Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 64


After Wu Qingyi came out of the palace, he returned to the palace.

The new dynasty was established, and Emperor Zhengyuan awarded and rewarded his ministers. Because of his great military exploits, the Wu family became the British government.

However, the position of the Duke is not his, but his father Wu Zhong.

Back then, the father and son were drafted into the army together, and they also met the righteous king together.

Wu Zhong was not born with divine power like his son, he was just an ordinary peasant.

However, he was in his prime at that time, and he gave birth to a mighty and upright appearance. At the beginning, he was more used by the Righteous King than Wu Qingyi, who was still a hairy boy at that time.

It's a pity that the sword has no eyes on the battlefield. Three years ago, he was seriously injured to save the righteous king. He heard the news that Batou Village was destroyed by the flood. Under the grief, he suffered a stroke and became a patient who could hardly speak or walk. The front line retreats to the rear, and people need to be served in daily life.

King Yi originally asked Wu Qingyi to entrust the throne to Wu Qingyi, but he begged and insisted on giving the throne to his father.

Both father and son are taciturn, and Wu Qingyi said nothing after asking for peace.

Wu Zhong is now nearly fifty years old, and half of his body is uneasy, and he is folding ingots with one hand.

He folded very slowly, but he was also extremely patient, and he had already folded a lot around him.

Relatively speechless, Wu Qingyi simply helped him stack together. However, he was clumsy, and his speed was not much faster than his father.

"Miss Chun." The servants at the door greeted in unison.

A woman wearing a pale pink embroidered red chrysanthemum and a robe came in. She looked at about her early twenties, with a beautiful appearance, and her name was Shen Hanchun.

Shen Hanchun was originally an orphan, but she was skilled in medicine. Because she accidentally saved Wu Zhong's life during the turmoil, and Wu Zhong suffered a stroke later, and was also taken care of by Shen Hanchun.

Now that the new dynasty was established, when Wu Zhong heard her coming, Wu Zhong inevitably mentioned: "Hanchun, marriage."

His mouth was still a little crooked, and he didn't want to talk much in daily life. After saying these words, he looked at Wu Qingyi.

Wu Qingyi understood what he meant and said, "Don't worry, Dad, when I come back, I will go to see the Empress and ask her to marry Hanchun."

Shen Hanchun rescued his father and took care of his father for a few years. Now that the world is settled, it is time to find a good marriage for her, and let her marry as a lady of the imperial government.

Their father and son are rough, so it's not easy to talk to Shen Hanchun, so after saying this, Wu Qingyi didn't say any more.

Shen Hanchun entered the house with the soup medicine, and firstly touched the wall of the bowl with his hands, tested the temperature, and then delivered the soup medicine to Wu Zhong.

Wu Zhong took the soup with his normal hand, drank it, and then stacked Yuanbao.

Father and son folded silently for a while, and finally finished folding the rest of the yellow paper.

Wu Qingyi counted the number, and the ones he had folded just added up to a thousand, so he called someone to pack the bags.

"Go early," Wu Zhong said with trembling lips, and said with difficulty, "Your mother, she has bad patience."

The world is set, and the father and son are most concerned about the family members who died in the flood many years ago.

They had long agreed to return to their hometown to find their graves.

Of course, this is a nice saying, in fact, both father and son know that they must be dead.

The so-called search for graves is just pretending that they are still in their hometown. In fact, it is to build a new grave.

Wu Qing nodded his head, walked to the door and turned back, reporting: "After I return to my hometown, I will go to other places for a short stay. I have asked your majesty for instructions, so this year's Mid-Autumn Festival..."

The father and son have never been on a festival, Wu Zhong nodded and said that he knew, he just said a few words, the saliva was already dripping to his mouth, so he just waved his hand to let him go.

Shen Hanchun followed Wu Qingyi out of the house, Wu Qingyi slowed down when he noticed it, and asked her with eyes if she had something to say.

Shen Hanchun's eyes are too familiar. In her last life, she stayed by Wu Qingyi's side all her life, and Wu Qingyi will always look at her with this kind of undulating eyes that are no different from looking at flowers, plants, rocks and trees all her life.

