Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 20: Play mystery


Play mystery

Shi Shuanghe said:'Now I have to ask him. '

Chang Huhua listened to all of them, turned his head quickly, and said:'There is nothing wrong with those flowers. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I didn't see anything wrong at first, but I just saw you like that and thought I was dim-eyed and neglected to look at it. '

Chang Huhua didn't make a sound anymore, and turned her head back.

Shi Shuanghe had to shut up.

Even if Guo Pu really hoped, the result was only disappointment.

What Shi Shuanghe said is absolutely true.

Many villagers know Guo Pu, and some of them are very curious. Those villagers who have been watching Guo Pu’s actions are more certain that Guo Pu arrives by car every ten days, stopping in front of the Yunlai Inn, from the carriage. Move down a cage covered with black cloth, and then move into the inn.

The woman in the village entrance tea shop also said that when Guo Pu first arrived, he was brought by a carriage and asked her about the location of Yunlai Inn.

No matter how they look at the villagers, they are just like villagers.

They were even less like Shi Shuanghe's comrades, because as soon as Shi Shuanghe approached them, they became frightened.

The expression of fear was very real, and it seemed that not only children, but even adults had treated Shi Shuanghe as a demon.

They are like ordinary villagers, warm and simple, and are usually very friendly to strangers.

An exception is the stranger who behaves strangely. Guo Pu is exactly this kind of stranger.

Therefore, they are both very wary of Guo Pu, but also pay special attention to it.

Their narratives are more detailed than Shi Shuanghe, and they are only detailed. There is not much difference between the two narratives.

They are undoubtedly quite cooperative.

Because many of them have entered the city and have seen Du Xiaotian and Yang Xun; there are at least three people who know what Du Xiaotian is.

This is enough. Three people, three mouths, this place is just a small place, and the villagers have no doubts.

Du Xiaotian and Yang Xun wore official uniforms.

The majesty symbolized by official uniforms is understood by villagers that the power of the government is especially prominent in the countryside and is valued more deeply.

So the villagers have to answer all questions. Yang Xun is most happy to meet this kind of person, and Guo Pu seems to hate it very much.

The people on the Guangfeng ship were even more annoying to Guo Pu, and the shopkeeper recognized him as soon as they met.

When they returned to the city to find the Guangfeng Ship, it was close to dusk, but the sky was still bright, and it was not difficult for the shopkeeper to clearly understand Guo Pu's face.

As soon as Guo Pu stepped into the store, the shopkeeper stood up from behind the counter and said:'This young man is...'

He pondered over and over again, but still couldn't answer his words. Obviously he knew Guo Pu, but he couldn't remember Guo Pu's name for a while.

Yang Xun couldn't help but said:'His surname is Guo. '

The shopkeeper replied, "Yes, it's Mr. Guo. '

He opened his eyes suddenly, staring at Yang Xun and said:'It turned out that it was President Yang who was catching his head. '

Yang Xun said:'You also know me. '

The shopkeeper said:'Although the head catcher has never come in, he has passed by the door more than a hundred times. '

Outside the door is the street, and Yang Xun has walked on the street more than a hundred times. It's strange that the shopkeeper doesn't know him.

Yang Xun certainly figured out the truth. He touched his beard and was about to say something. The shopkeeper's words have been connected: "What is the purpose of the unknown head catcher coming this time?" '

Yang Xun said:'Investigate the case. '

The shopkeeper was startled and said:'Nothing happened to us here. '

Yang Xun said:'This case didn't happen to you either. '

The shopkeeper said:'Who happened to that? '

Yang Xun said:'This son of Guo. '

The shopkeeper glared at Guo Pu strangely.

