Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 25: Blood moth under the knife


Blood Moth under the Sword

Zhang Dazui and Hu Sanbei have known each other for ten years, and this is the first time he has seen such a smile on Hu Sanbei's face. This kind of smile is beyond the words of horror and weird. With a smile, Hu Sanbei is no longer like Hu Sanbei at all. It doesn't look like a person anymore! That smiling face is fluctuating throughout, like a jellyfish in the sea, constantly changing

But the face with the open mouth turned white again. He stared at Hu Sanbei, and said in surprise:'You...what are you? '

Hu Sanbei said:'Moth! 'His voice has become very weird, no longer like a human voice.

The voice of opening his mouth also changed, saying:'Are you just a moth spirit? '

Hu Sanbei said:'Exactly! 'It is the two characters that are deep and sharp, piercing the eardrum of the open mouth like an iron cone.

His face began to peel off! Flaking like powdery crumbs.

After this face, maybe it was the face of a moth spirit. What will the face of the moth spirit be like

The curiosity of opening his mouth was not light, he really wanted to know. He didn't pay attention anymore.

For now, of course, escape is important. If you don't leave, the moth spirit might suck his blood.

He began to back away. Hu Sanbei also began to push forward.

Zhang Dazui suddenly remembered something and hissed:'Are you really Hu Sanbei? '

Hu Sanbei said:'Hu Sanbei is your good friend, a person. '

Opened his mouth and asked urgently:'You are not...'

Hu Sanbei said: "Of course not, otherwise I would have drained your blood..."

Opened his mouth and said:'Where did Hu Sanbei go? '

Hu Sanbei said:'Go to the place you must go now. '

Opened his mouth and said:'Where? '

Hu Sanbei said: "Hell—you, in my opinion, can only go to hell, and so is he! '

Opened his mouth and said:'He... How did he die? '

Hu Sanbei squeaked and said:'He was sucked up by me! '

Opening his big mouth barely frightened Hui, he looked utterly indifferent, and then backed away. Two more steps back, his back has touched the wall.

Hu Sanbei squeaked again and said:'Where can you escape? '

He put the two bottles of wine in his hand on the table next to him, and pushed it on again.

There was no way to retreat with his mouth wide open, and his complexion became immutable. Seeing Hu Sanbei approaching, his whole body immediately arched like a big cock. He suddenly remembered that there are guards patrolling outside the prison,-when will you wait if you don't call for help at this time

He opened his mouth to call for help, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt that his voice had become hoarse at some point, and he couldn't make a sound anymore. He really panicked now. At this moment, Hu Sanbei was already two steps closer, and that face peeled off even more.

That face, now you say it is as horrible as it is.

With a big mouth open and heartbroken-I'm fighting with you! He roared wildly in his heart, and threw the bottle of wine in his hand.

Hu Sanbei didn't hit or dodge it. He just raised his hand and the bottle of wine fell into his hand. The bottle full of moth wine didn't even spill out.

This is like playing with magic. Isn't he just a demon

Opened his mouth and then drew the knife out of its sheath, the knife was dazzling, so sharp!

Hu Sanbei turned a blind eye, step by step forward!

Opening his mouth wide and pretending, of course, this can't scare Hu Sanbei. Closer! I opened my mouth and yelled and slashed over!

He couldn't make a sound in his throat, and his momentum was already a bit weak, but this one was the best one in his life!

He is desperate now, must desperately!

Hu Sanbei actually used the bottle of wine in his hand to block the cut! With a sound of'brush', the bottle of wine turned into two pieces in the oblique stabbing in the light of the knife! The wine in the bottle and the knife fly by! The blood-red wine, with a strong stench, seemed to be raining blood all over the sky.

Is this moth blood or moth wine? The wine shot on the face of the open mouth, and the stench was convulsive, but this time there was no vomiting.

He has forgotten to vomit at all! In an instant, Hu Sanbei flew into the air.

