Blazing Armour

Chapter 66


After an unknown amount of time, the shaking finally stopped.

After a short period of dizziness, Ren Yi heard an anxious call coming from his ear, and his body was also shaken slightly. He opened a slit in his eyes, and sand and soil rushed into his eyeballs, causing him to shake hard. Shaking his head, he shook off some of the sand covering his mouth and nose, and he took a sharp breath—as if a drowning person would be able to surface, the sand immediately choked into his throat, and he coughed violently.

Gong Yingxian patted Ren Yi's back lightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine."

Ren Yi took off his gloves and rubbed the sand from his eyes, he came back to his senses: "Where are we... Where are we?"

"Still in the world."

Ren Yi was startled, and suddenly remembered something: "Did you get injured just now?" He wanted to check Gong Yingxian's injury, but when he moved, he found that they were squeezed under the gap between two stones. The space is so narrow that turning over is difficult.

"It's okay, it's not serious." Gong Yingxian said lightly.

"Let me see." Ren Yi stretched out his hand towards Gong Yingxian's back.

Gong Yingxian wanted to hide, but there was nowhere to hide. When Ren Yi's hand touched his back, he shrank instinctively.

Ren Yi felt something warm and sticky, which was familiar to him, it was blood. Ren Yi's brain buzzed, his body was like falling into an ice cave, and he trembled: "You, you are bleeding..."

"I've seen it myself, it's nothing serious, I've called for help, they're..."

"Ren Yi, Ren Yi, are you awake, Ren Yi!" Chen Xiaofei's anxious voice came from the intercom.

Ren Yi grabbed the intercom: "Captain Chen, I woke up. I should have been suffocated by the sand covering my mouth and nose just now, plus..." He took a tentative breath, "The air here is getting thinner and thinner."

"You have to calm down, don't panic, don't move, we know where you are, we are working on a rescue plan, you are not far from the exit, we will use a laser cutter to open a hole in the right place."

"We don't panic." As he said so, Ren Yi's voice could not conceal the panic, "But Police Officer Gong is injured and bleeding, Captain Chen, please hurry up."

"We're working on it."

"What about the couple? How is the pregnant woman?"

"They have been rescued, and the pregnant woman is being rescued in the hospital. The air cushion plan was successful, but after the people were rescued, the air cushion became overwhelmed and loosened, causing the building to shake."

"It's good to be rescued." Finally, there was good news.

Gong Yingxian leaned over and said, "Let our captain rest assured that I'm fine."

Ren Yi pulled out the portable first aid kit from his body: "Turn around, I'll do some emergency treatment."

Gong Yingxian reluctantly turned sideways.

Ren Yi picked up his helmet and saw that the lamp had been smashed. He took out a small flashlight, held it in his mouth, and shined on Gong Yingxian's wound.

There was a long gash on the shoulder blade, and several small wounds.

Ren Yi's eyes became hot, and he stroked Gong Yingxian's back lightly, his heart throbbing with pain.

Gong Yingxian noticed his abnormal silence, and explained in a low voice: "No bone was hurt."

Ren Yi sniffed, took out a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and said vaguely: "I want to wash you, it hurts a little."

"I'm not afraid of pain." Gong Yingxian's voice was very calm.

Ren Yi clenched the small flashlight in his mouth, and poured hydrogen peroxide on Gong Yingxian's wound, blood mixed with mud, dripped down that solid and generous back.

Gong Yingxian straightened her body, but did not make any sound.

After pouring the hydrogen peroxide, Ren Yi opened the iodophor again, he hesitated and said, "This really hurts."

"bring it on."

Since it was a portable first aid kit, the povidone iodine was packed in a disposable soft plastic tube, and the amount was not much. After he opened it, he carefully sprinkled it evenly on the wound.

Gong Yingxian's body trembled, and a muffled groan came out of his throat. Ren Yi's heart aches very much, in his heart, Gong Yingxian is clean and delicate, even sometimes "beautiful", he doesn't want to see the slightest bit of embarrassment and pain from this person, he wishes he could take it all on his behalf.

