Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 2: The mystery of the moth king


The Mystery of the Moth King on the second day of March.

Before noon, by the lake.

The water is like a jasper mountain, and the lakeside is thick with smoke and deep smoke, and the alternate color is as thick as wine.

The sadness in Cui Beihai's heart was deeper than wine, and it was too thick to dissolve.

There are still lingering fears about what happened last night. He walked in the willow smoke with heavy steps.

Although the scenery in front of him was beautiful, he ignored it.

Where does he still have this mood.

He came here today only because Du Xiaotian can be found here.

Du Xiaotian is his friend and the deputy head catcher of this place. He has a good knife and a clever man. He has solved several difficult cases.

Some people say that if Du Xiaotian's background is half as good as Yang Xun's, the head-catcher in this place will be Du Xiaotian instead of Yang Xun.

Du Xiaotian did not express any opinions on these words.

He seems very satisfied with the position of deputy head catcher.

Now he was walking beside Cui Beihai, as if he had been immersed in the mountains, the willows, and the lake.

He also came here exclusively to appreciate the scenery in this area.

Because he finished a case, he was about to relax his nervous mood.

He didn't know when Cui Beihai walked to his side, and he looked at Cui Beihai in surprise.

It was a surprise to meet Cui Beihai here. He knew exactly who Cui Beihai was.

This is not a place for people like Cui Beihai to enjoy, let alone Cui Beihai alone? Cui Beihai is also looking at him, his face is very special.

Du Xiaotian was very strange.

He still smiled, said hello, and said:'Do you like this place too? 'Cui Beihai kept his eyes fixed and said:'I don't like it very much. 'Du Xiaotian smiled and said:'This is a coincidence, I really didn't expect to meet you in such a place. 'Cui Hokkaido:'I want it. 'Du Xiaotian was startled and said:'Oh? 'Cui Hokkaido:'I have been to your house, and people in your family told me that you are here. "Du Xiaotian suddenly said: "You came here, is it because of me?" 'Cui Beihai nodded.

Du Xiaotian asked in astonishment:'What makes me so anxious? 'Cui Beihai closed his footsteps and said:'There is indeed one thing to ask. 'He turned half his body and raised his footsteps, actually walking back to the original path.

Du Xiaotian could only follow.

As Cui Beihai walked, he said: "I know you have traveled all over the world and you have a lot of knowledge. People in this place may have never heard of this, but you may not be completely impressed. 'Du Xiaotian couldn't help asking:'What the hell is it? 'Cui Beihai shivered and said:'Do you know something like a blood-sucking moth? ''Blood-sucking moth? 'Du Xiaotian was startled again, and said:'You mean the blood-sucking moth that grows in the wild forests of Xiaoxiang Mountain? 'Cui Beihai said with joy:'You really know. 'Du Xiaotian smiled and said:'I am originally from Xiaoxiang. 'Cui Hokkaido:'This is the best. 'Du Xiaotian turned to ask:'You suddenly asked me what that kind of thing is doing? 'Cui Beihai asked instead:'What is that kind of thing? 'Du Xiaotian suppressed the surprise in his heart and replied:'It's a kind of moth. 'Cui Beihai asked:'It's exactly the same as a normal moth? 'Du Xiaotian said:' The appearance is the same, but the color is different. 'Cui Beihai asked:'What color is it? ''green. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Green and green are like jasper, but the eyes are red. On its second pair of wings, there are a pair of eye-like patterns, which are also bright red like blood. The eye pattern is covered with blood red. Blood streaks. 'Cui Hokkaido:' Was it because you swallowed the blood of **** that made you look like that? 'Du Xiaotian shook his head and said:'Have you heard of that legend too? 'Cui Beihai said:'Is it just a legend? 'Du Xiaotian nodded and smiled:'It was originally. 'Cui Beihaidao:' How can they be called blood-sucking moths? 'Du Xiaotian said:' Because of their blood-red eyes, blood-red eye patterns, and bloodshot-like textures distributed on their wings, the ignorant natives thought it was all due to their blood sucking and gave them This one is called. 'He had a meal, and then:'It's not just a name for blood-sucking moths, some people call them ghost-face thief. 'Cui Beihai nodded unconsciously and said:'From behind, it is indeed a ghost face. '

