Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 109: An unexpected discovery


In the gap between the three worlds of Soul Society, the real world, and Hueco Mundo.

"This place." Kimura Muyang stood in a dark void, stepping on a platform made of spirit seeds, and glanced around, feeling the feelings coming from all around, and murmured: "This is the gap in space. Bar."

It is different from the boundary between Soul Society and the real world. In comparison, it is somewhat similar to the black cavity leading to Hueco Mundo. After all, there is a road in the boundary between Soul Society and the real world, and there are roads on both sides of the road. There is also the existence of restraint.

Although he has used space abilities to move short distances before, this is the first time he has traveled between two different worlds like this. Kimura Muyang is not sure whether he can accurately reach the present world, but even if If it doesn't work, it will only take a little trouble at most, and it won't put him in any danger.

Having made up his mind, Kimura Muyang was no longer in a hurry. Anyway, he was out of danger now, so he should find his way slowly. With a wave of his hand, he restored his Zanpakutō and inserted it into his waist. Kimura Muyang put his hands in his pockets and slowly explored this place unhurriedly.


On the other hand, with the assistance of Kimura Muyang and taking advantage of the distraction of everyone on the field, Yoruichi and Suzuki Nan quickly left Shuangshou Hill. With the help of her Commander-in-Chief Xing Army, he deployed the defense in Jingling Court. Familiarity, coupled with the powerful perception of Suzuki Kusu's Zanpakutō, allowed the two to easily leave the Seireitei without alerting anyone.

"Miss Yoruichi, what should we do next?"

After leaving the Jingling Court, Suzuki Nan and Yoruichi found a place to stop. They looked back at the Jingling Court. Suzuki Nan showed a trace of reluctance in his eyes, then turned to look at Yoruichi and asked.

"Anyway, it's impossible to return to the Gotei 13." Seeing the trace of reluctance in Suzuki Kusu's eyes, Yoruichi said directly, and then there was a hint of thought on his face, "Ku, I was at Shuangshou Hill before. How did you discover Aizen? No one except you noticed that he was hiding there at the time. He should have activated Kyoka Suigetsu at that time."

"Yes." Suzuki Nan suppressed all the thoughts in his heart and reached out to touch his Zanpakutō. The crystal Zanpakutō looked as breathtaking as a dream, "My Paper Thousand Spiders have abilities that are not just ordinary. Perception, to a certain extent, you can even perceive the hearts of others within a certain range.”

"What!?" Hearing Suzuki Nan's explanation, Ye Ye's eyes widened and she looked at Suzuki Nan in surprise. She actually had this ability. It was almost like cheating. "Mind reading!?"

"You can understand it this way," Suzuki Nan nodded, then smiled and said: "Of course, with my current strength, I can only roughly feel the emotions of people within a very close range. If I want to really achieve the so-called... Mind-reading is far from there, I just feel like there’s a thought there.”

"Well, in terms of what I can feel, it should be called thoughts. Maybe I won't be able to develop my Zanpakutō ability to the level of 'mind reading' in my lifetime."

Also, no matter how powerful the Zanpakutō's ability is, in the end it still depends on how far the Zanpakutō's owner can develop the Zanpakutō. Who can really develop their Zanpakutō to the extreme like Captain Yamamoto? A few, if Suzuki Kusu really wants to develop the Zanpakutō's ability to the level of mind-reading, it will take at least a hundred years of effort.

"Okay, let's go find Kūkaku first." Yoruichi put aside her thoughts, straightened up, clapped her hands, and said to Suzuki Nan.

"Shiba Kukaku?"

"Well, let's find her first, and then go to the real world to find Kisuke and the others."

"That captain."

Seeing Yoruichi taking the lead to leave, Suzuki Nan turned to look at the Jingling Court, with some unconcealable worry in his eyes. After all, in order to allow them to leave smoothly, Kimura Muyang still stayed there to face it alone. , that’s several captains, including Captain Yamamoto.

Seeing that Suzuki Nan did not follow, Yoruichi could also understand her psychology. After more than a hundred years of getting along, all of them could feel Suzuki Nan's thoughts about Kimura Muyang. It was reasonable for her to be so worried now. If she It would be strange for them not to worry like this.

Turning around and glancing in the direction of Shuangshou Hill, Yoruichi felt a smile on his face as he felt the violent collision of spiritual pressure there.

"Don't worry, that's Kimura. You have to have confidence in him. Even if you can't beat him, if you want to run away, he can still do it easily."

"Yes, the captain is very strong."

