Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 67


Before the Lantern Festival, Mrs. Xu went home to see Xu Qingchuan.

The Lantern Festival this time was agreed before that he and Gu Yin would go together. Now of course it can't be done.

"Son, otherwise you are still reading at home, and my mother will come back to accompany you after finishing the work."

Xu Qingchuan smiled lightly and said, "I'm not a three-year-old child, mother doesn't have to be like this."

Xu shi carefully observed his expression, and seeing that he really didn't look depressed, he exhaled and said, "Mother thinks too much, then you take care of yourself, and mother will go to work."

Xu Shi then went back to eating and was busy working for the day, and Xu Qingchuan picked up the unfinished book again.

Perhaps the atmosphere of today's festival is too strong, the outside is too lively, and Xu Qingchuan can't read the content of the book for the first time.

He simply put the book down and left the room.

The lanterns were hung outside, and there were parents with children and young couples traveling together.

Xu Qingchuan was alone, not crowded with them, and walked slowly to the big tree that came to the Lantern Festival last year.

There were several young men and women standing under the big tree, and there was a girl with a familiar face. When he saw him, he smiled at the young man beside him: "Last year, this young man won the lamp king, and this year he is here again. It seems that you are Can't win."

The teenager refused to admit defeat: "I didn't play last year, how do you know I can't win this year?"

After he finished speaking, he raised his chin towards Xu Qingchuan, as if he wanted to compete with him.

Xu Qingchuan couldn't help bending his lips and explained, "I'm not participating this year, I'm just here to visit the lantern festival."

When the young man was about to express himself in front of his sweetheart, he was overjoyed when he heard this, but he quickly pretended not to care and said, "That's a pity."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and urged: "Let's go, don't you want to see me win the lamp king?"

Several people chatted and laughed, and left under the tree in a blink of an eye.

Xu Qingchuan stood for a while under the lantern tree, bored, and just walked slowly along the long street like last year.

Before walking far, Xu Qingchuan saw a familiar slender figure.

At the same time, there was another extremely tall young figure beside her.

The head of the woman only reached the shoulder of the man, and the environment was noisy, and it was difficult for them to communicate with each other.

But the man's eyes kept falling on her, and every time he saw her lips move, he naturally lowered his body to listen to her.

Xu Qingchuan followed him unconsciously.

Gu Yin was reading lantern riddles: "Marriage is just right next to each other, what is this?"

Her delicate brows furrowed, and the young man beside him also frowned, and the two pondered together.

After a long while, the two stared at each other, waiting for each other to answer.

Unfortunately, although one of them had studied in a private school for a few years, he returned the books he had read to his husband after many years of marching and fighting, and he had no talent for reading, let alone such elegant things as anagrams and lantern riddles.

Not to mention the other Gu Yin, she was dizzy when she read too many traditional Chinese characters, making her guess riddles would kill her.

So the two people who looked at the faces were both smart and clever, but you looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at it for a long time.

After a long while, Gu Yin couldn't help laughing and said, "Forget it, let's go. I knew we had brought Wu An."

Wu Qingyi also laughed along with her and asked her, "Is that lamp king for sale?"

"Hey! Why are you asking this?" Gu Yin stretched out her index finger to her lips, made a silent gesture, beckoned again, and made Wu Qingyi bow her head, she explained in a low voice: "On the first day of the Lantern Festival last year, I just heard people say that the lamp king is very powerful and good-looking, and I thought about buying it and hanging the banner of our food for the sky on the lamp king. What style? But after inquiring, the lamp king is not open to the public. Selling it, and buying it with money is breaking the tradition of others... I almost got scolded."

Sure enough, just after she explained what she said, the other people next to them who heard them say they wanted to buy the King of Lamps looked at them with dissatisfaction.

"Let's go." Gu Yin tugged at Wu Qingyi's sleeve, the two walked out for a while, and laughed in unison.

Xu Qingchuan bent his lips silently, turned and walked towards home.

Their marriages go hand-in-hand with each other. Marriages are homophones and members, which is a rhyme (rhyme) character.

Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi did not go back to the Lantern Street, but went to other stalls selling juggling and snacks.

The two did not play for long when they met Gu Ye and his friends.

Gu Yin greeted them with a smile. The children used to like her very much. Although she still called her warmly this time, she turned her head to stick to Wu Qingyi's side.

"Uncle, are you also watching the juggling?"

"Uncle, my name is Xiaopang Lu, you must remember me."

Wu Qingyi has been fighting all year round, his body is stained with ill-will, and his face is always solemn. Usually, let alone a child, even an ordinary adult would not dare to approach his body.

