Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 14: The sword is dying


The sword is dying

The corpse water has soaked the handkerchief at this moment.

The cold corpse water was stained with skin, and it felt like holding several earthworms that had just been dug out of the soil.

Du Xiaotian came out with a chill in his heart, and didn't know how many chills he had hit. Reluctantly suppressing the horror, he turned to pull the finger bones of his hands. The finger bones of those hands seemed to be deeply embedded on the hilt of the sword.

He pulled it hard, three times of'Ge Ge Ge', and the three finger bones he was holding broke at the same time!

The bones of those who didn't fall for three days became so fragile, which was unexpected to Du Xiaotian.

He held the three broken finger bones, shivered again, and couldn't hold it anymore.

This is the corpse of his good friend after all. He really doesn't want this good friend to become a fingerless ghost after death.

Although he has never believed in the legend that people turn into ghosts after death, after seeing a series of strange events these days, he has not dared to deny this legend too much. There will be moth spirits, and of course there will also be ghosts, he was stunned on the spot.

When Yang Xun saw it over there, he blurted out and asked:'What happened? '

Du Xiaotian didn't look back, saying:'It's nothing, just accidentally broke three finger bones. '

Yang Xun asked again:'Are there those eight characters on the hilt? '

Du Xiaotian said:'I haven't got the sword yet. '

Yang Xun said:'Oh? '

Du Xiaotian sighed secretly and cruelly, his right hand sank and he put through a support, forcibly raised the hands of the corpse, pinched the left hand of the sword and grabbed it at the same time. Grid's two fingers were broken again, and the sword was finally snatched from the dead body by him.

The dead corpse was planted again and again, but fortunately, Du Xiaotian grasped the dead corpse's hands firmly in time so that he did not fall on the floor.

At this moment, two rows of fishy corpse water suddenly poured out of the two hollow eye sockets of the skull.

This is like two lines of tears. Could the dead body still feel the pain, already feeling the pain of severed fingers

Du Xiaotian saw in his eyes, his heart was both horrible and emotional. He reluctantly straightened the corpse, stepped back two steps, and turned his body before his eyes fell on the hilt of the sword. Sure enough, those eight characters were engraved on the hilt of the sword.

-The sword is there, and the sword is dead!

The sword is undoubtedly Cui Beihai’s seven-star desperate sword. Who else would he be if he is not himself

Yang Xun stared at the words on the hilt and couldn't help sighing:'The sword is here, the sword is dead, and now the sword is dead! 'Chang Huhua's gaze has also fallen to the hilt, but there is no indication.

Yang Xun glanced at Chang Huhua, then suddenly turned and walked out.

He turned around to take a step, and he bumped into someone. Cui Yi!

I don't know when, Cui Yi has come in, staring straight at the corpse with grief and indignation.

In his eyes, it seemed that only the corpse existed. He didn't even know Yang Xun's turn around, and the whole person immediately knocked Yang Xun over the floor.

Yang Xun's body swayed again and again, but he didn't actually fall down.

Cui Yi didn't stand up, so he bowed, bowed there, and said:'Master Yang, you must be the master of my house! '

Yang Xun stood firm and said:'Does this still need to be said? He stepped across Cui Yi and dashed down the steps.

Everyone was still waiting below, all eyes were on the entrance of the attic. As soon as Yang Xun appeared, he naturally turned to Yang Xun's face. Although they didn't know what happened in the attic, Yang Xun's complexion could tell that the matter was serious.

Yang Xun stepped down the steps and supported his steps, with one foot still on the last step, half-length side of him, staring at Yi Zhujun. Everyone's eyes moved along with his eyes and fell on Yi Zhujun's face.

Yi Zhujun was still like a mud bodhisattva, expressionless.

Yang Xun looked at her for a long time, suddenly took a deep breath, turned his finger and shouted:'Arrest her! '

Jun Yi Zhu was taken aback on the spot, and the crowds were more surprised than Jun Yi Zhu. They were stunned, and none of them responded.