Hearing Yoruichi's words, Suzuki Nan thought of the strength of the captain he had felt over the years of getting along with Kimura Muyang, and gradually relaxed in his heart, with a relaxed smile on his face.

boom! ! !

Just when Yoruichi and Suzuki Nan were looking towards Shuangshan Hill, suddenly, a terrifying spiritual pressure burst out from Shuangshan Hill. Even Yoruichi and Suzuki Kusu who were far away from Shuangshan Hill were shocked. They felt a sense of oppression. With their strength, they couldn't help but feel panicked when they felt the spiritual pressure from a distance.

"This is the captain's spiritual pressure, but why is the captain's spiritual pressure so violent? Even though he is so far away, he can still feel the captain's anger."

boom! !

A ball of flame erupted instantly, exploding in the sky above Shuangshu Hill, dyeing the entire sky red, and the sound it made was enough for everyone in the entire Jingling Court to see.

"Miss Yoruichi!"

Suzuki Nan turned his head to look at Yoruichi, with a bit of panic on his face. He felt Captain Yamamoto's terrifying and almost despairing spiritual pressure. Even though Suzuki Nan had learned the swastika technique, he still felt a bit panicked in his heart.

"Let's leave quickly. Although I don't know why the captain is so angry, it's better to leave as soon as possible. Besides, I can't feel Kimura's spiritual pressure anymore. I guess he has left."

Hearing Yoruichi's words, Suzuki Nan's eyes lit up, he closed his eyes for a moment, and then said happily: "Well, the captain has indeed left."

"Then let's leave quickly. We'll go hide with Kūkaku first, and when the time is right, we can join Kisuke in the real world."


The two figures left one after the other, heading towards Rukongai.


“This place is amazing.”

Kimura Muyang stood in the void, looked around, scratched his head helplessly, and after touching this place for a long time, Kimura Muyang helplessly found that he was lost. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed lost in this place. I had no idea where to go to reach the present world. It was indeed unreliable to do this for the first time.

After staying there and feeling it, Kimura Muyang frowned. The atmosphere of this place was so chaotic that it was impossible to accurately feel where the direction to the real world was.

After calming down his gradually restless mood, Kimura Muyang walked forward in the previous direction. If he kept going in one direction, he could always leave this place, as long as he did not appear in the Jingling Court. It's quite casual.

The road paved by spirit seeds extended forward, and Kimura Muyang walked slowly, sensing the aura emanating from all around, hoping to find the space node to exit.


Kimura Muyang suddenly stopped, with a hint of joy on his face. He turned around and walked in another direction. He keenly felt that the spiritual pressure in one place was unusual.

After walking forward for a while in the direction he sensed, Kimura Muyang couldn't help but frown. The closer he got to that place, the more Kimura Muyang felt that the place was unusual. Now he was almost certain that That was definitely not in this world, because the spiritual pressure coming from there made him feel faintly depressed. In this world, there would never be anything that could make him feel depressed.

As his body gradually approached the space node he felt, the doubts in Kimura Muyang's heart became more and more intense. He had already felt that just behind that space node, there was an existence beyond his knowledge, that kind of faint sense of depression. It is more real, it is like a kind of dimensional suppression.

What made Kimura Muyang even more shocked was that from it, he vaguely felt a trace of familiar spiritual pressure, like Sister Kiryu's spiritual pressure, but it was different from Sister Kiryu's spiritual pressure in his memory. A bit different.

Kimura Muyang stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch the hidden space and explore the secrets hidden behind it.


As soon as Kimura Muyang stretched out his hand, a strange energy suddenly emitted from an unknown place and hit Kimura Muyang's fingertips.

But when that seemingly insignificant energy touched Kimura Muyang's fingertips, Kimura Muyang felt like a lightning strike. He couldn't help but take a few steps back, and looked ahead with a hint of horror in his eyes.

"That's it"

Just when he touched that ray of energy, Kimura Muyang's eyes flashed, and he saw through the node in an instant, and saw the world hidden behind the node.

Huge pillars, various street buildings, five huge disks suspended in the air, and a wedge-shaped building suspended in the middle of the five disks.

What kind of world is this, and why have we never seen it in anime before? What was going on with the energy from before, the unusual spiritual concentration that I felt from the strange world I saw, and the inexplicably familiar spiritual pressure

Kimura Muyang's mind was spinning, and his heart was filled with all kinds of doubts. What he saw really challenged his imagination. Not only had he not heard of it since he traveled to the world of death for so long, but he had never seen anything about it even when he read comics in his previous life. Something related.

(End of chapter)