Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 86


Years ago, there were more and more female guests on the third floor of Shiweitian, and everyone gave it an elegant name, Qingshi Yashe, which was more in line with this era.

Later, even Mrs. Wen asked the second wife to invite her.

Mrs. Wen was born in a scholarly family, and her background and personality were different from Mrs. Wen's second wife, who was a businessman. The two sisters-in-law had a similar relationship. Knowing that this place was made by Gu Yin, the eldest wife came to cheer.

Because of her many years of upbringing as a lady, Mrs. Wen could not accept the massage downstairs at first, but only drank herbal tea and watched songs and dances on the third floor.

But the sense of atmosphere, once people are immersed in it, can easily be affected.

In addition, the privacy of each wing downstairs was ensured. Out of her trust in Gu Yin, Mrs. Wen soon came to the guest room massage department frequently.

Later, she also introduced other handkerchiefs, all of whom were civil servants' wives, who liked elegant ones.

After they got together, they didn't like playing cards and board games, but they liked to recite poems, draw pictures and play chess.

Fortunately, Light Food Yashe is compatible with all kinds of people, and naturally there are people who like them.

In layman's terms, just do what you do here, and other women will not look at you in a different way.

Seeing that the operation of the third floor was also on the right track, Gu Yin downgraded the big Sun from the building to the third floor as the person in charge, and repeatedly told her to ensure that the female guests were not disturbed, especially the wing department downstairs.

Dasun assured: "Don't worry, my boss, all of us men came down from the battlefield, and if we don't have any skills, orphans and widows can't support now. We must not let the female guests of our family be disturbed. It's not good, I'll raise my head to see you."

Gu Yin couldn't help laughing and said, "There's no need to say it so seriously, you just need to be more alert."

Now many officials and female relatives come and go, as long as they are normal people, they will not think about offending them.

The guests on the first and second floors were also watched by Shopkeeper Zhou and other guys. As long as everyone performed their duties, that kind of thing would definitely not happen.

Gu Yin also reminded her on a routine basis, but she did not expect Da Sun to be so serious.

However, it must be a good thing for employees to be serious and responsible, so Gu Yin still praised her, and later promoted Wei Sanniang, who was downstairs, to be the foreman on the first and second floors.

After two months of working away from home, Gu Yin finally got some time to relax, and only went to eat for half a day every day.

On the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, this day is the last day of the year before the court. The next time Emperor Zhengyuan returns to the court, it will be seven days later and the next year.

The last time Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi had a good conversation was on the day that Light Food Yashe opened. Gu Yin was busy with the massage department after that, while Wu Qingyi was in charge of the finishing work of recruiting people for the boat shop. Even if we meet at night, it's time to go to bed without saying a few words.

On this day, she came back on the front foot, and Wu Qingyi came back on the back foot.

He no longer wears the silver mask, but puts down a bang on the side of his face, just to cover his scar.

This is also a bit funny, Gu Yin painted plum blossoms on his face that night when he was drunk.

Although it was really embarrassing for a big man to wear a flower on his face, but Wu Qingyi promised her not to wipe it, so he was ready to be seen as a joke the next day.

But he didn't expect that after a night, the color of the small flowers depicted by Mouth Fat became much bleak, and after he fell asleep that day, his mind was tossing and turning, and most of the mouth fat was printed on the pillow. When I got up the next day, if I hadn't looked closely like Gu Yin had done the night before, I wouldn't have seen anything at all.

That night, when Gu Yin went to return the mask to him, Wu Qingyi wanted to explain it to her, but found that Gu Yin had completely forgotten about that night and didn't mention it at all.

Bai let him struggle all day, making him laugh helplessly.

After this world is worth it, the two of them can finally sit together and have a good conversation.

Wu Qingyi couldn't help but mention that when he went to court today, many civil servants didn't look right at him.

Regardless of whether they are officials from the same dynasty, but since ancient times, civil and military officials have clearly distinguished themselves.

Today, after being looked at by these people who have never spoken before, Wu Qingyi was puzzled at first, and a little doubt arose in his heart—could he be impeached because of his recent misdeeds

When he was walking away, he walked slowly because he was thinking about something in his heart. He happened to fall behind the civil servants, and then he heard their greetings.

"Sir Xiao Li, is your home okay today?"

Then Mr. Li shook his head and said, "Don't mention Mr. Zhang, how is your family?"

