Blissful Days After Widowhood

Chapter 94


"Good boy, really good boy." Aunt Ge looked at Feng Yu and couldn't take her eyes away.

Feng Yu sat beside them generously and let the second old man take a good look at him.

Uncle Ge painted his face with his eyes, and murmured, "These eyebrows are like our family's, but the overall outline should be like his father's."

Aunt Ge nodded again and again, and then she patted her head and said, "This is the first time we met, and I forgot to prepare a gift for my good grandson."

Feng Yu immediately shook his head and said, "Being able to reunite with my grandfather is the best gift for my grandson."

Later, Aunt Ge saw Gu Ye next to him again, and said apologetically, "I haven't seen him for half a year, Xiao Ye has grown up a lot. If I met him on the road, I would definitely not recognize him."

Gu Ye immediately stepped forward to salute and greet them.

Although Gu Yin left the pier long ago, and Gu Ye didn't go to the pier very much, but during the festivals, Gu Yin would take Gu Ye for a walk from time to time.

Therefore, the second elder of the Ge family can be regarded as watching him grow up to the present.

Aunt Ge hurriedly grabbed him and said, "Why are you being so polite, let Grandma take a good look at you."

Gu Ye simply sat next to Feng Yu, and the two of them sat together in the middle of the second elders of the Ge family.

The two children used to be friends. Now that they have a common elder, the relationship will naturally go further. Especially, the reunion of the Ge family is due to Gu Yin's credit, so it is naturally a kiss.

Later, Aunt Ge asked Feng Yu what he liked to eat and play, and just talked about it, it was already dark outside.

When it was time to part, the second elder of the Ge family reluctantly sent Ge Zhuer and Feng Yu out of the backyard.

Ge Zhuer also felt uncomfortable. She just met her parents, but she didn't know when the next meeting would be.

Before being interrupted by Feng Yuyi, the second elder of the Ge family did not ask her about the situation of her husband's family.

Looking at her with a tangled face at this time, Aunt Ge and Uncle Ge looked at each other, and they had already guessed something, and then Aunt Ge said: "Your father and I are going to Beijing for the first time, but we have to look around here. If you are happy here, maybe you won't go back. There will be many opportunities for us to meet by then."

Ge Zhu'er felt better now. Before parting, Aunt Ge whispered again: "Nangnan, although your parents are not very capable, you must remember. Now you belong to your family, and you are outside. If you are wronged, don't hide it, you know?"

Ge Zhuer was about to cry again, sniffling like a little girl, and nodded again and again.

Gu Yin sent their mother and son out.

Ge Zhuer naturally thanked her again.

Gu Yin didn't know how many thanks the Ge family had heard in the past two days, so she smiled and said, "It's all said that I had Aunt Ge's love before, and it's my responsibility to take care of the second elder on the pier. In the future, let's not be the first wife and the second wife. When my little sister is a few years old, I call you my sister. We sisters are equal, and if you thank you again and again, you will be divided. "

Ge Zhuer wiped her eyes and responded, and called her sister again.

"I have one more thing to trouble my sister. You should know about my family's situation." Ge Zhuer bit her lip and said apologetically, "I will tell the general about finding my parents when I go back. I can't call the shots... My parents just came here, and I haven't bothered my sister to take care of them for a few days. But it's just these few days, and I'll settle them myself later."

Gu Yin hurriedly said no trouble.

It's really not a hassle. The family lives in such a big house, and settling the old couple of the Ge family is really a matter of adding two pairs of chopsticks to the dinner table.

In addition, the family is usually busy, both big and small, so the Wang family accompanies Wu Zhong at home. Although the second old man doesn't say anything, he must feel deserted.

Now that Xu's mother and son and the old Ge family are here, Wang's is very happy.

Thinking of this, Gu Yin couldn't help laughing and said, "My mother is a lively person. Even if my sister doesn't tell me, I will let Ge's aunt and uncle stay at home for a few more days."

Ge Zhuer felt warm in her heart and took Gu Yin's hand, not knowing what to say.

At the door, Gu Ye grabbed his mother and explained, "Mother don't give it away, let Feng Yu's mother see that Aunt Pearl and Feng Yu are going to eat and hang."

Gu Yin didn't know that Gu Ye and Feng Yu were forced by Qin's eyeliner to switch joints like a guerrilla, she immediately stopped when she heard the words.

But this also reminded Gu Yin that Ge Zhuer's days at Feng's house were more difficult than she thought.

She doesn't look like someone who is greedy for wealth, living this kind of life that is controlled by others like a puppet, mostly because...

Gu Yin's eyes fell on Feng Yu.

She finally sighed and said in a low voice, "My sister persuaded my elder sister that in this world, one must be oneself first, then others' wives and children's mothers."

It was no longer convenient to send each other off, Ge Zhuer and Feng Yu walked out of Shiweitian and got into their own carriage.

Ge Zhuer was still thinking about Gu Yin's words just now.

She understands the truth, but Feng Yu is only ten years old.

She was just thinking about it, but she heard Feng Yu say, "What my aunt said just now is really good."

Gezhuer asked, "Do you really think so?"

The mother and son had never talked about this before, but Feng Yu was smart and had long guessed that the mother's complacency was for her own consideration, so she nodded and said, "Of course. But I know that my mother cares about me the most, I'm afraid she can't do it like this. But in fact, if it was for me, the mother would have to be herself first. The son felt more uncomfortable than a knife when he saw his mother compromise. In short, the mother can do whatever she wants. I am the eldest son of the house, no matter what you do , I will not be affected.”

Ge Zhuer shook her head and said he was stupid, "You are the eldest son now, but if I am rejected by your grandmother and father, your father will have another concubine, or even stop his wife and marry again, and have another direct son. You don't have me by your side, do you know what you're going to face?"

Feng Yu raised his chin, "Does my mother look down on me like this?"

Gezhuer said of course not.

Feng Yu went on to say: "My son studied literature at the age of four, and martial arts at the age of six. Whether it is in the military camp or the gentleman invited by his grandmother, he is full of praise for his son. There is no rival among his peers..."

Having said this, he paused and couldn't help laughing, "Of course, I can't say this in front of Ono. That kid is a ghost and a ghost, and he also has martial arts skills, so he is a few years younger than me. If it is the same generation, I will Can't say that."

"In short, I am confident that I am not inferior to anyone else's children. Even if my father and grandmother are partial to other children, as my mother said, I can stand up on my own. Whether it is in literature or martial arts, there will always be someone who has made meritorious deeds. Place, I don't care about the position of the prince."

Ge Zhuer's eyes were hot again.

After being separated for many years, the parents who are rarely reunited have considered themselves in every aspect, and there is such a capable and ambitious son. If she really can't stand up again, she really doesn't deserve such a family!

The mother and son returned to the Duke of Lu's mansion, and Ge Zhuer did not go to answer Qin directly this time—because the reason for leaving the mansion was originally made up, and Gu Yin was kind to their family, it was even more impossible for her to do it. Do something unfavorable to Gu Yin, and inquire about Shiweitian's business secrets.

When she went, she couldn't tell why, she would definitely be scolded by Qin Shi.

On the pretext of drinking too much alcohol, she asked someone to accuse Qin Shi and returned to her small yard.

Not long after, Feng Yuan came back from outside.

He is a filial son. The first thing he does when he comes home every day is not to see his wife and son, but to see his old mother who is still sick.

After coming out of the Qin family, Feng Yuan naturally heard another complaint about his wife.

Arriving at Ge Zhu'er's place, Feng Yuan squeezed his eyebrows wearily and said to her, "A-Chen, my mother is not in good health. I have already told you to serve carefully. You told my mother to go out to check the news early this morning. , but she didn't answer when she came back, and her old man was unhappy again... I heard that you are still drinking and having fun outside, how can women and Dao people be so reckless and behave like this, what's the difference between them and the British government?"

For more than a year, Ge Zhuer always had to explain to him every time he talked about it.

But the explanation often turned into a quarrel, and then Feng Yuan walked away, and finally broke up.

Today, Ge Zhuer didn't argue with him, just looked at him quietly.

After seeing that Feng Yuan couldn't say anything, Ge Zhu'er said, "My name is not Ah Chen, my name is Ge Zhu'er."

Feng Yuan frowned, "Didn't you say you can't remember your childhood?"

"I can't remember it before, but I ran into my parents a few times when I went out recently. They still set up a stall on the pier and have been waiting for me to go back, and only recently arrived in the capital..."

"How can there be such a coincidence in the world?" Feng Yuan interrupted, "Someone must have heard rumors outside and came to pretend to be relatives and lie to you!"

A sarcastic smile appeared on Ge Zhu'er's lips, "Feng Yuan, I'm just soft-natured, not stupid. I was five or six years old when I was kidnapped. I didn't know anything about my parents and let others deceive me."

When she was really angry, her eyes turned cold like this. Feng Yuan rarely looked at her like this, so he changed his words and said, "I didn't mean that. It's a good thing to meet your parents. You have been living in the capital for a while, and others have also Don't know your surname. It's not a big problem to change from the Chen family to the Ge family."

Ge Zhuer listened to him quietly, and then asked again, "Is that so? I found my parents, but it's just a matter of changing their surnames?"

Feng Yuan frowned, "Then what else do you want? Tell the world? Let the world know that our A Yu has a pair of grandfathers who were street vendors?"

Gezhuer finally became frustrated with him.

It was at this time that Feng Yu came over, and when he heard such a sentence, he immediately said: "My mother used to be a cook, and my grandfather set up a stall. They all lived by their own hands. Without them, naturally there would be no me. So I I don't think there is any shame. Why can't I tell the world?"

Facing the outstanding eldest son, Feng Yuan still suppressed his temper and said, "Don't say such childish words. If our family doesn't care, can the palace care? The prince of the noble concubine is about to be enlightened, and then he will be a father. I'm going to let you go to the palace as a companion. For your future, you don't want to say such nonsense. "

It was no secret that Emperor Zhengyuan recruited several gentlemen in the Wenhua Palace.

Of course, Gu Ye's identity is unknown to outsiders. The entire palace is under the control of Emperor Zhengyuan and Wu Qingyi. Moreover, Gu Ye was also short in stature, so when he entered and exited, he was surrounded by well-trained guards, and it was difficult for others to notice him when he was seen from a distance.

Therefore, Feng Guifei and others only knew that Emperor Zhengyuan had set up a school in Wenhua Hall, but they didn't know that Gu Ye was already in class every day, and even in front of the first month, Emperor Zhengyuan was going to let the other two princes enlighten.

Feng Yu said indifferently: "I'm afraid this will not work. I have already promised a friend that I will accompany him to study in the future."

These words really touched Feng Yuan's back. He clapped the table and stood up, shouting, "That's your cousin, the future... This is not some kind of child playing house, do you understand?!"

Feng Yudao: "I understand everything my father said, but a word is hard to follow. And it's not that if you don't go to the palace to be a companion to the prince, your son will have no future."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Yuan's slap had already fallen, causing Feng Yu's face to turn to one side.

Ge Zhuer wanted to stop her, but her movements were naturally no faster than Feng Yuan, who had been practicing martial arts all the year round.

She could only stand in front of Feng Yu and stare at Feng Yuan hatefully.

"You, you..." Feng Yuan's face was ashen, pointing at Ge Zhu'er and Feng Yu and said: "One or two are not worrying, just stay at home for me! No street vendor's parents, any friends, all are not allowed to see each other again! No matter how big or small it is today, there are no rules, just…”

"That's it?" Ge Zhu'er looked at him, and after a while, she laughed lightly and said calmly, "Feng Yuan, let's reconcile. If you don't want A Yu, A Yu will leave with me, our mother and son will do everything. don't want."

Feng Yuan took two steps back in surprise, "Crazy, you are crazy!"

The next day Gu Ye entered the palace humming a little tune.

Now Emperor Zhengyuan is used to seeing him every day, and then one goes to court, the other reads Zishu, and eats breakfast together when the sky is bright.

Seeing that the smile on the little guy's face never stopped, when he was sitting on the Eight Immortals Chair, the two short legs that were in the air were still shaking.

Emperor Zhengyuan raised his leg, kicked his leg under the table, and said with a smile, "Sit or not."

He didn't use his strength, but Gu Ye was kicked by him coldly, and the braised chicken wings in his hand fell onto the plate.

"What are you doing, dogs can't be beaten even when they eat!"

Emperor Zhengyuan couldn't help laughing, "Don't be rude to me, and tell me what good things happened."

The corners of Gu Ye's mouth twitched again, "There's a lot of good things. Do you remember Feng Yu from the front? Yesterday, his grandparents arrived, and they met their mother and son! Of course, there are other good news, I think The person to accompany you has been chosen.”

Emperor Zhengyuan asked, "Just decided it was Feng Yu? Did he agree?"