After finally finishing the disinfection, Ren Yi sprinkled some hemostatic powder on him and covered him with a piece of gauze. Given the current conditions, the only way to deal with it was simple.

Gong Yingxian let out a sigh of relief and turned over. His back was injured, he couldn't lie down, and there wasn't enough room for him to sit up, so he could only lie on his stomach, but his body was covered with uneven rubble, one could imagine how uncomfortable it was.

Ren Yi said softly, "Lie down on me."

Gong Yingxian looked at Ren Yi hesitantly.

"My place is at the base of the wall, it's slightly flatter, and I can lie down." Ren Yi stretched out his hand to him, "Come on, lie on me."

Gong Yingxian moved closer, and slowly lay on Ren Yi's body, but he was still tense.

Ren Yi stroked his hair gently: "Relax."

Only then did Gong Yingxian slowly relax her body, putting all her weight on Ren Yi's body, and finally felt a little more comfortable.

Ren Yi's chest was pressed, and he felt even more short of breath, but he didn't say anything.

Gong Yingxian buried her face in Ren Yi's shoulder.

The two had never hugged so intimately before, even under the ruins that could kill them at any time, the warmth of each other gave each other great comfort.

Strange to say, he has been obsessed with cleanliness since he was a child—before the accident at home, such a dirty environment, such a dirty two people, should have made him extremely uncomfortable, but he didn't feel any strange at all. He used to think that he was enduring Ren Yi, or getting used to Ren Yi, but now he finally understands that there is such a person in this world, he is not too dirty no matter what.

At this moment, Ren Yi's heart was turning a lot like Gong Yingxian's. When he thought that Gong Yingxian's injury was to save him, he felt moved and felt guilty. He underestimated his weight in Gong Yingxian's heart. He always thought that he was the one who used more affection, paid more, and tolerated more There are so many people, but Gong Yingxian never thought that Gong Yingxian would risk his life to save him. He knew that even if Gong Yingxian would never reciprocate his unusual liking in his whole life, this person would always be the most important person in his life .

Gong Yingxian closed his eyes, his heart was calm, Ren Yi's embrace made him feel that he was in the most dangerous place in the world, and also in the safest place in the world.

"Does it still hurt?" Ren Yi said uncomfortably.

"It doesn't hurt."

"How could it not hurt."

"I'm not afraid of anything except fire." Gong Yingxian said stubbornly.

Ren Yi bit his lower lip and said with difficulty, "Why are you saving me?"

"Nonsense." Gong Yingxian buried his face into Ren Yi's neck, and unconsciously hugged Ren Yi's waist with both hands. The closer he was, the more secure he would feel. He thought that the person in his arms was safe and sound, but it was worth it just to suffer this little injury.

"I told you to obey my orders, and you are not allowed to act without authorization." Ren Yi whispered.

"I listened, but the stones didn't listen."

"I'm a firefighter. I'm the one who plays handsome at times like this. Why steal my limelight?"

"I am a policeman, and my duty is to protect people's lives and property, and you are no exception."

"Then you saved me only because I am a 'people'." Ren Yi quietly raised his hand, but he didn't dare to hold it, fearing it would be too ambiguous, so he could only land on Gong Yingxian's back, and gently rubbed it with the palm of his hand. with.

Gong Yingxian immediately stretched her body like a cat, and said seriously, "More than that, you are my friend."

Ren Yi didn't know whether to be happy or worried, how he wished that they were not just friends, how he wished that this hug was not just because Gong Yingxian was injured, how he wished that he could kiss Gong Yingxian and tell Gong Yingxian openly own affection.

He originally planned to bury this secret in his heart forever. Love doesn't have to be obtained or possessed. Love can just be given. As long as Gong Yingxian lives well, he is fine with anything.

But this moment is different, they may die here, they may never see the sky outside again, if this is the only time he has left, should he confess to Gong Yingxian

Gong Yingxian said in a low voice, "Oxygen is getting less and less."

"Yeah." Ren Yi also felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to breathe.

