Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 79


The queen dowager still remembers that Wu Qingyi was ordered to resettle her family from one place to another.

She and Wu Qingyi got along for a long time, occasionally chatting, and learning that he never returned home after joining the army.

How can someone who hasn't returned home for eight years have a six-year-old child

Emperor Zhengyuan naturally knew this.

It was obvious that the child was not Wu Qingyi's own.

But whether Wu Qingyi's wife remarried, or adopted such a child, naturally has to be verified.

The quickest way, of course, is to directly ask Wu Qingyi to enter the palace and ask.

It's just that this is a rather private family affair, so I came up and asked, "I know that your son can't be your own. What's his situation? Tell me carefully."

It's really embarrassing.

If it is another person who is not valued, Emperor Zhengyuan doesn't need to care too much about the other party's thoughts, and he will just ask if he asks.

It was Wu Qingyi who was in the heart of the emperor, and Emperor Zhengyuan didn't want to embarrass him.

This requires people to check from the side.

Fortunately, for this one, there is no need to send someone to Hanshan Town.

Because Gu Yin and the others came with the Wen family.

You don't need to alarm the British government, you can find out from the people of the Wen family who ask.

Emperor Zhengyuan asked people to go out of the palace to Wen's house immediately to inquire, and he stayed in Cining Palace and waited for news with the Queen Mother.

The queen dowager opened the makeup and took out a small yellowish portrait that had been treasured for many years.

After Lu Lie got lost, Wu Qingyi found a painter and drew it according to her and Queen Zhou's description.

The Queen Mother has not dared to open the portrait for a long time. The child in the portrait is more than two years old, with big eyes, small nose and small mouth. Very familiar, but seems a little strange.

She rubbed the face of the child on the portrait, and finally placed her fingers under the eyes of the child on the portrait, "I don't remember, whether there are moles under Ali's eyes."

"Mom, don't be sad, and think about it when the news comes."

That night, the people sent by Emperor Zhengyuan inquired about Gu Ye's life experience from the people of the Wen family.

His life experience is known to everyone near the pier in Hanshan Town, and it is not a secret.

I heard that he escaped from the boat and fell there, and the Queen Mother's tears rolled down like beads with a broken thread.

"It's our Ali, it must be!"

When Lu Lie lost it for a while, Emperor Zhengyuan sent someone home to get the news.

Later, Wu Qingyi asked people to find him. He took Xiaoxiang to inquire many times, and then he inquired about the child who fell into the hands of the ocean-going ship.

Although the ocean-going shipping line is backed by the power and officials, what it is doing in the end is trafficking in people and harming the world, and it does not dare to act boldly in broad daylight.

After they catch the child, they will not send it away directly. Instead, they will raise the child and throw away those who are in poor health and sick halfway. When choosing the right time, treat the children as goods and ship them overseas uniformly.

Wu Qingyi led people all the way to find it, and finally rescued a boat of children.

However, there was no Lu Lie among them. After interrogating the crew, they found out that many sick children had been abandoned by them halfway to the barren mountains and fields to die, and a child was also lost along the way.

Wu Qingyi didn't dare to think about whether Lu Lie was sick and let them lose them. He only thought that the lost child was him, so he followed the track before the ship, going from town to town, county to county. Look for.

This time, they still got nothing, and when the return date set for them by Emperor Zhengyuan, Wu Qingyi could only go back empty-handed to return to his life.

At that time, the Queen Mother still had the idea that her eldest grandson could live, and she was very clear about the ins and outs of the matter.

That's why she was so excited.

Of course, Emperor Zhengyuan was also very happy, and he hurriedly made several turns in the hall.

But after a while, he calmed down and said, "Mother, this matter can't be spread out."

What I know now is that the child from the British government was adopted, and most of it was the one lost by the ocean-going ship. As for whether the lost one was Lu Lie, someone had to check it out.

A part of Yu Nienan escaped in the past, and the people from the ocean-going ship line were among them, but those people have long been the turtles in the urn. After the new year, the net will be closed, and those people will be arrested and interrogated, and the child's life experience will be found out. .

