Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 70


After a whole book of accounts from the month to the middle of the sky, I finally figured out what happened.

There are more than 100 servants in the British public and private houses, and most of the monthly payments are between half and two taels. In addition, there are housekeepers and cooks who have high monthly money, and the monthly money adds up to a hundred taels. And to feed so many people, it would cost hundreds of taels a month. Just add one plus one in general, and it will be counted as four hundred taels per month.

This was recorded by the accountant of the former palace, and it is relatively clear and easy to check.

What is difficult to check is the new account. After the mansion was opened, there was no account in the mansion, and it was written by the housekeeper.

Although he can read and hyphenate words, his bookkeeping skills are beyond words.

And it's not easy to deal with others. Every account has Wu Zhong's signature at the bottom, indicating that he allows the other party to keep such accounts.

Fortunately, although the new account was messed up, the butler did not make a fool out of it—there was still more than 10,000 taels of cash left on the account, and the gold and silver in the warehouse were correct.

In the past six months, Wu Zhongluo has helped more than 500 wounded and disabled generals, usually 50 taels of silver or 50 taels of gold, but there are many. Even more, the average family received two or three hundred taels.

In total, Wu Zhong gave out nearly 30,000 taels.

Once this number was calculated, Wang's face could not be said to be as scary as that of Guohui and Han.

"You..." Wang shi's chest rose and fell violently, and she pointed at Wu Zhong with trembling fingers, and she was speechless for a while.

Wu Zhong did not dare to lift his head in a guilty conscience.

30,000 taels is an astronomical sum not only for farmers, but also for wealthy businessmen!

He gave out bits and pieces, and he didn't have any at all. And he didn't know that Wang and the others were still alive at the time. He thought that neither he nor his son was a person who paid attention to food and clothing, and the gold and silver he gave away should be a blessing for the underground Wang.

"Mom, don't worry," Gu Yin delivered the hot tea to Wang's lips, "Look at this, apart from this, Dad and Qingyi are extremely frugal, and they only spend on food and clothing in half a year. Less than a hundred taels."

The bulk of it is the soup and medicine money that Wu Zhong eats every day.

Wang Shi took a sip of hot tea with Gu Yin's hand, and then he eased his breath and asked Wu Zhong, "More than 500 people, how did you meet in half a year?"

Five hundred people spread out evenly for more than half a year, and they had to see two or three people a day.

Wu Zhong lowered his head and explained slowly: "It's just a festival, and it will be better at once. A while ago, on the Mid-Autumn Festival, hundreds of people came on that day."

Mrs Wang laughed angrily, "Hundreds of people come to the Mid-Autumn Festival a day, are you holding a temple fair in the house?"

Wu Zhong didn't say a word, and he also blamed himself for the pain!

After Mr. Wang finished speaking, he looked at the shopkeeper Zhou and asked him how he was doing inquiries outside today.

Shopkeeper Zhou finally finished his work and was drinking tea when he was suddenly asked. He deliberately slowed down and put the tea lid back, and then went to see Gu Yin.

Gu Yin nodded slightly, and let him say it's okay, anyway, this can't be hidden, Wang Shi will definitely know after a little inquiries.

Shopkeeper Zhou said it directly.

Hearing that the best restaurant in the capital also has 10,000 to 20,000 taels, Wang was so anxious that tears came out. This bad old man of his own is sent out to one or two big restaurants!

Seeing that Mrs. Wang couldn't hold back her scolding, Gu Yin got up and said, "Everyone has worked hard today. It's getting late, so let's rest."

Shopkeeper Zhou was led to the front yard by the servants, and Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi took the old doctor out of the yard together.

The old doctor immortal came excitedly, and before he had time to express his intention, he was arrested along with the shopkeeper Zhou.

At that time, Gu Yin saw that the old doctor fairy's hair and beard had turned white, and she couldn't bear it anymore. It took too much effort and eyesight to settle accounts.

