Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 57


The house in Jinyi Lane had been cleaned years ago, and it just happened to be returned to the owner, Mrs. Xu.

The family's clothes were too soft and the people who were used to it were all packed up and put into the donkey cart. The Wang family drove the car. After a quarter of an hour, the family arrived at the Wang family's old house.

After two raids by officials, the Wang family's old house not only has no valuables, but the door and walls of the house are also damaged. Fortunately, it has been repaired, and overall there is no change.

Gu Yin got out of the car first. After reading it, she found that something was wrong. The plaque at the door was changed - from Wang's house to Gu's house.

The plaque was naturally not as good as it was given by Mr. Wen when Shiweitian opened, but the material was smooth and smooth, and the word was very familiar, and it seemed that it was from the old man.

Seeing her staring at the plaque, Mrs Wang smiled and said, "What's the matter, my family doesn't dare to recognize it?"

When she said this, Gu Yin guessed that she did it.

"Before the house was repaired, you didn't let me pay money. You said that it was your house, so you should spend money. Isn't it just right now? I secretly asked Feng Carpenter to do it, and I asked Mrs. Wen's words to look good, right?"

The relationship between the two became increasingly close, and Gu Yin did not thank her, but smiled and squeezed Wang's hand.

"Going to my new home!" Gu Ye jumped down, "I'll choose a house first!"

The valuable things in the original house were raided by the officials, and only some furniture that was inconvenient to move or worthless was left, but for their not very picky family, it was enough, so Gu Yin didn't do it any more. What else to buy, just say to change a new bed for each person.

At that time, Gu Ye was unhappy after hearing the first one, and muttered, "I think the kang is very good."

The kang is spacious, and before the two of them were slept with Gu Yin.

After muttering, he himself blushed. Because according to Fan Jinsong and Xiaopang, they wouldn't sleep with their parents when they could talk. He was embarrassed to tell them that he was still sleeping with his mother. So he didn't mess around anymore.

Knowing that he was going to sleep by himself, Gu Ye thought that he must choose a room closest to his mother.

As soon as he said this, Wu An also hurriedly jumped out of the donkey cart, "Wait for me, I want to choose too!"

Gu Ye deliberately teased him, and while speeding up his steps, he said, "First come, first served!"

The two little guys ran to the front, and the Wang family asked Gu Yin to follow them to take care of them, while she and Song Shiliu took the salute at the back.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw an old man with white hair and beard. It was the loyal uncle who had served Old Man Wang, whom they had met once earlier.

Uncle Zhong was no longer crazy, and cleaned himself up properly. When he saw Mrs. Wang behind, he quickly walked up to him and cried, "Miss is back, old slave... I'm sorry for you, old slave."

"Uncle Zhong, is this okay?" Wang Shi was happy at first, but felt wrong when he heard what he said, "What do you mean by that?"

Gu Yin asked them to go in first and then talk.

When they arrived at the main house of the Wang family, everyone put their salutes aside first, Uncle Zhong tremblingly knelt down to Mrs. Wang, "Earlier, the old master and the old lady passed away unexpectedly, and the eldest master and the second master were eager to divide the family property, and the old slave felt that something was wrong. I wanted to check it carefully, but I happened to hear the second master and the second wife talking, saying that I might know something, why don't you send me on the road with the old master and the old lady. The old slave was afraid, and didn't dare to check again, pretending to be crazy After all these years…”

Uncle Zhong had a dignified expression on his face, "The case in front of us is revealed, and the old servant knows that the eldest master and the second master have occupied the property belonging to the young lady. If it weren't for me being greedy for life and fear of death, the young lady would not have to suffer those hardships outside! People, I have no face to see the lady anymore, but I just know that the lady has taken the old house back, and the old slave wants to apologize to the lady in person. "

This involved too many secrets of the Wang family, so Gu Yin took the two children and Song Shiliu to choose a house.

She or Mrs Wang must live in the main house. In addition, there are two wing rooms in the yard, and one with a back cover for everyone to choose from.

"It's so big." Gu Ye and Wu An exclaimed in unison.

Not only does the house look big from the outside, the house is equally spacious, like the wing they entered, one room is comparable to two rooms in Shangzhenyi Lane.

The whole is divided into three pieces, and the middle is the place to entertain guests and eat tea. On the left is the study, and on the right is the bed. However, most of the things were gone, only a walking bed, an empty Bogu shelf, a set of Eight Immortals table and chairs and a large desk were left. The rest of the things were naturally searched by the officials.

