Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 50


After the Dragon Boat Festival, the weather was hot every day, and Shiweitian's business returned to its previous state of being slightly deserted.

Of course, it's not just their family, but the common people will not easily move their nests unless necessary. There are fewer people on the street, and the business of other restaurants and restaurants has become bleak.

That is to say, the food is affordable and delicious, and there are ice drinks in the store to cool down the heat, so as to stabilize the attendance rate of 60%.

But now Shiweitian has a takeaway department, it is a waste to just sell iced drinks, Gu Yin thought about asking them to help deliver the takeaway.

No matter how fast the children's feet are, Gu Yin went to trouble Carpenter Feng again and made a small scooter for each of them.

It is a car faucet plus a pole, connected to a skateboard and four wheels for standing people below. There is also a card slot on each standing board, just enough to hold a small wooden box on it.

Feng Carpenter made a walker for people. This scooter has a simpler structure than a walker, and the principle is similar. He is very familiar with it, and I don't know if it is because he has been "squeezed" by Gu Yin more recently, his hands and feet with his ten children are getting faster and faster.

When the Dragon Boat Festival Temple Fair ended, ten scooters were ready, and it only cost five taels of silver in total.

As soon as this scooter was made, even Gu Ye, who pretended to be an old man in front of others, went crazy. After playing with them for less than half a day, each one became more slippery than the other.

And there are such novel things to play with, and the children are willing to help even if they don't need wages.

Of course, Gu Yin will not give them money. Like later generations, the takeaway fee is determined according to the distance, the nearest one is a penny, and the farther is three penny. It is the hard-earned money of the children, and Gu Yin will not squeeze it, so as much as the delivery fee should be, the children will be given as much as the delivery fee, and each child will be provided with a meal and a glass of iced drink every day.

Of course, because there is no telephone and Internet, it is definitely impossible to order takeaway in real time. You have to book in advance on the day of the meal, and pay the takeaway fee on the spot. The two cents in the bento box do not need to be given, and they will be collected at the door when the meal is delivered the next day.

Men who go out to work in the summer are too lazy to move their nests and can deal with them casually, but the daughter-in-law and children at home still have to eat.

In this era, all people burn wood. In this weather, it is no different to follow the stove in the kitchen. Even cooking the simplest meal will make you sweat. Not to mention cleaning the table and washing the dishes, which are all tedious and trivial tasks.

Food is cheap. If you order a vegetarian bento, two vegetarian dishes are a main dish or a bowl of cold skin with side dishes, which is only five cents. If you want to eat meat, it is more convenient - the meat stalls are all large steel scales, not the small ones like drugstores, too little meat will not be cut. If you cut one more meal, you will not be able to eat it, and you will not be able to let go of two meals. But you don't have to worry about that when you eat a bento.

And although it costs a few cents for a serving, the weight is absolutely the same as in the store. Women and children with smaller appetites can be full by eating one serving.

Even if the delivery fee of one cent is added, which is six cents, it is not much more expensive than buying food and cooking by yourself, and most people can afford it.

Therefore, at the beginning of the delivery service, many people came to order, as long as you clarify your taboos and preferences, and then pay for the meal and delivery fee in advance, and then wait for someone to deliver food to you at home.

The delivery service officially started after the temple fair. Gu Yin was afraid that the children would suffer from heat stroke, and told them to stop immediately if they felt uncomfortable.

But these children are very skinny. Even if they don't do these activities, they have to play outside all day. Now they are riding a scooter, and their activity is much smaller than their daily running. The wind blows on them when they slide. , no one was uncomfortable.

Originally there were ten children in total, but Song Shiliu had the original job as a clerk, and Wu An had to go to school every day, so two numbers were vacated.

Since Gu Yin has delegated power to Gu Ye, she also has full authority to let him call the shots. Later, Gu Ye mentioned everyone's number in the premise, and then searched for two newcomers.

Before the start of the lunch market, the children of the takeaway department were dispatched.

They play nearby every day, and they are familiar with the routes one by one.

And those that are a little further away will be delivered by Gu Ye himself - there is no place in the whole town that he is not familiar with.

In order to easily confirm each other's position, Gu Yin prepared a bell for each person and hung it on the faucet of the car.