Gu Ye gave a vague "uh" and said, "Yesterday, Feng Yu had to thank me. I said that his mother and grandfather thanked my mother, but he said no. That's a matter between the elders. , our two children are another matter. I said that I wanted him to accompany me to study, and he agreed. "

Having said that, Gu Ye paused for a while, "I don't count this as a favor, right?"

Emperor Zhengyuan shook his head and said no, "It's a good thing for him to be your companion. But you can think about it. If you choose someone else, the family power of others will also be used by you. If you choose Feng Yu, you can Just him."

Although Feng Yu was the eldest son of Duke Lu, the Qin family was the mother of Concubine Feng, and Feng Yuan was the elder brother of Concubine Feng. There is a difference in closeness and distance, so the mansion of the Duke of Lu naturally favors Lu Xu of Yonghe Palace.

Of course Gu Ye knew this, but he still said: "You haven't seen Feng Yu, and when you meet him, you'll know how good he is. Even better. That is, he has not grown up like me, otherwise he can be worth a lot of people alone."

In front of him, he wished he could exaggerate Feng Yu as a flower, and he had to add "just like me" in the back, which was to exaggerate himself.

Emperor Zhengyuan was amused by him again, shook his head and said helplessly: "You, you, there are thousands of people you can choose, but you prefer to choose the children of the Feng family. Are you not afraid that the Feng family will be unhappy, or that I will be unhappy?"

Gu Ye puzzled: "I understand that Concubine Feng is unhappy, why are you unhappy?"

"Really stupid or fake?" Emperor Zheng Yuan reached out and nodded at him, "Then Feng Yu was obviously prepared by the Feng family for your younger brother, but you were rushing to use it. At that time, people say that you have a feisty temperament, come to me Telling lies in front of you, saying that you are robbing people now, and you will be robbing others in the future..."

Gu Ye nodded suddenly, but then said, "I'm not robbing either. I asked Feng Yu what he meant, and I came to ask you again. If you disagree, I'll let it go. And Feng Yu is not. What object, he has his own ideas."

After he finished speaking, he paused and wiped his greasy mouth, "Besides, I recently learned a new word, the difference between superior and inferior. When you grow up, you are the emperor, and you allowed it. It is wrong for others to tell the truth and question your decision. From a young age, you are the father of the family, I am the elder brother, and little Lu Xu is the younger brother. The affairs of our family are also decided by the head of your family. , what's the matter with others?"

Emperor Zhengyuan was still listening to his big truth in front of him, but he couldn't remember what he heard at the end, he just smiled and asked him: "What am I?"

He didn't even call him "I", which shows how happy he is.

Gu Ye's face blushed, but he had already said it, and it was useless to twist it, so he simply said, "You are the emperor and my father, am I wrong?"

"That's right, that's right." Emperor Zheng Yuan laughed, "Since Feng Yu wants to be your companion and his grandfather is kind to you, I took the time to call them into the palace in the past two days, no matter how I see them. See them. You'll hear from them and get ready."

The emperor must not see people in vain, and he must give benefits, so Gu Ye agreed to help.

After coming out of the palace that day, Gu Ye didn't wait for Feng Yu, so he went to Shiweitian and brought the food box to visit another friend of his in Beijing, Brother Xiaofeng.

Recently, the movie tickets for "Kindness" are really selling like crazy. The owner of the park is also a money-spinner. Now there are not only three shows, but also a night show at home.

After the evening show, before the curfew, the time was really tight. It means that Brother Xiaofeng and the others didn't even have time to catch their breath at night, and they were going to start singing immediately.

In this way, the night hall was almost full.

Brother Xiaofeng is still a half-year-old child. I don't know if it's because I'm tired or angry, and my throat has been sore all the time. The voice is not as clear as before, and even if I ask the doctor to look at it, I can't see why.

However, he sang a very important role in this play, the daughter of the evil mother-in-law and the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law.

This little girl was young, and was raised by her own mother to make things difficult for her sister-in-law over and over again.

If the role is not light, he can't take leave.

He was about to put on his makeup, when the owner of the garden and Xiaofeng brother came over with a few teacups.

The owner of the garden is now more attentive to Brother Xiaofeng, and he came in and said, "Brother Xiaofeng is tired? Look at your little face, you have no energy at all. I have fresh food bought from outside, called butter tea, and said It can refresh the mind and quench thirst. Take one while it's still hot."

"There is a class leader in Lao." Brother Xiaofeng got up and thanked him.