The burning and cramped space not only consumed oxygen, but also produced carbon monoxide. Their gas masks had just been smashed. At this time, both of them were a little dizzy and nauseous, which was an early sign of carbon monoxide poisoning.

How long can they last? twenty minutes? half an hour? One hour

It can't be longer, if they can't be saved in a short time, they have several ways to die.

Ren Yi regretted endlessly: "I shouldn't have let you in."

"I wanted to come in by myself, and it has nothing to do with you." Gong Yingxian's tone remained calm, "Don't worry, we won't die. If God wants to accept me, he won't let me live until now, and neither will you. Time There are still so many villains on the planet at large, we will not die here."

Ren Yi took a deep breath: "You're right, we won't die here." But the voice in his heart was still whispering, what if, what if, you have to leave with secrets and regrets ? He opened his mouth and called out hesitantly: "Ying Xian, I have a question for you."


"You... do you like Captain Qiu?"

"I like it." Gong Yingxian said without hesitation.

Ren Yi was silent for a while, and asked again unwillingly: "Is it the kind of liking between a man and a woman?"

"No." Gong Yingxian said, "She is my sister's best friend and my sister."

Ren Yi's mood was very complicated, and he didn't expect joy at all. If a person like Qiu Yan, who is beautiful, smart and has a deep bond with Gong Yingxian, can't make Gong Yingxian fall in love with him, then what can others - especially him - expect

"Why are you asking this?" Gong Yingxian asked curiously, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he frowned, "Do you like her?" His tone sank.

"How come, no." Ren Yi hurriedly said.

"There are too many people chasing Sister Yan, I thought you..." Gong Yingxian said slightly, "Really?"

"really not."

"...That's good, you mustn't like sister Yan."


"Don't you don't like her? What are you asking why?"

"Can't you be curious?"

"No, it's not allowed." Gong Yingxian snorted softly, and said angrily, "Why are you asking these things?"

"We have to stay awake, we can only chat." Ren Yi said again, "Then you, have you never liked anyone? The kind of love that loves."

"No, I think that if there is such a person, I must not reject her body, but also have a spiritual connection with her. At present, only sister Yan can do it, but I don't have that kind of affection for her."

Ren Yi almost blurted out, "What about me?"

"Besides, love is useless." Gong Yingxian came to a decisive conclusion.

Ren Yi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but his throat was blocked and he couldn't speak. At the same time, his brain became more and more dizzy, and his mind began to be a little blurred.

Gong Yingxian lay on Ren Yi's body, also feeling drowsy.

Ren Yi suddenly woke up a little bit, he shook Gong Yingxian: "Don't sleep, absolutely can't sleep, let's continue chatting."

Gong Yingxian pinched herself hard: "Okay, okay."

Ren Yi picked up the intercom, and before he could speak, he heard the rustling sound from the other side of the wall, and he called weakly, "We are here, here!"

"Team Ren, hold on, and rescue you immediately."

It was Sun Defining's voice.

"We don't have enough oxygen, can we extend a water pipe to come in?"

"Let's try."

Due to the lack of oxygen in the brain, the eyelids of both of them could hardly be opened.

After a while, there was more and more commotion outside the wall, and they kept discussing something. Finally, a thin water pipe was driven into a small section through the gap between the stones.

"Captain Ren, can you see it?"

Ren Yi took a photo with a flashlight: "I see!" He stretched out his arms to reach, but he couldn't reach at all.

"I'll do it." Gong Yingxian was already exhausted, but he still pushed forward, his whole body was rubbing against Ren Yi's body to move forward.

The two of them were just upper body stuck together, but after Gong Yingxian moved like this, his whole body was folded on top of Ren Yi, and Ren Yi froze immediately, not daring to move, he could clearly feel it through the material of the clothes. Gong Yingxian.

He knew that now was not the time, and he tried all his concentration in his life to hope that he could calm down, but he couldn't do his instinct at all.

Gong Yingxian finally grabbed the end of the small piece of water pipe, excitedly said: "I got it, we..."

Both of them felt Ren Yi's change, and the air fell into an awkward silence.

