Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 37


Mr. Wen's living sign is still more effective than everyone expected.

On that day, I did not earn the fifty cents that Wang said, but only thirty cents more.

But the business is getting better and better later. After all, the taste of preserved eggs will be unacceptable at first, and more people will fall in love with it after eating it. Otherwise, this porridge will not be so popular in modern times. This thing is only for Gu Yin's family at the moment, there is no semicolon, and you can't eat it anywhere else!

In the end, it is people's herd mentality. Just like many Internet celebrities in later generations will hire people to line up, once the crowd's herd mentality is aroused, it will naturally be a cloud of customers.

Later, I don't know who started it, this preserved egg and lean meat porridge was renamed "Grandpa Wen porridge".

After this flower name was called, there was an endless stream of people buying porridge every day, not only the coolies and merchants on the wharf, but also other people in the town, and even the wealthy merchants in the next town. The next person came in line with a food box.

Gu Yin's porridge sells faster and faster, often people will line up before dawn, and it will be sold out in less than an hour. Then more and more porridge was made, but it could only be sold until noon at most, and the supply was still in short supply.

At first it was thirty cents a day, then forty cents, fifty cents…

At the end of February, Gu Yin checked the account and made more than seven taels this month, which was more than the previous two months.

The whole family is very happy. Of course, Gu Yin is the happiest. People around me say that they are opening a shop and selling a shop. In fact, when it comes to this, who can be more urgent than her? But it's really overwhelmed for the time being.

Selling for another month, the shop can be considered to be settled.

The old man became addicted to fishing on the pier this month. At dawn, he went to the "VIP seat" reserved for him by Gu Yin for a meal, and then moved a pony to sit on the side and started fishing.

He could catch a bucket every day, and at the beginning he brought it back and asked Chef Xu to help him clean it up.

But Chef Xu's craftsmanship is really average, and the fish is not a good fish, and it has a somewhat fishy smell when he cooks it.

Wen's family frowned when they saw the fish. Mrs. Wen couldn't eat it himself, so he just fished it every day. If anyone wanted it, he would give it away for free, and if no one wanted it, he would dump it all back into the river.

He fished for one morning every day, and when he returned at noon, he would ask Mrs. Wang how much money he made that day. Mrs. Wang was able to talk to the old man every day during this time, and she no longer embarrassed him and did not hide it. He, whispered to him every day.

Therefore, the old man's heart is also clear about Gu Yin's income.

One day, just after Gu Yin finished her account, someone knocked on the door.

Wang opened the door and saw that it was Mrs. Wen who led Wen Peifeng over.

"Why did you come here specially?" Mrs. Wang smiled and welcomed the two of them into the door.

Gu Yin heard the voice and went out of the main room, and heard the old man mutter: "This alley is really hard to find, and I have to come here thanks to Peifeng, otherwise I really can't find it."

Seeing Gu Yin coming out, Mrs. Wen waved to her mysteriously, "Come with me, I'll take you to see something good."

Gu Yin and Wang Shi followed the old man out of the house.

Mrs. Wen asked for two carriages, one for him and Wen Peifeng, and the other for Gu Yin and Mrs. Wang.

The two carriages drove in tandem for about two quarters of an hour and came to a wide street intersection.

The carriage stopped, and the group got off one after another.

"What do you think of this place?" Mrs. Wen asked Gu Yin, pointing to the empty shop on the street.

This is really an excellent shop at the entrance of the market. It is L-shaped at the intersection of two streets, and the flow of people on the two streets is not small.

It is said to be one room, but it is actually as big as two small shops.

After speaking, the old man led them in to see.

The shop is brightly lit and has a reasonable layout. What is even more rare is that large items such as tables, chairs, benches and counters are complete.

And the surprising back kitchen, this back kitchen is not smaller than the Wen family's large kitchen, and the counters, sinks, and cabinets are also readily available.

At the back is the backyard, there is a separate small yard, a few large water tanks are placed in the patio, and there is a place for chopping wood.

There are also several bedrooms, which can be used for daily living.

Wang Shi and Gu Yin watched all the way, and the more they looked, the more they liked it.

Mrs. Wen has been observing Gu Yin's reaction. After taking her to read it all the time, she asked her, "What do you think? This is the shop I told you before, and it is said that the market is excellent. Wangpu, didn't lie to you?"

