Blazing Armour

Chapter 84


Hurry to Song Juhan's lounge.

At this time, Song Juhan had already finished his stage appearance. He was wearing a long windbreaker inlaid with exaggerated black feathers, and black lipstick, which made his face fair and coquettish. There, the windbreaker hangs down on the ground, like a handsome and charming devil, folds its wings and takes a nap in the world.

Xiao Song wondered: "Captain Ren, do you have anything else to do?" He looked at Gong Yingxian expectantly, thinking that Gong Yingxian had moved his heart to become a star.

"Teacher Song, I'm sorry." Ren Yi looked at He Gu who was at the side, and said straightforwardly, "I want to ask He Gong for a favor."

He Gu was a little surprised: "Me?"

"He Gong, you are the engineer of Honglin Gymnasium, right?"

"That's right." He Yuan puzzled, "This stadium is a project I worked on when I was in a state-owned enterprise, how do you know?" He saw what Gong Yingxian was holding in his hand, "That can't be the design of the stadium picture?"

"We have a very important matter, and we need a consultant who knows the venue very well, please..."

"No." Song Juhan flatly refused, "I'm sorry to be the captain, I will be on stage soon, and he wants to sit in the best seat to watch me sing."

He Gu said: "Captain Ren, what's the matter?" He saw the solemn faces of the two, and with Ren Yi's status, it was impossible for him to behave inappropriately, so something must have happened.

"It's a very important matter, we must get your help." Ren Yi emphasized his tone.

Song Juhan narrowed his eyes, and his tone became cold: "Captain Ren, explain clearly what's going on, otherwise I won't be able to hand him over to you."

"I… "

Gong Yingxian couldn't listen to this time-wasting nonsense anymore, and directly took out his ID from his pocket: "I am Gong Yingxian, a criminal police officer from the Criminal Investigation Team of Hongwu Sub-bureau, why, please cooperate with the police in handling the case, and follow me immediately. "

Song Juhan stood up abruptly, instinctively shielding He Gu behind him, and said sharply, "What do you want to do? Make it clear!"

Ren Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, please get out!"

Xiao Song glanced at Song Juhan.

He Gu frowned and said, "Xiao Song, you guys go out first."

Only then did Xiao Song lead the others out of the lounge.

Ren Yi explained seriously: "You two, the situation forced me to make a long story short. A gangster planted six bombs in the stadium."

The expressions of Song Juhan and He Gu changed dramatically.

"'re fucking joking." Song Juhan's face was full of suspicion.

"Nobody would make that kind of joke."

"Then why don't you evacuate the audience quickly?!"

"No, the bomb is scheduled to explode at twelve o'clock sharp. The gangster said that if we evacuate the audience or stop the performance, he will detonate early. Now we only have..." Ren Yi glanced at his watch, "Fifty minutes Find six bombs and defuse them."

He Gu said in a deep voice, "Who the hell did such a thing?"

Gong Yingxian said coldly: "It's too late to explain, the Hongwu Hospital bombing a while ago was also related to this person."

When it comes to the bombing of Hongwu Hospital, even if Song Juhan and Ren Yi still have a little doubt about this dramatic emergency, they have to believe it at this time.

He Gu opened his mouth and said, "Okay, I'll follow you..."

Song Juhan grabbed He Gu's wrist: "I'll ask the driver to take you away from the ground. If you're alone, no one will find out."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't you hear that Captain Ren and Police Officer Gong need my help now?"

Song Juhan said angrily: "Fart! They asked you to dismantle the bomb!"

Gong Yingxian said coldly: "It's looking for bombs, we have bomb disposal experts."

"Whether I am looking for it or dismantling it, you will always get close to the bomb. Once you fail, you will be the most dangerous." Song Juhan looked into He Gu's eyes, "You listen to me, leave now."

