Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 35


Master Wen panicked when he saw his old father smiling.

The old man used to look like this when he calculated political enemies in the court.

But what about panic? This is his own father, and he ran into it in a hurry, so he can't turn around and leave.

Master Wen walked into the room with heavy steps, and saluted the old man slowly.

The old man was still smiling, and asked him enthusiastically, "Have you ever eaten it? I remember that you like spicy food recently. Girl Gu is working at our house on the last day today. Do you want her to do something for you?"

This is the purpose of Mr. Wen's coming here, but Mr. Wen really asked that, but he didn't dare to agree.

"I've eaten, I've eaten." Master Wen said hesitantly, "Father speaks straight, but son follows his compulsion."

"Hey, you kid, it's like I care about you because I want to use you." Mrs. Wen looked at him kindly, "It's a good thing that will help you, didn't you say you're bored at home and want to accept students?"

Master Wen: Where do I have it

"Hey, it just so happens that the girl in Gu's family has a child. I heard that she is a very smart and a good seedling that is rare in a century. Do you think it is..."

Although Gu Yin also thinks that Wu An is really talented in reading, his memory that is unforgettable is something that many people can't keep up with in a lifetime. But she hasn't mentioned this to the old lady yet! Why are you still talking about yourself

The old man said and looked at Gu Yin again, "Although my eldest eldest has a low official position in Beijing, he is also a serious two-rank jinshi. He was born as a Tanhua Lang. When it comes to being a scholar and a gentleman, he is really better than me."

The old man reads books to become an official. After entering the office, his mind was no longer on learning.

Master Wen is different. He is not as talented as his father, but he really likes reading books. Not only the Four Books and Five Classics, but other books he likes to read. Two days ago, the old man saw that he was reading a book like "Young Learning Qionglin" and asked him what he thought of such a book. He said that he suddenly remembered that he hadn't read it for a long time. Although this book is a children's book, But it's fun to read now.

Is there anything more suitable to be a teacher than someone who likes to read, is young, and has plenty of time

The old man's two-way sales can't be described as unsuccessful. Anyway, Gu Yin was moved, and immediately smiled: "Then I have time to bring the child here? I just don't know when the old man will be free tomorrow."

Mr. Wen is now an idler in the family. Although the old man has assigned a few shops to them, he does not know how to do chores, and he has no interest in those. He handed over the management of several shops to Wen Lang and Wen Peifeng. The old man, "Father, when will I be free?"

The old man thought to himself that I think you are very free now, but in front of Gu Yin, he didn't say this, only said: "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, it's better to do it today. If you don't have anything to do in the morning, bring someone here. ."

Gu Yin naturally should be ok. Regardless of whether Wu An can be selected by Master Wen, she still thanked the old man and the master for giving them this opportunity.

After saying thanks, Gu Yin left the house and went back to Zhenyi Lane.

When Gu Yin left, Master Wen lowered his crotch and said worriedly, "Father, why am I going to accept students? During the Chinese New Year, you said that you were sick and no one was there, but I helped you meet hundreds of students!"

Although Mr. Wen is middle-aged, he may have been studying for many years. After entering the officialdom, he only worked in places like the Hanlin Academy. There are some literati in the Hanlin Academy. . But there is an old man, the head of the civil service, sitting in the court, and of course no one will touch the bad. Therefore, Mr. Wen's heart of a child has not faded, and he is still serious in front of people, but in private he has a youthful heart.

Mrs. Wen was holding a tea cup on the ground, "You have helped hundreds of them, what's wrong with seeing one again?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter," Mr. Wen lowered his voice, "but that kid... is he really as smart as his father said?"

Mr. Wen did not think about accepting students before, but during the Chinese New Year, he saw so many students who were eager for knowledge, and he actually had the idea of accepting a student.

But then, in the past few years, although their father and son were officials in the same dynasty, the life of the old man was even more legendary. Master Wen, who had spent half his life in the Hanlin Academy, seemed a little unknown. Therefore, the vast majority of those students are still coming for Mrs. Wen.

Second, it is also Master Wen who has high vision. Although I didn't expect to accept a student as talented as the old man, I couldn't be worse than him, right

Two factors combined, hundreds of students were rejected by Master Wen.