Yang Xun swept his eyes and said: "What's wrong with you, are you all deaf and can't understand me? '

The group of arresters just woke up like a dream. The leader Fu Biao Yao Kun glanced at each other, and Yao Kun whispered:'Boss, yes... are we to arrest Mrs. Cui? '

Yang Xun categorically said:'Yes! '

Fu Biao tentatively asked:'What crime did Mrs. Cui commit? '

Yang Xun said:'Killing. '

Fu Biao couldn't help asking:'Who to kill? '

Yang Xun said:'Cui Beihai! '

Fu Biao sighed and went silent, with a look of doubt on one side. Yao Kun did the same, but did not intervene and did not take any action. It seems that Yi Zhujun is such a beautiful, gentle, and delicate woman who turned out to be a murderer. This is unbelievable at first. What's more, she killed a man with high martial arts? Or her husband Choi Beihai? The two hesitated, and of course the other catchers would not take action.

Such a group of disobedient subordinates, Yang Xun was angry when he saw it, and said angrily:'What are you doing there, don't you quickly lock her up? '

Fu Biao and Yao Kun hurriedly said:'Yes! '

Each waved their hands, and a catcher behind them escorted a pair of fetters.

Yao Kun took the shackles, walked a few steps in front of Jun Yi Zhu, and said:'Mrs. Cui, please stretch out your hand! '

Jun Yi Zhu glanced at the fetters, smiled sadly, and stretched out his hands.

She did not resist, not even a word, like that, the look is as pitiful as you say.

Yao Kun saw that his heart was about to break, how could that fetters be locked down.

Yang Xun's heart seemed to be beaten with iron, and he urged again:'Lock it up! '

Yao Kun had no choice but to harden his heart, raised his shackles, and was about to lock Jun Yi Zhu, when a voice came out from the attic—'Hold on! '

The voice of Chang Huhua, others also appeared one after another. Yao Kun was very obedient to his words and stopped immediately.

Yang Xun saw that the anger was coming again, and he could not resist it.

Because he hadn't forgotten Chang Huhua just saved his life in the study. He slowly raised his head and stared at Chang Huhua.

Chang Huhua stepped down and walked to Yang Xun's side.

Yang Xun said:'Did Brother Chang found something in the attic again? 'Chang Huhua shook her head. Yang Xun then asked:'Why is that to prevent us from arresting her? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'So far, it has not been proved that she was the murderer who killed Cui Beihai. '

Yang Xun said:'Cui Beihai's record is evidence. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Is that record too strange and unbelievable? '

Yang Xun said:'Don't you believe it? '

Chang Huhua didn't answer the question and asked, "Don't you believe it? '

Yang Xun said:'If you don't believe it, you can't make it. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'That record is one-sided after all. '

Yang Xun said: "A group of blood-sucking moths just flew out from here, but they were in full view. The group of blood-sucking moths sucked Cui Beihai's blood in the attic and devoured Cui Beihai's flesh. Aren't you and I both in your eyes? '

With these words, even he himself couldn't help but shudder twice, and he remembered the scene just now.

Although other people didn't see it, they still couldn't help feeling cold when they heard Yang Xun say this.

Jun Yi Zhu's face was already pale, but now it seems a little pale again.

Chang Huhua didn't say anything, because what Yang Xun said was the truth.

The room suddenly fell silent, but the silence was broken by Jun Yi's voice. 'Are you telling the truth? '

Yi Zhujun asked Yang Xun, her lips were trembling, and her voice was trembling.

In the silence, the trembling voice seemed ethereal, not like a human voice.

Yang Xun didn't answer Yi Zhujun, but he said to Chang Huhua:'Listen to her voice. '

Chang Huhua asked strangely:'What's wrong with her voice? '

Yang Xun's voice was lowered and said:'Can't you hear it? '

Chang Huhua shook her head.

Yang Xun said:'That kind of sound is so weird, it's like the call of a ghost. '

Chang Huhua smiled suddenly and said:'When have you heard the call of the ghost of the ghost? '

Yang Xun couldn't help but startled, and said:'I have never heard of it. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'But how do you know what the ghost of the ghost is calling? '

Yang Xun closed his mouth.

Chang Huhua then said, "Even though those blood-sucking moths fly out from here, they may not be raised by her. '

Yang Xun said:'Who is she? '

Chang Hu Huadao: "It would be great if I knew. '

Yang Xun said:'Since you don't know, how can you be sure that those blood-sucking moths are not raised by her? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I'm not sure. '

Yang Xun said:'You are stopping. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Because I think that she should not be arrested until sufficient evidence has been obtained, and she should not be detained until it can be proved that she is the murderer. '

Yang Xun said:'Oh? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'In case it has nothing to do with her...'

Yang Xun said:'Of course we will release her. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'This is for personal dignity and reputation...'

