Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 18


Ge Dalong is the old man of Hanshan Town.

Eating, drinking, prostituting, gambling, that is all proficient, and all have no money.

Fortunately, his honest uncle and aunt set up a stall to sell food on the pier. Because his uncle and aunt have set up stalls for a long time, he rented a very good location early, and the business has been booming. They don't have any children, and they have nothing to do with their young, strong and generous nephew.

He can not only eat and eat every day in the past, but also "help" to collect some money from the guests.

Relying on this, he had a very good life.

Today he arrived at the pier as usual, but found that there were fewer people at the stalls of his uncle and aunt than usual.

He flipped over the steamer to get a steamed bun, and sat down at the table again, shouting, "Why are there so few people today? Uncle give me a bowl of noodles."

Aunt Ge couldn't get used to his appearance of eating for nothing, and he threw the things in his hand bitterly, and replied, "Our business can't be done, you are still here to fight the autumn wind."

Uncle Ge gave her a hand, swiftly filled a bowl of noodle soup with his hands and feet, brought it to Ge Dalong and said, "You have a bowl of soup first, and the noodles will be ready for a while."

Ge Dalong was shameless and skinless, so he didn't blame his aunt's attitude, "It's hard to do business in this world, and my uncle and aunt are getting old. Why don't you transfer this stall and collect dozens of taels of silver to support your life."

Aunt Ge glared at him and said nothing.

It is true that their husband and wife are really old and can't do the delicate work for too long. When the business is good, the oil cakes and steamed buns on the stall are often not enough to sell. Although they also invited people to help, they couldn't take their apprentices by their hands at their age, and they could only ask those who already knew some craftsmanship. But not to mention the high wages for those skilled in craftsmanship, how can you be willing to help people work for the rest of your life? It didn't take long before they set up their own doors.

And their couple's stall is not transferable!

It was because they had a daughter back then, but when they were five or six years old, they were kidnapped by the kidnapper.

At that time, my daughter had already memorized some things and knew that her parents set up stalls in the best position on the pier.

If they move out, what if the daughter comes back

And with a rascal like Ge Dalong, if the booth were to be transferred, the transfer fee would end up in whose pocket!

The husband and wife can only cook some food. Although the craftsmanship is good, it is not so good that they can earn food and eat anywhere. It is really hard to say what will happen in the future without this stall.

Ge Dalong took a sip of the noodle soup and then asked, "Uncle and aunt have set up stalls here for decades, why can't they do it?"

"It's not because of a new mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Yesterday, we sold wontons, and today we also sell porridge and steamed buns. All of them are full of praise. Our business will naturally be affected."

Aunt Ge deliberately exaggerated a bit.

That's good business for the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but it didn't affect her family too much compared to the inconveniently located stall behind.

In fact, today's bleak business is mainly due to the fact that there is a lot of work on the dock today, and the coolie merchants are in a hurry, so most of them buy good food and eat noodles slowly.

So don't look at the fact that there are few people in their stalls, in fact, the oil cakes and steamed buns have been almost sold out for a long time.

She just wants to cry poor, it is best to let Ge Dalong, the god of plague, stop fighting the autumn wind again!

Sure enough, Ge Dalong stopped doing it as soon as he heard it.

Is it really urgent, he has already regarded the stalls of his uncle and aunt as his own. If their income is less, doesn't it mean that he earns less

"Where are the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who dare to steal the business of uncles and aunts, I will go to them!"

Uncle Ge quickly grabbed him and persuaded him, "Don't you know the rules of this place? You're going to get into the yamen when you go to make trouble!"

Ge Dalong took his hand away carelessly, "I know what my uncle said, but it takes a quarter of an hour for people from the yamen to come. Am I not enough time to deal with them?"

He was used to being stingy in town, and he was more familiar when he entered the cell than when he came home.

However, the trouble he caused every time was not that big. Every time he was beaten up, he would come out after being locked for two or three days.