The Master Zhang sighed, "I used to think that my wife didn't allow me to go out to socialize and drink, but now I don't have her nagging, I'm really not used to it. It's really hard to live home every day with a cold pot and a cold stove."

"Master Zhang and Master Xiao Li, have you never thought about revitalizing your husband's gang?" asked the civil servant who was with him.

You two adults, you look at me, I look at you, and you don't say a word.

Naturally, they didn't want their wives to go out and play happily, but once they came, the place was not a bad place, it was just an ordinary women's party, and such a social place could also get a lot of news.

It's a new era and new atmosphere, when everyone is anxious, it's not a bad thing to know more news and make more friends at this time.

So they didn't stop them, and of course they couldn't stop them if they wanted to. From the previous dynasty to the present, the folk customs have always been open, and their wife's family's lintel is not low, so they all have their own confidence.

So Mr. Li said again: "Forget it, the Light Food Ya She is also considered an elegant place. My wife is just talking with the handkerchief and playing chess. It's not a bad thing."

Master Zhang also said: "That is, Madam has been in charge of trivial affairs for many years, and the burden on her body is not light, so she should relax."

Wu Qingyi listened to it, and finally understood that she had to "credit" Gu Yin for her treatment today.

"You," he smiled and looked at her after talking about the ins and outs, "I don't know what ecstasy soup was poured into everyone."

Not only for those female dependents, but also for him. He hasn't seen her for many days, and he has her in his heart.

Gu Yin couldn't help laughing and said, "It really has nothing to do with me. Although I invited Mrs. Wen Er and the others, they invited more people privately. As for why everyone likes it so much, Probably because there is no such place nowadays, the only thing is naturally more attractive. Besides, there were so many trivial matters a year ago, and it was rare for the ladies to find a suitable place to rest, so naturally they came here when they had time.”

She explained Datong, but Wu Qingyi just looked at her with a smile.

Seeing Gu Yin's face flushed, she said angrily, "I'm talking to you! Did you listen?"

Wu Qingyi frowned and said strangely, "What did you hear? Maybe it's because you drank too much ecstasy soup, and your five senses are out of tune recently."

Gu Yin spat at him and avoided him to find Wang.

Early in the morning on New Year's Eve, Gu Yin was awakened by the sound of Gu Ye and Wu An setting off firecrackers.

The two little guys used to like to put hanging whips, but at that time, their family background was average, and hanging whips were only put on a string or two during the festivals.

This time, in the first year of changing the family, Wu Qingyi also took care of them. The day before, they bought a lot of firecrackers and firecrackers.

When Gu Yin heard the movement, they had been there for a while, and when they went out, the yard was foggy.

And that's not counting, there are a lot of them at the feet of the two little guys!

Gu Yin was speechless and said, "Why did you buy so much? Aren't you afraid of blowing up our house?"

Wu Qingyi, who had bought countless firecrackers, took a step forward, stood beside Gu Yin, was in the same line with her, and frowned, "That's right! How can you buy so many?"

We all know that he bought these, and most people can't buy so much.

Gu Yin beat him with a smile, and the two children laughed too.

Wu An also smiled and recited a poem he had just learned, "A year old is removed by the sound of firecrackers, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tu Su."

Gu Ye was afraid that his mother would continue to talk, thinking of diverting his mother's attention, he deliberately clapped his hands exaggeratedly: "Okay, Wu An read well!"

Gu Yin patted him on the back in a funny way, and asked him, "Do you know what he's reading? Just say yes."

Gu Ye smiled and said: "I guess it's the New Year's speech, it must be a good sentence."

Gu Yin said that you should stop guessing, "You have to study at the beginning of the new year, and then you will know what it means."

The smile on Gu Ye's face suddenly collapsed, and he whispered, "It's a big New Year's Eve!"

Gu Yin couldn't help laughing again, "Reading is a good thing, why is it a topic that can't be brought up during the New Year?"

Gu Ye is already six years old. When he was in Hanshan Town earlier, Gu Yin just wanted him to study.

But at the beginning of the year, the first was to change the dynasty, abolish the emperor and escape the storm, and then go back to Batou Village to repair clothes and crowns. The family went to Beijing to reunite. It took a month or two just on the road. Busy with opening a new store, it's been a year in the blink of an eye.

Although Gu Yin didn't expect her cub to be promoted to rank by the imperial examination, she still hoped that he could read and read wisely.

