Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 68


In the British government, Wu Zhong just got up.

Last night he had a dream, dreaming of the life in Batou Village ten years ago.

Compared with the situation at home at that time, it was considered a hardship, but every day was lively and lively.

As soon as the day dawned, Mrs Wang would get up and shout loudly for everyone to get up while cooking the meal.

The well-behaved and cowardly Gu Daya is always the first to get up and help Wang's cooking.

When Wu Zhong and Wu Qingyi are both up, they will be able to eat hot food, but they can't tell what it is.

Whenever their father and son dare to raise objections, Mrs. Wang will angrily slap the table and say, "I can't stop the two of you from eating? I love to eat, but I don't!"

The roar caused their father and son to shrink their necks and dare not put their beaks again.

One more thing, Wu Zhong was impressed.

The year he was drafted into the army, Mrs. Wang became pregnant again, and the family needed another mouth to eat.

Taking advantage of the slack in the farming season, he picked up a trader's pole and went to the city to do small business.

The small business is going well, and I can save a couple of silver a few years ago to buy things for the Wang family and their unborn children.

After work that day, he just walked to the entrance of the village when he saw Mrs. Wang standing there with a sullen face on his hips.

He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "You are still pregnant, why are you coming out to greet me in the cold weather?"

Wang Shi snorted coldly, and took out the kitchen knife from behind.

"I went back to being a businessman behind my back, right? If it wasn't for Widow Li at the eastern end of the village telling me that if she saw you talking to the big girl and the little daughter-in-law in the city, the old lady would have been deceived by you for the rest of her life!"

Since the two got married, the Wang family will not let him be a businessman, saying that because he is good-looking, it is difficult to guarantee that others will not rely on him like her. Don't provoke some peach blossom debts back then.

Wu Zhong couldn't help laughing and laughing. No matter how well he was born, he was already in his 40s. How could there be any peach blossom debts to provoke? And even in the past, only a silly girl like Wang was willing to give up the good life at home and live with him in poverty.

"I want to save some money for you and the child." Wu Zhong explained in a good voice, fearing that Mrs. Wang might have fetal gas.

"Then I don't care. Did you promise me that if you did something wrong to me, you would let me hack to death, absolutely nothing?"

Wu Zhong said yes, and then said, "I don't think I'm sorry for you, right?"

Wang Shi then sneered, "Then if I chop you half to death, it doesn't count as hacking you, right?"

Don't look at Wang's kitchen knife when cooking, but when he wants to chop people, the kitchen knife dances like a tiger.

This kind of battle is often staged at home, but this time, Wu Zhong was frightened, not because he was really afraid of him cutting himself, Wang was hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, and always frightened him. He was afraid that Wang would hurt himself and the child in his womb.

He shouted as he ran, asking her to pay attention to her body. The couple was making a fuss, and many officers and soldiers came from the village.

This kind of dream, Wu Zhong has often had these years, and he wakes up with tears in his clothes.

When he got up this time, he only found it funny, thinking in his heart that he didn't know that after all these years, the old wife in her 40s was still dancing with a kitchen knife.

Afterwards, he asked the servant to change his clothes and comb his hair.

He hadn't been so particular about it for many years.

On the top of the shavings water, the hair mixed with silver threads was neatly combed and tied into the golden crown on the top of his head. With the resolute face that he still had in his youth, he suddenly became several years younger.

If he doesn't speak, he looks like a heroic middle-aged man.

The servants were used to seeing his gloomy appearance, and they couldn't help but praise him this day: "My grandfather should have dressed up like this long ago, he looks younger than he is!"

Wu Zhong pursed his lips, and half of his face was still unnatural when he smiled.

Shen Hanchun came in with the compliments of the servants.

Seeing that Wu Zhong, the dying man, suddenly knew how to dress up, Shen Hanchun's eyes showed a trace of contempt.

After counting the days, Wu Qingyi will be back soon.

In her last life, she was confined to the palace, but she vaguely remembered that he returned to Beijing in August.