Now that he has been instructed by the old man to really consider accepting students, Master Wen has to ask carefully about the child's aptitude and learning progress.

He really liked Gu Yin's craftsmanship - although she always said that her skills in the red case were poor, and the old lady also praised her for doing better in the white case, but the peppers in her hands could change many completely different foods. , The whimsy can't even compare to the master of the Beijing restaurant, which is really eye-opening.

If you don't accept her child, I'm afraid it will be a bad relationship.

So it is best if her child is really talented, and he can also receive a satisfactory student, everyone is happy.

The old man coughed unnaturally, and said after a while, "Girl Gu looks so smart, his children will definitely not be worse off."

"The little lady looks so young and already has a child."

The old man said no, "The child's name is Wu An, and Wu should be her husband's surname."

Master Wen shouted in a voice: "Can her husband's children go with her?"

The old man scratched his ears and said, "What are you shouting? Your father is not deaf! I didn't force you to accept him, I just gave the child a chance. You followed me to eat and drink, right? The girl is here to give me a person As a cook, it stands to reason that you only need to take care of my food. They still cook so much for you, and they don’t charge you more, so why do you give your children a chance?”

Master Wen lowered his voice again, "Alright then."

Before noon that day, Gu Yin brought Wu An and Gu Ye over together.

Originally, she just wanted to bring Wu An here, but these two children were used to it in a series, and they were inseparable.

After she took Wu An away, Gu Ye followed them from a distance.

She was not good at leaving him, so she had to bring him together.

"Both are your children?"

Gu Yin said no, and introduced: "The older one is my brother-in-law, named Wu An, and he will be six years old in less than two months. The younger one is called Gu Ye, with my surname, and he is my child. Two children We were inseparable at home, so we had to bring them together.”

When the old man heard the words, he went to see Gu Ye first, thinking that even if the big one didn't work, this little one looked weird and clever, so he would definitely be able to follow his mother, right

It's a pity that the old man was disappointed that although Xiao Gu Ye was born fair and delicate, his eyes were very bright, and he was not stage fright when he was looked at from head to toe by the old man. It's a pity that when I asked, I found that he couldn't even answer the basics.

Afraid of hurting the child's self-esteem, the old man called Gu Yin to him, lowered his voice and asked her what was going on. There would never be such an old child who couldn't speak.

Gu Yin explained Xiao Gu Ye's origin to the old man in a soft voice.

After listening, the old man nodded and said, "So that's the case, so there's no rush. This kid looks smart. It's going to be a long time in Japan, and it can be taught."

Then it was Wu An's turn. He was shy, and was suddenly taken to an unfamiliar environment. When he saw a stranger again, he subconsciously wanted to hide behind Gu Yin.

Gu Yin squatted down and said to him: "Don't be afraid of Wu An, this old man is very nice, and my sister-in-law has been working in his house. During the Chinese New Year, my grandfather gave my sister-in-law a big red seal, and my sister-in-law will give it to you. I bought new clothes, remember?"

Wu An naturally remembered it. He wore the new clothes with love for the whole New Year. Unfortunately, the weather has been hot these two days. His mother said that it is not suitable for wearing jackets.

And Wu An still remembered that during this time, my sister-in-law would bring all kinds of delicious food home after work every day, all of which were given by the owner, that is, the old grandfather in front of me.

Sure enough, he wasn't so scared anymore, he let go of the hand that was holding Gu Yin's skirt, and wringed his hands, he stepped forward to greet the old lady.

"The child is a little shy. After all, there are only my mother and me in the family, so you can forgive me." Gu Yin apologized for help.

The old man waved his hand dismissively, saying that it would be fine.

After all, although there is an old saying that one looks at eighty at the age of three, in fact, such things as character are the most changeable.

Just like the second child of the Wen family when he was a child, he grew up under his parents' knees at that time. Although he had no talent for reading, he was smart and sensible.

Afterwards, the second elder of the Wen family, who was still alive at the time, felt that his knees were empty, and he wrote a letter to ask the old man to send his grandson back to live for a while.

