Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 26: The whereabouts of the moth king


Whereabouts of the Moth King

Yang Xun said:'Jun Yi Zhu! '

His complexion changed, staring at the blood-sucking moth, and said:'He and Zhang Dazui were patrolling in prison. Suddenly they noticed that Jun Yi Zhu was changing, so he rushed to the iron grid. Jun Yi Zhu must be prepared to He attacked, so he flew out with a knife and killed Yi Zhujun! '

Chang Hu Huadao:'So where is the body of Jun Yi Zhu? '

Yang Xun pointed at the blood-sucking moth under the knife and shouted:'Here! It is Mr. Yi Zhu! '

When these words were spoken, it was not alone that he changed his expression, and even Chang Huhua and Du Xiaotian's expressions were also pale.

He trembled and said:'Jun Yi Zhu was already ready to change back to his original form, and he flew out of the prison and found that Hu Sanbei was killed with a stab, but he just wanted to change back to his original form. '

Jun Yi Zhu was confined in this cell. Now the iron fence has not been damaged, but the person has disappeared. There is a blood-sucking moth in the cell, which is nailed under Hu Sanbei's saber.

How can people disappear

Why does the moth appear like this? Is this really the same as Yang Xun said? Chang Huhua couldn't make a judgment.

Du Xiaotian did the same, but asked:'So why did Hu Sanbei die in front of the cell? '

Yang Xun said:'We must not forget that there is also Guo Pu besides Yi Zhujun, the moth spirit! 'As soon as the words were spoken, his expression changed again.

Du Xiaotian lost his voice:'Guo Pu! '

They only think of Guo Pu now! Yang Xun turned and rushed out first, and Du Xiaotian was the second.

Chang Huhua was faster than him. He was the last one to rush out of the cell, but the first one fell in front of the opposite cell.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the key, so he has to stand there. Of course he looked inside first, and there was no one in that cell either.

Where did the Guo Pu people go? Could it be that he is really a moth spirit, has changed back to his original form and flew out of the prison

There are no knives on the table. There are only two knives in the jail with open mouth and three cups. The saber with open mouth is still in his hands.

There were no blood-sucking moths on the table, nor seemed to be on the ground.

Yang Xun was only two steps slower than Chang Huhua, he walked to the iron gate and immediately opened the door lock with the key.

Three people rushed in impatiently!

Although Yang Xun is a little careless, he is also an experienced head catcher. Du Xiaotian is smarter. Plus a Changhuhua, and it would be strange if they searched a place with the power of the three of them.

They even turned the bed upside down, but found nothing.

If Guo Pu is dead, he should also leave a corpse.

It seems that his cultivation base is higher than that of Yi Zhujun, and he can leave without culling Hu Sanbei and opening his mouth.

They still didn't give up, even the same guards searched the entire prison, but they never found it.

After some searching, Yang Xun was tired and could not live panting.

He held the iron gate next to him, panting, and said:'Once the iron gate is locked, how can this kid leave? '

Du Xiaotian looked up at the air-permeable skylight on the wall and said:'If he really becomes a blood-sucking moth, it will not be difficult to fly out of the cell from the skylight above. '

Yang Xun awakened with a word, looked up, and shouted:'Yes, those skylights! '

Chang Huhua's gaze fell on the pool of blood lying on the corpse with her mouth wide open, and she suddenly said:'We have neglected a place. '

Yang Xun turned his head humbly and said:'Where? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Under the corpse! 'Before speaking, Du Xiaotian turned Hu Sanbei's body over there.

There was nothing under Hu Sanbei's body.

Chang Huhua followed and turned the corpse with its mouth wide open.

Under the corpse with its mouth wide open, there was a moth-a blood-sucking moth!

The moth's body has been squashed, and one arm is broken.

Chang Huhua didn't seem to think that what she had said would actually become a fact, and she was stunned on the spot.

Du Xiaotian and Yang Xun both grabbed it, and Yang Xun let out a sigh of relief and said:'So here it is! '

Du Xiaotian groaned:'It seems that after culling Hu Sanbei, it was also injured by the knife that opened its mouth. Although it severely wounded the mouth of the mouth again, when the mouth fell and fell towards it, Maybe it was because of the injury that he couldn't rotate well, or he was careless and couldn't dodge in time. '

Yang Xun said:'I mean that too. '

Chang Huhua immediately asked:'Do you think that Jun Yi Zhu and Guo Pu are really two moth spirits? '

Yang Xun nodded first.