I can only hope that he is seriously injured and that the matter of inhumanity should not change as well.

She suppressed the faint uneasiness in her heart, and when she entered the room, she said, "The grandfather of the country is indeed handsome today!"

Wu Jian nodded, and said to everyone with difficulty and slowly: "Be alert, husband and wife, they will be back today."

The news that Wang Shi and Gu Yin were still alive, Wu Qingyi only wrote to Wu Zhong and Emperor Zhengyuan.

Wu Zhong was also a person who came down from the battlefield. He was used to being cautious. He only had someone carefully clean the yard of his house and inspected it himself. It was only today that he mentioned this matter.

The servants don’t know why, but they also know that the prince of his own family doesn’t want to talk much, and he doesn’t dare to ask more. They just congratulate him together, and then go to their own errands—although I don’t know where the lady appeared, but in the end The uncle of the mansion is coming back.

But Shen Hanchun set off a huge wave in his heart—

what lady? She never knew!

Wujia did have family members. After the world was settled, Wu Qingyi sent a letter to ask for the seal, and both his mother and wife, who died in the flood, were sealed.

Shen Hanchun lived a new life, relying only on the ability of the unpredictable prophet.

But there are more and more things that haven't happened in her last life recently, how can this make her not panic? !

Just when she had no masters, the concierge came in and preached: "Master Guo, the general's carriage has arrived at the intersection!"

Wu Zhong stood up immediately, he was not good at walking, he had never left the house before, but now he picked up his crutches and limped out by himself.

Shen Hanchun immediately followed.

Although the situation was completely different from what she knew, the matter had come to this point, even if Wu Zhong's wife came to the capital safely, she did not feel that she would lose to a village woman in the mountains.

Shen Hanchun supported the hairpin on his head, took out the rules and etiquette he had learned in the palace in his previous life, and went out together.

Wu Zhong stopped panting as soon as he walked out of the yard. He asked Shen Hanchun to take someone out to meet him first, and then he took a break before leaving.

Shen Hanchun walked to the door and happened to see Wu Qingyi riding on a tall horse.

He was wearing his usual black outfit, which outlined a figure with broad shoulders and narrow waist. And he didn't wear the black mask that covered half of his face anymore, his resolute and handsome face was exposed, and he had a soul-stirring bearing.

Didn't get hurt

Shen Hanchun frowned, feeling more and more that things shouldn't be like this.

She felt anger in her heart and resisted not bringing it to the face, just waiting to see the lady who Wu Zhong said.

That country woman suddenly came into the city, thinking that she could live a good life with her husband and son, but found that the old man already had her by his side. Thinking that this scene must be very lively, right

On Gu Yin's side, just as the carriage stopped, Wang shi jumped off without anyone helping her.

After jumping off, Mrs Wang turned around and stretched out her hand to help Gu Yin, but seeing Wu Qingyi dismounting and walking to the other end of the carriage, she obviously knew she wanted to help her daughter-in-law, so it wasn't too stupid.

Wang shi smiled and shrank his hand, and saw the box still in the carriage - the one with the kitchen knife, Gu Yin didn't like it, she kept it by her side every day.

She turned to pick up that.

People naturally came to take the salute, and Mrs. Wang quickly took advantage of this time to look around.

The gate of the Duke's Mansion is majestic, with two vermilion lacquer and copper nailed gates, above which are plaques with vermilion lacquer and gold characters, and there are also two stone lions in the doorway, leaning on the pillars on the left and the right, with an extraordinary look.

All the servants dressed in uniform to serve, although they did not recognize her, they all had warm and attentive smiles on their faces.

Wow, my family is really going to have a good life!

Wang's eyes warmed, and then she thought that she shouldn't be watching this, but to see if there was anything like the auntie's room in the play.

Shen Hanchun, who has stayed in the palace, is not inferior to ordinary palace staff in his ability to observe words and expressions.

