Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 59


Since there are more people in the kitchen, Gu Yin feels a lot more comfortable - the people around the little emperor are too pampered, and the firewood and water in the water tank in the Wen family's big kitchen are less and less every day. Although someone would bring some every day, it was only enough for her to cook for the little emperor. She also ate and drank here. She had to rely on herself to chop wood and carry water, and it became more and more inconvenient.

Now this young man named Bench is here. He is a good hand at chopping wood, fetching water, and sweeping the courtyard. He is obviously used to these rough jobs.

The next day, Gu Yin made Yanpi wontons again. The little emperor ate well, but he would not order the same food twice in a short period of time, so the eunuch Shangshan originally took the young man away—I really felt that Such a man is too shabby in the emperor's pantry.

But later, seeing that the young man was really able to work, Gu Yin also stuffed a few pumpkin seeds to help him intercede, and the eunuch Shang Shan left him again.

Although an "inmate" has been added, the life in prison has not changed, and Gu Yin's anxiety is really hard to hide.

The manifestation of her anxiety is that she has become more talkative.

"Bench, you can't brush your pan like this. If you brush off the oil on the surface, it will rust."

"Bench, stop chopping wood, it's enough for several days."

"Bench, why are you going out to fetch water again? If there is enough water, you can rest."

Fortunately, the young man was inaudible, and he was still busy in and out, as if he had no time to spare. Moreover, the other party would not be impatient when she saw Gu Yin's mouth opening and closing.

Of course, Gu Yin didn't really want to tell him anything, just wanted to say something. So most of the time she hurriedly waved her hand and asked him to do her own thing, and when he turned around, she continued to meditate.

Sometimes she would laugh when she thought of Gu Yin, when did she talk so much? Usually, she occasionally feels that her mother-in-law is a little nagging, but now she is ten times more nagging than her mother-in-law.

It's also because the bench can't hear it. It is estimated that changing someone will make her talk crazy.

Of course, what comforted her the most was the young man's food.

It's not that he devours it so badly that he eats the food made by Gu Yin. It's really delicious.

It is no worse than the later generations of food and broadcast bloggers. Every time I take a bite, there will be an expression of unpretentious, admiration and enjoyment on my face.

Moreover, Gu Yin also found that his appetite is not small, and he can eat three bowls of hand-made noodles in one go. She likes what she can eat, and cooking for such people is her original intention as a cook!

After another three days, the atmosphere of the Wen family changed.

Whether it was the eunuch or the bodyguard, they all loosened up from the state of high tension.

In particular, some of the guards were of noble birth, and many of them were playboys. They soon revealed their true colors. When they were not on duty, they ran to the big kitchen and asked Gu Yin to cook for them. They didn't leave after eating, they gathered in this small yard to drink and gamble.

Gu Yin can occasionally hear some outside things from their mouths.

"That damned chaotic thief, we have a home and can't go back, nesting in this place where birds don't shit, if there is a chance to meet, I will look at that General Shura with a knife!"

"That is, when we fight back to the capital in the future, I will cut off the heads of that servant and the anti-king, and hang them on the city wall!"

"Hey, when will I be able to return to the capital? This town is too small, and if I stay in the nest, my martial arts will be wasted!"

"I want so much! Come on, I'm drunk now!"

Accompanied by the voice, there is a very loud sound of rolling dice and pushing Pai Gow.

Gu Yin was cooking food for these uncles in the kitchen, and couldn't help but snort.

These people still despise the town, so wouldn't they beg these people to come? But let's go, Hanshan Town cannot tolerate these great Bodhisattvas!

The guards outside started drinking, changing their glasses, and the noise became louder and louder.

"Bench, do you know what generals they are talking about?"

The young man was sitting in front of the stove making a fire, naturally he couldn't give any reaction.

Gu Yin was standing by the pot cooking vegetables, without looking at him, she muttered softly to herself, "I heard that he is extremely powerful and can tear apart living people. I only know how to tear cabbage and chicken by hand. what?"

The young man suddenly turned his face, and his body trembled slightly.

It happened that Gu Yin cooked a plate of hot dishes, and saw him ask him why

He turned his head and made a coughing mouth.

"Then be careful." After Gu Yin finished speaking, she went out with the dishes.