"Let's sleep in a room." The room was empty, and Wu An felt a little scared.

Gu Ye nodded and said yes, and looked at his mother again.

Gu Yin naturally agreed, agreeing to let them sleep in a bed first, and then send them over after the new year's custom-made bed is ready. Anyway, the room was so empty, and the bed she made was in the style of later generations, not the kind of complicated step-up bed commonly used by big families in this era, and there was enough room in the room.

Then there was Song Shiliu, she hurriedly waved her hand and said, "It's enough for the slave to sleep in the human room."

This girl insisted on being a maid. In her cognition, if the man did not do well, he would be fired and lose his job. Being a maid is different. If you do something wrong, you will be scolded and beaten at the most... Of course, the wife is the most kind. Although the old lady has a loud voice, she is also kind. The two young masters even play with her, and no one has ever beaten or scolded her. So Song Shiliu became more and more determined to keep this iron rice bowl.

Gu Yin not only persuaded her once, but now she is too lazy to say any more, she just smiled: "There must be a servant's room, but of course it is not in this yard. There are five people in our family. Do you have to go to find you? Or do you want me to buy another maid and let other maids find you again?"

That won't work, Song Shiliu only wanted to be Gu Ye's maid, but later on, she wanted to be the first maid in the family!

"Then I will go to bed and cover the room, and it is convenient for the masters to find me."

She hurriedly carried her small burden to the back room and settled it.

"It's 'slave' for a while, and 'mine' for a while, she's fine..." Gu Ye sighed, seeing his mother's disapproving eyes, changed his mouth again, and said dryly, "She's so confused."

Gu Yin helped the two children put them back together, and after a while Wang Shi came back with red eyes.

"Is your mother okay?" Gu Yin held her handkerchief and handed it to her.

Wang wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, and said, "It's okay, I don't blame him. He has been a servant all his life, and he has a contract of betrayal in the hands of the Wang family. Don't say that he can't find the so-called evidence, even if there is evidence to sue him. When I go to the government, the slave suing the master is a serious crime. We all know the behavior of my two 'good' brothers, and there is nothing they dare not do for the sake of money. It is normal for Uncle Zhong to be afraid of them. "

Speaking of this, Mrs. Wang sighed again, "Although he pretended to be crazy before, but the first time we came here, he heard my loud voice outside the wall in the firewood room and escaped desperately, just for the sake of Opening the door for me can be regarded as helping us."

"Then after that?"

"He has nowhere to go if he has no children. I will let him act as our concierge."

Gu Yin put her arms around the Wang family, "I just wanted to say that there are few people in the family, and it's lonely living in such a big house. It's better if there are more people to help take care of Gu Menting."

After speaking, Mrs. Wang took out another key, saying that Uncle Zhong gave her the key to a hidden cellar in the house.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went to the cellar to see together. There were many sacks in it, and the sacks were filled with rice.

In those days, these savings could still be exchanged for a lot of money. Unfortunately, because the age is too old, although the cellar is still dry, the rice exudes a strong musty smell.

After all, what was left by the second old man, the two of them didn't move it and kept it as it was.

In the back, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Gu have also allocated accommodation. Gu Yin lives in the main house, and Mrs. Wang lives in the other wing. Uncle Zhong lived in the front yard.

After all the work was done, it was afternoon. The family put a string of hanging whips at the door, adding a touch of Chinese New Year atmosphere to the new home.

The New Year's Eve dinner is eaten together by everyone. The Wang family's old house... No, now it is Gu's house. The location of Gu's house is good. .

Shopkeeper Zhou and Chef Xu went out to buy something in the afternoon, and the New Year's Eve dinner was ready at this time.

"This is my honor to Master along with the kitchen knife and chopping board." Chef Xu politely presented a wooden box.

Gu Yin opened it and saw that there was a set of small and exquisite ceramic seasoning jars. Whether it was placed on the stove or carried around, it was both convenient and beautiful.

Chef Xu rubbed his hands together and said, "We can't afford a heavy gift, and Master won't accept it either. It's just a little thought."

"That's good." Gu Yin picked up the seasoning jar and rubbed it with satisfaction.

Behind him, Chef Xu also gave a gift to Shopkeeper Zhou. There are also Wang Shi, Gu Ye, and Wu An who also received gifts. Although they are not expensive, they are all heartfelt gifts.

Especially Song Shiliu, Chef Xu gave her a sea bowl just like his own. The bowl was wide and deep. It was said to be a bowl, but it was actually more like a small basin. Both became people who only ate one bowl.