Seeing his sullen face, Gu Yin reassured him again: "Don't you say that there is no ink in your stomach to hurt people? Do you still write dramas after a year? If you still write, my Xiaoye is so smart, it won't take long, Then the outline of the story does not need Wu An to ghostwrite, and even the aria can be written by himself."

There was a smile on Gu Ye's face. He nodded and said, "Yes, not only do I want to write dramas, but I'm also the owner of Gu's shipping company, so I can't be Bai Ding all the time."

After a while of laughter, Mrs. Wang let everyone into the room and ate a sweet dumpling together first.

The dumplings are full and round, white and fat, soft and glutinous, filled with sesame, peanuts and other fillings, and put a lot of sugar and lard, very sweet and delicious.

Eating glutinous rice balls and looking at the family, old and young, Wang sighed again, saying, how dare you imagine such a good day before

Gu Ye snuggled up to Wang's side, "Why don't you dare to think about it, milk's good days are still to come, and I will let her have a better life in the future."

His sweet mouth can coax people to death, Wang Shi smiled so much that he could not see his eyes, although he felt that he was speaking a child's words - he was the wife of a prince, how could he go to the next level? But he still hugged him and nodded with a smile, "Okay, that milk must work hard to live a long life, waiting for our Xiao Ye to honor her!"

After speaking, the Wang family sealed the New Year's money for the two children, a red seal with a hundred taels of silver notes.

"The milk is the best, how can there be such a good, young and beautiful grandma?" Gu Ye's small mouth was like smeared with honey, and all kinds of nice words jumped out like he didn't want money, coaxing Mrs. Wang. Have to laugh all day long.

Their family has a simple population, and the Chinese New Year is no more lively than usual, but because they are reunited in one place, they are already happier.

After that, the family had a reunion dinner and stayed together in the same room to celebrate the new year together.

Throughout the New Year, the only fly in the ointment is probably the extensive repairs next door to the British government. The door is surrounded by curtains, blocking half the street, making it a little inconvenient to get in and out.

It was also a huge mansion. According to Wang, the overhaul started in early November, and it has been repaired until now. I don't know which Emperor Zhengyuan is going to award after the year.

Fortunately, the two mansions are huge, although the outer walls are next to each other, the courtyards inside are separated.

Therefore, except for the occasional noise and the need to take a detour when traveling, the daily life is not greatly affected at other times.

The beginning of the year is the busiest time for restaurants. From the second day of the new year, Gu Yin has to go to work for the sky.

Wang shi followed her to the Light Food Ya She once. At first, Wang shi would definitely like such a place, but he didn't want to go there after thinking about it.

It wasn't that Mrs. Wang thought it was bad, but that the age group of the women there did not match her, and only Mrs. Wen Er could talk to Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wen Er has other friends, and Mrs. Wang also does not want Mrs. Wen Er to take care of herself, so she has less time to play with others.

Speaking of which, the one who has the most similar interests to her is the old sister with the same surname as Wang.

Just as Wang Shi thought of her, early the next morning, the Queen Mother came to visit and brought a cart of New Year's goods.

At that time, Wu Qingyi took the two children to the street to play. Mrs. Wang was really bored at home. She really made people set up a car to go to the theater, so she invited the Queen Mother to go with her.

In the carriage, the two sisters began to talk.

The Queen Mother was a little disappointed that she didn't see Gu Ye at first, but when the like-minded people chatted, it was really endless.

Talking about household chores, I didn't notice that the carriage had already stopped outside the auspicious theater.

The drama is still singing "The Story of Love" in the theater recently. The drama fans are already familiar with this drama, but the arias in it are really wonderful and memorable. Every time I listen to it, I have a different experience. It was a good time for the show, so even though it had been on for a month, it was still a big hit, and it was hard to get a ticket.

This time, the Queen Mother did not need to send guards in the private room, because since the drama of Da Shiweitian and Xiaofeng brother became very popular, Gu Ye specially won a privilege for his milk-that is, let the owner of the garden leave a private room to come out and let him His grandma can go and see it anytime he wants.

Don't look at the owner of the garden, who was nobody in the past. He didn't take their two children seriously, but now he just offered Gu Ye and Brother Xiaofeng as ancestors, and there was nothing wrong.

Of course, the owner of the garden is not a person who is willing to suffer, so the one reserved is not the best private room with a single room, but the one that is put out with a screen and placed next to one another. In fact, it is not as quiet as the downstairs lobby. How many.