Yang Xun interrupted Chang Huhua's speech and said, "I believe it will not have much influence, this is also helpless. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Oh? '

Yang Xun said:'Because we must be like this by law. '

Chang Hu Hua was speechless. With two official words, unreasonable words can be made reasonable, let alone rules.

Yang Xun continued:'Probably you won't deny it, she is the most suspected one. '

Chang Huhua did not deny it.

Yang Xun said:'Such a suspected murderer, we really have to detain it first. '

He paused before continuing:'Otherwise, we will get rid of our crimes. I am afraid that our crimes will not be lightened there. Brother Chang should understand this. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'You can send someone to monitor her. '

Yang Xun blurted out:'If she is really a moth spirit or the incarnation of a blood-sucking moth, who can monitor it? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'If she is really a moth spirit, you can detain her, and she can also escape. '

Yang Xun said: "Even so, we have already explained something. '

Chang Huhua sighed slightly, turned from Yang Xun's side, walked in front of Yi Zhujun, and said:'Sister-in-law heard it all. '

Yi Zhujun sighed quietly and said:'I just don't understand it. '

Chang Huhua said:'Don't understand what we are talking about? '

Yi Zhujun sighed:'I don't even know what happened. '

Chang Huhua asked again: "Sister-in-law really doesn't know? '

Yi Zhu Jundao: "You said it is false, and I have nothing to say. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Really, now I will simply repeat the whole thing once. '

Jun Yi Zhu nodded.

Chang Huhua groaned a little, and said: "The thing started on the night of the first day of this month. From the first to the 15th of the month, Brother Cui was never disturbed by the blood-sucking moth. Details about these things , He has made a record, which is very clear. '

Yi Zhujun listened quietly.

Chang Huhua said again: "From the record, the strange thing caused by the blood-sucking moth is really terrifying. For this reason, he will send Cui Yifeima to Wanhua Villa on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month to find me here. , To help him deal with the group of blood-sucking moths.

Jun Yizhu said:'Cui Yi has not been at home for more than ten days, so he went to Wanhua Villa. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "It's a pity that I arrived this morning. Brother Cui has been missing for three days. '

Yi Zhujun made no sound.

Chang Hu Huadao:'In the past three days, Yang Tau and they reportedly searched the whole city, but they didn't find Brother Cui's whereabouts. The rest is just this place, and now we are in this place—'

Chang Huhua turned her eyes to the attic and said:'I mean his body was found in that attic. '

Jun Yi Zhu suddenly asked:'Is it really his corpse? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'It seems to be true. '

Yi Zhujun said:'What you said, it seems that you are not sure. '

Chang Huhua admitted.

Jun Yi Zhu thought about it:'I'll go up and see. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Even if the sister-in-law goes up, it is still difficult to tell. '

Yi Zhu Jundao:'Oh? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'The flesh and blood of Brother Cui's head has been sucked up by the blood-sucking moths, leaving only a skeleton and bones in his hands. '

Jun Yi Zhu couldn't help but fade away, hiding his mouth and exclaiming. Her expression didn't seem to be deliberately pretended.

Chang Huhua looked in her eyes and couldn't help but wondered:'Could this really have nothing to do with her at all? '

Yang Xun sneered over there.

Jun Yi Zhu didn't look at Yang Xun, but stared at Chang Huhua in a daze.

She calmed down and said:'How can you tell that it is his body? '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Because of the clothes worn by the corpse, Du's head proved that it was the clothes he wore before disappearing that night. At the same time, the corpse's hands holding a sword is also his sword! '

Yi Zhu Jundao:'Seven Stars Desperate Sword? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'It is the Seven Stars Desperate Sword. '

Yi Zhujun's eyes lost consciousness for a while.

Chang Hu Huadao:'That seven-star desperate sword, as far as I know, he has always cherished more than Gongbi, because that sword is not only his master's treasure, and has saved his life several times in critical situations. '

Jun Yi Zhu nodded and said:'He also mentioned this to me. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'So even though you can't distinguish the face of the corpse, the clothes and the seven-star desperate sword can prove the identity of the corpse. '

Yi Zhu Jundao: "What does that have to do with me? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'In his record, it is vaguely implied that if he is killed, his sister-in-law is the murderer. '

There was another loss in Yi Zhujun's eyes, his mouth was open, and he couldn't say a word.

