Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 1


In the middle of the summer night, there is no wind.

From the moon to the middle of the sky, all sounds are silent. Thick clouds in the sky obscured the moonlight, leaving only a few dim stars. The night was dark like thick ink.

The village households in Batou Village all rested early, and only the whimpering of the wind and the intermittent barking of dogs could be heard in the silent fields.

After a few rumblings of muffled thunder, a flash of lightning pierced the night sky.

A sneaky figure suddenly appeared in the field. He looked left and right, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one around, he arrived at the only house in the east of the village where the lights were still on, and tiptoed over the dirt wall.

At this time, in this family's house, Gu Yin was lying on the kang, staring at a bean lamp on the table in a trance.

Just a few days ago, she was still an ordinary person living in modern times. After graduating from college, she inherited the family's time-honored porridge shop.

The porridge shop was left by Grandpa Gu Yin, and it stands to reason that this craft should be passed on to his son and daughter-in-law first.

But unfortunately, Gu Yin's parents died in a car accident the year she was just in college.

In order to fully raise her grandfather's wish, Gu Yin gave up life in the big city after graduating from university and returned to her hometown.

Not long after that, her grandfather passed away, and Gu Yin was alone and devoted herself to the operation of the porridge shop.

But in the past two years, the business of Gu's time-honored porridge shop has become more and more prosperous.

Gu Yin opened several branches in one go, but she fainted during overtime when she was about to show off her grand plans.

After the darkness, when she opened her eyes again, she was dressed in the current era and became a farmer's little daughter-in-law with the same name and surname.

Gu Yin here is much worse than her.

After the death of his mother, his father remarried his stepmother. After the stepmother gave birth to two sons, the family was even more poor.

Later, when she was almost ten years old, there was a locust plague in her hometown. Her father took her stepmother and fled here with several children.

Although there is no disaster here, the family's money is spent on the way to escape, and food has become a problem.

The stepmother couldn't tolerate her, so after Pillow Feng handed it two or three times, Dad Gu took the girl who was still called Gu Daya to the side of the road and put a grass tag on it.

On the same day, Gu Daya asked the Wu family from Batou Village to buy it back.

From the ancestors to this generation, the Wu family in Batou Village were all farmers who were slicing the food in the ground. The population was also thin, and logically, they were not rich enough to buy a maid to come back to serve.

But the family's eldest son, Wu Qingyi, was condemned to death by a wandering warlock in the early years, saying that it was a solitary fate that beat his wife.

There are many people in the village who believe in this kind of Shinto Taoism, and Wang's eyes are also high, and those who look a little worse can't get into her eyes. Therefore, although Wu Qingyi was born tall and strong, with a handsome appearance, he did not say that he was married until he was fifteen years old.

People from the countryside all get married early, and it is not uncommon to be a parent at the age of fourteen or five. Seeing that if he dragged his son down any longer, he would have to meet the married little widow, and the wife of the Wu family, Mrs. Wang, was so anxious that two fire bubbles rose from her mouth.

As soon as the Wu family and his wife got together, they were going to use all their savings to go to Renyazi to buy a child bride for their son.

Then he happened to meet Gu Daya with a grass sign stuck on the side of the road.

At that time, the little girl was so hungry that her face was yellow and her skin was thin, her hair was disheveled, her clothes were dirty, and she had a big head on her thin neck. She looked only eight or nine years old, but she was so embarrassed. , failed to cover her beautiful facial features and clear eyes.

The old man of the Gu family is also a good person. At that time, when he saw Wang's stop, he stepped forward to sell it, saying that his first wife who died was a maid from a big family, and his appearance was famous in their countryside. Her own girl has been brought up to be smart and clever, although she looks a little worse now when she is hungry, but the son of a dragon who gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and the son of a mouse can dig holes, and this girl will definitely look the same in the future! And then quoted a very affordable price.

The Wu family's couple had saved 10 taels of silver to buy a decent maid, but Gu Daya in front of her only cost half the price. How could this not make people excited

However, after scrutinizing Gu Daya carefully, Mrs Wang still showed a dissatisfied look, saying that she looked so young, but her son was fifteen years old. Be a daughter-in-law. Although the girls in Renyazi are a little more expensive, there are many older, grown-up girls, and they can make a difference if you buy them!

Because of this, Father Gu lowered the price again, and finally made the deal with four taels of silver.

Wang saved a lot of money and was in a good mood, and immediately took Gu Daya to change into a new dress. On the way, he met a poor scholar who wrote books for people, and he even gave her a new name, that is, Gu The origin of the slightly literary name Yin.

After that, Gu Yin arrived at the Wu family.

