Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 18: confusing



The inn did not know how long it had not been cleaned, most of the place was covered with dust, and there were many cobwebs on the corners of the roof beams.

The places that were already rudimentary are even more rudimentary, rudimentary and gloomy.

The steps are probably due to more use. There is less dust, but they don't seem to be very strong. People walking on it, creaking and creaking, seem to break at any time.

Yang Xun walked up a few steps with trepidation, and suddenly smiled and said:'I'm really worried that this ladder suddenly collapsed. '

Shi Shuanghe kept walking, turning his head and said:'You can rest assured in this regard. I go up and down at least twice a day. Isn't it still alive now? '

Yang Xun said: "This place is good, but there is too much dust in the cobwebs, why don't you clean it up? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Because I am not free. '

Yang Xun said:'What are you doing on weekdays? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Drinking. '

Yang Xun shook his head and said:'It seems that this Yunlai Inn is really going to end there. '

Shi Shuanghe smiled without answering.

Yang Xun went on to say:'It's strange that you can live in such a place. '

Shi Shuanghe smiled again, and said:'Master Yang is interested in wine? '

Yang Xun nodded and said:'I promise to drink no less than you. '

Shi Shuanghe suddenly asked:'Is the drunk country beautiful? '

Yang Xun said:'It's so beautiful. '

He smiled and said:'When I was sober, I only knew that I was a head-catcher, but when I entered the drunk country, I felt like a prince. '

Shi Shuanghe smiled and said:'I have been wandering in the drunk town for many years. '

Yang Xun knowingly said:'So what is the real environment, you don't care? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Never care. 'While speaking, the five people have been upstairs one after another.

Before they got upstairs, they had smelled a strange stench, a disgusting stench, and the stench became stronger when they got upstairs.

They have fallen into the stench. This stench seems to constantly enter their blood through their skin.

They suddenly felt that their blood seemed to have started to smell, and the whole body seemed to start to smell. Fortunately, this is not true.

In front of them, there is a corridor. On both sides of the corridor, there are four wing rooms on the left and right, and the doors of the seven wing rooms are wide open, except for the last wing room on the left.

The door of that wing room was closed tightly, and on the left side of the door, at the end of the corridor, there were several iron cages. The stench seemed to come from that wing room.

Before they approached, they heard a burst of very strange sounds coming from the room.

The sound is like a group of people chewing on something.

For this kind of voice, Chang Huhua, Du Xiaotian, and Yang Xun are no longer unfamiliar.

The three shivered shiveringly, and their complexions changed.

Du Xiaotian grimaced, and said:'Is the group of moths in that room? '

Shi Shuanghe nodded.

Du Xiaotian asked again and again: "Did you open the cages and put them in?" '

Shi Shuanghe glanced at Guo Pu and said,'It's him. '

Guo Pu said angrily:'Nonsense! '

Shi Shuanghe didn't care about him, and then said:'He just opened the cage and put them in. '

Du Xiaotian said:'After that, will you send the rabbit into the room every day? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Exactly. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Are you all drunk at the time? '

Shi Shuanghe said: "I dare not touch my lips before giving them the rabbit. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Oh? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Because I was afraid of getting addicted to alcohol, I was really drunk, so I opened the door and broke in. '

Du Xiaotian said: "You didn't send those rabbits in to feed them? '

Shi Shuanghe shook his head and said:'I don't have such courage. '

Du Xiaotian said:'But how do you deal with this matter? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'There is a trap door on the door, and I will send the rabbits in through the trap door one by one. '

He quickened his pace, walked a few steps, and reached out to press on the door.

A door panel one foot square opened immediately from the outside to the inside. As soon as he let go, the valve closed again.

Chang Huhua stared at Shi Shuanghe, and suddenly said:'I saw that you were still a little bit drunk, but now it seems that there is nothing left. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Now it really seems that I have completely lost my alcohol. '

The muscles in his throat twitched, and he continued:'This sound, this smell, is undoubtedly the best decanter. '

Chang Huhua couldn't help nodding.

Because he has now come to the front of the wing, the sound of a group of moths chewing on something has irritated his nerves like needles, and the foul smell seems to have penetrated his stomach wall.

He didn't vomit, but he already felt his stomach shrink. 'How can it be so smelly? '

He muttered to himself, approached, and pushed the trap door a little bit open.

