Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 38


Within two years after Wang's marriage, the second elder of the Wang family dispelled his anger towards his precious daughter. It was only because of his face that he was provoked by the Zou family, so he didn't let his daughter go home.

Later, when I heard that Mr. Wang had given birth to a big fat boy, the grudges in the second old man's heart were all gone, and he immediately went to the family letter and said that when the child was older, he would let Mrs. Wang take it back to show them.

Batou Village is a long way from Hanshan Town, and it takes more than ten days to walk fast. If you bring a newborn baby, it will take at least one month to walk.

Wang Shi originally thought that he would have to wait for Wu Qingyi's son to be one year old at least before he could endure the fatigue of the boat. Moreover, since birth, I have never had the headache and brain fever that children often have.

When he was half a year old, Mrs. Wang sent a letter to his family, saying that he would go back with his son.

The two elders of the Wang family were so happy that they had to clean up the north house, which had been swept all the year round, and gave Wu Qingyi a pure gold longevity lock the size of a child's slap. He was worried that running back and forth would be bad for the child, so he decided to go to the next county. Praying in a famous temple.

But the temple was built on the outskirts of Yuanshan County, and the second old man unfortunately encountered a mountain bandit. Those mountain bandits didn't count the robbery, and they injured their old age, and tied them and the Wang family brothers for ransom.

When the brothers of the Wang family brought the man back with the ransom, the second old man still held his breath, but he had a lot of anger and little air. .

What they meant was to divide the family's property into three parts, one for each of the three brothers and sisters.

The two couples in the big room and the second room were not happy when they heard it.

In the past, what they were most worried about was that the second old man was too partial to the Wang family, for fear that when the Wang family got married, a lot of family property would be posted as a dowry. The latter two elders proposed to let Wang's recruit Wu's father into the family, and they were so anxious that they didn't sleep a few nights.

Fortunately, the second old man's plan didn't work out, and the Wang family just married without any dowry, and the two people regarded the entire Wang family as their own.

I didn't want to make a big circle, and in the end, I got a third of the points for Wang's out-married daughter!

But the second old man was about to be out of breath at that moment, and they didn't dare to respond. Gambling Heaven swore that they would do as they ordered.

In the end, in the sound of the second old man asking the brothers to take good care of their sister, the big room and the second room couple watched them die.

Because of the urgency of what happened at that time, even the doctor didn't have time to invite over, and he didn't have time to inform the elders, so they were the only couples who witnessed the second elder's will.

Later, when the two families came together, they simply concealed the matter of the will.

It was not until the end of the funeral for the two elders, they were scrambling to divide the family property, and they even threw away the Wang family who had returned home as scheduled.

Zou also thought of a plan, arranged for a warlock to go to Batou Village, and gave Wu Qingyi the fate of a celestial star and a relative. It was as if he wanted to put the death of the second old man on him, and put an end to Wang's idea of returning to his mother's house.

However, the Wang family is indeed stronger, and has not been in contact with her parents since then.

Later, they heard that there was a flood in Batou Village, and they thought that there would be no further trouble, so they were prepared to collect Wang's body, but they heard that Wang was returning to Hanshan Town with his daughter-in-law and young son.

Because of this, the people in the two rooms were in a hurry, so before Mrs. Wang came back, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou rushed to deceive her the next morning.

But that matter disturbed Gu Yin, and Wang Shi also took out the family letter that the second old man wrote to her back then.

At that time, they were really facing the enemy, and fortunately, the home was written early, and at that time it was only said that the North House was cleaned up and left to her, so that she could come back to live at any time. It is estimated that the second old man meant to wait for her to bring Wu Qingyi back, and then personally tell her about the division of the family property.

They were relieved and only folded out a few dozen taels of silver.

After sending off the Wang family, they asked people to inquire about it again. Knowing that the Wang family had moved to Jinyi Lane to seek a living on the pier, they did not take it to heart. Although Hanshan Town is small, it is divided into different classes. In the eyes of the Wang family, that piece belongs to the untouchables, and it is no match for their own family.

It’s different now, because there were no witnesses at the time when the two elders died, but when they went to pray for incense, they asked an old friend from Yuanshan County to go with them, and they were also robbed together. It is very likely that they would talk to that family things at home.

