Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 111


The chili that is eaten for the sky is a worthless thing, the price is half of what it used to be, but it still makes a lot of money.

Some people are happy and others are worried. Wangtianlou boasted in Haikou that the lowest price in the whole capital, the chili that was collected at a high price, was sold at a low price.

Lose money if you sell one!

In the past days, although the price of Wangtianlou was lower than the market price, it was not completely unprofitable, and it lost hundreds of taels every month.

This time it's amazing, just ten days have passed, and the money lost is worth the past one or two months.

Seeing that the trend of Shiweitian has not stopped, Wangtianlou, who boasted about Haikou, has to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

For the first time ever, Feng Tao, the owner, wanted the family to be left out.

However, although the spicy dishes of Wangtianlou are not as rich as the sky, and there is no drama bonus, but just as cheap, it has attracted some cheap customers.

By the end of February, Feng Tao's chili peppers were sold out, and he had to stock up on new ones. He had no choice but to go back and ask Qin Shi for money.

The Qin family has been subsidizing him intermittently, but the Feng family spent tens of thousands of taels to care for the wounded soldiers before, and now they have lost several thousand taels even from the principal and profit, and now they are already stretched thin.

Qin Shi finally took out a thousand taels of silver and told Feng Tao that there would be no next time.

"Mom, calm down, it's not that my son insists on asking you for money, it's really a cunning person who sells those spicy dishes at half price. The son posted a notice in advance, if he admits this, it's not just broken and just started business. 's signboard has even lost the prestige of our Lu country's government, as if our family is afraid of their British government!"

Feng Tao accompanied his smiling face to say good things about the horse carriage, but he was thinking in his heart that this Wangtianlou was not something he wanted to open, but his own mother. That way of hurting people was also discussed by their mother and son together, Qin Shi nodded by himself, why does it seem to be all his fault now

Besides, he didn't spend the money in the family alone - Qin Shi, as the highest-ranking elder in the family, was the one who started the extravagant and hedonistic style after changing the family in the Feng family, and the money flowed out like water. It was also she who brought in the trouble of caring for the wounded soldiers.

And his eldest brother Feng Yuan recently borrowed alcohol to relieve his worries. From time to time, he and his former military colleagues had a drink outside, and they drank the most expensive aged wine. In the end, Feng Yuan paid the bill and spent a few dollars a month. One hundred taels.

Not to mention the noble concubine in the palace, when the new dynasty was just established, Feng Guifei received a lot of awards, and she could make up for it back to her parents' home. Not long ago, she began to say that she could not use the palace servants, and asked Qin Shi to give her some money to spend in the palace.

Although Feng Tao didn't know how much Qin Shi gave, but the palace servants have high vision, not the usual kind of servants with shallow eyelids. They can pass away three or five taels of silver, and everyone has a great appetite!

The whole family is like this, no one should say anyone is bad!

But as the youngest child in the family, Feng Tao can't blame his mother and brother.

After getting the money, Feng Tao asked people to buy another batch of peppers.

However, what made his heart cringe was that the price of chili peppers actually went up!

Although Beijing is the center of a country, the stock of peppers as an imported product is not much, and the vendors know that the two big restaurants on Taibai Street are holding a spicy food festival, so the price will naturally increase.

The money Qin gave was only enough to last a few days. However, the food festival is still being held, and they have to bite the bullet when they look to the sky.

However, the house leaked because it rained overnight, and it was time for Concubine Feng to spend money again—the Xiefang Hall was cleaned up, and Emperor Zhengyuan ordered Lu Xu to move there.

It is impossible for the concubines in the palace to raise the prince to adulthood. Although Feng Guifei was mentally prepared, she never expected that the separation of mother and child would come so quickly, and there was no news in advance!

Now Lu Xu and Gu Ye have been staying together for much longer than they have been in the harem. Since the mother and son had a conflict over a bit of tartar and lard, as long as Feng Guifei said that Gu Ye was not good, let him beware with some.

Lu Xu either talked back to her, or simply ignored her.

It's only been so long, and it's already like this. After that, if Lu Xu and Gu Ye live together, maybe this kid will turn his elbows out!

