Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 109


Mrs. Lu took her daughter-in-law and daughter, and Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi left the British government in one step.

When it was determined that she had left the boundary of the British government, Madam Lu lowered the curtain of the car and finally let out a long breath.

Madam Lu, who had been dignified for a long time, was also loosening up, leaning her back against the throw pillow and muttering: "The mansion is so grand, the mother personally led us there, accompanied by smiling faces and made various excuses, but only allowed us to sit. In less than two quarters of an hour, he still refuses to accept our gift, for fear that he just doesn't like our family."

Mrs. Lu said: "My sister said that, the general and the general's wife are not that kind of people. They should have something to do. As for those gifts, it should not be disliked, but the general's wife does not accept heavy gifts. "

The things that the Lu family sent in the past were very valuable, but Gu Yin didn't point to this to make a fortune, and accepted the rumors that she didn't know what to do, so she said that she didn't accept heavy gifts and returned them all.

Madam Lu crossed her arms and sarcastically said: "Sister-in-law knows people well. Speaking of which, it's all thanks to my sister-in-law for spending so much money today!"

Mrs. Lu has words of suffering.

Gu Yin and their female guests in Yashe all had similar interests, first got to know each other and met each other, and only later did they know each other's identities.

Gu Yin really has an approachable temperament. She has never played with them. Playing with a group of people until now, she has never had a red face or a conflict.

Mrs. Lu asked her to hold the polo meeting. She told her that she could entertain some friends, which seemed lively.

Mrs. Lu said she couldn't go ahead, so Mrs. Lu invited all her friends over.

On the day of the polo meeting, she and Gu Yin explained that Miss Lu was going there on a whim. In fact, Miss Lu didn't even know about her sister-in-law, so she went with someone on her own that day.

Mrs. Lu really has no face, but it's not good to speak ill of my sister-in-law in front of people.

Who would have thought that she would provoke Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi so well

In the end, it was her fault.

Mrs. Lu couldn't explain, she could only smile bitterly.

Behind Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Lu gave her a look, stopped her, and said, "I can't blame your sister-in-law. It was you who made me arrogant and offended others."

Mrs. Lu left early, and Mrs. Lu was a young widow. She brought up a few children and kept the Lu family's fortune.

She has a very high status in the Lu family, and she speaks the truth.

Miss Lu is a posthumous child. Although she is the most doted on, but after hearing her mother's words, she didn't dare to stab Mrs. Lu again.

After returning to Lu's house, Mrs. Lu asked Mrs. Lu to go back to the house for resettlement. Instead of waiting on her, she only brought Mrs. Lu to her house.

After rejecting all the servants, Miss Lu leaned on Madam Lu's arms and acted like a spoiled child, "Mother doesn't love me anymore."

The arrogant and arrogant lady Lu was lying in her mother's arms, like a well-behaved cat.

Mrs. Lu touched her hair lovingly, "How old are you, and you still say such childish words. Naturally, I love Yuan Qi the most."

Lu Yuanqi pouted and said, "Why didn't the mother let me talk about my sister-in-law? It was the sister-in-law's fault. I invited a guest of that status without telling me in advance. The daughter who was hurt didn't ask for anything to say. I still have to come to the door to apologize... I want my daughter to tell me that maybe my sister-in-law did this on purpose to make her look ugly in front of people."

"She doesn't have such a scheming." Mrs. Lu slowly turned the string of bodhi seeds in her hand, "although your sister-in-law came from a distant marriage, I have already inquired about the situation at her parents' house. Ding is more than ours. The family is still simple, and a daughter raised in such an environment has no such scheming. Besides, she has been married to our family for a long time. If she really harbors evil intentions, she should have revealed her fault. Take a step back and say that she designed your little sister-in-law to be ugly. , what can she do as a sister-in-law?"

Lu Yuanqi was still not happy, and Mrs. Lu continued: "But I did underestimate her before, I didn't expect her to know such a person quietly. You have to respect your sister-in-law in the future. "

Lu Yuanqi said angrily, "I don't know which way my sister-in-law went."

Turning her head, she pulled Old Madam Lu's hand and shook it again, "Mother, many people in the new dynasty have changed their families, and the British government used to be just a country man. The wealthy family that has accumulated over the generations will be subservient to such a family.”

If this was in the past, the young Lu Yuanqi would never have imagined this.

But today, she went to the majestic and majestic British mansion together, and only then did she know that the noble family was such a splendid family.

Of course, the Lu family could actually afford such a house, but the status of businessmen nowadays is not low, but many regulated things are not available to businessmen.