The woman standing in front of her looked at her forties. Although she could see a bit of her youthful demeanor, she couldn't compare to her age.

Aware of Wang's inquiring gaze, she immediately stood up straight and revealed a smile that she thought was very coquettish and sweet, "Are you the lady of the country? I..."

Wang Shi glanced at her and turned her aside.

This girl looked about the same age as her own daughter-in-law, not even her eldest son. No matter how much Wu Zhong thought about it, he wouldn't hit a girl of this age. And laugh like a fool.

Shen Hanchun was staggered by Wang.

Just as he stabilized his body, he looked at the carriage on the side, a slender white and tender hand lifted the curtain, and a beautiful and gentle female voice came from inside with a smile.

"You take Wu An down first."

Wu An's character is timid and shy. Although he has come back a little over the past few years, he can't stand today is indeed a big scene.

Dozens of servants from the government alone came out.

Especially after entering the capital, the Wang family even added fuel to him, saying that you are seven and a half years old now, and now you are the second master of the Guo Gongfu, so you can't be embarrassed this time!

What is the king of the country, the Wang family still does not understand, anyway, he is a high-ranking official.

Wu An has read the book for two years, but he understands it. It is because he understands that he is particularly nervous—

Suddenly becoming the second master of a country's humerus minister, he is really not ready, woo woo...

Wu Qingyi's expression softened when he heard the sound. After contacting him these days, he also found that his younger brother's temperament was a little too introverted, but he was excusable because he was born with his mother and sister-in-law.

"Don't be afraid, my mother and sister-in-law are here." Gu Yin whispered a few words of comfort.

Wu An took a deep breath and stepped on the footstool and got out of the carriage without his elder brother holding him.

A slight smile appeared on Wu Qingyi's solemn face. He reached out and patted Wu An's shoulder, then handed out his hand in the direction of the carriage.

The hand that lifted the car curtain was handed into his palm, one white and one black, one large and one small, two very different hands clasped together, looking at Shen Hanchun with a sullen look.

Wu Zhong's wife should not be here, neither should the child named Wu An, and the young woman in the carriage, who is that? !

In Shen Hanchun's unbelievable eyes, Gu Yin was helped by Wu Qingyi to get off the carriage.

She was wearing a loose-flowered Ruyi cloud-smoke dress, covered with a white magnolia loose-flowered gauze, which looked a little shabby in Shen Hanchun's eyes, but she was set off by her graceful and graceful appearance, like a woman who came out of the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

Shen Hanchun looked at her face again, and saw that her hair was in a lily bun, and there was no decoration on her hair, but no decoration was needed, because her eyes were extremely clear and moist, and when people saw her face clearly, they would only fall into that. In a pair of eyes, you will not notice other places at all.

When she looked at Gu Yin, Gu Yin also noticed that someone was looking at her.

Turning to see a young woman, she nodded slightly to say hello.

"Why didn't Mother go in?" Gu Yin walked to Wang's side and asked.

Wang Shi said a little aggrieved: "Your father didn't come."

After eight years of separation, although she thought that half a month was not a long time, it was okay to see him later, but the closer she got to the capital, the more Wang Shi knew how much she missed him.

I don't even know how to go out to greet me!

Wang Shi angrily squeezed the wooden box in his hand.

The box just happened not to be covered, and when she squeezed it, the corner of the box was directly squeezed open, and with a bang, the kitchen knife that was completely black fell to the ground.

This is my daughter-in-law's baby! Wang Shi felt guilty for a while, and hurriedly bent down and picked up the kitchen knife in his hand.

Wu Zhong trembled as he walked around the shadow wall, and what he saw was the dark-faced wife with a kitchen knife.

Done! Wu Zhong subconsciously turned the direction of the crutches and wanted to run!

There were two servants following him. Seeing him like this, he was surprised: "Master Guo, what's wrong with you?"

"Is the grandfather of the country not feeling well? If you are young, go to the old genius doctor."