The old man packed his two sons and sent them back. The result was that although the eldest son was the eldest grandson, he was too dull, so he knew that he would stay out of the house with a book in his hands. Although the second child is a few years younger, he is constantly witty, and he is always under the lap of the second old man, making the second old love him so much.

A few months later, Mrs. Wen brought back the two children. The boss is fortunate to finally be able to come back and study hard. He said that after a few months, the books he brought back have already been read. The second child was sullen. After he came back, he became more and more uneasy about reading. He couldn't finish a page of the book in three days. The angry old man beat him up. Turning his head, he wrote to his grandfather and grandmother, saying that he still wanted to go back to Hanshan Town.

The second elder of the Wen family sent a letter again. First, he said that he was reluctant to bear the second child. He also said that although the family's property was nothing in the capital, it was something passed down from generation to generation, and someone had to inherit it. Since the second child can't read, but has a flexible mind, wouldn't it be good to go back to inherit his ancestral property

Of course, the grandfather and the madam are reluctant to have children, but if the grandfather is an official outside the country and his parents are unwilling to leave their hometown, they will indeed send a child back to fulfill their filial piety on their behalf.

The second child was also willing, so the couple sent the child back.

In the beginning, he was asked to live in Hanshan Town and the capital for half a year each year, but after half a year he was unwilling to go back and launched the two mountains of the Wen family, but Mr. Wen couldn't help him.

Later, when Mrs. Wen discovered that the second child was crooked, it was too late to correct it.

In a blink of an eye, the second child of the Wen family has become the second master of Wen who can't get out of money.

So the old man believes that the environment can shape a person's character.

After speaking and seeing the ceremony, it was time for the exam.

Because Wu An was only over three hundred thousand years old, Master Wen let him memorize it first.

This is Wu An's strength, so he slowly let go-

"In the beginning of man, nature is good..."

"Zhao Qian Sun Li, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang..."

"The sky and the earth are yellow, the universe is prehistoric..."

Wu An memorized the three books one by one in a clear childish voice, and Master Wen picked up a few words from the back, and Wu An answered them fluently.

Master Wen nodded and said, "It's true. I heard that you didn't invite Mr., but just learned it from the scholar next door?"

Wu An looked at Gu Yin, but Gu Yin did not speak, patted him on the shoulder encouragingly, and let him speak for himself.

Wu An plucked up his courage and said, "I have never invited Mr. Qing Chuan, but Brother Qingchuan has read it to me several times and taught me to recognize it, so I have learned it all."

"Is it possible to memorize it only after hearing it and recognizing it a few times? Then I have a copy of "Young Learning Qionglin" here. Come, come to me, and I will read it for you."

After reading each word one by one, Mr. Wen’s mouth was moistened with hot tea for a short period of time. He really wanted to read it a second time, but Wu An had already opened his mouth and carried it on his back.

"In the beginning of chaos, the universe begins to build. The light and clear air floats up to be the sky, and the heavy and turbid air condenses down to the earth..."

"Cough cough, this will be done?" Master Wen whispered to the old man.

The old man was also surprised in his heart, but his face did not show. He gave him a sideways look and whispered: "I said that the children of Gu girl's family are smart, you calm down, they are all people who want to be Mr. Ren."

Master Wen sat up straight again, and after a long while, when Wu An had memorized each word correctly, he nodded slightly and praised implicitly, "Not bad." Then he asked, "Can you write it too?"

"It will."

The pen, ink, paper and inkstone are all ready-made, so Master Wen asked Wu An to write it on the spot.

Wu An usually used charcoal pen to write and play at home. When he touched the brush for the first time, he was inevitably a little flustered.

Seeing his sister-in-law's encouraging and gentle eyes again, Wu An let out a long breath, first recalling Xu Qingchuan's gesture of holding the pen, then dipping the pen in ink and writing on the blank rice paper.

The first time I picked up a writing brush, Wu An's words that he had never practiced became more and more crooked.

Fortunately, he was careful and proper, and there was no ink stain on the white paper.

As early as when he was holding the pen, the old man and Mr. Wen knew that most of the child had never touched a pen before - he had a posture but didn't know how to use force.

So in this case, it is not easy for him to write the words clearly and clearly.

