Blazing Armour

Chapter 37


Ren Yi wandered around in the temperature-controlled room. Although these reptiles made him uncomfortable, since they were raised by Gong Yingxian, he wanted to know more about them.

Gong Yingxian introduced his collection to Ren Yi, Ren Yi rarely saw him look obviously happy, just the light in his eyes was enough for him to savor for a long time.

"I made specimens on this laboratory bench." Gong Yingxian pointed to the display stand, "Look at this armadillo ringtail lizard, its scales are so beautiful, this piece is the shed skin of the emperor cobra king, preserved It's very complete, and it's full of salamanders, geckos, little things like that."

Ren Yi scanned around, and finally his eyes fell on the huge stuffed crocodile, which was at least five or six meters long, like a ship, he was surprised and speechless.

"This crocodile is the largest specimen in my collection." Gong Yingxian said proudly, "It's very impressive."

Ren Yi smiled and glanced at Gong Yingxian, thinking that he was like a little boy showing off new toys to his companions, "Did you make these specimens yourself?"

"Some of them are made by me, most of them are bought, and they are not allowed to be kept in China."

Ren Yi said "tsk tsk" twice: "You rich people really know how to play."

"Well, it is indeed more convenient to have money." Gong Yingxian's tone was very flat, as if to him, being rich was neither worth showing off, nor did he need to be humble, it was as common as the weather.

"But you should save a little bit. The salary of being a policeman is not high, and it's not good to sit and eat."

"Sit and eat?"

"Uh, these should all belong to your parents..."

"Inheritance?" Gong Yingxian said expressionlessly, "That's right, but my parents' inheritance also includes shares in the group. I don't participate in the operation, but I get dividends."

"Baosheng Group is still there?" Ren Yi was surprised, "Didn't it be..."

"The assets were reorganized and the name was changed. The current president is Feilan's mother." Gong Yingxian didn't want to talk further, "Let's go back to eat."

When the two returned to the main house, a sumptuous supper was prepared in the kitchen, and Uncle Sheng was waiting for them with a smile on his face.

"Captain Ren, do you like the young master's pet?"

Ren Yi laughed dryly: "It's okay, it's okay."

"The young master also has a chemistry laboratory, which is also very interesting. Let the young master take you to play some other day."

"Oh, yes, in the yard too?"

"How can a laboratory with the risk of explosion and leakage be placed at home? I bought a piece of land nearby."

Ren Yi raised an eyebrow: "You belong to a dangerous place, have you reported to the fire department for approval?"

Gong Yingxian gave him a slanted look: "Of course I reported it."

Ren Yi smiled and said, "That's good. Hey, if you have time, you can go to our squadron to give a lecture on hazardous chemicals. Although we are not a squadron that specializes in handling hazardous chemicals, there is no harm in learning more."

"Yes." Gong Yingxian agreed without hesitation.

"It's so straightforward." Ren Yi was both surprised and delighted, "Then it's settled, I'll ask Bobo to approve the lecture fee for you, although it's not much, let's talk about it."

Gong Yingxian frowned: "Bobo?"

"Oh, the instructor of my squadron, I have been friends for many years. You have seen it, the time I was hospitalized for inhaling poisonous gas underground, remember?"

"I said that I have a good memory and I will never forget anything." Gong Yingxian snorted softly, "You have quite a lot of friends."

Ren Yi grinned: "I can't help it, I'm a natural likable person. Our instructors are in charge of expenses, so don't be polite, don't let it go for nothing."

Gong Yingxian stared at him: "Take it to reimburse your other 'friend' for the clothes." The word "friend" seemed to be chewed hard in his mouth, and the pronunciation was different.

"Oh, that." Ren Yi laughed twice, "I was joking last time, how could I ask you to pay for it, and he didn't ask me to pay for it, he said it was given by the sponsor, and he didn't spend the money. "


"He's an actor, he's not very popular now, maybe you don't know."

"I've never heard of it." Gong Yingxian said indifferently.

Ren Yi felt that Gong Yingxian seemed a little unhappy, but he didn't know why, he rubbed his hands together: "Come, come, let's eat, wow, just looking at it gives me an appetite."

Gong Yingxian was eating his cold meal as usual, watching Ren Yi feasting on those hot meals seemed really delicious.

Is it really that delicious, Gong Yingxian thought to himself.

After eating, Ren Yi rubbed his belly contentedly and looked at his watch: "Oh, it's almost twelve o'clock, you've been busy all day, go to rest early, I should go back too."