All of a sudden, there were a lot of little radishes circling around him, and some more daring ones took his hand and rushed towards him. Wu Qingyi was afraid that he would accidentally hurt the child, so he could only stand there at a loss. .

Seeing his stiff body, staying where he was and not daring to move, Gu Yin asked Gu Ye amusingly, "What did you tell them again?"

Gu Ye spread his hands and said, "I didn't say anything, I just said that my uncle was watching the gate in the capital. They said they would go to the capital to find me in the future, for fear that my uncle would not let them in."

Gu Yin: …

In the end, it was Gu Yin who spoke out and greeted everyone to play together, which finally solved Wu Qingyi's predicament.

Although the items of this year's lantern festival are similar to last year, everyone still had a great time, especially the activities of throwing darts and setting bamboo circles at some stalls. For Wu Qingyi, who is good at riding and shooting, he is very good at it.

The darts hit the bull's-eye every time, and the hoops were also accurate, and the spectators applauded enthusiastically.

The children standing beside him were even more excited, and their voices were almost hoarse as they cheered.

In the end, he won a lot of gadgets, and Gu Ye gave them to the children.

The faces of the stall owners who set up the stalls are all pale, and they are all small businesses. They also make a fortune on the festivals, and they have never encountered a loss!

Of course, Wu Qingyi didn't take advantage of them either, and when he went back, he made up for them with money.

He got a bunch of auspicious words from them, saying: "The strong man is extraordinary in martial arts, and his wife is made in heaven!"

Wu Qingyi didn't have any expression after listening to it, but only made Gu Yin feel uncomfortable and dragged him away quickly.

After playing lively for half the night, Gu Yin was about to greet Gu Ye to go home, but she heard him say, "I don't want to go home yet, mother, go back first."

Seeing that his uncle is doing so well today, he will be more generous and let them be alone for a while!

Gu Yin didn't know his careful thoughts, thinking that the lantern festival would last all night, and the public security would be in charge of Guan Huotou and others, and no one had to worry about it. When the family goes to Beijing tomorrow, he should be reluctant to let these friends go, so he will go.

Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi left side by side and walked to the vicinity of Shiweitian. She asked aloud, "Do you want to eat something?"

Not long before it was dark, the two were pushed out of the shop by Wang's. Now that it is mid-morning, although he ate a lot of snacks in one night, Gu Yin knew his appetite and guessed that he was not full.

Wu Qingyi nodded, "I'm a little hungry, but you don't have to work any harder, just eat whatever you want."

The store was closed, and the lights were dark.

The doors are closed from the inside, and they must be disturbed to go in again. Especially the shopkeeper Zhou, who is going to leave early tomorrow morning, he has already rested.

But don't worry about that right now, Wu Qingyi lifted the air and flipped over the wall that was unattainable to Gu Yin.

But in fact, this is superfluous, because after Wu Qingyi went in, he found that the back door was not locked at all, but it was just hidden, and it could be pushed open with a push from the outside.

The two entered the back kitchen lightly like thieves, Wu Qingyi lit an oil lamp, and Gu Yin found the awakened dough in the back kitchen, and simply gave him a vegetarian ramen to eat.

The dim light of the oil lamp illuminated her beautiful face a bit softer than usual.

The snow-white dough was pinched in her hands, so that people couldn't tell whether the dough was whiter or her hands were whiter.

In a quarter of an hour, Gu Yin made a big bowl of noodles.

"With Chef Xu and Pomegranate here, if there's not much leftovers in the store, you can just eat some."

Vegetarian ramen noodles in clear soup, two pieces of blanched green rapeseed are placed on top, and a poached egg of yellow and orange lies on top.

"That's good." Wu Qingyi took the noodle bowl and ate it.

The rapeseed is refreshing, the poached egg is half-charred, and the crispy skin is bitten, and the inside is soft and tender. The orange egg liquid flows into the noodle soup, and with the noodles, it is especially delicious to eat in this quiet night.

Still very delicious.

Gu Yin sat next to her with her chin propped up, smilingly watching him finish a large bowl of noodles one bite at a time, and finally drank all the noodle soup with great care.

After he finished eating, he got up and washed all the dishes he used by the sink.

Seeing that he had to wash the pot later, Gu Yin stopped him: "Let's put it, it's getting late, we'll be leaving early tomorrow morning, and if we don't go back to sleep, I'm afraid we won't be able to get up."

"It's just a matter of convenience." He finished the finishing touches as he spoke.

The two blew out the oil lamp again and crept to the backyard, preparing to leave through the back door.