The residential area in the summer afternoon is extremely quiet, only the roar of cicadas can be heard.

As soon as the crisp bell rang, the guests knew that it was the child who was eating for the sky to deliver the meal.

Some guests gave the children a code name called Little Bell.

The guests not only ordered meals, but also ordered ice drinks. Gu Yin usually prepared a few more copies for the children in their boxes, in case they accidentally spilled them, as a substitute.

But they were all the children selected by Gu Ye, and they slipped on the scooters one by one. No one had ever been so careless. In addition, the roads in the town center were also well repaired. Not to mention the lunch boxes, they didn't even spill drinks. So many of those bentos and drinks will make them sell.

There is no need to take the initiative to sell. When guests hear the bell, they will go out and ask if there are bento and ice drinks that have not been reserved.

The bento and ice drinks sold in this way will also cost an extra penny, which is also the income of the children themselves. The two cents for the bento box and the drink cup are also given separately, but everyone knows that it is very refreshing to return the bento box and cup for money, and no one will think this is an expense.

At the end of the day, the children are only active for two hours before and after lunch, but they can sell 100 or 200 more bentos, and they can earn hundreds of cents a day for food, and the children can also have as little as ten cents. More than twenty or thirty articles of income.

This afternoon, the children had all been eating for the sky, and the bells at the door rang.

Gu Yin had already set aside meals for them all, beckoning them to sit down to eat.

The children thanked her, but they didn't move after they sat down. Even the most greedy little chubby only drooled at the food and cold drinks, and didn't move his chopsticks.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Gu Ye came back last - he was in charge of the distribution in the farthest area, and naturally came back the latest.

When he just parked the scooter at the door, the children all stood up and shouted "Ye Ge" one after another.

Gu Ye walked up to Gu Yin first, and asked his mother to help him carry the box and wipe the sweat. Then he took a cup of iced drink and took a few sips. Then he turned his head and said to the children, "Sit down and eat!"

Hearing his order, the children gulps down.

Gu Yin wanted to laugh every time she saw him pretending to be a seasoned veteran cadre, but she didn't show it in front of people. After the children had finished their meals, they had calculated the day's wages and went home. Ye said privately: "Why did you take all the orders from far?"

Gu Ye said while grilling the rice: "They can't do it, I can do it, and they think I'm amazing and convinced me."

Gu Yin looked at him funny. Now she won't be surprised, just like she has a talent for learning to cook, Wu An has a talent for memory, and the little brat's comprehension of people's hearts is another kind of talent.

"Besides, a quarter of an hour for one penny, and two quarters of an hour for three penny, it's not a loss!"

When Wang Shi heard this, he couldn't help laughing next to him: "The appearance of this little money fan, no one else will believe it if it is not your own!"

Gu Ye rolled his eyes, "It was originally from my mother."

Soon Gu Ye finished his meal, and instead of wandering outside, he went back to Jinyi Lane to find Xiu Mu's Guan or Li to learn martial arts.

In the past, I only studied for half a day in the morning, but now I study for half a day, and then I come to eat to work in the sky. After eating in the afternoon, I went back to school non-stop. I learned that I would come back to eat in the evening to eat dinner, help with some chores, and learn to read with Wu An in the evening. and reckoning. The itinerary is more crowded than adults.

Seeing that he had lost a lot of weight recently, Mrs. Wang felt distressed, and privately told him that there was no need to work so hard.

He didn't feel it was hard, but persuaded Mrs. Wang, "Mother is also tired, what am I?"

The mother and son compete against each other as a model worker. By the end of May, Gu Yinyi counted. Because of the addition of delivery services, the so-called off-season did not affect their own business much, and there was still a gross profit of two or three taels of silver a day.

The delivery of the pre-ordered bento is only a one-off. The children also bring the sold bento boxes and drink cups, which are all to be returned. Once they come, they must stay for a meal.

Later, the reputation of Shiweitian's little bell became more and more popular, and guests in the wealthy area began to order meals.

The meals ordered by the guests in this area are all expensive, and the profits are even more generous. Seeing the hot and sweaty children come to deliver meals to them, they will also give a few cents more as a reward. Obviously, it is a fat poor, Gu Yin also Don't intervene, let Gu Ye arrange the manpower by himself.

