Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 103: War captain


After hearing Yamamoto Genryusai's declaration of war, Kimura Muyang stood still without any intention of taking action.

"Innocent!" Seeing Kimura Muyangjing standing still, Yamamoto Genryusai shouted. Since he was ready for a fight, he was still not moving.

With a wave of the Zanpakuto in his hand, a flame rushed towards Kimura Muyang like a fire dragon. The flames had not yet reached his body, but the momentum had already made Kimura Muyang change his face slightly. He was indeed the most powerful person in the Soul Society for thousands of years. .

Without moving his body, Kimura Muyang neither drew his sword nor used Shunpo to dodge, but chose to block Yamamoto Genryusai's attack.

With a clenched left fist, Kimura Muyang twisted his body, and a force burst out from his fist and hit the flame.


Kimura Muyang's body was shaken back a long distance by the force generated by the collision of attacks, and Yamamoto Genryusai's flames were also defeated in the previous attack, and the flames spread out.

"You're very capable, but are you planning to fight me without even releasing your Zanpakutō?"

Seeing that his own flames were easily dispersed by Kimura Muyang, Yamamoto Genryusai was not too surprised. He also had a relatively clear understanding of Kimura Muyang's strength. To achieve this level would not let him Be surprised.

"It's a show of respect for the captain." Kimura Muyang stood up straight and looked at Yamamoto Genryusai and said.

"That's ridiculous. Do you think I need your concession?" Yamamoto Genryusai's eyes widened, and a flame rolled out from his body. Even the sky was dyed red by his flame, as if it was about to turn the sky into red. Like burning.


Kimura Muyang only saw the figure in front of him flash, and then there was a burning sensation from his side. A sharp knife wind had blown into his face, and he only felt a dull pain on his face.

Without any time to think, Kimura Muyang leaned back almost reflexively, touched the ground with his left foot, twisted his waist, turned around on the spot with his left foot as the center, and threw his right leg towards Yamamoto Genryusai with the sound of howling wind.

Yamamoto Genryusai missed a hit, moved his feet, and his body instantly appeared behind Kimura Muyang. The Zanpakutō in his hand was wrapped in a searing flame and slashed towards Kimura Muyang again.

Kimura Muyang kicked the ball in the air without any surprise in his heart. If he was hit so easily, it would not be Yamamoto Genryusai. Feeling the sound of wind coming from behind his head again, Kimura Muyang felt a chill in his heart. He was truly worthy of being the captain, with such a fast pace.

Although he was amazed by Yamamoto Genryusai's Shunpo, Kimura Muyang was not slow either. Just when Yamamoto Genryusai started to use his Zanpakutō, Kimura Muyang's body flashed and he was already gone from Yamamoto Genryusai. disappeared before his eyes.

In an instant, he avoided Yamamoto Genryusai's slashing attack. Kimura Muyang's feet had just landed, and before he could stand firm, a slashing attack had already struck his waist from behind. Although Kimura Muyang is skilled in Shunpo and dodges before Yamamoto Genryusai's attack, Yamamoto Genryusai is not bad either. The level of Shunpo that he has immersed in for thousands of years is not something ordinary people can match. Kimura The moment Mu Yang dodges, Yamamoto Genryusai has also followed his footsteps. The Zanpakutō in his hand is like a gangrene attached to the bone, and it is still slashing at Kimura Mu Yang. It seems that it is inevitable to avoid it.

boom! !

The Zanpakutō hit Kimura Muyang. You can see that Kimura Muyang had a bit of surprise on his face, as if he didn't believe that he would be hit so easily. The flames on the knife suddenly burst out, and he was about to be hit by the Zanpakutō. The hit Kimura Muyang was burned away and turned into a handful of dust.


Seeing Kimura Muyang being hit by the captain's attack and then being burned to dust, Suzuki Nan couldn't help but let out a scream, his face suddenly changed, and then he seemed to suddenly feel something, and his face calmed down again.

"Secret Footwork Three, Kong Chan."

Kimura Muyang appeared behind Yamamoto Genryusai, looking at Yamamoto Genryusai with an indifferent expression. There was not the slightest wound on his body. Obviously, the blow just now did not cause any harm to him.

"Interesting." Yamamoto Genryusai turned around and looked at Kimura Muyang, "But it's just a little trick. Aren't you still freeing your Zanpakuto? Don't say that I won't give you a chance. If you don't free your Zanpakutō, If you use the knife, you will never have a chance again.”

Seeing Yamamoto Genryusai's calm eyes, Kimura Muyang couldn't help but feel frightened. If the furious Yamamoto Genryusai just now was scary, then now Yamamoto Genryusai who has suppressed his anger and has a calm face It just made him feel horrible. Yamamoto Genryusai who calmed down was undoubtedly serious, and Yamamoto Genryusai who became serious was undoubtedly terrifying.

Putting the Zanpakutō on his left hand, Kimura Muyang pulled out the Zanpakutō in an awkward posture. Now he still can't hold the sword with his right hand, so he can only hold the sword with his left hand, but he really hasn't practiced the sword with his left hand, so he can only make do with it. Come on, after all, it’s still much better than empty-handed.