The little servant's concerned and anxious voice fell into Wang's ears. She noticed Wu Zhong next to the shadow wall, and immediately called his name with great momentum - "Wu Zhong!"

The two servants didn't know why, and when they saw that the usually prudent grandpa shuddered, he replied with tears in his eyes, "Hey!"

The husband and wife have been separated for eight years, but they know each other too well. Mrs. Wang still understands the move he wanted to pull back just now, and asks him angrily, "What are you running for?"

Wu Zhong didn't know what he was running for. Anyway, when he saw his old wife holding a kitchen knife, he wanted to run.

"Mother, in your hand." Gu Yin reminded aloud, only then did Mrs. Wang realize that she was carrying a knife in her hand.

Gu Yin stood close, afraid of hurting her, Wang shi didn't put the kitchen knife into her arms, but turned around and stuffed the kitchen knife and the broken box into Shen Hanchun, who was standing on the other side.

"Can I still slash you with a knife?!" Wang shi said and strode forward, supporting Wu Zhong.

With this help, Wang Shi realized that Wu Zhong was so thin that the bones on his arms were dwarfed by his hands!

He was not like this before. Although he was not as burly as the eldest son, he was still very strong.

Wang Shi burst into tears and complained: "How can you eat well and live so thinly? It makes people feel strange."

In Wang's vision, although Dad Wu was poor and had a stroke, he was a high-ranking official. How could he eat his big belly like in the play, and then hug two beauties on the left and right? It's very scenic.

How did you get so thin

Wu Zhong smiled with tears: "I don't, don't know."

Wang shi cried again, "You can't speak easily, like the two fools in the east of the village."

There used to be such an idiot in Batou Village, who couldn't even speak in his twenties.

The appearance after the stroke was originally Wu Zhong's mental illness. Everyday people saw him in a state of embarrassment, and he would get angry.

The servants shrank their necks spontaneously, ready to meet his wrath.

Unexpectedly, their father-in-law didn't get angry at all, but instead said with a guilty conscience: "I'm good, practice hard."

The couple walked in together while talking, and after they had gone out for a while, Mrs. Wang turned around and said, "Da Ya, Da Ya, come quickly."

Gu Yin responded, pulled Wu An, and stretched her other hand back - a big, rough and warm hand covered it.

Gu Yin, who wanted to lead Gu Ye, felt helpless for a while.

"Ono hasn't returned yet." Wu Qingyi explained.

Gu Ye couldn't be idle when he was in Hanshan Town, how could he stay in the carriage when he arrived in the capital? When the shopkeeper Zhou said that he was going to inquire about the stores for sale and rent in the imperial court, he went along with him and has not returned yet.

"How old are you and want me to hold you?" Gu Yin let go of his hand, and smiled helplessly, "Xiaoye is too skinny, and he has no time to spare. Remember to tell the concierge not to turn around and not let him in."

"I've already said it."

"Pomegranate, don't get busy. Come here quickly."

Gu Yin greeted Song Shiliu again, and walked to the mansion side by side with Wu Qingyi.

Song Shiliu responded, but her feet didn't move.

She is very self-conscious, and both the wife and the old lady have brought her to a place like the capital. She has to do her job well and not let her position as the number one servant girl be threatened!

Seeing that the next person took it away without falling to the ground, Song Shiliu put on his small bag and walked towards the gate.

In addition to the busy servants at the door, only Shen Hanchun was left.

"This elder sister is also a servant girl in the house, right?" Song Shiliu greeted her warmly, "I am Shiliu by my wife's side. From now on, let's do errands for my wife."

"I'm not a maid!" Shen Hanchun screamed.

"No, no, what's your name?" Song Shiliu stood to the side in fright and said, "Then what are you from the house?"

Shen Hanchun, who had always regarded himself as the future mistress of the British Duke's mansion, raised his lips, but now he couldn't say anything like that.

Song Shiliu said angrily, "Aren't you still a maid? Why are you yelling at me!"

Who is she, she chatted with her politely, yelled when she came up, and looked at people with gloomy eyes.