He first recruited two other children, and also matched Gu Yinxin's custom-made scooters and bells to expand the delivery team to twelve.

As for the manpower in the rich area, he let No. 2 and the other top performer do it.

No. 2, the original No. 4, the child king of Wencheng Street before Gu Ye came, called Fan Jinsong.

His home is in the vicinity of Wencheng Street. His father is still the second shopkeeper in a large shop. Because his family is not bad, he has no shortage of food and drink since he was a child. As his name suggests, he is like a sturdy pine tree. Although he is only ten years old, his body It looks strong in a child.

A child of this age is already a teenager, and it is naturally impossible to convince a four-year-old child.

It's just that he ran slowly, couldn't catch up with Gu Ye, and he couldn't get much advantage if he was real, so he had to live peacefully with Gu Ye.

Later, on the Dragon Boat Festival, he heard that there was money to be made, so he signed up to participate because he was working for Shiweitian and Gu Ye was Shiweitian's young boss, so the relationship between the two eased a little.

But after getting along during this time, he can be said to be completely convinced by Gu Ye.

In addition, this time, Gu Ye gave him the credit for the good work—it was also a one-day takeaway, and the wealthy area was rewarded with several pennies more than other places. Later, he felt bad about it, so he wanted to share the reward money with Gu Ye, but Gu Ye said no and let him take it by himself.

The way he looked at Gu Ye was no different from that of his own elder brother!

Whoever dares to complain, he is the first to quit.

Of course, I work for food, play with scooters, earn money, and eat extremely delicious meals and cold drinks. No one will complain, but they are only afraid that they are not good enough, and others will rob them of their own. Work is it.

Not long after the order from the wealthy area was dispatched, both Hanxiang Building and Wangyue Building could not sit still.

In their opinion, the delivery service of Shiweitian is simply a petty mess. After all, their wealthy customers usually have servants who are servants, and what they want to eat is directly asked by the servants.

But I didn't expect that the servant is also a human, who would like to run back and forth on this hot day

Food for Heaven's food is famously delicious, and it is no worse than a big restaurant. The servants naturally want the master to order this place. They say a few more words in front of the owner's house, and in disguise it becomes a publicity aid for Food for Heaven.

The two companies also followed suit once again, and launched delivery services one after another, and if they were VIPs of his two families, then there would be no delivery fee.

As soon as this move was made, first of all, the VIPs of the two families must have booked his home. Although their meals are more expensive, it is also within their affordable range.

At first, the two big restaurants wanted their guys to deliver the goods, but the staff of their own restaurants were fixed, and they might not be able to take care of them when they were dispatched to the store. And in this weather, it is a lot of money to recruit people.

So they also learned to eat for the sky, and recruited the children in the town to help.

As early as the preparation stage of these two companies, Gu Yin already knew the news in advance.

Because the scooter and the small wooden box were made by Carpenter Feng, both of them placed orders with Carpenter Feng after they found out.

Carpenter Feng was a kind person, and he did not promise anything, so he came to inform Gu Yin first.

Gu Yin asked him to do it anyway, because the structure of the scooter is actually not difficult. The children ride it every day. can do it. And the wooden box has no technical content.

Might as well let Feng carpenter earn that silver.

Of course, they can't be cheap. Before, Feng Carpenter only charged half a scooter for a scooter, and three taels for ten boxes. Later, after he and Gu Yinyi discussed it, the price doubled directly.

The two families asked for a total of twenty sets of scooters and small boxes, that is, 16 taels of extra money.

The money was split between Feng Carpenter and Gu Yin fifty-five, eight taels per person, which was considered a sum of money.

Later, in June, orders from the wealthy area were indeed less.

But still, this is not the core customer of Shiweitian. It really fights with the big restaurant for a few delivery orders. Shiweitian does not have the capital for the time being. And in the past, Gu Yin liked to watch the scenes where neither of them could stand the other, but couldn't kill the other, so she gave them the stage.

But Gu Yin remained calm, but Fan Jinsong in the delivery team was in a hurry.

After they finished their meal that day, Gu Ye asked them to stay for a while, and then learned from his mother's practice and held a summary meeting.

Of course, they didn't know what to say, in fact, it was just a few children whispering together.