Wu Qingyi was so fashionable and didn't know his parents' plans, but only when he saw more people in the family knew that the little girl in front of him was his future daughter-in-law.

The little girl said she was ten years old, but she looked like she was a generation behind him. Where does he want to? In addition, Wu Qingyi is also open-minded, and he has long thought that since he has conquered others, he will be alone for a lifetime. Anyway, his parents are young, and he can always add children to the family and continue the incense.

Helpless, Wang's money has been spent, so naturally he refuses to do money-losing business. He only says to keep Gu Yin at home first. If he doesn't like him when he is old, he will be married off from home as a daughter-in-law.

After three years, Gu Yin was well fed and warmly dressed in the Wu family, and finally struggled from the poor and weak appearance, and grew into a beautiful and beautiful girl.

Wang Shi was full of joy, and only felt that the four taels of silver he spent were worth it. As far as Gu Yin's appearance is concerned, not to mention eight villages in ten miles, there are few people in the county who are more beautiful than her.

It was also in this year that the imperial court suddenly began to recruit strong men into the army to attack the rebels. If there is no money in the family to clear the relationship, even if a man does not stay, he has to go to the battlefield desperately!

At that time, Wang Shi, who was pregnant at that time, was burning with fire, but there was nothing he could do. He could only helplessly watch his man and eldest son being recruited.

Before parting, the Wang family insisted that Wu Dalang and Gu Yin worship heaven and earth.

Wu Qingyi can also be regarded as self-restrained and observant. He didn't do anything to Gu Yin that night when he entered the bridal chamber, and said to her with guilt: "Mother is still pregnant, and father and I are leaving again, I'm afraid she can't bear it anymore. If you are attacked, I have to agree to her. I am going to have a lot of bad luck, and this is just an expedient measure to fulfill my mother's wish. If I have the life to come back, I will naturally treat you for a lifetime. If you don't come back, you will die in two years You can get married by yourself. My mother is fierce and soft-hearted, and naturally she will not embarrass you at that time."

Wu Qing has been in school for a few years, and when he talks about it, he is very polite. After the sudden change at home, Gu Yin is even more confused. He doesn't understand the meaning of his words at all, and only remembers every word he says. In my heart, I responded with a heavy voice.

Half a year later, Wang gave birth to a young son, named Wu An. Since then, the three of them have depended on each other for life. Although life was hard, in the end, both Wang Shi and Gu Yin were able to work, and they finally survived for five years.

However, I didn't expect it. News came from the previous one, saying that the army of the imperial court on the front line was completely wiped out by the rebels.

Isn't that the front line where Wu Dad and Wu Qingyi were recruited? !

Although Wang Shi and Gu Yin were already mentally prepared, they were so shocked that they fainted when they heard the news.

Wang's body was in good shape, and she woke up after a while after fainting. Poor Gu Yin couldn't stand things when she was young, so she fell ill.

A high fever broke out, and now Gu Yin passed through.

After sorting out her thoughts, Gu Yin couldn't help sighing.

As a modern person, I have read a lot of novels and TV dramas of overhead travel.

But in general, even if you don't belong to a lady or a noble girl (that's the court marquis text), you have to have a younger brother/fiance who is dedicated to the scientific examination (that's the imperial examination and farming text).

Well, she came across as a child bride and a little widow, but she has a younger brother-in-law, but Wu An's child has undergone great changes before he was born. He is five years old now, and he hasn't read a day. Still illiterate.

No matter how hard you think about the road ahead!

Gu Yin couldn't help but sigh again.

At this moment, the door of the house creaked open, and a woman in a cloth skirt came in.

The woman looked less than forty, and her face was still somewhat youthful, but she had long eyebrows and dangling eyes, and there were two gully-like decree lines on her face, which added a lot of years. Very bad to deal with. It is the original adoptive mother and mother-in-law Wang.

Wang Shi put the medicine bowl on the table heavily, and when he saw her, he scolded: "I heard you sigh dozens of times in the room in less than a stick of incense, and I don't know how bad our family has been. It's so difficult!"

Immediately, Wang Shi thought that his man and eldest son should be gone, didn't he suffer a great disaster? But the head of her family didn't act like Gu Yin, and she became more and more impatient, her face became a bit more fierce, and she slapped the table in a vicious voice: "Get up and take medicine, why are you still waiting for me to serve you?"

It turned out that Gu Yin was very afraid of Wang.

Although Wang's treatment of her was not as good as that of her own son, she did not spar with her like her stepmother.

But Mrs Wang has a fierce appearance, a loud voice, and a sharp tongue. She can scold people for dozens of sentences without any heavy words, and even frightens the original body to say that she will sell her for money and make Gu Qingwen a school for Shuxiu Nian.