They had just left the back door when the door to the backyard wing creaked open.

Chef Xu rubbed his eyes and woke up at night, muttering, "Why do I seem to smell the fragrance of noodles?"

The little apprentice who was in the same room with him said in a sleepy voice: "Master, don't dream of eating noodles, where does the fragrance of noodles come from in the middle of the night?"

Chef Xu took two more sniffs, "No, it really smells! It must be a thief!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately ran to the kitchen, and then shouted: "God damn little thief, eat the dough I was going to keep for supper! It's no good, the little thief also ate vegetables and eggs, and also put the tableware and chopsticks away. The pot and the pot are all washed! The stove is still hot, I will see where you are going!"

"Let's go." Gu Yin lowered her voice and winked slyly at Wu Qingyi, "Let him not remember to close the door, frighten him, and give him a long memory."

She laughed like a little mouse stealing oil.

Wu Qingyi looked at her crescent eyes and nodded.

While talking, Chef Xu lit an oil lamp and touched the back door, and the two ran away in a hurry.

After running for half a quarter of an hour, Gu Yin couldn't run anymore. She supported her waist and said with a smile, "This time he will never forget to close the back door."

Wu Qingyi also laughed, seeing her panting, he asked aloud, "Do you want me to carry you?"

Gu Yingang was so happy, she stopped laughing when she heard this, shook her head and said softly, "No need, it's all at the door."

Wu Qingyi looked up, and sure enough, a few steps away was the gate of Gu's house.

He said a pity in his heart.

At the gate, Mrs. Wang was waiting for them with a lantern. When she saw two figures, she approached with a lantern and said strangely, "What are you two running for in the middle of the night? After you run, run home in one breath and stand there to work. what?"

Gu Yin shook her head and said nothing, then walked into the house with her eyes down.

Wu Qingyi followed her in, and as soon as he reached the door, Wang shi reached out and held it.

"How is it?" Wang asked him in a low voice.

Wu Qing was puzzled: "What?"

Wang Shi stomped his feet in disgust, "What? I asked how you and your daughter-in-law are doing!"

Gu Ye got home earlier than them, and when he got home, he asked strangely, saying that the couple had already said that they were back, and they didn't know what to do.

As soon as Wang Shi heard it, he had a play, and he laughed so hard at the time, he pretended to not understand anything, and said to Gu Ye, "It is estimated that they are discussing about Shangjing, you go to bed first, I will wait at the door. them."

After waiting for almost three quarters of an hour, the young couple came back.

Knowing that Gu Yin was thin-skinned, Wang shi didn't pull her to ask, so naturally he had to ask his eldest son with thick skin.

Wu Qingyi said again: "It's good."

"What did I tell you before I went? Last year, Qingchuan from your Aunt Xu's house took our aunt to guess a whole street of lantern riddles! How many did you guess today?"

The mother and son entered the house while talking, Wu Qingyi helped Wang Shi, lifted the door bolt as thick as an adult arm with one hand, and inserted it into the card slot lightly.

"None guessed."

Wang Shi said anxiously, "Then what are you doing after that?"

"I met Ono and the others and played with the children."

"And later?"

"Later she gave me a bowl of noodles, which was delicious."

This kicked a fart-like question and answer, Wang's back molars creaked, playing and eating, eating a fart!

Xu Qingchuan knew that he gave Gu Yin a rabbit lantern last year. Although he heard from the two children later that Gu Yin didn't seem to like that lantern very much, he passed it on to other children... But this silly boy and his wife went out for a trip , I didn't send anything, the more I thought about it, the more irritating it became!

Wu Qingyi was stabbed in the eye in vain. Although he was a little puzzled, he did not argue.

The mother and son were about to leave the door when they heard a soft knock on the door outside.

Three longs and two shorts are the secret codes used by the rebels.

Wu Qingyi opened the door again, and a young man in a black suit came in, gave a box and left immediately.

"What's the most important thing, I will deliver it to my door in the middle of the night." Wang stabbed him just when he saw that he was not pleasing to the eye.

"For her." Wu Qingyi said softly.

"Hey!" Wang Shi smiled and slapped him on the shoulder, "As expected of me, it's not too stupid after all!"

Wang shi reached out and weighed the wooden box, and found that his hands were very heavy, and he became more and more satisfied.

My daughter-in-law is as pragmatic as herself and likes real things. If this is a box of jewelry or gold ingots, it will definitely make her smile.

She pushed Wu Qingyi into the main courtyard, and Gu Yin had already changed into her homely clothes.