Gu Yin nodded hurriedly, this shop is simply the best she can think of at this stage, it can be called a "dream shop".

This month, the business of the small stall is booming. When she was free in the afternoon, she had already turned around near the pier. No matter the location, size or market entrance, the shops there could not compare with the shop in front of her. And the most important thing is that the area around the wharf is mixed with fish and dragons. If it is opened there, the guests it receives are still of the three religions and nine-class, and they are not very wealthy. It is still hard money to make food and sell them to them.

"It's really an excellent shop!" Gu Yin looked at every inch of the shop cherishingly.

The old man raised his eyebrows at Wen Peifeng, and Wen Peifeng immediately took out a deed.

The deed was handed to Gu Yin, and it stated that the rent for the shop was 22 taels a year, and the deposit was not counted, and it could be paid quarterly.

One season's rent is exactly what Gu Yin can afford now.

Mrs. Wen even brought the ink and ink, and urged Gu Yin to sign it.

Gu Yin said, "I can't sign."

"Didn't you say you're satisfied? Do you think the rent is too expensive? I'll... "

Gu Yin quickly shook her head and said, "It's not too expensive, it's too cheap. I'm here for the first time, but I'm not a child who doesn't know how to work. The rented houses around here are definitely not what you said."

Just as he was talking, Mrs Wang came over from outside.

Just now, the old man was only watching Gu Yin, but he didn't notice when Wang shi went out.

After she came in, she said: "Da Ya, I went to the neighborhood and asked. The smallest shop on this street has more than twenty taels of rent. There is a shop at the end of the street that is about the same size as this one. The market is not as good as this one. It costs forty taels a year! And they all say that they have never heard of any rent that can be paid on a quarterly basis, and at least one year's rent is required. If it is more popular, the rent will start from three years."

After listening to Gu Yin, she explained to Mrs. Wen, "Look, if it's really like what you said, this shop is only rented for twenty-five taels a year, considering our relationship, it's 20% cheaper, and I'll just rent it out. It's taking advantage of you. But this shop has to be rented for fifty-two years, so you can just cut the rent in half, or let me pay it quarterly... This is not suitable."

"How much do you care about the rent of others! This shop belongs to my family. It's not me who has the final say on the rent?"

Gu Yin still didn't respond, and Mrs. Wen walked away angrily with her hands behind her back.

She hurriedly followed, and gently persuaded: "Don't be angry, I didn't mean to show your good intentions, I really can't take advantage of you like this. Let's take 80% of the market price, and I'll save it soon enough. You tomorrow What do you want to eat in the morning?"

The old man didn't expect that when she was talking about renting a child, she suddenly turned to eating, and after a meal, she said subconsciously: "Eat the fish soup, Chef Xu is so fishy."

Gu Yin smiled and said "Hey", "Then I will make it for you tomorrow morning, and keep it without the slightest smell."

Mrs. Wen snorted again, climbed into the carriage, and before leaving, did not forget to instruct Wen Peifeng to send Gu Yin and Wang Shi back to Zhenyi Lane.

Wang Shi reluctantly glanced at the shop again, and got into the carriage with Gu Yin.

Wen Peifeng sat with the driver, and the carriage drove again.

Back at Zhenyi Lane, Wen Peifeng hesitated to stop Gu Yin again and again.

"Little lady, let me say something more, the old man really likes you, and he told the eldest man a while ago that he is still young, and he should work hard with the eldest lady to have a granddaughter like a little lady. The old man's face turned red."

Thinking of Mr. Wen's blushing blushing and covering his face with his sleeves, Wen Peifeng also smiled a little, "Although I didn't go to the pier with the old man, the relationship between people is always based on Change the sincerity to the sincerity, I think that the little lady also has a lot of heart for the old lady. That shop is a little bit of the old lady's affection for the little lady. As for the dozens of rented children, it is really nothing to the old lady. "

Gu Yin smiled and said: "Young shopkeeper is right, dozens of taels are really nothing to the old man, but to me, it is really a lot of money. And you also said that the relationship between people and people To get along with each other is to exchange sincerity for sincerity. It is because the old man and I have a relationship and get along well, so I can't take advantage of him. What is the result of such a utilitarian relationship? The old man will definitely not like such a 'granddaughter'. "

Wen Peifeng met her star-like eyes, lowered his eyes slightly to avoid it, and then said: "Little lady is more transparent than me. But I think you and Mrs. Wu both like that shop very much. If you miss it..."