Du Xiaotian smiled, and suddenly asked:'When have you seen a ghost? 'Cui Beihai was startled:'I have never seen it before. 'Du Xiaotian said:'Then how do you know what a ghost face looks like? 'Cui Hokkaido:' I don't know, I only know that the human face is definitely not that way. 'Du Xiaotian laughed and said:'In addition, some people call them sparrow moths and magic eye moths. This is because of the eye-shaped patterns on the second pair of wings. 'Cui Beihaidao:' The magic eye is much more appropriate than the sparrow eye. 'Du Xiaotian said:'Yeah. 'Cui Beihai asked:'That kind of moth, really can't suck blood? 'Du Xiaotian said:' It wouldn't be possible, the blood patterns on their wings have been born. 'Cui Hokkaido:'Are you sure? 'Du Xiaotian did not answer.

Cui Beihai stared at him.

Du Xiaotian looked at Cui Beihai and said with a wry smile: "Although I am not sure yet, I have never seen a blood-sucking moth sucking blood, and I haven't heard anyone say it. 'Cui Beihaidao:'Perhaps everyone I've seen has been sucked up by the blood-sucking moths and turned into dead people. 'He took a deep breath, and said:'A dead person will never speak. 'Du Xiaotian smiled bitterly:'Perhaps as you said, but as far as I know, moths don't like blood. 'Cui Hokkaido:' There are hardly any exceptions. 'Du Xiaotian shook his head repeatedly and said:'I always think that it is just a legend. 'Cui Beihai said slightly,'I also hope that it is just a legend. 'Du Xiaotian said:'Oh? 'Cui Beihai said:'At the very least, I don't have to worry anymore. 'Du Xiaotian said in amazement:'What are you worried about? 'Cui Hokkaido:' Worried about blood sucking moths, sucking my blood. 'Du Xiaotian was even more strange, and couldn't help asking:'When have you seen a blood-sucking moth? 'Cui Hokkaido:' Last night. 'Du Xiaotian said in surprise:'Last night? 'Cui Beihaidao:'Although I have heard of the legend of the blood-sucking moth, I have never been to Xiaoxiang, nor have I seen the blood-sucking moth, it was just last night... "Du Xiaotian cut off: "How can you be sure last night? What you see is a blood-sucking moth? 'Cui Beihai sighed softly:'Because the moth that suddenly appeared in my study last night is exactly the same as the blood-sucking moth described in the legend. 'Du Xiaotian said strangely:'Although Xiaoxiang is not far away from here, the blood-sucking moths may fly here, which is unprecedented. 'Cui Hokkaido:' I have never heard of someone seeing blood-sucking moths here. 'Du Xiaotian said:'This may be due to the unsuitable environment, but the environment is not completely unchanged, and it is not absolutely impossible for the blood-sucking moth to fly. 'He smiled, and said:'Even if you see a blood-sucking moth, you don't have to worry like this. I saw it in Xiaoxiang, and now it's not a very good life. 'Cui Hokkaido:' When you saw them, maybe they were already full and didn't want to suck blood. 'Du Xiaotian laughed and said:'Maybe it is. 'Cui Beihai didn't smile, frowning.

Du Xiaotian's laugh alone is really not a taste. He stopped the laughter and said:'I think you must have frightened that blood-sucking moth last night. 'Cui Beihai nodded silently and did not deny.

Du Xiaotian asked:'Was that blood-sucking moth tried to suck your blood last night? 'Cui Beihai changed his color slightly and said:'I think it does have such an attempt! 'Du Xiaotian smiled again:'As a result, did it suck your blood? 'Looking at him, it was like Cui Beihai was joking.

Cui Beihai never laughed, and he didn't care about Du Xiaotian's attitude, saying:'No, it was just about to pounce on me, my sword has already attacked! 'Du Xiaotian said in surprise:'How do you use weapons to deal with a moth? 'His appearance, that tone of speech, is clearly making a mockery of Cui Beihai.

Cui Beihai didn't care, and said:'Hidden weapons are also used. 'Du Xiaotian said:'One sword and seven stars? 'Cui Beihai said sternly:'I have used them all. 'Du Xiaotian was really taken aback.

He finally realized that Cui Beihai didn't seem to be joking at all.

Seven stars wins the soul, one sword is desperate. This is Cui Beihai's famous trick.