When they were at the polo field, Lu Yuanqi was still laughing at Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi who were dressed in ordinary clothes.

Only now did I realize that she was the one with the low status.

After more than ten years of smooth sailing, how can Lu Yuanqi accept this mental gap? That's why she blamed her sister-in-law for all the grievances.

Mrs. Lu didn't say a word, she pondered.

He is pregnant with two sons and a daughter. The older one has been married for several years and has not yet spread. Over the years, she has stuffed a lot of concubines into her eldest son. Those women are also unhappy. Although she doesn't want to admit it, Madam Lu knows that the problem is mostly the eldest son.

Then there is the younger son who is one year older than Lu Yuanqi. He is indeterminate. He told him several good marriages.

There are also some prostitutes and prostitutes in the mansion, and it is quite normal to ask for a living in her hands these years, but there are also a few dishonest people who are planning to take the imperial examination.

If the concubine really wants to endure it, she and her children will have to make a living under the concubine in the future.

Although the daughter is arrogant, she speaks well. The new dynasty has a new atmosphere, and it is not enough to be content with being a wealthy businessman, and to find a way to climb up.

As for how to climb up, Mrs. Lu looked at her daughter's delicate face, and asked with a smile, "Our Yuanqi has grown up, and it will be your seventeenth birthday in a few months, so the marriage should be the same. It looks."

Lu Yuanqi lowered her eyes shyly, she was not stupid, and she knew that her mother had listened to her words and wanted to find a good marriage for her!

Later that day, Mrs. Lu invited the famous Iceman from the capital.

The ice man knew that the Lu family was rich and noble, and if it was said to be a marriage, it would have to get a red seal of hundreds of taels, so he was very attentive, and when he entered the room, he smiled and said, "Your young lady is shy, knowledgeable and reasonable, I don't know. How many young talents are eagerly waiting for the young lady to say kiss. If this news is not released, people who come back to propose marriage are afraid that they will step down the threshold of your family by three points. "

Mrs. Lu first asked someone to seal a small red seal and hand it over, and directly put forward her own request.

The ice man smacked his tongue when he heard it!

The Lu family actually wanted to give the girl of the Lu family to a high-profile family, and it had to be a civil servant's family with a second-rank or higher official in the court, or a noble family who entered the stream!

The red seal in his hand suddenly became extremely hot, and the ice man was speechless for a long time.

Of course, Mrs. Lu knew that her request was a bit difficult. How could those people usually marry a businesswoman as their principal

So Mrs. Lu continued: "The little girl is the jewel in my hand, and the dowry will naturally be generous. When a girl in our house gets married, the public will give Wanliang a dowry."

Iceman's eyes lit up when he heard this, and Mrs. Lu continued to say, "Of course this is a public servant. As the little girl is the only direct daughter of the Lu family, I will make some additional allowances... As for what kind of allowances, of course. It also depends on the other party's conditions. After all, it will not be thinner than the public's share. There are other things, you must understand. "

Mrs. Lu meant that when Lu Yuanqi got married, she had at least 20,000 taels of cash as her dowry.

As for the "others" in her mouth, it is that people like them marry their daughters, and it is only one aspect of pressing the bottom of the box for cash, and the other is the property of buying fields and shops. Those are the chickens that lay golden eggs and can guarantee the future. Eat and drink for the rest of your life!

The Chu family, the direct daughter of a high-stakes family in Beijing, only had a dowry of 18,000 taels. The dowry that Mrs. Lu prepared for her daughter was definitely one of the best in Beijing.

The dignitaries from the high family looked bright, and there were not a few people who had a confused account. With this generous dowry as capital, the Lu family wanted to marry their daughter, from impossible to possible.

The ice man nodded with a smile, while he shoved the red seal into his arms, he should be on this errand!

Before noon, Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi finally found the pepper field on the deed.

The field was not in the village, but in the mountains.

Thanks to Wu Qingyi's many years of marching and fighting, and his ability to identify the way and find the way is superb, if Gu Yin came here alone, I don't know how many wrong ways to go.

The Liu family is considered to be a cheerful person, and people have already spoken about it on the day the chili field was sent out.

So after Gu Yinxun found there, she took out the deed. The manager was very polite, without any reluctance, and immediately took them to see the fields.

Not long after the peppers were sown, Gu Yin probably saw that the growth was gratifying, but she didn't know much about this, so she didn't say much.

The ownership of the fields was confirmed quickly, and the rest were farmers who tended the fields.

If these farmers are tenants, then Gu Yin wants to keep them, but if they are the servants of the Liu family, then they themselves have no right to decide to stay.