Du Xiaotian did not express his opinion. Although he said that, he was still suspicious in his heart.

Chang Huhua looked at them and at the two corpses on the ground, she couldn't help but smiled bitterly:'Is there really a monster in the world? '

Yang Xun said:'Otherwise, how should this matter be explained? '

Chang Huhua couldn't explain it.

Du Xiaotian sighed and said:'Now I'm not sure it is gone. '

He paused and said:'But one thing is really strange. '

Yang Xun said:'What is it? '

Du Xiaotian said:'With Cui Beihai's ability, it is still impossible to deal with the two moth spirits. It is too unbelievable that the two of them can kill the two moth spirits. '

Yang Xun said:'You seem to have forgotten where is this place? '

Du Xiaotian said: "I haven't forgotten, what does it matter? '

Yang Xun said:'The prison is a place where felons are imprisoned. Do you think that the evil spirit is serious? '

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'Heavy. '

Yang Xun said:'In addition to evil spirits, there is righteousness in the prison. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Oh? '

Yang Xun said:'The prisoners imprisoned the guilty, that is, the place that represents the law and justice. '

Du Xiaotian had to nod his head.

Yang Xun said:'The evil spirits naturally avoid this kind of place, and being trapped in this kind of place, naturally they will be unable to use their skills. '

He touched his chin and said: "Yes, the road is one foot high, and the magic is one foot high. The cultivation base of these two blood-sucking moths is not enough, so although it is night, they can change back to human form, and their skills have been discounted. It is not surprising that Zhang Dazui and Hu Sanbei can fight with them and die together. '

He made sense. Du Xiaotian nodded repeatedly, but Chang Huhua was smiling wryly.

Yang Xun continued:'As for the true colors of Guo Pu and Yi Zhujun, I don't think I need to doubt it anymore. '

His gaze immediately fell on the corpse with his mouth wide open, saying:'There is no alcohol in the body with the mouth wide open, and there is also no sign of sobering in his eyes. This means that his mind has been sober all the time. Do you think his words are worthy of belief? '

Du Xiaotian only nodded.

-Blood-red moth wine!

—The moth essence that keeps peeling off!

-The blood sucking moth!

This is a dying speech with an open mouth, and most of a person’s dying speech is true.

People who still want to lie and make jokes at the end of their lives are, after all, unique, and they are not such people with open mouths.

If he hasn't drunk, and his sane has always been sober, of course his words are worth believing.

If what he said is true, Guo Pu and Yi Zhujun would of course be two moth spirits.

Are there really demons and monsters in the world

Chang Huhua's eyes flashed, and she fell down towards the corpse with her mouth wide open, and said in a deep voice,'Speaking of what he said reminded me of one thing. '

Yang Xun said:'What's the matter? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Didn't he mention moth wine just now? '

Yang Xun added:'Blood red moth wine. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Of course this is a kind of wine. '

Yang Xun said:'Of course. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'He still remembered this kind of wine when he died, and speaking of this kind of wine, the impression of this kind of wine on him is undoubtedly very deep, and it may also have a lot to do with his death. '

Yang Xun said: "Maybe the two moth spirits knew that Hu Sanbei likes to drink, so they changed the wine-this is of course a good wine that they couldn't resist, and the two moth spirits were just after they took the wine to drink. Suddenly, they were in trouble. Since they were killed because of this, how could they not be impressed with this kind of wine? '

Chang Huhua did not express any opinion on these remarks.

Gao Tianlu listened to the side, never speaking, and now suddenly said:'But Yang catches his head, surely Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu are moth spirits? '

Yang Xun said without hesitation:'Yes. '

Gao Tianlu turned his head and asked, "Where is Du Head? '

Du Xiaotian pondered:'Although I have never believed in the existence of so-called monsters, but the facts are at present, I can't help but believe it, but I...'

Gao Tianlu cut his mouth:'But you still have doubts about this matter? '

Du Xiaotian nodded.

Gao Tianlu said:'What are you suspecting? '

Du Xiaotian said:'That is the existence of demons and ghosts. '

Gao Tianlu said:'No more? '

Du Xiaotian said:'The sudden coma of those guards is also a problem. '

Gao Tianlu nodded and said:'We have all forgotten this. 'He looked at Yang Xun.