The stench was even stronger. He closed his breath and stared inward. The whole room was full of blood-sucking moths!

There is no furnishings in the room, the beds have been removed, but there is a bamboo frame. The bamboo frame is almost half the size of a room. The bamboo branches used are completely unprocessed, and even many of the horizontal bamboo leaves have not been cut off.

Thousands of blood-sucking moths are attached to the bamboo branches, and some are flying around the bamboo frame. Blood red eyes, green wings.

This was originally beautiful, but now in Chang Huhua's eyes, it only feels hideous and terrifying. The windows of the room opened completely.

None of the blood-sucking moths actually flew out of the window, even though they were dancing, they did not leave near the bamboo frame.

There are a lot of dry bones in front of the bamboo frame, but they are not human bones. Judging from the shape, they should be rabbit bones.

The pile of dry bones exudes a pale light, and it is unusually smooth, as if the skin and flesh were removed and then washed.

Chang Huhua took a breath of air, let go of her hand, and stepped back three steps. Du Xiaotian and Yang Xun immediately went forward and made up for the position of Chang Huhua. Upon seeing it, the two of them also changed their complexion greatly, and quickly put down the trap door and stepped aside.

Yang Xun clasped his swallows with both hands, as if the only way to stop his vomiting.

Chang Huhua took a sigh of relief and then asked Shi Shuanghedao:'Why are all those windows open? '

Shi Shuanghe glanced at Guo Pu again, and said, "Maybe it's convenient for moths to come and go. Isn't that true? You have to ask him. '

Guo Pu was now walking to the door of the room, probing his hand to push the trap door on the door open, and peering into the room. His complexion also changed instantly. He seemed completely unaware of this incident, and he did not seem to hear Shi Shuanghe's words, this time there was no reaction.

Chang Hu Huadao:'You said he opened it? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Before putting the moths into the room, he opened the window first. '

Chang Huhua said strangely:'Aren't you afraid of those blood-sucking moths flying away? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I also find it strange. In normal times, the moths only fly in the room, and none of them fly out. '

Chang Huhua thought about it, and then asked: "What are the bones left by the rabbits in front of the bamboo frame? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Not bad. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'That seems to have no bones of thirty rabbits. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'It happens to be thirty. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'The thirty rabbits are just the food for the blood-sucking moths for three days. Where did the bones that they ate before? '

Shi Shuanghe looked at Guo Pu and said:'Every time he sends a rabbit to come, he must go in and clean up the rabbit bones left by the blood-sucking moths. '

'I thought those blood-sucking moths would eat their bones when they were hungry, and even suck up the bones. '

Chang Huhua nodded slightly, and then asked:'Do you know where he moved those rabbit bones? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I only know that he even accompanied those rabbit bones in a wagon. '

Chang Huhua furrowed her eyebrows slightly, waiting to ask something, she smelled a very strange scent at the end of her nose. The fragrance does not know what it comes from or where it comes from. It seems to exist, and it does not seem to be light and erratic.

Chang Huhua has never smelled that scent. He was engrossed, Fang wanted to sniff out exactly what scent was, and suddenly he realized that the chewing sound in the room had gradually become low, and the sudden sound of wings spread gradually became more intense.

He subconsciously stepped back, pushed Guo Pu away, pressed the trap door with his hand, and peered inside.

Thousands of blood-sucking moths are gathering in groups, spreading their wings and flying out of the window!

Chang Huhua was startled and muttered:'Why do you fly away suddenly? '

When Du Xiaotian and Yang Xun heard that they came by without an appointment, they looked inside the room together, and they were also surprised at the same time.

Shi Shuanghe replied immediately:'Maybe it is because of the fragrance. 'He has also smelled the fragrance.

Chang Hu Huadao:'What exactly does the fragrance come from? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I don't know. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Have you never smelled that fragrance before? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Yes, several times. '

Chang Huhua then asked: "When do most people smell it? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'When the moths are flying away. '

Chang Huhua said'Oh', and then looked inside the room. At that moment, all the thousands of blood-sucking moths in the room had all flown out of the window.

Chang Huhua's eyes flashed, and she landed on the knocker, saying:'Is there a key? '

The two door knockers are fastened together with a large brass lock.

