Blazing Armour

Chapter 52


Ren Yi originally thought that the work of a firefighter was hard enough, that he didn't have many vacations a year, and he had to be on duty 24 hours a day, but after getting along with Gong Yingxian for a while, he found that the police were also miserable, and they spent most of their time in the squadron After all, calling the police is a rare case, but the police, especially the criminal police, almost never work overtime.

It was almost nine o'clock at this time, and Gong Yingxian still had to rush back to the branch office to work.

Ren Yi joked: "You said you, you are a rich second generation, with a salary lower than mine, doing jobs that are no less than mine. I often think of you, and I find it very interesting."

"Do you often think of me?" Gong Yingxian looked at Ren Yi.

Ren Yi never thought that Gong Yingxian would grasp the key point of this sentence so novel and unique. He thought of the embarrassment in the bathroom, and felt that he couldn't be cowardly now, so he blinked at him and said in a joking tone Said: "Yes, I often miss you."

"What do you miss about me?" Gong Yingxian asked seriously.

"... just thinking about it." Ren Yi walked to the door of the car, turned his head to look at Gong Yingxian, "Then do you still miss me from time to time?"

Gong Yingxian nodded: "Yes."

Ren Yi's breathing suddenly became a little short: "Then what do you miss about me?"

"Missing a strange person."

"Why am I surprised?"

Gong Yingxian hesitated for a moment: "It's strange to be different from others."

"It means I'm special, right?" Ren Yi smiled and looked at Gong Yingxian.

For some reason, the back of Ren Yi Chiguo appeared in Gong Yingxian's mind, the "good-looking" back in his perception, yes, Ren Yi is really special. He gave a soft "hmm".

Ren Yi was overjoyed in his heart, even this kind of charade-like conversation was sweet to him, he knew that in Gong Yingxian's heart, he was different time after time, becoming special little by little. It was already unspeakable satisfaction for him.

Walking to the front of the car, Ren Yi said, "You can drive today." He was actually very tired, after all he had been under high-intensity physical exertion all afternoon, and he only ate a box lunch, but he didn't want Gong Yingxian to see that, He just wanted to know the truth about the arson case in Wanyuan community as soon as possible.

Gong Yingxian still noticed it: "What's wrong? Are you tired?"

"No, it's an injury on the neck, and it hurts to lift my arm."

Gong Yingxian frowned and said, "I don't know what's going on with you this afternoon. If you're very tired, don't go."

Ren Yi smiled: "It's really fine, let's go."

On the way, Gong Yingxian chatted with Ren Yi about the case: "You can't imagine how unexpected the current development of this case is."

"What?" Ren Yi's curiosity was suddenly aroused.

"We suspected Peng Fei, but there was no evidence, so I asked my colleagues in the identification department to identify all the garbage I picked up at the scene."

"That's no small project."

"In fact, there are not as many as imagined. Most of them were damaged by fire so badly that they have no appraisal value. Do you remember the electric toothbrush head and coffee grounds I told you at that time?"


"First of all, you used the method of fire identification to help us narrow down the scope of suspects to Wuhu in the west, and secondly, these two things played a big role." Gong Yingxian showed a hint of color, "We extracted the DNA from the toothbrush, and the coffee grounds I found the category and brand, and among the five households, two households have coffee machines."

"Who does the toothbrush and coffee belong to?"

"Without consent, we couldn't do a DNA comparison, so a colleague of mine squatted in that neighborhood for two days, collected garbage from all households on the west side of that floor, and found the owner of the toothbrush, who is next door to 2209, 2208."

Ren Yi suddenly reacted: "You mean, the garbage in front of 2209 that does not belong to his house may have come from five other households?"

"At present, there are only two households that can prove it, because we also found out that Peng Fei's home has a coffee machine. We retrieved his online shopping records and found that he had indeed bought the same coffee."

Ren Yi said excitedly: "This time he can't refute it."

Gong Yingxian said with a sneer: "We presented this evidence, and both of them admitted it, but they both claimed that they just wanted to retaliate by throwing the garbage at the door of 2209. They had nothing to do with the arson. We haven't asked about the other households yet."

Ren Yi took a deep breath, the truth of this case, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he was: "Then what are your plans?"

Gong Yingxian said: "Do you still remember which of the six households in the west besides 2209 was killed?"

"The penultimate one." Ren Yi thought for a while, "The last one is Peng Fei's 2212. 2211 seems to have lost an old man."

"Yes, we plan to start with his family, and you will meet the head of the 2211 household in a while." Gong Yingxian said, "Also, after this period of investigation, I have become more and more suspicious of Peng Fei. Decided to give him a polygraph."

"Is the polygraph really effective?" Ren Yi frowned, "This thing can only be used as an aid, and it cannot be used as evidence in court."

"I know that the polygraph test is just a means. I called an expert in criminal psychology and asked him to help us re-evaluate Peng Fei."

"Didn't you say that the evidence is insufficient, and he didn't respond when he faced Zhou Chuan?"

"It's not just Zhou Chuan, he didn't respond to Chen Pei, which made me more suspicious. More importantly, we can't find a more suitable candidate for the car burning suspect besides him. Have you heard of Sherlock Holmes? That sentence?"

"'When the impossible is eliminated, what remains, however absurd, is the truth.'"

"Because I can't find a new suspect now, I want to use him as a suspect to re-examine all the evidence in my hand and examine him." Gong Yingxian narrowed his eyes, "If he committed a crime, no matter how much he hides Well, it will definitely be exposed."

"Then... where's Chen Pei?" Mentioning this person, Ren Yi secretly glanced at Gong Yingxian's expression.

"I want to investigate the case of Wanyuan Community first, he can't run away anyway."

During the conversation, the two had arrived at the branch office.

