Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 29


The child slept until the twilight and did not wake up.

Gu Yin thought of the doctor's order to eat less and eat more frequently, and dressed him up and carried him to the main room.

The evening meal was the vegetable porridge cooked by Gu Yin and some elbows left at noon to heat up.

Since he is in poor health, he can no longer eat big meat, so Gu Yin only feeds him porridge.

The child sniffed the aroma of the meat and pointed at the meat with fascinated eyes.

Gu Yin took an elbow and held it in front of his nose. Seeing that he closed his eyes again, Mrs. Wang squatted beside him and fed a spoonful of vegetable porridge.

The child opened his mouth to eat the porridge, as if he felt something was wrong in his mouth, and smashed it several times. But there was indeed a strong meat aroma in front of his nose, and he opened his mouth after eating.

Gu Yin and Wang Shi looked at each other and snickered, and then they finished feeding a small bowl of vegetable porridge in this way.

Seeing that the child fell asleep again, Gu Yin took him back to the house, and then came out to eat with Wang.

Wang's squatting legs were numb, and while beating his own legs, he said: "When will this little brat not be afraid of me? He has to be so sneaky in his own house, and the legs of the squatting old lady are numb."

When Gu Yin and Xiao Wuan heard the words, they wanted to reach out to help her squeeze, but they were blocked by her.

"Eat, eat, and I'll go to bed and lie down for a while."

After the evening meal, Mrs Wang sent Xiao Wu'an back to her house and followed Gu Yin to her house.

"This brat only recognizes you, and can only let you sleep with him at night. I have locked the front and rear doors of the house, you should be alert, don't let him sneak away again."

He was finally caught, and naturally he couldn't be let out to wander.

Gu Yin nodded, then took out a light summer shirt from the cage, and tied the two sleeves of the shirt to her and the child's wrists respectively.

Seeing her own regulations, Mrs. Wang told her some precautions for going to work the next day, and went back to the house to rest.

Gu Yinfu lay down again, and it didn't take long to hear a sound on the door.

Thinking it was Mrs. Wang who turned back to talk, she stood up and asked, "Did you forget to say something, mother?"

Xiao Wu'an pushed open the door and slid into a head with a small thorn in it, and smiled shyly: "Sister-in-law, it's me."

Gu Yin saw that he was only wearing a middle coat and came over, gave way to the inside, patted the empty seat outside and waved to him.

Xiao Wu'an walked to the bed, holding on to the hem of his clothes and refusing to go up, "Mother said I'm an older child and can't be like before."

Gu Yin thought for a while and said, "The book says that men and women are not seated at the age of seven. You are still six months old."

"Is there really such a sentence?" Xiao Wu'an asked as he took off his shoes and went to bed.

"Really," Gu Yin covered him with the quilt, "If you don't believe me, ask your brother Qingchuan next time."

Xiao Wu'an lay down beside him, his gaze passed over Gu Yin again, and looked at the child on the other side of her who was sleeping on her back.

Gu Yin noticed his gaze and asked him softly, "What's the matter? Do you have a whisper to tell your sister-in-law?"

Xiao Wu'an put his hands on his face and said sullenly, "No, no..."

He didn't lie very much in the first place, and when he spoke hesitantly, it was obvious that he had something on his mind.

Gu Yin simply put it another way, "Let me guess, is there a child in the family and you are upset?"

"No!" He hurriedly denied it, paused for a while, and then whispered: "Okay, a little bit..." He stretched out his little hand again, his thumb on the tip of his index finger, "Just a little bit... ."

Although he has an older brother above him, he has never seen him since he was born, and when he grows up, he is treated as an only child.

After the child came today, his mother and sister-in-law were all around him. He didn't know what was wrong with him, and his heart was sour. In order to attract the attention of his family, he rarely acted like a spoiled child, arguing that he wanted to eat elbows again.

Gu Yin hugged him and patted him, and asked tentatively, "Then why don't we send him away?"

"No!" Xiao Wu'an immediately became anxious, "It's so cold outside, he's so young, even younger than me! No way!"