Song Shiliu snorted and went into the house without paying attention to her with a small burden on her back.

So many people... so many people, all should not be in this world, why is this, why...

Under the sharp ups and downs of his mood, Shen Hanchun threw the things in his hand to the ground ruthlessly.

When the kitchen knife fell to the ground with a bang, a childish voice sounded behind her.

"You throw my mother's things?"

"My hand slipped." Shen Hanchun took a few breaths, holding back his anger and turned around.

When she saw the person standing behind her, her knees softened and she knelt down!

The Lie Emperor of the Daxi Dynasty was a god-like existence that everyone in the palace revered.

He was not welcomed back to the palace until he was twelve years old. He was initially named the Lie King. He had only been active in the palace for three years, and everyone in the palace was completely convinced by this eldest prince who had been abroad for more than ten years.

When he was fifteen years old, he was crowned a prince by Emperor Zhengyuan, and he personally took command of the expedition.

Such a cruel method has caused dissatisfaction with the civil and military of the whole dynasty. He wrote a letter asking Emperor Zhengyuan to appoint another heir, and the words were particularly ugly, saying that Prince Lie had such a heart, how could it be the son of Emperor Zhengyuan who was kindhearted

That was really a heart-wrenching remark, and directly suspected the origin of Prince Lie.

Unfortunately, Emperor Zhengyuan didn't listen to those, and his sons were not prosperous. Apart from Prince Lie, he only had two other sons.

The second prince is frail and sickly, the third prince is ignorant and incompetent, and Emperor Zhengyuan is the only one who likes him, and does not consider others as candidates for the prince.

Fortunately, after this incident, the prince Lie did not show any violent side, and the courtiers really believed in him, so no one persuaded Emperor Zhengyuan to appoint another prince.

After another three years, the pain of Emperor Zhengyuan's battle for many years broke out, and it was passed on to him.

Eighteen-year-old Prince Lie ascended the throne and became Emperor Lie.

It took him two years to secure the throne, and after he was full of wings, he began to liquidate old accounts.

Only then did the world know that Emperor Lie's amiable and amiable character in the past was entirely a disguise. The real him was the ruthless temperament that would be vindicated when he beheaded the abolished emperor and the remnants of the previous dynasty.

In the past, the courtiers who had persuaded Emperor Zhengyuan to abolish the crown prince were sent and dropped by him one by one, ranging from exile to exile in the worst cases. The civil official who doubted his background even made him pull out his tongue...

But he also has the means, and if he doesn't deal with him, his means of torturing people emerge in endlessly, but it will not implicate the other's family. Those who have not violated him, he is clearly rewarded and punished, and can be called a wise ruler.

Later, he promoted a group of students from poor families, and managed the new dynasty, which had just been founded and was still waiting to be revived, to be as good as the previous dynasty when it was at its peak.

Such a monarch who is sure to retaliate but has thunderous means, from the court to the court, there is no one who is not afraid and respected.

There were also many courtiers who begged forgiveness for being old, faint-hearted, and Emperor Liedi after committing a taboo against him.

He painted portraits of himself when he was young, showing them one by one in front of people, and smiled contemptuously: "When I was young, I was a wanderer, fighting with dogs for food. Can't compare."

No one has dared to intercede with him in a sympathetic manner since those portraits were exhibited.

The child in front of him looks about five or six years old. He doesn't look very much like Emperor Zhengyuan, and he looks plump and rounder than the five-year-old portrait that Emperor Lie painted for himself, but the overall outline is exactly the same, and there is still a little bit more. Black moles, Shen Hanchun will never admit wrong!

She has stayed in the palace all her life, and her reverence for Emperor Lie has been carved into her bones.

After kneeling down, she was sweating like pulp and shaking like chaff.

Gu Ye tilted his head and muttered, "You're also strange. It's not good to pick up something that's dropped. Why are you kneeling?"

