Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 5


At that time, Mrs. Wang had already finished talking to Gu Yin. Seeing that she had no words for a long time, she said, "Why, don't you believe me?"

"No." Gu Yin replied.

They have all returned to the realm of Wang's family, and there is absolutely no need for Wang to lie to her.

And in retrospect, in Yuan Shi's memory, although Wang was a peasant woman, she was not as careless as other villagers. She works swiftly, keeping the house clean and spotless. She also trims her nails and gargles every day, and changes her personal clothes. Even if she doesn't have decent clothes and jewelry, she has black hair that is not messy, and she cleans her up. It is very clean and refreshing, and it also makes the hygiene habits of the entire warrior family very good. It's also right on the background she said.

It's just that Gu Yin didn't expect that when Wang was young, she had the style of a modern woman, daring to love freely and challenging dogma and stereotypes.

At the same time, this incident also reminded Gu Yin that Wang's temperament, who dared to go against his parents when he was young, was really stubborn, and even eight horses couldn't pull it back.

Gu Yin already has a preliminary plan for the future, of course, she still relies on craftsmanship to eat.

It's just that no matter how small a transaction is, it needs capital. Although the original Gu Yin is also nineteen and almost twenty years old, she has no money for a penny.

It is indeed difficult for Wang to follow the advice of his daughter-in-law and provide some capital.

It was at this time that the wife of the two-bedroom Wang family came.

Speaking of which, Mrs Wang hadn't seen two sisters-in-law in twenty years.

The eldest of her two older brothers is already in his old age, and the youngest has passed the age of knowing destiny. The two sisters-in-law were about the same age as their own man, so naturally they were no longer young.

The elder sister-in-law of the Wang family, Mrs. Zhao, has a face shape and a slender figure, looking a little dull.

The second sister-in-law, Mrs. Zou, was short and chubby, with a round face and round eyes, and she smiled at first when she saw anyone.

Both of them were grandmother-aged, with gullies on their faces and white hair on their heads.

Wang Shi didn't recognize the two at first sight when he saw them.

But when Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou saw Mrs. Wang, they took her one hand from left to right, and wiped her eyes with a handkerchief excitedly.

"Last night, we heard that we met someone very much like you at the gate of the city, and we didn't believe it. After thinking about it for a night, we still couldn't feel relieved, so we inquired about the news and came over to take a look. You!" The second sister-in-law, Mrs. Zou, spoke first, her eyes were already red as she spoke.

Sister-in-law Zhao's mouth is a little stupid, but she is also excited: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

In fact, Wang's heart was somewhat estranged from these two sisters-in-law. After all, the separation of the family and the matter of borrowing two taels of silver later in the year made her feel very uncomfortable.

But they haven't seen each other for many years, and both sisters-in-law have grown so old that they burst into tears when they saw her. Thinking of the fact that they were once a family, Wang's heart softened.

Before she could open her mouth, Mrs Zou took the initiative to talk about what happened back then, and said, "My little sister hasn't come back for many years, I don't know, the family life has not been good these years. Back then, my parents suddenly left, and it took a lot of money to treat the funeral. A sum of money. You two brothers, as you know, are not good at business, but they lost their fortune in a few years. Later, the brothers of our two families went to school, and the beam repair cost a lot of money every year. It was five years ago that the imperial court recruited strong men..."

As he spoke, Mrs. Zou also showed a thankful and ashamed look on her face, "At that time, your nephews and nieces will all be scattered, and no one will be willing to bear their children! I spent a lot of money to clear the relationship, and finally I keep it. I gave birth to a few children. When I received your letter, I really didn't have any money left."

Zhao shi also quickly echoed: "Yes, at that time, I went back to my mother's house overnight to withdraw the silver money, thinking of helping my sister's family to get through this difficult time. I'll never see you again since then."

These two sisters, you explained the events of the year one by one, and Mrs. Wang thought about it and it was true. Before she got married, the eldest sister-in-law gave birth to two children, and the second sister-in-law gave birth to three children. Son, nephew and niece, the next generation has also grown up.

She herself does not want her husband and son to enlist in the army, and naturally they will not be willing to give up their own children.

Wang Shi looked at the clothes of her two sisters-in-law again - they were all gray and old clothes, and there was no decoration on their hands and head, and their expressions were also miserable, and the tears never stopped since they met.

