Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 106


Gu Yin didn't expect Wu Qingyi to come, but after thinking about it, she also understood that it was arranged by Wang.

Wu Qingyi sat down beside her, her tall figure sank into the sofa chair, her two long legs tucked together, and she looked as cute as a big dog.

"Mother is too." Gu Yin lowered her voice and said with a smile: "If I want you to come, I'll just share another ticket for you, why should I give you my own."

Wu Qingyi smiled and said nothing. Tickets for the first show are rare, if they are added later, wouldn't he be unable to stay with Gu Yin

On the stage at this time, after the curtain was fully drawn, in the scene of a dilapidated thatched cottage, the evil mother-in-law's vicious voice came from the house, and she scolded her daughter-in-law to wash her clothes by the stream.

Chu Manrong, dressed in a jingchai cloth skirt, came on stage with a large wooden basin.

She timidly spoke back to the house, saying that the weather outside was freezing, and she asked her mother-in-law if she could use domestic hot water.

The mother-in-law in the house became louder and louder, saying that there was no firewood at home, and there was only one man, her son, who was studying hard. Could it be that it is not possible to let him do this rough work in such a cold weather

Chu Manrong bit his lip, although he was aggrieved, he did not dare to argue, and was finally driven out by the evil mother-in-law.

When she stepped out of the false door frame, a strong wind blew from the other side of the stage, causing her to flinch.

But no matter how cold the weather was, she could only walk to the stream with her arms folded.

No matter how good Gu Yin is, of course, it is impossible to create a stream on the stage.

So that creek is a water-blue cloth extending from the background.

The field workers in the background were shaking the aqua blue cloth regularly, looking like a flowing stream.

At this time, traditional dramas did not pay much attention to stage effects, and the scenery was usually a set of tables and chairs, and a piece of plain cloth. The rest is entirely up to the spectator's imagination.

Although the setting of this drama is incomparable with modern ones, it is unconventional and exquisite compared to traditional operas.

Chu Manrong squatted on the edge of the "stream", the wind was getting stronger and stronger, she couldn't open her eyes, but she was still encouraging herself, saying that her husband's scientific examination was the most important thing, since she chose to marry him, now It's nothing to suffer.

She was already slender, and a small one crouched there, talking to herself while the sound of the erhu sounded, how pitiful, the image of a hard-working little daughter-in-law was instantly formed.

Wu Qingyi accompanied Gu Yin to watch the rehearsal. Although both visits were because of the drunkard's intention and not drinking, he was also quickly attracted by the novel things on the stage.

"This wind is..." Afraid of disturbing others, Wu Qingyi leaned into Gu Yin's ear and asked in a low voice like a mosquito.

Gu Yin's ears were itchy, but she still said, "I asked someone to make a few large pieces of cardboard and fan them on the field in the waiting area next to the curtain."

Wu Qingyi followed her gaze, and sure enough, although the curtain on one side of the stage did not fly around, it was bulging.

During the speech, I only heard a few compliments, and suddenly thunder broke out!

Everyone in the room was whispering all of a sudden, discussing how the sky suddenly changed.

It was only when I found that the wind on the stage was getting stronger and stronger that I realized that this was also a stage effect!

Wu Qingyi was about to open his mouth again, and Gu Yin covered his ear facing him, "Don't ask, it's a metal plate made by me, and it's a Foley sound made by shaking."

Wu Qingyi looked at her more and more funny, after all, her mind was not on the drama, but only looked at Gu Yin.

Gu Yin just didn't realize it, picked up the snack on the small table in the middle and ate it.

There are two kinds of snacks on the small table, one is rice cake and the other is rock sugar hawthorn.

The two kinds of snacks are very convenient. The rice cake is fried in oil for a few seconds, and then fried into golden yellow rice pops. Then the sugar is placed in the pan and boiled into syrup. Press down and cut into cubes.