Yang Xun then asked:'How do you know this young man Guo? '

The shopkeeper said:'He is our customer. '

Yang Xun said: "Are you a regular customer? '

The shopkeeper thought about it and said:'If I remember correctly, he has only been here once. '

Yang Xun said:'When did it happen? '

The shopkeeper said:'About two or three months ago. '

Yang Xun said: "Two months ago or three months ago? '

The shopkeeper said:'I don't remember this clearly, the Guangfeng ship is not a one-person business. '

Yang Xun said:'Don't you have a deep impression of him? '

The shopkeeper said: "For customers who have had a big deal with us, we usually write down their appearance as much as possible so that we can greet them the second time, so as to give them a good impression. This is a secret of doing business. '

Yang Xun said:'What was the number of transactions he had with you at that time? '

The shopkeeper thought:'Three thousand taels of silver. '

Yang Xun nodded and smiled:'Very good. '

The shopkeeper said strangely:'What is good? '

Yang Xun said:'This proves that this incident is not entirely fictional. '

Du Xiaotian said from the side:'If you want to prove it further, you have to figure out the exact date. '

The shopkeeper said:'Du catches the head? '

Du Xiaotian said:'You didn't admit the wrong person. '

The shopkeeper said:'I was alarmed to two head catchers, this matter is believed to be very serious. '

Du Xiaotian said:'So you'd better be able to help as much as possible. '

The shopkeeper said:'Needless to say, we also know what it should be. '

Du Xiaotian said:'I haven't consulted yet...'

The shopkeeper said:'The surname is soup, the shopkeeper here. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Tang Owner, regarding the date...'

The shopkeeper rushed to answer: "In fact, it is also simple. You can find out by looking through the account books of these two or three months. '

After a meal, he said:'Of course it's better to have that banknote to take the right shot. '

The bank note had already been returned to Shi Shuanghe.

Shi Shuanghe didn't follow them into the city, but they had checked the ticket number and the date when the bank note was issued, and they all kept it in mind.

The date of issuance of the silver ticket is December 15th, and the ticket number is Fengzi 200si Shijiu.

The shopkeeper Tang checked the account book of December 15th, and then checked the stub of the bank note with Fengzi 200si.

Everything is consistent with what Shi Shuanghe said. Completely fact, not fiction.

Guo Pu indeed went to the Guangfeng ship on December 15th and redeemed the three thousand taels of silver bill!

The stubs of the account books were spread out on the counter. Du Xiaotian and Yang Xun had clear eyes, and Chang Huhua was equally clear.

Guo Pu is no exception, his face is pale, his eyes are condensed, and he stares at the account books and stubs on the counter.

Du Xiaotian and Yang Xun's eyes began to move, moving towards Guo Pu.

Chang Huhua coincided with each other, and his eyes turned away. Guo Pu didn't seem to feel at all.

Yang Xun sneered and said:'You have seen it. '

Guo Pu nodded.

Yang Xun sneered and said:'How do you explain this matter? '

Guo Pu said:'I can't explain. '

Yang Xun said:'You plead guilty? '

Guo Pu shook his head and said:'I didn't commit a crime. This is a pre-planned conspiracy. They conspired to frame me! '

Yang Xun said:'They? who? '

Guo Pu smiled sadly and replied:'I hope I can know. '

Yang Xun said: "You already know that they are actually just one person-yourself! '

Guo Pu smiled sadly.

Yang Xun said:'What else can you say? '

Guo Pu has nothing to say.

Yang Xun then shouted:'Come here! 'No one is coming. When he said it, he remembered that Du Xiaotian was the only one beside him.

Du Xiaotian stepped forward and said:'What's the matter? '

Yang Xun waved his hand and said:'Grab him and put him in jail first. '

Du Xiaotian smiled.

He has been holding on to Guo Pu's shoulder, but now he is not in the yamen.

Yang Xun also remembered that he was still on the Guangfeng, sighed, and said:'This case really messed me up. '

Chang Hu Hua Dan replied:'This case is also really a headache. 'His eyes remained on Guo Pu's face.

Guo Pu was also looking at him, his eyes were extremely complicated.

Chang Huhua tentatively asked:'Do you have something to tell me? '

Guo Pu said:'There is only one sentence. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Say. '

Guo Pu said:'I didn't kill Cui Beihai. '

Chang Huhua stared at him.

Guo Pu didn't evade Chang Huhua's eyes. Judging from his expression, it didn't look like a lie.

Chang Huhua sighed and slowly said:'At this point, I really can't believe what you said. '

Guo Pu said nothing.

Chang Huhua continued: "It's not just me, everyone is afraid that the same is true. One thing or two things can be said to be coincidence, and it is impossible to justify all coincidences. '

Guo Pu still said nothing.

