Blazing Armour

Chapter 35


Gong Yingxian took Ren Yi to another office area, which was a room with a very large span. The front wall was paved with LED panels, and rows of desks were filled with computers and some things that Ren Yi didn't know. equipment, and most of the people are working overtime at this time.

Gong Yingxian walked to a table in the corner, and called out to a thick back: "Xiao Tan."

With a flick of his back, he sprayed out a mouthful of Coke, spilling half of the keyboard. He hurriedly stood up and took out a tissue to wipe it off.

Gong Yingxian shook her head: "It's already off work, you don't have to hide it if you want to eat."

The man turned around and said with a sneer, "Dr. Gong, you scared me."

He looks to be in his early twenties, he is white and fat, his eyes are big, round and clear, his skin is so tender that water can be squeezed out, his smile is gentle and harmless, if he loses weight, he must be a handsome guy.

"This is the captain of the Phoenix Squadron, Ren Yi, Captain Ren, and this is our colleague Tan Haochun from the Cybercrime Division. He is a very powerful hacker."

"Y-not very powerful." Tan Haochun smiled embarrassedly, and stretched out his hand to Ren Yi, "Hello, Captain Ren."


Just as Ren Yi stretched out his hand, Tan Haochun withdrew his hand like an electric shock, "Sorry, my hands are dirty, I'll go wash them first."

Gong Yingxian stretched out his long arms to block Tan Haochun's face, and he took out the disinfectant from his pocket: "Sit down, save some time."

Tan Haochun sat down obediently, and stretched out his hand like a pupil waiting to be punished by the teacher.

Gong Yingxian sprayed the disinfectant on his hands, he rubbed them, and then wiped them off with a paper towel.

Ren Yi suppressed a smile and coughed lightly.

The two shook hands again, Tan Haochun blinked and looked at Ren Yi: "I have often heard female colleagues mention Captain Ren recently, and it is just as they said, tall and handsome."

Ren Yi smiled and said, "Really, I'm so popular in your branch office. Another day I'll inquire about whether the salary is higher as a policeman or a firefighter. Maybe I'll switch jobs or something."

Tan Haochun laughed and said, "Captain Ren is really humorous."

Gong Yingxian looked down at the potato chips, beef jerky, melon seeds and cola stains on Tan Haochun's table.

Tan Haochun quickly cleaned up everything that could be cleaned up, wiped everything that could be cleaned, and then looked at Gong Yingxian nervously.

Gong Yingxian pointed to the side: "Bring two chairs here."

The two of them turned around at the same time to move the chair.

Gong Yingxian sat in the chair: "Xiao Tan, you just told me that there is progress, and it happens that Zhou Chuan can be interrogated tomorrow. I need some useful information now."

"Yes." Tan Haochun switched the screen, and a webpage with deep red background and flame patterns appeared in front of the two of them. The webpage is in pure English, with a human-faced snake with six wings on its head, and its body is wrapped around a sword with burning flames.

The line of small characters below is exactly -seraph.

Unlike Ren Yi's imagination, the homepage of this dark web is very simple. He thought that the dark web would be like those yellow websites with pop-up windows. page, but this homepage does not even have a picture, only the website LOGO, name and a few classification check boxes.

Among them, the "live" option ranks first.

"This is Seraphim." Just looking at the dark web, Ren Yi already felt a little depressed, "Is this website specially built for arsonists?"

"To be precise, it's pyromania." Tan Haochun said, "Not all pyromaniacs have the guts to commit crimes. Everything on this website is related to fire. There are everything you can imagine or unimaginable. There are people who play with fire. There are live broadcasts of arson, photos and videos, tutorials on arson or making explosives, and communication forums, and almost everything about fire can be found here.”

"Are there many people like Zhou Chuan?"

Tan Haochun nodded: "People like Zhou Chuan are called bounty hunters on this website. They make money by satisfying their arsonism. For example, a set of photos and videos can be sold for at least 10 or more at the after-fire scene like the fourth perspective." Quarks'."


"A quark is a term in physics, the smallest particle known so far." Gong Yingxian said.

Tan Haochun nodded: "Well, but the quark mentioned here is the name of a virtual currency, just like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Of course, it is not that valuable. 1 quark is about... 20 to 25 dollars."

"So Zhou Chuan can earn one or two thousand RMB for taking that set of photos?" Ren Yi sneered, "He was detained for 48 hours, is it worth it?"

"Yes, but the live broadcast is much more expensive." Tan Haochun said, "The starting price of the live broadcast after the fire is more than 200 US dollars for five minutes. Of course, the money is usually not paid by one person, but crowdfunded by the people participating in the live broadcast. If you make a special request, you will have to pay more.”

Gong Yingxian said in a deep voice: "The live broadcast of the ruins after the fire is relatively low in Seraphim."

"What about the high-level ones?" Ren Yi subconsciously clenched his fists, "Is the arson broadcast live?"

Tan Haochun's face was a little ugly, "There... there are all kinds of live broadcasts, some... some are really beyond human capabilities."

Gong Yingxian said expressionlessly: "There are live broadcasts of burning various objects, and... burning people."

Ren Yi gasped and said in a trembling voice, "Why does this kind of website still exist?!"

Tan Haochun smiled wryly and said: "Because it's too difficult to catch. Their servers are spread all over the world. To destroy such a dark web, it needs the police from several countries to cooperate with the case. It is almost impossible, unless the technicians are arrested. But the programmers of this website are so awesome, they are at the level of the world's top hackers, I only found the loophole in the firewall after three days of overcoming it, and I was discovered within three minutes after entering."

