Blazing Armour

Chapter 60


Ren Yi hurriedly left home and rushed to the squadron. Although there was only one road across, he felt for the first time that the distance was a bit long, which hindered him from seeing Gong Yingxian sooner.

Across the road, he saw Gong Yingxian's car parked at the gate of the squadron, and he ran over quickly.

The window of the car was lowered slowly, the blackness of the night, the blackness of the car body and the blackness of the interior seemed to form a suffocating net, and only Gong Yingxian's porcelain-white handsome face was a ray of light in it. It pierced through the woven darkness and lit up the entire space.

An impulse rose in Ren Yi's heart—an impulse to embrace Gong Yingxian with all his strength, how he wished that he could also become Gong Yingxian's light, and dispel the haze that had shrouded his head for eighteen years.

Gong Yingxian opened the door and got out of the car, scolding: "Where's your coat? Why did you run out dressed like this?"

When Ren Yi came back to his senses, he realized that he didn't even take his coat. No wonder his father kept calling him when he went out, but he didn't feel cold at all. A fire was burning in his heart. When he saw Gong Yingxian, he immediately Burning hotter and hotter.

Gong Yingxian opened the trunk and took out a blanket from it. He shook off the blanket and put it on Ren Yi's body, tightening it tightly on purpose: "I don't know how to wear clothes. What are you thinking about?"

Ren Yi wrapped himself in a blanket and said with a smile, "You have everything in the trunk."

Gong Yingxian said angrily: "I locked you in the trunk, so I have everything."

"I can live in your trunk." Ren Yi blurted out.

Gong Yingxian was startled.

Ren Yi's eyes wandered a little, and he smiled and said, "As long as you have free food and free Wi-Fi, you can keep me as a pet."

Gong Yingxian stared at Ren Yi for a moment, with a concentrated expression as if he was really thinking about this matter.

Ren Yi teased him and said, "Do you really want to raise me? I'm easy to raise, I can work without eating much, and I can find a place to go to the toilet by myself."

Gong Yingxian picked up a corner of the blanket and stuck it on Ren Yi's face: "You haven't eaten much yet."

Ren Yi pulled the blanket off, grinned and said, "You hate me, you hate me and you still say you want to see me." The phrase "I want to see you" was like an echo rippling in the valley, which made him savor it repeatedly, and he couldn't get over it for a long time. Dissipated in the mind.

Gong Yingxian's expression was a little unnatural, and he deliberately changed the topic: "Why did you come back from there? Go home?"

"Well, let's go home and have a look." Ren Yi planned to go to the detachment to read all the materials from that year, and if he could find any doubtful evidence about the location of the fire, he would tell Gong Yingxian that he knew that Gong Yingxian would be sensitive to new clues How much I look forward to it, so I am even more afraid of giving people empty joy.

"Then you eat at home." Gong Yingxian lowered his head, and gently kicked a small stone away with his polished handmade leather shoes, "Is it delicious?"

"I didn't eat at night, and I spent the whole afternoon with the leader, so I have no appetite."

Gong Yingxian raised his head, his eyes brightened: "I didn't eat either."

Ren Yi's heart moved: "Did you come to find me for dinner?"

"It's normal to have a meal with friends after work." Gong Yingxian raised his chin and said fiercely, "Isn't it okay?"

Ren Yi was overjoyed: "Of course, let's go for a walk, where do you want to eat, I'm going to treat you today."

Gong Yingxian took out his lunch box from the trunk.

Ren Yi rolled his eyes: "You still have to eat box lunches. Actually, my salary is not bad, so you don't have to save me a meal."

Gong Yingxian pushed the lunch box into Ren Yi's arms: "I want to eat this, I don't eat other people's food, who knows if it won't be clean." Said and walked straight to the squadron.

"Then you don't eat anything made by anyone except the cook at home and me?" Ren Yi said happily after following.

Gong Yingxian gave a soft "hmm".

Ren Yi couldn't hide his joy, for Gong Yingxian, he was not "someone else", he was a special person.

The two of them went back to Ren Yi's dormitory together. They met several soldiers on the way, and they were all accustomed to Gong Yingxian's appearance.

As soon as Ren Yi opened the door, Miaomiao was about to slip out through the crack of the door. He shuts Miaomiao in his room most of the time now, and is usually watched when he goes out to play. Recently, the little boy has become wild and always wants to run outside.