It's not clear to see with his mouth wide open. Moth wine shot into his face and into his eyes.

His eyes pierced and they still opened! He reluctantly opened his eyes.

It's a matter of life and death, it won't happen if you don't open it, and his eyes are blood red.

Suddenly he realized that Hu Sanbei was in this blood red, and suddenly volleyed towards him! He yelled, hacking with a knife in his hand!

The light of the sword flashed randomly, and the rain of blood flew wildly! Red, blood red!

Three shifts, when Chang Huhua, Gao Tianlu, Du Xiaotian, and Yang Xun arrived at the prison, the three shifts had already sounded.

The bonfire outside the prison was burning violently. The fire tongue sneered, and it was very clear in the quiet night.

The door is dark, it is an iron door, with more than a hundred copper nails embedded on it, and the light of the fire flashes with a palpitating cold light.

Above the iron gate, there was an iron tiger head, which was also shining under the bonfire. An atmosphere of silence.

There were no guards outside the door patrolling, and the nine guards were all concentrated on the stone steps in front of the door. Five were standing and four were sitting. The standing hands were holding tasseled guns, but their bodies were straighter than the guns. They were sitting with their knees hanging, their heads hanging down, and they seemed to have fallen asleep.

Chang Huhua and the others came to face each other, and the guards around them were completely unresponsive. The five standing... also turned a blind eye.

Could it be that they are all asleep.

Yang Xun was angry when he saw it, and muttered:'Whether they are guarding the prison or sleeping, it's really unreasonable. '

Gao Tianlu suddenly asked:'Are they like this on weekdays? '

Yang Xun shook again and again:'If this were the case, I would no longer need them to guard. '

Gao Tianlu said:'This is strange. '

Chang Huhua said to the real-time interface: "I'm afraid something has happened! '

Gao Tianlu couldn't help but nod, and the four of them speeded up almost at the same time.

As soon as they walked through the gate, they noticed that the five standing guards closed their eyes and seemed to fall asleep.

Their standing posture is not natural. Although their expressions are natural, they are very strange. Two of them are clearly talking, and the other three are listening to others.

Du Xiaotian's expression changed as soon as he saw this situation, and he paused and said:'Oh! '

He hurriedly stepped up the stone steps, and was waiting to approach one of the guards. Yang Xun had already clapped his hands and shouted:'Wake up, wake up, all wake up! 'His voice has always been loud enough, and now it's not difficult to even call the dead man in the coffin.

The nine guards weren't dead, they actually seemed to fall asleep, yelled to Yang Xun, and all woke up.

Three of them jumped up in shock.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the chief and deputy heads were catching heads, and even the prefect Gao Tianlu arrived. The nine guards had weakened feet. Before Gao Tianlu could make a sound, they knelt down one by one.

Gao Tianlu said nothing.

Yang Xun shouted loudly:'You guys are sleeping well! '

The nine guards looked at each other, as if they didn't even know that they had fallen asleep.

Gao Tianlujian discerned his appearance, waved his hand to stop Yang Xun from speaking, and stepped forward in two steps: "None of you know you are asleep! '

Nine of the nine guards shook their heads.

Gao Tianlu asked: "Who is the team leader? '

A guard took a step forward on his knees, saying:'Humble job Qiu Shun. '

Gao Tianlu said: "You don't know what happened? '

Qiu Shun kowtowed and said:'Damn it for a humble job. '

Gao Tianlu smiled lightly:'You haven't answered my question yet. '

Qiu Shundao:'The humble post doesn't even know what happened, and the humble post doesn't even know how to sleep on the stone steps. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Where were you originally? '

Qiu Shundao:'The humble post originally took four men to patrol outside the prison wall...'