Chang Huhua said again: "Even if it is really wronged, at the moment, I have to be wronged temporarily. If you find out that it really has nothing to do with you, the government will definitely release you. '

Guo Pu sighed.

Chang Huhua has something to say: "What about this restraint? There is always one thing to understand! '

Guo Pu finally spoke and said:'I know you are a righteous swordsman! '

Chang Hu Hua was speechless.

Guo Pu slowly continued:'I have nothing to ask for, I just hope you will be fair. '

Chang Hu Hua nodded.

When the group left the Guangfeng and returned to the Yamen, the evening had passed and the night had fallen.

Even more leaking the moon, the night is already deep.

At this time on weekdays, the prefect Gao Tianlu had already rested, with the exception of tonight, the third watch is almost gone, and the person is still in the side hall.

In addition to him, there are Chang Huhua, Du Xiaotian, and Yang Xun, who are still talking about the blood-sucking moth.

This thing is too weird, scary, and attractive.

Gao Tianlu's sleepiness disappeared, and the three of Chang Huhua were completely non-drowsy. Are there really demons and ghosts in the world

Are Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu really two moth spirits

Is it really the two of them who killed Cui Beihai? The center of their discussion is these three points.

Suddenly a night breeze blew through the window screens, and the four of them shuddered in unison.

Gao Tianlu stroked his beard lightly, and said swiftly:'We should have a conclusion about this matter. '

Yang Xun said:'The humble job has already been there. '

Gao Tianlu said:'What do you think of Yang Catou? '

Yang Xun said:'The humble post believes that the culprits are Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu! '

Gao Tianlu said:'Does Yang Catou believe in the existence of demons and ghosts? '

Yang Xun thought about it and nodded.

Gao Tianlu turned to Du Xiaotian and said, "What about Du's head? '

Du Xiaotian said:'The humble job is just the opposite. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Don't believe it? '

Du Xiaotian said:'I don't believe it at all. '

Gao Tianlu said:'The reason? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Although there are many legends about demons and ghosts in the world, who has actually seen demons and ghosts? '

Yang Xun cut his mouth and said:'Cui Beihai! '

Du Xiaotian said:'The reason why we think that Cui Beihai once encountered monsters and ghosts is entirely because we have read his record and believe that the records in that record are all facts and were affected by that record. '

Yang Xun said:'But you suspect that the record is false? '

Du Xiaotian shook his head and said: "Unless Cui Beihai is arrogant, there should be no problem with that record. '

Yang Xun said:'Making mystery? Take your own life? '

Du Xiaotian said:'So I believe that there is no problem with that record. '

Yang Xun said:'How is this different from believing in the existence of monsters and monsters? '

Du Xiaotian said:'There is a big difference. '

Yang Xun said:'Where are they? '

Du Xiaotian said:'The facts contained in that record, what Cui Beihai saw may not be the facts. '

Yang Xun said:'You'd better make it clear. '

Du Xiaotian said:'I mean, when Cui Beihai wrote that record, it was not necessarily under normal circumstances every time.

Yang Xun said:'I still don't understand. '

Du Xiaotian said:'When I wrote that record, I thought that a few times what he saw might not exist at all. '

Yang Xun still didn't seem to understand, but he didn't ask any more, and turned the subject:'If you say that demons and ghosts don't exist, how can those things happen? '

Du Xiaotian said:'I think it is man-made. '

Yang Xun said:'Who? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Or, it's Guo Pu and Yi Zhujun. '

Yang Xun said: "I just said that the real murderer is the two of them? '

Du Xiaotian said:'I am not sure that it is them, nor do I think they are two moth spirits. 'Yang Xun said:'According to you, if the two of them are murderers, how would they kill Cui Beihai. '

Gao Tianlu also said:'Yes, you can tell your own opinions in detail for your reference. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Yes. 'He coughed softly, and went on:'The humble post thinks that this incident is not strange at all. The reason why it has become so weird and so tortuous is entirely due to Cui Beihai's psychological effects. '

Gao Tianlu said in amazement:'Psychological effect? '

Chang Huhua also showed surprise, not to mention Yang Xun.