Until she died in her previous life, someone sent a message to Wu Qing for her last opinion.

He was still the same, with no emotion in his eyes.

But at that time, she was still stupid, and she asked him with hope: "The general has never married in his life, does he think about me... Is it still a little different to me?"

However, even if she was about to die, Wu Qingyi didn't even want to lie to her, saying, "No."

She died with hatred, hating herself for being stupid, hating herself for being stupid, hating herself for not falling in love with him back then.

Unexpectedly, when she opened her eyes again, she returned to her youth.

That year, her parents disappeared one after another, and she was forced by her brother and sister-in-law to give a blessing to the old staff in the town, and fled from home to the wild.

An orphan girl has no livelihood and it is difficult to survive. It happens that the army of the rebel army is stationed nearby and is short of manpower.

It was at this time in her previous life that she went to the military camp and became an apprentice of a military doctor by virtue of her ability to pick herbs and sell them for money since she was a child, and became an apprentice of a military doctor. , and she is just a little medical girl with not very skilled medical skills, and the difference in identities is like the difference between clouds and mud.

After reliving her life, her medical skills were already superior to those of military doctors, and she was immediately reused, and she also healed a dying general at the time.

Only later did she find out that she was actually saving Wu Qingyi's father, Wu Zhong, who had been seriously injured and died at this moment in his previous life.

A strange thought popped up in Shen Hanchun's mind.

If she became Wu Zhong's successor and Wu Qingyi's nominal mother, wouldn't she be able to become a non-negligible existence for him

For this purpose, she took care of Wu Zhong in disbelief, and finally pulled him back from the gate of hell.

It's a pity that Wu Zhong is a person who shouldn't live. Later, he accidentally heard about the flood in Batou Village, and he suffered a stroke and almost went directly.

It was still her, who did her best to rescue him, and that's what allowed him to survive until now.

It was decided at the beginning of the world that she could have entered the palace as a medical woman just like in her previous life by virtue of her merits and medical skills. In this life, she had the reason to take care of Wu Zhong, so she still stayed in the Wu family.

Wu Zhong was increasingly inseparable from her, and he never drove her away. Shen Hanchun was already planning to wait for an opportunity to ask the queen for grace and let her marry her. Wu Zhong would not refuse when he wanted to.

Although he married an old and useless person, but when Wu Qingyi sees her again, he has to respectfully call her "mother", Shen Hanchun's heart is indescribably happy!

At this time, she followed Wu Qingyi out of the house, because she knew that he had encountered an assassin and was seriously injured on this trip.

So much so that he did not marry in his entire life, because of the extremely serious and inhumane injury he suffered this time.

But Shen Hanchun was not going to remind him. If he reminded him, wouldn't he want to marry someone else in the future

Although she worked hard for half her life in her previous life, she failed to warm up this cold stone, and she felt that no one else could do it, but she didn't want to change this matter—what if

In her rebirth, most of the things have not changed, but there are also variables. For example, although Wu Qingyi also went after the abolition of the emperor in the previous life, but this trip was not successful. He only succeeded in assassinating the emperor once, but he did not kill the emperor. . Later, he was forced to leave the Emperor's side, and returned to the rebel army to confront the old army of the Emperor, and there was a tragic massacre in the town.

Later, the emperor fled all the way to the south, blamed the rebel army for the massacre of the town, and occupied the land in the south as the king.

Until that one... that one came back and personally took command of the expedition to behead the defunct emperor under the knife, and after three days of exposing his body, he threw his bones into ashes, and the dispute between the new dynasty and the old dynasty ended.

Although she didn't understand why this change happened in her life, she didn't dare to change the situation rashly and bet on the event. In case he is not injured and continues to marry someone else, that is not the situation she wants to see.

So she just suppressed her smile and said, "Go early and return early."

Wu Qingyi nodded slightly and left.

After counting the things to bring back to his hometown, Wu Qingyi asked the attendant to wait for a while, and then went to the Fuzhong Courtyard.

There is an old man living in the other courtyard, who is Wu Qingyi's master.

