Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 63


The group set off at dawn, and they did not meet anyone from the old dynasty on the way, and finally rushed back to Hanshan Town that night.

The members of the rebel army led by the white-skinned boy did not stay long, and they were safely delivered to the gate of the Wen family mansion, and immediately turned their heads and left.

The night-time servants of the Wen family saw that Mr. Wen and Mr. Wen Er came back with all their hair and tail, and they were as happy as the Chinese New Year.

Master Wen came out immediately when he heard the sound.

It was late at night, and he was still dressed neatly, apparently still worried that he didn't go to bed.

Seeing that Mrs. Wen was taken into the house by her family, Gu Yin and the others should also review the house.

However, not long after the carriage turned around, it encountered Mr. Wang who was looking for him with a lantern.

"Where's my eldest girl?" Seeing the shopkeeper Zhou and Master Yuan sitting on the carriage, Mr. Wang was so anxious that he broke his voice just like the old man who saw Mr. Wen Er fall out of the car.

"Mother, I'm here!" Shopkeeper Zhou stopped the carriage, Gu Yin lifted the curtain and stuck his head out.

"Hey! Don't get down." Mrs Wang trotted forward and got into the carriage from the back of the carriage with both hands and feet.

When she got into the car, Mrs. Wang touched Gu Yin from head to toe, then clenched her hand tightly and said, "Just come back, just come back!"

Gu Yin's hand was painfully pinched by her, and she didn't even know what to do. She just asked Mrs. Wang, "How do you know that we're back, mother?"

Wang explained: "Just across the street, I was talking to Uncle Zhong at the door."

As for why she stayed at the door of the house so late, she was naturally still waiting for her, for fear that when she would come back someday, Uncle Zhong was too old to open the door for her in time.

The two families were indeed not far from each other, and the carriage stopped at the gate of Gu's house while they were talking.

Gu Yin, Mr. Wang and Shopkeeper Zhou got off the carriage, while Master Yuan drove the carriage home by himself.

At the entrance of Gu's house, not only Uncle Zhong was waiting, Song Shiliu, Wu An, Gu Ye, Chef Xu and his two young apprentices, and even Tian's mother and daughter were not asleep, and they all came out when they heard the sound.



The two little guys rushed over together like two small cannonballs.

Gu Yin opened her arms to catch them, rubbed them one by one, then looked at Gu Ye and said with a smile, "Why are you dressed like this?"

Wu An didn't change much, he just got taller and thinner, but Gu Ye changed a lot. He was wearing that big black cloak with a hood. Experienced a wandering general. As he was about to walk, Gu Yin might not be able to recognize him at a glance.

"I want to be like my mother." Gu Ye said in a nasal voice.

Since he had his mother, he hadn't been separated from her mother for such a long time.

Sometimes Gu Ye is also very afraid, afraid that he will forget the mother's appearance like he can't remember the things when he was a child. That's why he insisted on dressing like this.

Does that mean he went to the mountain to find out about her like this before

When the general saw him like this, would he think that the mother and son were so ugly

Thinking of this, Gu Yin couldn't help bending her lips, and when she saw everyone came out to greet her with a smile, her eyes became even hotter, "It's so crowded, why didn't everyone sleep?"

"Oh, it's good for Master to come back, it's good to come back." Chef Xu covered his face and cried like a twenty-eighth-nine child.

Although Tian's mother and daughter had the latest contact with Gu Yin, they also whimpered and cried together at this time.

"Everyone is back, why are you crying? Let's go and talk." Mrs. Wang instructed everyone to enter.

And she never let go of Gu Yin's hand from beginning to end, obviously her mood was not as calm as she showed.

Don't mention Wu An and Gu Ye, it's like sticking to Gu Yin. When she got to the main hall, she was pressed down by Wang and sat down. The two little guys didn't even look for a place to sit, so they leaned on her from left to right.

Wang Shi called Song Shiliu out again, and the two quickly came over from the kitchen, one carrying water, grapefruit leaves in the water basin, and the other carrying a brazier with charcoal burning.