"I really like it." Gu Yin smiled freely, "But if you miss it, you will have no fate."

Wen Peifeng was able to take the initiative to say this, obviously he regarded her as a friend, and Gu Yin also accepted his kindness and waved: "Go back quickly, it will be dark in a while, and it may rain at night. Remember to help when you go back. I advise the old man, don't be angry with me, I will prepare the fish soup in the morning and wait for him!"

Wen Peifeng pursed his lips and smiled, and agreed.

When Gu Yin returned home, Wu An had already returned from school. Mrs. Wang took out the account book and money box written by Gu Yin, as well as her own private house money. How much cash is there.

Wu An studied with Master Wen for a month, not only learning Kaimeng's book, but also some arithmetic.

After the little guy did the math, he figured out that he could get a total of about 12 taels at home.

Mr. Wang sighed dejectedly, "According to the market price of fifty taels, the old man will give us 20% cheaper, which is forty taels. One quarter is 10 taels, which is barely enough. Sigh, but you have to buy things for new stores. Prepare for another seven or eight taels."

"It's okay, mother." Gu Yin said in a soft voice, "our business is booming now, seven or eight taels is a month's work."

Wang Shi looked at her worriedly, "You used to be busy all morning, but now because of the large number of customers, you wake up an hour earlier to cook porridge every day, and then close the stall an hour later. Can you handle it for another month?"

Gu Yin tilted her head and smiled and said, "Mother forgot that I'm a money fan. Why would I feel hard when I have money to earn money? Don't underestimate my money fanaticism!"

Wang Shi was coaxed by her, and his face relaxed, and he got up and pushed her out, "Quickly wash up and take a rest, I will fall asleep in a few hours."

The next day, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law got up as usual. Aunt Ge came to pick up the steamed buns when it was just dawn. Seeing the green shadow under Gu Yin's eyes, she also felt distressed: "Your family's porridge is selling well now, why don't you just boil it? Forget the porridge. Put the buns first."

"It's okay, this is what the two of us agreed, and we both signed the deed. Now that there are few buns, it doesn't take much effort." Gu Yin smiled and handed the combined number of buns to Aunt Ge, " If my aunt really loves me, go back and bring me the oil cake from your stall. I want to eat it. The oily kind you want to fry!"

It is refreshing to work with Gu Yin. Ding is Ding Mao and Mao, and she did not turn her face away because her family's business was booming, and she did not play emotional cards because of the good relationship between the two families. The more Aunt Ge saw her, the more she liked it, and whispered: "Looking at how thin you are recently, how can the light fried oil cakes be enough? I will cut some meat today and let our Lao Ge fried meatballs for you tomorrow."

Gu Yin responded with a smile.

After everything was ready, Mrs. Wang and Aunt Ge went to the pier to set up a stall. Gu Yin stayed at home and made fish soup for the old man.

Fish is easy to get fishy when it is cold, so you have to count the time to start making it.

Today, the stall was overcrowded as usual, and a queue had already formed before the stall was set up.

Wang opened the stall one by one, and bowls of hot, fragrant preserved egg and lean meat porridge began to be sold to the outside world.

But not long after the sale, something went wrong.

A thin man with a very raw face and sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks just took a mouthful of porridge and spit it out, "Bah! It's really unpalatable!"

His pickled food has already caused the people in line to back away without realizing it, and when he threw the porridge bowl, the people next to him backed away even further.

Wang Shihu came out from the back of the stall with a face, "It's bad, right, come on, I'll refund you two cents. But you just smashed my bowl, Chenghui three cents. You give me another cent, thank you."

Although her expression was fierce, her attitude was completely decent and polite.

Because since the business has become more and more popular day by day, Gu Yin has given Wang a vaccination, saying that she used to only do business on the wharf, and she has also provoked a prank like Ge Dalong to provoke. Now people from other places are coming here, and sooner or later this kind of thing will happen.

If it was in the past, it would be a riot, since Guan Zatou or Li Zatou would preside over justice.

Now it's different. Once you stop, you will do less business for a long time.

As soon as Mr. Wang heard that he would earn less money, he paid attention to it at the time, guaranteeing that he would be calm when faced with such a thing.