What the shopkeeper Zhou prepared for everyone was a staggeringly sumptuous New Year's Eve meal, not the ones that were usually eaten in the store, but all the good dishes he bought and cooked this afternoon.

Sixi balls with thick oily red sauce, one is as big as a child's fist, hooked on thick soup, bite down with gravy overflowing, full of meat flavor; crispy roasted duck, ruddy in color, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, eat It is fat but not greasy, without a trace of duck smell; Fushou elbow, rosy and oily, the meat is crispy and the bone is rotten, it is also fat but not greasy...

Any kind of dish will not lose its share in the current court. There is always a large table, and even Gu Yin can eat it, let alone the others. Chef Xu and Song Shiliu ate it alone. After eating the two big bowls of rice, Wu An and Gu Ye directly leaned on their mother, unable to move. Uncle Zhong's tears came out, and he apologized and thanked Wang Shi and Gu Yin in unison.

"It's so delicious, it's really delicious." Chef Xu saw that everyone had put down chopsticks, and took two more steamed buns. While giving one to Song Shiliu, he scraped the rest of the soup with the steamed buns to eat.

"It's delicious," Gu Ye burped, "I really want to eat it."

"What are you thinking about?" Gu Yin rubbed his stomach amusingly, "Eat all the time, our family doesn't earn enough to eat."

This New Year's Eve meal is not manpower, and the ingredients alone cost at least seven or eight taels of silver.

"Then can't our family sell these?" Gu Ye counted his fingers and asked, "These can make a lot of money."

Anyway, there must be more than he can count by now.

In fact, this is what Gu Yin thought. Like Shopkeeper Zhou, she aspires to be a master chef, but not a canteen master!

It's just a matter of time to fry home-cooked dishes and make home-cooked snacks every day. It's just a matter of time, and many fine chores can be made by hand. Just like how shopkeeper Zhou made fermented bean curd before, that kind of kung fu must be practiced frequently, and if it is sparse again, I am afraid that the craftsmanship will decline.

Moreover, Chef Xu and his two young apprentices really did their best to learn, especially kitchen knives and chopping boards. They are very talented. By now, three of their apprentices and apprentices can cook other home-cooked dishes in the store.

Gu Yin is nothing more than herself, and letting him watch Shopkeeper Zhou's craftsmanship decline, she really feels sorry for others.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone sat together to observe the New Year's Eve.

Since there were no entertainment activities, Gu Yin had asked Wu An to borrow two books from the Wen family and read them to everyone at this time.

Wu An already knows a lot of words now, and the words are usually written in thick-line vernacular, so he doesn't have any trouble reading them.

Wang’s favorite is to watch operas, and it’s also good to read obedient books without dramas. When everyone heard the excitement, Gu Yin called shopkeeper Zhou aside and discussed with him, “We can make enough money this year, and we can reduce taxes and earn money next year. More. I wonder, should we also eat more carefully?"

If it weren't for the suppression of the two big restaurants when they opened, they should have a lot of high-level customers now.

Now that the business of affordable food has been firmly established, and there is no strong competitor of Mochizukilou, it is a good time to expand the scale.

Shopkeeper Zhou nodded and said, "I want to mention this even if the owner doesn't say anything. And I have also inquired about it. The lease term of the shop next door is in the late spring. The court tax is high, business is not easy to do, and the next door will be vacant soon. Let's rent it, open a small door, and set up a single room for entertaining VIPs."

The shop next door is small, only half the size of Shiweitian, which can be divided into several small private rooms, and the rent is not very expensive for Gu Yin now.

The two of them agreed to wait until the end of the year to inquire about it first, and it is best to rent it in advance before it expires.

After the discussion was over, Shopkeeper Zhou sat back, and Mrs Wang approached with a smile on her face again, as if she had something to say to her in private.

"Son, tomorrow is the New Year... This is the eighth year."

In the past, they lived together in Zhenyi Lane. Gu Yin and Xu Qingchuan could meet from time to time, but they did not develop any different friendships. Now that their family has moved away, if there is no longer a connection, this matter will definitely not be possible.

Hearing this, Gu Yin is really big head, but also because in the past, she has never had a candid chat with Wang Shi, so she simply talked to her carefully.

"Who does mother like? Or Mr. Xu?"

"Qingchuan is very good, although he is a poor scholar, but the situation in the imperial court is unstable, so he did not continue the exam, otherwise he might already be the master of Juren. And our two families know the bottom line, your aunt Xu also likes you."