"You want to go back?" Gong Yingxian stared at Ren Yi.

Ren Yi was puzzled and said, "It's so late, don't you go to sleep?"

"Aren't you going to spend the night at a friend's house?" Gong Yingxian frowned and said, "Doesn't my house lack a bedroom?"

Ren Yi was momentarily at a loss for words: "No, this..."

"Why, can't you?"

Ren Yi laughed dryly, and he didn't know how to explain it: "It's not impossible, I just don't want to trouble you..."

"Uncle Sheng." Gong Yingxian shouted.

After a while, Uncle Sheng came over and said kindly, "Are you full? Is it delicious?"

"Uncle Sheng, Captain Ren wants to spend the night here."

"I… "

"Okay." Sheng Bo said happily, "The room and toiletries are ready."

Ren Yi smiled helplessly: "Okay, thank you."

Gong Yingxian propped her chin, crossed her two long legs, and looked at Ren Yi leisurely: "When will you invite me to your house for dinner or to spend the night?"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of Ren Yi and Sheng Bo nearly dropped.

"Since this is an agreed process for you to make friends, I will cooperate with you, I have already done it, it's up to you." Gong Yingxian stared at Ren Yi intently, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes.

Ren Yi was stunned for a long time before he chuckled. Gong Yingxian was making friends with him in the way of a primary school student. Although it was quite silly, he was flattered by his innocence and cuteness. He laughed and said: "I You are always welcome at my house, but my house is small and... not very clean, are you okay?"

"No problem, no problem." Before Gong Yingxian could answer, Uncle Sheng had already said, "I can prepare in advance, do some cleaning, and bring some things that the young master often uses, no problem."

Gong Yingxian said: "Then it's settled, what time is it?"

"… next weekend?"

"Okay." Gong Yingxian stood up, "Go to sleep." He walked a few steps, paused, and turned to ask, "Do you want to wear my clothes?"

"Ah? No, my training uniform is clean."

Gong Yingxian glanced at him, a little disgusted: "It's up to you."

After Gong Yingxian left, Uncle Sheng said happily: "That's great, the young master is actually going to spend the night at a friend's house, Captain Ren, what's going on at your house, what preparations do I need to make?"

Ren Yi smiled wryly and said: "There is no one else in my house, so you can come here and clean up according to your young master's standards, and just replace with the things he is used to." He is not going to take Gong Yingxian back to the old house where he and his father live now , it's really inconvenient. His family still has an apartment that they haven't lived in very much. Although it's not new, it's very clean.

Uncle Sheng nodded repeatedly, his eyebrows almost flying with excitement.

After Ren Yi returned to the guest room, he fell on the bed, rolling with his eyes open. He knew the approximate location of Gong Yingxian's room, and it was on the same floor as him. He didn't know if Gong Yingxian was asleep now, or was he tossing and turning like him

A lot of things happened today, each one had an impact on him, but in the end, what he thought about the most was that Gong Yingxian was going to spend the night at his house.

He can't be blamed for thinking wildly, it is really Gong Yingxian's actions, which can easily be misunderstood. But he also knew that Gong Yingxian was just making friends with him in a simple, sincere, and even clumsy way. He was Gong Yingxian's first friend. How hard it is to have a heart, and how precious it is, Gong Yingxian's family members all know this and have high hopes for him. He can't and doesn't dare to fantasize, he's afraid that it will tarnish Gong Yingxian's pure trust and friendship.

Ren Yi patted his face lightly, and murmured: "Ren Sihuo, restrain yourself."


After waking up the next day, the two of them had breakfast and drove to the hospital. The doctor had agreed that they could interrogate Zhou Chuan, so they naturally didn't want to delay for a long time.

Miaomiao, who was locked in the cage, yelled softly in the back seat. Gong Yingxian looked back from time to time, and after a long time, he said, "When will its injury heal?"

"It's already scarred, just change the medicine every other day, and it will be almost there in a week or two." Ren Yi laughed, "You see it is so small, but its vitality is very tenacious."

"That's right." Gong Yingxian said in a low voice, "It's very tenacious to survive after being burned by fire."

Ren Yi secretly glanced at Gong Yingxian, feeling a little sour in his heart.

After parking the car, Gong Yingxian put on a mask, and his brows were already furrowed unconsciously.

When Ren Yi thought about the reason why Gong Yingxian rejected the hospital, he sighed in his heart: "Are we striving for a quick solution?"