Afterwards, the master of the text pointed him two sentences, and he immediately understood it. When he started writing again, the handwriting was a lot neater. Although it was still not a good character, it was completely like the previous one. It was written by two people. It's all right!

Their father and son looked at each other and both had a good impression of Wu An.

This was passed by Master Wen, but there was another problem with the old man later.

"In the first cup of water, after adding a drop of ink, the whole cup becomes muddy. A cup of dirty juice will not become clear because a drop of water is added. You are this drop of water, what should you do?"

Afraid that the child would not understand, Mrs. Wen showed him on the spot with two teacups, one filled with water and one with ink.

Gu Yin heard that this question was alluding to officialdom, but since it was a test of Wu An, she didn't say much.

Wu An also let go a lot at this time, saying: "Clear water and sewage are all water. Since I can't change it, then I will make a drop of clear water, so as not to be melted by sewage."

Wu An himself blushed after speaking. In fact, he understood that the old grandfather in front of him was using water to test his other things, but he only vaguely touched the edge. In fact, he didn't know what he was asking, so he felt that he answered did not do well.

The old man narrowed his eyes and recalled that he was asked this question when he was a child. At that time, his inflexible nature had already been revealed. He said that a drop of clean water could not clean the sewage, so he would not do that drop of water, but a handful of water. … Day after day, year after year, one day, he will be the one who decides whether this glass of water will be cloudy.

Later, he did so, and after three dynasties, he persevered.

Looking back, I found that from beginning to end, no matter how capable he was, he was just a cup of water, and he couldn't compete with the person who held the cup. It was ridiculous.

On the contrary, it was Wu An's answer, which was eloquent and eloquent, with a broad mind that was neither happy with things nor sad about himself.

In fact, there is no so-called correct answer to this question, but the old man and the eldest master know Wu An better.

So Master Wen nodded and said, "He is indeed a good boy. From tomorrow you will come to study with me in the mansion. Would you like to?"

Wu An is naturally willing. In fact, he also likes reading a lot. Although he still knows a little bit about it, this kind of love is unclear.

He nodded hastily, "I do!"

The apprenticeship ceremony was set for the second day.

The old man smiled and watched Gu Yin lead the two children out.

Master Wen couldn't help but say, "Why is my father happier than me?"

The old man refused to reveal it, but said sternly: "Isn't I happy for you if you accept a good student? We should also make plans for the future. Our father and son see evil in the present, and as long as he is in power, we will have nothing to do with it. It’s possible to recover in a day. Although Wen Lang’s qualifications are better than yours, but there is no one to help him, it will be difficult for him to become an official every day. He always needs help.”

Speaking of this, Master Wen also bowed and saluted, "Father is far-sighted, my son will live up to your expectations and raise this child well."

Besides Gu Yin and the others, after leaving Wen's house, Wu An was jumping up and down, although he had repeatedly emphasized that he now has nephews and can no longer call him Xiao Wu An, Gu Yin still couldn't help laughing: "Xiao Wu An , why are you so happy?"

Wu An blushed and smiled, and then he began to be honest.

Gu Ye was being held by Gu Yin's other hand and muttered in his mouth.

Gu Yin listened carefully, only to hear him muttering to himself: "The water is muddy... Drain it all! One cup is not good... Change a cup!"

Listen to this, it's crazy!

Gu Yin couldn't help rubbing his little head.

When he returned to Zhenyi Alley, Mrs. Wang had already stretched her neck and waited at the entrance of the alley.

"How's it going? Did our Wu'an pass the exam?" Wang's voice trembled.

Gu Yin patted Wu An lightly, and Wu An said by herself, "Passed! Sir, let me go and study with me tomorrow."

"God!" Wang shi couldn't help shouting, then quickly covered his mouth and pushed the three of them back home.

For the apprenticeship ceremony, there are six things to prepare such as dried meat, longan, lotus seeds, etc. Fortunately, Chef Xu only gave Gu Yin a copy two days ago.

When Gu Yin left Wen's house, she asked him where he bought those things.

Others can be bought, that is, dried meat, which is still cost-effective to air-dry.

