Blazing Armour

Chapter 91


After getting into the car, Ren Yi noticed that Gong Yingxian's face was full of tiredness, and there was a blue shadow under his eyes.

Ren Yi frowned and said, "Have you slept since the accident?"

"Squinted for a while." Gong Yingxian said indifferently. What happened at the concert—whether it was about Zi Yan or Ren Yi—had made it difficult for him to sleep, so he has been working non-stop until now.

"Let me drive, I slept for a while anyway."

The two exchanged positions, and Ren Yi put Miaomiao on Gong Yingxian's body, "You can also sleep for a while."

"Can't sleep." Gong Yingxian stroked Miaomiao, "It's grown a bit."

"Eat every day, of course you will grow up." Ren Yi said, "Put down the chair and take some rest. Poor sleep will affect thinking ability."

Gong Yingxian put the chair down, stretched her waist a little, then unzipped the down jacket, and stuffed Miaomiao into her arms.

Miaomiao sticks out her small head, meows, and obediently lays on Gong Yingxian's body, already curled up and ready to continue sleeping, obviously very satisfied with such a warm package.

"How often does it take a bath?" Gong Yingxian patted Miaomiao's body through the down jacket.

"I haven't washed it since I came here." Ren Yi started the car, "I washed it when I was recuperating in the pet shop. It doesn't matter if the cat is washed once every few months."

Gong Yingxian gave Ren Yi a slanted look, "Come to my house to wash."

Ren Yi smiled lightly and said, "You still stuff it in your bosom because you think it's dirty?"

"I don't think it's dirty." Gong Yingxian thought for a while and explained, "It's dirty, but I don't think it's dirty."

"It seems that your cleanliness has improved."

"No." Gong Yingxian said calmly, "It's my cat."

our cat. Ren Yi added a sentence in his heart.

"Can't sleep, let's chat." Gong Yingxian tilted his head to watch the receding night scene outside the window, not wanting Ren Yi to see his expression.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about."

"How many boyfriends have you had."

Ren Yi almost didn't bring it up, he never thought that Gong Yingxian's question would be such a sharp and sharp question, as if it had been brewing for a long time.

"Huh?" Gong Yingxian remained silent with some dissatisfaction with Ren Yi.

"... three." Ren Yi replied honestly.

Gong Yingxian suppressed his anger: "How old were you when you discovered your sexuality?"

"About fifteen or sixteen years old." Ren Yi felt very uncomfortable, he took a peek at Gong Yingxian, and found that Gong Yingxian had been looking out the window, unable to get his emotions from that face.

"How did you find out?" Gong Yingxian asked in a mechanical, non-fluctuating tone in order to prevent the fluctuation of his voice from revealing his emotions.

And this sounds to Ren Yi, especially like interrogating a prisoner. He sighed in his heart, is this a common problem of the police? He bit the bullet and replied, "I fell in love with a classmate."

"So, you will only find out if you like someone?"

"The vast majority are."

"How do you define this sexuality?"

Ren Yi said awkwardly: " do you define it?"

"What kind of person can be defined as this aptitude."

"Uh... Of course I like the same kind."

Gong Yingxian's eyes showed a daze: "Then what if you only like one of the same kind and don't like others." He thought about it, thought about it seriously, but in the end he found that he was not interested in anyone except Ren Yi, a man , woman, he wants to keep a distance. Even relatives like Uncle Sheng, Fei Lan, and Qiu Yan, he would avoid unnecessary physical contact. The difference between relatives and outsiders is that relatives do not make him feel disgusted.

Only Ren Yi, only Ren Yi, was the one he actively wanted to get close to.

Ren Yi thought for a while and said, "There are many kinds of sexual orientations in this world, but heterosexuality and homosexuality are more common. I think that liking someone doesn't have to be limited by gender."

Gong Yingxian didn't speak.

Ren Yi breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Gong Yingxian was going to end the chat that made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

But after a while, Gong Yingxian said something surprising again: "When will you break up?"

Ren Yi looked extremely embarrassed: "Huh?"

"You have had three boyfriends, which proves that you will break up, right? With reasonable logic, you and Qi Xiao may also break up."

The investigation on Qi Xiao had been sent to his mobile phone a few hours ago. To deal with such a person, a little fame and fortune are enough, but he just can't do it. He's just not reconciled, Ren Yi, who has a boyfriend and still conceals his sexuality and intentionally flirts with him and uses him for entertainment, why should he abandon principles and morals and do something disgraceful.

What's more, even if he did, Ren Yi still doesn't belong to him.

Ren Yi took a deep breath: "It's already divided."

Gong Yingxian jumped up from the chair suddenly, and turned to look at Ren Yi in surprise.

Ren Yi was also taken aback by Gong Yingxian, and almost rear-ended the car in front. He stepped on the brakes in a hurry, and looked at the buttocks of the car in front that was approaching infinitely with lingering fear.

Gong Yingxian said: "When? That night?"

"… right."

"Why didn't you say it before?"

"Is it important?" Ren Yi thought to himself, wouldn't it be "disgusting" to be single

Gong Yingxian had mixed feelings in his heart, he seemed to be happy, but he obviously couldn't feel any joy, because Ren Yi said "I don't have any thoughts about him".

Broke up and still don't have any thoughts about him? Gong Yingxian clenched his fists, he became more and more angry, and he didn't even know who this anger should be directed at, was it just Ren Yi

So Gong Yingxian was silent, and Ren Yi was also silent.

The two of them just kept silent, and drove all the way to Gong Yingxian's house.