So he wasn't very afraid of going to jail, so he swaggered away after saying that.

Uncle Ge stomped his feet in sorrow, turned his head and saw the old wife also put on a sad look, complaining: "Now you know what a hurry? Our old Ge family is only his son, and if something happens, I will be ashamed. See our parents!"

Aunt Ge really regretted it, but her thoughts were completely different from her husband's - this scumbag didn't come out of her stomach. It would be better to lie on top of them every day to suck blood and go to jail for a big incident!

It's just that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are innocent! Especially the little daughter-in-law who was embarrassed by the evil mother-in-law, how could she withstand the bullying of Ge Dalong? !

How can she feel at ease when innocent people are implicated for nothing

People came to the stall one after another, and Aunt Ge greeted her for a while, but she still had this matter in her mind, so she took off her apron, shoved it into Uncle Ge's hand, and hurriedly chased out.

Ge Dalong didn't spend much time finding Gu Yin's stall.

Their stall was deserted, but Ge Dalong inquired about it, and there was no one who didn't give a thumbs up for everything he had eaten at her house.

So he didn't think much about it, he sat down at the low table, patted the board and said, "Who are you? They're all dead! Don't give the young master a bowl of wontons!"

Hearing the sound, Mrs. Wang quickly nudged Gu Yin.

She is also very thoughtful. She looks fierce. What if she is scared away? The daughter-in-law is tender and soft, and it is easy to be bullied by looking at her.

Gu Yin glanced at her helplessly, and replied, "I'm here." She went to the pot to wrap the wontons.

Ge Dalong first saw her white fingers fluttering as tender as spring onions, and then looked at her face.

Looking at this, he couldn't help but admire what a beautiful little lady!

But if you look good, you can't eat it. It's still the real money from uncles and aunts that matters!

A bowl of wontons was quickly brought to the table. Ge Dalong had already prepared the draft, but just after eating one, the deliciousness exploded on the tip of his tongue. He swallowed it whole and forgot his words.

He devoured it, the wind was blowing, and the expression on his face changed every time he took a bite, and it tasted delicious.

There were even people who stopped for a while because of his hard-working appearance, and then took care of Gu Yin's business.

After a bowl of wontons, Ge Dalong remembered that he hadn't done his business yet!

He put down the bowl reluctantly, slapped the table and scolded: "Bah! It's really unpalatable! It's so unpalatable and dare to come out and sell silver money, only a fool will eat your stuff!"

Gu Yin was speechless.

Really speechless, shouldn't this kind of provocative words be said when you take the first bite

And if you want to scold, you can't keep your eyes off the little half bowl of wonton soup base. What does it mean

She stood still, but Wang thought she was afraid, so he jumped out from behind her and scolded back, "Why is it so bad? Whoever has eaten my wontons on the pier is full of praise? Just you and others. different!"

Wang Shi's loud voice brought Ge Dalong back to his soul. He stood up and replied, "Isn't it bad for anyone to tell me? Everyone else is full of praise, I'm afraid it's the nurse you're looking for!"

Neither of the two let each other confront each other, and the momentum was about to fight.

The crowd in front of the stall soon increased again.

There was even someone who knew what happened yesterday and said, "This wicked mother-in-law was very majestic when she bullied her daughter-in-law yesterday! I don't know if there will be more wicked people today."

"It's terrible, and you still ate a bowl of wontons?" Wang pointed to the big bowl on the low table, "I'm afraid it's not too late, you'll have to lick up even this bit of soup!"

Ge Dalong was ashamed, "I was so hungry all morning, I was so hungry, I was so hungry! It was unpalatable!"

"I think you came to fight on purpose, didn't you?"

Ge Dalong slapped the table, first smashed the bowl on the table, and smashed the table with another punch. All crooked.

"What if I did it on purpose? I can advise you, I take care of the stalls on the pier, so don't take things too seriously. If you only care about your own beauty and avoid others' ways, this table is yours. Down!"

