Blazing Armour

Chapter 7


On the last day off, Ren Yi originally wanted to invite Fu Kai and a few buddies to have a drink together, but he didn't expect that on the big weekend, everyone had other arrangements, and he didn't make an appointment with any of them.

He couldn't help scolding Fu Kai: "I'm going to be around my wife and children all day, is there anything I can do?"

"Okay, you're promising, you're single, you can hang out as you please." Fu Kai said with a smile, "I posted it in Moments last night, who are you drinking with?"

"No one."

"You drink to the moon alone, the ghosts will believe it." Fu Kai said gossipingly, "Whose brand did our handsome guy turn over last night? Could it be that actor again?"

Ren Yi replied vaguely.

"It's really him." Fu Kai gave a "tsk".

"What do you mean by that tone?"

"Brother for so many years, I won't criticize your aesthetics anymore, do little girls like that kind of sissy?" Fu Kai said with a tone of hatred.

"No way is he prettier than you with your hairy face. Besides, he said that my handsome and masculine type is actually more attractive." Ren Yi touched his chin, "Why don't I change careers, and I will I want to get rich."

"Show face, you just die of this heart, you are destined to be entangled with Huo for the rest of your life."

"Hey, it's all our old man's fault for giving me such a name."

The two insulted each other a few more words before hanging up the phone.

After dinner, Ren Yi took his father for a walk, and after putting his father to sleep at night, he lay on the bed and played games for a while, before falling asleep at some point.

In the sound sleep, Ren Yi was suddenly awakened by the ringing of the mobile phone.

He grabbed the phone in the dark, and before his eyes adjusted to the light to see the caller clearly, he had already swiped the call button: "Hello?"

"Ren Yi, the fourth perspective is on fire." Qu Yangbo's voice was calm but urgent.

Ren Yi jumped up from the bed, turned on the light, grabbed his clothes and put them on his body: "Continue talking."

"The detachment transferred two other squadrons, you go downstairs immediately, we will pick you up at the corner of the street."

"it is good."

Ren Yi quickly put on his clothes, left the house like a whirlwind, rushed downstairs, and ran towards the gate of the community.

When he ran out of the gate of the community, he happened to see the fire truck across the street pull out of the garage.

In addition to two patrol motorcycles and a patrol jeep, their squadron also has five fire engines for rescue:

Car No. 1: Comprehensive emergency rescue vehicle, equipped with various tools, the smallest and most flexible, suitable for non-fire rescue.

Car No. 2: 12-ton medium-sized water tanker with foam mixing system and dry powder fire extinguishing agent, suitable for small fires.

Vehicle No. 3: 15-meter aerial ladder rescue vehicle, with a boom, trailer, and a half-meter-thick solid steel bumper specially designed for impact.

Vehicle No. 4: a 70-meter high-lift jet fire truck with a rescue platform and a 4-ton water tank, suitable for high-level rescue.

Vehicle No. 5: 30-ton heavy-duty water supply tank fire truck.

In normal rescue, they usually use the first three cars, which can deal with most accidents. Cars 4 and 5 are two big guys, and they are usually used less than a few times a year. When the four cars in the car pulled out of the garage one after another, they knew that a serious vigilance must have occurred.

Fourth Angle is a bar in his jurisdiction, which is well-known in Tianqi. Saturday night is the best time for bar business, and the traffic is very heavy. At this time, a fire broke out, and the consequences were disastrous.

As soon as the car stopped in front of Ren Yi, Ren Yi opened the door and rushed up. Everyone was fully armed, even Qu Yangbo came out.

While putting on his equipment, Ren Yi asked, "What's the situation?"

"The box on the second floor from the fourth perspective caught fire, and the smoke quickly spread along the exhaust port of the central air conditioner, causing a large number of people on the second and third floors to be poisoned and trapped. During the evacuation of the dance hall on the first floor, there was a stampede. With the help of the wind direction, the fire was blowing to the next door. Spread. The general team has transferred the Sanning Squadron and the Muoxiangkou Squadron, and Chief Xu Canmin is rushing to the scene."