"Come on, cross the brazier. I forgot when I first came in, and now I cross it!"

Although Gu Yin didn't believe this, she saw that Wang's preparations were long ago, so she stepped over the brazier according to her words.

Later, Mrs. Wang dipped the pomelo leaf in water and slapped Gu Yin on the head and body, and then handed the pomelo leaf to the shopkeeper Zhou and asked him to slap on himself, and finally twisted the handkerchief and handed it to Gu Yin, " Wipe it first, the water is clean."

Song Shiliu said from the side: "The old lady burns grapefruit water every day, once in the morning, noon and evening. This water is only boiled at night."

Gu Yin wiped her face, and Wang Shi stood behind her again and took a small comb to brush up her pot lid bangs.

Gu Yin knew that her mother-in-law was the same as her, and she liked to find something to do when she was in a state of uncertainty, so even though she would definitely take off her hair in a bun later, she still let her comb it.

Shopkeeper Zhou has already started talking about what happened these days. Although the two of them went out for a month and a half, the situation was not complicated. They were both responsible for cooking at the beginning, and finally participated in the escape plan.

"Hey! I knew your method would definitely work." Mrs Wang turned around and wiped her eyes.

At that time, after the youth negotiated with Gu Yin and Mrs. Wen, Mrs. Wen was responsible for deceiving Mr. Wen Er and asked him to deal with the commander who went to buy food, while the young man entrusted Gu Ye to send a letter back to Hanshan Town.

Mr. Wang led Chef Xu and the kitchen knife and chopping board, and worked together with the Wen family and the rest of the family. They finally handled the food left by the second elder of the Wang family before the appointed time.

After speaking, it was really late, and Mrs. Wang sent everyone to rest first.

"I'm a little hungry, do you want a late-night snack?" Gu Yin said and went to the kitchen.

Wang held her back, "There are ready-made ones at home, so don't be too busy. Take a bath first, and then eat after washing."

No need for Gu Yin to discuss any further, Wang Shi and Song Shiliu made hot water together and placed the bath tub.

Gu Yin took off her gray dress and soaked it in hot water, only to feel that every pore was ironed, and immediately sighed comfortably.

For more than a month outside, she didn't take a shower once a day or two when she was at home. Every time she took a shower, she acted like a thief.

After taking a shower, it doesn't count, you have to immediately smear the ashes of the pot, and you have to wash the clothes and dresses on your body overnight. In the rainy day, the moisture on the upper body of the clothes the next morning is terrifyingly heavy, and it is also her fault. I was working in the kitchen, and I sat by the stove for half a morning to warm up.

Not to mention that it is good to stay at home for a thousand days, but it is difficult to go out for a while

She leaned on the tub, so comfortable that she fell asleep. Later, she noticed that Wang shi came in and took the dirty clothes she had changed, and washed her hair. Gu Yin didn't bother to open her eyes, so she simply asked She fiddles.

Being so lazy, she really fell asleep, and she didn't even know how to get back to the bed.

After so many days of trepidation and a whole day's drive, Gu Yin slept until the next morning.

It was bright outside, and the sunlight came in from the window wall. As soon as Gu Yin woke up, she immediately opened her eyes. The reaction was that she was at home. She exhaled a long breath and closed her eyes again.

Before closing her eyes and staring at her, Gu Yin noticed that someone was looking at her.

Turning their heads, Wang Shi, Song Shiliu, Wu An, and Gu Ye all squatted at the head of the bed, looking at her with their hands on their cheeks in a uniform manner.

"What's this for?" Gu Yin stretched out funny.

"Who knows about them, they don't make people worry." Wang shi stood up, beating his sore legs and complaining.

"Don't talk about us, we're still sleeping!"

"That's right," Wu An whispered along with Gu Ye, "Sister-in-law doesn't know, we slept for half the night yesterday. Mother said she would take a bath with you, so she just stayed in your room and didn't sleep all night."

"I still don't remember, or we'll lie down together for a while?" Gu Yin leaned in as she spoke.