Gu Yin politely invited the steward aside, and was about to ask aloud when suddenly a disgraced middle-aged man ran out.

Described as embarrassed, he shouted frantically, "The justice of the heavens, the justice of the heavens!"

Then he just sat on the ridge and started crying!

It was as if he had suffered a great grievance, a great grievance.

Wu Qing immediately took a step forward and blocked Gu Yin from behind.

The steward looked calm, turned his head to have someone come to pull the crying man away, bowed his hands in apology, and explained, "The fields in the mountains were reclaimed when the old man was alive, and the people in charge are the servants of the family. This Mr. Yang was hired by the old man from outside. This Mr. Yang is a 'peasant idiot', which made you two laugh."

When the steward was talking, several farmers came to fight Mr. Yang, but in the end, Mr. Yang was hired, not a servant of the Liu family, so they didn't dare to use force, and they really hurt people.

Mr. Yang got up with their hands, but didn't go down. Instead, he staggered forward and said: "I read through the book of "Fanshengzhi" and "Qimin Yaoshu", and I was addicted to this way for half my life... The people take food as their heaven, Food is based on agriculture, I'm a 'farmer'

The manager's headache became more and more painful, but Gu Yin's eyes lit up and pushed Wu Qingyi lightly.

Wu Qingyi stepped away from her, and Gu Yin stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Yang, don't worry, you have something to say. You just said 'injustice', what happened?"

Seeing that she had a good attitude, Mr. Yang muttered, "Mr. Liu told me well when he was alive, which means that after the pepper planting is successful, he will find other novelties for me to plant. It's only a few years old, and the old man is dying. , people like the Liu family don't recognize what he said, and they sent my chili fields out easily... People take tea to cool, people take tea to cool!"

The steward interjected with a stern face: "Mr. Yang is careful! The Liu family has a clean and honest family, and the children and grandchildren are filial. How could the old man turn his face and not recognize him as soon as he left? Can you show the proof of the paper signed with the old man?"

Mr. Yang said with a sullen face: "The old man has been in the shopping mall for many years, and he is a man of promises. I believe him, and naturally he has no written evidence."

The steward asked again: "Then the old man invited the gentleman to take care of these fields, but he said that after the crops are planted, he will give these fields to you?"

"That...that's not it either."

The steward rolled up his sleeves and said, "Isn't that the case? Mr. Yang is just here to work for the Liu family. The Liu family has never treated you badly over the years. The monthly wages are paid on time. Since the land belongs to the Liu family, it belongs to the Liu family. People have the final say. Right now, the land has changed hands, and the family has paid a fortune to the husband. With the money, it is not difficult for the husband to do some small business or find another errand. Are you twisting around here?"

This is not the first time the steward has said this, but Mr. Yang seems to be incomprehensible, saying that Mrs. Liu didn't say this when he was alive, but he can't come up with any evidence.

Anyway, they just don't want the Liu family to give away the chili fields!

"If I want money, what can I do? Why do I want to help you grow these peppers?" Mr. Yang sat down again and babbled: "The previous people came to invite me to grow flowers, which will bloom in a month. I didn't even go to pay ten taels of money..."

Seeing that he has to break it up again, maybe he will go to the government. People like the Liu family are naturally not afraid of things, but they are afraid that Mr. Yang's open mouth will ruin the reputation of the Liu family.

The steward had a headache, but he heard Gu Yin say, "Mr. Yang, can you listen to me?"

Mr. Yang stopped his mouth and said suspiciously: "I just thought that you were ignorant. You should not be from the Liu family."

Gu Yin explained that she was the new owner of these pepper fields.

"Okay, it's you!" Mr. Yang didn't ask for help this time, he jumped up and pointed at her with a trembling finger.

Gu Yin thought he was going to scold people, but she didn't think that Mr. Yang pointed at her for a long time, and finally just said aggrievedly: "You must treat them well, they are all from other places, and it is not easy to take root here. These fields are not easy to take root. I managed to cook it, it is suitable for medium pepper, not suitable for other species, if you plant anything else, you have to wait for this batch of seeds to grow into…”

When he talked about the carefully cultivated peppers, he seemed to be caring for an orphan.

The steward's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he slandered that he didn't know how the old man recruited such a lunatic!

Gu Yin made a "please" gesture and invited Mr. Yang aside.

The manager thought that he couldn't persuade Mr. Yang, and the little lady in front of her was only in her early twenties, so naturally she didn't have the ability. But fortunately, this little lady's husband looks burly and has the strength. If they can't discuss and make trouble, the little lady's husband will go out and drive Mr. Yang away, which will not damage the reputation of the Liu family.

The steward figured it out for himself, but half an hour later, he saw Mr. Yang come back with a smile on his face.

He excitedly ran to the steward, grabbed the steward's hand, and said in a loud voice, "I misunderstood your family, your family is really a good person, the whole family is a good person!"

The steward didn't know why, so Mr. Yang happily ran away again.

Gu Yin also came over and explained to him: "Mr. Yang and I have discussed it properly. In the past, he worked for the Liu family, and then he will work for me. It's just that the owner has changed, and the other conditions agreed by Mrs. Liu remain the same. So Mr. Yang agreed immediately."

The steward said in surprise: "The conditions that our grandfather promised..."

Then he stopped abruptly, and said with an embarrassed smile: "I mean, the conditions that Mr. Yang said the old man promised, not only let him manage these fields, but also find novel things to plant for him."

It's nothing to be in charge of the fields, so Mr. Yang really has the ability to take care of the fields.

But finding novelties and planting them is a labor-intensive and time-consuming work. For these peppers, the Liu family has spent several years of work, not counting the thousands of taels of silver!

The Liu family are not fools either. When the peppers finally matured, although they didn't make much money, the first thing they thought about was to sell the successfully bred peppers back to their capital.

But this pepper was planted on the front foot, and Mr. Yang on the back foot said that he wanted to plant something new!

Planting peppers this time is considered a good luck. After three or five years, I have tossed it out. If I plant new things again, doesn’t it mean that the previous cost has not been recovered, and I have to fill in the money

Only then did the Liu family want to quickly get rid of these fields and take the opportunity to get rid of Mr. Yang's big trouble.

Gu Yin smiled but said nothing, "I know all about it, and I have agreed with Mr. Yang."

The steward looked at her suspiciously.

After the Liu family sent the fields out, they inquired about the origins of Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi.

The previous Mrs. Lu and the others were able to inquire about Gu Yin's identity. That was because Gu Yin saw that Mrs. Lu and the others were of good character, and she really got along with them, and did not choose to hide it from them.

The Liu family had nothing to do with her like this. It was much more difficult to inquire more deeply. Besides, they were just like that little lady Lu, so they didn't think further, they just inquired at random, so they only knew Gu Yin is the owner of food for heaven.

The business of this restaurant is really good. It has tinkered with a lot of new things, but it has only opened for a year. Do you have this capital

But the result was what he wanted, and the steward didn't say much.

Later, Gu Yin asked about the peppers harvested before, and the steward took them to a granary.

That place was said to be a granary, but it was actually a few thatched huts.

The peppers were planted at the end of last year and only harvested once.

More than half of it has been sold by the Liu family, and there is still a warehouse of dried peppers left.

Those peppers have been sun-dried and dehydrated, and the color is several shades darker than fresh peppers, but they are all bright and red, and they look much better than those shipped over long distances from overseas!

"These peppers..."

When Gu Yin asked, the steward said: "These rooms are also on the deed, so the things inside are also owned by you. It all depends on how you deal with them."

The chili in a warehouse is worth a hundred taels at least.

However, the Liu family is also a wealthy family accumulated over several generations, and dozens of acres of pepper fields have been given away, so naturally they will not begrudge them.

Gu Yin thanked him again, and later made the settlement with the steward, and wrote a note, and the official family left with the farmers.

When the steward left, the smile on Gu Yin's face fully bloomed.

Wu Qing had no expression on her face. Seeing her laugh, her expression also loosened. She took her hand and asked, "You're so happy when you get a peppercorn?"

Recalling that when Gu Yin and Mrs Wang first arrived in the capital last year, Mrs. Wang led her to check the warehouse of the British government.

There were so many gold and silver jewelry, famous paintings and antiques, and silk and satin in it. Wang Shi looked at him and laughed from ear to ear. At that time, Gu Yin was also happy, but compared with her current reaction, she definitely said that her reaction was mediocre at that time. .

Knowing these things would make her happy, he should not want those vulgar things since the founding of the country.

But at that time he didn't expect what would happen later.

"It's not because of the peppers." Gu Yin explained with a smile: "It's because of Mr. Yang!"

Compared with peppers, of course, agricultural talents like Mr. Yang are more valuable!

However, the Liu family doesn't know the treasure, and only regards Mr. Yang as a big trouble!

That old grandfather Liu is really a man. When he was able to bring Mr. Yang under his command, he was definitely ready to do a big thing. He just said that he liked spicy food, and only let Mr. Yang come to plant peppers.

If it's just for the peppers, can he promise Mr. Yang to provide him with new things to grow in the future

Clearly going into the food world.