This old man is from the Valley of the King of Medicine, and has lived a life of idle clouds and wild cranes.

Unfortunately, at the time of the war, the imperial court was in retreat, and when there was a shortage of doctors and medicines, the idea came to the Valley of the King of Medicine.

It was Wu Qingyi who led his men to repel them and preserved the Valley of the King of Medicine.

The old man repaid his gratitude and went out of the valley to help Wu Qingyi.

Wu Zhong can live to this day, although he relied on Shen Hanchun's wholehearted treatment at that time, but the follow-up still depends on the ability of the old man.

"Are you here?" The old man was playing with his newly made small planetarium.

"Master." Wu Qingyi knelt down after calling him.

The old man let him kneel for a quarter of an hour before he couldn't hold back his anger. He swept all the things on the table forward, and said angrily, "You still call me master? I'll call you master!"

A bunch of bits and pieces fell on Wu Qingyi, he didn't dodge, and he didn't dare to talk back.

"I've never seen a fool like you who don't know how to live or die! How did I tell you? Now he has a shallow foundation and is in his prime, but he will always sit on the throne and grow old one day! At that time, he will be able to save his life. Your father is gone, even if you are thinking about the old love, shouldn't you pave the way for his son?"

The old man pointed at him and scolded, "Why did I tell you to chase down the abolished emperor this time, don't kill him, let him run away, and keep him there, there is still a place for you today, so you won't run out of bows. hide…”

The old man chatted and scolded him for a while, and then out of breath after scolding: "Are you dumb? I'm talking to you!"

Only then did Wu Qingyi speak: "However, the abolition of the emperor intends to slaughter the town."

If he didn't know this, he might really listen to the old man's words and leave the Emperor Half-Life. But once you know it, how can you let such a person live in the world

The old man didn't say anything, just sat down slumped and said in a panic, "Others' lives are lives, but yours is not your life?"

Wu Qingyi pursed his lips with a sullen face, but still didn't speak, obviously he didn't regret it.

"Then we can only do as we said before." The old man sighed.

At that time, he persuaded Wu Qingyi to let the abolished emperor live to save himself, but over the years, he still knew Wu Qingyi who was just too righteous. Even if he didn't know about Tuzhen in advance, he would definitely have the opportunity to kill the abolished emperor. Will not hesitate.

So to be on the safe side, he also thought of another way for him, which was to find an opportunity to say that he was seriously injured, that he was inhumane, and that he was not close to women in his life.

A courtier with no heirs, no brothers or relatives, naturally there is no need to rebel.

Even if he changed his mind today, thinking of this, even if he seized power, it would not kill him.

Seeing that his apprentice was silent again like a log, the old man pondered mid-mountain and stood up abruptly, not daring to believe: "You don't... don't you already have someone you like, right?"

Wu Qingyi lowered his eyes as a default.

"Then how are you doing?"

"Nothing." Wu Qingyi raised her head again, "I'll go see her again."

He passed through Hanshan Town a few days ago, and he had a chance to find her. But thinking of his master's worries about the future, he didn't go to see her.

These days, he told himself in his heart that although she is a widow with a young child, both mother and son are very smart, especially since she has the ability to be as good as the royal chef. With the new government and Jingming, she can definitely live well.

But in the bottom of my heart, there is a trace of unwillingness.

I want to see her again and ask her if she is really doing well.

This time back home, he must go to see her again.

"I want to discuss the same thing with Master."

The old man waved his hand irritably and asked him to pick it from his warehouse.

Anyway, most of the things in his warehouse were given by his apprentice or rewarded by the righteous king. Things that are extremely precious to outsiders are not worth mentioning to the old man.

"I want to..."

"Anything is fine, don't bother me!"

Although he stayed by Wu Qingyi's side in order to repay his kindness at the beginning, but these years have been like a father and son getting along with each other, and their feelings have long been different.

Especially knowing that he already has a favorite woman, the old man is even more annoying - he used to have no heart, and he didn't want to get married again, so that method was useful. Now that I know that he is rarely attracted to people, is it really because of things that haven't happened yet, let his apprentice be a bachelor for a lifetime

It's a pity that the old man claims to be an all-rounder who is proficient in martial arts, medicine, gossip and disguise.

