Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 15: Flying ring iron sword


Flying Ring Iron Sword

When Chang Huhua watched Yi Zhujun disappear from the back, she couldn't help thinking again.

Du Xiaotian had already stepped down the steps. He walked slowly to the side of Chang Huhua and said:'Brother Chang always seems to be suspicious of this matter. '

Chang Huhua nodded slightly, and said, "Brother Du has no doubts about this matter? '

Du Xiaotian sighed and replied.

Chang Hu Huadao:'If it was her hand, there seems to be no reason to leave the body in this attic. '

Yang Xun said:'Maybe she didn't expect us to search here so quickly. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I think she is also a smart person, how can she not think of it. '

Yang Xun suddenly shuddered and said:'Perhaps she thought that those blood-sucking moths had already eaten the corpse. '

He shuddered again and again, and said:'Perhaps she is still reluctant to bear the corpse and has to bite...'

Chang Huhua intercepted Yang Xun's words and said,'This means that Jun Yi Zhu is a moth spirit, the incarnation of a blood-sucking moth. '

Yang Xun said:'Yeah. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "If this is the case, it would be much simpler. At the very least, Cui Beihai’s record of the strange things he encountered between the first of March and the 15th of March, and his mysterious disappearance, he The corpse of's appeared in the attic, etc., there is no need for us to bother to track down the reason that only the fairy is responsible. It can be explained clearly. '

Du Xiaotian interjected:'This must first prove that she is a fairy. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'If she is a fairy, she will always show up sooner or later, we just have to wait for her to show up, and we are most afraid that she is not. '

Yang Xun couldn't help but touched his head and said:'This will cause us a headache. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'So we should make two assumptions now, one is that Mr. Yi Zhu is a fairy, and the other is that there is no such thing at all. '

Yang Xun said:'Does this mean that we should continue to investigate? '

Chang Huhua nodded.

Yang Xun suddenly asked:'Which way to investigate? 'As soon as this sentence was spoken, he regretted it.

It seems that he is such a clever big head catcher, there is really no reason to ask Chang Huhua, he should know from which side to continue the investigation.

Chang Huhua didn't care, and said in deep thought:'No matter which hypothesis it is, we have to investigate a person now. '

Yang Xun said:'Who? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Guo Pu! '

Yang Xun said:'Yi Zhujun's cousin? '

Chang Huhua nodded and said:'From the record, isn't he also a problematic person? '

Yang Xun clapped his hands and said:'Yes! '

He suddenly turned his head and asked:'Who among you knows this person? '

The four catchers were still waiting outside, and one of them responded:'I know. '

Yang Xun said:'What is it for? '

The arrester said quickly:'He is a doctor with a library in the south of the city. It is said that he has excellent medical skills and has saved many people.

Yang Xun cut his mouth and said:'The four of you, hurry up and find him back. '

The three catchers responded! 'Yes! '

Another one asked:'Come back here? '

Yang Xun whispered:'Hutu Cong, where is this place? '

The arrester was startled and said:'Jubaozhai. '

Yang Xun said:'Jubaozhai is the place to interrogate prisoners? '

'no. '

'No, where is it. '

'yamen. '

Yang Xun said:'Find someone and escort back to the Yamen! '

'Yes! '

The catcher quickly retreated. The other three catchers did not dare to neglect.

Chang Huhua said in real time: "We might as well go there. '

Yang Xun said: "No, all four of them are good players. It is more than enough to deal with Guo Pu alone. '

Chang Huhua said:'I'm not afraid that Guo Pu is also a moth spirit...'

Yang Xun smiled and said:'Under the broad daylight, the demons and ghosts believe that they will not be able to perform their skills, otherwise it will be enough for us to see Yi Zhujun. '

Chang Huhua smiled.

Yang Xun continued:'What's more, there is still one thing waiting for us to do. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Oh? '

Yang Xun said:'Since Cui Beihai has been confirmed dead, the two letters of resignation he left should be opened. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'You mean we should go to see Gao Taishou now. '

Yang Xun said:'The two letters of dispatch are very clearly written and must be opened and read by Mr. Gao himself. '

Chang Huhua nodded, he didn't forget about it.

Yang Xun said:'Maybe I can get more data in his suicide note. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Maybe. '

The three raised their feet almost at the same time, and they all seemed to want to know as soon as possible what Cui Beihai wrote in his suicide note.

The wind hasn't stopped and the rain hasn't stopped, still flying like smoke. Amidst the mist and rain on the Long Street, there was an unspeakable depression.

Chang Huhua, Du Xiaotian, and Yang Xun were also depressed.

They walked on the long street silently, with a lonely look, no one spoke again.