Wang shi knocked on the door and went in, and said with a smile, "This kid just doesn't know how to speak, so he has prepared a big gift for you. Come and see if you like it or not."

As he spoke, Mr. Wang put the wooden box on the table and opened it.

Inside the wooden box lay a piece of black lacquer, which was not the kind of gold and silver jewelry Wang thought at all, and the style looked familiar.

"What is this?" Wang Shi asked Wu Qingyi.

Before he could speak, Gu Yin had already reached out and took it out, and replied with bright eyes, "It's a kitchen knife!"

Wu Qingyi nodded, and then explained: "I asked people to do it before I set off from the capital. At that time, I didn't know that we were going to Beijing together, so I sent them to the town."

After speaking, he took out a rounded short wooden stick from his body, lowered his eyes and said, "I polished the handle of the knife myself, so I can use it directly when I put it on."

Gu Yin held the heavy blade and handed it to him, Wu Qingyi fixed the handle without much effort.

Wang Shi couldn't laugh at the side. She gave people kitchen knives in the middle of the Mid-Autumn Festival. How could she give birth to such a fool

If it wasn't for Gu Yin's presence, Wang would have reached out to knock him out!

"I don't know if you like it or not." Wu Qingyi said uneasily.

Gu Yin had already tried the kitchen knife, and the handle of the knife was completely polished to the size of her palm. Not to mention the blade, although it is not very beautiful, and it is a little heavy, but the size and weight are within her acceptable range, and the most rare thing is of course sharpness!

She put a piece of hair on it and blew it lightly, and the hair was immediately cut in two.

"I like it very much, thank you!" Gu Yin held the kitchen knife in her arms with special care.

Wu Qingyi exhaled lightly and said again: "Anyway, if you want to go to Beijing, you should use it first. If there is something that doesn't fit your hand, you can change it later."

Gu Yin nodded hurriedly, and carefully touched the knife from the beginning to the end. The material of the knife was something she had never seen before. I wonder if it was an illusion. The knife felt a little chilly to the touch.

If it weren't for the fact that it was already too late, and the family had never prepared any ingredients, she couldn't help going straight to the kitchen to try the knife!

"If you change it again, can you engrave my name?"

"Naturally, it is possible, and the back of the blade, I specially let the craftsman leave room for modification."

In the middle of the night, the two really chatted about the kitchen knife.

Wang Shi looked at them with a sullen face, forget it, if she knew that these two fools could play together, what kind of heart did she have

In the early morning of the next day, the group dressed up and went to the Wen family mansion to meet with Mrs. Wen and others, and set off in a mighty manner.

Chef Xu and the two young apprentices wanted to stay at the base camp to guard the base camp. Before they parted, they burst into tears. They urged thousands of times, "Two masters, don't forget me and the kitchen knife chopping board."

In half a month, in fact, everything has already been arranged.

But seeing Chef Xu's sadness, Gu Yin still said to him again: "My shopkeeper Zhou and I will go to see the situation first, then open the store, and then find someone to pick up your class, we will see you in the capital. And don't forget the Ge family, Uncle Ge and Aunt Ge helped me when I was in a daze, and the buns that were put on consignment at her house must be delivered on time and on time every day."

Chef Xu nodded hurriedly, "I know, I know, Master, be careful on the road!"

Gu Yin waved her hand and sat back in the carriage.

The carriage moved, and in less than half an hour, it left Hanshan Town.

There are quite a lot of people in the group, especially the old man Wen. He had taken medicine that made his body weak, and it took a few months for him to get better. He couldn't travel day and night, so the group didn't go very fast.

However, it is not boring for everyone. Wu Qingyi takes Gu Ye on horseback every day, and Master Wen takes Wu An to study. Every time Master Wen Er goes, he inquires about local specialties. fiscal.

As for Gu Yin and Shopkeeper Zhou, the two chefs must taste local delicacies when they go out.

They are all smart people who know a little about the cooking process. After tasting it, they can simply ask a few questions. After thinking about it, they can figure out the general method. It is not convenient to experiment immediately on the road. time to act in detail.

Wang also made a new friend, Mrs. Wen Er.

The marriage of Mr. Wen Er was decided when the second elder of the Wen family was alive. Unlike Mrs. Wen, Er Mrs. Wen came from a scholarly family. She was the daughter of an ordinary wealthy businessman. She had never traveled such a distant place in her life.

And she was also a little fat. When she was in Hanshan Town, she didn't feel anything. I heard that all the ladies and wives in the capital regarded thinness as their beauty. I don't know if they would make people laugh if they went there.

She was unhappy all the way, and because of the diet, she almost fainted when she got off the bus.