Shi Shuanghe shook his head and said:'Both keys are with him. 'When he spoke, his eyes naturally fell on Guo Pu's face

Guo Pu was in a daze, but as soon as Shi Shuanghe spoke and his eyes fell on his face, he jumped up and said sternly:'Where do I have the key? '

Shi Shuanghe smiled silently.

Yang Xun's gaze immediately fell on Guo Pu's face and suddenly shouted:'Xiao Du, search his body! '

How could Du Xiaotian disobey Yang Xun's order and walked over.

Guo Pu did not evade or resist, and said with a sad smile:'Okay, you can search! '

Du Xiaotian was not polite, and carefully searched Guo Pu's whole body. He didn't have a key or a handful.

Du Xiaotian shook his head, let go and withdrew.

Yang Xun glanced at Guo Pu, then turned around and said:'Let's break in! 'As soon as the voice fell, he took a step back and started to kick up.

This foot has not been raised yet, it has been caught by Chang Huhua.

Chang Huhua shook his voice:'No need. '

He dropped his hands on the knocker on the left, and with a hard effort, the knocker snapped for him with a sound.

The door slowly opened, the stench became stronger, and they rushed to the front door of the three of them.

Chang Huhua tilted her head subconsciously, Du Xiaotian raised his sleeves to cover his nose, Yang Xun vomited, but Guo Pu vomited. He obviously couldn't bear this stench. If he is the owner of the blood-sucking moth, he should be used to this stench, is he not

Yang Xun sneered and said:'You are pretending to be inverted! '

Guo Pu is still vomiting.

Yang Xun glanced back at Du Xiaotian and said:'Let's go in. '

Although he spoke, his steps did not move. Du Xiaotian sighed and walked in first.

Yang Xun probed his hand, grabbed Guo Pu's shoulder, and pushed him into the room before he moved.

Changhu Huashi Shuanghe both followed, and there was no blood-sucking moth in the room.

The stench was more intense and filled the whole room. The smell is erratic in the foul smell, although it is weak, it can still be smelled faintly.

Yang Xun suddenly realized that the fragrance seemed to come from Guo Pu.

He let go of the hand holding Guo Pu's shoulder, took three steps back, and looked up and down Guo Pu.

Guo Pu was vomiting more than ever, even the bitter water was already vomiting.

Yang Xun's nose moved a few times, and he suddenly asked Du Xiaotian:'Have you searched him clearly? '

Du Xiaotian nodded.

Yang Xun said:'Why does that fragrance seem to come from him? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Is there such a thing? '

He moved a few steps horizontally, approached, and sniffed, the expression of surprise immediately appeared on his face, and said:'Sure enough. '

He looked back at Yang Xun and said:'I didn't realize it just now. '

Yang Xun said:'You search again. '

Du Xiaotian moved his hands and said:'I have searched very carefully just now. '

Yang Xun said:'Maybe something has been neglected. '

Du Xiaotian said, "Maybe. '

Chang Huhua suddenly searched aside and said:'For example, sleeves! '

Du Xiaotian's eyes lit up, and he blurted out:'Sleeves? 'He grabbed the sleeve of Guo Pu's right hand suddenly.

With this grab, he grabbed something round! The round thing was scratched by him as soon as he caught it.

A strange sound of'wave' immediately sounded from Guo Pu's sleeve, and a plume of white smoke came out of Guo Pu's sleeve, the fragrance was even stronger.

Everyone's complexion changed involuntarily, and Guo Pu also seemed to be very stupid. He was so stunned that he stopped vomiting.

Yang Xun's complexion changed again and again, and he said quickly, "Is the smoke poisonous..." He hadn't finished speaking, and he hurriedly closed his breath.

Du Xiaotian is no exception, Chang Huhua has already closed her breath.

Shi Shuanghe immediately said:'I believe there is no poison in the smoke, otherwise I have smelled it so many times, can I still live to the present? '

Yang Xun said with an'um', and said:'From your point of view, what's the effect? '

Shi Shuanghe pondered and said:'Probably it was used to drive those blood-sucking moths. As for whether it is not, I have to ask him. '

This time, before his eyes fell, Guo Pu called out:'Shi Shuanghe, why did you frame me like this

Shi Shuanghe smiled bitterly and said:'I have no grudges with you, how can I frame you? '

Guo Pu hissed:'You speak like this. '

Shi Shuanghe sighed and said:'I will say what the facts are. '

He recalled Chang Huhua Du Xiaotian, and then continued:'I'm telling the truth. '

Guo Pu threw a fist and said:'You are still talking nonsense! '

It seemed that he was about to rush forward to give Shi Shuanghe two punches, but it was a pity that Du Xiaotian grabbed his hand with his hand.