The rock sugar hawthorn is the same as the rock sugar hawthorn. The fresh hawthorn is wrapped in sesame syrup. Although it is simple, it is better to be a tooth-grinding snack.

Gu Yin kept her eyes on the stage, picked up all the sugar hawthorns and ate them.

Because of the location close to the stage, her fair face was lit by the bright lights around the stage, as if covered with a layer of veil, hazy.

This is of course the lighting effect that Gu Yin came up with after many experiments, in order to set off the beauty of the heroine.

But I didn't expect such a light, and it made her look even more beautiful.

The so-called look at a beauty under a lamp has no charm. Wu Qingyi looked at her with determination, and couldn't help but lose her mind—

The bright red hawthorn fruit was pinched at her fingertips by her fair and slender fingers, and the small mouth, which had been smeared, opened slightly, put the hawthorn in her lips, and then made a soft crunchy sound, biting off a small piece. .

Wu Qingyi's throat tightened, and his Adam's apple rolled twice involuntarily.

Gu Yin turned her face to see it, then leaned over and pushed the two plates on the small table in front of him, "Did you come here without eating? Eat this pad first. I just don't know if it fits. Your tastes are all sweets."

Before he could finish speaking, Wu Qingyi had already pulled her hand, took her hand, and put half of the fruit in her hand into his mouth.

"It's very sweet." He meant it.

Although they only touched for a short moment, Gu Yin felt as if his tongue had been swept across it, and her cheeks blushed suddenly, "There's still so much on the table, why are you robbing me?"

Wu Qingyi still smiled, "It's still the sweetness in your hand."

Then he bit off the sugar coating on the outside and ate the hawthorn fruit inside. He was so sour that he couldn't help laughing, and his whole face was wrinkled.

Gu Yin didn't care about the embarrassment anymore, and held back a smile and said, "I just can't eat sour like you, so I eat slowly."

As he spoke, he handed the tea cup to him.

Wu Qingyi frowned and didn't answer, and raised his chin in a gesture.

Gu Yin glared at him softly again, lifted the tea lid and brought it to his lips, feeding him several sips of hot tea.

After finally synthesizing the sour taste in his mouth, Wu Qingyi's brows relaxed.

At this time, the news that the stage had been performed in Scholar High School came back, and the daughter-in-law was kicked out of the house to seek a living outside. There was thunder and strong wind, and a heavy snow fell from the sky.

Chu Manrong was still wearing thin clothes, trembling lips and hugging his arms, accompanied by a mournful erhu sound, staggering on the road, it was really sad for those who saw it, and tears for those who heard it.

This time, without waiting for Wu Qingyi to ask a question, Gu Yin explained: "It was a piece of paper. It was placed in a frame on the top. When the fieldworker pulled it, the frame fell down, and it was 'snowing'."

Wu Qingyi smiled and said, "Shouldn't the thunder be raining? Why is it snowing?"

"It's called 'Thunder and Snow'. Snowfall is accompanied by thunder. Although it's rare, it's a natural phenomenon." Gu Yin blinked slyly.

Who didn't know that the next downpour would be better at this time

But there is no high-pressure water gun right now, so it can't create the effect of heavy rain. And even if you replace it with other methods, doing this effect indoors will wet the entire stage and all the props, and it is not easy to clean up!

The curtain fell on the stage at the back, and the spectators were dazzled by the sight in front of them, and hurriedly took advantage of this gap to go to the toilet.

When they came back, they found that the scene on the stage had been changed, and Chu Manrong had arrived at Shiweitian to work and began to perform.

Her skill in this hand is really nothing to say, and after changing into the maid's work clothes, her appearance and figure are fully displayed, which is really unbearable to look at.

Except for Wu Qingyi, he didn't look at the stage very much, but still looked at Gu Yin.

Gu Yin was embarrassed by what he saw, and complained in a low voice, "Otherwise I'll play the leading role next time! I'll let you see enough."

Wu Qingyi first nodded amusedly, then turned his head and said back: "That's still not possible, I'll just look at you alone. If others look at you, I'm not happy."