The bed she is sleeping on was made a few years ago. It is a solid wood canopy bed that imitates a modern style. It does not have as many decorations as the beds of large families today, but it is very spacious, about three meters wide.

When the two little guys heard this, they took off their coats, kicked their shoes, and immediately climbed up.

Wang Shi and Song Shiliu didn't go up, one sat by the head of the bed and the other by the end of the bed.

Gu Yin knew that they were still worried about themselves, so she simply told them what happened before. Of course, she mentioned everything that happened between the young man and her. She didn't say much. She only said that she accidentally discovered that the helpers in the kitchen were volunteers. Finally, she cooperated with them and escaped with Mrs. Wen and the others.

Although they had already heard it once, Mr. Wang and the others still listened attentively.

"That ugly-faced uncle, his martial arts is really good," Gu Ye slapped his mother again, "When I grow up, I will be so good and protect my mother."

"What did Ono say about the ugly-faced uncle? Is that the rebel general you said?"

Gu Yin recalled that before parting, the birthmark on his face fell off. Although the blood on his face still made it difficult to see his true face, the raised red scar near the cochlea was indeed conspicuous.

"It's the one in the rumors, but he wouldn't do such cruel things." Speaking of which, Gu Yin couldn't help laughing, "At that time, he pretended to be deaf and mute, and I was still talking to him, saying that he only listened. Those who have shredded chicken and cabbage with their hands just don’t know how to shred a living person…”

"You are too bold," Wang shi reached out and nodded her forehead, "People like them fight and kill, and they are full of ill-will, so they can't make fun of it!"

"That ugly-faced uncle is not bad." Gu Ye rarely praised others, "With great martial arts, people are not fierce."

"Okay, okay, don't mention those unlucky things." Wang Shi waved his hand. Although it was a new dynasty, the rumored general of the evil ghost was really scary. For the common people, it is not a good thing.

Later, the Wang family urged Gu Yin to rest.

Lying at home for five days in a row, until this day came the good news from the front line, saying that the three thousand rebels who arrived had already defeated the imperial guards of the old dynasty, and only a few remaining parties fled to the south.

When such great news came, the people of Hanshan Town, who had been silent for a few months, were all excited as if they were New Year's Eve.

Tian's mother and daughter moved back to Zhenyi Lane, and Shopkeeper Zhou, Chef Xu, and the kitchen knife and chopping board also lived in the backyard of Shiweitian.

Gu Yin couldn't take it any longer, and called the shopkeeper Zhou to discuss the reopening.

In the spring, Shiweitian closed its business. It is now June, which means that half a year has passed, and the store has only been open for two months.

Although Wang's intention was to let her slow down, she had not had any wounds on her body after examining her before, but there were two shallow blood marks on her palm that had been rubbed by the reins. In addition, she seemed to be in good condition these days. Did not stop.

In the middle of summer, on the day of resumption of business, Gu Yin first launched the ice drink launched last summer. This time, it is no longer just iced, but can be directly added with ice cubes. At the same time, a new product - shaved ice is launched again.

This time the ice was not hoarded by Mr. Wen Er, but was hoarded by her own house last winter. One large cellar stores cheap river ice, and the other small cellar stores clean ice cubes that can be imported.

The price of the latter is really not cheap. If it hadn't been hoarded, Shiweitian would have made more than a dozen taels of pure profit during last year's accounting. Just for these ices, Shiweitian can't miss the summer business.

With ice that can be eaten, making shaved ice is very simple.

The whole piece of ice is smashed into ice balls, and guests can choose to add watermelon juice, sour plum soup, milk tea or pure milk with white sugar according to their own tastes.

The price of shaved ice is not close to the people. A small portion is 20 cents. If you add milk or milk tea, you have to add another 10 cents.

Cold drinks with ice cubes are also a few cents more expensive than usual.

But this time, Gu Yin didn't need to bother to publicize it, and the guests were willing to pay for the money—it was during the day when she was first invited by the palace servants from the house. Although many people did not dare to go to the street at that time, there were also a lot of concerns. The safety of her own family, and the people who are always concerned about the deposed emperor's movements, so Gu Yin was taken to Wen's house on the front foot, and she knew from the outside of the back foot.