However, the Wang family is not particular about people. It is enough to have a place to watch a play, but he is not dissatisfied because of this.

The two of them didn't even need to buy a ticket. Mrs. Wang took the Queen Mother in by brushing her face.

After the two were seated, Mrs Wang said, "It's the third time I've met my old sister, and I still don't know which family you belong to! This time, it's hard to forget, you can't be the only one looking for me. I miss you. But I don't know where to find you!"

The queen dowager really wanted to answer with a smile, but she heard a sudden noise from the elegant room next to her.

There was a sudden commotion around.

Two women, an old man and a young man, came upstairs. The man who was serving tea and pouring water had his back to the stairs. He didn't realize that someone was coming. When he turned around, some of the tea soup was spilled, which happened to be on the hem of the old woman's clothes. .

The guy is busy apologizing, "I have no eyes, and I accidentally spilled the tea soup on the lady. The old lady forgives me!"

In front of the guy, the old woman in the high bun and the Chinese clothes glared angrily, while the young woman beside her helped to smooth things out: "Don't be angry, this guy didn't do it on purpose, fortunately it only got a small corner of your clothes wet. , once you cover it with a handkerchief, you can't see anything."

"What's the matter with you?" The old woman turned her head and glared at her. "If you couldn't book the best private room, how could such a thing happen?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Mrs. Wang recognized that it was Mrs. Qin from the Duke's Mansion of Lu who was scolding.

Daughter-in-law Chen was scolded by her and didn't dare to retort, but said apologetically, "You don't want to reveal your identity, so... But in the final analysis, it's really the daughter-in-law's."

Qin Shi really refused to reveal her identity. She knew that this drama was created by people from the British government. How could she watch the drama staring at her identity

But at the beginning of the year, when I visited relatives and friends, the female relatives were all talking about this show, but she had never seen it, so many times she couldn't get in the word, so she had to sneak over to see it.

That Qin Shi was too lazy to break up with his partner, he waved his hand irritably to make him roll away, and then sat down next to Wang Shi and the others.

The two sides are only separated by a screen.

After Qin shi sat down, his mouth was not idle, and he was very picky.

At the end of the good show, it was fascinating, and Qin shi's complaints slowly subsided.

The Wang family and the queen dowager looked at each other, and they didn't think much of the evil mother-in-law who sparred with their daughter-in-law like this, and naturally lost their interest in chatting.

The two ate snacks and smashed melon seeds, only focusing on the stage, and reminiscing about their favorite operas.

Until the end of the play, the Merry Emperor blocked the knife for Widow Pretty on the verge of life and death, and the two finally expressed their sincerity to each other and resolved the misunderstanding.

Chen's eyes were shallow, and she wiped her tears with a handkerchief while watching.

Where did the Qin family see this, he gritted his back molars and scolded: "The British government has arranged for our family... You are so good, you are crying even looking at it? Where are you turning your elbow?"

Chen Shi hurriedly wiped away her tears and whispered: "You calm down, your daughter-in-law doesn't mean that. It's just that I watched the play today and felt that the traitor concubine was not what you thought at all, and alluded to that one. And the daughter-in-law came up just now. I heard people say that this play was written by a young man who was a few years old in the British government, so an older child might not have any bad intentions."

If it weren't for the outside, Qin shi might have to fight with Chen shi again.

Qin shi got up and walked downstairs, saying as he walked, "What do you know? You actually speak for that cunning family? That family is a daughter-in-law who shows up and behaves badly. Naturally, what is born is not something. good stuff… "

With a dark face, Wang Shi stood up abruptly, and people had already rushed over.

It was also unfortunate that at the end of the opera, cheers erupted from the whole garden.

The theater, which had been quiet for a long time, was suddenly full of people and noisy.

When Wang shi went down, he was stopped by someone, but he did not catch up with Qin shi.

"This old goddess, see if I don't tear her mouth off!" Mrs. Wang informed the Queen Mother when she came back, and planned to send a car to the Duke of Lu to seek justice.

The Queen Mother's face was also ugly, but she still pulled Wang Shi, "It is taboo to quarrel in the beginning of the year, and bad luck will come next year."

Wang Shi naturally knew this, but he gritted his teeth in hatred and said, "I also recognize the bad luck of the whole year in the coming year, so I don't have to let people arrange our children like this!"