Although after the death of the second old man, the two brothers and two did not communicate with the other side, but now Wang's daughter-in-law has made such a big business through the name of Mrs. Wen, and even the guests who are not from the town have the ability to recruit them. In case of encountering that old friend who knows it... It's so hard to think about it!

Just when the few people were at a loss, Wang Dagui said: "At that time, I said that after she leaves the house, I will find a few strong men... They are orphans and widows naturally difficult to deal with, so there is no current predicament. Helpless, the big brother is soft-hearted. , did not agree at the time.”

Wang Dafu knew that he was wrong, but he still took the air of his eldest brother and said, "After she was divided into dozens of taels from our family, she moved to the next door to Huotou in Zhenyi Lane. Who dares to be presumptuous there? Guan Caotou is holding it, if we are forced to ask us, I don’t know how much trouble it will cause! Let’s talk about it now, is it useful to talk about what happened in the past?”

A sarcastic smile appeared on Wang Dagui's face. Earlier, he said that he hired someone to do the murder, but his elder brother disagreed. Now that he was afraid, he only dared to hire a few rascals to make small troubles. But they didn't think that Wang Shi and Gu Yin used to be unknown characters, and they died when they died. Now they have signed up in front of Mrs. Wen, so they can't use force!

This is his eldest brother, he has no brains and no guts, and he is indecisive and difficult to achieve great things. But because of his status as the eldest son, he suppressed him for a lifetime, and even took more of that part when they split up.

There is still a united front. Wang Dagui put away that smile and said sternly: "Then I still have a way now, I just don't know if the big brother agrees or not."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his voice, repeated his plan, and said, "I have already inquired about this matter. As long as the eldest brother agrees, it can be done in the next two days. And as you said, that Zhenyi Alleys and docks are places where the hood is covered. Other methods are easy to leave the head and tail, but my method will not cause trouble. In short, as long as the business of Xiaomei and the others is ruined, let them stay in the town. Can't stand it."

Looking for the rogues in front of them to make troubles was not successful. At this time, Wang Dafu and Zhao shi can no longer think of other ideas. After a long while, Wang Dafu said: "Okay, just do as you said."

Wang Dagui raised his eyes again and looked at Zou Shi, and both of them had a faint glint in their eyes.

Looking back at Yin here, after closing the stall that day, she said something was wrong in the morning.

It is normal to say that there are one or two difficult customers occasionally, but there are five or six in the morning, which is very much like an organized and premeditated disturbance.

She discussed with Wang, and Wang went to say hello to Guan Caotou, and asked him to pay more attention to the movements of his stall when he was patrolling.

Guan Caotou also agreed, and asked Wang Shi along the way: "I heard that you are looking for a master for Xiao Ye recently?"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Wang sighed - Gu Ye, this kid really didn't have the wrong name, he was so wild.

Before, he and Wu An were tied together with a rope every day. He walked around with Wu An, but he would be a little bit more shy about him, and he knew he had to go home before dark.

Now Wu An goes to Wen's house to go to school, Gu Yin and Wang Shi have to work, and it is not convenient for him to be tied to their hands.

Gu Ye followed them to the wharf every day to help them out. At first, he replaced Wu An's work of helping with dishes and tables. But then there were more and more customers buying porridge. Gu Yin was afraid that the customers would push him or trample him, and she was also afraid that the porridge bowl would burn him, so he let him play by himself.

It doesn't matter if you don't play, this little brat is like a mud bull into the sea when he starts playing, he will disappear in the blink of an eye, and he won't know to go home until it's almost time to go to sleep.

When he came home in the evening, Gu Yin and Wang Shi had to say a few words to him.

He smiled and let them talk without being stubborn. After they finished speaking, he poured tea for Gu Yin, smoothed Wang Shi's back, and knew that he had washed himself clean.

As the old saying goes, don't reach out and don't hit the smiling face, who can harden their hearts when facing him like this

After a month, this little guy turned black again.

In addition, the new spring shirt that Gu Yin made for him is also a dark color that is resistant to soiling. At night, he is like before, and when he puts his hands and feet lightly and hides in the corner, he seems to be invisible. Out loud, I really can't find him.

Later in the family, he invited an old doctor for him. The old doctor said that he is much stronger than before, and it is also good for him to get more sun and activities.

As soon as these words came out, Gu Ye's cheering became more and more powerful every day.