It happened that Mrs Wang passed by her carriage and reached out to support her.

At that time, Mrs. Wen Er was ashamed. She knew that she was fat, and even the two little maids couldn't support her.

She was afraid that she would crush the Wang family, so she quickly apologized while trying to get out of the way.

Seeing that her face was pale, Wang shi insisted on not letting go, and helped her into the inn all the way.

The two have similar backgrounds, and their personalities are also carefree, and they have become familiar with each other very quickly.

Wang took her to join the team of Gu Yin and shopkeeper Zhou to try the food, and persuaded her: "Eat, people take food as their heaven, what else can they do? And I look at you very well. , Blessed! You don't look good if you really starve yourself and become sick."

Gu Yin heard that the second wife wanted to lose weight, so she simply made a salad for her.

The fruit vegetable dish with boiled chicken breast, and the vinaigrette cooked by Gu Yin, the taste is not bad.

Especially when Gu Yin got a kitchen knife that she thinks is the best in the world, just when she can't be idle, she will do her best to make a salad every day, cut them and decorate them into a very cute appearance, which makes people look at them. Feel delicious.

Mrs. Wen Er eats and drinks normally every morning and noon, and eats a salad she made in the evening. In early September, she really lost a lot of weight than when she left.

And because she ate lightly at night, she no longer had acne on her face, and her skin became much smoother.

Now that she is thin, she has become more confident, with a smile on her face every day, no longer unhappy, and said to Gu Yin affectionately: "I only knew that you were good at craftsmanship, but I didn't expect you to know how to maintain health. This is the way to go to the capital. If you open a shop again, you still have to sell this salad, which I will eat every day!"

This reminded Gu Yin, she didn't know the taste of the people in the capital, and she hadn't figured out what business the new store was going to do before. Right now, you can think of light food like salad. After all, there is no difference in taste between north and south, and there is no girl who doesn't like it, so it can be used as an alternative.

But Mrs. Wen Er was happy, while Mrs. Wang was worried.

After eating and drinking with Gu Yin and Shopkeeper Zhou, she didn't eat any salad at night, and her chin was round.

On the day she entered the capital, she took Gu Yin's hand and regretted it in a low voice: "I knew I wouldn't eat it, and my petticoat felt tight. You said that if your father saw me, what would you do if he thought I was ugly? "

In the past, Wang shi never cared about beauty or ugliness. Even if Gu Yin bought her brighter dresses, she would feel impatient to get dirty and prefer to wear those gray clothes. Now seeing her long-lost husband, she couldn't help but get nervous.

Gu Yin patted the back of her hand and said warmly: "Where is the mother ugly? Worry about it."

The Wang family is really not ugly, otherwise, Wu Qingyi and Wu An would not be able to give birth to brothers who look like Zhou Zheng. It's just that she used to have a straight face in the past, with two deep nasolabial lines on her face, and the face was a bit fierce, making it difficult to get along with.

But in the past few years, life has been good at home, she has rarely been angry with others, and she listened to Gu Yin's words, doing business and making money, with a smile on her face, the lines have long since faded away unconsciously.

At this time, she was wearing a grass-green wishful cloud-patterned shirt, with a simple woman's bun on her hair. Although she only had the plum blossom hairpin that Gu Yin bought for her, her black hair was neatly tangled. Not the slightest bit of vicissitudes.

After Wang Shi finished speaking, she did not wait for Gu Yin to speak, and said to herself: "He has suffered a stroke. If you dare to think that I am ugly, I will punch him to death!"

Although she said it fiercely, Gu Yin felt her hands trembling slightly, obviously she was nervous.

Wang Shi took a deep breath and said again: "I've become a prince, and I don't know if there will be more Yingyingyanyan around your father. The emperor in the play text likes to reward women to ministers."

Along the way, she didn't ask Wu Qingyi about this. First, it was embarrassing for the mother and son to tell her that, and secondly, she was afraid that she would get the answers she didn't want to know if she inquired clearly.

This Gu Yin is really hard to say. After all, both sides thought that the other party was no longer alive. Wu Qingyi was fighting on the battlefield the day before yesterday, and it was normal to have no women by her side, but Wu Dad was in poor health. .

"Forget it, I don't want that." Wang Shi waved his hand, "Even if there is, we can't blame him."

Even though he said that, Mr. Wang still squeezed his fist and clucked.

Gu Yin thought that it was best not to have it. If there was, she could not guarantee that she would be able to persuade her mother-in-law not to do it. With her mother-in-law's strength, it's really not a problem to maim people!