Gong Yingxian shook his head: "This man is very cunning, he can't be in a hurry."

"If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me, I will accompany you out to breathe, don't force it."

Gong Yingxian took a deep breath: "Let's go."

When the two came to Zhou Chuan's ward, Gong Yingxian showed his ID to the policeman guarding the door, signed it, and then opened the door and went in.

Zhou Chuan was sitting in a wheelchair, turning his head and looking out the window. His hands were handcuffed to the head of the bed with chained handcuffs, and his range of motion was only slightly larger than the bed.

Hearing the sound, Zhou Chuan turned his face and saw the two with a look of fear and resentment. He subconsciously slid the wheelchair and shrank into the bed.

Ren Yi crossed his chest and looked at him: "How is your leg? I heard that you will be able to walk in the future. You really should burn your incense."

Zhou Chuan's lips trembled.

Gong Yingxian said straight to the point: "Zhou Chuan, you are under criminal detention this time, do you know that you are in big trouble?"

Zhou Chuan still didn't speak.

"You are suspected of premeditatedly setting fire to a car worth 160,000 yuan of private property."

"I didn't burn it." Zhou Chuan said, "I didn't burn it, I just recorded the video on the spot."

"You didn't do anything, but you and your accomplice conspired to commit a crime. The circumstances are as serious. Your only way out now is to confess your accomplice and strive for a reduced sentence."

"... how much can you reduce?"

"I can write you an application letter for commutation of sentence for meritorious deeds. The specific sentence will be decided by the court. The premise is that you have really performed meritorious deeds."

Zhou Chuan was silent again.

Gong Yingxian spread out the notebook: "I ask, you answer."

"How do I know you didn't lie to me, what if you don't write this application letter for me?"

"Do you still have the conditions to negotiate now?" Gong Yingxian said coldly, "You can only trust me."

Zhou Chuan lowered his head.

"Who is your accomplice, how did you know each other, how did you plan the arson, where is he now, and what is your relationship with the owner of the arson vehicle." Gong Yingxian asked a series of questions.

This time, Zhou Chuan was silent for a long time, then shook his head: "I don't know."

Gong Yingxian narrowed his eyes.

Ren Yi turned up the volume: "You don't know? You don't know your mother's fart, but you committed crimes with him!"

Zhou Chuan continued incessantly: "I really don't know, I just saw someone on Seraph saying that he was going to burn the car, so I followed suit. I don't know that person, and I don't know the owner of the car. I didn't plan to burn the car, I didn't do it, I didn't do anything except filming."

"Nonsense!" Ren Yi scolded.

"Believe it or not, anyway, I was just filming, and I didn't do anything else. I want to hire a lawyer." Zhou Chuan suddenly said excitedly, "Anyway, I didn't burn the car!"

Gong Yingxian put down the notebook in his hand, he got up and stood in front of Zhou Chuan, and slowly adjusted his tie.

Zhou Chuan raised his head and looked at Gong Yingxian in puzzlement.

The next moment, before even Ren Yi could react, Gong Yingxian grabbed Zhou Chuan by the neck, lifted his body from the wheelchair with one hand, and slammed him against the wall.

Zhou Chuan's face turned pale with fright. He grabbed Gong Yingxian's arm and struggled in vain.

Ren Yi was also stunned, he had never seen Gong Yingxian like this, fierce and fierce like a sharp sword!

Gong Yingxian bullied Zhou Chuan closer, his dark and ruthless eyes almost stared into Zhou Chuan's flesh, and uttered cold words from his mask-covered mouth: "Because of you bastard, our personal information was exposed on Come on Seraph, if you dare to play tricks with me again, I will make you suffer more than being burned."

Zhou Chuan's eyes were wide open, his complexion turned from white to red, Gong Yingxian deliberately pressed his carotid artery with the jaws of a tiger, he couldn't breathe anymore, and kicked feebly with his legs hanging in the air.

Ren Yi woke up like a dream, and shouted: "Dr. Gong, that's enough, let him go."

Gong Yingxian stared at Zhou Chuan coldly for a moment, then let go of his hand suddenly.

Zhou Chuan fell to the ground, covered his neck and coughed violently, Ren Yi helped Zhou Chuan up from the ground, and put him back in the wheelchair.

Gong Yingxian sat back in the chair, as if nothing had happened just now, even his suit had never wrinkled because of it, he said calmly: "Go on."

Zhou Chuan looked at Gong Yingxian with bloodshot eyes, his pupils filled with fear.