Gu Yin just knew that he was a good boy with a soft heart, so she asked that deliberately, and at this moment she couldn't help but smile: "You also said that he is younger than you, and he has been wandering outside for so long, and he just came here. Our family, it must take a lot of work. Otherwise... you have made yourself dirty, and my mother and I will help you take a bath? "

Xiao Wu'an felt a little embarrassed even sleeping with her, let alone asking them to help take a bath, and immediately blushed: "No! I can wash myself!"

Gu Yin bent her lips and patted him again, "Little fool, mother and sister-in-law must still like you the most."

Xiao Wu'an listened to her soft-spoken explanation and comfort, thinking of how miserable he was robbing other people's leftovers when he first saw a child, he closed his eyes and muttered softly, "That mother and sister-in-law are still fine. I like him a little more...but not too much, just as much as I like me."

"Good boy." Gu Yin saw that he was asleep, tucked him and the child into a quilt, and also lay down and fell asleep.

However, she only slept until the dawn, and the two well-behaved children wet the bed together. Gu Yin could only grab both of them from the bed and change the bedding. The two little guys fell asleep again after a while, but she couldn't sleep any longer, so she simply boiled water to wash the bedding.

Not long after she got up from her side, Mrs Wang also came out of the room.

Hearing her talk about the two children's urination kang, Mrs. Wang almost laughed, "I wanted to remind you to be careful about this yesterday, but I forgot about it later. Wu An is also a kid, why did he come to sleep with you? already."

Gu Yin then chatted with Wang Shi about Wu An's mood, and said sternly: "It is not a trivial matter to not suffer from a few but to suffer unevenly. But fortunately, our Wu An is relaxed and kind. I persuaded him yesterday. I'm not unhappy anymore."

"Is this kid stupid?" Wang said with a smile, "He was born to me, how can I still like others to go over him?"

As the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law spoke, they washed the bedding, wrung it dry, and hung it in the corridor.

Not long after that, it was getting brighter. Gu Yin went back to the house and saw that the two children were still sleeping, so she lightly changed her clothes and went out the door.

"That child has to trouble her mother to look after him during the day. I think he actually understands people's words. Please explain to him and I will be back in the evening."

Wang nodded and said it was natural, and then sent Gu Yin out of the house.

It snowed again the night before, and the morning was gloomy again. Gu Yin put on the big cotton robe again, and when she walked to the alley, she saw the carriage that had been riding before.

Gu Yin walked over quickly, and Wen Peifeng in the carriage heard the sound and came out.

"Why does the shopkeeper Wen come to pick him up in person?"

Wen Peifeng first got out of the car and put the footstool on, and let her step on the car.

"The snowstorm was heavy that day, I was afraid that the little lady had only walked once and didn't know the way. Besides, you were kicked out for failing to introduce the little lady to the old man that day. I feel guilty, and today I will be the one. Make up for it."

The job opportunity of the Wen family is all thanks to Wen Peifeng. Gu Yin has regarded him as a friend, so she smiled inside and said, "Thank you so much."

The two stopped talking, and arrived at Wen's house in a quarter of an hour.

Wen Peifeng had to go to the rice shop, so he didn't enter the mansion again, but he invited the old mother in the mansion to accompany him, and by the way, he explained to Gu Yin the general operation of the Wen family.

The old mother is much older than Wang Shi, half of her hair is white, and she looks kind and kind.

She was already waiting at the door in this weather, and Gu Yin got out of the car and hurriedly greeted her.

"Little lady doesn't need to be so polite, just call me Hua Mama." Hua Mama said and pulled Gu Yin up.

She was the eldest maid of the late Mrs. Wen Tai, and she never got married in her life.

Later, Mrs. Tai was gone, and Mother Hua asked to leave the mansion. The old man thought that she had no relatives by her side, so she let her live in the mansion. Later, when he left Beijing, he also took her out.

The two went to Wen's house together, and the housekeepers at the door were still cleaning up the snow, and the second housekeeper was the one who took the lead.

When the housekeepers saw Hua's mother, they all voluntarily and consciously gave way, but the second housekeeper stood at the door and didn't move.