The timid original body was stunned for a moment.

Of course, there is not only one person who is afraid of Wang's family. There is almost no one who can scold Wang's family in Batou Village. Otherwise, their orphans and widowed mothers will not be able to live happily after so many years.

Gu Yin was not very afraid of her, but felt that what the eldest son of the Wu family had said was right, and the Wang family was hard-mouthed and soft-hearted. Otherwise, I won't talk about it, I will say that after hearing the bad news, I have this disease, and I have been in bed for more than a month. Looking for a doctor and asking for medicine has hollowed out the last family of the Wu family. As long as Wang's heart is cruel, she should have cut off the medicine to save money and let the original body fend for itself, and it is not her turn to replace the original body to live this life.

Seeing her getting up slowly, Mrs Wang became more and more angry, the table clacked and the medicine bowl jumped twice.

There was another creaking sound on the door, and five-year-old Xiao Wu Anzhu pulled in his shoes, rubbing his eyes and muttering, "Why is my mother still yelling in sister-in-law's house in the middle of the night? Sister-in-law is sick. ."

Wang Shi was in a bad mood, and he was indifferent to his own son, "You know it in the middle of the night? Your mother, I worked outside for a day, and after working in the fields, I have to go to wash clothes for other people's homes, and I have to pay when I come back. Isn't your sister-in-law decoction so busy until now? You also know that your sister-in-law can't get out of bed when she is ill, so she will be the young master in the house with her feet up?"

This is an injustice.

In the past, Wang's family did the most work, Gu Yin was the second, and the younger Wu was the third.

After Gu Yin fell ill, it was Mrs. Wang who took care of the outside work, while Wu An took care of the housework and took care of her sister-in-law.

Which child of this age is not playing around outside? Only Xiao Wu'an was more sensible than others since he was a child. He was diligent and capable. When he said that he was taking care of his sister-in-law, he would watch him every step of the way. In terms of properness and meticulousness, most adults couldn't compare to him.

Wu An originally said that he was here for the decoction, but others had little experience, so Wang Shi was afraid that he would ruin Jingui's medicinal materials, and repeatedly emphasized that he had to wait until he came back to decoct.

However, I also knew that my mother was in a bad mood, so Wu An didn't argue, she just smiled and said, "I'll be sleepy when I wait for the evening meal to wait for my mother's dinner. I'll go back to bed when I lie down on the kang. She should call me as soon as she comes back, and I'll be here. Let's give my mother a hot evening meal."

Hearing what he said, Wang's anger went down halfway, the table stopped clapping, and the eyes stopped burning. First, he said that he would go to warm up the meal, and then asked Wu An to feed Gu Yin with medicine, and then asked Gu Yin to say goodbye. Struggling to get down to the ground, don't get better and get cold again.

As soon as the order came down, the Wang shi went out again like the wind.

"Mother is like this, she still cares about my sister-in-law." Xiao Wu'an smiled at Gu Yin again, and sat on the edge with the medicine bowl in her hand, "sister-in-law, don't take it to heart, it's not easy to get emotional during illness."

In recent years, the conditions of the Wu family have not been very good. Wu An said that he was five years old. In fact, he was thin and much shorter than his peers. He looked only three or four years old, standing at the table and standing at the same level as the table.

Seeing him standing on tiptoe, holding the medicine bowl in his small hands and holding it in front of him, his dark face was full of genuine concern, Gu Yin's heart softened, and she followed with a smile, and took two or three sips of his hand first. After pouring the decoction, he said, "I can save it."

Xiao Wu'an watched her finish drinking the medicine, then took the handkerchief to wipe her mouth, and then stared at her and yawned again when she was done.

A child of this age is a snooze, and he has been busy taking care of himself in the daytime. Gu Yin can't bear to see it and pulls him onto the kang, takes off his little shoes, and puts him in his bed. go to sleep.

Xiao Wu'an was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, but he still said, "Mother said that I'm getting older, so I'm not as tired of my sister-in-law as I used to be."

Gu Yin covered him with the thin quilt, patted his chest with one hand, and coaxed slowly, "Just squint for a while, and let her take you back to the house when Mother is done."

The two were talking when they heard a sudden sound in the quiet night.

"Mom, I'm afraid I missed the bowl again." Wu An closed his eyes and muttered, then turned over and started snoring.

Wang's temperament is fiery, and his work is a bit frizzy, and things like breaking things are not uncommon.

Gu Yin also smiled.

But after the crisp sound, there was no scolding from Wang as usual outside, only the gust of wind whimpered, weeping like a complaint, and it was a little strangely quiet.

Gu Yin's heart was beating wildly, and she faintly felt that the situation was not right!

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