Now they just want to rush back to the Yamen as soon as possible, see the prefect Gao, and read Cui Beihai's suicide note.

Chang Huhua, Yang Xun, and Du Xiaotian turned around the corner, and the yamen was already in sight.

The three quickened their pace one after another. At this moment, a person suddenly caught up from behind them.

The man chased after him and shouted:'Daxia Chang! Master Yang! Master Du! '

Chang Huhua, Yang Xun, and Du Xiaotian couldn't help but step back and look back. At this look, the three of them were also stunned on the spot.

The visitor called this, of course, because he knew them, but the three of them were completely unfamiliar with the visitor.

The person here is young and handsome in a Confucian costume.

Chang Huhua's eyes flashed, and she said back to Yang Xun:'This person does not seem to be yours? '

Yang Xun shook his head and said:'I don't know this person at all. '

Chang Huhua turned to Du Xiaotian:'Do you know Brother Du again? '

Du Xiaotian also shook his head.

Chang Hu Huadao:'This is strange, we don't know him, but he knows us. '

Du Xiaotian said:'I thought it was your friend. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'This person is completely strange to me. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Oh? 'While speaking, that person has already caught up and stopped in front of Yang Xun, breathing uncontrollably.

Yang Xun stared at him and couldn't help asking:'Who are you? '

The man gasped and said:'Xiaomin Guo Pu! '

Yang Xun was startled again.

Chang Huhua and Du Xiaotian's surprise was not under Yang Xun, and they looked at Guo Pu together.

Guo Pu doesn't seem to be a bad person.

Yang Xun stared at Guo Pu in a daze, and blurted out:'Guo Pu, you are Guo Pu! '

Guo Pu said:'Yes. '

Yang Xun suddenly said:'Good skill! '

This time it was Guo Pu's turn to be stunned.

Yang Xun continued:'My four subordinates are all good players. I didn't expect them to be put down for you so soon. '

Guo Pu said in surprise:'What is Master Yang talking about? '

Yang Xun sneered and said:'I even pretended to be nothing, okay, good kid! '

He suddenly stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the knife, and Du Xiaotian caught a glimpse of it next to him, and quickly pressed his hand.

Yang Xun stared back at Du Xiaotian, and was about to drink him to let go. Du Xiaotian already said to Guo Pu:'Have you not met the four arresters I sent to find you? '

Guo Pu shook his head and said:'No. '

Du Xiaotian asked again:'Where are you going now? '

Guo Pu said:'Yamen. '

Du Xiaotian said:'What are you doing at the Yamen? '

Yang Xun intervened and asked:'Are you from the first? '

Guo Pu was stunned and said:'Turn yourself in? '

Yang Xun asked:'Is it right? '

Guo Pu didn't seem to understand, but he was still surprised.

Yang Xunfang waited to ask again, Du Xiaotian had already held him down again, and said:'Listen to what he said first. '

Yang Xun snorted and reluctantly closed his mouth.

Du Xiaotian said to Guo Pu again:'What can you do when you go to the Yamen? '

Guo Pu said: "Old man Caiyi went to my hospital in the south of the city and informed me that you had arrested my cousin and went to the Yamen, so I rushed to see what happened. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Are you Yi Zhujun's cousin? '

Guo Pu said:'Yes. '

Du Xiaotian said: "Who belongs to Mr. Yi Zhu, Old Man Yi? '

Guo Pu said:'He is a distant relative of my cousin, old and helpless, my cousin saw him pitifully, and kept him at home as a servant for the past two years. '

Du Xiaotian said:'What else did he tell you? '

Guo Pu said:'Tell me why you arrested my cousin. '

Du Xiaotian asked again:'How old is this old man Yi. '

Guo Pu said:'I'm more than 60 years old. '

Yang Xun interrupted again and asked:'Sixty years old? '

Guo Pu said:'The exact age is not clear. '

Yang Xun sneered and said:'Although this man is a long time old, his ears are quite pointed, and his footsteps are fast enough, he actually arrived first before my four men arrived. '

Du Xiaotian then asked again:'He told you why we arrested Jun Yi Zhu? '

Guo Pu said:'Listen to him, you arrested her because she killed Cui Beihai. '

He cried out and said:'How can she be that kind of person? How could he be a murderer? The murderer of the husband? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Whether it is still to be proved, no one is sure at present. '

Guo Pu said:'Why arrest her if you can't be sure? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Because she is the most suspected murderer. '

Guo Pu said:'You sent someone to find me, could it be that I am also suspected of murder? '

Du Xiaotian nodded.