But Chef Xu had the idea of becoming a teacher before the Chinese New Year. He specially made some more during the New Year, half of which was given to Gu Yin, and half of which he kept for himself to eat slowly. He heard that she was going to use it, but Chef Xu didn't ask much. , and immediately said that he would go back and ask his little apprentice to send Gu Yin home.

After Wang Shi calmed down, he and Gu Yin went to buy other things. In the evening, Chef Xu's little apprentice brought jerky over, and everything was ready for work.

Seeing how busy she was, Mrs Xu next door couldn't help but inquire.

Don't look at Wang's usual can't stand things - during the Chinese New Year, Gu Yin gave her the hairpin, and she stayed there throughout the New Year. Whenever anyone asked, she took the initiative to say that it was her daughter-in-law's filial piety!

But at this time, she knew that she could not speak up, that is, when Xu shi asked, she lowered her voice and told her that her family's Wu'an had been accepted as a student by the eldest master of the Wen family! Going to do the apprenticeship tomorrow!

Mrs. Xu didn't know the specific background of the Wen family, but only knew that the old man had asked Gu Yin to hand over two books before, and his son's precious one was not good enough. First read it carefully, then copy it down, and then return the original book to others.

"Isn't it bad for Mr. Wen? There are two days before Mr. Wen recruits students. Don't do it to save money. If it's not enough, let's make it together. "

Wang Shi smiled and waved, "It's not like that, this Wen family... It's the kind of family we heard in the drama before! The old man of the Wen family was ousted at that time, so he was upset, so he saw that. The content of the play will quarrel with people!"

Xu shi was shocked and took a breath of cold air, and then Wang shi went to work.

Xu shi went back to the room thoughtfully, and Xu Qingchuan came back not long after, with a smile on his face, he entered the room and said, "I met my aunt from the Wu family when I first came back, and he told me about Wu'an and asked me to You don't have to take him to Mr. Wen's place in the day after tomorrow. This kid is very talented, I didn't expect better luck, and he will definitely do something in the future!"

Seeing how his son was sincerely happy for Wu An, Mrs Xu sighed.

Xu Qingchuan asked her what was wrong, and she hesitantly said: "Son, you said that Wu An is smart, but you are not worse than him. The old man we met on the same day next door, how could you just… "

Why not you.

Xu Qingchuan smiled disapprovingly and said, "Mother, why do you think so? Everyone has their own fate, and I already have a husband. If I feel that the two gentlemen of the Wen family are more illustrious today, I will worship him instead, and I will meet him in the future. Even more powerful, should I change my husband again? What kind of person have I become?"

"Well, my son is right, but I'm just..."

Xu Qingchuan warmly comforted: "When the old man was in the town, he was only studying with Master Juren. You can see that he has been an important minister of the three dynasties. If he hadn't had a quarrel with today and resigned himself, his status would have been lost. It is impossible to be shaken. It can be seen that famous teachers are important, but what happens in the future depends on the students themselves."

Xu shi was coaxed by her, and got up and went back to the house to get his own money, saying: "Then I will go next door again. Master Hanlin is willing to accept students, so Shuxiu must be higher than Mr. Wen, Wang Baoyun. That fool is patronizing Le, and he doesn't know if the money is enough."

In the middle of the night, Gu Yin got up to make steamed buns and porridge. When it was dawn, Mrs. Wang went to set up the stall first, while she took things to Wu An to Wen's house.

Both Wu An and Gu Ye rushed to help her carry things, and only asked her to carry a bag of dried longan.

When the group arrived at Wen's house, Mr. Wen and Mr. Wen were waiting for them in the study.

The six-color apprenticeship ceremony was placed on the table. Master Wen drank a cup of tea from Wu Anjing, and then led him to worship the portrait of the most holy master. He held a pen-opening ceremony. The simple apprenticeship ceremony was completed.

After the ceremony was completed, Gu Yin took out another small bundle made of red silk and put it together with the repair ceremony.

Master Wen naturally doesn't care about these customs, it's just a passing scene. Therefore, he also noticed that there were too many rituals for apprenticeship, and people took things away, and he led Wu An to his study.

The old man watched the whole process with a smile, and when he sent off the newly promoted teachers and students, the old man watched Gu Yinfu retire, the smile on his face stagnated, and he hurriedly stopped people.