Concubine Feng Gui had trouble sleeping and eating, but the imperial decree had already been issued, so she could not disobey, so she could only reward Lu Xu's nanny and palace maid with big money, and she had to clear up the palace servants in Xiefang Hall, hoping that they would be vigilant. Some, don't let Lu Xu be fooled.

The palace servants received the silver money sent by the Yonghe Palace correctly, anyway, Qian Sansi has spoken, it is good to let them know.

So the cashier is the cashier, and how they do things is up to them.

Both of them reached out to Qin Shi, but they really worried Qin Shi.

The main reason is not to worry about the present, but in the future, these two brothers and sisters are like a bottomless pit!

Qin shi was so anxious that there was a big fire on his lips, and the next day when Iceman came to pass on the news of the various school-age women she had collected, he couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Qin Shi could only lift the tea cup and cover his lips.

In the back, the Qin family was picking and choosing like selling melons and picking vegetables. Those who were not as good-looking as the Chen family were not good at first, the family situation was too bad, and the family members were too thin, and it was not good for those who didn’t look good, and finally it was not good. Suitable for a few families.

Thinking of the nervous expenses at home, Qin Shi and Iceman asked about the dowry that the other party wanted.

That Iceman is the one entrusted by the Lu family, and he has a very smart temperament. Although he wonders why a dignitary like the Feng family still cares about these things, but his face is not obvious, he just continued with a smile: "The old lady asked this question, I will give it to you. The ones recommended by my family are all good families. The dowry for their girls is 18,000, and they are not greedy people. Compared with the dowry, the dowry is a little more than three or five thousand taels."

Three to five thousand taels is naturally enough for the current government of Lu.

But the problem is that if you have more dowry than others, it means you have to spend 13,500 taels in one go.

And although the dowry of the new daughter-in-law will definitely be brought, it is the private property of the family.

If Qin shi dares to take advantage of his daughter-in-law's dowry, the new wife and her maiden's family will be unhappy. The news spreads, and Qin shi will be embarrassed!

Unless the ancestral fields and properties in Chuzhou are sold, it is impossible to collect the money.

Qin Shi did not speak for a long time, and said that he would think about it again.

The Iceman noticed something, and while collecting the rosters of the girls' families on the table, he exclaimed: "Oh, look at how confused I am, how can I include the girls from the rich businessman's Lu family."

To put it aside, Qin's eyes are higher than the top, and she doesn't look down on businessmen.

Now that she heard Iceman's deliberately accentuated "rich" word, her eyes couldn't help but immediately look over.

The ice man felt that there was something to play, so he continued: "This girl from the Lu family is really charming and beautiful, and she looks blessed. The Lu family is a few generations of giants, and their ancestors are the royal merchants of the previous dynasty. Madam Lu is only Miss Lu. A daughter, it hurts like an eyeball, so giving a very generous dowry doesn't count, let alone any dowry, just want to marry Miss Lu to a good family."

Qin Shi frowned and pondered for a while, and asked the Iceman to keep the small portrait of Lu Yuanqi.

Later, the Qin family did not hand the statue to Feng Yuan. The daughter of a wealthy businessman was Mrs. Hou, but he was still not satisfied. He wanted his youngest son Feng Tao to marry Lu Yuanqi.

Feng Tao heard that Lu Yuanqi was two years older than him, and was not happy, but after listening to Qin's persuasion, he still nodded when he thought of the Lu family's background.

The news quickly arrived at Lu's house.

When they heard that they could pick up their relatives with the Duke of Lu, Madam Lu and Lu Yuanqi were overjoyed.

But when I inquired later, Feng Tao was a idler, and he was either in the casino or the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion.

Moreover, the Wangtianlou that Feng Tao looked at looked like a good business, but the Lu family had a lot of connections in the capital. After a little inquiries, they knew that they were just wearing silk and eating coarse bran—the surface was bright!

Feng Tao can't be a nobleman, and he has no ability, so he should have a good family background.

Although Lu Yuanqi wanted to climb Gaozhi, she was unwilling to climb with such a person, and expressed her dissatisfaction with Mrs. Lu in private.