Guo Pu said:'What is this for? '

Du Xiaotian was waiting for an answer, and Yang Xun suddenly asked again:'How do you know us? '

Guo Pu said:'There are not many people who don't know the two adults here. '

Yang Xun said:'I don't know you. '

Guo Pu smiled bitterly: "Who am I? Of course Mrs. Yang doesn't know me. It's just as if people here have not seen Mr. Gao's face, it is not difficult to know Mr. Gao's name. On the contrary, most of the people here are even taller. The prefect Feidu didn't know what it looked like, and he hadn't even heard the name. '

Yang Xun listened to Guo Pu's words like this, and he felt good in his heart. He wanted to laugh but didn't smile, and suddenly his face was straightened again, saying:'The first time Daxia Chang came here, why did you know you too? '

Guo Pu calmly said:'Old man Yi told me that Cui Yi has found a hero Chang! '

Yang Xun said: "You just heard, how can you recognize it when you see it all the way, and call it out in one breath." '

Guo Pu said:'Because Old Man Yi once described the appearance of Chang Daxia to me. '

Yang Xun sneered:'What else did he say to you? '

Guo Pu said:'No more. '

Yang Xun said:'Your Chang Daxia call is also familiar. '

Guo Pu said:'Although this is the first time I have met, I have heard of Chang Daxia many times before. '

Yang Xun said:'Who told you? '

Guo Pu said: "It's my patient. I have never walked around the rivers and lakes, but there are no shortage of people from the rivers and lakes who seek me to see a doctor. '

Yang Xun said:'Oh. '

Guo Pu said:'From their mouths, I already knew what kind of person Chang Daxia was. Chang Daxia came forward. There must be a clear explanation about this matter. '

Yang Xun snorted:'This means that if it's just handled by me, it's unclear whether it's not clear or not? '

Guo Pu said:'I didn't say that. '

Yang Xun said:'I just have this meaning in my heart? '

Guo Pu said:'How dare you! '

Yang Xun asked again:'Do you think we caught the wrong person and wronged Jun Yi Zhu? '

Guo Pu said:'Is it wrong? As Mr. Du said, it remains to be proved by facts, but from my personal standpoint, I always think that my cousin is definitely not that kind of person! '

Yang Xun said:'Are you again? '

Guo Pu smiled bitterly:'We still don't know what happened. '

Yang Xun said:'Listening to you, it seems that you really don't know. '

Guo Pu said:'It was originally true. '

Yang Xun sneered, just sneered.

Chang Huhua never spoke, but suddenly broke her silence and asked Guo Pu:'Have you ever been to Jubaozhai on March 12? '

Guo Pu said:'Yeah. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Mr Yi Zhu asked you to go there? '

Guo Pu said strangely:'How do you know? Did my cousin tell you? '

Chang Huhua didn't answer the question:'What did Mr. Yi Zhu ask you to do in Jubaozhai? '

Guo Pu said:'It's to see a doctor. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Whose disease to see? '

Guo Pu said:'Cui Beihai. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Whose idea is this? '

Guo Pu said:'My cousin. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Does Cui Beihai know about this? '

Guo Pu said:'I don't know. '

Chang Hu Huajie asked again:'Why did she come to you suddenly? '

Guo Pu said:'She said that he seemed to be confused for several days, behaved abnormally, and said some strange things, suspecting that he was sick, so she asked me to see him. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Do you see what illness he has? '

Guo Pu said:'From my point of view, he has no illness at all. '

Chang Huhua turned to Yang Xun and said:'Isn't that record recorded like this? '

Yang Xun said:'I have long thought that there is absolutely no problem with that record. '

Guo Pu said strangely: "What record are you talking about? '

Chang Huhua replied: "Cui Beihai left behind, recording his experience from the first to the fifteenth day of March. '

Guo Pu said: "All the events on March 12 are recorded in it? '

Chang Huhua nodded and said: "It is very detailed. '

Guo Pu said:'Oh? '

Chang Hu Huadao: "After seeing a doctor, did Cui Beihai leave you to eat at home? '

Guo Pu said:'Yes. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Did Mr. Yi Zhu personally cook a plate of crystal honey-stuffed shrimp balls? '

Guo Pu nodded and said:'The best thing she does is this kind of side dish. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Did something very strange happened when Cui Beihai ate those shrimp balls? '

Guo Pu said:'He also wrote this down? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Yes. '

Guo Pu said:'This thing is indeed very strange. He held a shrimp ball into the mouth and vomited it out with just one bite. Then he kept nauseous, saying that it was not a shrimp ball, but a blood-sucking moth ball. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Is it true? '

Guo Pu said slightly:'How could it be? I believed my diagnosis at first, but when I saw that, I couldn't help but doubt it. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'What do you suspect? '