Wang sneered, then pushed him away, punched the other end of the table, and smashed the table that was more than an inch across!

"Do you have the guts to say it again?" Wang shi looked at him aggressively.

Ge Dalong was stunned, he never thought that the skinny-looking Wang would have such strength!

He was stunned, and suddenly there was a burst of warm applause from the crowd.

Especially some coolies, whoever has the most strength in their profession will be the bull, and the applause is not enough to applaud.

Wang Shi proudly raised his chin, and then said to Ge Dalong, "I'll take a look at you again!"

"I, I..." Ge Dalong took two steps back unconsciously, and turned around to see that many people were watching the excitement - if he escaped from the battle and asked a middle-aged woman to compare, wouldn't he be embarrassed to come to the pier

He was extremely embarrassed, his face turned the color of pig liver, and his fists the size of sandbags creaked.

At this moment, a pair of catching Moses passed through the crowd separately.

As soon as the leader came, he shouted: "Ge Dalong, why is it you again?!"

When Ge Dalong saw him, he was like a mouse seeing a cat. He died, rubbed his hands together and said with a smile, "Li Zhaotou, why are you here in person?"

Don't look at Li Chutousheng's fair face and tender face, he is less than 20 years old, but they all know that he is an apprentice raised by Guan Chutou since childhood, and Lei Ting's methods are exactly the same. You have to pick your tail up and be a man.

Li Zhaotou frowned and said, "Is it your concern? What's going on today?"

"It's okay, I didn't do anything!" Ge Dalong shook his head frantically, "I just felt bad eating this wonton, so I shouted a few words."

Li Zoutou's eyes fell on the table board that was punched with a big hole, and he said suspiciously, "What do you call 'did nothing'?"

Ge Dalong immediately explained: "I slapped the table, this woman broke through it herself!"

Li Zhaotou's eyes did not fall on Wang Shi again.

Don't look at the fact that Wang's confrontation with Ge Dalong was not at all timid, but she was also frightened when she saw the official, and at this time, she didn't dare to say a word like a quail.

Gu Yin stood up and explained: "Master, listen to me. This eldest brother just came to our stall. First, he shouted in a vicious voice to get the wontons, and I immediately served a bowl with Xiaoxiao. It was not until we had eaten all the wontons that we complained that it was unpalatable. Our new stall was already struggling to operate, so how could we withstand what he said, we smashed the signboard before we could buy and sell it. That table was indeed my mother’s. I beat it myself, but this eldest brother made the first move, knocked the legs of the table crooked, and said that we had no way of others, and this table was our end. My mother was also afraid of our orphans and widows. Bullied, so I patted the table with her."

In a few words, without slowness or hurriedness, he explained the ins and outs.

Li Zhoutou turned his head and glared at Ge Dalong, "I remember that your uncle and aunt also set up a stall on the pier. Are you bullying other people's female classmates for new arrivals?"

"No!" Ge Dalong's voice lowered, "Is it really unpalatable! Don't let people say it is unpalatable?"

Li Zhaotou laughed angrily, "It's unpalatable, you eat a whole bowl and then scold?"

At this time, the people watching the fun also followed.

"I've eaten wontons from my daughter-in-law's house! It's delicious!"

"That's right, their wontons were sold out in a half-morning yesterday, and there are many more guests today. Is it possible that everyone's tongues are broken?"

"This Ge Dalong is a well-known scumbag in our town, but he is easy to be bullied by looking at people!"

Li Zhao turned his head to wink at the yamen, who immediately put the shackles on him.

"I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself." Ge Dalong stretched out his hand and handcuffed himself.

Li Zhaotou pouted his lips in a funny way, turned his face to Gu Yin and nodded slightly, and then left the pier with him.

"Alas! I haven't given the money yet! Four cents for wontons and one hundred cents for low tables!"

Wang Shi, who had reacted, went to chase, but was pulled by Gu Yin.