His clothes are changed every day, and every day when Wang washes his clothes, the mud can be washed out. It is conceivable how much Amoy it is!

It's not a problem to let the child be so wild. He can only use basic short sentences in daily conversations. He is only four years old, and his figure has grown a little, but he is only three years old, so it is not suitable for read.

Gu Yin asked people to ask if there were any masters who knew how to punch and kick to accept apprentices - it would not only consume Gu Ye's vigorous energy, but also better than letting him play wildly outside.

It's a pity that there are not many people in the small town who can punch and kick, and the only few who open martial arts halls and accept apprentices don't recruit such little beanies.

Therefore, after searching for several days, there is no charter for this matter.

Now that Guan Zhaotou asked, Wang Shi sighed and said, "Isn't it true, this child is running around outside all day, and her mother and I thought in the afternoon that he hadn't come back, and we were restless and restless."

Guan Huotou said: "I still say that, although this child is adopted by your family now, the public family still has the responsibility to take care of him, so it's better, my apprentice and I are on shifts to rest every other day. Just let him follow us all morning, we take turns to teach him some boxing skills, teach him for one morning, you can take him back after closing the stall at noon."

"Will this bother you too much?"

"Of course not. We would have spent half a day practicing martial arts when we were off work."

Wang Shi quickly thanked him in surprise, and told Gu Yin when he got home.

As a traveler, Gu Yin didn't believe at first that people in this era can really fly over the eaves and go to the sea like in the martial arts novels. Kung Fu is of course a treasure of China, but she thought that it should be like modern times to strengthen the body. Of course, after practicing it, it will be better than ordinary people, but it is definitely not the level in the novel.

So when one day on the pier, Gu Yin saw Guan Yu’s head rise into the air and jumped out several meters to chase the thief, she was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped.

Later, she asked only to know that it was precisely because of Guan Zhaotou's solid martial arts that he suppressed those thieves, and now the people of Hanshan Town can live and work in peace and contentment.

Now that I heard that Guan Sutou was willing to take Gu Ye, Gu Yin naturally agreed.

Wang thought more than her, and lowered her voice and laughed: "I heard that Li Zhaotou practiced martial arts with Guan Zhaotou when he was a child. He became a fast catcher at the 14th or 15th year, and he was promoted to a catcher when he was less than 20 years old. Now. Although there are only two classes of yamen in a yamen, there are only two chiefs. But when our Ono grows up, the age of the chiefs will be too old, and it is time to retire, but it is not just for him to be the chiefs. class?"

"Mother thinks too far." Gu Yin glanced at her helplessly, "How old are we Ono, how can we go out and handle cases? It's good to learn martial arts when they take a break."

It doesn't matter if both of them agree, they have to discuss it with Gu Ye.

When he went home again in the dark, Gu Yin told him the matter in detail and asked him what he meant.

Unexpectedly, the child was very happy to hear that he was sent to learn martial arts at first, but when he heard that he was following Guan Zhaotou, he was not happy.

Why is Gu Yin not happy for him

Gu Ye hurriedly explained: "His dock... chases me, I run."

Afraid that his mother could not understand the situation at that time, he swayed back and forth with his two small arms between them, indicating that he was running very fast at that time.

"Then, swoosh... he flies, I can't run."

He really couldn't act this "whoosh", so he was so anxious.

Gu Yin watched him talk and act again, and she smiled and said, "You say it slowly, word by word, what about later?"

"Later I wanted to jump into the river, and he stopped chasing me."

Gu Yin had heard Aunt Ge and Lao Liutou mention this before, saying that at that time, the child was sleeping alone at the pier, and Guan Jutou wanted to send him to the Shantang, but he was too slippery, and Guan Jutou was afraid of getting hurt. He didn't dare to grab him, he just wanted to exhaust him to the point of exhaustion. Unexpectedly, the child was so stubborn that he almost jumped into the river when he ran out of energy.

Because of that, the people on the pier were helpless when they saw Guan Yutou, and no one dared to arrest him and let him wander there. It wasn't until Gu Yin and the Wang family went to set up a stall that the child had a home, and now Gu Ye.

"Silly boy, why do you want to jump into the river?" Gu Yin pointed at him, and explained that he was going to take him to a place where he could eat and drink, so he chased him and explained it to him.