"Where's the file from Fourth Perspective?"

Qu Yangbo handed him the document.

Each fire brigade will establish fire protection files for key units within its jurisdiction. The so-called key units are those that store dangerous goods, are large in size, have a large flow of people, and in the event of an accident cause a large loss of personnel or property. A key focus for fire departments.

This file includes architectural design drawings, fire emergency measures drawings, high-risk units must also provide fire plans, hire enterprise fire brigades, and undergo regular fire inspections and even fire drills.

Although there is no fire plan in the file of the fourth perspective, there are complete architectural and internal structure drawings.

The first floor of the fourth perspective is a dance floor, surrounded by booths on both sides, and the second and third floors are all boxes. On a Saturday night like this, there might be four or five hundred people.

Ren Yi has also been to this bar, which uses a lot of polyurethane foam for sound insulation and decoration, and the curtains in the box are made of chemical fiber polyester-cotton interwoven fabric. These two things alone are highly flammable, and burning will release a lot of carbon monoxide.

At this time, a voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Captain Ren, you will be in command until Commander Xu Shenmin arrives at the scene."

Ren Yi replied: "Got it."

It was already 1 o'clock in the morning, the road was unimpeded, and they arrived at the scene 5 minutes later.

The fourth perspective is located in the middle of Bar Street. The whole street is full of bars, KTV, restaurants, shops, chess and card rooms, etc. It is a famous nightlife street. The buildings here are low, generally no more than four floors, but the spacing is narrow, and some have no spacing at all. Almost no fire separation between two buildings is qualified.

Such buildings can easily cause the fire to spread and form a serious accident of burning a company.

The local police sensitive station and the traffic sensitive management department have already arrived at the scene first to guide the traffic and evacuate the crowd. The nearby streets were full of people.

From the fourth perspective, the fire was raging on the second floor, the third floor was billowing with smoke, the windows on the first floor were all broken, and the tongue of fire had already licked the hot pot restaurant next to it, and a lot of dark brown smoke filled the scene.

Almost every window on the second and third floors was filled with people calling for help. Crying, screaming, burning, and siren sirens interweaved into a hellish scene.

As soon as Ren Yi got out of the car, the traffic policeman ran to him and said anxiously: "Captain Ren, the people in the surrounding shops have been evacuated. A large number of people in the bar were trapped, and the emergency exit behind the bar was locked."

Ren Yi nodded: "The smoke at the scene is poisonous, drive everyone away." He pressed the intercom: "Headquarters, request the assistance of the gas department to cut off the gas supply in Bar Street."


"Sun Definition, go around and break down the door of the emergency exit."

"Cui Yisheng, there are three people in your class responsible for ensuring the water supply, and you take another person to open the smoke vent on the third floor."

"Qu Yangbo, first send Cui Yisheng to the roof of the third floor, then break the window from the third floor to rescue the people trapped in the window, and then bring people in to search and rescue after the smoke exhaust vent is opened."

"Gaoge, take out two water guns..."

"Firefighters! Firefighters!" A middle-aged man who was being chased away waved his hands vigorously and shouted at Ren Yi, "I am the owner of a hotpot restaurant, a firefighter!"

Ren Yi glanced at him: "Let him in."

The man ran up to Ren Yi and said in panic, "My store is full of small gas tanks, every table has them!"

Ren Yi's face was gloomy: "Gao Ge, lead people to move out all the gas tanks, put out two water guns to suppress the fire from the southwest window, make sure to guard the hotpot restaurant from overheating, and use another water gun to cool down from the southeast facade."


"Why don't you save people!" Someone in the crowd shouted, "It's full of people!"

Someone cried out, "My sister is inside, why don't you go save her!"

Ren Yi looked at the blazing bar, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his heart was beating wildly.