Shen Hanchun dreamed of going back to her previous life. Because she was fond of Wu Qingyi, she didn't want to stay in the palace for a lifetime, so she dredged up and down, and wanted to leave the palace as soon as possible.

I didn't expect her to be an ant-like figure in the palace, but Emperor Lie discovered her intentions and let her pass her to him, and while looking at the memorial, he said casually: "You are also strange, you don't want to be in the palace. If you take a post, it’s better to ask me to come, what are you doing with bribes?”

Only then did Shen Hanchun know that Emperor Lie was investigating the matter of bribery and dereliction of duty in the palace at that time.

At that time, when she heard such words, she thought that Emperor Lie would give her a grace and let her out of the palace.

Unexpectedly, his next sentence was, "You are a person with merit in following the Emperor Taishang. Since you don't want to be in the palace, it is the same to serve the Emperor Taishang in another courtyard."

Since then, Shen Hanchun has gone from a court doctor to a doctor of another hospital.

Although she is also a doctor girl, her status has plummeted. When the Taishanghuang is sick, she also sees the imperial doctor.

Especially when she was banished from the palace by Emperor Lie, the palace servants in other courtyards treated her more and more harshly, so that she had an incurable disease before she reached the age of forty.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." Gu Ye scratched his head irritably.

This man is too strange, he seems to be looking at him, and he seems to be looking at other people through him.

He didn't mind her kneeling, it didn't matter to him if her kneeling broke. But his mother is very soft-hearted, if she sees it, she will definitely think that he is bullying people.

Shen Hanchun rolled his eyes and fainted from fright.

Gu Ye quickly stood up and said to the servants around him, "You have all seen it, it has nothing to do with me."

If there are servants to testify, others will never complain to his mother!

The servants only knew that there was a young master who didn't come back, but they didn't know his specific identity very well, but Shen Hanchun was indeed dizzy. : "It has nothing to do with the young master, Miss Chun passed out by herself."

Gu Ye nodded, let the servant lead the way with his hands behind his back, and then went to find Gu Yin and Wang Shi.

Inside the palace wall, the former righteous king and the current Zhengyuan emperor Lu Shouyi just left the dynasty.

The Daxi Dynasty followed the old example of the previous dynasties, and it was still five days.

Before the war, Lu Shouyi was a white man who could only write his name. After the formation of the team, he began to learn to read and write. He changed his current name and proclaimed himself the King of Righteousness.

But the ink in his belly is really limited, and he doesn't like to deal with those things, especially some of the old court officials, who speak in a delicate manner. Whenever he is distracted for a while, he can't understand what the other party is saying.

"Is Qingyi not back yet?" Lu Shouyi held a pen in one hand and scratched his neatly combed hair into a chicken coop.

The eunuch close to him was not from the previous dynasty, but a young general in the former army named Qian Sansi.

Qian Sansi was also a child of a poor family. When he was ten years old, he asked his family to find a gelding pig craftsman and was castrated like a beast.

Then the family wanted to send him to the palace to exchange money, but they didn't expect such a thing to happen to poor people like them.

Qian Sansi couldn't get into the palace and became a eunuch again. His parents simply threw him into the wild and let him die.

It also happened that Qian Sansi met Lu Shouyi and joined the rebel army.

His situation is actually very similar to Wu Qingyi, who was picked up by King Yi in a desperate situation. Also because of this, Qian Sansi and Wu Qingyi also said that they are very friendly.

"The general just sent a letter to His Majesty a while ago, and it's just two days left and right."

Lu Shouyi naturally remembered this, but he didn't expect Wu Qingyi to help him with his official duties—Wu Qingyi, like him, was a rough man, and he fainted when he saw the ink words. He was waiting for Wu Qingyi to invite the elder of the three dynasties in Hanshan Town.

Although the old man was a former official of the previous dynasty, he was dedicated to the people, otherwise he would not have been demoted and returned to his hometown.

In addition, the old man had also made great efforts to destroy the abolished emperor in front of him, so it can be seen that he is not a foolish and loyal person.