Especially now that I belong to the royal family, and to recognize the eldest son of the emperor who has been missing for several years, this is a serious matter. Without conclusive evidence, the issue of bloodline is very likely to be a source of criticism against him, which will affect the child's future life.

After hearing this, the Queen Mother nodded again and again: "Okay, I'll listen to you, just wait for conclusive evidence, and then we'll bring Alie back!"

Anyway, she has already decided that the child is the eldest grandson - although he looks a little different from when he was a child, but the child looks the same every day, and the general outline is still the same. What's more, it's a coincidence, who can believe it

Now even if the eldest grandson can't go back to the palace, she can often go out to see him.

She had given up hope in the past, thinking that her eldest grandson had long since passed away, and the current situation was completely unexpected, but it was not a big problem to meet each other for a few months at night.

"Go to the Queen and tell her the good news!" The Queen Mother urged Emperor Zhengyuan to leave the Cining Palace.

Emperor Zhengyuan rushed to the Kunning Palace excitedly, but he did not enter the palace, and the palace maid stopped him.

The palace maids knelt in a row at the door, and Queen Zhou came out with a frosty face, "Zhao'er is just recovering from a serious illness, and it is inconvenient to see people, please forgive me."

Looking back, the two of them were childhood sweethearts and their relationship has always been very good. Even if Emperor Zhengyuan was out on a march and left her at home to support her in-laws, Queen Zhou never complained.

She has completely changed since her eldest son was lost.

Emperor Zhengyuan was ashamed of her, not angry, but explained: "I didn't come to take care of her, but to tell the queen something."

Empress Zhou still refused to let him in, just let him speak directly.

Emperor Zhengyuan asked the palace servants to retire first, and then said, "It's our Lie'er..."

"Your Majesty wants to mention him?!" Queen Zhou's voice was sharp and looked at him with hostility.

"Listen to me, there is a child, most likely Lie'er of our family. He is not dead, but alive and well."

Empress Zhou still said with a sullen face: "It's not the first time Your Majesty has said this to me, once, twice, three times... How many times will Your Majesty say it?"

At the beginning, many old ministries knew about the loss of the child. Later, someone sent the child to them, saying that they had found it, and wanted to take credit for it.

Once, the person the other party looked for was really similar to the portrait, and the whole family thought they had really found it.

Empress Zhou happily took her children to eat and live together, but it was only two months later that she realized that this was another false pretense.

Since then, Emperor Zhengyuan has not allowed anyone to mention this matter again, and Queen Zhou's heart has completely cooled down. She worked hard to conceive her second child, the current little prince Lu Zhao, and threw herself into the latter one. on the child.

"This time is really different." Emperor Zheng Yuan was sour in his heart and said with difficulty: "It was my mother who discovered it."

The Queen of Zhou sneered: "Didn't the empress dowager think Alie died a long time ago, chanting and praying for him every day, asking him to reach bliss early?"

"That's all." Emperor Zhengyuan sighed softly, "It's true that it hasn't been confirmed yet. When it's confirmed, I will come back to tell the queen."

In fact, before, he advised the Queen Mother not to announce the news to the public. The one who considered the most was other than the ministers, the Queen Zhou. If she couldn't produce evidence to convince her mother, how could other people believe it? It's sad to think about.

After Gu Ye left the auspicious theater, he went straight to his restaurant.

The first floor was still full, but it was rare that there were a lot of people sitting in the private room on the second floor.

Gu Yin was also waiting for him. Seeing him coming, the mother and son met to talk.

"Just now, Brother Xiaofeng told me that this method may not work, and I still don't know what to do."

Gu Yin also smiled and said, "The effect is very good. I didn't expect that there are so many rich people in the theater. Although there are few people on the second floor, everything they want is expensive."

The effect is really better than Gu Yin expected. In her impression, many troupes and fans cannot accept changing the playbook.

But fortunately, Brother Xiaofeng is very young, but he knows how to be flexible. He did not change the traditional drama, but changed the content of the new book.