"If you trust me, I'll handle this. I'll scold you!"

Wang Shi was stunned, "Why is my elder sister only afraid of my taboos, but not afraid of my own?"

The queen mother said: "I scold her, but she dare not speak back. You wait, I will go back to do this now!"

Who scolds the old lady of Lu Guogong's mansion, she dare not speak back if she can scold? The Wang family hadn't figured it out yet, and the queen dowager left in a hurry.

In the evening of the same day, Mrs. Qin, the old lady of the Duke of Lu's mansion, was reprimanded by the Queen Mother.

The queen dowager is a believer in Buddhism. She lives in a secluded place. She has never heard of her and others putting on the queen dowager, let alone sending a decree from the Cining Palace to send a team of palace servants out of the main gate. Pay attention to the practice.

A large group of palace servants entered the palace of the Duke of Lu to pass on the decree of the Empress Dowager, and the Qin family had to put on the official clothes and kneel to pick them up.

Although a decree does not contain dirty words, the whole article is to denounce Qin's misconduct and love to take advantage of words.

Of course, at the end of the day, the Queen Mother also praised the juniors of the Kwalu Kingdom's mansion, saying that fortunately they were not influenced by the Qin family.

The praising part is naturally praising the Chen family, and by the way, it also means that Concubine Feng is also good. After all, Concubine Feng is also her own now, and the queen mother is angry, and she wants to save face for her.

The eunuch who passed the decree chanted at the gate of the Duke of Lu for almost two quarters of an hour, and finally finished reading the decree.

In the end, the eunuch said with a smile, "Old madam, take the order. The empress dowager is a kind-hearted person who doesn't like to mix things up, and today is an exception for you. I hope you don't let down the sincere teachings of her old man. "

When the New Year's Eve asked the Queen Mother to scold her like this, Qin Shi was ashamed and angry, but she still had to bite the bullet and lead the order respectfully.

The so-called good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. In just one night, this thing spread all over the capital, and the Qin family has become a joke in the high-level circle of the capital.

She didn't know how many people she had offended with her mouth, but in the past, the Queen Mother and Queen Zhou in the harem didn't like to be in charge.

Now that the Queen Mother has spoken out, at the end of the New Year, there are few opportunities for foreign women to pass a sign to the palace. Taking advantage of this shareholder trend, a group of foreign women who had been rejected by the Qin family went to the palace early the next morning to complain. .

And Wang Shi finally knew why her old sister swore that she came to help scold Qin Shi, Qin Shi would definitely not dare to talk back!

Be nice! The old lady, the biggest emperor in the world was born to her, that's not because she didn't dare to retaliate when she scolded anyone!

Later, when the Qin family fell ill, Feng Yuan entered the palace and wanted to use Qin's age as an excuse to ask Emperor Zhengyuan for grace, so that the queen mother would issue a decree to comfort his mother and restore his mother's reputation.

Emperor Zhengyuan acted even more anxiously than he did, he had already sorted out what the foreign women said, put them all in front of Feng Yuan, and said with a bitter face: "A Yuan came just right, I was thinking of helping this old man. People can restore their reputation. It’s just that the old lady has offended so many people, it’s really hard for me to do it!”

Feng Yuan was stunned for a while looking at those arrogant words, he couldn't believe that these words came from his mother's mouth.

"There must be something to add to the jealousy. Ayuan doesn't have to be like this." After he read the letters, Emperor Zhengyuan let people burn the letters, patted him on the shoulder and said, "You are the hero of the founding of the country, and the old lady is the mother of the imperial concubine. , I also don't believe that the prince and princess have such a grandmother."

How could Feng Yuan dare to intercede, thinking that it would be good not to increase the punishment, he quickly knelt down and thanked him with tears in his eyes.

A year has passed like this, some people are happy and some are worried.

Emperor Zhengyuan was naturally the one who was happy. The Duke of Lu was shaking too much. When the Queen Mother came forward, the mother and son sang a white face and a red face, which finally gave the Feng family a sense of self-knowledge, and even Feng Guifei stopped a lot - no more When he came to visit Queen Zhou, Concubine Feng deliberately stepped in and forcibly asked him to move to Yonghe Palace in the name of her children.

What makes him even more happy is that Gu Ye's life experience evidence has been collected and delivered to the dragon case.

His eldest son is finally going to officially recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestry!