Blazing Armour

Chapter 68


With Gong Feilan's words, the scalps of the two people in the room exploded.

Gong Yingxian suddenly felt his face was hot, Ren Yi quietly turned his face away, and rolled his eyes at Qu Yangbo, who was trying his best to hold back his laughter.

Gong Yingxian said with a serious face, "Don't shout in the hospital."

"Brother, how are you doing?"

"Why do you come to the hospital, don't you go to school?"

"I came after school." Gong Feilan looked at Gong Yingxian and said worriedly, "Where did you get hurt? They said you were poisoned." She turned to Ren Yi again, "Captain Ren, are you also poisoned? gone?"

Ren Yi coughed softly: "It's the same as you that time, you inhaled carbon monoxide, it will be fine in a few days."

Gong Feilan breathed a sigh of relief: "I still saw the news on the Internet, but no one told me. As soon as I saw that it was Hongwu Hospital, I knew there must be you."

"Don't worry, it's fine."

Gong Feilan looked at Gong Yingxian carefully, and said in a low voice, "You didn't tell me when you were hospitalized, I'm very worried about you."

Gong Yingxian's attitude softened a bit: "It's useless to tell you, and it will also affect your reading."

Gong Feilan curled her lips, not convinced, she walked to Ren Yi's hospital bed again: "Captain Ren, when will you get better?"

Uncle Sheng poured a glass of water for Gong Yingxian: "Master, do you want to buy one of those oxygen chambers so we can go home for treatment? There should be one for single use."

When Gong Yingxian lowered his head to drink the water, he gave Ren Yi a sneaky look: "No need, I might be discharged from the hospital when it arrives."

"We will find a way to send it over as soon as possible."

"Forget it, stop tossing."

Uncle Sheng was a little surprised. In the past, Gong Yingxian was determined not to come to the hospital if he could.

Ren Yi smiled at Gong Feilan: "I'll be discharged from the hospital in less than a week, it's fine."

"I heard that you were almost buried." Gong Feilan covered his heart, "I was scared to death when I saw the scene of the explosion on the Internet."

"Isn't it rescued in time?"

"Rescue in time and need artificial respiration?" Gong Feilan shouted, "It must be very dangerous, right, bro, was it dangerous to be the captain at that time?"

Ren Yi secretly grabbed the quilt, really wanting to throw this girl out.

Gong Yingxian was also very embarrassed, and gave a perfunctory "hmm".

"Our school also did first aid training last time, but we used dummies when we did artificial respiration." Gong Feilan's eyes lit up, and he gave a smirk, "Brother, I'm so envious of you, I haven't even Be the captain."

Gong Yingxian reprimanded: "Don't talk nonsense."

Uncle Sheng secretly laughed.

Ren Yi tried his best to wink at Qu Yangbo and asked him to save the scene, but Qu Yangbo pretended not to understand, and admired the faces of the two with relish.

"Instructor, have you seen it?" Gong Feilan said excitedly, "I also want to see two handsome guys give artificial respiration."

Qu Yangbo smiled and said, "I see."

"Wow! Did you take a picture or record..."

"Fei Lan!" Gong Yingxian shouted, "If you make trouble again, go home."

Gong Feilan became wilted immediately, and ran to Gong Yingxian's side to act like a spoiled child: "Don't be angry." At the same time, she secretly turned her head and said to Qu Yangbo with her mouth: "Send it to me."

Ren Yi took the opportunity to glance at Gong Yingxian, and saw that his face was stiff and his eyes were unfriendly. He seemed to be really angry. He sighed secretly in his heart. For Gong Yingxian, it was really just an embarrassing memory, so he You have to pretend that nothing happened and forget about it.

Uncle Sheng prepared the dinner made by the chef, and they ate together.

After dinner, the nurse came to fetch water, Qu Yangbo returned to the squadron, and Uncle Sheng also sent Gong Feilan home.

When there were only two people left in the ward, they inevitably fell into embarrassment.

Ren Yi was the first to break the silence, and he asked nonchalantly, "How's the injury on your shoulder?" Seeing that Gong Yingxian kept turning his body slightly, he must be very uncomfortable.

"Bone fracture, right hand movement will be inconvenient during this period, it will be fine in two or three months."

"Haha, it's a good thing you're left-handed."

Gong Yingxian glanced at him, "How about you, how do you feel?"

"It's just a headache, a little dizzy, it's okay." Ren Yi lay on the bed, watching the drops of medicine falling down, "I'm lucky to be alive."

"At that time... you were indeed in danger." Gong Yingxian said in a low voice, "If you rescued later, you might go into shock."

"I know." Ren Yi smiled, "Hey, I haven't told you yet, thank you for saving me."

Gong Yingxian was silent for a while: "You're welcome."