When Gu Ye finished speaking, Fan Jinsong immediately said, "Brother Ye, several of our orders have been taken away, what do you say?"

Gu Ye frowned, and the little fat next to him saw him like this, and immediately said: "The boss didn't speak, don't make our brother Ye embarrassed."

"That's right, we're all just working. Don't you want to make trouble because you're earning less?"

Before putting it aside, no one in this area would dare to talk to Fan Jinsong like that. And now, although everyone is still terrified of him, they are more convinced of Gu Ye, and naturally they are on Gu Ye's side.

Fan Jinsong was not angry when someone said that, but his face was flushed and he was a little embarrassed. It was true that he lost several pennies a day, and he felt extremely uncomfortable, so he took the initiative to mention this matter without waiting for Gu Ye to speak.

When Gu Ye raised his hand, everyone was silent.

"This is really annoying."

Fan Jinsong had a happy expression on his face, squeezed his fist, and immediately said, "Then I'm going to beat them all up?"

Gu Ye said no, "Mother won't let you fight, I have another way."

Li Dachun is a new delivery boy at Wangyuelou.

Although he is only eight years old, he also knows that it is a beautiful job - those children who are hungry for food ring the bells and ride scooters every day, and they can still earn several pennies. The envy of the children of the town.

Later, when I heard that they were going to recruit two more people, Li Dachun was so excited that he didn't sleep all night, so he went to sign up early that morning.

It's a pity that the lead Gu Ye let him go home as soon as he heard that his uncle was working in Mochizukilou.

Li Dachun cried for several days after returning home, but not long after, Wangyuelou also recruited children.

Li Dachun's mother was afraid that he would not be elected and would cry at home, so he immediately asked his father to ask his uncle to help.

In Wang Dafu's opinion, anyone can do this kind of work, so Li Dachun's uncle, Li Cheng, took this beautiful job to his nephew as soon as he walked around a little.

Although it is said that the people in Wangyuelou don't care about meals, and they have to take part of the delivery fee, but the fact that they can ride a scooter is enough to make the child happy.

One day, Li Dachun came out of Wangyuelou and was riding a scooter majestically to start delivering his first order when he met Gu Ye who was also riding a scooter.

"It's so hot." Gu Ye was sweating profusely, and was putting the scooter aside, hiding in the shade to play with the spinning top.

The small whip made a rustling sound in his hand, and the spinning top was spinning so fast that only an afterimage could be seen.

Li Dachun couldn't help but stop when he saw him. Gu Ye handed him his whip when he saw him, and asked him, "Do you want to play?"

Li Dachun's heart was broken, but he hadn't forgotten his errand, so why: "No, I'll be too late."

"It's too late, I have experience."

Everyone knew that Gu Ye was the leader of Shiweitian's delivery team, and his scooter was indeed parked beside him. Li Dachun immediately put the scooter aside and played with a spinning top.

After playing this game, he almost forgot his surname, but Gu Ye reminded him later that it was almost time and let him go.

Li Dachun quickly stepped on the scooter to start the delivery, but the time must have been delayed.

But he was young, and even if the guests were dissatisfied, they would probably not embarrass a half-old child.

But I must have had a bad impression on the delivery service of Wangyuelou, especially Li Dachun was sweating, his face was like a cat, his hands were still stained with black mud, and he handed it over from him. The food looks off-putting.

On the other hand, food is heaven, because Gu Yin and Wang Shi are both people who love cleanliness, and since Gu Ye was adopted, he also loves cleanliness day by day, so under his leadership, Fan Jinsong and the others began to pay attention, not only trimming their nails every day , and also carry a handkerchief with you. If you sweat, you will wipe your hands immediately. Although there must be some sweat, it will not make yourself dirty.

Moreover, Li Dachun was not careful when he threw the car aside. The car was placed under the sun. Although there was a layer of ice in the small box, the sun had already melted it. By the time he delivered it to the last house, As soon as the family opened the lunch box, the food inside had a faint smell of rancidity!

Gu Ye followed Li Dachun all the way, and when he saw that things were developing almost as he thought, he stepped on a scooter and returned with an empty wooden box.

After one success, Gu Ye doesn't have to go out in person in the future.