Yang Xun actually has an explanation for this: "This is actually simple. The Moth King knew about the arrests of Guo Pu and Yi Zhujun, but in broad daylight, even though the Moth King was very proficient, he did not use his skills. Only at night to make plans, but at night, when the Moth King came outside the prison, he found that the guards outside the prison were strong, and the evil spirit in the prison was so strong that he could not use magic to break into the prison, so he had to first fascinate the guards outside the prison. , And then think of a way to open the prison door-of course, if those guards fall outside the door wall in all directions, unless no one passes by, it will definitely cause commotion, so it will concentrate them completely near the door, making it seem like they are chatting. At rest, then, even if the night watchman sees it, he will not doubt it, and it will have enough time to open the door. '

Gao Tianlu said:'It didn't open the door. '

Yang Xun said: "If it really can't use spells, it's not easy to open the door, and we'll be here soon.

This explanation is equally reasonable.

Gao Tianlu nodded slightly and turned to Chang Huhua, saying:'What does Brother Chang mean about these things? '

Chang Hu Huadao: "I personally have never seen any monsters or ghosts, nor have I believed in the existence of so-called monsters or ghosts. '

Gao Tianlu said: "Things that have never been before may not necessarily exist...'

Chang Huhua laughed and said: "Never believe it or not, it means never believe it. '

Gao Tianlu said:'You have to see the demons and ghosts in front of you before you believe that these things are the deeds of the demons and ghosts? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Doesn't Gao brother mean that? '

Gao Tianlu said:'Brother Chang who knows me. '

He then asked:'Brother Chang is going to continue the investigation until the monsters and monsters appear or the monsters and ghosts are found? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Exactly! '

Gao Tianlu nodded and said:'Very good! '

He turned around abruptly and told Yang Xun:'Send someone immediately and find me all the workers in the Yamen. '

Yang Xun said:'My lord wants a post-mortem? '

Gao Tianlu said:'It must be tested. '

Yang Xun said:'I'm afraid that the workers will not be able to find the cause of their death! '

Gao Tianlu said:'I'm afraid it doesn't mean certain. '

Yang Xun said:'Yes. '

Gao Tianlu said:'If the worker can't find the cause of death under careful inspection, isn't it more likely that demons and ghosts are causing trouble? '

Yang Xun said:'Yes. '

Gao Tianlu looked at Chang Huhua again, and suddenly smiled and said: "It's really a monster and a ghost, things are now simple. '

Chang Huhua understood Gao Tianlu's words and couldn't help but smile. The law is nothing more than a murderer's death.

If the murderers were really Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu, if the two of them were really two moth spirits, they are now dead.

The matter has simply been resolved now! Is it that simple

The long night finally passed away, the morning stars were few, and the morning breeze was bleak.

Chang Huhua walked on the streets in the early morning, and she couldn't help feeling a little depressed. Even though I haven't slept all night, I'm still full of energy

Yao Kun is also full of energy. It is strange that a person has enough sleep and is not energetic.

After Yi Zhujun was escorted back to the Yamen yesterday, there was nothing to do with him. When Chang Huhua, Gao Tianlu and others were studying the case, he was in a dream.

He returned to the Yamen as usual this morning, and Du Xiaotian gave him a task to assist Chang Huhua in his investigation.

Of course he still talks in private, so as soon as he leaves the yamen, he will follow Chang Huhua.

Privately, Du Xiaotian told him to pay close attention to Chang Huhua's actions. The so-called assistance is equivalent to surveillance.

Du Xiaotian was born with a suspicious character, he was suspicious of any situation before the matter was confirmed.

Chang Huhua is in his mind, and there is no exception.

There are not many pedestrians on the street. Chang Huhua simply walked in the center of the street.

He was still thinking about those things, his pace was slow and fast.

Yao Kun was really uncomfortable following.

Turning the corner, Chang Huhua slowed down again, and suddenly laughed at Gu Yaokun and said:'Du Xiaotian sent you here, I believe it is not just to assist me in the investigation. '

Yao Kun was startled. He wanted to nod his head very much, but finally smiled without making any expressions.

Chang Huhua smiled again: "If a person is not suspicious, he can't be an excellent head catcher. So he is suspicious of me. It is really unexpected. Of course I won't blame him for it. '

Yao Kun could only smile.

