiors wanted to give me first-class merit. Only when I die can I accept it with peace of mind, otherwise why should I get the same credit as my sacrificed comrades in arms and harmony.”

"I can't find information about Baosheng Chemical Factory on the Internet, so it was finally determined that it was a production accident?"

"Yes. Those who should be punished should be sentenced, and those who should be punished should be punished." Ren Xiangrong said with emotion, "The chairman also committed suicide in fear of crime, but what's the use, no one can come back."

Ren Yi wanted to ask more, but he was afraid that his father would get suspicious, and it would be useless for him to ask, he had already made up his mind that unless Gong Yingxian brought it up, he would keep pretending not to know.

The two walked around again and went home.

After lunch, Ren Yi handed over his father to the nanny and drove to Wanyuan Community. He made an appointment with Gong Yingxian to investigate the scene.

After arriving at the scene, there was someone who arrived earlier than him. It was Zhang Wen, his assistant sent by the fire department. He was also sent for the bar case last time.

"Captain Ren." Zhang Wen was taking pictures downstairs in the community.

"Xiao Zhang." Ren Yi nodded, "It's so early."

"Well, let's take some pictures of the environment first." He looks like he just graduated from university, wearing black-rimmed glasses, with slightly long bangs, gentle and a bit shy, he is thin and thin, and the clothes he wears always look baggy and don't fit well.

"Zhang Wen, the Huodiao Department is so short of people now, I hope you can grow up as soon as possible and conduct independent investigations earlier."

Zhang Wen smiled: "Team Ren, I'm a contract worker, and I'm different from you. It would be great if I could become a full-time employee. Otherwise, I might not be able to work for a few years."

"Only if you do a good job, can you become a full-time member, right?" Ren Yi patted Zhang Wen on the shoulder, "If you need to go to the squadron to gain experience, I can arrange for you to come to my squadron for an internship and be a fire tuner." , is to fully understand the fire scene, whether it is before or after the fire.”

"I do have this plan. Let me apply with the higher-ups. Thank you, Captain Ren." Zhang Wen hesitated for a while, and then asked Ren Yi about becoming a full-time employee.

Ren Yi didn't know much inside news, so he could only say what he had.

After the two chatted for a while, Gong Yingxian arrived.

Gong Yingxian sized Ren Yi up: "Are you feeling better?"

Ren Yi smiled and said: "I'm fine, I should ask you this question, did you vomit when you went back yesterday?"

"I'm trying to get over it."

"Then today..." Ren Yi pointed to the upstairs with his thumb, "How about I go up first, and I'll let you know if I find anything."

"No, let's go up together." Gong Yingxian said without hesitation.

Ren Yi said helplessly: "Is it really okay? We have to climb more than 20 floors. You are a tall man. If there is any problem with your body, I can't carry you on your back."

"I don't need anyone to carry it." Gong Yingxian put on a mask and walked into the apartment building first.

The elevator was naturally damaged, so Ren Yi needed to climb it again, but this time there was no weight, and it was much easier.

Gong Yingxian walked in front, almost blushing and heart beating, and it was only at the last few floors that she was obviously out of breath. Ren Yi was not to be outdone, although she was already tired, she also pretended to be calm, until finally she couldn't pretend anymore.

Gong Yingxian looked back at Ren Yi, and said sarcastically, "Do you need me to carry you?"

Ren Yi raised his eyebrows: "I need it, come here." He opened his arms cooperatively as he spoke.

"But I don't want to carry you on my back." Gong Yingxian gave him a sideways look, and continued walking up.

Ren Yi smiled and shook his head.

Compared with the good physical strength of the two of them, Zhang Wen soon died. He was carrying a huge toolbox, which was commonly used in fire scene inspections. When he climbed to the 22nd floor out of breath, the two of them had already The source of the fire has been found and studied.

"This is where the fire started." Ren Yi stood in front of a door on the west side of the 22nd floor. The number plate on the door panel had melted, but judging from the remaining numbers on the left and right, this house was 2209.

In front of the door of 2209, there is a burnt shoe rack, several shoes, and some charred objects that are hard to judge.

On the ground, there is an irregular mark that is obviously different from other places, and the tiles have changed color and bulged.

Ren Yi pointed to the ground: "Based on the naked eye, this area should be a trace of a low-level burning of flammable liquid. I think back now, and I probably smelled gasoline when fighting the fire."

Gong Yingxian narrowed his eyes: "Gasoline arson?"

"At that time, the smell of gasoline was not strong, and the fire scene did not have the characteristics of a gasoline fire at all, so the gasoline was only a combustion accelerant, used to ignite something." Ren Yi looked at the mess, "What is there here? Shoes? Impossible to burn It's like this."

Gong Yingxian squatted down and rummaged through the scorched debris on the ground with his gloved hands. After a while, he picked up a metal can that had melted and deformed. He looked up at Ren Yi, "You will pile up in the corridor. what?"

"Uh, shoe rack, umbrella rack..." Ren Yi thought hard.

Gong Yingxian said: "Trash."