Gong Yingxian bent down, grabbed Miaomiao with one hand, and gently stroked the burn scar on Miaomiao's back with his gloved slender fingers: "It's a little fatter, it's more obvious than it looks in the photos."

"I'm well fed." Ren Yi put the lunch box on the table, arranged the chairs, and made a "please" gesture: "Let's eat."

Gong Yingxian took off the long windbreaker, put it on Ren Yi's arm, and gracefully unbuttoned the suit, before sitting in the chair meanderingly.

Ren Yi stared at the clothes on his arm stiffly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he resignedly hung the clothes on the hanger, and at the same time slandered "Miss".

Gong Yingxian took off his gloves, picked up the chopsticks, looked at the food in front of him, and slowly took a breath: "I have been fighting with Peng Fei all afternoon, and I don't have much appetite, and I only feel hungry now."

Ren Yi had heard Gong Yingxian's depression early on the phone, which must be related to the case, he softened his voice: "Eat well when you are hungry, nothing is more important than eating." He picked up a seaweed Put the shrimp into your mouth, "This shrimp is so fresh, try it quickly."

Gong Yingxian also took a bite: "Actually, Peng Fei..."

"Eat first." Ren Yi interrupted him, "I'll chat with you after dinner, don't mention him now, don't miss him." He pointed to himself, "Look at my handsome face, just miss me All right."

Gong Yingxian smiled, looking at Ren Yi, his heart really calmed down.

The two stopped talking about work, but talked about fitness, and made an appointment to discuss it next time.

After dinner, Ren Yi asked about the progress of the case.

Gong Yingxian sighed lightly: "Peng Fei confessed."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Ren Yi said in surprise, he thought that Gong Yingxian's sullen look was hindered again.

"When we put all the evidence collected in the past two months in front of him, he finally couldn't deny it. It's just that this case makes me feel very..." Gong Yingxian twitched his muscles and made an indescribable expression. Expression, "disgusting."

Ren Yi listened quietly.

"Peng Fei said that he has never heard of Seraphim. He just posted a post on a sports fan forum half a year ago complaining about his superb neighbor, after he had a dispute with the male host of 2209 and was mediated by the police."

"Could it be that Hong Yan took the initiative to find him?"

Gong Yingxian nodded slightly: "A person who claimed to be in the same boat as him replied to his post. The two chatted for a while, and that person said that he could teach 2209 a lesson for Peng Fei, but Peng Fei also wanted to teach him a lesson for the person he hates. That way no one can find out who did it."

"Isn't this an exchange of arson?"

"But Peng Fei said that he didn't know that person was going to set fire at the beginning. He showed us the chat records of the two of them. From the beginning to the end, no one mentioned arson. 2209, leave the rest to him, and he will teach 2209 a lesson he will never forget."

"Peng Fei believed it?"

"Peng Fei was skeptical at first, but he kept his eyes open. He felt that the law does not blame everyone, so he asked other neighbors to throw garbage at the gate of 2209 with him. He said he didn't expect a fire or even death. It was so serious. Naturally, he did not dare to admit the consequences, and he called all the neighbors of Xibianhu together, threatening others not to say a word, otherwise they would all be accomplices."

Ren Yi took a deep breath, and suddenly felt a chill rushing through his body: "You mean...every family in Xibianhu knew who the murderer was from the very beginning."

Gong Yingxian nodded heavily.

Ren Yi immediately understood why Gong Yingxian felt "disgusted".

It has been two months since the incident, and they had countless opportunities to confess, but they chose to remain silent or lie. They appear to be victims, but none of them are innocent. In order to protect themselves, even if their own mothers, neighbors, and fire fighters died in vain, they must continue to conceal the truth and hinder the police from solving the case. Looking back now, the progress of the investigation was so slow. , has a lot to do with those confessions that are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"The car burning case...?"

"After the accident, Peng Fei was blackmailed by that person and had to fulfill his promise. He heard that he only needed to burn a car, so he agreed, but he kept his eyes open and paid his cousin to do it. Make an alibi yourself."

"So your initial judgment was correct. He didn't respond when he saw Zhou Chuan. He wasn't pretending. He really hadn't seen Zhou Chuan before."