The hot food was served, but the guards didn't move their chopsticks. Instead, someone reached out and grabbed Gu Yin and said, "Little lady, come and have a drink with the young master!"

The man was blushing and smelled of alcohol, obviously drunk.

The people around him laughed, "Is Brother Rong drunk? This is the black cook in the kitchen, not the charming little lady in the brothel Chu Pavilion."

The guard Rong narrowed his eyes with difficulty, and finally saw that standing in front of him was a black-faced, pot-lid bangs covering his face, and Gu Yin, who deliberately made herself greasy, immediately let go of his hands and spat: "Unfortunate. !"

The others burst into laughter, and I don't know who started to say: "Come on, let's use this black cook as a bet in a new game, and the loser will kiss her, how dare you?"

They are all young and vigorous young men, who would say no at the wine table and gambling table

Gu Yin was about to run away, but someone grabbed an arm. The dice was shaken again, and several people quickly threw them one after another, and the one with the smallest number was the guard Rong.

"Haha, brother Rong is really 'good luck' today!"

"I'm willing to admit defeat, Brother Rong is not a shame!"

Everyone laughed and pushed the Rong guard who lost the bet to get up.

The man was drunk and embarrassed, his face turned into a pig's liver color, and in the end he accepted the bet and gave in, and went to pull Gu Yin again.

Gu Yin hurriedly retreated and said, "Sir, please spare the woman, the woman has an ugly face and is married to a woman!"

"It's good to be married to a woman! Hahaha, only those who have been married know how hot and cold it is." Others continued to fight.

Otherwise, it will be eaten by a dog. Gu Yin has nowhere to hide and can only think so helplessly.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from behind her and clasped the hand of the guard Rong accurately.

"Who?" The guard Rong was already in a fit of anger. When he was stopped, he became more and more annoyed. When he saw that it was the deaf and dumb lame young man who stopped him, he said angrily, "How dare you stop Lao Tzu?"

The others didn't come forward to help, they just hurriedly said: "Don't be this trash and this black cook for a few days, and they have become a couple? Brother Rong has become a favorite! Ha ha ha ha… "

The hostility in the young man's eyes disappeared in a flash, but then he let go of his hand and flattered a plate of peanuts in his hand, indicating that he was here to deliver snacks.

He limped and put the appetizers on the table. Suddenly, he slanted and threw himself on the small table. The small table was pressed by his tall body and immediately fell apart. Pai Gow, dice, Wine jars and dishes were scattered all over the place.

This time it wasn't just that Rong guard, everyone else was also angry.

"You can't even walk the path of a lame man, right?!"

Everyone's fists fell like raindrops, and the beating young man held his head and begged for mercy.

And Gu Yin had already seen the right time to go out, and invited the eunuch Shang Shan who was also in the yard.

The eunuch Shangshan kept turning a blind eye to the playfulness of the guards. At this time, the movement was so loud that he sold Gu Yin's face and rushed over to persuade: "Masters, please don't. There's something going on at this juncture! After all, these are all people who feed the Sage!"

The character of the little emperor is not easy to get along with.

Especially in this stall now, if he beats people out in the Wen family, he will be the first to let them go!

The guards were also afraid of this, stopped their hands angrily, and spat: "It's just right for the trash to match the ugly!"

When the eunuch Shangshan coaxed the uncles away, Gu Yin immediately stepped forward to help the young man up.

"How's it going? Does it hurt?" She tried to mouth shape to him.

The young man shook his head and waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need her to help him, and stood up by himself.

The two returned to the stove, and Gu Yin asked him to sit next to him while she boiled boiled eggs.

After the white water egg was boiled, she peeled off the shell, wrapped the egg with gauze, and asked him to roll up his sleeves to help him get rid of the bruises.

The young man waved his hands again and again, indicating that he would come.

Gu Yin insisted: "Let me come, or let me do something for you."

After getting in touch these days, she knew that although the young man in front of her was lame, whether he was chopping wood or carrying water, he walked steadily. The fall he just fell, naturally, deliberately made a relief for her.

Only then did the young man roll up his sleeves to his wrists, and Gu Yin realized that he still had a lot of bruises on his hands. It wasn't caused just now, but there were still several days of injuries. Not only did he get bruised, he also had old wounds on his arms caused by other sharp tools. Although the scars had fallen off, it was still shocking to look at.