Mrs. Lu had already asked people to carefully inquire about the character of the people in the Duke's Mansion. The Qin family, who had guessed above the top, was easily relieved. It was because the mansion lacked money. Fortunately, the Lu family lacked the most. Money, and especially this juncture that is related to the future of the entire Lu family.

Mrs. Lu and Bingren got to the bottom of it, saying that they had misunderstood at first, and thought that her daughter was going to marry the grandfather of the state who was going to marry again, and prepared a dowry of 200,000 taels for her daughter to support the family.

Now that I am talking about the young son of the Duke of Lu, my daughter is not the clan wife of the family when she is married, and she does not need to take care of the whole family. The 20,000 taels of dowry is enough.

200,000 taels, the Feng family has accumulated several generations, and the entire family is about this number. Of course that was in the past, not now.

And the meaning of the Lu family is obvious, the 200,000 taels of dowry were used to support the entire family of the Duke of Lu!

Anyway, what Qin Shi wanted to tell Lu Yuanqi to Feng Tao was only known by his own people, and he didn't worry about leaking rumors and making people laugh.

Feng Guifei also helped to persuade her, saying that her family was the imperial palace, she was a noble concubine, and there was also a prince, and there was no more dignitary in the capital except the British palace. What do you care about? Still have to be pragmatic.

Especially in the future, Lu Xu is going to have a big future, and that's when it's time to really spend money!

When Qin Shi thought about it, this was really the case. Later, she and Mrs. Lu met, and the two had similar smells. In addition, Lu Yuanqi, who deliberately pretended to be well-behaved, was really good-looking, so the marriage was settled.

The Qin family was in a hurry to make money, and the Lu family also consciously encountered a great deed, so they did not dare to take Qiao, for fear that the duck to the mouth would fly away.

The powerful alliance between the noble family and the wealthy family soon became known in the streets.

In particular, there are many female guests in Qingshi Yashe, and the news of this kind of thing is the most well-informed, and someone knows about it the next day.

And what's even more embarrassing is that Madam Lu and Ge Zhuer are still on good terms!

Mrs. Lu hasn't come to Qingshi Yashe for several days. She really doesn't have that face, and she is afraid of jokes. The Lu family is the master of Mrs. Lu's house. His big lady looks at the flowers, but she has no right to speak. It's not her turn to intervene, but it's always necessary to inform her sister-in-law, right

As a result, it wasn't until Mrs. Lu started to take care of it and ordered Mrs. Lu to fight, she didn't know that.

It is shameful to say this, and secondly, they are afraid that Ge Zhuer and the others will not believe it, thinking that she is deliberately hiding it.

Earlier, she had mentioned that Ge Zhu'er would go to work at Lu's house, but it was only because she shaved her head and picked her cheeks that she was hot. If that happened, Mrs. Lu would be so embarrassed now!

The people who played well with her in Yasheli thought she was busy at first, but later, seeing that she hadn't gone out for nearly ten days, they realized that something was wrong.

It's not that she is married, and besides, there is an old lady Lu above her, it is impossible for Mrs. Lu to not have a free moment in ten days.

They have been together since last winter until now, and suddenly there is such a central character missing, which is a little uncomfortable for everyone.

Later, Ge Zhuer asked mutual friends to help transfer the letter.

After reconciliation, Ge Zhuer regained her free and easy temperament, and she thought better than anyone else.

Mrs. Lu received her letter and knew that she had really let go of the past, so she came to Qingshi Yashe as usual.

The handkerchiefs were handed over for a few days, and naturally there were endless things to say.

Gu Yin knew that Mrs. Lu was fond of sweets, so she personally ordered a crème brûlée—

Add sugar to the milk to taste, then drop in white vinegar to remove the fishy smell, then heat over medium heat and stir until the sugar melts, but not boil.

Then pour the milk into the beaten egg, stir to combine, and filter it through gauze several times.

Then add cold water and sugar to the pot and fry until browned.

Finally, pour the sugar liquid into the small stewing pot, wait until the sugar liquid solidifies, pour in the egg liquid, then cover the lid and seal it, put it on the steamer and steam it for two quarters of hours on low heat.