Chang Huhua continued: "Whether that record is true or not, at present, his sister-in-law is also the most suspected person. '

Yi Zhu Jundao:'Why? '

Chang Hu Huadao: "This small room is at the back of the dormitory. You must pass through the dormitory to enter this small room. Who can come in except the sister-in-law? '

Yi Zhujun said:'I also leave the dorm room. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'You mean that maybe someone steals into the bedroom while taking you out. '

Yi Zhu Jundao:'Is this impossible? '

Yang Xun interjected and asked:'Where have you been in the past two days? '

Jun Yi Zhu said:'Coming and going are all within this village. '

Yang Xun said:'Whether this is true or not, it is not difficult for me to find out. '

Yi Zhujun made no sound.

Du Xiaotian's voice came in real time, saying:'I have investigated this aspect clearly, and Mrs. Cui did not leave the courtyard in the past two or three days. '

While talking, Du Xiaotian also walked out of the attic, and continued:'But since the night of the incident, I have sent people to monitor the courtyard for two consecutive days. If someone is walking around in the courtyard with a corpse, it may not be hidden from them. . '

He paused and said:'Even though our people are all leaving at night, Madam Cui believes that she must be in the dormitory. Even though she has fallen asleep, it seems impossible if someone steals in without disturbing Madam Cui. '

Yi Zhujun couldn't help but admit it, saying:'I haven't slept well these past two days. Before falling asleep, I didn't forget to pull the door latch. '

Du Xiaotian said: "That's it. To enter the dormitory, the door bolt must be broken first. I have already noticed that if my eyes are okay with the doors and windows, the doors and windows of this dormitory are no different. '

Of course, Du Xiaotian's eyes were okay.

Chang Huhua continued: "What's more, besides the corpse, there is also such a large group of blood-sucking moths. My sister-in-law saw it at a moment earlier. What a group of blood-sucking moths, no matter when they appear, it is not difficult to disturb this. The people in the Zhuangyuan are based on... '

Yi Zhujun continued for him: "Unless someone pre-arranges them in this attic. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Otherwise, they are really the incarnation of demons and ghosts. '

Jun Yi Zhu said:'Do you believe it or not, there are demons and monsters in the world? '

Chang Hu took a moment and didn't know how to answer.

Jun Yi Zhu sighed and said:'Monsters and ghosts, isn't this too nonsense? Who would believe it? '

Chang Huhua, Yang Xun, and Du Xiaotian were all startled.

Are they all suspecting that Mr. Yi Zhu is a moth spirit, the incarnation of a blood-sucking moth

Jun Yi Zhu sighed and said, "If it's not for monsters and ghosts, of course, I'm the most suspicious. '

'Even if it is really a monster, it is your suspicion the most! '

Yang Xun managed to hold back this sentence easily, and did not say it.

Jun Yi Zhu paid attention to Changhu Huadao: "Do you think I am like this kind of person?" '

Chang Huhua sighed silently: "Knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, just see how you can tell. '

Jun Yi Zhu looked at Chang Huhua, then at Yang Xun, Du Xiaotian, then sighed again, and slowly stretched out his hands.

Yao Kun was standing beside him holding the fetters, his eyes were on Yi Zhujun's hands, but he did not lock the fetters on Yi Zhujun's hands.

Yang Xun waved his hand in real time, and then said:'Lock it up! '

This sound is no longer as fierce as those two, Yao Kun responded and locked Yi Zhujun's hands.

Chang Huhua didn't stop this time, just said:'No matter what it is, sooner or later there will be something that will come to light. '

Jun Yi Zhu smiled sadly.

Yang Xun thought for a while and then instructed Fu Biao and Yao Kun:'Go and prepare a sedan chair, and send Mrs. Cui home first. '

He didn't talk about taking it but sending it off, and even ordered the sedan chair to be prepared. He didn't seem to want Yi Zhujun to be too embarrassed.

Did Yi Zhujun's attitude make him reconsider this matter

Yao Kun and Fu Biao said,'Yes. '

Fu Biao was the first to step outside, but Yao Kun stepped aside, leaning forward and saying:'Mrs. Cui, please! '

Jun Yi Zhu hesitated, then turned his head to look at Yang Xun suddenly, and said:'Can I look at that record? '

Yang Xun said:'I have asked my subordinates to send that record to the Yamen. '

Yi Zhujun smiled bitterly and said, "Fortunately, I am going to the Yamen now. 'She walked with a wry smile and walked out like a ghost.