Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 105


Gu Ye was at a loss.

Gu Yin quickly explained: "Don't worry, Xiaoye, Your Highness is not swearing."

Then she repeated the words just now to Gu Ye.

Gu Ye glanced at Lu Xu incredulously, but finally did not quarrel with him.

Later, Gu Yin asked people to pack the tamales and bacon, and asked Lu Xu to take them back to the palace.

Lu Xu really likes eating this vegetable rice, and finally reminded aloud: "And that white one, you forgot to put it on for me!"

Gu Yin pointed to the jar on the stove and asked, "Are you talking about lard?"

Lu Xu nodded again.

How could the palace be short of lard? Gu Yin was funny, but she still filled him a small jar as he said.

Other things are easy to put, that is, the jar of lard is made of porcelain and needs to be handled with care.

Lu Xu didn't let anyone touch the jar and held it in his hand.

Feng Yu asked Gu Ye not to send him off. He was responsible for sending Lu Xu back to the palace, and then he would go back to the Duke of Lu himself.

Lu Xu got on the carriage with the can in his arms, the carriage was about to move, he thought of something, and quickly stuck his head out of the car window, "Silver, I haven't given it yet!"

As he said that, he was about to stretch out his hand to untie the jade pendant again, and then reached out and handed it to Gu Yin, who was standing outside.

Gu Yin naturally refused to accept it, and said, "It's just a little food, nothing worth mentioning. Your Highness doesn't need to be so polite."

The carriage was still stuffed with the things he bought at the nearby stall in the morning, Lu Xu was really embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "Then I will give my brother the money next time and let him bring it to you."

Gu Yin couldn't help but cocked the corner of her mouth again, nodded and said yes.

Gu Ye didn't have the patience to take this Lu Xu in front of him, but after an afternoon, the little crying bag didn't cry, and he said "my brother" every word. more inclusive.

"When you go back, remember to reply to the emperor, and you can also bring some of these things to him."

After telling him, Gu Ye said goodbye to Feng Yu again, and watched the carriage go away.

When Lu Xu returned to the palace, his wet nurse and palace maid were all guarding the palace gate.

At noon, Emperor Zhengyuan let a few children out of the palace without discussing it with Concubine Feng.

Feng Guifei used to be quite a face in the palace, and she was well-informed.

But just after the ceremony of Gu Ye's restoration of his identity, the palace servants headed by Qian Sansi consciously stood aside—even the palace servants who did not stand aside would not mix in the muddy water, and then took the initiative to go to Yonghe Palace to sell it.

Therefore, Concubine Feng Gui didn't wait until Lu Xu went back and asked someone to ask, only to find out that Lu Xu followed Gu Ye out of the palace.

This made Concubine Feng worry bad—although she was accompanied by her nephew Feng Yu, Feng Yu was obviously Gu Ye's person at the moment.

In front of her, Concubine Feng even laughed at Queen Zhou's age in private. If Lu Zhao, the sick seedling, was gone, Queen Zhou would no longer be able to get pregnant.

In fact, she herself is not too young. If Lu Xu makes a mistake, the consequences are unimaginable.

However, no matter how worried she was, it was useless, at most she could only let the nurse and the palace servants wait inside the palace gate.

Seeing that Lu Xu had to come back with all his tail, the nanny and the palace maid immediately surrounded him.

The nurse wiped away her tears and said, "My little highness is finally back, but I'm worried about the goddess and the slaves."

Saying that, they are going to crowd Lu Xu back to Yonghe Palace.

Lu Xu thought of Gu Ye's words, he took out the candy man from the things he brought back, and then asked the guards to hand the rest of the things to the nanny and the others, saying, "You guys help me get the things back first, and I have to go and talk to them. Father, answer."

He was going to meet Emperor Zhengyuan, and the nanny and others naturally did not dare to stop him, so he first took what he brought back from outside the palace and returned it to Concubine Feng according to what he said.

Emperor Zhengyuan was still dealing with official business. He heard that he was back and knew what to say. Emperor Zhengyuan asked Qian Sansi to let him in, and smiled kindly: "Our little Axu has really grown up, and the rules and etiquette have become more complete. ."

After Lu Xu was praised, he proudly puffed out his small chest.

But he didn't take credit, and said honestly: "Actually, my big brother taught me to do this!"