Gu Ye nodded suddenly, and said, "I'm afraid of the one who wears that dress. They all catch me."

Gu Yin also understood after saying this.

The world outside Hanshan Town is indeed very chaotic, the emperor is incompetent, the upper and lower are effective, the officials are corrupt, and even the fast-catching small officials follow the fish and meat of the villagers.

It was also because of their good luck that they found a paradise like Hanshan Town in this troubled world.

"It's not all bad people who wear arresting clothes. You think, they can fly like you said. If they want to arrest you, wouldn't it be easy? He's just afraid of hurting you."

Gu Ye wondered: "Isn't it... I run fast?"

Wang Shi couldn't help laughing next to him, and said, "You are forced to jump into the river? What are you doing, hurry up!"

Gu Ye scratched the back of his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"I'll let you learn kung fu and fly like that after you've learned it, won't you?"

Gu Ye's eyes suddenly lit up, he nodded hastily and said, "I learn to fly!"

So Gu Ye's decision to go to the next door to learn martial arts was settled.

The next day, Gu Yin and Mrs Wang went to the wharf to set up stalls on a daily basis.

When they set off, Guan Sutou, who was next door, was already punching in the yard. Gu Ye was sent over to learn from Zamabu.

This day did not happen that Gu Yin expected that someone would come to provoke again. Although Gu Yin was still a little uneasy in her heart, it was a good thing to be calm.

After closing the stall in the afternoon, Gu Yin put her things at home and hurried to see Gu Ye next door.

The child was still riding horses in the yard, and Guan Jutou was beside him with him.

Two figures, one big and one small, stood in one place, half-squatting with the same stride, with the same hands clenching their fists around their waists.

Gu Yin was frightened, and asked hesitantly, "You won't stick to it from the time we set out to set up a stall at dawn, right?"

Guan Jutou was sweating profusely, breathing heavily.

Gu Ye's face was also flushed, but he smiled and said: "He said, let's tie it together."

Guan Zhaotou let out a long breath and said, "I said it."

At first, he was afraid that the child would find it hard to tie the horse and couldn't bear the temper to practice, so he said to accompany him to tie.

I thought that for such a big child, at most a stick of incense would be amazing, so Guan Caotou didn't set a time limit. I didn't expect that this child would be tied for a whole morning!

"Hey, Xiaoye is going home for dinner soon!" Seeing that Guan Suotou's legs were shaking, Gu Yin really couldn't bear it.

Gu Ye obediently put away the battle, stood up, reluctantly waved at Guan Huotou: "Let's play together in the afternoon."

Rao is always prudent, and Guan Zhaotou, who was calm in the face of danger, changed his face obviously when he heard this.

"What in the afternoon, you woke up with me in the middle of the night, and then slept with me at home in the afternoon after dinner." Gu Yin pulled him away, not forgetting to nod his apology to Guan Jutou, who was shaking his legs.

When he got home, Mrs. Wang made a simple lunch and asked Gu Ye how he was learning today at the dinner table.

Gu Ye said inarticulately while eating with a big mouth: "Okay, it's fun!"

After she sent Gu Ye to take a nap in the house first, Gu Yin said, "Don't ask, mother, I regret sending Xiao Ye to learn martial arts." Then she described the "tragic situation" before Guan Huotou.

Wang shi waved his hand and said, "This is just unnecessary worry, that's just shutting down the head! Can you make the child stumped? Everyday Xiu Mu is an expert in boxing and martial arts at home!"

Gu Yin was helpless, "No matter how powerful Guan Caotou is, he is no longer young, and he is about to know the age of destiny."

"The physique of martial arts practitioners is not something we can speculate. On the contrary, we Xiaoye, who have not even started to learn, have been stomping all morning. Aren't these two calves sore?"

The two went into the room while talking, Gu Ye had already fallen asleep on the kang.

When he fell asleep until midnight, when Gu Yin got up, he also got up.

Gu Yin asked him if his legs hurt.

He tilted his head, expressing doubts, as if he was saying it was okay, what is the mother asking about

Then he simply responded with practical actions, squatting and flying kicks in the room again, saying that he had nothing to do.

Wu An rubbed her eyes and sat up when she heard the sound, and asked in a sleepy voice: "Xiaoye, you fell asleep when I came back yesterday. Mother and sister-in-law said that you went to learn martial arts with Guan Huotou, are you very tired?"