"The matter of your child's schooling has been settled. Now let's talk about the shop. Now you can rent my shop."

Gu Yin said no, "I'm afraid that the five taels of silver are gone now. Apart from some cash left in the stall, the family has to earn money for food and clothing."

The old man said strangely: "Didn't I save fifteen taels for your family?"

"Yeah, the 15 taels that were originally prepared for Mr. Wen were saved. But for a noble Hanlin lord like the eldest master, although our family has a weak family background, we must offer more generous repairs, so these two I just put all the twenty-two ounces of wages into the wedding ceremony."

The old man was stunned, "When did I tell you that the boss wants money from your family? If it's really for money, he won't be able to take your family's Wu'an, and he will take the children of those rich merchants."

"It doesn't mean that. The eldest man naturally doesn't care about these common things, but it is our family's attitude to give or not. Wu An stays at your house for a day, lunch and drinks are all here, even the children's expenses, but also to give Some. This means that my ability is limited, otherwise, as the big master, naturally I shouldn't just show this."

The old man closed his mouth. He was embarrassed to say that he asked the eldest son to return the money, and he was also embarrassed to say that Gu Yin's heart of respecting the boss was wrong.

But the development of this matter is too different from what he thought!

After co-authoring, it was a lot of work. The Wu family got a great teacher, and the eldest son got a smart and well-behaved student, but he didn't get anything

It's so embarrassing!

Gu Yin actually knew what the old man thought.

Yesterday, Mrs. Xu came to the house with private money and asked if she wanted to help. Although it is a big deal for a child to study, it is not easy to borrow money for the child to study outside, so Gu Yin did not borrow her money, but only negotiated with the Wang family to give the twenty taels of the family to Mr. Wen first, and then wait for the family situation to improve. increase year by year.

"Don't be unhappy, I know you are reluctant to bear me. Otherwise, I will send Wu An over every day, and then I will cook you a meal before going back to open the stall?"

Mrs. Wen snorted, "I really don't need to eat. Let's go."

He stood up and took his hat, looking like he was about to go out.

Gu Yin strangely asked him where is this going

The old man said angrily with his hands behind his back: "Where else can I go? Of course, it's your little stall to eat. I can't do anything about detaining you here for a meal, and then letting you go to the stall. Just went to see how your little stall is set up."

Gu Yin quickly led Gu Ye to follow, "Hey, I also have fish and meat ravioli, vegetable buns and meat buns, and of course the preserved egg and lean meat porridge you like. You can eat together today, and think about tomorrow. Whatever you want to eat, I will cook it for you alone."

"Who said I'm going to go every day?" The old man didn't look back, walked to the gate of Wen's house, he said again: "I don't like fish, I want to eat shrimp wontons."

Gu Yin was in a hurry, and the three of them walked to the pier.

On the pier where people came and went, the stall in front of his house was crowded with people. Mrs. Wang stood on the bench, holding a large iron spoon for scooping porridge in one hand, and akimbo in the other, boasting with high eyebrows, "This preserved egg and lean meat porridge. You haven't heard of it, right? That's the food that Mrs. Wen is full of praise after eating! That is to say, my daughter-in-law has a good heart, and selling this good porridge to everyone at a price of two cents is equivalent to giving it away for nothing!"

Although everyone has never seen Mrs. Wen, after a few months, everyone knows that the old man who is a very noble official has returned to the town. During the Chinese New Year, the Wen family is full of people, and they all want to see his old man.

So when I heard that even his old man was full of praise, the number of people who paid for the porridge with the black preserved eggs suddenly increased.

Of course, there are people who don't believe it and say, "What kind of person is the old man of the humanities, the important minister of the three dynasties, the two emperors, and the food made by your daughter-in-law? Be careful, don't flash your tongue!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and Mrs Wang blushed and stubbed her neck and said, "I still want to talk nonsense? Mrs. Wen might not be able to put down the food, so he was chasing after him..."

"How can someone like Mrs. Wen come to a place like ours? You wicked mother-in-law can joke!"

The Wang family had to fight again, and looked up to see Gu Yin behind the crowd, and also the little old man following Gu Yin.

Her face suddenly turned from red to white, and she almost fell off the bench in fright!