Gao Tianlu asked:'Have you encountered any suspicious people? '

Qiu Shundao:'No one. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Oh? '

Chang Huhua interjected and asked in real time:'Are there any strange things happening to you yourself? '

Qiu Shun glanced at Chang Huhua. The voice is strange, and the people are equally strange, but they are walking with Gao Tianlu, Du Xiaotian, and Yang Xun. Of course, the background will not be small. So he still replied, "Say it's weird, one thing is really weird. '

Gao Tianlu urged:'Say quickly. '

Qiu Shundao:'Nine people in the low-ranking ranks, I don't know the reason. After the first change, I feel very tired, I can't help yawning, and I can't even open my eyelids. '

Gao Tianlu asked, "Then what? '

Qiu Shundao: "The four people guarding the door don't know. The humble job and the four who patrolled everywhere with him lie down next to the wall. The humble job is the last one. Before the humble job closed my eyes, the four of them lay down before me. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Did you notice any differences around you at that time? '

Qiu Shundao:'I didn't pay attention to my surroundings at all, I just wanted to sleep. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Which four are you traveling around with you? '

Qiu Shun hasn't answered yet, the four guards behind him have moved forward.

Gao Tianlu glanced away and asked: "Are you four? '

The four guards responded together:'Yes! 'They are still kneeling on the ground.

Gao Tianlu seemed to remember only now, waved and said:'Everyone gets up and talks. '

Qiu Shun and the eight guards responded, and stood up together in fear.

Gao Tianlu's eyes still wandered on the faces of the four guards, and said:'What did you find at that time? '

The four guards shook their heads together and said:'The situation at the time of the humble post was the same as Qiu's head. '

Gao Tianlu waved his hand and said:'Retreat to me. '

The four guards retreated.

Gao Tianlu's gaze turned to the other four guards who were still in place, and said:'You four are guarding the door? '

'Yes! '

'What about you guys? '

'Same as them. 'The four are almost in unison.

Although their words are slightly different, their meanings are the same. It was a coincidence and strange that the nine people were in the same situation at the time.

Gao Tianlu looked confused. Chang Huhua was silent, and Du Xiaotian frowned.

The three of them obviously had a headache, and for a while they didn't know how to explain this matter.

The only exception was Yang Xun, his expression changed, and he suddenly cried out:'Isn't this the appearance of being fascinated by ghosts? '

Chang Huhua did not say anything, nor denied it. No matter what Yang Xun said, at present they only accept it temporarily.

Qiu Shun and his eight subordinates were shocked, and they were all stunned on the spot.

I don't know if it was because of Yang Xun's words, they suddenly felt that the surrounding environment had become weird.

The bonfire is still burning, the tongue of the fire is flying, and the projections of everyone are not changing accordingly.

At least half of the people couldn't help peeking behind them—no ghosts. Gao Tianlu pondered for a long while, and said: "No matter what, we should go in and take a look now. '

Chang Huhua, Du Xiaotian, and Yang Xun nodded in unison.

Gao Tianlu shouted again and again: "Come on, open the door! '

The key to the prison was on Yang Xun's waist.

After all he hadn't forgotten to walk forward, he opened the iron door with a three-handle key.

Each key is different in size, and the order is also different. If the order is wrong, the door cannot be opened alone, and it will affect the clockwork of a big clock near the door, and emit a series of strange bells, attracting the guards of the entire Yamen Officers and soldiers.

Moreover, the prison is located in the center of the yamen, entering from the outside, at least through a three-degree wall, four guards.

A place like this should be foolproof. Therefore, seeing that the iron gate was not unusual, Yang Xun was almost completely relieved.

But as soon as the iron gate opened, his letting down heart became tense again, and his complexion immediately changed.

As soon as the iron door was opened, a strange stench rushed out of the prison, and this stench was no stranger to him.

When Cui Beihai's body was found, when he stepped into the wing of the Yunlai Inn that kept the blood-sucking moths, he smelled this stench, twice! The impression is still fresh!

Chang Huhua and Du Xiaotian also changed their complexions, and they also did not forget the stench.