Chang Huhua continued:'But this time, he suspected that he was wrong. '

Yao Kun said'Oh', and asked Chang Huhua:'But which one should I suspect? '

Chang Hu Huadao: "It's fine if I know. '

Yao Kun suddenly lowered his throat and said,'Could this really be caused by demons and ghosts? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'At present, no one is sure if it is. '

Yao Kun said: "Even you are included? '

Chang Huhua nodded helplessly and said:'I believe you have already understood what happened in the prison last night. '

Yao Kun said:'The brother who is watching the night has already told me very clearly. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Besides the evil spirits, can you find a second more reasonable explanation? '

Yao Kun shook his head and said:'I can't. 'He groaned and said:'The strangest thing is that the workers have repeatedly checked carefully, and no one has been able to find out the cause of death of Zhang Dazui and Hu Sanbei. '

Chang Hu Hua nodded and said:'This thing is indeed the strangest thing. '

The workers received the order and rushed back to the yamen last night. It took more than two hours to finally check the bodies of Zhang Dazui and Hu Sanbei again and again, but they never found them.

Chang Huhua and the others were there at the time. With their rich experience and meticulous thoughts, they could not find the cause of death.

They only temporarily agreed that the deaths of the two were caused by monsters.

As for the two moths, they only temporarily believed that they were the true colors of Jun Yi and Guo Pu.

While they were talking, the two had already arrived at the door of Jubaozhai.

Yao Kun sighed and said:'Perhaps their deaths were really caused by demons and ghosts. '

Chang Huhua also sighed and said, "It's a pity that I have never seen a monster kill someone, otherwise I might agree with you. '

Yao Kun said:'If Uncle Chang has seen him, of course he knows whether the killing of monsters and monsters is like this. '

After a meal, he said again:'But it is said that there are many kinds of monsters, and the methods of killing are not exactly the same. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Accordingly, yes. '

Yao Kun then asked: "Uncle Chang is going to search Jubaozhai again? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I have this plan. '

Yao Kun said:'Jubaozhai is very large, and I think it will take at least a few days for a thorough search. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "It doesn't matter, anyway, it will take several days for the officials to find Long Yubo, Ruan Jianping, and Zhu Xia to come back. '

He slowly said:'Until they find someone back, I'm afraid it will be another situation. '

Yao Kun said:'There are still changes in things? '

Chang Hu Huadao: "In my opinion, there must be. '

He recalled:'Things have changed and changed so far, and it's not a big deal to change again. '

Yao Kun said:'The more it changes, the stranger it gets. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'If this matter is man-made, if this is not a genius, it is a lunatic. '

Yao Kun said:'Oh? 'Chang Huhua said slightly:'A genius and a lunatic are actually not much different. The things that two people do are often the same to scare people to death. '

Yao Kun said:'Why does Uncle Chang suspect that this incident may be man-made? '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Because I never believed in the so-called monsters. '

Yao Kun said:'Me too. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'This is just like two minus one equals one. Of course it is man-made if it is not caused by demons and ghosts. '

Yao Kun said:'Now Uncle Chang is trying to prove that this matter is man-made? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'If I have a way to prove that the monsters are causing trouble, and I will also try to prove that this matter is man-made, there is no difference. '

Yao Kun said:'Unfortunately, you have never dealt with demons or monsters. '

Chang Huhua smiled and said:'This has never been a kind of luck. '

Yao Kun said:'Yeah. '

Chang Huhua changed the subject and said:'How did Du Xiaotian tell you? '

Yao Kun said:'Try your best to assist Uncle Chang in the investigation. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I know you will do your best. '

Yao Kun said:'Since the superior ordered this, how can you do it without doing your best? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'If my investigation continues until the evening...'

Yao Kun said:'I also had to stay till night. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'It seems I have Cui Yi to prepare a room for you. '

Yao Kun said:'Fortunately, there are a lot of empty rooms in Jubaozhai. '

He had already searched Jubaozhai with Du Xiaotian three days ago. Of course he knew the situation of Jubaozhai.

The place of Jubaozhai is really big. After searching for four days, Chang Huhua and Yao Kun searched the entire Jubaozhai.

They didn't gain anything, and they couldn't even find Cui Beihai's words.

On the evening of the fourth day, they waited to leave Jubaozhai and walked outside, and Fu Biao came.

When Fu Biao stepped on the stone steps in front of the door, they just came out from inside.