After the pot came out, Gu Yin used a bamboo skewer to poke holes around the pudding, put it upside down in a small bowl, and it was ready to serve.

The steps of this caramel pudding are not difficult, but the difficulty lies in the control of the heat. The color of frying the sugar is one thing, and if the boiled milk in the middle is overheated, it will easily turn into egg drop when mixed with sugar, and steam it in the pot. If you do not carefully control the heat, it is easy to steam out the briquettes style, destroying the beauty.

The pudding made by Gu Yin is not only attractive in appearance, but also has a light and milky fragrance, which is delicate and tender, and the sweet caramel with unique flavor ripples on the tip of the tongue.

Mrs. Lu was eating this dessert, and listening to other people talking about some interesting things that happened when she hadn't come over these days, the stone stuck in her heart was finally removed.

Later, when the people dispersed, Ge Zhuer hesitated for a while, but still reminded Mrs. Lu that the Feng family looked at the flowers, and there were a lot of bad things inside, especially the Qin family's methods were dirty.

Brother Xiaofeng had some problems with his voice before, so he stopped singing and acted in drama. Mrs. Lu and the others didn't know what a drama was at that time, so they were all pity for him, and they also inquired about what happened.

Wu Qingyi sent the small butler and the garden owner to the court at that time. It is not difficult to inquire about this matter.

Brother Xiaofeng almost lost his voice when he was harmed by the Duke of Lu, and everyone knew it.

Mrs. Lu smiled bitterly and said, "Why didn't I persuade me after I knew it? A good-natured person like you can't stand that family, even if you don't know what's going on, you know that the grandfather is not a good man. Match... But after all, it's not me who is in charge of the house, and I'm afraid that talking too much will make people annoying."

Mrs. Lu's words were very euphemistic. The actual situation was that at that time, Mrs. Lu was very disdainful, saying that Ge Zhuer's status was low and her temperament was dull. Although their Lu family was a businessman, they had countless relatives and a wealthy family. Although they were not as good as those of the hairpin-ying family, they were different from those like Ge Zhuer.

Anyway, the marriage of the two families has been decided, and it is useless to think about it, so the two of them don't talk much.

After the Feng Lu family got engaged, the Feng family's confidence immediately increased, and the Spicy Food Festival became even more powerful than before.

But there are low prices on the opposite side, and there are emerging dramas that attract attention. The passenger flow of the two is not much different.

In late February, the food festival on Shiweitian came to an end first, and Gu Yin took the account books from this period home to count them.

She is busy again these days, she is thinner than before, and her chin is pointed.

Wang Shi looked distressed, and asked the cook in the house to stew the bird's nest, and he brought it over in person.

The miscellaneous hairs of the bird's nest were picked clean and served with rock sugar, milk and honey. Gu Yin ate it well, so she asked, "It's not cheap, isn't it? Mother too, I told you not to use it for home use."

"Our family now has a salary, a property for rent, and several thousand taels of income a year. The money in the restaurant is all your hard-earned money, so you can keep it for yourself." Wang said with a smile: " And this bird's nest doesn't need any money, it's all rewarded by the palace."

"The empress dowager rewarded?" Gu Yin spent very little time at home during this time, so it was not very clear.

Wang said no, "It was given by the empress, not only bird's nest, but also a lot of supplements, the most nourishing thing, when you are done with this, I will let the cook cook it for you."

Gu Yin didn't have many contacts with Queen Zhou, but she had a good impression of her, so she took her heart and thought that she would have the opportunity to return the gift.

Later, Mrs. Wang waited until she had cleared up the accounts and was done with her work before she said, "I'm going to deliver something to your Aunt Xu today, and after a while, I heard that the wealthy Lu family has climbed up to the Feng family. The Feng family has the help of the Lu family. Isn't it for our family..."

Gu Yin closed the ledger and stretched out in a relaxed manner.

"Mother said the opposite. It's because the Feng family is in touch with the Lu family that our family will have peace of mind in the future!"

The Qin family is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the Lu family said that the one-of-a-kind old lady is not easy to deal with.