Du Xiaotian shook his hand, and several wax shells fell from Guo Pu's right sleeve, with white smoke still in the wax shell.

Du Xiaotian sneered and said:'You said he was nonsense, how do you explain these wax shells? '

Guo Pu said in distress:'How do I know how these wax shells are in my sleeves? '

Du Xiaotian sneered.

Yang Xun also sneered from himself: "Do you know who knows? '

Guo Pu said:'I really...'

Yang Xun cut his mouth and said:'How are you really, it's obvious to all, will you still be wronged? '

Guo Pu's face was red and hot, and he couldn't say a word.

Yang Xun then said:'We will go outside and ask the villagers here if you come once every ten days, and if you have used a horse-drawn cart to cover the iron cage with black cloth. This will become clearer. '

Guo Puhong stared at Shi Shuanghe, saying:'The villagers here are all his accomplices! '

Yang Xun sneered and said:'This means that we are all his accomplices? '

Guo Pu closed his mouth.

Yang Xun turned to Du Xiaotian and said:'Search here to see if there is anything suspicious. '

Du Xiaotian nodded and backed away.

Chang Huhua had already started pacing around the room.

The room is not big. Two people searched the entire room in no time.

There was nothing suspicious, and nothing was found.

Du Xiaotian returned to Yang Xun's side, shook his head and said:'I don't think there is any problem with this room. '

Yang Xun turned to Chang Huhua, and said, "Brother Chang has found out? '

Chang Huhua leaned over and picked up the wax shells from the ground.

His eyes condensed suddenly, and there were words on the wax shell!

He put together the wax shells and spelled out the three words'Rejuvenation Hall'.

The faint Chinese characters are printed on the wax shell. The wax shell is quite thin, so Du Xiaotian just squeezed the wax pill before crushing it, and the parts were so broken that it couldn't be put together at all. Fortunately, most of the characters are not printed with Zhu characters, so even though they are a little incomplete, you can still tell what those three characters are.

Of course, Chang Huhua's actions Yang Xun saw in his eyes, and instead of waiting for Chang Huhua to answer, he hurriedly stepped forward to see what happened.

Chang Huhua kept her waist here, looking at Guo Pu, and asked:'What is the name of your medical clinic? '

Guo Pu said without hesitation:'Huichuntang. '

Chang Huhua sighed, and slowly handed out her hand.

Yang Xun's eyes were sharp, and after a glance, he cried out and said:'Huichuntang. '

Before Chang Huhua handed the wax shell to Guo Pu, he could already see the words on the wax shell clearly.

Guo Pu's expression changed involuntarily. As soon as the wax shell was handed in front of him, his complexion became more like white paper.

He had clearly seen the wax shells and the three words on the wax shells.

Chang Huhua glared at him and said:'Is this something from your medical clinic? '

Guo Pu nodded blankly and said:'It is the medicine pill I prepared by myself. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Why can you tell the difference? '

Guo Pu said: "With the red seal on the wax shell. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Zhu Yin can be imitated. '

Guo Pu suddenly asked:'Have you noticed that the color of the red seal is very special? '

Chang Hu Hua nodded and said:'That color doesn't seem to be common. '

Guo Pu said:'I made that color by myself and put it on when the wax shell had not completely condensed. It became like this. Even if others want to imitate it, it would be difficult to create exactly the same color. '

He sighed softly, and said:'I only know this secret. From the beginning to the completion of the pill, I have no artificial hands. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'What is your purpose for doing this? '

Guo Pu said:'It is to prevent others from making fakes. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'What kind of disease was the pill originally used for? '

Guo Pu said:'For several common diseases, that medicine has special effects. '

Du Xiaotian interjected and asked: "The so-called Huichuntang Xuming Pill is this kind of thing? '

Guo Pu nodded and said:'Exactly. '

Chang Huhua suspiciously said:'Is it really possible to continue a life? '

Guo Pu said:'The continuation of life is undoubtedly too exaggerated, but the name has been used for at least fifty years. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Didn't you make it by yourself? '

Guo Pu said: "I have prepared it by myself now, but it was not before. It was not me who created it. '