The new book was just finished, and it had not been officially performed to the outside world, and there was a scene of a restaurant originally, so the placement of Shiweitian's advertisement was not abrupt.

Gu Ye spread out her little hand in front of her, Gu Yin smiled and patted his hand off, "What are you worried about? Mother still owes you a debt? Yue Chai has a good debt, and of course you are indispensable!"

Gu Ye smiled and said, "I don't want my mother to give me the monthly money now, there is something that must be spent, and I have to pay from my mother first."

After he finished speaking, he explained that this was to find someone to write the playbook.

The troupe's new books are all bought from outside, and the price of good books is not cheap. The troupe, like Xiao Feng, who is not rich, can only get books with old-fashioned stories.

Even such a cliché book would cost several taels of silver.

And because the story is not novel enough, this kind of book will quickly make the audience feel boring, and it needs to be updated and rearranged.

Gu Ye felt that it would be better to pay his own money and find someone to write a story about Shiweitian Restaurant.

Of course, the effect of such publicity will be even higher.

"Mother, leave this to me. I love to hear about books and know how to distinguish good books!"

Seeing what he swore, Gu Yin paid him twenty taels of silver from the account.

Turning around that night, Gu Yin went home from work.

The mansion had already used the evening meal, and Mrs. Wang was talking with Wu Zhong.

Gu Yin sat with her for a while, then went to see the two children.

Wu An wrote his homework quickly after school, and usually he was ready to rest at this time.

He still hadn't slept that day, he was sitting at the desk writing hard, and Gu Ye also moved a chair and sat next to him and watched.

This little brat actually knows how to work hard

Gu Yin put her hands and feet lightly, the corners of her lips curved upward, thinking that Wu An had been studying for some time, and Gu Ye was still able to recognize a few big characters. I used to think that he was suffering outside and didn't want to restrict his nature.

Now that we know that children have a desire to learn, it is indeed time for parents to pay attention to this issue.

The gentleman of the Wen family is naturally the first choice, but I don't know if that gentleman is willing to enlighten children who have no foundation at all.

Just thinking of this, Gu Yin heard Gu Ye anxiously say, "You can't write like that!"

He has no ink in his stomach, can he still point Wu An

Wu An really listened to his words and stopped writing, read the content on the paper, bit the pen and said, "I don't think there is any problem."

Gu Ye put on a small face and said very seriously: "How can you write that this pretty widow is doing better and better, and doesn't want to marry? She doesn't want to marry, so how can you write about her and the emperor later, and enter the palace to be a concubine? ?"

Wu An said: "Why do you want to be an empress? Wasn't my sister-in-law a widow before? Our family is doing well. Why do you have to write about the widow and the emperor? Can't she make a living? Look at her, she works hard and raises her children. Big, and then the child reads like me, and she can be an old Fengjun!"

Gu Ye frowned and thought about it carefully, then shook his head and said, "You can't write like that anyway! Why don't you listen to me? You don't want any more money?"

Wu An smiled and said, "I really don't want your money!"

In the past, when the family couldn't compare with the present, Wu An had no obsession with money, and he felt it was right to help his sister-in-law.

Now I don't have to worry about food and clothing, and he doesn't want it anymore.

But after speaking, Wu An rubbed the paper in front of him again, and dipped the brush in ink again, "Okay, I will write again as you said."

Gu Ye then laughed and leaned on Wu An affectionately, "I knew you were the best."

Laughing and laughing, Gu Ye heard the sound and looked up, he didn't dare to smile - his mother came over with a dark face.

"Mother came back very early today, haha!" Gu Ye got out of the chair with an embarrassing smile, and moved the chair in front of her to please, "Come here and sit for a while!"

Seeing his good-natured appearance, Gu Yin wanted to laugh again, but she held back and asked him, "Is this what you said about finding someone to write a playbook?"

A child over six years old let a seven-year-old child write the story of the pretty widow and the Merry Emperor, it really makes people angry and funny!

"This... this." Gu Ye scratched his head and explained, "I want to write it myself, but I can't do it myself. And I don't let Wu An write it all, just write a general story, and I have to ask someone to write it for the chorus and so on. !"