It's a pity that the descendants of the Liu family didn't understand his old man's mind at all, but let her, a latecomer, pick up the leak!

Without anyone else present, Gu Yin immediately told Wu Qingyi what she had guessed.

Afterwards, Gu Yin went to Shuiyun Village again, saying that she had acquired some new fields at the foot of the nearby mountain and wanted to find someone to take care of it.

The rent of the land released in front of her is 20% lower than usual, and the price is also fair when she comes to collect the mountain goods. The villagers have been thinking of her for a long time.

In addition, Wu Qingyi accompanied him on this trip. Although the wounded soldiers were settled here by the will of Emperor Zhengyuan, they did not know that Wu Qingyi came up with this idea, but without mentioning this, they were very convinced of him, and there were many in the middle. People have received relief from the British government before, and they are even more grateful.

Especially the man in a wheelchair from Wei San's family, who came over after seeing him, almost struggled down to the ground to kowtow to him, but Wu Qingyi stopped him.

Everyone is vying to do this work, and one pays less than the other, and there are even men like Wei San's family who say they don't need wages.

The scene was so lively that it was about to be turned inward. Gu Yin finally spoke up, saying that they didn't want them to work in vain, but gave them a fair price.

The wounded soldiers still looked at Wu Qingyi, and Wu Qingyi followed: "The lady decides all these matters, and what she means is what I mean."

Everyone came down and thanked them one after another.

Gu Yin chose people, explained the place to them, and asked them to connect with Mr. Yang.

In the evening, Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi took the carriage back to the city.

After a busy day, Gu Yin should be tired at the moment, but she is very excited today.

She didn't ask the coachman to drive the carriage back to the British government directly, but first went to Shiweitian to put herself down, and then asked the coachman to send Wu Qingyi back.

When it was time to eat, Gu Yin hurriedly called the shopkeeper last week, Ge Zhuer and Wei Sanniang, together with the two chefs in the back kitchen, to hold a temporary management meeting to discuss their own plans.

A warehouse of chili peppers, and there is still a harvest in the future, if you come up with something special, it will not match them!

Gu Yin's plan is to hold a spicy feast, just like the food festivals in later generations. After determining a theme, around this theme, make many different delicious foods.

Once the concept was explained, no one disagreed.

Especially the shopkeeper Zhou and the two chefs, since the weather turned warmer and the heat of hot pot and barbecue went down, the business on the first and second floors has dropped a lot, and there is still a downward trend.

On the contrary, Ge Zhuer and Wei Sanniang are in charge of the elegant house on the third floor. The business has been on the rise since the opening of the business. In addition, there is now a small talk theater on the fifth floor. There is one more thing for the female guests. I prefer to spend time with my family and eat for the day.

Where there are people, there is competition. Although Gu Yin's owner has never criticized them, of course the three of them are not willing to be compared like this.

Gu Yin is still happy to see this kind of healthy competition, so she immediately drew up a menu and asked the shopkeeper Zhou and the two cooks to take it back for details. If you have other ideas, you can bring it up again.

Then write notices and draw flyers.

Shopkeeper Zhou was accustomed to writing notices, so he immediately wrote it out, stating that in ten days, Shiweitian will hold a spicy food festival!

The flyer also needs to wait for the menu to be determined before drawing. This step does not need to be outsourced, and Wu'an at home is familiar with it.

After all this was done, the sky was completely dark outside, and the restaurant's evening market was also open.

Gu Yin asked everyone to go to work first, and she should go home.

However, when she walked to the street after eating for the day, Gu Yin found that the position of the carriage was still in the same place—

Taibai Street is bustling, and the only place where you can park the carriage is the open space at the entrance of the street.

If the coachman left with the carriage and came back, naturally he would not be in that position.

Gu Yin trotted forward, lifted the curtain of the car, and she saw Wu Qingyi waiting inside.

He accompanied her for a whole day, and was also quite tired. At this time, he folded his arms and leaned on the pillow, breathing evenly and fell asleep.

Gu Yin glanced at the coachman, and the coachman handed over to her and begged for mercy, saying that she had persuaded Wu Qingyi, and it was Wu Qingyi who ordered it.

Although they didn't speak, Wu Qingyi was used to being alert, and when he noticed the sound around him, he opened his eyes immediately.

When he saw that Gu Yin was standing in front of the carriage, he relaxed.

He stretched out his hand towards her, Gu Yin immediately shook it back and was pulled into the carriage by him.

"Are you tired? Go to sleep." His voice was full of sleepiness. After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes, took Gu Yin in his arms, and patted her back like a child.

Gu Yin leaned against his arms, her heart was soft and sore.