Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 2


Gu Yin glanced at Xiao Wu'an who was sleeping soundly, then got out of bed and walked out of the house, lightly walking to the stove.

The stove was lit with an oil lamp, and the dim yellow light was stolen from the oil-paper hole in the window, and it was silent as if there was no one in it.

"Mother, what's wrong with you? Did you beat the bowl?" Gu Yin asked at the door in a normal tone.

Before waiting for the response from inside, Gu Yin touched the gavel for washing clothes in the yard and took it in her hand.

At this time, in the kitchen room, Mrs. Wang was covering her mouth tightly.

Hearing the voice outside, the man whispered: "If you don't want your son to die, just give it to me!"

Don't look at how Wang Shi was talking to Gu Yin and the others just now, but at this moment, he was so frightened that he was fighting, and his head was full of cold sweat.

She recognized the man in front of her as Li Daniu, a gangster in the village.

Li Daniu lived up to his name, as strong as a cow. He had all the strength but didn't do the right thing. But because his uncle is the right man in this room, he has no children under his knees, and it hurts so much that he treats him as his own son. Although the people in the village are tired of him, no one dares to do anything to him.

In the past, there were two strong laborers in the Wu family, especially Wu Qingyi, who was naturally strong and could crack rocks with his bare hands at the age of fifteen.

A few days ago, I heard the news that the men of the Wu family were gone, so Li Daniu moved his thoughts and waited until a dark night when he could not see his fingers, and touched the Wu family.

Li Daniu originally came for Gu Yin, but looking at Wang in the dim light, he felt a little different.

Immediately, he thought that there was only a five-year-old child in this family. As long as Gu Yin was tricked in, wouldn't the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law let him do the same

He laughed evilly and said again, "How about letting your daughter-in-law come in, and I'll let you and your son go?"

Wang Shi was still clenching his teeth in horror.

Li Daniu saw that Wang Shi refused to open his mouth, and the expression on his face became a bit fierce.

Just as the two were at a stalemate, they saw that the door of the stove was suddenly knocked open.

Li Daniu was guilty of being a thief, and when he heard the sound suddenly, he didn't realize that he was relieved.

Seeing the opportunity, Wang Shi immediately broke free from his shackles, and shouted "help" at the top of his voice.

Wang's voice has always been loud, and the cry for help was so loud that it was no exaggeration to say that it broke through the sky. However, unfortunately, a thunderstorm sounded outside at the same time, and then pouring rain poured down, completely blocking Wang's voice.

The pea-sized raindrops crackled, and Li Daniu secretly said, "God help me too", then turned around and slapped Mrs. Wang, and slapped Mrs. Wang directly to the side, and was about to hit her again and fainted. .

However, before he could do it, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head.

It turned out that when the thunder sounded, Gu Yin silently came behind him and hit Li Daniu on the back of the head with the mallet in his hand with all his strength!

However, Gu Yin, who had just recovered from a serious illness, had no strength at all, and Li Daniu stumbled twice before stabilizing his figure.

He stretched out his hand and touched the back of his head, seeing that his hands were already dyed red, and the anger on his body became more intense.

He turned his head and glanced at Gu Yin, who was still holding the gavel a few steps away, and smiled contemptuously: "I usually don't know that you are so fierce. It just so happens that the lord likes you as a chaste martyr. !"

After that, he ran towards Gu Yin again.

Wang Shi, whose mouth was full of blood, just got up from the ground at this time, and seeing that the situation was not right, he immediately hugged Li Daniu's waist from behind, and shouted to Gu Yin, "What are you doing here? Why don't you run with Wu An? !"

Gu Yin was calm in the face of danger, and said solemnly: "Wu An has already left the house to call for help, mother, don't worry, someone will come to take this thief soon!"

Li Daniu was not annoyed when he was stumbled by the Wang family, but instead smiled awkwardly: "Why do you scare me, little lady? Your home is at least two quarters of an hour back and forth from other people's homes, and now every family is sleeping soundly. Xiao'er called out, but today it's windy and rainy outside, and the Wu family's child is weak like a chicken. Why does it take half an hour to run out to find someone for help? You say, this half an hour Is it enough time for me to make it happen?"

Gu Yin was just bluffing to scare him, but he didn't expect that the man who looked at Sora, who was full of strength and had no brains, would not be so easy to deceive!

"What are you talking about, you idiot, don't run!" Blood flowed from Wang's mouth, and his eyes were red with anxiety.

But Gu Yin knew that she could not retreat.

The original body owed Wang's upbringing. As soon as Wang's words came out, a strong reluctance emerged in her subconscious—this should be the last remaining consciousness of the original body.

How could Gu Yin do such immoral things after taking over someone else's body and going against the will of the original body

Furthermore, she is now recovering from a serious illness, her body is weak, there is lightning and thunder outside, and it is raining heavily. Even if she runs away from Wang, most likely she will faint to death if she can't run half a mile. Not to mention that since he beat her into the house, Li Daniu's eyes seemed to stick to her. Want to know that his main target is her.

How long can Wang stumbling over him? That time was probably not enough for Gu Yin to escape.

Gu Yining brows silently, her eyes are lowered, the thick black curled eyelashes are like a pair of mysterious butterflies fluttering their wings, and her face is as lustrous and white as snow.

Li Daniu was stunned when he looked at her face for a while.

This child bride of the Wu family is really the most beautiful in this ten-mile and eight-township! It's not worth his risk to come and pick this delicate flower!

And Li Daniu also thought about it, as long as he succeeds and breaks Gu Yin's body, the women will have the same name. As long as this little lady of the Wu family is not too stupid, it will not make things too big. Besides, most of the men in the village are gone, and when his uncle helps him, he will naturally be able to completely cover up this matter, and maybe he will be able to take over the women in the entire village from now on!

Li Daniu looked at Gu Yin madly, no more nasty voices, but softened his voice, and learned to make up nonsense like a scholar in the book: "Little lady, I'm not the kind of person who can't take pity on fragrance and jade. You You should know me. I'm Lizheng's nephew. Our Li family is a big local surname. Speaking of which, the magistrate in the county town is still a relative of my family. Today you follow me, tomorrow I'll be eight Carry a big sedan chair to marry you. Instead of being a little widow in the Wu family, why don't you marry me, and I will keep you hot and spicy for the rest of your life!"

These words are naturally made up indiscriminately. No matter how good-looking Gu Yin is, she is a little widow who married someone. Moreover, Wu Qingyi's reputation is also poor, saying that he is Tiansha Guxing, he just wants to touch Gu Yin's body, and he does not dare to take this Tiansha Guxing's daughter-in-law home.

After listening to his words, Gu Yin frowned, as if she was really considering what he said.

Li Daniu continued patiently: "Usually I can't watch four or six, but I promise that as long as we get married, I will let my uncle find me an errand, work hard, and treat you well. Come, it's not my original intention to use force, I really love you for a long time."

Gu Yin bit her lip and hesitated: "I understand your sincerity, but fornication without matchmaking makes people look down on it. You are right, my man is dead, and I can't live this boring life as a widow. Why don't you? You go back and make an agreement with your family that tomorrow the three matchmakers will come to propose marriage."

As soon as Li Daniu said these words, Li Daniu didn't respond, and Wang Shi was already angrily and scolded: "You understand the shit! Good you Gu Daya, the old lady has worked so hard to pull you so big, you will turn around and have sex with wild men. For life?!"

Gu Yin replied angrily: "Although you have raised me for all these years, I haven't eaten at your house all these years, so I would get up before dawn to work with you? If you hadn't bought me, maybe I asked the big family to buy it. I heard that the maids of the big family wear gold and silver, and have the opportunity to be the auntie of the main family, which is better than the young lady of ordinary people?! "

Speaking of this, Gu Yin glared at Wang Shi angrily, as if she really hated her for a long time, and it was only today that she had a sudden attack.

Wang Shi was so angry that he no longer held Li Daniu's waist, and threw his hands at Gu Yin.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law scuffled together immediately, and they scuffled all the way from the door of the stove to the front of the stove.

Li Daniu was also stunned. He never expected that Gu Yin's attitude would change so quickly, nor did he expect that Wang Shi would sacrifice his life just now to save Gu Yin.

Wang's reputation is very strong. After Li Daniu reacted, he was afraid that he would break the little lady who was going to succeed, so he hurried forward to fight.

However, as soon as he grabbed one in one hand, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest—

He looked down dumbfoundedly, and saw that the kitchen knife on the stove had been inserted into his chest at some point!

Li Daniu's body like a hill collapsed suddenly.

Gu Yin and Wang Shi were panting and frightened.

"I... I killed someone." Wang Shi was also stunned, and the kitchen knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.