Chang Hu's eyes were sharp, and he closed his footsteps: "Isn't your old partner here?" '

Yao Kun should go and blurt out:'Brother Fu, what's the matter? '

Fu Biao stopped his footsteps and said:'I have been ordered to invite Uncle Chang to visit the Yamen. '

Chang Huhua thought about it, and said:'Did the officials sent to find Long Yubo, Zhu Xia, and Ruan Jianping have all returned? '

Fu Piaodian said, "I have already come back, so the great talent asked me to invite you, Chang Daxia, to the Yamen. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Did Long Yubo, Ruan Jianping and Zhu Xia also come? '

Fu Biao said:'Only one Long Yubo came. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'How about Zhu Xia and Ruan Jianping? Can't find them? '

Fu Biao said:'Although the search is to find, it is a pity that they have not been able to come. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Are they sick? heavy sick? '

Fu Biao said:'It's really heavy, there is no cure. '

Yao Kun said impatiently:'Can you make it clearer? '

Fu Biao said:'You are this temper. '

Yao Kun said:'Since you know, why don't you say it clearly? '

Fu Biao gave a face and said:'They are all dead. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'When did it happen? '

Fu Biao said:'Zhu Xia was already in bed two or three years ago, and within three months, he died of illness. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Ruan Jianping also died of illness? '

Fu Biao said:'No. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Then what was the cause of his death? '

Fu Biao said:'He was killed by the enemy. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'This person is said to have always been arrogant. As the saying goes, there are many offenders, few praises, and enemies everywhere. '

Fu Biao said:'According to the information obtained from the investigation, Ruan Jianping is indeed such a person. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I don't know which enemy committed his death. '

Fu Biao said:'We don't know either. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Can't find it? 'Fu Biao nodded and said:'We only found out that he died on the way back.

Chang Hu Huadao:'What was the situation at that time? '

Fu Biao said: "It is said that in the evening his horse suddenly rushed in from the south of the city, and only then rushed to the street. People fell from the saddle. People nearby found that his back was dripping with blood and blood was on the back of his neck. The mouth is four or five inches deep. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "So deep, I think his head is about to be broken. '

Fu Biao said:'It is said that it has hung over his chest, but it is almost unbroken. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Does the government investigate this matter? '

Fu Biao said:'Yes, the result of the inspection by the workers is sure to be the wound made by the sharp sword. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'The one who killed him was undoubtedly a master with a sword. '

Fu Biao said: "I think so too-judging from the situation at the time, the murderer must have killed him with a sword from behind when he was flying into the city. The murderer may ride a horse or pretend to be a passerby, walking the world and suddenly hit the sky. With a flying sword, no matter what, the speed of that sword must be the same as lightning. Even after he hit the sword, the action continued and went straight into the city. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'In the evening, I believe there are many people entering the city. '

Fu Biao said:'Beyond the south of the city are mountains and wilds. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'No one witnessed him being killed? '

Fu Biao said:'No. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Does anyone know what he did in the south of the city? '

Fu Biao said:'Many people know. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Oh? '

Fu Biao said:'There is a Feilai Temple in the south of the city. There is an old monk in the temple. He is a friend of him. He cooks delicious dishes. Unless he travels far, he must go to Feilai Temple on the first and fifteenth day of every month. Eating fast, this has become his habit. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'This person actually eats a fast. '

Fu Biao said:'Perhaps he knows his sins are serious and hopes that it will be alleviated. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'The murderer probably knew his habit. '

Fu Biao said:'Probably so, so I ambushed him outside the south gate of the city. '

Chang Huhua asked:'When did that happen? '

Fu Biao said:'About seven or eight months ago. '

Chang Huhua pondered for a moment, and then asked:'Does Zhu Xia and Ruan Jianping have any sons? '

Fu Biao said:'According to the findings of the investigation, neither of them was found. Ruan Jianping was even single before his death. '

Chang Hu Hua muttered to herself, "This means that Long Yubo has taken all of Cui Beihai's property?" '

He then asked again:'Long Yubo is now in the Yamen? '

Fu Biao said:'Yes. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Fang to? '

Fu Biao nodded and said:'Fang is here soon. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Have you seen you adults? '

Fu Biao said:'No, what the lord meant, is to wait for the uncle Chang to meet with him after you arrive. When I left the Yamen, I was just the head catcher talking to him. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'He probably wants to find clues from Long Yubo's words. '

Fu Biao said:'In my opinion, the head catcher has this plan. '

Chang Huhua said:'What does Du catch head mean? '

Fu Biao said:'Du Tautou is not in the yamen at all. '

Chang Huhua asked: "He didn't know the arrival of Long Yubo? '

Fu Biao said: "Believe it or not, he didn't see anyone the whole afternoon. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Where did you go? '

Fu Biao said: "I don't know. When I saw him in the morning, I didn't hear him mention where he was going. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Oh? '

Fu Biao thought about it and said:'I guess it was because something happened to leave. We arrived at the Yamen, and maybe he had already gone back. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Maybe. '

He looked up at the sky, and fell silent. It was raining in the sky.