For today's plan, it is still necessary to let the British public Wuzhong survive.

He was seriously injured in order to save King Righteousness back then, and the injury was really serious, otherwise he would not have suffered a stroke in the age of no confusion. As long as he lives for one day, he can remind the world and bless the British government for a day.

Wu Zhong's ability is not as good as his son's, but his head is not stupid. Otherwise, he would not have lived for all these years as a crippled person, and he also meant to protect his son.

It's a pity that the old man also saw that Wu Zhong had long been disheartened. Under such a state of mind, even if his willpower is extraordinary, it is extremely detrimental to the recovery of his body. I'm afraid it's only a few years to live.

The old man started flipping through the medical books he had already familiarized with, and he didn't even know when Wu Qingyi left.

The little pharmacist at the back went into the warehouse to sweep, and after a while, he hurriedly said: "Master, Master Uncle took your piece of extraterrestrial meteoric iron!"

That piece of meteorite iron is indestructible, it is the treasure of the old man's heart, and it is never shown to outsiders.

That is, when Wu Qingyi rescued Hegu, the old man reluctantly proposed to give him the meteorite iron.

Wu Qingyi was unwilling to ask for it, saying that he was not short of good weapons.

The old man kept it with peace of mind, he didn't expect that he wanted that just now.

The old man clutched his chest with heartache, and could only comfort himself that his apprentice had superior weapons, and the meteoric iron became a sharp blade in his hands, so he could not fail to live up to it!

Batou Village was rebuilt after the flood that year.

It is a pity that the people in Batou Village are not the same group as they used to be.

Wang Shi couldn't help but sighed that something was right and wrong, and then rejoiced.

I'm really fortunate, if it wasn't for their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law working together to subdue the thief and escaped overnight, I'm afraid they would not be alive now.

The place where they used to live already had a family, but because the location was not good, the new one was not a wealthy family, and only two thatched huts were built.

The Wang family planned to build a tomb in this place, so Gu Yin gave the other two taels of silver, and the family moved out without hesitation.

There are still several days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, so the family will stay first, find someone to dig two pits on the mountain behind the thatched hut, and then go to order a stone tablet.

Wang Shi was obviously in a bad mood, and when he folded the ingots, he said, "In the past, I was in a hurry, and I only brought them one piece of clothes to think about.

Gu Yin and the two little guys helped her to fold together, and Gu Yin comforted her when she heard the words: "It's alright, let's make two more new clothes for Dad and them. It's okay to have less old clothes."

"Hey!" Mrs. Wang smiled first, then couldn't help wiping her eyes, "It's also your father and the others who are unlucky. I didn't know you would have such good cooking skills later on, so they didn't even take a bite."

Gu Yin said that it is not difficult, "Although the thatched cottage is simple, don't we bring a kitchen knife with us when we come out? I also need to bring the seasonings with me. It is not difficult to cook some meals."

Gu Yin said and went to unpack, looking for the kitchen knife inside.

As soon as she moved, the two little guys moved too - since the last time Gu Yin was away from home for more than a month, the two little cubs went to see her when they came back.

It was too much. Gu Yin went to the thatched hut, and they were waiting outside the door.

It made Mrs Wang die from laughter.

As for why she saw it, of course, it was also because she went to see her daughter-in-law from time to time.

She was also tight, and when she came out of Hanshan Town, she sewed two long straps on Gu Yin's coarse cloth dress, and the other end of the straps was tied around the waists of the two children.

Now it's really like tying the child to the belt of the trousers.

It made Gu Yin laugh out loud, but the distance from Hanshan Town to Batou Village is long, so it is always good to be cautious when going out, so Wang shi tied them up.

Now in the village, the tie was naturally removed, but the two little guys got used to it and followed her around.

Wang shi raised his eyes and saw the two "little tails", and couldn't help but burst out laughing again, the sadness in his heart was finally diluted.

"Mother." Gu Yin looked at her helplessly.