The fire on the third floor was not big at this time, mainly thick smoke, but before the smoke exhaust was opened, he could not take the risk of sending people into the interior to search and rescue. The characteristic of fire is that it must go upwards under certain conditions. Therefore, when the fire in a low-rise building is out of control, a floor slab must be drilled on the top floor, otherwise the fire will spread to all windows to find oxygen. Go in at this time. If you save people, most of them will be surrounded by fire.

The situation on the second floor was even more serious, and there was a risk of flash, deflagration or even collapse at any time. He only had one ladder truck, so he couldn't take care of the third and second floors at the same time. He anxiously asked: "How long will it be before the headquarters, Sanning Squadron and Mulexiangkou Squadron arrive at the scene?"

"Two minutes and six minutes."

Ren Yi gritted his teeth and paced back and forth at the door of the bar. The only place they can go in to search and rescue is the first floor, but there is a severe shortage of manpower at present. If he leads the team in, there will be no one to direct the scene.

"You guys are sick, the bar caught fire and sprayed water on the hotpot restaurant!" There were excited roars from the crowd.

"Yeah, why spray water on the outer wall!"

"Why is no one going in to save people!"

At this time, Sun Deyi pried open the door of the emergency exit. When the door opened, dozens of people rushed out. Someone in front fell to the ground and was overwhelmed and trampled by the people behind.

Sun Yifei and a few war-sensitive soldiers desperately controlled the crowd, yelling so loudly: "Don't squeeze! Don't push!"

Some of this group of people still have the ability to move, some are trying their last strength to crawl out, and some have already collapsed in the aisle. They fled desperately, because the things behind them are more ferocious and terrifying than wild beasts.

Sun Definition said from the intercom: "Team Ren, request to enter the first floor from the emergency passage for search and rescue."


Two minutes later, the Sanning Squadron arrived at the scene, and Ren Yi immediately deployed their ladder trucks to break open the windows on the second floor, but they were only allowed to rescue the trapped people at the windows, and no one was allowed to enter the second floor. At this time, Cui Yisheng opened the smoke vent on the top floor, and Ren Yi ordered them to immediately enter the third floor to search and rescue.

Another two minutes later, Xu Jin, the chief of staff of the detachment, arrived at the scene. Ren Yi immediately reported the situation to Xu Jin, and then asked to lead the team to the first floor for search and rescue.

Xu Jin looked solemnly at the smoke and fire on the second floor: "Tie the safety rope in pairs, and no one is allowed to act alone. Bring an instrument and measure carbon monoxide."


Ren Yi took a total of eleven war-sensitive soldiers from his own squadron and Sanning Squadron, and tied a rope to each of them. The environment of the fire scene is complicated, and the visibility is extremely low due to the thick smoke. They are not familiar with the internal structure, and they are easy to get lost. They are in groups of two to ensure safety and mutual assistance.

Ren Yi put on the mask, looked at the scarlet flames, his eyes were firm and fearless, and said in a deep voice, "Go."

A group of people entered the fire without hesitation.

On the first floor, the ceiling caught fire first, and the gypsum board has a certain fire-resistant ability, but the fire became bigger and bigger, and it began to fall off in large areas. The bar and booth sofas on the first floor were ignited, and only the spacious dance floor with no combustible materials was temporarily absent Excessive, but there are continuous ceiling materials falling down, the same danger.

The high temperature and thick smoke made the scene in front of him look like purgatory. Ren Yi tried his best to adjust his breathing to reduce the consumption of air breath: "You two go to the east booth, you two go to the west booth, Ding Qing goes to the bar area, and the rest Follow me to the bathroom."


The booth area was already on fire, and Ren Yi led people across the dance floor, with the sound of crackling and burning in his ears. While walking, Ren Yi looked at the data on the instrument and reported: "The chief of staff, the explosion limit on the first floor has reached 46%, and there are many decoration materials that release carbon monoxide on the second floor, it must be higher."


"Captain Ren, there are people here!"

