Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 60: One year period


After waving goodbye to Kimura Muyang, Sishen Jiromaru turned his head and looked at Hobashiro Juro standing next to him.

It doesn't look like that guy Kimura is joking. In other words, he really thinks highly of Ross. If he can make that guy Kimura take him seriously, I think there must be something unique about this kid. Maybe I can teach him a captain!

Sishen Jiromaru couldn't help but feel a little excited when he thought that the students he taught eventually became captains.

"Roz, work hard and don't live up to our expectations of you!"

Patting Hōqiaoro Juro's shoulder, Shigami Jiromaru showed a solemn expression on his face, which immediately made Ross feel a burst of pressure. Is he really worthy of their respect? Especially the previous Death God. Although he didn't know his identity at first, in the subsequent exchanges, Ross already knew the Death God's identity.

Kimura Muyang! This name is definitely known to everyone in Mao. He completed Mao's studies in less than a year, and immediately joined the Gotei 13th Division as the deputy captain of the 12th Division immediately after graduation. Such deeds are simply unparalleled. It’s something people don’t even dare to think about. Considered by many to be the lifelong goal of being the vice-captain, he had already become the vice-captain when he just graduated. He was simply a legend among Maou. Everyone thought that he would definitely become the captain, and the rest was just a matter of time. And now, such a legendary person in Zhenyang Academy actually praised his potential!

Clenching his fist, Ross secretly cheered himself up in his heart. He must be able to do it. As long as he works hard, he will succeed one day, shine with his own glory, and play the most beautiful music.



"It hurts! What are you doing, Hiyori!" Kimura Muyang covered her nose and looked at Hiyori with an annoyed look.

"Hmph~" Hiyori put down the tea tray in his hand and looked at Kimura Muyang with an unhappy face, "You guys have the nerve to say that you dare to disappear without my consent. I think you are in trouble! "

"Hey, hey, is that such an exaggeration? I just left for a few days. Besides, I told Kiryu-san that you were sleeping at the time." Seeing Hiyori jumping in anger, Kimura Muyang explained.

"But let me tell you, Hiyori, why do I feel like you have become more arrogant after not seeing me for a few days, and you actually dare to say such arrogant words to make me flattered."

Seeing the malicious expression on Kimura Muyang's face, a trace of fear flashed in Hiyori's eyes, and then she didn't know what she thought of, and straightened her small chest, with a proud expression on her face: "Huh Huh, I'm not the only one this time, everyone said they wanted to teach you a lesson, who told you not to tell us."

"Everyone..." Kimura Muyang flashed the faces of Hirako and the others in his mind, with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Kimura, you were beaten stupid, right? Why do you have such a disgusting expression on your face?"

After hearing Hiyori's words, veins popped up on Kimura Muyang's forehead: "What a disgusting expression! You guy is really..."

"It's obvious, you're smiling so weirdly. Ahh~~ I see, you don't have any strange thoughts about Lisa, do you?" Hiyori seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and a look of shock suddenly appeared on her face. With an expression on his face, he took a few steps back and pointed at Kimura Muyang, his tone full of disbelief.


Knocking Hiyori hard, Kimura Muyang looked at Hiyori holding her head with a dissatisfied expression on her face and said unhappily: "What nonsense are you thinking in your little head?"

"Damn it, don't hit me on the head, I won't grow taller! Also, don't treat me like a child!"

Ignoring Hiyori who was shouting dissatisfiedly behind him, Kimura Muyang walked straight to the captain's room. Seeing that Kimura Muyang ignored him and walked directly to the captain's room, Hiyori curled her lips dissatisfied and followed.


"Come in."

After looking up and down at Kimura Muyang who opened the door and stood in front of him, Hikifune Kiryu nodded with satisfaction.

"You look good. Everything has been resolved."

"Well, everything is settled."

"That's good," looking at Kimura Muyang's clear eyes, Hikifune Kiryu continued with a somewhat emotional tone: "It seems that you have matured a lot, it's only been a few days!"

"There is no way, there are always some things that force us to mature as soon as possible." Kimura Muyang also had a bit of emotion in his tone.