It would be worrisome if the two were just allies.

But the bad thing is that the two are married. Although the Qin family agreed to this marriage, a person's personality is not so easy to change, and she still looks down on Lu Yuanqi's businesswoman background. What is Qin's attitude towards his daughter-in-law, needless to say.

Lu Yuanqi's temperament can stand it

With such a generous dowry, the Lu family would naturally not feel that they were at a loss.

In addition, Feng Yuan's faint and muddy, he likes Ge Zhuer's gentleness and carelessness, and for the sake of Ge Zhuer, he didn't go too far, and because of Lu Yuanqi, whose character is not liked by him, I am afraid that he will not interfere.

As long as there is friction between these two families, they can live a life like a dog, and naturally they don't have the heart to do so many things.

After listening to Wang Shi's doubts, Gu Yin touched her chin and smiled: "Anyway, the two of them will have a wedding ceremony in three months. This is a tall mountain and long rivers. Mother, just wait and see."

At the end of February, the Xiefang Hall was cleaned up—this palace was originally the residence of the princes of the previous dynasty. The deposed emperor was indulged in pleasure and spent a lot of money on food, clothing, housing, and transportation, so the Xiefang Hall was not old, just updated some furnishings and repainted Replaced the wall with the tile.

Gu Yin took some clothes from Prince Lie's mansion, while Feng Yu brought almost all of his belongings.

Speaking of which, it was thanks to Gu Ye that he begged for the grace to live in the palace, otherwise the stepmother would come in three months later, and the stepmother would only be six or seven years older than Feng Yu, so it would be embarrassing for him to stay in the palace.

Then there is Lu Xu. He was overjoyed when he heard that he could go to the front to live with Gu Ye and the others.

But in the end, he was young and lived in the unfamiliar Xiefang Hall for only two days. Although there were still familiar wet nurses and palace servants around him, he still began to miss his own mother.

The little crying bag wants to save face, biting the quilt at night and crying secretly.

He thought that no one would know, but the next day his eyes were swollen like walnuts, as long as he was not blind, he could find it!

Gu Ye and Lu Xu also developed some brotherhood. After finding out, he specially stayed in the palace for several days.

He is very convenient to enter and leave the palace, and he can get any fashionable things outside.

Tonight I read the picture book together, tomorrow night we will fight crickets together, and the day after tomorrow we will spin a spinning top and push the jujube grinder…

After playing for a few days, Lu Xu didn't mention anything about going back to Yonghe Palace. He was happy every day. During the lunch break, he went back to Yonghe Palace for lunch. He didn't listen to what Feng Guifei talked to him. Take a nap now.

It's not that he won't be close to his mother after a few days apart, but he's really sleepy - recently Gu Ye has set a rule for him, saying that he will go back to play and go back to school. If you fall, you won't play with him.

So Lu Xu doesn't doze off in class anymore, and grabs some sleep during the lunch break.

The movements of the children were reported to Emperor Zheng Yuan as usual. Knowing that Gu Ye's eldest brother had such a good demeanor, he broke Lu Xu over so quickly. Emperor Zheng Yuan was naturally delighted, not only doted on Gu Ye more and more, but also towards Queen Zhou. better than ever.

When Gu Ye stayed in the palace, he ate dinner at Empress Zhou.

Although he used to have lunch here every now and then, he had the habit of taking naps, so if he didn't talk for a long time, he had to take a break.

Now living in the palace at night, he is not in a hurry to leave the palace, so naturally he can stay for a while longer.

After dinner that day, genius turned black, Gu Ye put down the tableware and went to play with Lu Zhao.

Lu Zhao actually knew how to walk on his own a long time ago, but because he was used to being held, he usually didn't bother to walk, and the same was true for talking.

But he is close to Gu Ye, his own brother. When Gu Ye is playing with him, he will rarely be lazy, willing to talk to him, and willing to run behind his ass.

The two brothers played for a long time, and Queen Zhou wiped off the sweat for the two of them, and let someone serve them sweet soup.

Gu Ye drank it himself, while Lu Zhao asked Queen Zhou to feed it.