He quickly asked:'What happened? 'Cui Beihaidao:'When I hit the seven stars with a sword, the blood-sucking moth disappeared. 'Du Xiaotian asked:'How did it disappear? 'Cui Hokkaido:' It is suddenly disappeared, suddenly disappeared like a devil. 'This time it was Du Xiaotian's turn to stare at Cui Beihai and said:'Have you ever had a drink last night? 'Cui Hokkaido:' The drop of wine did not touch his lips. 'Du Xiaotian asked again:'So, but dreaming back at midnight? 'Cui Hokkaido:' At that time, I had just sent away the guests and just entered the study. Du Xiaotian glared his eyes and said, "It's neither drunk or dim-eyed, nor sleepy-eyed. Is that true? 'Cui Beihai sighed softly and said:'Are you still doubting what I said? 'Du Xiaotian smiled bitterly:'You said so truthfully, I just want to doubt it. 'Cui Beihai also smiled bitterly and said:'If I hadn't witnessed it, I would also be unbelievable. 'Du Xiaotian said suddenly:'You are looking for me to tell me about this? 'Cui Hokkaido:' There are two other reasons. 'Du Xiaotian said:'What is the first reason? ''I want to ask clearly, are there such things as blood-sucking moths? ''You know now, the second reason? ''I want to ask you about the method of imperial defense. 'Du Xiaotian froze there.

Cui Beihai then asked:'Is there any way to stop the attack of the blood-sucking moth? What is the most avoidance of that blood-sucking moth? 'Du Xiaotian spread out his hand, gave a wry smile, and said:'I don't know. 'Cui Beihai immediately appeared listless.

Du Xiaotian hurriedly comforted:'You don't have to worry too much. In my opinion, this kind of thing is not as terrible as the legend. 'Cui Beihai suddenly said:'I remember there is such a legend that the first blood-sucking moth that appeared was the messenger of the Moth King. After the Moth King chose the blood-sucking object, he sent this messenger, which is to give people a notice. After this messenger appeared, other blood-sucking moths would also appear one after another. When the moth king appeared, the swarm moths swarmed, piercing the spikes in their mouths into that person's body, sucking up the blood in that person's body! 'Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'The legend is like this. 'Cui Hokkaido:' It is said that the Moth King appeared on the night of the full moon. 'Du Xiaotian groaned:'It is said that it is. 'He replied again and again:'It's only the second day of the middle school today, and there are still 13 nights until the fifteenth. 'Cui Hokkaido:' Soon 13 nights. 'Du Xiaotian said:' You might as well pay attention these nights. If the blood-sucking moths continue to appear, it won't be too late for us to find a way to deal with it. 'Cui Beihai said nothing.

Du Xiaotian said:'I will come to you in a few days. 'Cui Beihai still made no sound, and suddenly stopped.

Du Xiaotian stopped without realizing it, and muttered:'Maybe it was just a momentary illusion of you, thinking that the moth was trying to suck your blood. 'After saying this, he realized that Cui Beihai's eyes were wide open, and he stared at the trunk of a willow tree next to him.

He subconsciously followed Cui Beihai's gaze.

His complexion instantly changed, and two moths were lying on the tree trunk! The green moth, which is crystal clear as jasper, seems to be covered with bloodshot eyes, and has a pair of eye-like bright red patterns.

The pair of moth eyes on the moth's head are also bright red, as bright red as blood.

Blood sucking moth! Du Xiaotian's eyes were straight.

He stunned and walked towards the willow tree! Cui Beihaila couldn't help it, his mouth was open, and he couldn't say a word.

Du Xiaotian approached the willow tree and slowed down his footsteps. As soon as the footsteps stopped, his right hand stretched out, slowly stretched out, and grabbed one of the blood-sucking moths! Before he reached out, the two blood-sucking moths had already taken off! The keen response of this blood-sucking moth is not inferior to ordinary butterflies! Du Xiaotian's figure was more agile, and he volleyed into the air, grabbing three consecutive times with his right hand, and the blood-sucking moth he was about to grab finally caught him in his hand! Although he shot quickly, he was very measured. The blood-sucking moth did not die in his hands, and his two pairs of wings were fluttering! The green-white moth powder puffed Du Xiaotian's palm! Du Xiaotian laughed.

The blood-sucking moth seemed to have gone mad, and the blood-red eyes were even redder, as if it was about to drip blood.

Du Xiaotian smiled at Gu Cui Hokkaido: "If this kind of moth can really suck blood, it's time to suck my blood..." Before he finished speaking, his complexion suddenly changed! It stabbed his index finger like a sharp needle! He looked back in a panic.