Someone found a man collapsed on the edge of the dance floor, and the ceiling kept falling around him. The situation was very dangerous.

Ren Yi shouted: "Don't move." He reluctantly observed the top surface from the thick smoke, waiting for a relatively safe opportunity, and waited for five or six seconds before shouting: "Now!"

Ren Yi took the lead and ran over, and several people worked together to lift the man to the dance floor area. He suffered extensive burns on his body and lost consciousness, but he still had a pulse. Ren Yi asked two people to carry him out, and the rest continued to grope towards the bathroom.

"Chief of Staff, please enter the second floor for search and rescue." The voice of Wang Meng, the captain of the Luoxiangkou Squadron, came from the intercom.

"No." Xu Jin's voice was calm and firm.

"Chief of Staff Sensitive, request to enter the second floor for search and rescue, three minutes."


"Two minutes."

Xu Jin was silent.

"One minute!" Wang Meng shouted anxiously.

Xu Jin was silent for a long time: "One minute."

Ren Yi said: "Wang Meng, don't go to the southeast, that's where the fire started."


"Captain Ren, there is someone in the bathroom!"

Amid their shouts, there was a faint response from the restroom.

The door of the bathroom was deformed. Ren Yi kicked it hard twice, but failed to open it, but the door leaf was loose. He and Liu Hui finally slammed the door open. The bathroom was full of people, there were at least thirty people. They blocked the cracks in the door with wet rags and toilet paper, and kept pouring water on the door to prevent poisonous smoke from entering and heat radiation from burning through the door panel to the greatest extent.

When the door was opened, the faces of a group of young people were mixed with despair and hope, and many cried bitterly.

Ren Yi asked, "Sun Definition, is the lifesaving passage clear?"

"Smooth, protected by water mist."

"You two, take people out through the rescue passage, and the others follow me to the kitchen."

"Yes." The soldier of the Sanning Squadron shouted, "Bend down and hold hands, yes, don't let go of anyone, don't panic, follow me!"

Ren Yi took the remaining three people across the dance floor again. According to the impression of the design drawing, the other side of the dance floor is the kitchen and the staff office.

Just as they walked to the center of the dance floor, there was a sudden sound of structural loosening above their heads. They looked up, but there was only thick smoke above their heads, and they couldn't see anything clearly. Then, the ceiling smashed down overwhelmingly.

Ren Yi threw Liu Hui, who was connected to him, to the ground, and the fire-laden ceiling and keel pressed on the four of them.

Ren Yi and Liu Hui escaped in time and were only slightly injured, but the other two were buried under the pressure of the ceiling material.

The two got up from the ground, shot off the sparks on their bodies, and rushed to rescue their comrades. One of them had his mask smashed and was struggling to breathe.

When they removed the ceiling material, the other person was in a semi-comatose state and his body was on fire. Liu Hui unfastened the buckle of the safety rope, threw himself on the other person, and rolled him back and forth. , but flame retardant does not mean non-combustible, once it catches fire, it is still very dangerous.

The two finally extinguished the flames, but the combat uniforms were damaged to varying degrees, and the flesh had been injured. As a last resort, Ren Yi and Liu Hui could only send the two wounded out first.

As soon as he walked out of the bar gate, Xu Jin shouted: "Everyone evacuates the building immediately, everyone evacuates the building immediately!"

Ren Yi looked back and saw fireworks billowing like ocean waves on the ceiling of the second floor, and the temperature of the fire scene soared rapidly. Even though he had already walked out, he still felt that his skin was going to be roasted.

This is the precursor to the flash!

Ren Yi helped the wounded quickly away from the building.

The search and rescue personnel on the three floors were all withdrawing, but the search and rescue team on the second floor led by Wang Meng had not been seen for a long time.

Ren Yi stared at the window on the second floor with red eyes, trembling uncontrollably.

There was only a strange muffled sound, and the fire suddenly became bigger. It almost took the blink of an eye to engulf the entire third floor. The next moment, the second floor exploded!