"Yes." Gong Yingxian said in a muffled voice, "This case has been solved, but no one is happy. One is that Hong Yan hasn't been caught yet, and the other is that the whole thing is too absurd. It's just because of a dispute between neighbors that he is innocent. So many lives were lost..."

Ren Yi was also panicked in his heart.

People always choose when they are angry, and this choice is almost always wrong.

Who would have thought that the contradictions in ordinary life would cause such irreparable tragedies. In this story of neighborhood disputes, it seems that there are no real good people and no real bad people. Everyone releases a little evil, and the evil will come out. Gather sand into a tower.

It's chilling.

"No matter what, the case is solved, and we can give some comfort to the victims and their families." Ren Yi sighed.

Gong Yingxian gritted her teeth, with a cold look in her eyes: "Not enough, Hongyan hasn't been caught yet, and the instigator of all the crimes hasn't been caught yet. I will definitely catch him, and I will definitely send him to the execution ground!"

"You will catch him." Ren Yi's eyes were determined, "Not only Hong Yan, but also the legendary 'organization', and the murderer you most wanted to catch eighteen years ago will be caught by you."

Gong Yingxian stared at Ren Yi: "Are you so confident in me?"

Ren Yi nodded: "You are the best, smartest, and most persistent person I have ever met. I don't think there is anything you can't do."

Gong Yingxian was stunned for a moment, and then, he slowly revealed a very beautiful smile that could make the sun and the moon look darker: " are fine too."

Ren Yi only felt his heart surge, every time he glanced at Gong Yingxian, every time he said a word to Gong Yingxian, his longing grew deeper, to what extent could he suppress himself? He was really afraid that one day, these imprisoned emotions would explode uncontrollably.

The eyes of the two met, and inexplicable sparks flew in the air, which made them feel a little cramped.

Gong Yingxian looked at his watch in a concealed manner, and found that it was getting late, but he didn't want to leave. He didn't know when he liked and enjoyed Ren Yi's company. Ren Yi was a part of his regular and rigid life. Accidents are like a drop of color ink leaking from a black and white scroll, but the unintentional move is useful for eye-catching.

As long as Ren Yi is by his side, he feels comfortable, relaxed and at ease. But for a moment he couldn't think of any excuse to stay.

At this moment, Ren Yi's mobile phone rang, and the mobile phone was placed in the middle of the table. The two of them glanced at the screen at the same time, and the name on the caller ID was: Xiao.

Gong Yingxian immediately sat up straight, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Ren Yi grabbed the phone, and in front of Gong Yingxian, if he didn't answer it, it would be too self-deprecating. He stood up, walked to the window pretending to be leisurely: "Hello?"

"elder brother… "

Just a short word, Ren Yi could already hear three points drunk and seven points depressed, he asked in surprise: "What's wrong with you?"

"I... I want to meet you." Qi Xiao cried, "Can you accompany me for a drink?"

"What's wrong? I'm on duty in the squadron now. I can't leave, and I can't drink." Ren Yi didn't dare to turn his head, but he could feel the scorching sight behind him.

"But I, I'm downstairs in your squadron." Qi Xiao sobbed, "I really want to see you."

"Are you downstairs?" Ren Yi's scalp tingled for a while.

Gong Yingxian's eyes widened, with obvious anger appearing on his face.

"I'm downstairs, I just want to see you, it doesn't matter if you don't drink." Qi Xiao's voice sounded very pitiful.

Ren Yi only felt in a dilemma, he didn't want Gong Yingxian and Qi Xiao to have any contact at all, he was afraid that his secret would be exposed, but Qi Xiao has already joined the squadron, not to mention the two people have a lot of "friendship", even if they are Strangers, as a firefighter, he can never turn away people who ask for help.

At this time, he heard Liu Hui's voice on the phone: "What's wrong with you, buddy? Do you need help?"

Ren Yi hurriedly said: "Wait, I'll go down to pick you up now." He was afraid that Qi Xiao would drink too much and talk nonsense.

Gong Yingxian stood up from the chair, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he happened to block the doorway, and he was tall and burly, immediately blocking Ren Yi's way.

Ren Yi looked at him with some guilt, and explained: "A friend of mine, he drank too much, I'll go and see him."

Gong Yingxian narrowed her eyes, and said in a very cold tone, "That actor named Qi Xiao."

"… yes."

"Okay, I'll go with you."