Cai Qiang was interrogating Zhou Chuan, and Ren Yi was standing outside the monitoring room, watching Zhou Chuan's life in the hospital for just one month, and actually gained a lot of weight. Thinking that this bastard can eat and drink enough, but the victim's family members may Unable to swallow, Ren Yi felt unspeakable anger.

"He still refuses to say anything?" Ren Yi asked.

"He knew that after we caught Chen Pei, his attitude was a little loose in the hospital. He wondered if Cai Qiang would gain anything today."

"Did he recognize Chen Pei?"

Gong Yingxian shook his head: "It is possible to meet each other on the Internet, but they all react to each other's looks as strangers."

Ren Yi listened to Cai Qiang patting the table, threatening Zhou Chuan.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet the householder of 2211."

The two came to the door of another interrogation room, and Gong Yingxian signaled Ren Yi to look in through the glass window with his eyes.

Ren Yi took a closer look and saw that the householder of 2211 was a woman in her fifties, with her head bowed, and her uneasiness could be seen just from her slightly raised shoulders.

Gong Yingxian said in a low voice: "She was not detained, but we asked her to cooperate with the investigation. She should have been waiting for at least three or four hours. If she was just an ordinary family member of the victim, or an unrelated person, Bai I'm already angry after waiting so long, but you look at her, there is only anxiety."


"It should be." Gong Yingxian pushed the door open and went in.

The person inside suddenly raised his head and looked at the two of them without blinking.

"Ms. Bai." Gong Yingxian flipped through the files, "Hi, I've kept you waiting."

Ms. Bai shifted her fat body back, so that her back was close to the back of the chair, and she tried her best to stay away from Gong Yingxian who was already sitting across the table.

Ren Yi also sat aside.

Gong Yingxian said mechanically: "Ms. Bai, my surname is Gong. Thank you for cooperating with our investigation. I have a few questions that I hope you can answer truthfully."

Ms. Bai took a deep breath: "What do you want to ask, I have told the police many times what to say."

Gong Yingxian nodded: "But you said it from the standpoint of the victim's family before, but it's different now."

Ms. Bai stared at Gong Yingxian: "What do you mean?"

"We have reason and evidence to suspect that you and the other four neighbors from the west side of the 22nd floor have all thrown rubbish at the door of the 2209 house before the fire broke out."

Ms. Bai pretended to be calm and said: "Anyway, he likes to pile up garbage at the door. I just threw it away in a fit of anger. What's wrong?"

"Have you ever thrown it before?"

Ms. Bai hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

"The hostess of 2209 said that you didn't have similar behaviors before. You just quarreled and posted big-character posters. How could it be such a coincidence that on the day of the fire, five of your households threw garbage at the door of 2209 at the same time?"

“… I saw other people throw it, and I threw it too.”

"Who did you watch throw it?"

"I forgot." Ms. Bai turned her head away, "Throwing out the garbage doesn't mean we set fire to it."

"Well, but the rubbish you threw contributed to the burning of the flames, and you have to bear certain responsibilities. As for what kind of responsibility, it depends on whether you know about the arson."

"I didn't know!" Ms. Bai said excitedly, "I didn't know there would be a fire at all. If I knew, how could I let my mother be smoked to death!"

Gong Yingxian said coldly: "It is precisely because your mother was also sent to the hospital and died of smoke inhalation in the fire. I can't understand why you want to cover up your mother's murderer?"

Ms. Bai's body trembled, and her eyes began to dodge.

"Do you know who did it? In fact, you probably all know that this is a premeditated revenge. Maybe the consequences of this revenge have exceeded your expectations. You are afraid of being implicated, so you dare not tell the truth. right?"

Ren Yi was startled, in fact, he had already guessed what Gong Yingxian meant when he was in the car just now, but he was still shocked when he actually said it from Gong Yingxian's mouth. Could it be that this is a collective arson crime? This has never happened to him in his professional career, no wonder Gong Yingxian said that the direction of the case will be beyond his expectation.

Ms. Bai shook her head vigorously: "I don't know what you are talking about. I threw out the garbage. Our neighbors have discussed it in anger. If he throws out the garbage, we will throw the garbage at his door. We are also angry. His family doesn't want it." Face, we just, just threw a few bags of garbage, what's wrong? We didn't set it on fire."

"You know who killed your mother, but you dare not say it because you are afraid of taking responsibility. Your mother has a spirit in the sky, but she has been watching."

Sweat broke out on Ms. Bai's forehead.

"Ms. Bai, I know your concerns. You are afraid that if you speak out, you will be regarded as an accomplice, and you will not be able to explain to the law or your family. You may have been threatened by others, right?"

Ms. Bai didn't speak.

"I sympathize with you." Gong Yingxian leaned forward, "In six households in the west, except for the male owner of 2209, you are the only one who lost a family member. It's so unfair, isn't it? That man disgusted you for several years, why did he If you die, you have to catch up with your own mother. Why are other people okay? Have you slept well for more than a month? Are you worried every day, afraid that we will find clues, but you see, sure enough, we found you It's on the head."

Ms. Bai's voice became sharp: "Stop talking, I don't know!"

"You don't need to know, because I can still ask other people. There are so many families, as long as there is one person who confesses to you..."

Ms. Bai looked down at the table, her limbs were very stiff.

"I said that I sympathize with you, and I also sympathize with your mother, so I came to you first, just to give you a chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. If you don't want this chance, can you guarantee that others will not? You are old, You have no previous convictions. If you take the initiative to make meritorious service, you will definitely be dealt with lightly. But if you continue to help others bear the thunder and cover up the person who killed your mother, then you are unfilial and stupid. You have made a big mistake. Do you want to make a second big mistake?"

Ms. Bai trembled, and tears fell from her reddened eye circles.