A blood-red straw needle has spit out from the blood-sucking moth's lips and pierced his index finger! Du Xiaotian looked in his eyes, his face turned blue.

He suddenly felt that the blood of the index finger could not be drawn out, whether it was an illusion or the fact that he couldn't tell it himself.

A strong fear struck him in an instant.

'Blood-sucking moth! 'He blurted out in exclamation, and the right hand that grabbed the blood-sucking moth was unknowingly released! With a sudden sound, the blood-sucking moth flew out of his hand and flew into the depths of the willow shade.

There is also a blood-sucking moth that has already flown and disappeared! Du Xiaotian's gaze followed the moth shot into the depths of the willow shade, and immediately turned back when it shot, and landed on his index finger.

There was no blood flowing out, but there was a bit of bright red on the fingertips, and his eyes were straight.

Cui Beihai also stared at Du Xiaotian's index finger, a face that seemed whiter than paper.

The panic in his heart is never under Du Xiaotian! The two stood there blankly.

I don't know how long it took, but Du Xiaotian broke the silence and said:'This kind of thing actually sucks blood. 'He can actually laugh, but his smile is no longer like a smile.

Cui Beihai couldn't laugh any more. He stared at Du Xiaotian's index finger and muttered to himself:'It was one last night, two today, how many will it be tomorrow? 'His voice is weird, it's not like his original voice at all.

Du Xiaotian couldn't help but shudder.

Cui Beihai's gaze suddenly turned to Du Xiaotian's face, and said:'When you think of a way, come and tell me. 'As soon as the voice fell, he rushed out quickly.

Du Xiaotian blurted out and shouted:'Where are you going now? 'Cui Beihai replied:'Find other friends and see if there is any way to deal with it. 'After this sentence, people have gone far.

Du Xiaotian didn't chase after him, his whole person seemed to be condensed in willow smoke.

He couldn't believe this kind of thing, but now he can't help but believe it.

It's not noon, it's almost noon.

Smoke is still deep by the lake.

The wicker flying in the spring breeze is still blurred in the smoke, and the originally beautiful scenery has become weird in Du Xiaotian's eyes.

The wind blows the willows, as if a group of moths are tumbling.

Blood sucking moth! On the third day of March, after wind and rain at dusk.

Cui Beihai sat quietly in the room, worrying between his brows.

He had just used the meal, but when the meal was taken away, it seemed that he hadn't moved at all. His appetite was not good these past two days.

Although the blood-sucking moths did not reappear last night, the two blood-sucking moths that appeared in the shade of the lake before noon were enough to affect his appetite.

Seeing him like this, Jun Yi Zhu had no appetite for himself, so he could just taste it.

Yi Zhujun is not someone else, but Cui Beihai's wife. She is ten years younger than Cui Beihai.

Three years ago, she was like a flower in the spring breeze, and a butterfly on the spring flower, beautiful and lively.

Today, three years later, she seems to be older than Cui Beihai.

Although there are no wrinkles yet, youth seems to have gone away from her, with only one pair of eyes, still with youthful passion, bright pupils, like black flames, still burning.

No matter who can tell, she has not had a good life in the past three years, and it is indeed a bad life.

The comfort of life did not eliminate her inner distress.

Because she is not the one she wants to marry.

She was half dead since the day she married Cui Beihai.

Although she is not dead yet, people have withered like a flower without water.

Cui Beihai might not know her feelings, but her adoptive mother, Aunt Yi, knew it very well, but Aunt Yi didn't care about it at all.

Aunt Yi only cares about one thing-money.

The reason why she adopted Jun Yi Zhu was only because she had long seen that Jun Yi Zhu was a beauty embryo, and when she grew up, she would be able to win a lot of votes from her.

So she asked Yi Zhujun to eat delicious food and train Yi Zhujun to be an excellent singer. As long as she sells skills, she does not want to sell herself, as long as she accompanies the wine and does not want her to accompany others, not out of love, but waiting for the ideal seller.

Once the price was negotiated, she sold Yi Zhujun's goods to Cui Beihai.

Only then did Yi Zhujun know what Aunt Yi was like, and only then did she know what Aunt Yi wanted, but she only had to admit her fate.

Aunt Yi has many minions, and Cui Beihai is even more difficult. If she refuses, there is only one way to go-a dead end! She didn't want to go this way because she was still young, and when she married Cui Beihai, she was only nineteen years old.