At that time, Wu Qingyi said in her ear: "My master has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and his body is tough."

With the assurance of his own apprentice, Gu Yin let go of her hands and feet.

Not to mention, although this old medical fairy is old, his brain is really flexible. If it weren't for his help, the more than 500 entries about wounded soldiers and disabled generals would still be unclear.

"Master, have a good rest." Wu Qingyi felt a little troubled.

Gu Yin also said ashamed: "I should have gone to see your old man and greeted you with courtesy. Today, it is really abrupt to follow the power in a hurry."

The old doctor Xian didn't want to say anything tired, he waved his hands to tell them not to send them off, and went back by himself.

The joy of family life is really not a good one to enjoy!

After sending the others away, only the family was left in the house.

As soon as the door of the house was closed, Mr. Wang jumped up and filled the room looking for something handy.

"Mom, take it easy, Dad is not in good health."

Wang Shi said angrily, "I know, if it wasn't for his poor health, wouldn't I just take the knife? As for the whole room looking for someone?"

"The money has been spent, and it's useless for you to be angry now."

Gu Yin was still trying to persuade her, but unfortunately Wang Shi was really angry. If she didn't let her breath out, she would be suffocated to death!

"Don't worry about it." In the end, the Wang family saved Wu Zhong some face, and helped him back into the room and let him go.

Before leaving, Wu Zhong said to Gu Yin, "What do you want, tell the servant directly."

Gu Yin responded and heard Wang sneer in a low voice: "Do you still care about others when you are dying?"


In the sympathetic eyes of the younger generation, the old couple left, and Gu Yin and others were also ready to rest.

Wu Qingyi, who lives in the front yard every day, returns to the front yard.

Watching Gu Yin was so tired, he was afraid that she would not be able to take care of the two children alone, so he took Wu An, who was sleeping, away.

Gu Yin was placed in the courtyard next to the main courtyard. Although Gu Ye didn't fall asleep, he was too sleepy to open his eyes.

The mother and son did not share the house, and slept together in the main house in this courtyard.

The maid at the back brought hot water, and Gu Ye went to the clean room to take a bath. After taking a bath, he climbed onto the bed and fell asleep.

After sleeping until the next morning, Wu An came over, and Gu Yin just got up.

It was still early outside, and Gu Yin asked him, "Why didn't you sleep more?"

Wu An will still go to Wen's house for classes in the future, so he can rest for the past two days.

Wu An explained in a low voice: "Big brother got up early and punched in front of me. I woke up when I heard the movement."

The child felt shallow, Gu Yin nodded and said, "Then you should live in the backyard in the future."

Wu An nodded and said yes. Just when he said this, Gu Ye stood up straight, rubbed his eyes and asked, "Fist? What kind of boxing?"

Wu An repeated what he had just said, and Gu Ye immediately began to put on his own clothes.

There is no doubt about his uncle's martial arts, he has long wanted to learn it.

After getting dressed, he jumped out of bed, the maid heard the movement and brought things to wash, and he didn't need anyone to serve him, so he packed up himself, grabbed Wu An and went to the front again.

After Gu Yin packed up, she got up and went to the main courtyard.

She is still concerned about the follow-up development of yesterday, for fear that the Wang family will really beat Wu Daddy out.

Wang Shi and Wu Zhong had already gotten up. After Gu Yin entered the room, she called someone first, and then began to look at Wu Dad.

Wu Zhong had all the beards and tails, but his face was better than the day before, his face was a little rosy, but he became more cautious and cautious with Wang's attitude, accompanied him carefully, and was preparing vegetables for Wang's.

"Da Ya came just in time, I just wanted the morning meal, come and have a bite." Greeting Gu Yin to sit down, Wang Shi found that she was still looking at Wu Zhong, and said with a funny: "What, I can really go out because of the flowers. Money beats your father?"