Uncle Sheng still warmly received Ren Yi, but facing Uncle Sheng's smile at this time, Ren Yi only felt guilty. If Uncle Sheng knew what he thought about Gong Yingxian, would he also hate him

After arriving home, Gong Yingxian handed Miaomiao to the nanny: "Give it a bath, and I'll take a bath too."

Uncle Sheng teased Miaomiao happily, and then brought Ren Yi to the restaurant: "Captain Ren, are you hungry? We have prepared a midnight snack, all of which you like to eat."

Ren Yi smiled dryly, "Thank you."

"Did you enjoy the concert?" Uncle Sheng said with a smile, "The young master even asked me to buy casual clothes for him. He hasn't worn such clothes for a long time. It seems that he has returned to his school days. I really miss him. what."

"Oh, it's okay, it sounds good."

"Young Master is also listening to a concert for the first time. He used to be asked to go to places with many people. Hey, it was like killing him. He was willing to force himself to endure many things only for work, but because he was the captain, he broke through several times. Your own limitations. Dr. Pompeii is very happy, he said that your encouragement to the young master is more effective than any other method."

"Dr. Pompey?"

"It's the young master's psychiatrist. The young master's ability to basically integrate into society as he is now is the result of his years of treatment. He also said that he would like to see you next time he returns to Beijing."

"Oh, good..." Where did Ren Yi dare to see Gong Yingxian's psychiatrist, he might be exposed if he said a few words.

"Dr. Pompeii said that only the person who can really open the young master's heart can play a leading role in guiding the young master, so it's great that the young master has you as a friend." Cha, "Captain Ren, we really don't know how to thank you."

Ren Yi felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles, and his face began to burn with guilt. How could he be worthy of the expectations and gratitude of these people? If they knew how unsophisticated his thoughts were towards Gong Yingxian, they would probably feel "disgusted" just like Gong Yingxian.

After taking a few mouthfuls, Ren Yi put down his chopsticks. He forced a smile and said, "Uncle Sheng, I ate before I came here, but now I can't eat any more."

"Oh, it's okay, don't you guys have to work at night, call me anytime if you're hungry."

Ren Yi didn't want to continue to face Uncle Sheng's earnest gaze here, so he proposed to watch Miaomiao take a bath.

When he passed by, Miaomiao had almost finished washing, so Ren Yi helped the nanny to blow it clean.

After washing, Miaomiao's fur is soft and fragrant, and even the burnt area has grown fine fluff, which is not so obvious. Ren Yi hugged Miaomiao, planning to show Gong Yingxian a look.

Walking to the door of Gong Yingxian's room, Ren Yi found that the door was not closed, and the owner seemed to have entered in a hurry, just covering it up.

Ren Yi knocked lightly on the door twice, but there was no response. He was a little worried at once, Gong Yingxian is a person who pays great attention to privacy, it is almost impossible to enter the bedroom without closing the door, thinking that Gong Yingxian has not slept for the past two days, seeing his face, he is obviously very tired and hypoglycemic.

He hesitated for a moment, then gently opened the door, and found Gong Yingxian lying on the bed in his pajamas. The slippers were not taken off, and the quilt was not covered. It didn't seem like he was going to sleep.

Oops, maybe I fainted.

Ren Yi was a little anxious, he walked over and called softly: "Ying Xian, Ying Xian?"

Gong Yingxian didn't respond, she just breathed steadily and seemed to be in a deep sleep

Ren Yi put Miaomiao aside, he remembered that Gong Yingxian felt very light, it was impossible not to wake up like this.

If you can't wake up, you have to call a doctor.

Ren Yi pushed Gong Yingxian's shoulder twice: "Ying Xian, wake up, what's wrong with you?"

Gong Yingxian suddenly opened his eyes, Ren Yi was startled, and quickly withdrew his hand, but Gong Yingxian instinctively grabbed Ren Yi's hand, dragged him down on the bed, and at the same time quickly propped him up. body.

"what are you doing?"

He had just finished taking a shower, and he was only wearing a bathrobe, and he didn't even fasten his belt carefully. At this time, as he stood up, the front of his front was wide open, and he could see everything at a glance.

Ren Yi's face almost hit Gong Yingxian's chest, his breath was filled with the faint scent of Gong Yingxian after bathing, his mind went blank, he forgot to speak at all.

Gong Yingxian shook his head and regained consciousness: "What are you doing here?"

"I, I sent Miaomiao over to show you, and then, I thought, I'm afraid you fainted, you... did you faint?" Ren Yi stammered. He thought of something, and quickly withdrew his hand, "I didn't mean to touch you, I was afraid you would faint."

Gong Yingxian's hands were empty, the familiar temperature and touch were not even enough to comfort him a little, and disappeared. He was very upset.

"I'm too sleepy after taking a shower, I want to lie down." Gong Yingxian saw Ren Yi's eyes wandering left and right, but she didn't look at him, so she lowered her head and found her open bathrobe, and immediately understood Ren Yi's discomfort. He wanted to cover it up habitually, but he grabbed the bathrobe and didn't move.

Ren Yi's eyes were set on Miaomiao as if fleeing from danger: "If you want to sleep, go on sleeping, don't be too tired."

Gong Yingxian raised his head and stared at Ren Yi with deep and incomprehensible eyes: "Have you ever done it with Qi Xiao?"

Ren Yi froze all over.

Gong Yingxian narrowed her eyes: "Since you have thoughts about men, have you ever fantasized about having sex with me?"