Du Xiaotian explained: "No matter what people or animals, or even anything, there must be disgust or love. For example, when I see someone, I will feel a sense of disgust immediately. '

Gao Tianlu smiled and asked:'You mean Zhang Fu, the boss of Chengbei Tianfa's big bet? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Exactly. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Zhang Fu looks like a blessing, he smiles kindly and kindly, he didn't hate him at first. '

Du Xiaotian said:'But when I saw his face, I couldn't wait to beat him severely. '

Gao Tianlu said:'This is because you already know that he hides a knife in his smile, and in private is a bully who eats people without spitting out bones, but he can't find the handle to his crime, so he is brought to justice. '

Du Xiaotian said:'This person is indeed cunning. 'Gao Tianlu said:'So, the more you look at him, the more annoying it becomes. '

Du Xiaotian said:'This is also a psychological effect. '

Gao Tianlu and Chang Huhua nodded in unison.

Du Xiaotian said:'The psychological effect is not just aversion to this one. '

His face suddenly showed horror, and said: "I also said that when I saw a gecko, I couldn't help but become scared. Even when I saw the color of a gecko and touched something similar to a gecko, the feeling of fear would also come to my heart, but It's not too nauseous.

Yang Xun couldn't help asking:'What does this matter have to do with Cui Beihai's death? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Cui Beihai believes there is something that scares him very much. '

Yang Xun said:'What is it? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Moth! '

Yang Xun stunned:'Blood-sucking moth? '

Du Xiaotian said:'It's not necessarily a blood-sucking moth. He might be afraid of any kind of moth. '

Yang Xun said:'Oh? '

Du Xiaotian glanced at Chang Hu Hua, before turning around to Yang Xun, and suddenly said:'Is the shape and color of the blood-sucking moth relatively ordinary moths eye-catching and strange? '

Chang Huhua couldn't help but nodded, and Yang Xun also said:'It's more than a monster, it's terrifying. '

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'It's really scary. '

Yang Xun asked impatiently:'What about this? '

Du Xiaotian didn't answer, and then asked:'Probably none of us is afraid of ordinary moths. '

No one answered scared.

Du Xiaotian continued: "Even people like us who are not afraid of ordinary moths, see those blood-sucking moths, and they feel terrible. A person who is even scared of ordinary moths, do you think he saw those blood-sucking moths again? What will happen? '

Yang Xun said:'Of course it feels more horrible, extremely scared. '

Du Xiaotian said:'As soon as any emotion reaches its limit, it is enough to cause neurological disorders. '

Yang Xun said:'Cui Beihai has not become a lunatic in my opinion. '

Du Xiaotian said:'He undoubtedly didn't, because his martial arts is strong and his nerves are tougher than ordinary people, but when he sees those blood-sucking moths, the stimulation caused by strong fear may not be able to withstand his nerves. '

Yang Xun said:'What if you can't stand it? '

Du Xiaotian's voice sank and said:'In that moment, his nerves were not difficult for a brief period of time. '

His voice was deeper and said:'When a person is in a state of neurological disorder, he will often see a lot of strange things. '

Yang Xun said:'What exactly is it? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Things that do not exist in reality are only things that he can see. '

Yang Xun said:'How can this happen? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Those things are actually entirely out of his own fantasy. What he calls seeing is actually just a fantasy. '

He smiled and said: "This situation is just like we dream at night. In dreams, don't we often see many things that don't exist in reality, and encounter many things that happen for no reason? '

Gao Tianlu nodded and smiled:'I had a dream last night, and I flew into the sky with my wings behind my back. '

Du Xiaotian said: "Cui Beihai's experience during that period, maybe so, when he wrote it down, it was when his nerves were completely restored to normal, but it was not as good as the so-called facts that he wrote down were the fantasy of the moment of neurosis. '

He slowly continued:'When I saw something terrible when I was nervous, it disappeared completely when I got back to normal, and again and again, I didn't think it was strange that I had encountered a monster. '

This explanation cannot be said to be impossible.

Du Xiaotian's eloquence is also very good, and speaking from his mouth adds a bit of realism.

Chang Huhua and Gao Tianlu couldn't help but nod slightly, except for Yang Xun, staring at Du Xiaotian coldly.