Gu Yin sat down next to Wang Shi, took her arm affectionately, and said, "Where is it? My mother is the most reasonable."

Wang Shi smiled and coughed deliberately.

Wu Zhong immediately took the public chopsticks to help pick up a snack, and put it on the small plate in front of Wang.

Wang Shi proudly raised his chin and said, "This dessert is not as delicious as yours, but I tasted it very special, you can try it."

The British government used to be the palace of the king, and the chef was also the original, and the craftsmanship was not inferior to the royal chef.

On the table are butter lamp crispy, milk ling powder cake, two-color water chestnut cake, and a red bean porridge. All are delicious.

After Gu Yin tasted it, she inevitably remembered that when she checked the accounts yesterday, she saw that the cook's monthly payment was thirty taels per month. With his craftsmanship, it was not too much. Go back and talk to him.

After she finished eating, Mrs. Wang said with a smile: "Yesterday, your father and I both inquired about it clearly. Although there are only 10,000 taels of cash left in the house, it will be enough to buy you a restaurant. But Guo Gong is really good. For a big official, the annual salary is 4,000 shi, which is more than 4,000 taels when converted into silver."

After she finished speaking, she paused, then smiled again: "In addition, there is our family's Qingyi, who is also a high-ranking official of the first rank, and also has a thousand stone a year's salary. Those rice and silver have not been issued, so by the end of the year, our family will still have money. There can be more than 5,000 taels of income."

Yesterday, knowing that Wu Zhong spent nearly 30,000 taels out for half a year, Wang really felt that the sky was falling!

Later, knowing that there was a lot of income, she finally felt better in her heart.

Moreover, Wu Zhong also told him that the salaries were just a matter of time. Their father and son were both figures in front of Emperor Zhengyuan, and there would be rewards during the festivals.

Moreover, as the lady of the country, Mrs. Wang would definitely have to ask for an imperial appointment, and the super-quality Mrs. imperial appointment would be another large sum of salary.

"I'll give you the whole thing when I look back." Mr. Wang has already made up his mind.

At that time, everyone in the family has a salary, so she and Wu Zhong's salary will naturally be placed in the duke to deal with the family's food and clothing expenses. For the sons and daughters-in-law, let them keep the couple by themselves.

"By the way, there are servants in the house, do you think we should let them out?"

This is natural, one emperor and one courtier. The palace has changed its sect and has become the palace of the prince, and the servants will definitely have to change a group of their own people.

In addition, even if you count the old medical fairy, there are less than ten masters in the family, and there is really no need for hundreds of servants to serve.

However, I can't move for the time being, at least I have to observe it for a while, and leave a batch of useful ones to use first.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law discussed it for a while, and decided to wait until a few years ago to get this, and then give some severance pay and let people go out to reunite with their families.

Finally, Mr. Wang mentioned another thing.

"Yesterday, when we came, the young girl who greeted us at the door. I heard from your father that she was a doctor who took care of him wholeheartedly. Now that she is not too young, your father is preparing to let her If you get married from the palace, the dowry will be a lot of money."

If you were in the country before, if you could get 10 taels of silver for your dowry, that would be very generous.

Now it definitely can't be by that standard, especially if the other party saved Wu Zhong's life.

In the morning, Mrs. Wang asked her maid to find out, and heard that the dowry of the princess of the palace used to be tens of thousands of taels, and other high-level ladies in Beijing usually had several thousand taels of silver.

Wang Shi is not a person who is a stalker in major matters. If Wu Zhong did not give the 30,000 taels, she was willing to give 10,000 taels without anyone returning it, so she just paid the other party's life-saving grace.

In the future, if you get it, you will walk around as a relative. If you don't get it, you will lose the money and the goods, and there will be no connection.

But at the moment, there are only 10,000 taels of cash in the family, and people's hearts are biased. This money must not be moved any more. It must be left to his daughter-in-law to buy a restaurant.