Since the establishment of the delivery team, his appeal has not been comparable to before, and with Fan Jinsong, the original child king, it is even more powerful.

So every day near Hanxiang Tower and Wangyue Tower, there will be a lot of children with new things, some of them are spinning tops, some are fighting crickets, some are rolling iron rings, wrestling, kicking shuttlecocks, throwing sandbags...

All kinds of dazzling play, not to mention children, even some adults can't help but take a second glance when they pass by.

Therefore, the delivery orders of the two large restaurants are overtime and dirty, and it is common for them to deliver stale food to people several times.

The children of the two delivery teams changed batch after batch, and the gadgets that hooked them were also introduced.

One of the children's favorites is to blow bubbles with soapy water.

This is what Gu Ye asked his mother when he couldn't think of other things. Gu Yin thought that he wanted to play, so he fiddled with it.

This thing is low-cost and simple to make. It can be played with a small flat circle made of strips. Gu Ye has seen it once, and then he turned his head and let Fan Jinsong make some out and share it with the children for free.

This is even better. The little delivery guys from those two families not only had a good time, but also got soap suds on themselves. If they weren't more careful, they could even pour soapy water into the small wooden box.

This time it's even worse. Delivery orders are getting fewer and fewer day by day, but more and more door-to-door complaints.

In less than a month, Hanxianglou and Wangyuelou both dismissed the delivery team composed of children, and only hired part-time laborers at another cost to deliver the goods.

The wages of day laborers are calculated on a daily basis, but there are no helpers that can be hired for a dozen or twenty cents a day. The last two did not make any money at all, and they lost a lot of money because of complaints, and they wasted a bunch of scooters and small wooden boxes.

The little delivery guys hired by the two of them were having so much fun outside that they couldn't care less when the stroller stopped. Naturally, there were other children who went to play, and they were all broken. The wheels are off.

These two things were regarded by the two of them as the culprits who almost ruined the reputation of their own business for many years. Later, Carpenter Feng came over to recycle them, and the two sold them to him at a broken price.

Feng Carpenter took it back and tinkered with it, then turned around and gave it to Gu Yin directly. Whether it is to expand the delivery team in the future, or to replace it with a broken car, it will be very useful.

Gu Yin didn't know about it until after Gu Ye's plan was implemented for almost half a month - and it wasn't Gu Ye who said it. His mouth was tight and he didn't reveal a word of what he didn't want to say. It was Gu Yin. She found that many children came to Gu Ye every day to return toys and take toys, and the small box where Gu Ye kept money at home also became lighter at a speed visible to the naked eye. She felt that something was wrong, and bought the outside with three bowls of milk tea. The little fat in the sending team only knew a few words, and then guessed it by himself.

Since Gu Ye didn't want to tell him, she just pretended not to know because he saw that his plan was in order.

In June, Hanxianglou and Wangyuelou withdrew from the delivery market together. Shiweitian was the only family. In July, when the business was the most popular, the delivery team expanded to 20 people. The approval of scooters and wooden boxes allowed Gu Yin to save money while making money.

In the blink of an eye, it was August, the weather was getting cooler, and the delivery service was coming to an end. Gu Ye had become the king of the town. Among the children in Hanshan Town, they may not know the name of the current emperor, but no one does not know Gu Ye. Even Li Dachun, who was trapped by Gu Ye before, is now a solid supporter of Gu Ye.

At that time, he was sad when he lost his work and went home, and was scolded by his uncle. Later, when he met Gu Ye, he also called Gu Ye a bad person.

Gu Ye didn't get angry with him either, apologized to him, and continued to play with him, smoking spinning tops, soapy water, sandbags and shuttlecocks... All of them were bought by Gu Ye with money, and they were better than their brothers!

How much do they support Gu Ye? Gu Yin sometimes greets a woman when she encounters a woman, and the other party calls her "wild brother and his mother". Apparently, the children of their family only called Gu Ye Ye Ge, and they often repeated it, so that they all thought Ye Ge was Gu Ye's name.

Gu Yin is not easy to explain, anyway, big families in this era, or ordinary people who are more particular, will also call their children a certain brother, and they will make their fortunes ahead of schedule.

In the crowd of adults who open restaurants and restaurants, as the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, a new round of competition is about to begin.