Du Xiaotian continued:'That's why I said that the record contained facts. Cui Beihai was indeed writing about what he saw, but what he saw was not the fact. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Why would he have such a terrifying illusion? '

Du Xiaotian said:'This is probably because he has heard too many horrible legends about blood-sucking moths. '

Yang Xun said immediately:'It makes sense to hear you. '

Du Xiaotian could hear Yang Xun's words, so he didn't say much.

Yang Xun coldly continued:'What kind of psychological effect, what kind of neurological disorder, it's very fresh, where do you come from so many such fresh names? '

Gao Tianlu couldn't help but said:'I've heard of it for the first time. 'He looked at Du Xiaotian with suspicion.

Chang Huhua was indifferent, as if it was not a strange thing to him.

Du Xiaotian calmly said: "My lord, I believe you still remember that Humble Job was ordered to go to Beijing to investigate because of a big case. '

Gao Tianlu nodded and said:'I remember this happened. '

Du Xiaotian said:'On the way to the north, I met a Western missionary who was originally a doctor.

Gao Tianlu said:'That Western missionary told you this? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Exactly. '

Yang Xun snorted: "Foreign devils' things are only used for foreign devils. '

Chang Huhua interposed aside:'This may not be necessary. '

Yang Xun snorted again.

Chang Huhua ignored him and turned to Du Xiaotian: "Even so, he will become nervous only when he encounters blood-sucking moths. Those blood-sucking moths exist without a doubt. '

Du Xiaotian smiled and said:'I believe there is no problem with your eyes. '

They all saw it at the same time, and saw the group of blood-sucking moths again and again.

Chang Hu Huadao:'When the nerves are normal, of course Cui Beihai's eyes are fine. '

Du Xiaotian said: "If it's true, Cui Beihai should have been insane after seeing those blood-sucking moths. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'He is afraid of moths, so of course he will not keep those blood-sucking moths at home. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Those blood-sucking moths should have been raised by the man who wanted to kill him. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'In other words, the owners of the blood-sucking moths are the real murderers who killed Cui Beihai. '

Du Xiaotian said:'It should be. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'The murderer probably won't be another psychopath, insane person. '

Du Xiaotian said:'How can it be such a coincidence? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Neither, the murderer should have his motive and purpose for killing Cui Beihai. '

Du Xiaotian said:'This means deliberate killing. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I never think that Cui Beihai's death was caused by manslaughter. '

Du Xiaotian said:'I don't think so either. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Everything is obviously a planned action. '

Du Xiaotian said:'According to my experience, the motives for killing are generally nothing more than several. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'What kinds of them are they? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Vengeance is one...'

Chang Hu Huadao:'As far as I know, if his enemy hadn't died under his sword, he would never know that his enemy was him.

He sighed and said:'He walked in the rivers and lakes in the past, and he never left alive under the sword. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Shi Shuanghe is an exception? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Perhaps he didn't think it was the same thing, and he didn't need to use force to solve it. Kill Shi Shuanghe to avoid future troubles. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Maybe he doesn't put Shi Shuanghe in his eyes at all. '

Chang Huhua added another sentence, saying:'Maybe his temperament has changed drastically recently, and it is no longer the same as before. '

Du Xiaotian continued:'The second conflict of interest...'

Chang Hu Huadao:'This will only be clear to you. '

Du Xiaotian said:'He doesn't seem to have any conflict of interests with people here...'

Chang Hu Huadao:'What is the third? '

Du Xiaotian said:'The wealth is in trouble. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Cui Beihai is a man. '

Du Xiaotian smiled and said: "Even if he is dressed up as a woman, he is not a beautiful woman, so he is amazed. There is absolutely no possibility of murder due to unsuccessful rape, but his huge wealth is enough to cause murder. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Before entering the basement, did you know that he had such a huge property? '

Du Xiaotian shook his head.

Chang Hu Huadao:'You are his good friend, but you don't know at all. Cui Yi is his confidant but you also don't know. Who will know? '

Du Xiaotian said:'I think there is a person who probably knows it. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Yi Zhu Jun? '

Du Xiaotian said:'A man often has no reservations in front of his beloved woman. '

Chang Huhua did not veto Du Xiaotian's words.

Because he has seen those men more than once in order to win the favor of the women he loves and attract the attention of the women he loves, often just like a male peacock shaking off its beautiful feathers in front of a female peacock, trying to show off what he has.