"Have you found anything useful?"

Tan Haochun scratched his hair: "I'll show you a video first, you have to be mentally prepared."

"… how?"

"This video is among the top three most viewed by Seraphim recently, and it was once ranked first." Tan Haochun glanced at them, hesitant.

Gong Yingxian said: "Let go."

Tan Haochun switched to a webpage, and the two of them looked at the freeze-frame picture on the video, which already felt a little familiar, and an ominous premonition arose in their hearts.

Pressing the play button, the dark background changed from blurry to clear, and a yellow car appeared in the picture. It was a car they would never forget!

Gong Yingxian and Ren Yi knew everything after that, because they were there at the time. They felt cold when they heard their own voice enter the screen, and the car behind was set on fire by the man in black, and the fire rushed towards Zhou Chuan, Zhou Chuan fell to the ground, and the camera began to shake.

Ren Yi still remembers the notebook on the tripod with the lens facing the car. At that time, the tripod was burned for a while before it fell down, that is to say... that is to say, before the tripod fell down, both he and Gong Yingxian Appeared on screen!

At that time, they were anxious to save people, cats and fires, and the scene was chaotic, completely ignoring the camera, which had been silently filming, recording, and broadcasting the burning car.

The faces of the two became more and more ugly. Although it was difficult to see their faces clearly in the video, they clearly remembered that they had called each other's names.

Until Gong Yingxian dragged Ren Yi away from the front of the car, the camera fell to the ground.

Ren Yi only felt dry mouth and tongue, and couldn't tell what mood he was in right now, while Gong Yingxian's eyes were gloomy, and his body was full of murderous aura.

Tan Haochun secretly glanced at the two of them: "I will open the barrage now, you have to..."

Gong Yingxian said coldly: "I don't need mental preparation, don't waste time."

Ren Yi whispered: "Don't do this, Xiao Tan is helping us."

Tan Haochun waved his hand: "It's all right." He clicked on the barrage.

In an instant, scrolling messages appeared on the video, most of them in English.

Ren Yi’s English is not very good, but he passed CET-4 for credits. He saw some people say this video is great, some people say that one is a police officer and the other is a firefighter, and some people say they want to hear them sitting in a car The sound of screams, some people say that their handsome faces being charred will be the most beautiful picture in the world.

Then, Ren Yi saw his name, age, phone number, location, address, position, and firefighter number appear in the barrage in Chinese and English, followed by Gong Yingxian's.

He was creepy.

Gong Yingxian narrowed his eyes: "Can they find out so much from just one video?"

"This video has exposed a lot of things." Tan Haochun said, "It's not difficult for hackers. But you don't have to worry too much, even if you know it abroad, it's not easy to harass you, and more than half of you in China dare not , It’s easy to expose yourself, have you received harassing calls these days?”

"No." Gong Yingxian sneered, "I'm not worried. Most of the arsonists are timid and weak. They behave silently, shyly, and out of place in society. They use fire to cover up and strengthen themselves. The bigger they are, the bigger they are, a typical coward mentality. Most of them don't have the guts to contact police officers and firefighters."

"They have no guts, but most of the bounty hunters who make money by satisfying them are not pyromaniacs, and there are real vicious criminals among them, you still have to be careful." Tan Haochun whispered, "Now...someone has already offered a high price There is a reward for something related to you."

Ren Yi gritted his teeth and said, "I'm just worried that I won't be able to catch these beasts, so fuck me if I have the guts."

"Show me." Gong Yingxian said, "Maybe we can use this to catch someone."

"Yes, the man in black."

Tan Haochun switched the webpage again: "The reward is here. The first place crowdfunded nearly 40,000 US dollars, as long as... any one of you. But don't worry, it's been several days, and no one dares to accept it."

Gong Yingxian carefully looked at the reward list, and said at the same time: "That man in black is doing it for the first time, so he should not be with Zhou Chuan."

"How do you know?" Ren Yi asked.

"I repeatedly watched the video taken by our mobile phone. The man in black acted clumsily, hesitantly, nervously, and scared. From many body language, he was unwilling and hoped to end quickly. Moreover, he did not watch the live broadcast from the beginning to the end. Obviously Not interested in tipping, just covering his face and features, he doesn't seem to be here for money, he seems to be coerced."

Ren Yi recalled: "But he didn't hesitate when he burned the car."

"He burned the car to create chaos and escape." Gong Yingxian said, "As for our reward mission, none of them accepted it."

"Well, there are still relatively few Chinese on this website, and Tianqi's security is so good, it is too risky to attack a public official, although 40,000 US dollars is already a very high bounty." Tan Haochun said, "In short You still have to be careful, just in case."

Ren Yi asked: "What are the bounties of this level usually?"

"Burn people to death, or burn large, important, and well-known things. There are more people burned, and construction and the like are not easy to accept even if the price is high, especially in developed countries. The target is too big and it is easy to be caught."

"What a bunch of perverts." Ren Yi scolded.

"Did you find any useful clues?" Gong Yingxian said, "Is it just our video?"

"No, there is information about that live broadcast, and some things from this website that I dug up." Tan Haochun said, "There is something that I am very concerned about. I found a post in their forum."

"What post?"

"Dr. Gong, do you still remember the famous fast food restaurant toilet murder case in Utah a few years ago?"

"Remember, two high school students exchanged killings." Gong Yingxian was startled: "You mean, they invited and exchanged arson targets in the forum?!"