Guo Pu said: "I suspect that there is something wrong with his brain. Although I have some experience in pulse theory, if the problem comes from the brain, it is not so easy to diagnose. Then my previous diagnosis may not be correct. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Since there is such a suspicion, why don't you take a closer look at him? '

Guo Pu smiled bitterly:'I had this plan, but at that time, he almost treated us like monsters, stopped us from approaching him, and immediately escaped. '

Yang Xun stared at Guo Pu and said:'He just treats you as monsters. '

Guo Pu said in amazement:'Why would he have such an idea? '

Yang Xun said:'You should understand it yourself. '

Guo Pu gave another wry smile and said:'I just don't understand. '

Yang Xun said:'You are pretending to be inverted. '

Guo Pu sighed and asked suddenly:'Cui Beihai is really dead? '

Yang Xun said:'Why are you still not sure that he is dead? '

Guo Pu sighed and said:'Why Master Yang is so sure that Cui Beihai's death has something to do with the two of us? '

Yang Xun said:'Two reasons. '

Guo Pu said:'Please speak. '

Yang Xun said:'One, Cui Beihai's record repeatedly mentioned that you two tried to kill him! '

Guo Pu said:'This...'

Yang Xun didn’t allow him to argue, and continued: “Second, Cui Beihai’s body was found in a small room behind their couple’s dormitory. To get to that small room, you must enter the dormitory first. We discovered Cui Beihai’s body at the same time as we discovered Cui Beihai’s body. Blood sucking moth. '

'Hundreds of blood-sucking moths are sucking the blood of the corpse and eating the flesh of the corpse. '

Guo Pu shuddered and said:'Is there such a thing? '

It seemed that he really didn't know anything.

Chang Huhua's gaze never left Guo Pu's face, and he kept paying attention to the changes in Guo Pu's face. After seeing that in his eyes, she couldn't help but wondered:'Could this matter really have nothing to do with him? '

Yang Xun immediately said again:'Except for the couple, I absolutely don't believe anyone can store the corpse and so many blood-sucking moths in that small room without being noticed. '

Guo Pu pondered:'I don't believe it either. '

Yang Xun said: "The victim is one of the two of them. Isn't the one remaining the most suspicious? '

Guo Pu couldn't help but nod his head and said:'It is these two reasons, so you arrested us? '

Yang Xun said:'Are these two reasons enough? '

Guo Pu nodded and said:'Not bad is enough. '

Yang Xun said, "What else are you talking about, come back to the Yamen with me." 'His left hand probed, and then grabbed Guo Pu's shoulder.

Without waiting for him to catch it, Guo Pu shrank back.

Yang Xun immediately yelled and said:'Good boy, how dare you resist arrest? '

Guo Pu shook his hand and said:'I am not resisting arrest, but there is still something to say. '

Yang Xun said:'I'll talk to the Yamen if you have something to say. '

Guo Pu said:'I'm afraid it will be too late. '

Yang Xun said:'It's useless if you delay time like this. '

Chang Huhua suddenly interrupted and said:'Listen to what else he has to say. '

Yang Xun glanced at Chang Huhua, and said helplessly:'Alright. '

Guo Pu let out a sigh of relief, and said:'Regardless of whether Master Yang believes it or not, I have to say something clearly first. '

Yang Xun said impatiently:'Say it quickly. '

Guo Pu said:'I didn't kill Cui Beihai. '

Yang Xun said: "You don't have one, it was Jun Yi Zhu who started it. '

Guo Pu said:'I believe this matter has nothing to do with the cousin. '

Yang Xun sneered and said:'Oh? '

Guo Pu said:'If we kill people, how can we not destroy the corpses? If it is personal, I have no reason, nor can it be possible to put the body in the small room; my cousin also has no reason to keep the body after the murder.

Yang Xun said:'In this regard, you don't have to worry about us. We already have good reasons to explain these things. '

Guo Pu said: "I know, but I believe it is just speculation. '

Yang Xun did not deny it.

Guo Pulian immediately asked: "I just don't know if Mrs. Yang suspected that it might be someone else's transplanting the dead body? '

Yang Xun sneered and said:'Who moved the corpse to blame you? '

Guo Pu said:'Maybe it is Shi Shuanghe. '

'Shi Shuanghe? 'Yang Xun frowned. 'I seem to have heard of this name somewhere. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Shi Shuanghe is the original master of Jubaozhai. '

When Yang Xun gave Du Xiaotian this mention, he seemed to think of this person, and blurted out:'It's him! '

Du Xiaotian turned to Chang Hu Huadao:'Has Brother Chang ever heard of this person? '

Chang Hu Hua nodded and said:'Shi Shuanghe's iron sword and three flying rings are not without weight in the arena. '

Du Xiaotian said:'As far as I know, his nickname is called Flying Ring Iron Sword. '