"I didn't know that the girl had such a deep relationship with our family yesterday." Gu Yin thought about it and said, "It's inconvenient for my father to tell the girl's family some things. Fortunately, I have a mother now, why don't you come forward and ask. If this girl Shen already has her heart, we will promote good things, and the restaurant business will be put on hold. If not…”

"If not, of course, wait a little longer. When our family turns around, you will also have your restaurant and her dowry!"

As the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were talking, they were going to see Shen Hanchun together, but it was not coincidental that there was a rumor in the concierge that someone asked to see Wu Zhong.

If I ask again, it is shabby again, and I am here to ask for money.

"Why are there still people coming to ask for it?!" Wang Shi was anxious, and his voice was raised unconsciously, "Hurry up and stop people, and say that there are no guests today!"

No matter how much money you make in the future, you won't be able to withstand this stream of people coming to your door to beat the autumn wind!

"Mom, don't be in a hurry," Gu Yin gave her comfort. "You can avoid the first day of the first year, but you can't avoid the fifteenth. Today, I will deal with this matter first, you just go to see Miss Shen."

If you want to ask who the family Wang believes most, it is naturally Gu Yin. Seeing that she has her own way, Wang will not ask any more.

Gu Yin first asked the servant to take the other party to the hall where the guests were entertained, and then asked Wu Qingyi to come over. The two met head-to-head and discussed a few words.

More than a quarter of an hour later, Gu Yin changed clothes to meet the guests and went.

There were two women who came, both of whom were poor dressed in jingchai cloth skirts. One was in her early twenties and was very nervous. The other was in her forties and looked about the same age as Wang, but she was very indifferent.

When Gu Yin passed by, the maid was serving tea, the young woman immediately got up to take it, and quickly thanked her.

The middle-aged woman was sitting there, letting the maid serve.

Just seeing the completely different behaviors of the two, Gu Yin already had some points in her heart.

She entered the room with a smile, took a seat at the main seat, introduced herself first, and then asked: "I only entered the capital yesterday, and many things in the house have not been settled clearly, so I neglected the two of you. I don't know that the two of you are here today. , why?"

The young woman hurriedly got up and saluted, "The woman has seen the general's wife."

Gu Yin didn't have a grade yet, but ordinary people didn't understand this, they only knew that she was the daughter-in-law of the founding father of the country, and the rumored wife of the evil ghost general naturally held her in awe.

Gu Yin asked her not to be too polite, and then asked their intentions with her eyes.

The young woman twisted the hem of her dress, as if she didn't know where to start.

The middle-aged woman said directly: "The first time Madam came to the capital, I didn't know that the men in our family were injured on the battlefield and didn't earn any future prospects. In the past, we mostly relied on the grandfather to help us. Winter will begin in one month. You see…”

"Ah, it turned out to be for this." Gu Yin suddenly thought, picked up the tea cup again, took a slow sip, and said, "But even though I first came to Beijing, I knew about it."

Now that you know, you should give the money directly. The middle-aged woman looked at her slightly anxiously.

Gu Yin was about to open her mouth, but Wu Qingyi came over with a sullen face.

He put on the silver mask that glowed with cold light, and after many years of fighting, he had an aura of Yuan Ting Yue Zhi. Especially when he had a sullen face, his aura was even more astonishing, like a beast that was about to break free at any time.

His mask is a symbol of his status. It is rumored that the half of his face under the mask is covered with red scars, and it is beyond recognition.

The two women hurriedly stood up to greet each other, and all of a sudden they let go of their breathing, and the room was very quiet all of a sudden.

He walked to Gu Yin's side without saying a word, and sat down.

Gu Yin smiled apologetically at the two women, then turned her head and asked in a low voice, "Who made you unhappy?"

Wu Qingyi narrowed his eyes slightly and did not speak.

However, the more silent he was, the more people couldn't help but wonder how terrifying he was.

When there were guests present, Gu Yin didn't ask any more questions, and asked the maid to bring tea and snacks and put them aside.