When Mrs. Tai was still there, the second housekeeper naturally wanted to respect Hua's mother, but Mrs. Tai was long gone, and Hua's mother became a leisurely meal in the house. The second housekeeper and Mr. Wen Er were of one mind and regarded everything of the Wen family in Hanshan Town as own room. Not only does he have a bad face towards the big room, but he also has no respect for such a mother Hua.

Hua's mother didn't care about him, she patted Gu Yin's hand on the back and motioned her to go around the second housekeeper.

But when the two turned to the left, the second housekeeper who had his back turned to them also turned to the left, and they turned to the right, and the second housekeeper also turned to the right.

There was a sullen look on Hua's mother's brows, but Gu Yin was not angry, she called with a smile, "Second housekeeper!"

Her voice was clear and crisp, and she went on a crisp sentence, which was blown by the wind and spread far away.

"What are you calling me for!" The second housekeeper turned around unhappily, "Why is it you again?"

"Yes, thanks to the second housekeeper, I came to see the job before. I will have to trouble the second housekeeper to help and take care of it in the future."

The second housekeeper's scalp was numb when she shouted the word "two", "My surname is Zhang, you can just call me housekeeper Zhang!"

As he said that, he pretended again, as if he had just seen Mother Hua, and took two steps back, "Why did Mother Hua come out? I'm busy instructing people to work, and I haven't seen your old man."

At this age, Hua's mother was too lazy to care about such trivial matters with him, so she nodded slightly to say hello.

The second housekeeper pointed at the housekeeper again and said, "All cats and dogs are coming in front of the door, and they will carefully sweep the snow for me. If I throw out an old and dim-sighted old man like Mama Hua, I will let you all eat and go!"

Yes, this is deliberately stabbing people.

"Second housekeeper, be careful yourself. Although I've only been here twice, you don't seem to notice anyone approaching, and you don't seem to react very quickly... Be careful not to fall out."

"Me, surname, Zhang!" The second housekeeper gritted his teeth, but Gu Yin was the one who cooked for the old man, not a servant of the house, and he couldn't discipline him either.

Gu Yin smiled without answering, and followed in the footsteps of Hua's mother.

Before the two of them got around the shadow wall, they heard a thud behind them, and the second housekeeper really fell on his back, his face on the ground, and his whole body was lying on the ground in a big shape.

Rao is Hua's mother who can stand things like this, and she couldn't help laughing.

"How did the little lady know that he was going to fall?"

Gu Yin whispered, "How can I have the ability to predict the future? It's just that he was wearing soft satin shoes on a snowy day, with a thin layer on the bottom.

The two of them passed through the hanging flower door, passed through the chasing veranda, and arrived at the Wen's large kitchen.

This large kitchen is not as large as the back kitchen of Mochizuki Tower. There are five large stoves in total and a row of small mud stoves next to it. All kinds of ingredients are slightly messy on the middle counter. But in the end, it is much better than Gu Yin's own small kitchen.

There was already someone in the kitchen at this time. A fat middle-aged man who looked like a bun was the original chef of the house, Master Xu, who was responsible for cooking for several masters in the family. There are also two 14th and 5th assistant chefs, who are apprentices of Master Xu, and are responsible for cooking for other servants in the family on a daily basis.

Gu Yin greeted them. Master Xu sat on the bamboo chair with the backrest and slowly lifted his eyelids to look at her. Although he didn't say anything, his expression was already contemptuous.

The two little helpers saw their master like this, so naturally they didn't talk to her.

Gu Yin didn't care, she took off the big cotton robe and put it aside, while washing her hands, she asked Hua's mother, "Can the old man get up today? Did you say what you want to eat?"

Hua's mother said: "The weather has been bad recently, and the old man fell asleep in the morning. I guess he still didn't get up. The old man likes to eat noodles in the morning. As for what flavor he wants to eat, I don't know."

The old man has been very picky about food recently, so Mother Hua did not dare to tell the old man what flavor he wanted to eat, so she comforted: "But since the old man has invited the little lady over, he must be very satisfied with the little lady's craftsmanship, you can do whatever you want. Some will do."

Gu Yin turned her head and saw a piece of beef on the table.

