Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 101


Early the next morning, after Gu Ye got up, he had to go to Prince Lie's mansion next door.

The mansion has been repaired for several months, and it has long been able to live in. The guards and servants in the mansion are complete, all arranged by Emperor Zhengyuan.

Gu Ye chose a yard that was only separated from the British government by a wall, and then let people open a small door on the adjacent wall, allowing them to come and go freely.

In this way, he can live in the British government's residence at night, touch it in the morning to wash, and change clothes and leave the residence from there, which is very convenient.

Before going to bed last night, he set a small goal for himself, wanting to be the prince first.

He didn't forget to get up this morning.

This kind of thing is often mentioned in the book of Prince Li, anyway, it is usually the emperor who says it is whichever.

Gu Ye felt that the prince was going to be the emperor in the future, so he definitely couldn't be so playful. The emperor's father liked it only on the one hand, and he had to be outstanding. People, those younger brothers will definitely not be convinced.

Emperor Zhengyuan had told him the day before that since he regained his identity, he was not the only one in Wenhua Hall. Lu Zhao, who was not in good health and could not speak well, did not count, Lu Xu was going to pass, and he was imprisoned. Feng Yu, who is reading with the eldest son of the emperor, has a total of three people, and they have to go to class together.

Feng Yu arrived earlier than him, and the two hadn't seen each other for several days. Gu Ye entered the Wenhua Hall while yawning and yawning. When he saw Feng Yu, he immediately recovered.

The two sat together, and Gu Ye came up and asked first, "How are you doing these days? Your grandmother didn't embarrass you, right?"

Feng Yu and he spoke at the same time and asked, "How is my mother? And my two grandparents..."

Although they asked together, Feng Yu must be more worried, Gu Ye said first: "Aunt Pearl is now working in my restaurant, and she is also the deputy shopkeeper! My mother said that those ladies and wives like her. The Ge family loves her. Grandma has returned to the town to pack her belongings, and she will settle down in the capital in the future. There is no need to choose another place to settle down. My grandmother bought a few small yards and can live there first."

After the former Zhengyuan Emperor recovered the debt, he quietly returned the more than 30,000 taels of Wu Zhong to the British government.

In addition to the salaries issued by the imperial court during the Chinese New Year, more than 40,000 taels of silver appeared on the account of the British government.

Half of them were borrowed by Wu Qingyi and the Wang family for the purpose of going out to sea and purchasing goods.

With 20,000 taels left, the Wang family wanted to buy something for Gu Yintian.

But Gu Yin is really not short of money, and now the restaurant is completely self-sufficient, and even has a lot of surplus.

The Wang family used the money to buy the property, and it was impossible for the imperial court to rent and sell the property, so she bought some fields and small yards and leased them out.

Like the mother and son Xu and Xu Qingchuan who just came to Beijing.

Although the Wang family wanted to keep them in the mansion, but the golden den and the silver den are not as good as their own dog kennel. No matter how good the relationship is, it is inconvenient to live in someone else's house. Second, Xu Qingchuan is a scholar and will pursue an official career in the future. Living in the British government, I am afraid that people will say that he is dependent on honors.

Therefore, the mother and son of the Xu family only lived in the British public mansion for a few days. She turned around and suggested that they should leave. Mrs. Wang did not persuade her any more, and asked Mrs. Xu to choose the quietest one from the few yards she bought. stay.

Mr. Xu had to refuse at that time, because the rent given by Mrs. Wang was much lower than the market price. Back then, she rented the yard to Wang Shi and Gu Yin, but she also charged a lot of rent, just a fair price.

Wang said to her, "Wait for your Qingchuan High School, and you will naturally have your own mansion in the future. The house he lived in at that time was the champion's house. I just raised the rent to ten times the market price, and there were people there. Hurry up to rent! Unless, you have no confidence in Qingchuan... "

Xu scolded her for farting, saying that she could not believe her son

Of course, Mrs. Xu also reacted, and Mrs. Wang was using aggressive tactics, but after thinking about what Mrs. Wang said was not bad, when Xu Qingchuan passed the exam, the two would be a win-win situation, so they did not reject Mrs. Wang's good intentions.

Now there are still a few of those yards that have not been rented out, which can be used to house the old couple of the Ge family. They don't need to be looking for a place to live in a situation where they are not familiar with the place.

