Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 5: Kazuma Kimura


it hurts! My whole body hurts, whether it's muscles or bones, it feels like I've been crushed.

His consciousness gradually returned to his body, and He Muyang only felt severe pain. He had never been in such pain.

"Boy, wake up. Don't lie on the old man's bed when you wake up." An old voice came, "Hey, I am so pitiful as an old man. I live alone. It's not enough to save a boy." I know how to be grateful, but when I wake up, I have to stay on the old man’s bed, leaving me, a frail old man, sitting next to me. Alas, young people nowadays really don’t have any concept of respecting the elderly..."

Listening to the old man's thoughts, a drop of cold sweat slipped from He Muyang's forehead. This old man has such good ink marks!

"That... I'm sorry for occupying your bed and causing you trouble! I'll get up right now." With that said, He Muyang sat up and prepared to give up the bed to the old man.

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts~~~~" Who knew that as soon as he moved his body, He Muyang felt that the pain increased hundreds of times, and he couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Hahaha, it's so interesting." A burst of laughter came from the side, "There is such an interesting kid. How about it? Does it hurt so much that you want to die?"

He Muyang turned his head and looked at the wretched smiling face of the old man next to him. He scolded him hundreds of times in his heart, but after all, he was the one who saved her, so he had to look better.

"Hehe~hehe~" He Muyang resisted the urge to beat the old man up, and said with a dry smile, "It's okay, it's okay." He couldn't help but think of the old man he had saved with his life, and couldn't help but secretly thought to himself The bad relationship with the old man.

Depressed, the old man must be my nemesis, are you at odds with the old man? If you see an old man in the future, you must take a detour. Even if you don't take a detour, you must be careful. In this way, He Muyang labeled the old man as something he should never mess with.

"Boy, I'm teasing you! I haven't seen such an interesting person for a long time. Your expression just now was so wonderful." The old man looked at He Muyang and smiled, "Your injury is too serious, it must be that your body is overloaded. It will take a few days to recover, so just stay here peacefully for now. I will deliver the food later, and you can have a good rest."

The old man walked out of the room, as if he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, your knife is placed on the bedside, and you still hold it tightly even when you are in a coma. This is something extremely important to you!" "

He Muyang turned his head, looked at the knife placed on his bedside, and said softly: "Yes, that is something as important as my life."

Hearing He Muyang's words, the old man showed a smile of relief on his face. His eyes were full of memories. He didn't know what he remembered, and said softly in an uncharacteristic tone: "Yes, that is something as important as life!"

Sitting there quietly, looking at the Zanpakutō placed on the bedside, thinking about things in his inner world, He Muyang secretly said: "Next time, next time I must hear your name!"

"What are you thinking about? You look so absorbed." The voice came from my ears, accompanied by the fragrance of porridge.

He Muyang came back to his senses, looked at the old man in front of him, and said sheepishly: "No, I didn't think about anything. Sorry to trouble you."

Looking at the old man, He Muyang felt strange. Could it be that he was so absorbed in thinking about things that he didn't even notice that the person was walking in front of him

"Well, my name is He Muyang, please give me some advice. By the way, I haven't asked for advice yet, may I ask your name..."

Seeing He Muyang's awkward look, the old man uncharacteristically did not continue to mock him, but said with a smile: "Kazuma Kimura. This is my name, and you can call me whatever you want."

I'm curious about the old man's attitude. Why did this unscrupulous old man suddenly become so nice? However, He Muyang was feeling embarrassed that he had not asked for the name of his savior, and did not delve into the reason.

"Well, I'll call you Mr. Kimura. I'm very grateful for your life-saving grace."

"That's nothing, it's just a piece of cake. You'd better eat and take a good rest. After all, your body is still very weak. Let's talk about other things after you get better." He walked out of the room and closed the door. "You should have a good rest. I I'm leaving."

"He is a really nice old man. Although I thought this old man was annoying at first."


The sun shone on He Muyang's face, waking him up from his dream.

"It's so comfortable. I haven't slept so peacefully for a long time, ever since I came to this world."

"How could it be? How could I sleep so soundly? I had always been vigilant, so why did I suddenly relax? I unconsciously felt at ease, as if I would not be threatened."

"Is it that old man, Kimura Kazuma???" He Muyang felt incredible, but could not think of other reasons, "That wretched old man, although he suddenly became very good, he didn't look like a powerful person in any way. The character looks so fragile, I really don’t know how he survived in Caolu District?”

"Wait a minute, Caolu District, this is Caolu District. Will the person who survives be a simple guy? And it seems that he has lived here comfortably for a long time."

The more He Muyang thought about it, the more suspicious he felt. It was not because he was too absorbed in thinking about things yesterday, but because his strength was much higher than his own. "That old man, Kimura Kazuma, is a hidden master. , at least as high as several floors!"

Thinking of this, He Muyang looked at the bedroom carefully. The simple layout was neat and tidy. The owner should be a serious and self-disciplined person. Could he be that old man with no moral integrity? He Muyang was confused again.

He felt that his body seemed to be much better, and he was not as miserable as before. He should be able to get up. Out of curiosity about the old man, He Muyang eagerly wanted to see what was outside, so he stood up with difficulty and opened the door.

There is a small pond in front of the house, with green grass on both sides, and a dense forest in the distance. It is really a beautiful place. Is there such a place in Caolu District? Isn’t this the Caolu District? Are they the previous districts? He Muyang couldn't help but fell into thinking again.

"Why are you up? Are you feeling well? This is a good recovery power!"

When did it come, I didn’t notice it, but I didn’t relax! It's amazing, he approached me so quietly without anyone noticing. Sure enough, this old man is not simple, he is definitely a master!

"I'm still feeling a little unwell, just because I wanted to go out and see the scenery outside. I'm bored in the house. - By the way, Mr. Kimura, when did you come?"

"When did you come? I've been here all along, didn't you see?"

"Nani??? Always here?" He Muyang's pupils shrank, how could it be possible!

"However, if you put it this way, you can clearly see that he is standing there now, but you can't feel his presence at all. What's going on? Although you clearly know that he is there, if you don't consciously sense it, you can't feel it. It’s like there’s no one around, how on earth do you do that?”

This is more terrifying than approaching quietly! Various thoughts flashed through He Muyang's mind.

"Well, Mr. Kimura is a master, right?"

"Ah?! Master? How could it be possible? Do you think a frail old man like me looks like a master? Today's young people are really..."

"Is this the Caolu District?"

"Are you really... Solu District? Of course you are, otherwise where do you think this is?"

"Then, if you are really the frail old man you say you are, how did you survive in Caolu District and still live so comfortably!"


"Really, young people today are not cute at all!"

"You admitted it, right? It's true!"

"So what if you admit it, so what if you don't admit it? Why do you need to be obsessed with this?"

"Since you are a master, please teach me!"

Looking at He Muyang who bowed to the end in front of him, Kimura Kazuma was silent. Just when He Muyang couldn't help but feel uneasy, Kimura Kazuma said: "Why? Why do you want to become stronger? Why do you become stronger?"

After listening to Kimura Kazuma's words, He Muyang thought for a long time and said firmly: "Survival, and freedom! In order to survive freely! Don't let your life and death be in the hands of others, and don't put your hope in ethereal luck. Control your own destiny with your strength!"

(End of chapter)