This is something that can be eaten at any time in future generations, but at this time, it is rarer than other hole goods on the table. It is illegal to kill a cow, unless it is a sudden death or a sick cow, it can be killed legally. The supply of beef is in short supply, so big families like Wen's family can buy such fresh beef.

Hua's mother followed her line of sight and said, "When the old man was young, he liked beef very much. When his teeth became bad, he ate less."

Gu Yin nodded, and asked the old man's taboos again. Looking at the gloomy sky outside, he was going to make ramen noodles in clear soup and oily noodles.

She first found a large pot and kneaded the noodles, added flour and water and kneaded them into a flocculent shape, then added a little salt to increase the gluten of the flour, kneaded the noodles in one direction, and kneaded the dough that was smooth, white and fat, with moderate hardness and softness. Then use a rolling pin to roll the dough into a large flatbread, use a knife to cut the dough into three-finger-wide strips, and then use a knife horizontally to cut the strips into small squares.

Then brush the cooking oil on the plate, put the cubes in, brush the oil again, cover with a cloth and set it aside to wake up the noodles.

Within a quarter of an hour after waking up, Gu Yin cut a small piece of beef and cooked a large pot of beef soup.

When the noodles were awake, Gu Yin sprinkled a handful of flour on the counter and started to pull the noodles.

I saw the noodles shaking in her hand and falling on the chopping board, divided into two, and then divided into four... more and more and more and more thin. In the end, it became as thin as a hair. As for the remaining half of the noodles, Gu Yin flicked both ends of her chopsticks, and it became a wide dough.

At this time, Master Xu couldn't help sitting up straight.

He had previously thought that the old man couldn't eat the food he made, nor could he eat the food made by other famous masters. Obviously, the reason was not their cooking skills, but the old man himself. Now recruiting such a little lady, it is estimated that it will not last long.

Seeing Gu Yin as a craftsman at this time, he realized that he was wrong - this is obviously a real skill!

The ramen and wide noodles were put into the pot separately. Gu Yin put some salt in the pot, took out the beef, cut the beef into thin slices with a knife, put it back into the pot and continued to cook.

When she turned her head and saw that Mama Hua was still with her, Gu Yin was grateful and asked, "Would you like to eat some too?"

She only uses flour, and Wen's family eats refined grains every day. So Hua's mother felt that it was not arrogant, she nodded and said, "The little lady will use it for the old man first, and we can share the rest."

Gu Yin replied with a smile, at the same time shredded cucumber, smashed minced garlic, put it in a large bowl, and added cooked sesame seeds and a pinch of chili noodles.

When the ramen was out of the pot, Gu Yinsheng came out, added a spoonful of fragrant beef soup, a few slices of beef, sprinkled with a handful of chopped green onion, and it was a bowl of clear soup ramen.

It is also easy to splash the noodles in oil. Gu Yin put the drained wide noodles into the prepared bowl of ingredients, and then poured hot oil on it, only to hear a "thorn" sound, the fragrance is overflowing, it will make people greedy Tick it out.

After the two things were finished, it was bright outside, and the servant who was waiting for Mrs. Wen came to pick up the food box.

Mrs. Wen had already woken up and was playing the Five Animals Show in the yard. He didn't see the little servant who brought the food box, but he smelled it first.

"What is this about again?"

The servant said: "I made two kinds of noodles. The small ones look quite novel. Would you like to try them?"

Mrs. Wen entered the room and asked him to set out the food. A bowl of ramen noodles was refreshing and refreshing, with a clear soup base, slender noodles, and green chopped green onions, which made people look very appetizing. Another bowl of oil-splashed noodles, bright red noodle soup, wide noodles and shredded cucumber soaked in chili oil, can't help but drool when you smell it.

One light, one oily and spicy, obviously no matter what flavor he wants to eat, he can take care of it.

Mrs. Wen first tasted the noodle soup. The noodle soup was light, but not bland, full of the aroma of beef. The noodles looked slender, but they were very strong. The beef that was as thin as a cicada's wings had not undergone complicated processing, retaining its original taste.