A deaf and dumb person can live to such an age, and he has no idea how much he has suffered.

Gu Yin's eyes were sore, so she could only force herself not to look more, and gently rolled a boiled egg on his bruises, "There is no medicine now, so I can only disperse it like this. When we go out, I will Buy medicine for you, the best kind... Then don't go to other places, just eat it back with me and be my buddy. I'll pay you to work, and I won't let you be bullied again."

The man obediently let her roll over the bruise on her arm, and Gu Yin asked him to roll up another sleeve, but he refused.

Gu Yin no longer forced him to do it himself, while she supported her chin and watched.

The young man treated the bruise on the other arm again, and when he raised his eyes again, he gave a slight pause and pointed to his chin.

Gu Yin immediately understood, and took out the small mirror she carried with her to take a look - the pot ashes on her chin were wiped off, revealing her originally fair complexion.

But fortunately, the pot ashes she uses are often smeared, so she just needs to smear it on.

The ashes of the pot are not resistant to water or rubbing. These days, Gu Yin has "taken off her makeup" more than once. But fortunately, this young man reminds her every time, and has never expressed any curiosity or inquiry about her intentionally smearing her face, let alone any behavior that goes beyond the norm, that's why Gu Yin wants to send him away in Shangshan Eunuch Pray for him while you're out doing other chores.

Now she feels even more that she did the right thing, she helped him, and the other party helped her today.

Later, Gu Yin boiled a pot of eggs for him and asked him to take it back and slowly roll it at night.

After giving it, I don't know if it's because of her fancy eyes, I vaguely feel that the young man's eyes are both helpless and funny.

The guards at the back came to eat and drink again. Although they looked at the young man with a bad look, fortunately they didn't embarrass him anymore, and they didn't take Gu Yin as a gamble and joke again, and this matter was revealed.

Late spring and early summer are the only rainy seasons in Hanshan Town.

It was raining heavily today, and the little emperor rested early, and the eunuch Shangshan also spread word that there was no need to keep the hot stove tonight.

The little emperor changed from time to time. After Gu Yin asked the young man to help burn a large pot of hot water, he left a fire in the stove, and then covered the stove.

The young man helped bring the hot water into the house, Gu Yin washed and washed her hair, and then wiped a handful of pot ashes while the water was being poured.

These damn days in prison, people dare not relax for a moment, and they have to smear the ashes before going to bed.

After wiping, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Because of something in her heart, she has been sleeping uneasy these days.

Listening to the sound of rain this day, it was rare to get a good night's sleep.

She slept until midnight when she was disturbed by the sound of footsteps in the yard.

"Search here, go there!"

The guards filed in with the torches, and Gu Yin immediately put on clothes and went out when she heard the sound.

The eunuch Shang Shan also came out, and when he saw the battle, he immediately inquired about what happened.

This team of guards is headed by the guard Narong. His face is ashen, and he said: "Catch the assassin, everyone will come out!"

"God!" Eunuch Shang Shan exclaimed, stroking his chest and said, "Is there nothing wrong with the Holy One?"

"Saint Gong is safe." Rong Guards coughed up a mouthful of blood as he spoke.

Before the late emperor went, he left a hundred dark guards for Emperor Longqing. These dark guards are loyal and strong in martial arts. Although more than half of it has been damaged along the way, there are also 20 or 30 middle players who take turns to protect Emperor Longqing.

In general, let alone assassins, even flies and mosquitoes cannot escape the eyes of these people.

But it was raining so hard today that an assassin wearing a mask escaped the eyes and ears of these people and went all the way to Emperor Longqing's bedroom.

If it weren't for Emperor Longqing still wearing the treasured soft hedgehog armor, and the other party was unarmed, he only attacked with fists, I'm afraid...

But for this reason, Emperor Longqing still suffered serious injuries, but only those close to him knew about it, and did not dare to publicize it at this stall.

Later, when they heard the sound, they naturally rushed in to escort them.

Of course, the main thing is the helpless dark guards to force the assassins back. These guards, who came from noble backgrounds, did not dare to fight with others, but just drew their knives and rushed in to pretend.

But I don't know what happened, the assassin came at them.