So she didn't have a seizure at this time, just calmly said to refund his money.

The other party didn't seem to have expected her notorious evil mother-in-law to be so talkative. After a moment of stunned, he said, "Your porridge is so unpalatable, why do you want my money?"

Wang Shi glanced at him, and said calmly: "They say that the two cents for buying porridge will be returned to you, and you will be paid for the shattered sea bowl. Forget it, my daughter-in-law said that business is about being gentle and earning money. I won't bother with you for a penny. You don't think it tastes good, and you drop the bowl, so leave quickly. Don't hinder the other people in line behind."

When he said this, the people in the queue behind him also spoke up, saying, "That's right, what are you doing with your seat after you've bought it? If it doesn't taste good, just eat somewhere else, we're still waiting to buy it!"

"It's just that this is 'Grandpa Wen's porridge', and it's not just that we think it's delicious... Can your tongue be better than Grandpa Wen?"

The man heard someone say Mrs. Wen, and his eyes rolled again and again, and he spat: "I still have 'Grandpa Wen's porridge', this porridge and soup has been on sale for a month. Haven't heard of the Wen family coming? Don't talk about tiger skin as a banner!"

Mr. Wang frowned irritably, but he couldn't say that the little old man who fished next to his stall every day was Mrs. Wen.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, the man said louder and louder: "Everyone said, have you seen neither the old man nor the Wen family here! This black-hearted man just thinks that the old man has a generous temperament and is indistinguishable from the world. , so I deliberately used others as a sign! Maybe the old man knows that he is not angry, but he is too lazy to care about such a black-hearted businessman!"

Just as he was talking, Mrs. Wen came.

He didn't bring the servant today, but brought Chef Xu who heard that Gu Yin was going to make fish soup today and wanted to learn from it.

Chef Xu holds a fishing rod in one hand, a fishing bucket and a small bench in the other.

Seeing that the stalls were crowded with people on the third and third floors, he praised: "Master's craftsmanship is really worthless, even if you set up a stall on the wharf, you can set up such a battle. I don't know if they are busy or not. come over."

The old man understood what he meant, gave him a sidelong glance, took something from his hand, put it on his old seat, and started fishing on his own.

"Then you go fishing first, and I'll go take a look."

Chef Xu smiled and pushed aside the crowd.

Just happened to meet the lean man who made Wang Shi's trouble.

"Whoever said there is no Wenjia, I am a Wenjia!"

Chef Xu stood beside Wang with a body like a meat mountain, and his momentum immediately overwhelmed the other party.

The man took a half step back and said, "You said yes? How do you prove it?"

Chef Xu laughed angrily and said, "Why do I have to find the yamen to write a document to prove that I am me?"

The man stepped back half a step, his eyes rolled around for a while, and he couldn't think of what to say. Chef Xu held his back collar and lifted people out of the crowd like a chicken, "Come on, I'll take you outside to ask if there are any People know me, Chef Xu. If it doesn't work, I'll take you to the door of Wen's house and ask the concierge and servants."

When the other party heard what he said, he immediately twisted his body and avoided it.

Chef Xu didn't want to break up with him either, so when he saw him running away, he went back to the stall to help Wang.

After more than a quarter of an hour, Gu Yin came over after making the fish soup.

After the fresh grass carp is opened, remove the main bone and belly bone, marinate the fish with salt for a while, then fry it in the oil pan, fry until golden on both sides, and then remove the fish and mix with cornstarch.

Then put the fish bones in the pot and fry them until fragrant, add water, simmer on high heat for a quarter of an hour, remove the fish bones after simmering, put in the fish that have been disassembled before, and then add shredded cucumber, vermicelli, shredded spring bamboo shoots, shredded fresh mushrooms, and fungus. Silk, then put oil, seasoning.

The last step is to thicken - beat an egg, put cornstarch in the egg, and pour it into the pot.

When out of the pot, sprinkle a handful of chopped green onion, and a fresh fish soup with full color and fragrance is ready.

The small casserole containing the fresh fish soup was brought to the old man. The color of the fish soup was as white as milk, the mouth was fresh and smooth, and the aftertaste was endless.

Chef Xu helped Wang sell porridge, and immediately followed Gu Yin when he noticed that he was coming.

The old man saw that he wished he could stick his eyeballs in the casserole, and finally had some left over.