"Huh?" Seeing Kimura Muyang draw a sword with his left hand, Yamamoto Genryusai and Kyoraku Shunsui were stunned, and even Suzuki Kusu looked surprised.

"So that's it. Why can't you hold the sword with your right hand? No wonder you insist on dealing with me with bare hands." Yamamoto Genryusai closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. Then his eyes suddenly opened, "But, no matter what the reason is, It’s better to wait until I take you down and then ask slowly.”

"Sing the tune, Fengxiao."

First, a bolt of thunder and lightning flashed, and a trace of thunder and lightning emerged from Kimura Muyang's Zanpakutō, winding up to Kimura Muyang's body, and then a storm that was almost visible to the naked eye raged around Kimura Muyang, and he was in the storm. , Kimura Muyang, surrounded by thunder and lightning, seemed like a god.

"Fengxiao, the strongest wind-type Zanpakutō in Soul Society, even derives powerful thunder-type power due to its powerful wind-type ability. Even if it is just the derived thunder-type power, there are many Zanpakutō in Soul Society. Among them, you are also an outstanding existence." Yamamoto Genryusai glanced at Kimura Muyang, with a hint of regret in his tone, "I thought you would become a person who loyally implements justice in Soul Society, but I didn't expect... ····”

"Forget it, it's useless to talk more. Since you have also liberated the Zanpakutō, I won't hold back anymore." Yamamoto Genryusai said in a deep voice.

Hearing Yamamoto Genryusai's words, Kimura Muyang's heart skipped a beat and his hands tightened. Did he still hold back at that level just now? Recalling the last time he fought against Yamamoto Genryusai, Kimura Muyang knew that at that time How much strength has Yamamoto Genryusai retained? Moreover, even in this situation, I don’t know if he still holds back. No one knows how strong he is.

"The blade flows like fire, and the first move is caressing and cutting."

A bright sword light suddenly emitted from Yamamoto Genryusai's hand. Feeling the power of this sword, Kimura Muyang was shocked, but his hand was not messy. In an instant, his left hand slashed three swords in succession, and the three swords were heavy. It stacked up and turned into a more powerful slash, meeting Yamamoto Genryusai's slash.

boom! ! !

The two people's slashes collided, making a roaring sound, and the wind and waves caused by the collision even made Suzuki Kusu and Kyoraku Shunsui, who were watching the battle, couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The aftermath of the previous attack had not dissipated. Yamamoto Genryusai and Kimura Muyang kicked their feet in unison, and their bodies suddenly rushed forward. Yamamoto Genryusai's Zanpakuto was suddenly covered in layers of violent flames, Under the high temperature of the flame, even the space even had a sense of distortion. Completely different from the violent flames on Yamamoto Genryusai's Zanpakutō, Kimura Muyang's Zanpakutō only has a layer of light cyan light, but no one will underestimate that layer of light cyan light, because they You can clearly feel the powerful spiritual pressure contained on it.


In the blink of an eye, Kimura Muyang has fought against Yamamoto Genryusai several times. Each fight will set off a violent storm. At this time, Shuangshou Hill has been destroyed by the aftermath of the fight between the two. The place where he originally stood Kyōraku Shunsui and Suzuki Kusu, who were watching the battle on the side, had already left the place where they were originally standing, looking at Kimura Muyo and Yamamoto Genryusai in the fierce battle from a distance.

"I didn't expect that Kimura's strength has reached this point. He was not too embarrassed to fight against Shan Ye one on one." Kyoryu Shunsui looked at it for a while and couldn't help but said, it's really Kimura Mu Yang's strength shocked him so much. He could actually fight Yamamoto Genryusai one-on-one. This kind of strength may have surpassed him.

The two fought again. Following the power of Yamamoto Genryusai's sword, Kimura Muyang took a few steps back. At this time, he felt uncomfortable. Most of the clothes on his body had been burned in the previous battle. He looked particularly strange. The embarrassment. To fight Yamamoto Genryusai, you first have to endure the high temperature on his Zanpakutō. In order to defend against that high temperature, you first have to lose a few points of combat effectiveness. However, even if he has resisted his flames with his spiritual pressure, Kimura Muyo still He was quite embarrassed by the flames of Yamamoto Genryusai.

Standing still, Kimura Muyang adjusted his breathing. Speaking of which, he did not suffer any major injuries in the fight just now. Although he was constantly burned by the flames, they were only minor injuries that were insignificant.

Recalling the previous battle in his mind, Kimura Muyang didn't know what to say. Although due to the recasting of the bones in the body, he could not hold the sword in his right hand, so he could only fight Yamamoto Genryusai with his unfamiliar left hand holding the sword, but in the battle Kimura Muyang immediately felt the huge advantages that bone recasting brought to him. Both strength and speed have been greatly improved. Even reaction speed and spiritual pressure have been significantly improved. Otherwise, With Kimura Muyang's original strength, even if he holds the sword in his right hand, he may not be able to do better than now.

(End of chapter)