After reading the memorial for another quarter of an hour, Lu Shouyi couldn't read it anymore, so he threw the memorial and went to the harem.

There are now three female relatives in the harem of the Daxi Dynasty. One is naturally Lu Shouyi's old lady Wang, who has now been named the Queen Mother. The other is Lu Shouyi's wife Zhou, who is now Queen Zhou.

There is another one, Feng Guifei, the sister of the former Chuzhou general and now the current Duke of Lu.

There were only three people gathered. Now it was the time for Queen Zhou and Concubine Feng Gui to greet the Empress Dowager. All three gathered in the Cining Palace.

Lu Shouyi also ran to the Cining Palace.

The Queen Mother is chanting with her two daughters-in-law.

In fact, she was not a person who believed in gods and Buddhas in the past, but since she lost her eldest grandson, the old lady became a vegetarian and believed in Buddhism. Looking forward to his early bliss, and he will return to his home in Japan. After being a vegetarian for several years, even when Lu Shouyi ascended the throne, the old lady's banquets were all vegetarian.

Empress Zhou and Concubine Feng next to him were a little careless.

The Queen Mother was inevitably unhappy when she saw it, and her face became stern.

Feng Guifei pleaded guilty first and said, "The weather has changed recently, and both children are not good. Concubine..."

The eldest grandson didn't come out of Feng Guifei's belly, so she was naturally not that caring, not to mention that the twins she gave birth were also her own flesh and blood, and they were indeed weaker than ordinary children. She went back to the palace to take care of her children.

There is only Queen Zhou left, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came here relying on each other. They used to have a very good relationship.

After the eldest grandson was lost, the Queen of Zhou became a different person. The whole person became very gloomy. Later, he gave birth to a son who was heavier than eyeballs. He wished that he could not be tied to the belt of his pants every day. Don't let others touch her hands, even the grandmother, the Queen Mother, has to get her approval to see her grandson.

With this attitude of treating everyone around him as a thief defense, not to mention the Queen Mother, even Lu Shouyi and her relationship became worse.

So in the end, the Queen Mother didn't say anything, sighed and let her go.

After she left, the Queen Mother asked the palace servants again. The little prince born by Queen Zhou was not uncomfortable, but she ate a little less at dinner this morning, so Queen Zhou was absent-minded and kept thinking about it.

Although the whole family has jumped from the ground to the cloud, the Queen Mother sometimes misses the days when she was still in the countryside.

At that time, her son was still called Donkey Dan, and he was not called Shouyi. He only told his family that he had a big business to do, and settled them in a remote place, and only came back once a year and a half.

But at that time, Father Lu was still there, her body was strong, her daughter-in-law was filial, and she later added a grandson to the family. Although she was concerned about her son, her daily life was lively and lively.

Unlike now, suddenly it seems that apart from eating and waiting to die and wasting time, there is nothing else to do.

When Lu Shouyi arrived, he saw the Queen Mother alone staring out the window in a daze.

He waved his hand and dismissed the palace servants, stepped forward and sat beside the Queen Mother, and asked, "Why is my mother unhappy?"

The queen dowager came back to her senses, and when she saw it was him, a smile appeared on her face, and she said, "Why am I unhappy? Our donkeys are capable, and my mother is the queen mother."

Having said that, the Queen Mother's eyes still showed infinite desolation.

Lu Shouyi couldn't bear it, and suddenly thought of something, and said: "Qingyi is back, and he wrote to say that he has found his mother and his wife in his hometown, and has gone to Beijing with him. Does my mother want to see them?"

"From the Qingyi family, we can meet you." The Queen Mother smiled lovingly, "He is a good boy."

Back then, Lu Shouyi sent Wu Qingyi to resettle his family. It was also during that resettlement that he realized that he had a son in the countryside and he had already lost it. That's why he didn't reassign others, and asked Wu Qingyi to find them.

Although he still did not find the person in the end, the Queen Mother accepted the love that he had worked so hard to find for several months.