"I'm so sorry, you two, for being negligent. The general's temper..."

The two women dared not speak.

Just kidding, the one sitting in front of him is the founding general who is rumored to be able to take the head of an enemy general with his bare hands.

Who dares to say that he is not good

Gu Yin asked again: "I've only said halfway, do you two need money from our government to help?"

The young woman was so frightened that her face was pale, and the middle-aged woman was also very scared, but thinking of the silver that was brought back by the leader, she still said boldly: "That's what it means, Madam doesn't know, life at home is really difficult. down..."

With a "click", Wu Qingyi picked up a walnut and kneaded it into powder.

Although the voice was soft, the middle-aged woman was so frightened that she didn't dare to continue speaking.

"I don't know who the wounded in your family is?" Gu Yinzhuang asked casually.

The middle-aged woman twitched her lips and reported her son's identity.

Gu Yin's account was fresh in her memory, and she immediately said: "The Spring Equinox, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival, your family has been here three times, and took away one hundred and fifty taels of silver in half a year, but what difficulties did you encounter? ?"

Her tone was still gentle and gentle, and she did not despise the meaning of ridicule at all.

But the middle-aged woman's complexion turned into a pig's liver color.

Her family was really difficult in the past, but since she made a trip to get the money back, her life was getting better day by day. First, she bought land in the outskirts of Beijing, and her son, who had a broken leg, also adopted a beautiful and demure daughter-in-law.

My daughter-in-law just got pregnant and wants to move to the capital.

Every inch of land in the capital is expensive, and some of the better dwellings can cost hundreds of taels.

Only then did she find the British mansion again, thinking that she had been here three times before, and the sick British man did not remember her, so she would definitely succeed this time.

Unexpectedly, a prince's daughter-in-law and a general's wife appeared in vain, and when they came up, they pointed out the time when she came.

What is the concept of one hundred and fifty taels? Even in the capital, a family of a few saves money, it is enough for a lifetime!

There was another loud "bang", Wu Qingyi slapped his hand on the table, and the plate of walnuts and even the plate containing the walnuts became smashed.

The middle-aged woman fought with each other, and immediately said: "I remember that there is something at home, so I'm bothering you."

After speaking, without waiting for Gu Yin to call someone to see the guest, she ran out with her legs soft.

Gu Yin shouted "Pomegranate", Song Shiliu immediately followed him out, and followed all the way outside the gate, Song Shiliu said loudly, "Why are you running away, lady? Didn't you come to the door to ask for relief, saying that life would not go on? We Madam didn't ask why you asked for one hundred and fifty taels of silver in the past six months and it wasn't enough... She just asked if your family is encountering any difficulties now, why are you running away?"

The woman didn't dare to turn her head back, what was she running for in her heart? If you don't run, are you waiting for your head to be smashed by the evil general

It's really lard, I just think that the British public is sick and soft-hearted, very easy to bully, forget how their family started, dare to make ghosts in front of the evil ghosts who crawled out of the underworld, and they have no money to spend. what!

Song Shiliu's loud shout immediately attracted the attention of the people nearby.

Someone laughed and said, "You little maid is ignorant. No matter how difficult it is, people can live a smooth life with a hundred and fifty taels. They must have run away because they knew they were wrong. Why do you keep asking? People are ashamed!"

There are common people coming and going in and out of the British government, and people nearby have long known that the British government has been helping the wounded soldiers many times.

Someone has been discussing this for a long time.

The middle-aged woman was teased for a while by the people watching the fun, she covered her face in shame and ran wildly.

And in the flower hall where guests were entertained, the young woman's lips turned white.

She wanted to run too, but she was so frightened that she couldn't follow her orders, and she was the first to come back from such a big family.

"The woman is wrong, the woman will never dare!" The young woman trembled and was about to kneel.

Gu Yin glanced at Wu Qingyi, and Wu Qingyi went out immediately.