Gu Yin blushed and raised her hand to hit him, but Wu Qingyi immediately squeezed her hand and said with a smile, "How can you be so good at Xue Niang raising her hand and hitting someone? Let others see you, maybe what will they think of you."

"What do you miss me? I'm a tigress, what's the matter."

Gu Yin muttered softly and tried to withdraw her hand, but her little strength couldn't compare to Wu Qingyi's.

Although there were screens on both sides, there were still people sitting behind, so Gu Yin didn't dare to make a big fight, so she could only obediently let him lead.

Wu Qingyi's big palm gently kneaded hers, thinking of the first time he held her hand to comfort her before he acted beside the Emperor Abolition.

At that time, he didn't know that the cook in disguise was his first wife, so he was careful not to go overboard, aware of the calluses in her palm, and only pity her life is not easy in his heart.

Now that they are going around, they are holding each other's hands. Although they are only a couple in name, they don't need to be as careful as before.

The back of Gu Yin's hand was still as soft as before, and the calluses on her palm became much softer because Gu Yin didn't have to work hard during this time.

His rough fingertips roamed back and forth in Gu Yin's palm, and the intimacy and full of love and pity made Gu Yin's palm tremble.

The numbness spread like ripples layer by layer, and she quickly grabbed his fingers that were messing around, and gently squeezed them back with a warning.

Wu Qingyi glanced at her blushing cheeks, and didn't move anymore, just clenched her entire palm tightly.

Until the whole drama was over, all the actors and field workers came to the stage to bow and thank, Gu Yincai withdrew her hand.

Gu Yin's hands were kneaded with a thin layer of sweat by him. Seeing that everyone else got up, she wiped her hands with a veil and asked everyone if they had any suggestions.

Mrs. Wen smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, I didn't go to the theater much before, and I thought the theater was noisy, just because of the book..."

She paused as she spoke, and gave Gu Yin a "you know" look.

Gu Yin immediately understood that the first two playbooks were written by Master Wen. Although they did not sign, others did not know who the authors were. But Mr. Wen and Mrs. Wen are deeply in love, and Mrs. Wen has a close mouth, so naturally he didn't hide it from her.

Mrs. Wen watched the play in front of her, purely to support her husband.

Mrs. Wen went on to say, "Although I came to watch the drama this time to join in. But I really watched it later."

Mrs. Wen Er also came over and praised: "Yeah, I'm an old drama fan, but from time to time, the stage was messed up from time to time, and people always interrupted the fun when I saw the exciting part. This is really good, As soon as the curtain falls, the scene changes, and there is still time to go to the toilet."

What Mrs. Wen Er said by "messy" means that although the stage sets of traditional operas are simple, they also need to be replaced. The field workers moved the table, changed the scenery, and even brought tea and water, all without avoiding the audience, and there were other actors on the other side who continued to perform. The scene often appears a little chaotic.

Such as Mrs. Wen Er, who is not focused enough, often watching and watching the people behind her busy work, and then misses the scene that is being performed.

Later, Mrs. Lu and others followed suit, boasting from various characters to the set, wishing they could boast a flower for Gu Yin.

Seeing that they all accepted it well, Gu Yin asked tentatively, "Then if I rehearse something else, the kind of story about ghosts and scholars, would the ladies like to watch it?"

This "Kindness" is a small test of the water, because the play sold well before, even if the audience didn't know what the drama was for a while, they would come to see it for the sake of selling the book.

But doing anything else will naturally not have this effect.

And this kind of drama must involve techniques, and a lot of thought must be spent on the set props.

Mrs. Wen and the others were even more excited than Gu Yin thought, and Mrs. Lu immediately said, "That's naturally the best, but I like to watch fairies and scholars!"

When the other female guests heard it, they all covered their mouths and laughed. Mrs. Lu was not annoyed, she just said with a smile, "What? You don't like to watch those?"