Gu Ye immediately smiled and said, "It's not tired, it's fun!"

Wu An envied: "It's great, can I go with you when I'm taking a break?"

Gu Yin immediately said, "No, I advise you not to go."

It was still early, so Gu Yin asked Wu An to sleep, and took Gu Ye out of the house to wash.

Before the stall, Gu Yin warned: "Today, you are not allowed to take a horse step in the morning, you know? It's not good for your health."

Mainly because of the poor health of Guan Huotou.

Gu Ye nodded in agreement, seeming to understand.

At the same time, Guan Zhaotou, who put on the chasing service and prepared his saber to go out on duty, told his apprentice: "Don't take that child to sprint, find something else to practice."

Li Zhaotou said strangely: "Doesn't practice martial arts start from squatting horses. When you brought me back then, didn't you let me tie for an hour?"

Guan Huotou coughed lightly, "Anyway, it's a process of laying the foundation, and you don't stick to this form. You can think of other things."

His master had more experience with apprentices than he did, so Li Zhaotou didn't ask any more questions, he just held his head and thought about it, and he didn't notice that his master's walking posture was a little strange today.

Gu Ye happily knocked on the door behind him. Li Zhuotou opened the door and looked at his short stature like a small bean. For a while, he didn't know what else he could take him to practice except Zamabu.

With Gu Ye's eyes full of anticipation, Li Zhaotou said, "Otherwise, I'll take you for a run, right? Yes, running and practicing Qi will be very helpful for the future cultivation of the inner family! I will accompany you to run!"

When Gu Yin and Mrs Wang arrived at the dock that day, they found that a new stall was suddenly set up in the open space next to them.

Their stall was already the worst on the pier, so there was no one on the other side. Mr. Daily Man sits there and fishes.

Originally, it was not surprising that there was one more stall, but the strange thing was that the guys in this house—whether it was low tables and stools, stall boxes, or even thick porcelain sea bowls, were all the same as those used by Gu Yin and the others.

Looking closer, this family is also a ferocious mother-in-law with a daughter-in-law.

And that daughter-in-law was someone that Wang and Gu Yin knew—the same neighbor who wanted to learn how to cook with Gu Yin before, and who was a big New Year's Eve at Xu's house, who was so rude to Wang's and made Xu drive out.

They didn't know the woman's surname, they just heard the neighbors call her Feng Cheng's family.

"What are you doing here? Why do you learn from us?" Wang Shi recognized her and quit the job immediately, and immediately went to question.

The daughter-in-law of the Feng family sneered and said, "You can set up a stall by paying money at the pier, why can't I come? Besides, my mother-in-law and I are doing business together to learn from your family? All the world's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law set up a stall together to learn from you. Family?"

Wang shi rolled up his sleeves and said, "You're making excuses. I'm not talking about your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law setting up a stall together, just what these guys are..."

"That's even funnier, this guy is something I bought off the shelf at the carpenter."

Wang really couldn't argue with this. At the beginning, he used these guys because he was in a hurry when he decided to set up a stall, so he bought ready-made ones. Later, the family was a little richer, and they could have replaced it better, but one of those things were used smoothly, and the other was thinking that in a few months, I would go to Panpu to open a shop, so I would not waste money.

But I didn't realize that this was a loophole, and this Feng family's daughter-in-law was taken!

The queue started to start at the stall at home, and Mrs. Wang turned around and saw that Gu Yin was busy, so she didn't care about arguing with her, and turned around to help.

"Scholarly, there's something wrong!" Mrs. Wang looked at the bustling scene in front of her stall, while the stall next door looked deserted and scolded in a low voice, "It will close in two days!"

Gu Yin didn't answer her words. The people that day did not come back after making trouble for a day. She was always a little uneasy. Today, the Feng family's daughter-in-law is learning the exact same battle of her family, and she obviously came prepared.

She was thinking so, when suddenly there were many people on the pier, and they went to the next stall to line up as if they were organized.

There were long queues in front of the two stalls, and the old woman next to the Feng family's daughter-in-law also began to shout in a loud voice like the Wang family: "Mr. Wen, a bowl of porridge for a penny! Big meat buns for a penny for two, and a vegetable bag for a penny. three!"

Even the food they sell is the same as them, and it is much cheaper!