My mother has a job, and my grandfather has a place to stay. Feng Yu exhaled and said ashamedly: "I am a son of a man and a grandson, but I can't do anything, and I have to rely on your family to take care of me. I am really ashamed. I don't know how to repay…”

Gu Ye said, "You're being too polite, aren't you? My mother said when she was at home that the Ge family's grandmother always took care of her like that. She is half of Sister Pearl's family. We will study together in the future. Staying in the same place every day is no different from a real brother, you thank you so much."

Gu Ye is now a prince, but he is still the same as before. Feng Yu smiled and nodded: "Okay, then I won't say more."

Seeing that the others hadn't come yet, Gu Ye lowered his voice and said, "Anyway, you stay with me during the day, and I still have the badge to enter and leave the palace. I'll take you out during the afternoon break to meet Aunt Pearl. But it won't work today, there is a banquet in the palace today, there are many people in the palace, and it is easy for people to see."

Feng Yu hadn't seen his mother for a few days. Although he fully supported the separation of his parents, he was not too old, and the separation had been missed for a long time these days. Hearing that, he opened his mouth and wanted to thank him again, but thinking of what Gu Ye said earlier, he swallowed the words of thanks and nodded again with a smile.

Then Feng Yu talked about his situation in the mansion these days.

In the past, he might have covered up for his grandmother and father, but now he really treats Gu Ye as his own, and naturally he won't hide it from him.

"My grandmother found out earlier that I had delivered news to your family. Although she didn't punish me, she beat the people around me. Later, when my aunt came back to the house, she called me forward and said that I would be my cousin reading... I'll tell you the truth. Although I promised you at the time, I saw that both my aunt and my grandmother were very unhappy. I was afraid that my grandmother would do something to the people around me. I actually felt some regrets and retreated in my heart. down."

Gu Ye followed and said apologetically, "I blame me, I wish I had gotten through with you earlier. It was the emperor who said that he can't tell others until after the ceremony... Fortunately, it didn't hurt the people around you."

Feng Yu shook his head, "How can I blame you, it's a big deal. If you tell me, it would be against the emperor's order."

To blame, of course, only Qin Shi can be blamed for being ruthless and not taking the lives of servants seriously.

The two were talking, and Lu Xu came over not long after.

The nanny and the palace servants escorted him to the Wenhua Hall, and stopped.

He came in alone, without any stage fright, twisting his neck to look around.

Lu Xu was three and a half years old, a little smaller than children of the same age, but he looked black and thin, like a little skin monkey, very energetic.

"Cousin!" When Lu Xu saw Feng Yu, he first called him with a smile, and then saw Gu Ye. Instead of calling, he raised his chin and snorted.

Recalling the day before, the palace people were talking about the birth of an eldest son in the palace.

He was very happy, because he heard from the palace maid and eunuch earlier that they have brothers and sisters in the family. Although they often fight for food, clothes and play, they will play together again when they come back, and it's good to be alone. , can be interesting.

Lu Xu has no shortage of food, drink, and play. He's not afraid of being shared by others. He just wants someone to play with him.

He had thought about playing with Lu Zhao before, but he secretly went to Kunning Palace and found that Lu Zhao, who was about the same age as him, was still like a baby, meaningless at all.

Later, he also let Queen Zhou find out, and immediately sent him back to Yonghe Palace.

His mother-in-law was angry because of this and told him not to go there again. He also felt that a brother like Lu Zhao was boring, so he obediently agreed.

Yesterday, I heard that there was an extra brother, and Lu Xu was very happy. If the palace servant said that Emperor Zheng Yuan was busy in front of him, he would have touched it long ago.

Later, he waited for Emperor Zhengyuan and his brother, who had never met before, to finish their work, and then looked for them.

Unexpectedly, in the evening, his mother-in-law came back.

He was debating whether to ask his concubine for a gift from outside the palace first or to see his brother first, when his concubine began to cry, and while crying, he said, "My son, concubine I'm sorry for you. But what to do…”

Lu Xu was ignorant and asked her if she went back to her grandfather's house, and then asked her why she was crying.