Later, when the Emperor Abolished and left Hanshan Town, the people did not know that the Imperial Guards were still in ambush, but when the rain passed and the weather cleared, they gradually returned to their previous living habits.

Zhishiweitian has not opened for business, and the gate of Gu's house is also closed. When I went to Wen's house to inquire, I knew that she had been taken away with Shopkeeper Zhou and Master Yuan.

This kind of news related to the abolition of the emperor is like a burst of water in a frying pan for ordinary people who have no entertainment. After nearly two months of fermentation, it is almost unknown to everyone.

Now Gu Yin is a cook for the emperor!

Although it was an absconded emperor who escaped, that tongue must be tricky. The chef who the emperor is willing to take with him, who would dare to say that the food he made was expensive for twenty or thirty cents

And more than that, the people didn't know that Hanshan Town was almost wiped out, and they were eager to inquire about the previous court's affairs for fun.

Since it reopened in June, there has been no vacancy for Shiweitian for a whole month. Ice drinks and shaved ice are especially good - after all, so many people are sitting in one place, even if there is an ice basin in the store, it will be very hot. Eating a bowl of ice-cold shaved ice or a cold drink with ice cubes is just the way to relieve the heat.

The business was over for the day, and the guys were busy cleaning up. In the past, although there were many people eating for the day, hygiene was not difficult to do. Not only are there more people now, but there is also a storyteller who is talking about what happened after the Emperor Abolition came to Hanshan Town.

The storytellers are not without a purpose, they have genuine authorization, and the content is taught by Master Wen Er.

Mr. Wen Er heard that there were too many people who eat for the sky to the point where they had nowhere to go, so he saw this business opportunity and led the storyteller to find Gu Yin.

I heard that books must be paid for, a person can earn a few hundred cents a day with five cents.

"How about 28?" At that time, Master Wen Er asked Gu Yin with his thin beard, "Or Sanqi?"

Although Gu Yin had a bad impression of Mr. Wen Er before, but in the end we have overcome difficulties together, and this is also a win-win situation, so I should accept it.

As soon as this temporary storytelling field opened, it was really before the doors opened in the morning, and there were queues at the door.

At the end of the day, the melon seed skins in the store were almost less than the toes of a human's shoe.

But this melon seed snack is also sold for food, the more things to be cleaned, the better the business! So no one was bothered.

After the shopkeeper Zhou finished the work in his hand, he went to ask Gu Yin about the expansion of the scale.

Previously, the shop next door said that it would not rent after the expiration of the late spring, but after the spring, the court changed the day, and the family did not withdraw the rent first, waiting to see the form of the new dynasty. Later, the decree of the new dynasty was promulgated, and the tax became an acceptable level for everyone, so the business was started again.

Now I can't directly buy the store next door. If I want to expand the scale, one is to relocate, and the other is to choose a larger place to open a branch.

The decree of the new dynasty encourages business, and shopkeeper Zhou also heard that the imperial court has confiscated a large number of properties that were previously under the control of corrupt officials. Many of those properties have no longer found their old owners, and are now being sold and released at very fair prices. rent.

This is a great opportunity!

In the past, Gu Yin was more active than anyone else, but the shopkeeper Zhou told her that day, but she was a little distracted and her eyes fell on the door.

It was also thanks to shopkeeper Zhou that he was close to her. He wasn't angry, he just said, "The owner is still... let's not wait for that one."

"Who said I was waiting for him?" Gu Yin retracted her thoughts and smiled: "I'm actually still thinking about what the shopkeeper said. After all, the location is a big deal. Both the prefecture and the capital are good choices, but We know very little about both places."

Shopkeeper Zhou couldn't help but thought, I didn't say who I was waiting for, but the owner answered directly, but didn't I still remember it in my heart

But he was also afraid that it would be annoying to say too much, so he didn't mention it again, but said: "I think the capital is better, after all, I am from the capital. It's a bit ashamed to say that I have been away from my homeland for all these years, and at this age, I'm already a little concerned."