Hearing what he said, the smile on Emperor Zhengyuan's face grew even stronger, and he beckoned him to step forward, "Tell me, how are you getting along with your elder brother in the afternoon?"

Lu Xu sat beside him obediently, and started talking from the man who bought sugar for the sky, until he followed him to the village on the outskirts of the city to put paper kites and dig loaches.

"Big brother's adoptive mother's cooking is really delicious." Lu Xu licked the candy man in his hand and recounted the taste, "I ate a big bowl. He touched my belly and said that I was full, and I would have a stomach ache if I eat it again... I brought back all that vegetable rice! Then the royal father will eat it together!"

Emperor Zhengyuan nodded straight with a smile, Lu Xu was encouraged by him, the chatterbox opened, and he continued to say a lot.

When he and the guards went to put the paper kites next to him today, he also saw a pair of brothers helping the house.

The pair of brothers were not much older than Gu Ye and him, but they were skilled at work.

When the younger brother at the back saw him put the paper kite away, he wanted to let go of the work in his hand and come to play with him.

His brother saw it and came over to spank him.

The child, who was about the same age as Lu Xu, was still wearing open-crotch pants because the family didn't have time to take care of him.

His brother slapped down and made a crisp "pop" sound.

When Lu Xu heard this, he felt panicked in pain for him.

However, the younger brother was still smiling, and after arguing with his elder brother for a while, he really came over to play with Lu Xu for a while.

Lu Xu asked him, "Why does your brother beat you like this, don't your parents care?"

That kid wasn't as smart as Lu Xu. After listening to this, he reacted for a while before saying, "Brother beats younger brother, what's the point? I told my parents that they beat my brother even harder."

Lu Xu was stunned after hearing this.

"It turns out that it's normal for my elder brother to beat my younger brother. I was still crying in front of me, thinking that if the royal father didn't call me in, he didn't love me anymore." Lu Xu blushed and apologized, "Compared to that elder brother, elder brother didn't make any effort to beat me that day. ."

Although Lu Xu is arrogant, his nature is not bad, at least for now. Otherwise, before Emperor Zheng Yuan found his eldest son, he would not have been the one he loved the most.

Emperor Zhengyuan patiently explained to him, saying that the eldest brother is like a father, and it is normal for the elder brother to teach the younger brother. Of course, there must be something wrong with the younger brother, and the older brother will do that.

After the father and son chatted for a long time, Lu Xu was sleepy and it was time to go back to rest.

When leaving, Lu Xu rubbed his eyes and said, "By the way, eldest brother even asked me to share gifts for the royal father! I brought this for the royal father!"

He stretched out the other hand and held it out, but the tailless "carp" he brought with him had disappeared, and he had finished licking it when he spoke, leaving only a bare pole!

Lu Xu's face blushed, and Emperor Zheng Yuan laughed loudly, saying that he had received his favor, so go back to bed quickly, and you will have to get up early the next day and go to Wenhua Hall to study!

Only then did Lu Xu retire.

After leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Lu Xu was carried back by the nanny, and he couldn't help thinking that he had heard the words of his mother and concubine earlier, saying that Qian Sansi and the others were neutered dogs, and then the emperor was obviously unhappy. But today he listened to the elder brother's words, and the father has always been very happy. Is what the mother-in-law said is not as correct as what the elder brother said

Out of his mind, Lu Xu returned to the Yonghe Palace.

He was about to chat with Concubine Feng about what happened during the day, but when Concubine Feng asked the maid with a calm expression, "Have all those nasty things been dealt with?"

The big palace maid replied: "It's all according to what the mother said, and it was thrown into the fire. The jar of lard was not easy to burn, so the slaves directly threw it away."

Concubine Feng's expression softened a little.

What she asked to deal with was naturally what Lu Xu brought back from outside the palace.

To put it aside, Lu Xute brought it back, and Concubine Feng would not be angry about something outside the palace.

But the bad thing is that the lard porcelain jar is engraved with the mark of food for the sky, which is very conspicuous, and it is difficult for people not to notice it.

Of course, Concubine Feng looked dazzling at the things sent by the other party, so she directly handled them all.

Lu Xu heard their conversation in his ears, the smile on his little face immediately disappeared, and he struggled from the nurse's arms to the ground.