Gu Yin picked up the person and said warmly, "Don't be afraid, I know that you are different from that person just now. Tell me slowly what your situation is."

Gu Yin's appearance is non-aggressive beauty. When she laughs, her smile is warm and can reach people's hearts.

The young woman was soothed by her, and when she thought about the situation at home, she took a deep breath and said boldly: "The husband of the people has followed the general, but his luck was not good and he was injured. Refugees. Minwo’s husband didn’t know about this matter, and it was Minwo who heard from the aunt several times just now that the grandfather of the state was kind and helpful and helped many wounded soldiers, so he came here with her on his own initiative.”

After she said that, her face flushed, "The women only want five taels... No, no, two taels of silver to buy medicine."

Gu Yin asked her husband's identity again, and went out to talk to Wu Qingyi.

Unexpectedly, Wu Qingyi really had an impression of her husband, and sighed: "That's a good soldier. He was only fourteen years old when he entered the battlefield. I had the intention to promote him, but we were ambushed during a march, and he was cut to save people. legs."

Even in modern times, it is difficult for a person to live without legs. In ancient times, it was a miracle that that person survived until now.

Later, Wu Qingyi asked people to pack up some medicinal materials, invited a royal doctor in the mansion, brought a few servants, and then had someone put the young woman in a carriage and send the young woman home.

The woman's house was really full of apprentices, and the only man was lying on the kang with a lifeless face.

Seeing Wu Qingyi suddenly, he immediately got up and said to his wife in disbelief: "You really went? Did you go?"

After that, he struggled to salute Wu Qingyi again.

Wu Qingyi held him down, "Your wife is all for you, a dignified man. Are you talking to your wife like this?"

The young woman burst into tears and pleaded, "My husband has never been like this before. I violated his wishes."

The man also followed with red eyes.

Wu Qingyi couldn't bear this kind of family, even if he had a hard heart. He first asked the imperial doctor to diagnose his pulse, write down the notes, and left the medicinal materials and soup fees. Only then did the couple leave their house in thanks for their great gratitude.

The people in the village later talked about this matter. The middle-aged woman was going to take the opportunity to chew a few words of her tongue, but the people in the village couldn't get used to her going to the autumn wind several times and her boneless style. This time it was all I saw with my own eyes that the dignified general came to give medicine and medicine in person, and no one paid any attention to her.

On Gu Yin's side, today's affairs have come to an end.

As soon as she returned to the backyard, she saw that the Wang family was already waiting for her.

Hearing that the matter has been settled, the people who really need help have been helped, and the people who are fishing in troubled waters have also been driven away. Wang's face relaxed and said, "I still have a solution."

Gu Yin also smiled and asked how the Wang family was doing.

Mrs Wang patted her chest and said with a smile, "Isn't it just to find out what people think about marriage, what's so difficult about it? Just ask in a few words, that Miss Shen is a very nice person, and I know that there are some problems in our family right now. It's difficult, I can't afford her dowry, so I don't have any resentment at all!"

Gu Yin nodded, she didn't think about it anymore, she only thought about the wounded soldiers.

It's easy to deal with people who come once or twice, and you don't need to dispatch Wu Qingyi to scare people again and again, and you can use other methods next time.

But like today's young women's family, they really need help and contribute to the country. If they die, it will make people feel uncomfortable.

In modern times, Gu Yin had seen some bleak reports of veterans at night, and she felt very uncomfortable. However, she was just a commoner at that time, and all she could do was donate money and materials.

Now that her status is different, can she do more

Of course, it's definitely not enough to do it by yourself, and it's not enough to empty your family. What she was thinking about was how to get others to help, or let the court come forward directly.

She waited for Wu Qingyi to come back and discuss it together.

Unexpectedly, Wu Qingyi hadn't come back, and the servant suddenly came to report, saying that Shen Hanchun vomited blood and passed out!