"Hey!" Wang responded, and then called to Wu An and Gu Ye and said, "Come and stack ingots with me, why do you always follow her."

Seeing that the kitchen knife was still there, Gu Yin counted out dozens of pennies, went to the village to buy some eggs and vegetables, and asked someone to help her with some meat when she went to the market the next day.

When she came back, the small thatched hut was already full of ingots.

Wang found a sack to put the paper ingots on it, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "When I was born with a green heart, I really suffered enough, and I almost died. Come on. At that time, I told your father that if I walked ahead, he would not have to spend any money to prepare any sacrifices for me, and he would fold a thousand ingots every year to make enough money. I didn’t expect that now I would give him every year. folded."

"There are more than a thousand mothers." Wu An reminded in a low voice.

Wang squinted at him, "Our family is in good condition, so why don't you burn more for your father and your brother? Why are you more aggressive than me?"

"It's not a search, you asked me to count." Wu An knew that his mother was in a bad mood, so he didn't really scold himself, but just explained in a low voice, "Now it's two thousand five hundred and thirty-six."

"Let's fold it up a little longer," Gu Yin sat back on the small bench, "put it together for Dad and the others."

In the end, the family folded ingots for four days, more than 3,000 ingots, but no one complained about the hard work.

Even Gu Ye, who didn't know who came to worship this time at first, didn't feel impatient.

On the 14th day of the seventh month, two large stone tablets arrived after four days of work.

Seeing the names of Wu Zhong and Wu Qingyi, Wang couldn't help but redden his eyes again.

Gu Yin also felt sour in her heart. Although she knew that the Wu family father and son were gone, she had no relationship with them at that time. Now, because of Wang Shi and Wu An, she also regarded them as a family.

After the tombs were closed, Wang didn't sleep that night, so he just sat on the two tombs for a whole night.

Wu An didn't sleep either, he was working hard to write eulogy for his father and brother.

Although he has only been open for a long time, he has long planned to write for them. He has been writing for a long time, and when he starts writing, he will write very quickly.

Gu Yin and Gu Ye didn't sleep at all, Gu Yin handled the ingredients and prepared to cook a sacrificial meal the next day, while Gu Ye went to accompany his milk.

When the fish maw white appears in the sky, it is officially the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The Wang family asked Gu Ye, who had sat with him for half the night, to take a break, while he entered the house and took out a sack of ingots and went to the intersection to start burning.

This is called the Lu Festival. Traditionally, it is first burned to the wandering spirits of the four directions, for fear that they will steal the money from their own family.

Wang shi said with words in his mouth: "All, all, don't rob anyone."

When the fire was done at the intersection, Mrs Wang dragged the empty sack home.

Before taking two steps, from a distance, she saw a tall figure standing in front of her newly erected tombstone.

Although that person's stature is taller than Wang's has ever seen, the familiar feeling... A mother will not mistake her son!

The empty sack in her hand fell to the ground with a soft sound, and the man turned his head immediately. He was wearing half of the mask, but the morning light was fading, and the other half of his face was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Wang was overjoyed at first, and his first reaction was to think he came back alive, but he soon woke up. The village and his old site were on the same road. He didn't see anyone coming at the intersection just now, and the light sound just now, ordinary people How could it be possible to hear it from a distance of more than ten meters

This is... This is the ghost coming up!

"Big, big, big..." Wang Shi's lips trembled, unable to say the word "Da Ya", and finally screamed: "Daughter-in-law! There's a ghost!"

Wu An had already written the sacrificial text, and when she walked to the door, she heard her mother scream and rushed out immediately.

He first saw an extremely tall figure, dressed in black clothes and wearing a half mask, his expression was dark and difficult to see, and at first glance, he was not a good person.

"Sister-in-law, help!"

Sister-in-law has the only kitchen knife in the family!

Before she finished speaking, Gu Yin, who heard Wang's scream, rushed out with a kitchen knife.

Haunted on the morning of Chinese New Year? I want to know that someone is pretending to be a ghost!

"Where did the shameless rat come from, dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of my Wu family?!"

"Don't bully my mother!" Gu Yezhuo, who had just returned to the house and lay down to rest, rushed out, pulling his shoes.