He did not forget how the former class leader had his eyes above the top. So even though the attitude of the owner of the garden is different from before, Brother Xiaofeng treats him as before, polite and distant.

The owner of the garden was not surprised, and left after a while.

That Pretty Huadan followed the owner of the garden, and he also had a lamp in his hand.

Seeing that Brother Xiaofeng was still facing the mirror in the room, he didn't move the butter tea, he took the tea in his hand and tasted it.

Hua Dan took a big mouthful and said, "It's really fragrant. This thing is really fresh, fragrant and strong. The owner of the garden took a lot of time to ask someone to get it. You can try it."

Brother Xiaofeng is not too old. Hearing his praise, he couldn't help muttering: "Is it really so delicious?"

Hua Dan smiled and said, "You'll know after you taste it."

Brother Xiaofeng lifted the lid of the tea, took a sip, and frowned strangely, "It's a bit stinky, I'm not used to it."

Hua Dan added: "Your child doesn't understand, this is a special flavor, just eat two more bites."

Brother Xiaofeng nodded, then raised the tea cup to his lips, and the pretty Huadan looked at him with a smile while eating what was in her hand.

When someone came to look for Hua Dan, he went to work first, and before leaving, he told Xiaofeng brother not to waste it even if he was not used to it.

Brother Xiaofeng also came from a poor family, so naturally he had such a habit, so he nodded and said he knew.

He was about to take a second sip here when Gu Ye came over.

Now he also has a place in the auspicious theater, and the owner of the garden complimented him privately, wanting him to write a playbook for his own theater troupe.

He came over unimpeded, and seeing Brother Xiaofeng eating, Gu Ye sniffed and asked.

Hearing that it was butter tea, he stopped him and said, "This thing sounds bad for your voice. Don't drink it. I brought you Chuanbei Xue Li ointment. My mother made it by herself. You can try it."

When I was in Hanshan Town, there was a time when Mrs. Wen had a cough, and Gu Yin did this.

However, it was not easy to buy Luo Han Guo at that time, in fact, it was not particularly authentic.

Now that we are in the capital, naturally all kinds of ingredients can be purchased.

That Chuanbei Sydney cream is brown syrup, and it smells like a cool and sweet taste.

As soon as the hatchbacks were compared, Brother Xiaofeng put down the things in his hand.

After eating a pear ointment brought by Gu Ye, Brother Xiaofeng felt a lot more comfortable in his throat.

Later, when the opera started, Gu Ye didn't stay too long. He only asked him, "Can I take this butter tea back? There seems to be very little food like this in Beijing. I bring it back to my mother, she likes fresh things."

Brother Xiaofeng said apologetically, "I've already had a sip of this, otherwise I'll ask the owner of the garden and get you some new ones."

Gu Ye waved his hand dismissively, "Don't bother, my mother is the smartest, don't have to taste it, just let her see it."

Brother Xiaofeng was urged, so he stopped talking, and the two separated.

Later, when Gu Ye returned home, Gu Yin and Wu Qingyi both went back early.

Before, they had to wait for this little brat to eat, but now that there are guests at home, of course it is not good for others to go hungry.

So let the cook set aside his meal alone, and the others will use it first.

When he came back, Xu's mother and son and the second elder of the Ge family went to rest.

As soon as Gu Ye put the food box on the table, he started shouting hungry.

The Wang family immediately asked someone to bring the warm food on the stove, and Gu Ye took a big mouthful.

Song Shiliu packed up the food box he casually put on the table, Gu Ye said vaguely while eating: "Don't pack it yet, here is the butter tea I brought back, which is said to be a rare thing in the capital. It was specially brought to my mother. "

Song Pomegranate took out the crisp fry and put it on the table.

Gu Yin smiled and said, "That's right, I will do it."

Song Shiliu looked at Huang Chengcheng's butter tea curiously, and turned to ask Gu Yin, "Madam, can this servant have a taste?"

She is used to being greedy, and she doesn't want to waste things, but she has eaten Malatang once before, so now at least she won't steal what she wants to throw away, she will ask Gu Yin first.

"Brother Xiaofeng has tasted it. If you want to drink it, I will let someone buy you a new one."

Song Shiliu hurriedly said no, and Gu Yin also took the tea cup from her hand, "This thing is delicious when it's hot. I'll make it later, you can eat it."

After speaking, Gu Yin smelled the real butter tea and felt something was wrong.