Before he knew it, Mrs. Wen ate half a bowl of ramen noodles. The hot sweat broke out on her body, and she felt uncomfortable. The smell of another bowl of oil-splashed noodles was also very fragrant. He was about to say and try it. .

After returning to Hanshan Town, Mr. Wen spared his children and grandchildren the etiquette in Beijing. Mr. Wen came here because he still cared about the appetite of the old father.

Seeing that the old man had eaten it, Master Wen loosened his face, picked up another pair of chopsticks on the table, and tasted the oil-splashed noodles.

"It's so spicy!" Master Wen hissed, but he couldn't stop eating, and he finished a whole bowl in a short while.

The father and son both put their chopsticks on their faces, and the old man suddenly patted his head, "No, didn't I hire a little cook who cooks porridge? How do you bring me noodles, what about the girl? Don't be the cook. People bullied her for her new arrival, so she specifically refused to let her cook for me!"

There is no doubt about Gu Yin's skill in cooking porridge. It is not easy for her to master this subject at her age. The old lady never thought that she was proficient in all cases.

When the little servant went to take the food box, the two bowls of noodles were already packed. He also took the things and left. He didn't know what the old lady was talking about, but most of the servants in this house were from the second room. , There is no need to say more about how to do it.

The old man went to the big kitchen in person. On the way, he was already thinking about how to help Gu Yinfa to defeat the servant who bullied her.

At this time, Gu Yin was teaching Master Xu how to pull ramen.

Master Xu can do both red and white cases, but he does not have a mentor. He follows people around as an apprentice. He is not particularly proficient in craftsmanship. When he sees Gu Yin pulling noodles, he is curious and embarrassed to look forward to it. .

In the end, I couldn't hold it any longer, and came to ask for advice with a red face.

Although Gu Yin had been put on his face by him before, she was always more tolerant towards people who were like her. She also does not have the stereotyped idea of passing on the craft to her family like the people of the time, and the Wen family only has this big kitchen, where she cooks three meals a day, and she can't hide her craftsmanship. Smooth water.

Gu Yin showed him another pull.

Master Xu followed suit. Even with years of experience in cooking, the noodles he pulled out for the first time were still unsatisfactory, with different thicknesses and disconnections.

Gu Yin pointed him a few more words, and he nodded again and again, but after he wrote it down, he couldn't try it again. If they can eat something like white noodles, the master is generous, and they can't justify it if they keep practicing.

The broken noodles should not be wasted. After Chef Xu cooked it, he gave Gu Yin a bowl first, then a large bowl for himself, and the rest was for the two little apprentices to eat.

Hua's mother still ate the ramen that Gu Yin made before. She stayed for a while because she was afraid that she would be bullied by Master Xu. Later, seeing that they got along well, she said goodbye and left.

When Mrs. Wen went to the big kitchen, what she saw was Gu Yin sitting on the only bamboo chair in the kitchen, Master Xu and two young apprentices squatting in a circle beside her with big bowls.

Master Xu's body like a mountain of meat stood in front of Gu Yin, and he was quietly holding the chopsticks to pull beef from her bowl.

"It's not good," Gu Yin ducked with her bowl, pressing her throat hesitantly: "It's good to eat white noodles, but it's a little bit to eat meat..."

Master Xu also lowered his voice, "There's nothing wrong, the little master can eat it at ease. The bosses won't come to the kitchen for ten thousand years, can we still care about this half-mouth meat? Even if I don't eat it, I can grow so fat. ?"

Gu Yin had to refuse, and when she looked up, she saw Mrs. Wen standing at the door.

Mrs. Wen put his hands behind his back and said without a smile, "Cook Xu, dare you to have such a long body?"

Master Xu was so frightened that he sat on the ground, and the fat on his face trembled.

He was about to plead for forgiveness and tell the old man not to let him go. In this Hanshan Town, there is no such a generous and rich owner as the Wen family!

But Mrs. Wen didn't look at him. He raised his chin at Gu Yinang, "Come with me."

Master Xu sat on the ground and exhaled a big breath, and watched Gu Yin get up with a tragic expression, and almost wrote the words "Go all the way" on his face.

Gu Yin: Not really, really not.