Could this kid still have a writer's dream

Gu Yin no longer had a black face, and asked him what story he wanted to write.

Gu Ye was even more excited, and immediately said: "Then definitely can't write that kind of cliché! But it's the first time, so it's not too unconventional, so it doesn't seem to be different from Miss Scholar's content."

Then he spoke carefully.

When the pretty widow was a girl, she accidentally met the emperor in distress. The two achieved a dewy marriage.

Later, the pretty widow became pregnant, and her family forced her to marry a dying man in order to protect her reputation.

Later, she became a widow and brought her children. It was hard for her to be kicked out of the house by her in-laws. After the disaster in her hometown, she left her hometown and went to the capital to seek a living.

It is not easy for the owner of Shiweitian to pity her, treat her favorably, and teach her craftsmanship.

The young master's family and the little prince were also unusually attached to each other and became brothers of the opposite sex.

Afterwards, the emperor went out of the palace in small clothes, and met this pretty widow in Shiweitian.

Seeing that he had a woman's hair in a bun and had a child, the emperor thought she was remarried, and he hated her at the same time he loved her.

The poor widow had a hard time saying that she was not brought back to the palace by the emperor, but instead became the emperor's outer room in a private house outside the palace. And her son, who was supposed to be the prince, was not recognized by the emperor, and was almost sent away by the emperor.

"I haven't figured it out yet." Gu Ye blushed and asked Gu Yin with bright eyes, "How do you feel, mother?"

Gu Yin was speechless for a while.

Isn't this the enduring novel on the Internet about running with the ball and chasing his wife in the crematorium

If it weren't for the little brat who had been facing each other for several years, Gu Yin would have thought that he had passed through too!

Gu Yin didn't read Internet articles very much, and after being shocked, she asked, "Isn't it right? The emperor misunderstood her to marry again, and the truth will come out if they don't talk. Why torture her?"

Just like Wu Qingyi thought that Gu Ye was born by her and someone else, but he just misunderstood it for a while. He didn't take much time to explain the matter, didn't he understand it clearly

Gu Ye stomped his feet, "How can this look so good without misunderstanding? It's just that you have to keep misunderstanding, this drama can only be sung!" Then he counted his fingers and said, "This first scene, it was almost sung until the two of them were in the restaurant. Encounter. In the second scene, you can sing that the pretty widow became the outer room, there was suffering, and they tortured each other. In the third scene, of course, the truth came out, they and He Meimei, the pretty widow became the queen, the son she gave birth to He ascended the throne smoothly, and by the way, he promoted his old friend..."

As he spoke, he laughed to himself again, "Mother said what kind of official should I be?"

Gu Yin finally couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Why are you still carrying private goods?"

Gu Ye also followed suit, smiling and a little lost in his eyes.

Wang Shi and Wu Zhong are elders, so let's not mention them. Wu An will never forget it. It is a good material for being born with reading skills. Wu Qingyi is born with supernatural power. One of them is capable of writing, the other is capable of martial arts. Not to mention his mother, her culinary talent is rare, her mind is flexible, and she can think of any way of publicity.

On the other hand, he prides himself on being smart, but he doesn't seem to be good at it. Sometimes I feel that I am the most ordinary and the most out of place in the family.

Although Gu Ye is younger than Wu An, he looks cheerful all day long, but perhaps he has had such an experience in the past. In fact, his mind is more delicate than Wu An, and he is also more sensitive than Wu An.

When Gu Yin saw it, she pulled him into her arms, touched his back and said, "You have more ideas than me! Anyway, just write if you want."

She is not someone who dotes on children blindly, but when she sees his small eyes, her heart is soft and messy.

"How about being an official of the household department?" She asked tentatively again, "I heard from the old man that your second uncle Wen will join the household department after the new year."

"This is good, I like it!" Gu Ye immediately became happy.

Is there anything happier than making money

Early the next morning, Gu Ye, who entrusted Wu An to write the outline of the play, went out.

Don't look at the fact that he and her mother swore a ticket yesterday, but he doesn't know where to find someone to write the aria.