"Mother, let me see your hand!"

The back of Wang's hand was very red, and it looked like it was about to swell up.

Looking at Gu Yin's caring and slightly reproachful eyes, she said guilty: "It's alright, just go back and put cold water on it."

Gu Yin rubbed her carefully to make sure she didn't hurt her bones and bones, and then he was relieved.

"I'm really fine. Qingyi can crack rocks with his bare hands when he is a teenager, just follow me. Although I'm not as good as him, it's still no problem to hit such a half-hollow table board. It's just that the turtle son didn't lose money!"

After saying this, Mrs. Wang broke away Gu Yin's hand, and then shouted for the steamed buns.

The crowd watching the excitement gradually dispersed, but many people still bought something before leaving.

Because of this, Gu Yin sold more than ten bowls of wontons, and there were only twenty or thirty buns left.

After the crowd dispersed, Mrs Wang was delighted as he counted the coins. Later, he thought of folding a small table, and he couldn't help but feel the pain—this table couldn't help but hit the table. At that time, he just wanted to make a bigger noise, so why did he give it to him? Break through

At this time, Aunt Ge came over crampedly, "I'll pay for the money from the table and the wontons."

"You're that rascal's family?" Wang looked at her with a sullen face. "The head arrester said that his family set up a stall on the pier. Could it be you?"

"It's my house." Aunt Ge became more and more embarrassed and explained, "But I just mentioned it, I didn't expect him to come to trouble you."

"You..." Wang Shi was about to scold her again, but Gu Yin pulled her back and said, "Mother, this is the official sent by this aunt just now."

At that time, everyone gathered to watch the fun, and this tall and thin woman was among them, but everyone was crowding forward, but she turned her head and rushed out without looking at it, and left in a hurry. After a while, Li Zhaotou and the others arrived, and the woman came back with them.

"It turns out that it is." Wang's expression became kinder, "but you caused this incident, don't expect us to thank you!"

"No need, no need." Aunt Ge waved her hands again and again. She has been honest and never harmed anyone in her life, but now she was really forced by Ge Dalong, and she only said those words at that time.

The old Liutou next to him listened, and he also helped: "Then Ge Dalong is really not a thing. He eats his uncle and aunt's food, and he comes out to make trouble. You husband and wife are also, don't you understand the truth of being good and being deceived by others? How good is it? Let him take advantage."

Why doesn't Aunt Ge understand this? Although their family has been separated from the uncle's family, she has not been able to do anything since her daughter was lost. The old couple will point at Ge Dalong, the nephew, in the future. No matter how unwilling she is, the most she can do is complain like today.

Seeing the low table with a broken leg and a big hole, Aunt Ge became more and more regretful, thanks to this evil mother-in-law being a powerful woman, otherwise she would have to regret it for the rest of her life!

She asked tentatively: "My buns are almost sold. You should have some left? Why don't you put them on our stall and I'll help you sell them."

"Hmph, you still have some kindness." Wang shi went downhill and took out the steamer with the steamed buns left over and gave it to her.

Aunt Ge returned to her stall with a steaming tray, and explained the situation to Uncle Ge. In order to make up for their mistakes, they both sold the steamed buns as their own.

Their stalls were crowded and sold out in no time. And because Gu Yin's buns are delicious, she even sold several bowls of noodles with the buns.

"My dear, this little daughter-in-law's steamed buns are really amazing." Uncle Ge tasted the last one, counted a few copper coins from his money box and put them in the pile of copper plates to be given to Gu Yin, "You guys are really not boasting. Wrong, thanks to the good location of our stall, we don't sell porridge and steamed buns, otherwise we really can't do this business like hers!"

Aunt Ge was thinking about the other side. The location of her own stall is good, but there are not enough things to sell. They have good things, but the location of the stall is poor. If this little daughter-in-law sends the buns to her house to sell, her family can sell more and share a part of the profit from it, wouldn't it be a win-win situation