How many of the nineteen-year-olds do not cherish life? She always thought that she could bear it, but it turned out that she just barely endured it.

Even though she grew up in a brothel, she has not been contaminated with the habits of brothel girls.

This is not the main reason, the main reason is that she belongs to her heart.

On the first night, the first night of marrying Cui Beihai, she had only one feeling, the feeling of being raped and being devastated. This feeling still exists today.

It is strange that a woman lives under this feeling for a long time not to become a lunatic.

Now she is getting old.

She looked like she was only ten years old on the surface, but her heart was dying of old age.

Does anyone know her heart? Cui Beihai didn't know the first one.

It seems that he really likes Mr. Yi Zhu, and he has been trying to win Mr. Yi Zhu's favor all the time.

The only exceptions are these two days.

He has no such mood in the past two days.

The appearance of the blood-sucking moth has caused him to mess around.

—Why do blood-sucking moths repeatedly appear in front of their eyes? Did the moth king choose himself? Was the blood-sucking moth that appeared on the first night of March the messenger of the Moth King? —Why did the Moth King choose himself? —If the moth swarms really come to suck blood, how should I deal with it? He has been thinking about these things all day, and there is no exception now that the raindrops have stopped long ago, and the water is still dripping in front of the window, and the waterdrops are flashing in the light, and they are fleeting.

Cui Beihai stared at the dripping water in front of the window, his heart was like a mess of grass, and the light suddenly dimmed! Cui Beihai was like a bird with a frightened bow, his long body violently turned, his eyes swiftly fell on the silver lamp not far behind him.

The lampshade of that silver lamp was impressively up and down, with four blood-sucking moths hung in a cruciform shape! Four blood-sucking moths, a total of eight pairs of blood-red eyes of moth-winged moths, the lights flashed with blood, as if they were all staring at Cui Beihai.

They didn't know where they came from, and they couldn't hear the sound of their wings spreading and flying. The moment the light was dimmed, Cui Beihai's eyes widened like a devil, and the muscles in the corners of his eyes did not keep beating.

His right hand was already holding the seven-star desperate sword around his waist, with cold sweat on the other.

Although the sword has not been shot, the murderous aura is already flying.

The four blood-sucking moths seemed unconscious and completely unresponsive.

On the contrary, Yi Zhujun was shocked by Cui Beihai's sudden move.

She was sitting quietly with her head down, and did not look at Cui Beihai, but with Cui Beihai, the chair was turned upside down by him.

Hearing a'bang' in the silence, it was extremely loud.

She looked up in surprise and saw Cui Beihai's horrified face.

She blurted out and asked:'What's the matter? 'Cui Beihai could hear it, and said in a dumb voice:'Moth! ''Oh? 'Yi Zhujun is strange:'What moth? 'Cui Hokkaido:' Blood-sucking moth! ''Blood-sucking moth? 'Yi Zhujun is even more strange.

It seems that I have never heard of this name, this kind of thing.

Cui Beihai continued in a dumb voice:'Four blood-sucking moths! 'Yi Zhu Jundao:'Where is it? 'Cui Beihaiji pointed out:'On the lampshade! 'Jun Yi Zhu looked away.

She was sitting under the silver lamp, but she didn't notice the four blood-sucking moths appearing on the lampshade at all, and when the light dimmed, she didn't seem to feel it.

Now her gaze fell on the lampshade, and she immediately looked surprised.

It's surprise, not fear.

She turned her head back in surprise, looked at Cui Beihai in surprise, and said:'Where are the four blood-sucking moths on the lampshade? 'Cui Beihai was startled, his eyes widened.

He saw it really, and the four blood-sucking moths were clearly still attached to the lampshade.

But Jun Yi Zhu didn't actually see it. Could it be that the four blood-sucking moths disappeared as soon as she was looking.

His eyes widened, and he said anxiously:'You can look carefully. 'Yi Zhujun turned his head, this time she looked like Cui Beihai, with wide-eyed eyes.

Even if the four blood-sucking moths were only the size of mosquitoes, they couldn't escape her eyes now.

She looked carefully, but still shook her head.

No, she still didn't see it.

Cui Beihai couldn't help asking:'Have you seen it? 'Yi Zhujun shook his head and said:' No. 'Cui Beihai hissed:'I clearly saw four blood-sucking moths! 'Yi Zhujun sighed and said:'I didn't see any of them. '

She didn't seem to be lying.

—Is it dazzled by myself