He Gu said sternly: "Ji Han, you have also heard what they said about the gangster's request, you are not allowed to evacuate the crowd, you are not allowed to stop the show, your 30,000 fans must stay, all guests, security guards, and staff must stay, You want to stay too, you let me go?"

"Yes." Song Juhan said without hesitation.

"I will never go." He Gu said firmly, "I can't leave you here alone, I can't see more than 30,000 people in danger and I can't escape by myself, I can't let bad people destroy me. A gymnasium built."

"you… "

Gong Yingxian was furious: "You guys wasted another minute!" He was fed up with the affectionate love between the two of them, and their gazes full of love, care, and worry were extremely dazzling to him. Now, every word they uttered in front of him and Ren Yi seemed to be mocking him.

Where he can't see, will Ren Yi and Qi Xiao be like Song Juhan and He Gu, like all the lovers in the world? Just thinking about it made him gasp.

Why did Song Juhan know that he couldn't persuade him with that mountain-like unmoving gaze - he knew it from the very beginning.

Song Ju glared at Ren Yi and Gong Yingxian coldly: "You must bring back my He Gu intact."

Ren Yi solemnly said: "I swear to protect He Gong's safety with my life."

Song Juhan grabbed He Gu's chin and pressed a kiss on his lips.

He Gu put his palm on Song Juhan's heart and patted it lightly.

Ren Yi turned his face away in embarrassment, it's not that he couldn't see a kiss, but the thought of Gong Yingxian beside him made him feel like he was on pins and needles.

The love he longed for so much is a heresy that Gong Yingxian feels "disgusting" and avoids. Just thinking about it makes him sad.

Everything I experienced tonight would only make Gong Yingxian's dislike of homosexuality deeper and more specific.

Gong Yingxian watched the kiss without blinking, her eyes were red. Since he was literate, he knew the word "jealousy", but he never understood its meaning. Tonight, he tasted it thoroughly.


He Gu followed the two of them out of the lounge, he calmed down, and secretly wiped off the lipstick left by Song Juhan on his face with some embarrassment, and put on a professional face: "Let's find a place, I want to review the design drawings. "

The three of them found an office, He Gu put the thick drawings on the table, took a deep breath, quickly flipped through them, and said at the same time: "It's been a few years, I remember the general, but the details are a little fuzzy, I can do something what?"

Gong Yingxian said: "The gymnasium is too big, there is only 50 minutes, there is no way to check every place, so I need you to help us use the elimination method to exclude those places that will not be planted with bombs, I will give you conditions .”

"it is good."

Gong Yingxian said: "At present, we can only exclude the open-air area. There are three reasons. First, the stage and auditorium have been inspected many times. The facilities there are clear at a glance, and bombs cannot be placed. Second, the security check is very strict this time, it is impossible Third, there are 30,000 mobile phones and various devices concentrated there, and the signal is extremely poor. If the bomb is placed in this area, the gangsters will not be able to control it.”

"Makes sense."

"He Gong, based on your knowledge of the Honglin Gymnasium, pay attention to those places that will cause a lot of casualties if they explode, the places that are likely to cause fires if they explode, the places with high and low fire resistance ratings, and the places with a lot of combustibles and few combustibles. place."

"Okay." While looking at the blueprint, He Gu was working his brain rapidly. In the cold winter night, layers of thin sweat had already oozed from his forehead.

Gong Yingxian said to Ren Yi again: "I want to watch Zi Yan's video a few more times, and useful information may be hidden in it. Help me coordinate the progress of Captain Qiu and Captain Zhang at any time." He pulled Zhang Xie went to the corner, sat facing the wall, and looked down at the video just sent on the phone.

"Okay." Ren Yi thought that Gong Yingxian had to force himself to watch that video over and over again, to face the mask in the nightmare, so he couldn't help worrying about him. But now is not the time to worry about one person, because they have to worry about the safety of more than 30,000 people in the entire venue.