Chef Xu got his permission, took a bite, and said, "The fish soup made by Master is really not fishy! Hey, can you teach me?"

The two hadn't met for a month. It was rare for him to follow the old man. Gu Yin was naturally not stingy, and immediately told him the steps and points.

Chef Xu nodded repeatedly, memorizing every word in his mind, and then helped her back to the stall to sell porridge.

After being busy until halfway through the morning market, Gu Yin asked Chef Xu in a low voice, "It's been a long time since you came out, so I won't miss your business, right?"

Chef Xu said: "No, I came out with the old man. And today, the second master accompanied the second wife back to her parents' house, and the second and third young masters also followed. I came out with the old man and wouldn't say anything."

Gu Yin didn't ask anymore.

But on this day, Chef Xu had to be there, because after the thin man, there were several more provocative guests.

However, in the paper, they couldn't talk about Gu Yin, and on martial arts, they couldn't talk about Chef Xu and the Wang family. And no matter how they act like monsters, Gu Yin and the others will assign one person to deal with it, and it will not affect the other two to continue their business.

In particular, Chef Xu revealed his identity as a master chef of the Wen family, and respectfully addressed Gu Yin one by one as "Master", which became more and more convincing, and no one dared to say that Gu Yin was playing a tiger's skin as a banner and false propaganda. .

Busy until late in the afternoon, the old man took the fishing rod and Chef Xu back to Wen's house, while Gu Yin and Mrs Wang closed the stall as usual.

And after they all left the pier, the people who were provocative and attacking jumped out from all corners and gathered in one place. The head is the lean man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks.

Several people murmured for a while, and the man gave them all the money, and then dispersed.

The man glanced bitterly at the location of Gu Yin's stall, left the pier and walked around the path, and finally walked into the back door of Wang's old house.

A middle-aged woman was waiting at the back door of the old house. After opening the door for the man, she asked him how he was doing today.

The man said, "It's not as simple as you said. That wicked mother-in-law doesn't take any aggressive tactics, and the big fat cook from the Wen family helps. The brothers have been busy for a day and haven't been able to interfere with their business."

The woman frowned and said, "Don't be afraid of getting caught, so you put water in specially, right?"

"What did Mom say? Since the brothers have received money, they must have done a good job. Although the arrests are powerful, at most we will be arrested and put in jail for a few days. Are we still afraid of those? It's true. It's hard to deal with the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and the oil and salt don't come in. But the brothers have done things, you see the hard money... "

The woman heard that he didn't complete the errand, and didn't want to give the money, but the matter could not be publicized, so she had to pay the money according to the amount agreed before.

When the rascal was sent away, the woman closed the back door and hurried to the main house.

In the main room of the Wang family's old house, Wang Dafu and Zhao, Wang Dagui and Zou were all waiting to hear the news.

Hearing that the mother came to report that things did not develop as they expected, a look of disappointment appeared on several people's faces.

The Zhao family in the big room couldn't hold back the most, and the head of the family began to swear.

She scolded Wang to Gu Yin and then to Wu'an. She said that the older Wang became, the more cunning she became, and that Gu Yin looked young, but she was full of bad thoughts. She deserved to be a widow at her age, and finally said that she was young. Wu An has a short-lived appearance, and he does not live as long as his father and brother.

The more Mr. Zhao scolded it, the more unpleasant it sounded. Wang Dafu couldn't listen to it anymore. He slapped the table and scolded her: "You really want to take our ancestors of the Wang family with you and scold them together, don't you? Besides, what's the use of scolding people now?"

Zhao's family has become a grandmother, and he didn't dare to fight back when he was scolded by him. He just lowered his voice and said, "I'm not in a hurry! It's fine if Wang Baoyun comes back, and go to the wharf where the three religions and nine streams gather to seek a living, and we will also It's irrelevant. But why is it related to the Wen family? Our family finally got through the way of Mr. Wen Er, and if we want to send the child to the Wen family to go to school, if we let her get in the way..."

Wang Dafu also sighed when he heard this.

Wang Dagui and Zou's couple, who had not said anything from the beginning to the end, looked at each other, and Zou said, "Big brother and sister-in-law, listen to me, now is not the time to think about the children going to school. It is the time to worry about whether Wang Baoyun will find out what happened back then. After all, she has already joined the writer, and there is no guarantee that there will be another way... "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several people froze!