In the blink of an eye, they ran from the house to the top of the hill in the backyard, but the two little guys didn't rush over any more, and Gu Yin was held back.

He had already recognized the young man in front of him. Although he still didn't understand the situation, at least he knew that he was not a bad person.

After Wu Qingyi glanced at them, he still looked at Wang Shi, tears running down his resolute face.

Eight years are neither long nor short.

For young people like Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi, eight years is enough for them to grow from young teenagers to another person.

But for Wang Shi's age, the eight years have only left ravines and vicissitudes on her face.

But the mother in front of her, although she was dressed poor and her face was a little older, but she looked extremely energetic, and her whole person showed a kind of youthful vigor.

It was something he could never imagine in his dreams.

"Mom, I'm back."

His voice was rough and hoarse. Hearing Wang Shi's ears, she was both delighted and horrified. She closed her eyes and said, "Son, people and ghosts have different paths. It's still broad daylight, so don't come out and be scary!"

When she turned her head and saw that Gu Yin and the others did not move, Mrs Wang trembled and tried to lean towards Gu Yin and the others, and said in a trembling voice, "Can you not see him? Uuuu, come and help me, I It may be that I haven't slept all night and my mind is confused."

Seeing that she was so frightened, Wu An immediately replied: "Don't be afraid, mother, we can see it! He is not a ghost."

"If you can see it, it's good if it's not a ghost..." Mrs. Wang walked up to them, far away from the two tombstones, and when she heard this, she suddenly stood on her feet, and then turned her head suddenly in disbelief: "Sir, You are not dead!"

Before she could finish her words, she staggered and ran over. Wu Qingyi also hurriedly stretched out her hand to greet her. The mother and son hugged each other, and Mrs. Wang wept bitterly, "You unconscionable bastard, tortoise son! You haven't been dead for so long. I just came back, and the old lady is going to die of sadness."

Wu Qingyi let her scolding quietly, and then heard her scolding incoherently: "My mother folds so many ingots for your father and son every year, but it's all in vain, let your father spend it all alone, his old man is not ashamed. Yes, I got so much more money, I don't know if I came up to report a dream to my mother, I must be begging my wife..."

"Mother," Wu Qingyi laughed, the person in front of him was indeed his real mother, "Father isn't dead!"

Wang Shi finally stopped scolding, and said quietly: "Why didn't he die?"

This really doesn't sound like a good word, but all the people who were close to her knew that she didn't mean to curse Wu's father to death.

"Although my father and I were conscripted into the army by the imperial court, we met King Righteousness and became the generals under the throne of Righteousness before we joined the army." Wu Qingyi slowly talked about the events of the past, and finally said: "Father is now being enlisted in the army. Today, I have been enthroned as a prince of the country, but my health is not very good, and I have suffered a stroke."

"Stroke is good, stroke is good!" Wang cried and laughed, what is more important than human life

As for what the son was talking about, the Wang family didn't understand it. Anyway, it was a high-ranking official in the play! This time, is it really good at home! Wang Shi could never dream of such a good thing!

Excited, Wang Shi, who had not slept all night, fainted.

Wu Qingyi's face sank, and he immediately picked her up and strode into the thatched hut.

"I'm going to ask a doctor!" Gu Ye ran out of the house immediately.

Although he had only been in Batou Village for a few days, he was as restless as ever and had already figured out the situation in the village.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Gu Ye came with a doctor.

Naturally, there are not many good doctors in the countryside. Fortunately, Mrs. Wang is healthy and has nothing to do. She started snoring when the doctor checked her pulse.

"It's okay, I just fell asleep." The doctor left after saying that.

Everyone in the room was relieved. Seeing Wang's sleeping soundly, Gu Yin took the two children out of the house.

Wu Qingyi stayed for the last time, and he was relieved after confirming that the mother in the room and all this was not what he imagined.

Then his eyes fell to the door of the house.

He thought of the woman and child he had just seen. Although he didn't look closely when he was in a state of turmoil, he also knew that it was his younger brother and his wife, and a five- or six-year-old Xiao Budian kept calling his wife his mother. .