"Where's my food? Where's my lard?" Lu Xu ran in front of Feng Guifei and asked aggressively.

Feng Guifei worried about him for a whole day, and was sulking because of the food that was the sky. It was when the anger was not smooth, and she had no good face towards her own son, and immediately said: "Mother and concubine make people Throw it away, they are all cheap things, you are precious and precious, where can you touch those?"

Lu Xu looked at her in disbelief, and retorted loudly: "Mother concubine asked me to listen to my husband, and he taught me, 'Who knows that every meal on a plate is hard work'! What the concubine does is different from what she said!"

In front of all the palace servants, being so contradicted by her own son, Feng Guifei was very unable to hang on her face, slapped the table and scolded: "You don't understand the affairs of your lord!"

Lu Xu's grievances are broken. Now he finally knows why he should cherish food. Like today's tacai, he also contributed, and now that he knows it's gone, it's really uncomfortable!

He sat on the ground with his butt on his back, kicking his calves and crying loudly.

Feng Guifei couldn't understand what he was talking about, and became more and more annoyed, "When you go out for half a day, you are full of nonsense, where did you learn it?"

Lu Xu was so out of breath crying that he didn't have time to answer her words.

The mother and son were arguing, and Qian Sansi came over.

He came to preach on behalf of Emperor Zhengyuan.

Although the previous Emperor Zhengyuan annoyed Feng Guifei and left her in the cold, because Lu Xu performed well today, Emperor Zhengyuan still planned to give her some face because of Lu Xu's good performance today, and asked Qian Sansi to send some gadgets over.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xu was almost out of breath when he bumped into the mother and son and started arguing.

"Poor man, why is Your Highness sitting on the ground?" Qian Sansi hurried to help him.

A few days ago, Lu Xu listened to what Feng Guifei said, and didn't look down on eunuchs like Qian Sansi, and definitely didn't want him to help.

But tonight he had a candid chat with Emperor Zhengyuan about this matter. Emperor Zhengyuan explained to him that Qian Sansi was a hero and a good person. He couldn't say that. That's why Gu Ye patted him on the mouth, and Emperor Zhengyuan would not help. He got out.

So now Lu Xu took Qian Sansi's hand and got up, and slammed the grievance: "Mother threw my things, bullied people, and scolded me..."

Although this was said to Qian Sansi, Qian Sansi came here on behalf of Emperor Zhengyuan, which is equivalent to complaining to Emperor Zhengyuan.

In front of Qian Sansi, Concubine Feng was not good at coaxing people, so she could only say embarrassingly, "The origin of those things is unknown, this palace is just doing things according to the rules."

Qian Sansi thought that it would be false to follow the rules, and it would be true to be angry for the afternoon's affairs, but he did not show it on his face, and said with a smile: "What the mother said is true. But it is not a problem for the Third Highness to cry like this. Son, why don't the servants take the little highness back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and then pass it on to the imperial doctor to show him."

Although Feng Guifei was reluctant, she had already let Qian Sansi know that this matter could not be concealed from Emperor Zhengyuan, and she could not say that her son was not allowed to stay with his father, Emperor Zhengyuan, so she could only hold her nose and respond. .

Turning his head to the Hall of Mental Cultivation again, Lu Xu tossed for an afternoon and a night, and fell asleep before talking about how much.

Emperor Zhengyuan coaxed him to sleep amicably, then turned his head and his face sank again.

In the past, he was busy conquering the world, and after he ascended the throne, he was busy dealing with complicated affairs, and he had little intervention in the affairs of the harem.

Unexpectedly, letting go of this, a good child is about to be supported by Feng Guifei.

He chose Concubine Feng, of course, because of Concubine Feng's outstanding appearance, but the main reason was that Concubine Feng had a brother with great military achievements, and at the same time, she was not very smart.

He can tolerate a stupid concubine in the harem, but he will never allow himself to have such a stupid son.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time. Lu Xu was only three years old, and now he is still an innocent and innocent child. It is not too late to break up.

Emperor Zhengyuan asked Qian Sansi to find a drawing that had been prepared before.

That is the northeast area of Huadian, near Xiefang Hall. The place where the prince lived in the previous dynasty.

Qian Sansi immediately understood that Emperor Zhengyuan was going to move Lu Xu out of the Yonghe Palace!