Hiyori couldn't help but look back and forth between Kimura Muyo and Hikifune Kiryu. It was really annoying. What were these two people talking about? Why couldn't she understand a word! I have no idea what we are talking about!

"You can work safely from now on, my vice-captain."

Hikifune Kiryu raised his arms, looked at Kimura Muyang with a teasing look, and said with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

Hearing Hikifune Kiryu's words, Kimura Muyang showed a somewhat troubled look on his face, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Why, are you okay with something else?" Seeing the embarrassment on Kimura Muyang's face, Hikifune Kiryu's tone gradually became unkind.

"It's not me who has something to do, it's the captain who has something to do!" Hearing the unkindness in Hikifune Kiryu's tone, Kimura Muyang hurriedly explained, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"Captain?" Hikifune Kiryu asked with a bit of confusion on his face: "Captain, what matters does the captain want to leave to you? This is unreasonable. Even if there is anything, the captain will only leave it to you first. Captains, why are you handing it over directly to the vice-captain? Don’t use the captain as a cover."

"How dare I use the captain as a cover!" Kimura Muyang quickly waved his hand to explain, "And I don't dare to lie to you, Sister Kiryu. It's the captain who really has something wrong."

Seeing that the expression on Kimura Muyang's face didn't seem to be fake, Hikifune Kiryu hesitated and asked: "Is it convenient to say?"

If it is really a secret, even if Hikifune Kiryu is the captain, he has no right to interfere.

"There is nothing inconvenient," Kimura Muyang looked at Hikifune Kiryu carefully. He didn't know if Hikifune Kiryu would be unhappy if he said what he said. "The captain asked me to learn swastika within a year."

"Nani!!" Before Hikifune Kiryuu could speak, Hiyori had already jumped out, "Let Kimura learn swastika within a year!? How could the captain have such a request? Kimura, you can't join the team. It’s only been a few years, it’s too reluctant!”

"Swastika." Hearing Kimura Muyang's words, Hikifune Kiryu was stunned for a moment. The captain actually gave such an order, "Within a year?"

"Yes." Seeing Hikifune Kiryu's expressionless face, Kimura Muyang also felt uneasy in her heart. I wonder if Sister Kiryu will be very unhappy

Is the captain actually so anxious? Is it only for one year? That's right, Team 5, Team 7, and Team 10 currently don't have captains. Although Team 11 was promoted from the original vice captain to captain, the current captain of Team 11 is really not worthy of 'Kenpachi' This title, if you think about it, the current situation in Soul Society is really a bit tense. No wonder the captain is so anxious.

After coming back from his thoughts, looking at Kimura Muyang standing in front of him with a nervous expression, Hikifune Kiryu couldn't help but laugh. Although this kid has matured a lot, he still hasn't grown up!

"Why do you look so cautious?" Hikifune Kiryu teased, "You can't be afraid that I will be angry."

Seeing the look of approval on Kimura Muyang's face, Hikifune Kiryu's face was filled with astonishment. Is it really because of this

"You...really, this is a good thing, why should I be unhappy?"

"I just feel that I am Kiryu-san and you brought me to the Gotei 13. It turns out that I have only been working for a few years and may be leaving. Kiryu-san, won't you be a little unhappy?"

"Really." After listening to Kimura Muyang's explanation, Hikifune Kiryu showed a dumbfounded expression on his face, "You have to know that seeing your subordinates gradually grow is the happiest thing for a captain. There is no need to lose someone like this. An excellent subordinate feels sad, but should be pleased with the growth of his subordinates."

Kimura Muyang nodded as if he understood. Seeing that Kimura Muyang still had a bit of confusion on his face, Hikifune Kiryu waved his hand and said, "You may not be able to realize this now, but you will gradually understand it in the future. , the responsibility and consciousness of being a captain.”

"Okay, you can train well during the rest of the time. Let Mizusawa Sanchi take care of the team's affairs - it seems that I have to change to a vice-captain again."

Seeing that Kimura Muyang was about to show an embarrassed expression again, Hikifune Kiryu quickly stood up and patted his shoulder, "It's okay. Let Mizusawa Sanchi take care of the team's affairs. Don't feel embarrassed. , you have your own mission now, which is more important than the team duties of a squad."

(End of chapter)