After a while, Ren Yi received a call from Xu Jin. Xu Jin had already organized several squadrons to come, and Chen Xiaofei was also on the way. He quickly explained the situation and asked Xu Jin to prepare the search team. Once they determined the general target, A search is to be carried out immediately.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Ren Yi had never felt that the waiting time was such a torment. He looked at the ceiling with empty eyes, imagining that it was twelve o'clock at midnight, when the whole world welcomes the new year. , what disasters they may suffer.

After a while, He Gu stood up: "I've finished reviewing the design drawings." He walked to the whiteboard, "I think the steel beams can be eliminated first in the area where the bombs are placed." He wrote down the word "steel beams" and drew Forked.

The two looked at the whiteboard at the same time.

He Gu explained: "The Honglin Gymnasium is a reinforced concrete frame structure, and the roof beams are composed of more than 40,000 pieces of steel and nearly 10,000 pieces of glass."

The design of the Honglin Gymnasium is somewhat similar to the Bird’s Nest. Although the shape is completely different and much smaller, they are all hollow, and the roof beams are made of steel mixed with glass. This design is very common in gymnasiums and exhibition halls. In addition to highlighting functionality , but also very energy-efficient.

"If I were a gangster and wanted to use six bombs to cause massive casualties, or start a fire, I wouldn't bother with the structure. Number one, all of our steel and glass are fire-resistant to international standards, and the steel is fire-resistant The fire resistance limit of the coating treatment can reach one to two hours. Although, in order to save costs and improve the yield strength between the steel beams, the steel bars have undergone prestressing treatment, which will affect the fire resistance, but this is also the premise of a large fire , and prestressing treatment is resistant to external force damage such as explosion. Simply put, in a small-scale explosion, the steel beams will support each other and will not collapse in a large area. It will only be cracked, and there will be no scattered fragments. A large-scale explosion is unrealistic, so many explosives can be seen at a glance without looking for it.”

Ren Yi said: "What about the structural columns? The structural columns support the roof beams. If the structural columns collapse, the consequences will be disastrous."

"The structural columns can also be ruled out. There are a total of 12 supporting structural columns in the Honglin Gymnasium. It is very easy to check. How could the gangsters be placed in such a conspicuous place? Moreover, I designed the interior of the structural columns to circulate condensed water. The first design is for energy saving, and the second is to increase the fire resistance, and the structural columns have the highest fire resistance and shock absorption strength in the entire gymnasium.”

"Where's the wall?" Gong Yingxian asked.

"It is possible, but the support of the gymnasium is not the wall, but the structural column. The collapse of the wall will only cause a small area of casualties. I think it can be ruled out."


"Yes." He Gu wrote the underground garage on the whiteboard: "This is the place where I think the bomb is most likely to be placed in the entire building structure. As long as the load-bearing beams are blown up, it will cause a collapse, and there are so many in the garage. car, put the bomb in the car, perfectly hidden."

Gong Yingxian shook his head: "An explosion here is not good for causing a fire. I have watched the video repeatedly, and with Ziyan's obsession with fire, if it is purely killing people instead of purifying people with fire, it will not achieve the 'justice' he preached." , nor in line with the will of the God of Light. I don't think the bomb will be in the garage."

"If it is necessary to create a fire, then the criminals should give up thinking about the structure of the building." He Gu sighed, with a dignified expression, "The entire venue has several sets of equipment systems, boiler rooms, gas pipelines, solar power systems and Reserve generators, air return and exhaust systems, condensate water circulation systems, and hydraulic sewage drainage systems, if these systems are damaged, some may cause chain explosions, some may cause fires, some may transport poisonous gas, or both.”

There was silence in the room.

Gong Yingxian said in a deep voice: "Zi Yan's video, there are still a few things that confuse me and I haven't figured it out yet, but there is one thing I can be sure of."

Both of them looked at Gong Yingxian in unison.

"The person who manipulated the bomb is in the venue at this very moment."