He has been away from home for eight years, where did the five-year-old come from

Especially when he married his wife, it was an expedient measure, and there was no reality of husband and wife at all.

But he said back then that after he left, he would let her get married on her own, thinking that she should remarry again.

Time has changed, and he doesn't remember much about what she looked like eight years ago. He only remembers that she was timid and timid, and only dared to hide behind others. He didn't expect that she would dare to wave a kitchen knife now.

He raised his lips and got up and left the house.

Gu Yin has already gone into the kitchen, and has prepared a night's meal, but it can't be wasted. Although there is no need to make sacrificial meals, it is possible to make a reunion dinner!

The two little boys were whispering at the door of the house.

"Is that your big brother?" Gu Ye was a little sour.

He also recognized Uncle Ugly's half face and particularly burly figure. He admired him very much, thinking that he would swoop in with him again!

But I didn't expect to meet again, only to know that he is Wu An's big brother.

Wu An does not practice martial arts, such a good big brother, how good it is to give him!

Wu Anle made everyone stupid, nodded and said, "Yes, it's my big brother!"

Seeing that Gu Ye's tone was not right, Wu An said again, "It's my eldest brother and also your father!"

Gu Ye scratched his head, "But he didn't give birth to me and raised me, so why is he my father?"

"Well," Wu An explained after thinking for a while: "The one who is with the mother is the father."

Gu Ye still shook his head, "I still don't want my father, I just want my mother."

When Wu Qingyi left the house, he just heard their conversation in his ears.

Listening to what they mean, this child seems to have no father? Did the man who Da Ya remarried died? or something else

With a condensed expression on his face, he went out of the house and asked Gu Ye who had his back turned to him: "Where's your mother?"

Seeing him come out, Wu An, who usually doesn't talk much, is very enthusiastic, and immediately rushes to answer: "In the kitchen!"

Gu Ye's mood was a little down, but when he heard Wu An's answer, he didn't bother to say a word, and squatted on the ground.

Wu Qingyi smiled at Wu An, then went to find Gu Yin.

The family is so big, Gu Yin had already heard them talking outside, and Yu Guang kept her eyes on the door.

She bent her lips and was about to speak, but saw that he just walked to the door and stood still, with the door halfway open from her.

Suddenly, Gu Yin listened to him and asked, "Where is the child's father?"

How to ask this? Gu Yin thought for a while, thinking that he had misunderstood.

Seeing that she had not spoken for a long time, Wu Qingyi sighed to himself, "I understand, it has not been easy for you these years."

Although his wife remarried, he also supported his mother-in-law for all these years. The conditions at home were really poor, and he definitely couldn't let them stay here.

"You follow me to Beijing, and then Helishu..."

With a "click", the kitchen knife in Gu Yin's hand was inserted into the cutting board.

"Come on, write it now, and we'll leave on the spot."

The sound is so familiar!

Wu Qingyi stepped into the room, and then looked carefully, only to see Gu Yin in front of him, although wearing a coarse cloth dress, but with a snowy complexion, almond eyes and a beautiful nose, especially a pair of eyes, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are like stars. .

"You... how are you?"

Gu Yingang was still a little angry, why didn't he expect to meet again, he was Wu Qingyi of the Wu family, and he didn't expect that his opening was about Heli.

Hearing this, she was also stunned for a moment, "It's me."

"It's you who's good," Wu Qingyi laughed suddenly, his slightly fierce face softened instantly, "It's good to be you."

Wu An, who came to the kitchen with Wu Qingyi, has already run back to the house, shaking Wang Shi and saying, "Mother, don't sleep, it seems that something is wrong with my eldest brother and sister-in-law."

Wang Shi was so sleepy that he couldn't open his upper and lower eyelids as if they were stuck together, and muttered, "What can they do? I'm so sleepy, don't bother me."

Wu An said: "I don't understand either. It's just that the elder brother said 'Heli', and then sister-in-law was not happy, and the kitchen knives were inserted into the chopping board."

Wang immediately got up and got off the kang without wearing shoes, so he picked up his shoes and went out.