"What mother said is reasonable, but I don't care about him."

When Wang asked her why, Gu Yin thought about it and said, "It's not why, it's just not suitable. Xu Gongzi likes to read books and discuss books. Forcing me to study, reading all afternoon is more tiring than working in the kitchen all day.”

Because he was talking to Mrs. Wang, Gu Yin didn't feel embarrassed, and continued, "Like the last time we went to the lantern festival, Xu Gongzi guessed the lantern riddles accurately, and he didn't guess randomly, every lantern riddle was solved reasonably. There is evidence. Many girls heard it and admired him. But I was not interested. I was wandering in the world at the time, just thinking about how much money our family could make during the Mid-Autumn Festival and what new food could be introduced after the festival. I heard that there are two kinds of music, one is bright and snowy, which is very elegant, and the other is Liba, which is easy to understand, we are two kinds of music, we can barely get together, I am afraid that we will not be able to say a few words in the rest of our lives."

"Why are you not worthy, you are worthy of the emperor and prince!" Wang shi lowered her voice and glared at her, "Why do you say that about yourself?"

Gu Yin smiled, "That mother said, what else do I deserve, Young Master Xu, I'll go to the palace to be a mother."

Wang Shi smiled and patted her. After making trouble, she said sternly: "What about the other people? The young shopkeeper of the Wen family is also a businessman. I have something to say to you, right?"

"The shopkeeper Wen is young and mature, and Su Ri is more serious than me. Of course, it's not that he is not good... I still don't feel it." Seeing Wang's gesture and wanting to raise her hand, Gu Yin quickly said: "Mother can't count it like this, it's because of your eyes. Anyone who doesn't have a family and is about my age must be matched with me? Then there are Li Zhaotou, Bai Zixi from the Bai family..."

"That's not bad!" Wang's eyes lit up, "Bai's family has a large population, so it's hard to get along with each other, and maybe they don't like our family. But Li Zhaotou is really good. Moreover, his family only has one arrester, who is our Ono's master, isn't this just kissing and kissing?"

Gu Yin hurriedly handed over to beg for mercy, "I'm a hustler, mother, please forgive me."

Wang Shi stopped teasing her and asked her what she liked.

Gu Yin pondered seriously for a while, "Just be more practical. An ordinary person like me who has something to say, can talk to, likes to eat the food I make, and it is best to help me in business or cooking."

People who have never thought about romance in two lifetimes, let her say it herself, it is naturally impossible to say why.

Wang Shi's resentful eyes fell on Chef Xu and Shopkeeper Zhou, making them both who were listening to Wu An's recitations to look at.

Gu Yin quickly pulled Wang's face back, "I didn't meet you! Mother, please stop thinking about people you know."

Wang Shi sighed worriedly, her daughter-in-law didn't want to get married again, why would she want to push her out? But she is also a woman, knowing that women are not easy, so she had to do this disgusting thing - now Gu Yin is young, but it will be twenty-one years old. It is difficult for a girl of this age to choose a husband, let alone a married person.

The husband and eldest son have been away from home all these years, until the daughter-in-law became capable in the past two years, Wang was the one who supported the door. No one knows better than she how much pressure a woman has to bear with a family on her own. She didn't dare to get sick, she didn't dare to be shaken and depressed, no matter how big the pain was, she could only swallow it alone. It will take ten years for the two children to grow up. In the past ten years or so, her daughter-in-law has to be in charge of the house. How can she be willing to let her daughter-in-law eat it again

She is very regretful now, why was she so selfish back then that Gu Yin married her son who was about to go to war. Otherwise, it would not be so eager to make up for it now.

"Emotions, there are also relationships that have gotten along." Wang looked at her expectantly, "Mother still thinks Qingchuan is very good, otherwise you can try again... This time, I won't watch the lantern festival, and go to see someone else."

There are not so many things in the countryside. As long as you don't meet in private before marriage, it's not a broken rule.

"Is Xu Gongzi also willing?" Gu Yin asked.

"Definitely willing, he listens to you, Aunt Xu."

Gu Yin guessed that most of Xu Qingchuan was rubbed off by the parents, but since the two adults still didn't give up, she nodded and said, "Then try again, but just once, it will be embarrassing for many people. And we have to agree, if Still can’t speak, but don’t mention it.”

Like some parents in later generations, they force their children to get married, do they want to harm their own children? It's just that in their cognition, it's good for their children.