He mentioned it rightly: "Although His Royal Highness King Lie has a palace outside, there must be a place to stay in the palace."

Emperor Zhengyuan thought it was true, so he waved his brush and wrote a new comment.

In early February, the fourth and fifth floors of Shiweitian are open together.

For the first show of the play, there were dozens of tickets in total. Gu Yin didn't sell them, but they were all delivered to the female guest on the third floor of Yashe along with the post.

Speaking of this drama, of course, it is because Xiaofeng's voice can only speak as usual for the time being, and he can no longer sing operas, and he will have to go out of business in the future, and his future in Liyuan is uncertain. Second, in fact, Gu Yin also has selfish intentions and wants to have some fun for herself. After all, she still can't appreciate traditional opera.

The female guests of Yashe had long heard that she was going to play a new kind of show, and they got up in private early, thinking of supporting her.

And the two tickets in the best position, Gu Yin reserved it for herself and Wang.

Of course, Mrs. Wang liked this kind of liveliness very much. She took the ticket with a smile, turned her head and called Wu Qingyi aside, handed the ticket to him, and said, "These few days are the time for the test, Aunt Xu. I'm not in the mood to come out and have fun. I just want to watch it with your Aunt Xu after Qingchuan finishes the exam."

Wu Qingyi took it immediately, "Thank you, mother."

Wang Shi squinted at him again, his eyes full of threats.

If this is not possible, she will not recognize this son!

Wu Qingyi felt guilty by her, and after returning home, a servant came and asked him to go to the street and collect some words.

The little servant has been with him for some time, and he believes that the master and servant are in the same mind.

Wu Qingyi looked at the books he bought back, such as "Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness" and "Cui Ning Beheaded by Mistake", and he didn't speak for a long time.

He was always serious and unsmiling in front of others, but the servant didn't notice that his expression was wrong, and he wiped his sweat and said, "The general doesn't know, these bookstores now sell books of love and love. The little one ran away. There are so many places, that's why I collected so much."

Wu Qingyi had told Gu Yin earlier that he wanted to decentralize, and that was really delegating power. The commander of the Imperial Army and the guards of the capital, both of which are delicious, and both were handed over to him by Emperor Zhengyuan himself.

Emperor Zhengyuan likes pure and straight people, so he will be pure to the end. Therefore, Wu Qingyi did not make up his own mind, but directly reported his own ideas to Emperor Zheng Yuan.

Sure enough, although Emperor Zhengyuan said that he thought too much and did a good job, why should he give it to others, but he still agreed to his request, took back the management of the forbidden army, and took it into his own hands.

Nowadays, Wu Qingyi only needs to go to the military camp in the suburbs of Beijing from time to time to respond, order soldiers, and practice. The rest of the time can be freely used, and he is more leisurely than before.

The little servant didn't know what to do, and he thought he was too busy and panicked, and there was a gap in his heart, so he collected so many passionate words to relieve his boredom.

In the end, Wu Qingyi didn't say anything to him, just waved him down.

Later, he went out of the house alone, like a thief, he found a bookstore far away from home, and bought it again.

On the day of the play's premiere, Gu Yin went to eat food early in the morning.

Not long after she left, Mrs. Wen, Mrs. Wen Er and Mrs. Lu all arrived one after another.

Because Gu Yin told them that watching a drama is the same entertainment as watching a drama, the female guests not only came by themselves, but also brought their family with them.

So these tickets are naturally not enough, but fortunately there is another game in the afternoon, and others can also get tickets.

A group of female guests now come to eat for the day as if they are going home.

They arrived half an hour earlier than the opening time, and came here to eat the morning food. They entered the restaurant, met acquaintances, greeted each other, and went to the massage department in the elegant house or the backyard.

The remaining Master Wen and others were invited by Gu Yin to the waiting area on the fourth floor.

A group of male guests were led upstairs by shopkeeper Zhou. When they passed the third floor, they would deliberately slow down their pace. They just wanted to see how amazing this Light Food Ya She was. Soulless!

It's a pity that there is a huge screen on the third floor, which is about the size of a screen wall in a normal house, and only places for people to enter at the two ends.

And there was a bead curtain on the place where only one person could pass, and there was a maid blocking it, they couldn't see it at all, they could only hear the sound of the piano and the chattering and talking faintly inside!