Beijing? Gu Yin lowered her eyes.

In fact, she also felt that the capital was better, at the foot of the emperor, the center of a country, and no matter what dynasty or generation, she had never heard that the people of the capital would suffer when there was turmoil. In the past, she thought that Hanshan Town was very good, but this time she realized how passive the remote town was in this age when the news was not well-informed.

But if you go to the capital, wouldn't you be in the same place with that person

Gu Yin didn't know what she was struggling with—in mid-June, she heard that the rebels had already won a big victory, and the class returned to the court. That person passed by Hanshan Town nearby. Even if he had military affairs at the time, it was inconvenient to come to see her. Now that more than half a month has passed, even if he returns to Beijing to report his work, he should spare his hands and feet.

She didn't want to do anything with him, she just felt that the relationship between the two was somewhat different, and it was always necessary to report peace.

Is it because she is unilaterally self-indulgent, or just as worried as Mrs. Wen, that person already has a family, so...

Coincidentally, they just mentioned the capital here, and the next day, Mrs. Wen sent someone to pick up Gu Yin, and they were talking about going to the capital.

Although Mrs. Wen was a minister of the old dynasty, this time he received the favor of the rebel army, which means he accepted the other party's olive branch invisibly.

And now that he has figured it out, who is he to be a courtier and not a servant? No matter who he is to be the emperor, he will never be worse than Emperor Longqing, who thinks that the pigs and dogs who slaughtered the city are inferior. He is old, but there are two generations of Wen Da and Wen Lang, and now is a good opportunity to recover.

Mrs. Wen was about to go to Beijing after August 15th and asked Gu Yin if she wanted to accompany her.

Gu Yingang said: "It's a coincidence that the shopkeeper Zhou also talked to me about going to the capital."

Master Wen Er, who was standing beside him, laughed first.

The old man didn't like to pay attention to him in the past. Since he came back this time, he felt that although his temper was crooked, he was not bad at the root. He still wanted to correct him, so he often took him by his side.

But in this area, Mrs. Wen was also angry with him.

Just like Mr. Wen Er was busy in the front, and he often talked about the old and new dynasties. Mr. Wen thought that he was suddenly enlightened after a major event, but if he asked carefully, he was actually compiling a storybook to find someone to tell the story. make money.

Earning a few hundred cents a day, only 20 or 30 taels of silver in a month, and 30% to Gu Yin, but because it is a business without capital, it makes Mr. Wen Er very happy.

Twenty or thirty taels are not a big sum to Gu Yin now, let alone the Wen family, a small amount of money that is not worth mentioning.

Mr. Wen Er is already forty. If it is not for the men of the Wen family who all get married late, he should be a grandfather now, because a little Qian Le's tail is about to be lifted into the sky, doesn't it make Mr. Wen hate iron

Hearing his smile, Mrs. Wen angrily asked him why he was smiling

Master Wen Er immediately stopped laughing, but the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising, "Why don't you laugh, just think that what Dad said is right," and said to Gu Yin: "Miss Gu, don't hesitate, the capital is a good place! You are so good at craftsmanship, How can you only stick to this small Hanshan town? You should go to a place like the capital to shine!"

The words are good words, and when combined with the mouse-stealing smile of Mr. Wen Er, it seems very wrong.

Gu Yin said helplessly: "Even if you really go to the capital, Shiweitian will not go out of business now."

Hanshan Town was the first place that gave her warmth after she passed through. No matter where she does her business in the future, this is her hometown.

And when the front was resting at home, there was nothing to do. She and Shopkeeper Zhou stared at Chef Xu and his two young apprentices and worked hard to practice basic skills. Now the three of them are masters and apprentices alone. Even after they leave, they can Prop up the business of cheap fast food in the store.

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Mr. Wen Er's face instantly collapsed.

That was the shop he had been thinking about for two years!

But fortunately, his father and eldest brother are going back to the capital, and the family's ancestral property will still be returned to him.