Nowadays, there are few pastimes for the common people, and even less for women. The most mainstream one is listening to the play, and the other is reading the lingering and emotional stories in the book.

The other female guests smiled and nodded honestly.

Later, Gu Yin asked everyone to go back and write down what they wanted to read the most, or what they liked the most.

In this way, when a new play is scheduled later, Gu Yin directly invites someone to write it according to everyone's preferences, or buys the authorization of the book.

Everyone chatted for a while, and it was noon.

The husbands of the female guests had been waiting impatiently for a long time, and after lunch, the afternoon session had to be played again, and the morning session ended like this.

Gu Yin sent everyone out, and before she reached the door, she heard a female guest in front exclaim, "Why are there so many flowers?"

Gu Yin walked out quickly and saw that the food was under the porch of Tianmen.

Although it is early spring, winter has just passed, and the flowers and plants have just revealed their buds, and it is not yet blooming time.

That's why the female guest was so surprised.

"Miss Gu is really good!" The guests naturally attributed this to Gu Yin.

However, Gu Yin knew that these were not arranged by herself, so she turned to look at the shopkeeper Zhou and asked.

Shopkeeper Zhou squeezed his eyes at her, and then pouted at Wu Qingyi.

Only then did Gu Yin know that these flowers were all brought by him. It's no wonder that he will come late, thinking that he is going to bother to collect these.

Their brow and eye lawsuit did not hide the sperm of someone like Mrs. Lu. If Mrs. Lu whispered a few words to the handkerchiefs next to her, everyone would agree.

"Ms. Gu is not only good, but also lucky! It's just that the person who sent flowers is too real, why did she even bring a flower pot?" Mrs. Lu said, and everyone laughed awkwardly.

Mrs. Lu is right. The flowers at Shiweitian's gate are not in the form of baskets or bouquets. They are all in pots with roots and soil attached.

Gu Yin's ears were hot, shy and funny.

Wu Qingyi blushed after being told, but his complexion was dark, and he couldn't tell if he didn't get close.

In the end, Gu Yin handed over and begged for mercy, finally letting Mrs. Lu and others stop teasing her.

After Gu Yin took them to the carriage, Mrs. Lu stayed for the last time and asked, "The weather is really nice recently. I'm going to hold a polo party in five days. I wonder if you have time to come and play with us?"

Without waiting for Gu Yin to speak, Madam Lu continued, "But you don't know how to play polo?"

Gu Yin nodded and said yes, "I'm not afraid of my wife's jokes, I not only can't play polo, but I can't ride a horse."

Mrs. Lu said what's the point, and then looked at Wu Qingyi and said: "Isn't it possible to learn a lesson, your horse is so good at horseback, and can be taught by thousands of troops, can't I teach you? "

Gu Yin gave her a blushing look and turned to look at Wu Qingyi.

Wu Qingyi smiled and nodded with her.

Gu Yin agreed, "That's good, then it will be entirely up to the lady to entertain."

After seeing off a group of guests, Wu Qingyi walked up to Gu Yin, touched her nose and said apologetically, "I'll know next time."

Gu Yin didn't react yet, and asked him what he knew

"I know that you can't bring root soil and flower pots to send flowers!" Wu Qingyi's servant hurriedly replied, thinking about helping him to take credit, and then said: "Madam I don't know, these are all collected by the general, and some are from flower farmers. I bought it there, some from my colleagues’ homes, and some from outside the city… Because it’s early spring, so many flowers haven’t bloomed yet, so it’s not easy!”

Wu Qingyi glanced at him, and the little servant stopped talking.

Gu Yin laughed, looked at Wu Qingyi and shook her head: "The flowers that have gone to the root soil will wither in a few days. It's better than this. It can be placed for a long time, and it can also become a landscape and add color to the restaurant."

Wu Qing's embarrassment faded, and he replied softly, "Just if you like it."

The two of them didn't say anything, one tall and one short stood half a foot apart, you looked at me, I looked at you, and the little boy got goosebumps all over his body.