On the fourth floor, next to the stairs is the large bar for ticket sales and ticket checking.

Going further inside, it is a window-style place that sells a variety of completely different food.

Of course, the most empty space is the wooden tables and chairs for guests to rest.

Mr. Wen and others were attracted by the food sold at the window, and they went over to see it.

I saw that some windows sell all kinds of dessert drinks, some windows sell grilled gluten, grilled corn and other grilled items, and some windows sell fried foods, fried chicken nuggets and all kinds of fried skewers... All kinds of snacks are available.

Shopkeeper Zhou also explained: "Don't worry, all the guests, we also have a compartment and a flue in this small window, and the smoke and dust are exhausted outside, and it will definitely not bother you."

As for the few empty windows, the shopkeeper Zhou said that they were the special windows prepared by Gu Yin, and that he would invite cooks from other places to come over and make hometown-specific things here.

These snacks don't take much of the belly, but they're great to eat when you're killing time.

And these things are semi-finished products, so you don't need the chef's superb cooking skills. As long as you have dabbled in cooking skills and have specialized training for a period of time, you can do them quickly and well. There is no need to wait for ordering like on the first and second floors.

Mr. Wen and others came to cheer along with his wife, so naturally they gave generously and bought a lot of snacks according to their own tastes.

Only the iron rooster, Mr. Wen Er, walked around for a while without even opening the purse.

Just kidding, his wife came to Yashe every three or five times, and spent a dozen taels of silver on one trip. If he wants to, he doesn't know how to be frugal, and the gold and silver mountains are not enough to spend!

He sat down beside Mr. Wen with empty hands, smelling the fragrance of the fried chicken, he swallowed.

Mr. Wen was embarrassed to be seen by him, especially there were many outsiders on the spot, and those who didn’t know would treat Mr. Wen’s second master as harshly as their Wen family!

Speaking of conscience, Mr. Wen Er is really not like this. Now he is working in the Ministry of Households. Although his grade is not high, he is really a big fat shortage. Not to mention his original salary, and the thousands of taels of silver that Emperor Zhengyuan gave him after he ordered to collect debts.

It can be said that Mr. Wen Er's current net worth is much richer than that of Mr. Wen's elder brother.

In front of outsiders, Mr. Wen is not easy to persuade him, and in terms of money, even if he persuades, Mr. Wen Er won't listen, so Mr. Wen can only push the plate with snacks in front of him.

"Brother, why are you so polite." Master Wen Er happily rubbed his hands together, took a bunch of fried chicken and ate it.

This chicken nugget is made by Gu Yin according to the appearance of later generations of chicken popcorn. The skin is golden and crispy, but the inside is tender and juicy. You can also mix it with tomato sauce or sweet and spicy sauce according to your own taste.

Master Wen Er sighed while eating, "Miss Gu's craftsmanship is really worthless!"

Three to five and two to two, Master Wen Er swept away the snacks that Master Wen Da bought.

Master Wen was too lazy to say anything about him.

Later, when it was time for the drama to start, the female guests all came up, and everyone went to the fifth floor together.

In the middle of the fifth floor is a semi-circular stage several feet higher than the rest, with a thick curtain drawn.

And at the bottom of the stage, it is naturally the seat of the crowd.

The seats are the same sofa chairs as those on the third floor, but instead of the light tone, they were replaced with a more stain-resistant brown. Each chair is loosely arranged, and next to each sofa is a small table just big enough for some tea and fruit bowls.

There are numbers written on the sofas and chairs, which correspond to the tickets in the hands of everyone.

After everyone sat down, a field worker came over with a screen.

The screen is smaller than the average one, and the bottom is equipped with wooden rollers, which is very convenient to move.

According to the relationship between the people, the field workers took down a few small tables and inserted the screen.

This can be regarded as a small private space, without worrying about being spied on.

Gu Yin also came over on her hind feet. She found her seat and sat down, patted her hands twice, and the field worker lowered the double-layered curtains. Immediately, the room was several times darker than the outside.

The curtain slowly opened, and the first unprecedented drama of the Daxi Dynasty officially started.

At this moment, a tall figure sat beside Gu Yin.

"Sorry, I'm late." Wu Qingyi's deep and rich voice sounded in Gu Yin's ear.