Ren Yi racked his brains to think about what to talk about next, but he really didn't know how to relieve the embarrassment for a while.

Ever since what happened under the ruins, the atmosphere between the two is not as relaxed as before. He didn't know what Gong Yingxian was thinking, whether he would be suspicious, unhappy, or feel ... disgusted? He desperately wanted to know what Gong Yingxian was thinking, but he was afraid of knowing.

Maybe the matter is not as serious as he thought, the same man, the same body structure, Gong Yingxian can understand it, sometimes the physiological reaction caused by accidental touch is uncontrollable and does not mean anything , which is also fully explained.

Yes, as long as it comes off as natural. Thinking about it, Gong Yingxian planned to pretend that nothing happened.

Gong Yingxian sneaked another glance at Ren Yi, wanting to say something, but stopped talking.

Ren Yi suddenly said: "Hey, let's watch a movie. Yang Bo brought me a projector. We have experience in hospitalization and are fully equipped."

Gong Yingxian said: "No, I want to analyze the evidence." He picked up the computer on the bedside table and looked at it.

Ren Yi said helplessly: "You are all injured, can you rest for a while?"

"Now is the prime time to catch the murderer. The longer it drags on, the more likely he will hide or escape." Gong Yingxian said, "Don't you have a headache, why don't you watch some movies, go get some sleep."

"I can't sleep." Ren Yi lay on his side, silently looking at Gong Yingxian's perfect profile, "Why don't you tell me about the case."

Gong Yingxian still stared at the computer intently: "According to the evidence we brought out and the things we kept excavating, I have already analyzed the explosives used by the murderer and the way of reaction."

"tell me the story."

"To put it simply, the main material used by the murderer to make the bomb is extracted from household disinfectant water. The explosion reaction is completed in two parts. In the first part, a disintegrant is added to sodium dichloroisocyanurate and placed in a sealed plastic bottle. It acts as a primer, and at the same time gives the murderer time to leave the building. The second part is to generate flammable and explosive nitrogen trichloride through further chemical reactions. The explosive power of nitrogen trichloride is very strong, and when it is used as a primer When the plastic bottle explodes, it will detonate the nitrogen trichloride. But the reaction process of nitrogen trichloride will release chlorine gas, which is very smelly and will be noticed soon, so from the moment the murderer puts the explosives in the room to when he leaves Building, the time will not be very long, only a few minutes at most."

Ren Yi was a little dazed, but he understood roughly: "This is how the murderer made a time bomb... No, it should be called a delayed bomb?"

"Yes, this method is actually very risky, because the reaction of chemicals is affected by many factors. If it explodes early, he will not be able to escape. This person must be very confident in his ability."

"Have you estimated how many minutes this reaction will take?"

"No more than five minutes. The smell of chlorine spreads quickly, and it is impossible for Zhou Chuan not to smell it."

"Then this method is likely to fail."

"This is already the method with the highest success rate in a short period of time." Gong Yingxian said in a deep voice, "Because the gate is guarded by the police, everyone who comes in and out needs to check their credentials and items, so the murderer can't bring anything suspicious. Go in, all the things I mentioned above can be disguised as cleaning agents, and the taste and appearance are similar to ordinary disinfectant and cleaning agents."

Ren Yi gasped: "It's too scary, the murderer just got away with it in front of the police!"

"The man who made this bomb had a deep knowledge of chemistry, and the things he used were extracted from everyday objects."

"Can all these things be extracted from daily necessities?"

"Yes, washing powder, disinfectant, detergent, and effervescent tablets." Gong Yingxian narrowed his eyes, "He knows that buying chemical raw materials requires registration of an ID card, which is easy to be traced, so he tracked down the chemical raw materials at the beginning and found nothing. This morning I woke up, after I finished the analysis, let them track down the effervescent tablets, this kind of equivalent explosion requires refining at least a large barrel of chemicals, which consumes a lot of raw materials."

"Have you found anyone suspicious?"

"Do you remember the three-circle theory of criminal geography that I told you about?"

"Remember, what do you mean?"

"It's a bit complicated to explain. In short, we have already judged the scope of Hongyan's activities. During the day today, the brigade dispatched a large number of police forces to visit 167 pharmacies and supermarkets within the scope of activities. I went to more than 30 stores and bought several kilograms of effervescent tablets."

"Did you take a picture of him?"

"It was photographed. Although he was wearing a hat and a mask, it was in the same shape as the cleaner who hurriedly left before the explosion captured by the hospital surveillance."

Ren Yi took a deep breath and praised: "Your efficiency is really high."

Gong Yingxian gritted her teeth, and a hint of ferocity flashed in her eyes: "He's provoking us, the police, and the law. If we can't catch him, what face do we have to wear this police badge?"