Although he was unarmed, his fist was like a dark cloud, and it was wrapped in a ten thousand force. Guard Rong was punched by him, and the pain in his internal organs was like a fire. The guards who played well with him were even more cunning than him, hiding as much as they could, but they were also injured more or less.

In the end, a few dark guards followed the assassin into the guards, which forced them back.

He coughed out a mouthful of blood, and he couldn't hold back the pain in his lungs any longer, and his face was wrinkled in pain.

Gu Yin resisted the urge to laugh and pretended to be worried and scared.

The guard Rong glanced at several people, his expression stunned, and he asked, "What about the deaf and dumb waste?"

Gu Yin immediately explained: "He couldn't hear the sound, maybe he was still sleeping."

But soon, a guard came out of the house where the young man lived, saying that he was not there.

"Quickly search for me! Be sure to find the assassin!"

Guard Rong pushed aside Eunuch Gu Yin and Eunuch Shan Shan, held down the wound with one hand, held a knife in the other, and kicked Eunuch Shang Shan's house door with one kick.

After the last search, the young man was still missing. At this time, only Gu Yin's house was not searched.

Guard Rong kicked open the door of Gu Yin's house again, and a group of people rushed in.

Gu Yin hurriedly followed, only to see a very conspicuous bulge on the bed in the unobstructed room.

Gu Yin covered the surprise in her eyes and watched Guard Rong lift the quilt.

The deaf-mute young man was wearing only a middle coat at this time, and was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. It was not until the quilt was lifted that he sat up in shock. Seeing so many people in the room, his dark face also showed Out of embarrassment and shame, he hurriedly got out of bed with a limp and handed over to beg for mercy.

The eyes of everyone in the room focused on Gu Yin's face again. She bit her lip and said, "Your Excellency knows, the woman was too embarrassed to say it. He... He has been in my room."

The guards even looked at the eunuch Shangshan with disdain and contempt.

Not long after, someone from outside came to report that they had found mud footprints on the outer wall leading to the front yard, and everyone no longer bothered about the two ugly monsters' adultery, and immediately followed.

"Little lady is still..." Before leaving, Eunuch Shangshan hesitated, "After all, it's the Holy One's side, even if you are a commoner, it's not good for you to do such things."

Gu Yin lowered her eyes and apologized repeatedly, and promised that there would be no next time, so she sent Eunuch Shang Shan away.

Finally, everyone left, Gu Yin faded the embarrassed look on her face, closed the door with a sullen face, and lit the oil lamp on the table.

The two looked at each other, and finally the young man said, "Thank you."

His voice was deep and deep, giving people a very reassuring feeling in this rainy night.

Gu Yin didn't care about admiration, but said, "I'm not helping you, I'm helping myself. I've worked with you these days, and if you're an assassin, I can't avoid it."

This man can attack the little emperor in the strictly guarded Wen family, and he can pretend to be a disabled person who is deaf, mute, and lame these days, and hide the person she is facing every day. Whether it is martial arts or this kind of temperament, it makes people feel startled.

If he really betrayed him, he would probably be able to fight it out. She has no martial arts skills, but is likely to be regarded as an assassin and a scapegoat.

Moreover, Gu Yin didn't have the slightest affection for the Abolitionist Party, and felt a little pity for him in her heart. If he was successfully assassinated today, the little emperor would be gone, and the predicament in front of him would naturally be dissolved.

The person in front of him must be a member of the Rebel Army, but I don't know who it is. Could it be the rumored general who can tear apart living people.

The more you know, the quicker you die. Suppressing her curiosity, Gu Yin closed her mouth and stopped talking to her.

"Thank you again." After saying this, the man first took out his clothes from the bottom of the bed. It was a night suit, but with a shake, it immediately turned into the brown bunt he usually wore. Then he picked up the Taishi chair in the room with one hand and put it in the corner, sat down with eyes closed, and stopped talking.

After all the drama and the whole set, in the end the man stayed until dawn before leaving Gu Yin's house.

Gu Yin sat with him silently for half the night, locked the doors and windows as soon as he left, and lay down to catch up on sleep.

When she slept until dawn, Gu Yin was still the ugly and shriveled cook, and the man was still the ugly, deaf, dumb, and lame cook.

Both of them acted as if nothing had happened, but Gu Yin would never talk to him again.