At this moment, Ren Yi really wished that he was dead. Fortunately, it's pitch black here, otherwise Gong Yingxian would definitely see his familiar face, he faltered: "'s"

Gong Yingxian suddenly said angrily: "There is something wrong with you!"

"I, I didn't do it on purpose!" Ren Yi explained with a guilty conscience.

Gong Yingxian frantically tried to get up from Ren Yi's body, but just as he got up a little, his head hit the rock above his head. He groaned in pain and fell down again. The life-saving water pipe refused to release, which must have affected the shoulder injury, causing him to be in a hurry, which in turn aggravated the friction of his limbs.

Ren Yi almost wished he could fold himself up and stuff it into the crack of the wall, but he had nowhere to hide.

Gong Yingxian's heartbeat was so violent that it seemed to jump out. While he was annoyed at Ren Yi's inappropriateness, he was horrified to find that his body had also changed. This feeling was both strange and familiar, as if he was in the car with Ren Yi not long ago. When changing clothes, there was a similar impulse, but he killed it before it took shape, but this time it didn't work.

Ren Yi also felt an increasingly hard object pressing on his stomach.

The air was quieter.

Gong Yingxian felt that he had never been so ashamed in his life, and he became angry with embarrassment: "It's all, it's all your fault!"

"Ah... blame me." Ren Yi covered his face with one hand. I really want to die.

"Did you catch it?" Sun Definition shouted anxiously from outside.

The two woke up like a dream.

Gong Yingxian shouted: "I got it." He pulled the water pipe in, but it got stuck after only a few centimeters, but the continuous flow of clear water had given them great hope, he said angrily, "Hurry up and get some oxygen."

"You suck first."

Ren Yi desperately wanted to shrink his body, but there was no place to shrink. The two felt each other clearly, and they were so embarrassed that they wanted to hit the wall, but they could only maintain the status quo.

At the moment of life and death, life is still the most important thing, Gong Yingxian didn't care so much anymore, he said: "You have to move your body over, otherwise you won't be able to reach it."

Ren Yi didn't dare to move at all.

"Hurry up!" Gong Yingxian urged.

Ren Yi had no choice but to rub back quietly.

They were in that cramped space, clinging to each other's bodies, moving towards the water pipe bit by bit, the inevitable rubbing made their reactions stronger and their breathing became heavier, Ren Yi watched Gong Yingxian's lips, which were close in front of him, just wanted to kiss them desperately, but the remaining trace of reason finally restrained him, and he was really out of strength.

They finally made it to the water pipe, and the little oxygen in the water was their only hope of survival now. They put their mouths and noses into the water, breathing heavily and greedily. Because the water flow was not strong, they touched each other's lips several times in the gap between sucking.

The two people's hearts beat faster, and a strange feeling lingered in their hearts. There seemed to be a transparent barrier between them. I'm afraid that everything is just a dream of love.

Soon, their brains had no more time to think. Even though the small water flow slightly delayed the suffocation, the toxicity of carbon monoxide also eroded their nerves.

Ren Yi heard the sound of the laser cutting machine working, and also heard Gong Yingxian's call.

"Ren Yi, don't sleep!" Gong Yingxian himself was holding on, he patted Ren Yi's cheek, sprayed water on Ren Yi's face, "Don't sleep, we will be saved soon, don't sleep!"

The sound of the cutting machine became louder and louder, and Ren Yi could even see the sparks splashing down from the top of his head. He tried desperately to open his eyes, but his eyelids were as heavy as a thousand pounds. He tried hard to see Gong Yingxian clearly, but the focal length gradually lost .

Gong Yingxian gritted her teeth, lowered her head to cover Ren Yi's lips, and poured the little oxygen she had left into Ren Yi's mouth.

On the verge of losing his mind, Ren Yi realized that Gong Yingxian seemed to be giving himself artificial respiration, but he could no longer think.

At the last moment, a big hole was finally broken in the wall that blocked them, and a gust of fresh air suddenly poured in, bringing life-saving oxygen.