He first went to Jixiang Theater to find Brother Xiaofeng.

Although Brother Xiaofeng grew up in a troupe since childhood, he didn't grow up in the capital in the past, but came from Jingu.

He has only been here for a few months, and he only stays in the theater every day. The playbook of the new play he sings now is obtained from the owner of the theater.

He took Gu Ye to find the owner of the theater.

The owner of the garden was in his thirties, with a shrewd appearance.

At first, he was very polite to Brother Xiaofeng, but later when he heard that he wanted to find someone who could write the script and arias, he immediately changed his face, not smiling and said, "Brother Xiaofeng thinks the script I gave you is not good. it is good?"

He left the good dramas to his own troupe to sing, and the conventional ones were distributed to foreign troupes like Xiaofeng Ge, naturally to support his own role, and not let Xiaofeng Ge and that pretty girl show their faces too quickly.

Although Brother Xiaofeng had some criticisms of him in his heart, he couldn't show it when he was under the eaves, so he could only laugh with him: "What is the owner of the garden talking about, it's my friend, he wrote a play story himself, thinking about it. Find someone to polish it up."

The owner of the garden looked at Gu Ye from head to toe again, and sneered: "Brother Xiaofeng, don't say anything that makes people laugh, this play is not a joke for children, how can anyone write it?"

Gu Ye was also a little impatient, but he didn't slap his face because of his scorn. He still asked politely: "I just want to find someone to polish it up. Whether I can write it well in the end or not, it's up to me. I also ask the owner of the garden. Recommend."

The owner of the garden took a leisurely sip from the tea cup, and took a sip of tea in his mouth three times before he said, "Is that so, then I will go back and search for you."

Such a scornful attitude, I think it is an excuse, and I don't need to count on him.

Brother Xiaofeng took Gu Ye away, and after leaving the house, he blamed himself: "I didn't help you."

Gu Ye waved his hand indifferently, "It's not going well at all, don't take it to heart."

Seeing that Brother Xiaofeng was really uncomfortable, Gu Ye smiled again: "It's just a lot of work, anyway, your play is new now, how can you sing it until a few years ago, my playbook at that time must have been It's written. What is there to say, 'If you leave Zhang butcher, do you have to eat pigs with hair'?"

Only then did Brother Xiaofeng start laughing. He looked around to make sure that no one was there, and then lowered his voice and laughed: "Our garden owner is really surnamed Zhang!"

The two laughed for a while, Brother Xiaofeng went to practice, and Gu Ye walked out of the auspicious theater with his hands behind his back.

As he walked, he thought that it was often written in play texts. When poor scholars were short of money, some would go to copy books for the bookstore, and some would just write playbooks. If you go directly to the bookstore, will you be able to find such a person

Just thinking of this, he almost bumped into someone!

Gu Ye had practiced martial arts, and immediately stopped when he noticed someone.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing an ordinary cotton robe standing in front of him. He was about thirty-five or six years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he was very heroic.

Today is the day of the last court. After the last court, the Yuan Emperor Lu Shouyi changed his clothes and left the palace.

The guards who were good at concealing their figure were sent out by him in advance, and they all followed the child that his mother said must be Lu Lie's.

He came in a hurry and finally saw Gu Ye.

After seeing it, he knew why his mother was so sure that this child was the Lu family's child.

He and his eldest son had never met each other, and only looked at his small portrait carefully.

The child in front of him is not exactly the same as the statue. It has grown a lot, and it is not particularly similar to him or Queen Zhou.

But he just felt that it was him, it was him!

This kind of natural amiability, the echo of blood before blood relatives, cannot deceive people.

This child is also looking at him, and he must be thinking the same way!

Emperor Zhengyuan's eyes were so excited that he was afraid of scaring the child, so he tried to calm down before he was ready to speak.

However, before he could open his mouth, Gu Ye smiled apologetically at him, and said "I'm sorry" again, then walked past him with his hands behind his back, without giving another look or taking a step. .

Emperor Zhengyuan: …

The situation seems to be different from what he thought.