Was it really a misunderstanding

Without waiting for Wang to think about it, Zou's eyes fell on Gu Yin, and she exclaimed, "What a handsome little lady! Is this your Qingyi's daughter-in-law?"

With a slight smile on Wang's face, he said, "Second sister-in-law guessed right. She is the daughter-in-law of my eldest son and half of my daughter, who has been raised by her side since she was a child."

Zou and Zhao looked at each other, and they understood that Gu Yin was the child bride of the Wu family.

Both of them praised Gu Yin, and then Wang introduced Xiao Wu'an to them and asked him to call someone, and naturally they got another pass.

After the emotions calmed down, Mrs Zhao and Mrs Zou sat down with Mrs Wang to talk.

The sister-in-law and the two asked what the matter of Mrs. Wang's trip to her hometown was. Although Mrs. Wang was in a fluctuating mood at this time, she still knew what to say and what not to say. In the disaster, the three escaped by luck.

Zhao Shi and Zhou Shi took the handkerchief to wipe their eyes again, exclaiming that they were distressed.

Later, Mrs. Zhao said: "It is reasonable to say that you have escaped hardship, and we should have entertained them. But they are not outsiders, and the plight of the family is not hidden from you. It is really impossible to uncover the truth... But it is also the girl who has good luck. We recruit female workers here, not only to provide accommodation and meals, but also to pay six yuan a month. My sister and your Qingyi daughter-in-law are smart people, and they will definitely be selected. "

Zou also took out a small silver bracelet wrapped in a coarse cloth handkerchief from his arms, and said, "Yuanshan County is five or six days' journey away from us. This is for my sister."

Zou's father was an old scholar who failed in the exam all his life. When the Zou family got married, the family only gave such a fine silver bracelet as a dowry.

Wang Shi had an impression of this bracelet, and she felt more and more uncomfortable. Where would she accept her dowry

After another refusal, Mrs. Zou stubbornly put the bracelet on Mrs. Wang's hand and said, "There is really nothing decent at home, only this dowry silver bracelet is my favorite thing, and I haven't given it up for many years. Take it out and pawn it. If the girl doesn't accept it, she still hates us because of what happened back then."

Wang Shi had to accept it.

Later, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou also said that Mrs. Wang had not returned for many years and was not familiar with the affairs of the town.

Seeing that they were old and frail, Wang Shi still wanted to be happy to accompany him around, and the last trace of resentment in his heart was suppressed.

The kindness was difficult to accept, and Wang Shi was about to agree, but Gu Yin suddenly coughed at this time.

She frowned and held her heart, coughing out of breath, and her already pale face became more and more bad.

Xiao Wu'an hurriedly poured water for her.

Wang Shi slapped his forehead and said, "Look at my brain! I just heard what my sister-in-law said, but I just thought about earning money and forgot that my daughter-in-law was seriously ill before. Although I can get out of bed and walk around now, I'm afraid it's hard to work. Not yet."

There was a brief pause in the smiles on the faces of Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zou, but soon Mrs. Zou said again: "What a pitiful child. Sister, don't blame the sister-in-law for being so talkative, you have to go to the county for this child. Good doctor there, The whole medicinal materials are not comparable in our small town. Don't let the children drag along and leave the root of the disease. "

Wang shi thought about it seriously, nodded and said, "Second sister-in-law is indeed right, but we've been on our way for a month, and I can't bear to let her run around again. I'd better let her rest for a few more days."

Zhao Shi wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zou Shi's wink.

The two sisters didn't stay any longer, they said to let Gu Yin have a good rest, and they would come to visit tomorrow.

Wang sent the two away, and when they came back, Gu Yin had stopped coughing.

She glared at Gu Yin and complained: "On the way here, I kept saying that I was alright, how are you? If it wasn't for your papery body, I would have already gone to the place where I was recruiting to sign up. It's a good job to cover and pay monthly money, and I know that I won't have a chance to be one step later!"

But despite the scolding, Mrs. Wang still took out an old purse containing all the money from her close-fitting clothes, and was going to go to the street to ask a doctor to prescribe medicine for her.

What can Gu Yin do? He could only look at her helplessly.

If she hadn't deliberately coughed and interrupted their conversation, this stupid mother-in-law would have been sold!