A day later, someone around Emperor Longqing said that he was leaving Hanshan Town. He had encountered an assassination, and the assassin had not been arrested. Naturally, the place was no longer safe.

Gu Yin couldn't help but sighed in relief when she heard the news, but before she was happy, the eunuch Shangshan actually asked Gu Yin to pack up and go with her!

This dog emperor almost died, and now he has to run for his life all night, still don't forget to eat and drink? !

Gu Yin gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart, and did not dare to show anything on her face.

The young man was already a member of the kitchen, so when Gu Yin moved, he followed.

Just before departure, when the young man passed by Gu Yin, he said in an inaudible voice, "I'll help you escape later."

It was just these few words that made Gu Yin suddenly feel at ease.

Tens of thousands of the Imperial Guards withdrew overnight, but they did not go far. After walking for about a day, the large army climbed a mountain and arrived at a bandit village.

Hanshan Town was constantly flooded with bandits, and although the imperial guards of the old dynasty could not defeat the rebels, they were more than enough to deal with these shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

After the bandits were wiped out, the Janissaries were stationed here.

The environment here is simple, so naturally Gu Yin and the others will no longer be scattered as before. And after observing for such a period of time, several of them are also honest.

So Gu Yin stayed with Shopkeeper Zhou and Master Yuan, and only when they were cooking would someone come in to supervise and test the poison.

Although it's only been less than a month, but seeing each other again, everyone has a feeling of being separated for years.

Shopkeeper Zhou couldn't help but red eyes, and asked Gu Yin how are you doing these days? Did you suffer

Gu Yin also had a sour nose, and said, "I'm fine, I just cook every day, and I'm just being watched. How about you guys, are you all okay? Do you know what's going on outside?"

Master Yuan was treated the same as her, so naturally he didn't know what was going on outside.

But the shopkeeper Zhou is responsible for making big pot meals for the soldiers, and he is a person who speaks and does everything in every way.

Long before this meeting, Shopkeeper Zhou had inquired about Gu Yin's news. Although she was not detailed, she knew that the food she made was very much in line with the little emperor's taste, and she had not been challenged. But in the end, he heard her say it himself, and he felt at ease.

During this period of time, the shopkeeper Zhou has not only cooked for them, but also took the errands out of the shopping on himself.

Of course, there are also people who take care of him and do not let him contact outsiders. They just use his knowledge of Hanshan Town to act cheaply.

But if he can go out anyway, he also knows something.

The situation outside was better than they thought. Except for the Wen family and a few cooks who were involved, the lives of other ordinary people were not affected. This time, the little emperor took people away, and only took away Mr. Wen and their group, and the rest of the people were not affected.

One time, shopkeeper Zhou saw Gu Ye at the end of the street. The little guy had a gloomy face and hid in a corner silently in a big cloak.

He was afraid that Gu Ye would act rashly, so he hurriedly gestured to him and told him not to move.

"I met again later, Ono pretended to be ignorant and bumped into us. I took the opportunity to shove the cloth with writing on him. Everyone in the house knows that we are all safe and sound, so we shouldn't be too impatient."

Gu Yin can still keep calm when she is alone. When she heard the news about Gu Ye, she couldn't help clenching her fists worriedly, "This child has a big idea, and I can take care of it when I'm at home. My mother doesn't care. He lives, now that we have left Hanshan Town, I'm afraid that child will follow."

If someone is caught as a spy... Gu Yin can't imagine such an outcome.

After hesitating again and again, Gu Yin still found the young man—they were on a huge mountain now, and the guards had to patrol from the bottom of the mountain to the mountain, and there were not enough people to do the rough work. He has not only helped in the kitchen, but spent most of his time outside doing other chores.

"I'll stay for you at the front. You helped me solve the predicament. This is a draw. But on the rainy night, I will help you again. I hope you will pay me back." Gu Ye, she can only be cheeky.

Seeing the pleading in her eyes, the young man did not show any impatience, but simply said, "You say it."

"My son may come with me." Gu Yin endured a heart-wrenching feeling, and said with difficulty: "He is more than five years old and runs very fast. Ordinary martial arts practitioners can't outrun him. If you meet..."

She actually has a five-year-old son. The young man's eyes couldn't help falling on her woman's bun, and he quickly moved his eyes away and said, "I understand."