Chang Huhua slid down and fell before the iron gate like a bird, stretched out her right hand, grabbed Yang Xun's shoulder, and pulled him to the side.

After the stench, maybe it's a swarm of blood-sucking moths! He stood in front of Yang Xun, holding the hilt with his other hand.

Du Xiaotian over there yelled almost at the same time:'Qiu Shun, take your people to protect the adults carefully! '

As soon as the voices fell together, the others had flew and landed on the other side of the iron gate.

Qiu Shun was not too slow, and immediately rushed to Gao Tianlu's side in one stride, and eight guards surrounded him one after another.

However, Gao Tianlu divided them with both hands, and immediately dropped his hands on his waist.

Around his waist, there is a lavishly decorated saber!

He held the hilt in his hand without fear, and from the posture he held the sword, it can be seen that he had also worked hard on the sword.

Although he has no fear on his face, his nose is already wrinkled. No matter who you are, you won't feel good about the stench.

The night breeze was blowing, and the stench gradually faded in the wind.

The lights in the prison were shining at dusk, and there was silence. No blood-sucking moths flew out of the stench, not a single one.

Chang Huhua has let go of her hand holding Yang Xun's shoulder, but Yang Xun still didn't take any action.

There might be a large group of blood-sucking moths hidden in the prison, and they swarmed upon them as soon as someone stepped in. He really didn't want to make a fool of any more.

Du Xiaotian didn't care whether he was embarrassed or not, he had already taken action.

Chang Huhua is one step ahead of Du Xiaotian. He held his hand on the hilt, but the sword never came out of its sheath!

Even if his hand is not on the hilt, his sword can attack quickly.

He has practiced swords for ten years, and he has at least two years only to practice drawing swords. He draws his sword so fast that he has reached the limit of manpower.

Du Xiaotian didn't have the ability to protect flowers. He knew it himself, so with one move, the knife choked out of its sheath.

Step by step, the two crossed the threshold and finally stepped into the prison.

The stench in the prison is still strong, there are no moths, but there is a pool of moth blood on the ground near the door.

The blood water gleamed with a strange blood under the light, and it did not condense. The stench comes from the blood.

A man wearing an official uniform with a sharp knife in his hand fell on top of the blood, face up, blood stained on the other side. -Open your mouth.

Chang Huhua stopped before the moth blood and said,'Is this one of the two guarded in prison

Du Xiaotian looked at it carefully and nodded:'He just opened his mouth. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'The one over there must be Hu Sanbei. '

On the iron bar of the first cell on the left, there is another person upside down.

The man was also in an official uniform, but he had his chest, and most of the buttons were not buttoned.

Du Xiaotian hurried over.

Although the man was lying on his back, there was no blood stain on his face, and it was of course much easier to recognize than opening his mouth.

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'He is exactly Hu Sanbei. He squatted down half his body and stretched out his hand to press Hu Sanbei's chest. Hu Sanbei's heart has stopped beating. He was shocked.

Chang Huhua looked in her eyes and said:'How? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Dead. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'You still have breath when you open your mouth. '

'really? 'Du Xiaotian responded and jumped to the side of Chang Huhua.

Chang Huhua's hands have been massaged in the acupuncture points on Zhang Da's mouth.

Sure enough, opening his mouth is still angry, but it is already very weak. At this moment, Gao Tianlu, Yang Xun and others have also entered one after another.

Gao Tianlu glanced away and said in surprise:'What happened? '

Du Xiaotian was waiting to answer when he suddenly heard a sigh. This sigh turned out to come from the open mouth.

Du Xiaotian couldn't help swallowing back when he was about to speak, staring wide open. The lid of the open mouth trembled in real time.

Du Xiaotian blurted out:'Open your mouth! '

The muscles on the face of the open mouth jumped in response, took a long breath, and finally opened his eyes. His eyeballs were bloodshot.