Later, Gu Yinliu and Wu Qingyi had lunch in the restaurant. She was going to entertain the spectators of the afternoon session, while Wu Qingyi was going to the military camp outside the city.

Barracks drills are mechanical repetitive movements, boring and tedious.

Today's Wu Qingyi is full of interest. After entering the barracks, he changed into his regular clothes, put on his armor, and began to practice the equestrian skills of the soldiers.

In addition to the cavalry, those who can ride horses when marching and fighting are those with positions, and ordinary soldiers do not need to practice equestrianism.

It has been more than a year since the founding of the new dynasty. Although these people have not lost their skills, but now that the world is peaceful and they have official positions, they are much more lazy than before.

Wu Qingyi pressed them to practice, and no one dared to disobey, so they could only bite the bullet and follow.

From noon to dusk, the day's training finally ended, and the soldiers were crying in their hearts.

However, this is not the end, the second day, the third day, the fourth day... all the same.

During the break, the soldiers gathered together for a small meeting to discuss why the general suddenly acted like this.

But after discussing and discussing, everyone was still confused, and someone came to the conclusion: "It must be that we have been too lazy recently. , come remind us!"

"The general is really observant. I'm not afraid of your brothers' jokes. I used to be a good horseman. I didn't expect that after a year of rest, riding too much horses in the past two days would break my legs. I really can't help the general's ardent expectations!"

Everyone blamed themselves, no longer dared to complain, and became more energetic, just like when they first entered the military camp, they practiced diligently.

On the sixth day, everyone was accustomed to such high-intensity drills, and was about to perform well in front of Wu Qingyi, but suddenly heard that he was on leave today.

Early in the morning, Gu Yin got up and put on the riding clothes made by the embroidered mother in the house.

The riding suit is tighter and narrower than ordinary dresses, which can better outline her bumpy figure.

When Gu Ye woke up in the morning, he kept praising how beautiful he was, and then pouted and said unhappily: "My dark horses have only been ridden at home, and I haven't been outside! It's a pity that I have class today, otherwise I must go with my mother."

Gu Yin comforted him and said, "It's still early for the end of spring. Mother will go take a look this time. Next time, I'll wait for you to rest before taking you and Wu An out for an outing."

Only then did Gu Ye feel happy. After washing up, he did not rush to set out from the next door to Prince Lie's mansion, but went to Wu Qingyi's study in the front yard.

Wu Qingyi also put on a brand new outfit, which was also made by the embroidered mother in the house.

Gu Ye couldn't help but said sourly when he saw it: "Uncle and mother's riding uniforms have different colors, but the patterns are the same!"

Wu Qingyi pursed her lips in a funny way, and said, "I heard that Xiu Niang in the house is still making two small riding suits these days, which are the same as ours. I don't know who it is for?"

Gu Ye couldn't help but laugh.

He knew that his mother never fooled him because he was young, and he really wanted to take him and Wu An out to play in the future!

"Then I'll leave my mother to you." Gu Ye stopped smiling and looked at him seriously.

Wu Qingyi also nodded solemnly, "Don't worry. I will protect her and take good care of her."

Although Gu Ye was not yet seven years old, there was no need to say anything more at this time, the two of them had a kind of tacit understanding between men.

It was not too early, and Gu Ye set off to enter the palace.

Wu Qingyi packed up and left the study.

The little servant wanted to go out with him. He was also born in poverty. When he first went back to the polo meeting, he couldn't help asking, "General, is it dangerous to play polo? Do you need to bring more staff? "

Wu Qingyi was at a loss when he asked, "Polo is riding a horse and hitting the ball with a cue stick. Although it will be divided into two teams, they are both like-minded, so it's not dangerous. What do you do with so many people?"

The little servant scratched his head and didn't understand: "Why is the young master so solemn?"

Wu Qingyi smiled but said nothing.

Where is Gu Ye talking about today's polo club

This little brat finally recognized him!