The corners of Mr. Wen's mouth were about to go up again, but he heard Mrs. Wen angrily saying, "Do you mind whether girl Gu will withdraw the lease or not? Anyway, your family has to come back to the capital with me."

"I'm not going!" Wen Er raised his voice anxiously, seeing the old man's face ashen, his eyes rolled around, and immediately added: "Father, eldest brother, and even eldest nephew are returning to the capital to serve the imperial court, and we must do it. It's a big deal! What am I going to do? I can't do anything like that when I'm eating idle meals at home. I'm good at taking care of my ancestral property at home... "

Every time he said a word, Mr. Wen's face darkened, and finally Mr. Wen's voice became lower and lower until he dared not speak any more.

In front of Gu Yin, Mrs. Wen didn't scold him anymore, but made up her mind to take him away.

After she came out of Wen's house, Gu Yin didn't screw up anymore. She was not someone who was on the horns, and she was not the capital, so let's go and have a look! Look at the shop, and look at the person. If you really want to find out clearly that the other party doesn't mean that, or has a family, you won't be bothered anymore. The capital is not a small place, and it is possible to never meet again in a lifetime.

Moreover, Gu Yin had already prepared for the worst, and attributed this never-before-seen feeling to the "suspension bridge reaction", thinking that it was a chance meeting, not a deep feeling, and it would eventually be flat.

After returning, Gu Yin announced that she would go to Beijing with Mrs. Wen after the Mid-Autumn Festival to inspect the new store.

When Wang Shi heard this, his first reaction was just right!

The former Xu Shi told her that Xu Qingchuan would end the game when the new dynasty opened the door.

He has been preparing for many years, and he will definitely be able to take the exam, and he will enter Beijing to take the jinshi exam next year.

If he went to the capital and Gu Yin stayed in Hanshan Town, wouldn't the marriage between the two families be lost

Right now, don't worry about that anymore.

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Xu frantically gave each other a wink, and after the wink, the two laughed in unison until their mouths could not close.

Gu Yin saw it, and inevitably asked what they were doing.

Opening another store would certainly not make them happy like this.

"Nothing!" Wang said.

These days, she found that Gu Yin was always distracted, and when she asked her what was wrong, she couldn't say why.

After asking the old doctor to see her and confirming that she was not sick, Wang guessed that the current situation had affected her—although Gu Yin said that the situation was not critical at the time, she had a temperament to report good news and not bad news, and it was really dangerous. I don't want to tell her either.

Thinking about this stall, Gu Yin didn't have the heart to think about those things, so Wang Shi didn't mention Xu Qingchuan at the moment, only said: "Then let's go back to Batou Village? It's just the Mid-Yuan Festival to burn some paper money for your father and the others."

Because he didn't know the anniversary of the death of his husband and his eldest son, the Wang family burned Yuanbao paper clothes for them every year on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After all, in the tradition, the ghost gate is opened wide on the Mid-Yuan Festival, and even the wandering ghosts without graves can enjoy the things that their family members have burned.

And Wang Shi was also going to formally tell them about her preparation for Gu Yinxun's marriage that day.

Gu Yin had long agreed with the Wang family that she wanted to go back to her hometown to set up a tomb for the Wu family and their sons, so of course there was nothing wrong.

After the discussion, at the beginning of July, Gu Yin asked the shopkeeper Zhou to look after the shop, and the family set off from Hanshan Town.

Although it is said outside that the army of the new dynasty has wiped out all the bandits, the world is much more peaceful. Especially in the vicinity of Hanshan Town, the Rebel Army chased down the abolished emperor, and by the way removed all those cancerous tumors, it was even safer.

But to be on the safe side, Gu Yin still asked everyone to change into coarse clothes, and gave some money in addition, to catch a ride with the security bureau in Hanshan Town, and send them back at the same time as the delivery.

The horses in the escort are strictly selected, and their feet are much faster than ordinary horses.

Originally, they walked from Batou Village to Hanshan Town for more than a month, but this time it took only ten days to go back.

On the tenth day of the seventh lunar month, Gu Yin and Wang Shi brought two little guys back to Batou Village, a familiar and unfamiliar village.