Du Xiaotian hurriedly shouted:'What happened here? '

The eyes of the open mouth showed a color of horror, and a word in a dumb voice:'Moth! '

Du Xiaotian asked:'What moth? '

The color of fear in the eyes and pupils of the opened mouth became stronger, and another word was said:'Wine...'

Du Xiaotian was startled and said:'What wine? '

He opened his mouth and said intermittently:'Moth wine... Blood red moth wine... No face... Moth essence that keeps peeling off, sucking... sucking blood...'

Du Xiaotianqing said with a face:'Blood-sucking moth? '

She opened her mouth and shook her body, and suddenly shouted:'Vampire moth! '

The voice was also full of fear, and he suddenly sat up from the ground, and fell down again as soon as he sat up.

Chang Huhua and Du Xiaotianfu were too late, and fell to the ground with a bang with his mouth wide open, and no longer moved.

His eyes are still wide open, his pupils have lost their luster, but the bloodshot eyes around him are more obvious.

Chang Huhua anxiously explored the breath of her mouth wide open. His hand stopped suddenly.

Du Xiaotian asked hurriedly:'How? '

This time Chang Huhua said those two words:'Dead! '

Yang Xun couldn't help but interjected and asked:'Where is the injury...' He interrupted Gao Tianlu halfway through the conversation.

Gao Tianlu blurted out and shouted: "Look at the prisoner first! '

Before he could speak, Chang Hu Huaren had flew up from the ground.

As his voice fell, Chang Hu Huaren had fallen beside Hu Sanbei's body.

Du Xiaotian was actually not too slow, rushing to Chang Huhua's side one after another.

Chang Huhua looked into the iron gate. There is no one in the cell. He couldn't help asking:'Are people in this cell? '

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'Jun Yi Zhu is here. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Remember it clearly? '

Du Xiaotian replied:'My memory has always been very good. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Where are people now? '

Du Xiaotian was speechless.

Chang Huhua checked the lock on the iron bar. The lock was still locked on the iron bar, nothing unusual.

Du Xiaotian also looked in his eyes and said:'We search! '

Chang Huhua said, "Hold on!" '

Du Xiaotian said:'What did you find? '

Chang Huhua turned to the table in the room. A sharp long knife is nailing to that table! There was a moth nailed under the tip of the knife!

Eyes like blood, blood-sucking moths like jasper!

Du Xiaotian's complexion turned from blue to white, dead white. He looked back suddenly and yelled:'Get the key to the cell! '

Yang Xun behind him, he was shouting at Yang Xun. He had almost forgotten that Yang Xun was his chief.

He yelled so loudly, and Yang Xun was greatly taken aback.

Yang Xun also forgot for a while that he was Du Xiaotian's boss, and he stepped forward and took the key to unlock the lock.

Du Xiaotian pushed open the iron fence with one hand, changed into two steps in three steps, rushed into the cell, and rushed to the table.

Of course he would never be wrong at being so close.

He didn't read it wrong at all. A blood-sucking moth was nailed to the table by that sharp sword.

The moth's body was almost broken in two, and there was a pool of blood near the break. The bright red blood showed a strong stench.

Could this be moth blood? How can moth blood be red? It was as red as human blood.

Du Xiaotian looked back at Hu Sanbei's body. There was a scabbard hanging from the waist of the corpse, but the knife was neither in his hand nor nearby.

Du Xiaotian looked back and carefully observed the sharp knife nailed to the tabletop.

Chang Huhua asked in real time: "Is this the saber of Hu Sanbei? '

Du Xiaotian said:'I think that's it. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'This knife was obviously thrown out of the hand and flying into the table. '

Du Xiaotian said:'From the posture of the corpse and the point of view of the knife, it is obviously the same as what you said. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'His eyesight is really good. '

Yang Xun suddenly said:'Even if his eyesight is not so good, he can still hit it. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Oh? '

Yang Xun explained:'Because his original goal was not so small. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'So how old is it? '

Yang Xun said:'Someone is so big, he was originally a person. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Who? '