Most of the children of later generations can't change their parents' thoughts, let alone Wang's people of this era. Although she is considered avant-garde and open-minded in this era, she still cannot escape the prison of this era. Gu Yin was not in a hurry to turn her thoughts around, and decided to slowly figure it out. Just like when she first passed through, the family was still in the environment of Wang's words, but didn't she also listen to her later

"Hey! It's the last time," Wang Shi immediately laughed, "I heard what you and the shopkeeper Zhou said, the year is busy. In the spring, you have to open a new shop and cook a new meal. Then you two will be together on the Dragon Boat Festival. Go to see the dragon boat race, that one will definitely be able to talk!"

The new year is a year full of expectations for the Gu Yin family.

Gu Yin and Shopkeeper Zhou thought about expanding the size of the store, Mrs Wang thought about letting her start a family, and Cook Xu and his two young apprentices thought about supporting the business of ordinary customers in the store.

However, none of these expectations came true. In the spring of the following year, the imperial court was defeated like a mountain, and the emperor fled from the palace with the imperial guards. The rebel army entered the palace, ascended the throne as the emperor, and established the country as Xi and the era as Zhengyuan.

Once the dynasty is changed, for the common people, it means that the sun and moon above their heads have been replaced. In particular, the former emperor who was abolished still had tens of thousands of old ministries and fled south all the way. The new emperor issued an oath, sealing the rumored general with red scars on his face, like an evil ghost Shura, as the general marshal of the world's military and horses, and encircled and suppressed them all the way.

Although the location of Hanshan Town is remote, unfortunately, it is the southern end of the capital.

When the news came, the major events in the capital had settled, only rumors said that the Emperor was dormant in their area, people were panic, not to mention business, the timid people moved their families overnight, and those who did not move would choose to stay at home or not. go out.

Gu Yin and the others didn't move. First, she and Mrs Wang came from outside. Hanshan Town was like a paradise. There were still people such as the county magistrate and Guan Zhaotou who took shelter here. I haven't been to far away places, but there are bandits in the nearest state capital. The Emperor Abolished said that he was fleeing to the south, and the area to the south was getting bigger. Hanshan Town was considered the north side of the whole country.

Second, with two children at home, how can a five or six-year-old be able to withstand a long journey? Any kind of headache can have irreversible consequences.

Grandpa Wen also meant the same thing. He was afraid that Gu Yin would not be able to stand the situation when he was young.

Although the court has changed, the old man is also a veteran of the three dynasties. His knowledge in this matter is many times better than that of ordinary people. Naturally, he should listen to him.

Shiweitian closed down, Gu Yin took all the employees to retreat to her mansion. Shopkeeper Zhou and Chef Xu lived in the front yard, while the female family members lived in the back yard. Arrange another watch every day, and watch the watch in turn.

Although the incident happened suddenly, it is fortunate that the restaurant opened a daily hoard of food, vegetables and firewood, which is no worse than that of ordinary large families. More, Mrs. Wen asked Wen Peifeng to send dozens of bags of rice and noodles. There is no problem with chewing.

Gu Ye was probably the one who didn't get used to it the most, from a bird without feet to a bird with broken wings.

But at this time he was going to run out, and his mother was so worried that he couldn't eat or sleep, so even though he was reluctant, he could only stay at home obediently.

Fortunately, Gu Yin made playing cards—that is, cut the paper into small pieces, and write the symbols of the playing cards, without pictures. But there are many ways to play poker, such as fighting landlords, frying golden flowers, and playing thousand points... All kinds of playing methods are suitable for all ages, and he quickly fascinated him.

Gu Ye's best game is to play golden flowers. It's like opening a mind-reading plug-in. He steals and makes sure, and often wins with a bad deck.

Of course, you don't gamble when you play by yourself, that is, the winner can make a request with the loser the most.

Unfortunately, Gu Yin is the one who loses the most almost every time. Every time he tries to steal, he will be caught by others. If she is gambling with money, then her hundred and twelve taels of silver will not be enough to lose.

Gu Ye wouldn't make excessive demands from his mother, and he would have to eat a snack once he won. There is definitely no condition to make exquisite dim sum now, so I owe it first, and then supply it to him when this turmoil is over.

After a month, half of the food in Gu's house has been eaten, and Hanshan Town has been quiet.

Just when everyone thought that the so-called Abandoned Emperor was dormant nearby was just a rumor, a group of people broke open the Wen family mansion, which was just across the street from Gu's house.

"Master Wen, save me!" The arrogant young man who used to sit high on the dragon chair with eyes higher than the top, knelt in front of Mrs. Wen with tears flowing.