Usually Empress Zhou would have done it herself, but Gu Ye said with a smile, "Xiao Lu Zhao is ashamed, he is so big that he needs to be fed. Look at brother, drink it all by yourself!"

Lu Zhao said in a milky voice, "Brother is big, I am young!"

"When my brother was your age, he wouldn't be fed for a long time!" Gu Ye finished a small bowl of sweet soup in two mouthfuls, and then pretended to reach for Lu Zhao's small bowl, "It seems that our little Lu Zhao can't be fed. If you like sweet soup, then I'll drink it for you."

Lu Zhao also grew up with gold and jade, and there is no shortage of this sweet soup, but as a child, it is another matter if someone grabs it.

He immediately took the small spoon and drank it by himself. Later, he felt that his spoon was not used well, so he simply put the spoon away, held the small bowl with both hands, and started drinking.

Queen Zhou said, "Slow down," and usually smiled with crooked eyes.

"It's empty!" Lu Zhao held the empty bowl and put it in front of Gu Ye to show him.

Gu Ye naturally did not hesitate to praise, and praised with a thumbs up: "Little Lu Zhao is awesome, as expected of my own younger brother."

Lu Zhao proudly puffed out his small chest.

The smile in Queen Zhou's eyes almost overflowed, and she looked at Gu Ye lovingly and said, "This kid will listen to you. If you have time, teach him more."

Gu Ye said not to be free, but he actually had an idea.

"In the Wenhua Hall, Lu Xu and I are both in class, and our family's Lu Zhao is not younger than Lu Xu, can we still let him compare?"

When Queen Zhou heard this, she habitually looked at Lu Zhao worriedly.

In fact, Emperor Zhengyuan had already mentioned this matter before. At that time, Empress Zhou blocked Lu Zhao back because of her young age.

But facing Gu Ye, she couldn't say anything like that - when Gu Ye was kidnapped, she was much younger than Lu Zhao now. As for her poor health, Queen Zhou actually knew that, the imperial doctor said as long as Be a little more careful, there won't be any major mistakes, and it is recommended that Lu Zhao exercise more.

"That's what I think," Gu Ye continued: "You asked Xiao Lu Zhao to follow me for half a day in class every day, only in the afternoon. I'm afraid he won't be able to get up in the morning, and it's really cold in the morning... I've eaten at noon, He's just in front of the class, playing around, and sleeping in class like Lu Xu did before is not a problem, just don't snore like Lu Xu."

Empress Zhou couldn't help laughing again. Lu Zhao quickly said, "I won't fight!" He shook Empress Zhou's hand and said coquettishly, "I'm going to play!"

"What do you think of the queen mother?" Gu Ye also learned from Lu Zhao and pulled Empress Zhou's other hand.

The youngest son's coquettish Queen Zhou has long been used to it, but although Gu Ye has been recognized for a while, he has never been like this, always acting like a little adult.

Although a child who looks like a little adult is well-behaved and lovable, sometimes it will make Queen Zhou feel that the mother and son are separated and feel lost.

Empress Zhou's hands trembled slightly. She held Gu Ye's hand and squeezed it lightly. When she was agitated, not to mention such a small request, she would have nothing to say about her life.

"Then let's say, our family Lu Zhaoming will go to class with me in the afternoon. Although Wenhua Palace cannot enter other palace staff, but our family's Lu Zhao situation is a bit special. I will go and tell the father and emperor to prepare an extra imperial doctor. Waiting in the hall, so that if our family Lu Zhao has any discomfort, he can be taken care of quickly. If the mother is still worried, I will write you a 'military order' to guarantee... "

Queen Zhou listened to him one mouthful of "our family" and another mouthful of "mother queen", her heart softened and she could pinch the water, she smiled and covered his small mouth, "It's all a family, what's the 'military order'? I know you're doing it for your brother."

So it was decided that Lu Zhao also went to Wenhua Hall for class.

When Emperor Zhengyuan got the news, he was really relieved. He couldn't help thinking that the eldest son was right. He was indeed younger now, otherwise what would happen if he was named a prince immediately

Not to mention the others, the patience and kindness that can teach the two younger brothers who are not the same mother is enough.