Concubine Feng said: "My son, you are still young and you don't understand. Your cousin is now accused of being your eldest brother's companion. Today, your father is still merciless for him. kicked me out... In this palace, where is the place for our mother and son to stand... "

While crying, Concubine Feng rambled about a big lesson. The three or four-year-old Lu Xu couldn't understand a lot, but one thing was clear, because this brother whom he had never met, his cousin would not read for him as a companion. And the mother-in-law was not happy either.

So he deliberately didn't call anyone, and after humming, he chose a seat next to him and sat down.

But he did have great curiosity about Gu Ye's brother, so he sat down and picked up the book to cover his face, but secretly looked at him again.

He thought what he was doing was very secret, but he didn't want Gu Ye and Feng Yu to have discovered it long ago.

Not to mention that Lu Xu is so old and has yet to open his eyes, and he can't read at all, he just uses the book to cover half of his face, and his eyes are staring at the book, making it difficult for people not to notice!

Although Feng Yu was closer to Gu Ye, Lu Xu was his blood cousin after all. He was about to mediate, but Gu Ye had already passed by.

Gu Ye pulled the book out of Lu Xu's hand and asked him with a smile, "Why did you read the book as soon as you came here? Can you read?"

Lu Xu snorted again, "I know, what's the matter!"

Gu Ye said, "Then why did you take the book down when you were reading?"

Lu Xu blushed and said hesitantly, "I... I... I don't want you to care!"

Gu Ye smiled again, "Okay, I lied to you, but you didn't take it down, I came to talk to you on purpose."

The redness on Lu Xu's face went down a little. Looking at Gu Ye's infectious smile, he pressed down the corner of his mouth that he wanted to follow, and asked him, "I don't care about you anymore, aren't you angry? Why are you still talking to me?"

"What's so mad about this, we haven't seen each other before. I'll formally introduce myself to you. My name is Gu... Lu Lie, I'm your elder brother." Gu Ye said again: "But this time we don't even know each other. Now, if you don't call someone next time, I'll be really upset and ignore you."

Lu Xu thought for a while and said, "Then you have a good temper, but why did you rob my cousin and bully my mother-in-law?"

"Your cousin is not an object, and he didn't promise you first, but me first. How can you say grab it? Besides, the three of us will study together in the future, it doesn't matter who's companion."

Lu Xu glanced at Feng Yu, thinking that it seemed right, my cousin wasn't here, he smiled at him, and he wasn't taken away.

Gu Ye continued: "Besides, when did I bully your mother-in-law?"

"Then she said yesterday that because of you, the royal father drove her away."

Lu Xu couldn't hide his words, and immediately sold Concubine Feng.

Gu Yexin became more and more displeased with Concubine Feng.

Like his mother, I heard in the morning that he is going to meet with Lu Xu today, and he will tell him about the adults' affairs, and their children should not be affected by the adults' grievances.

Then what did Concubine Feng say to the three-year-old Lu Xu, wasn't she trying to alienate their relationship

Thanks to Lu Xu's young age, he couldn't hide his words, so he just said it. Otherwise, if you change your mind, you will already have a vengeance before you know each other.

Gu Ye listened to his mother's words the most, so he didn't put it on Lu Xu's head and said, "I was there yesterday, but it wasn't because of me..."

In front of Lu Xu, Gu Ye couldn't say that it was Concubine Feng who made the wrong expression, so he said, "But I was busy all day and I was exhausted, so I didn't say a word. It was Concubine Feng who made the father and emperor unhappy. .So only"

"You are talking nonsense!" Lu Xu interrupted him angrily, and argued again, "My royal father loves my mother and concubine so much! It's never been like this before, and it's different when you come here!"

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Feng Yu said, "Why don't you ask Eunuch Qian to ask?"

Qian Sansi was Emperor Zhengyuan's personal eunuch, and he never left. There was nothing he didn't know about in the palace.

Lu Xu snorted: "Why do we ask such a person about our master? My mother-in-law said that the former emperor was a fool who mistakenly believed in gelding and allowed gelding to do bad things... I don't want to listen to him!"

Gu Ye turned his face down, reached out and patted his mouth, "How can you say that, Eunuch Qian?"

"You dare to hit me?" Lu Xu was slapped on the lips by him. Although Gu Ye didn't exert any strength, Lu Xu grew so big that Emperor Zhengyuan never touched his finger, and Feng Guifei even regarded him as a baby. Even more did not dare, and immediately he ran out of the Wenhua Hall crying.