Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 28: Cold Moon Desolate Suburbs


Lengyue Desolate Suburb

The strange noise was not big at first, but it was still not difficult to notice in the silence. It's just a sound, it's really hard to make a judgment

However, regardless of the sound of the trap door, Du Xiaotian was also ready to go down and see what happened.

With this thought for a lifetime, he immediately stretched out his hand to extinguish the Huo Yizi. He was plunged into darkness immediately.

The rain hadn't stopped outside the window, and the night had fallen. When he stood up, there was another voice coming from downstairs, this time the voice was even weaker.

Without thinking about it, he fell on the floor, listening with his ears to the floor. It's the sound of footsteps!

There was a sudden sound of footsteps, and there was another sound of "Yeah". This sound is not difficult to hear that it is the sound of opening the door.

Who is in the wing room down there? Is it Shi Shuanghe? What is Shi Shuanghe doing down there

Du Xiaotian is suspicious by nature. With this suspicion, even if it is murderous, he will chase him down. Besides, although this place is weird now, it doesn't see how dangerous it is

He slowly got up and stood up. Every action is also extremely careful, so as not to make any noise.

Then he tiptoed over to the door. He paid attention to the footsteps downstairs as he walked.

The footsteps downstairs are towards the store hall. He stepped out of the door and saw a faint light.

The dim light was getting brighter and brighter downstairs, and it didn't take long before he saw an oil lamp.

By this time he had almost reached the stairway. He pressed to one side of the room board and squatted down again.

If he doesn't squat down, and the person walking downstairs with the lamp looks up, it will not be difficult to find his presence.

The oil lamp is in a very stable palm. Although people are walking around, the oil lamp is not shaking much.

The man was dressed in a pale gown, his hair was disheveled, and a Taoist monk was tied on top of his head, which was not well tied. It seems to fall at any time.

Just looking at the back, Du Xiaotian has recognized this person as Shi Shuanghe!

The lights suddenly stopped, and people stopped in front of the counter. He leaned over and grabbed a bamboo blue from behind the counter, then turned around.

The light illuminates his face, it really is Shi Shuanghe!

The light began to turn again, Shi Shuanghe turned his head back with the palm of his hand and the bamboo blue in the other.

Du Xiaotian fell down again, listening carefully to the footsteps. The footsteps did not go back to the room downstairs, and went straight to the back yard.

What did Shi Shuanghe do with bamboo blue in the backyard

Du Xiaotian was very surprised. The footsteps gradually fainted and disappeared quickly. According to estimates, the person should have entered the backyard.

Du Xiaotian got up quickly, sprinted to the front of the railing, leaned over the railing, and jumped off the store!

He wants to buy time as much as possible. He had noticed when he came in, so even though he was in a hurry, he didn't kick anything down!

Then he marked the room downstairs like a snake. He used his toes to get up and down, and there was not much noise between the ups and downs.

The door was half open, and Du Xiaotian flashed in.

As soon as he stepped in, he heard a burst of'sudden' sounds-this time the sound was like what they heard in the upper wing under Shi Shuanghe's guidance that time.

Is the moth swarm here? Du Xiaotian stood upside down with his capillary and walked involuntarily. There are no moths flying in the room.

The sound was emitted at the same location. He looked at that location and saw a faint light, which was actually emitted from a wall.

Although the light was faint, it was enough for Du Xiaotian, who was accustomed to the darkness.

He can already see the situation in the room.

There is a bed on the left with pillows and bedding. There is a table on the right, three or four stools.

There are still teapots and cups on the table, but there is a door on the wall not far from the table.

The door had been opened, and the light was shining from the door, and Du Xiaotian rushed to the door with a stride.

There is a wall behind the wall, and the secret door is a three-foot-wide corridor, Du Xiaotian is not surprised.

Because in Jubaozhai, he has seen such a complex wall, such a tunnel.

He was only surprised that there are such complex walls and such corridors in Yunlai Inn.

He couldn't help but hesitated, and didn't know whether to go in or not. Depending on the situation, this room is obviously Shi Shuanghe's bedroom.

How could there be such a complex wall in his bedroom? Such a tunnel? Did he build it himself or did he already have it

Where does the corridor within the complex lead to? What exactly is that place used for

What secrets does he have? Du Xiaotian had problems in his head.

—Shi Shuanghe believes that he will not come back so soon. Du Xiaotian decided to go in! Only by going in can the problem be solved.

He only hoped that this corridor was not like the one in Jubaozhai study, which was full of murderous institutions, and shot him into a hedgehog as soon as he entered.

There was not much time, and Du Xiaotian understood that after making a decision, he rushed in. This was undoubtedly desperate.

It's not that he is not afraid of death, it's just that this corridor, the'sudden' sound that comes from within the corridor, is too temptation for him.

What's more, he has been arresting for ten years, not the first time he has taken a risk.

Poof's figure fell, and in an instant, his whole heart was shrinking.

No random arrows and flying knives were shot at him. This tunnel might really be different from the tunnel in Jubaozhai study; maybe Shi Shuanghe didn't open the mechanism again when he left.

If this is the case, Shi Shuanghe will definitely be back soon, and Du Xiaotian has no time to think, so he flies forward.

His actions were not blocked in any way, and there was no other person in the tunnel.

The corridor is not long, and at the end is a stone step, extending diagonally downward.

Du Xiaotian walked down the stone steps and entered a dungeon. Why is this design so similar to the secret path in Jubaozhai study

Du Xiaotian is so strange, there are even more strange things!

The dungeon is quite wide, which is not surprising. Du Xiaotian has seen a dungeon much wider than this one. The strange thing is the furnishings of this dungeon.

Du Xiaotian had never seen it before. With such a strange furnishings, the walls of the dungeon looked like the night sky.

The dark blue night sky is the same on the top wall, with a light embedded in the center. The lamp is embedded in the wall, and there is a round of bright crystals outside.

The light shines through the crystal, soft and magnificent, like a bright moon.

With this light, the entire dungeon is like bathing in moonlight. Du Xiaotian now seems to be under the moon night, under the moon night of fear!

In the deep blue night sky, there are no clouds, nothing at all. A large group of blood-sucking moths circled the bright moon, flying under the night sky.

The green wings, blood-red eyes, and blood-red eyes on the wings are blooming. The moonlight is particularly vivid, but not beautiful, it just looks terrifying.

Du Xiaotian only felt like he had entered the world of the devil.

Above a bright moon is a moss-colored table, like a rock covered with moss, a big rock.

The table top is not flat, the surface is as concave and convex as a stone, and many of the concave places are filled with a thin layer of blood-red liquid.

That liquid is like blood. What blood is it? Du Xiaotian walked over.

As soon as he approached him, he heard a slight squeaking sound. What kind of sound was it

Du Xiaotian walked to the table and dipped his hand into the blood.

As soon as his hand approached, there was a sudden noise, and suddenly twenty or thirty blood-sucking moths appeared near the tabletop!

The twenty or thirty blood-sucking moths were originally lying on the table, but now most of them are flying up in shock by Du Xiaotian.

Du Xiaotian was startled, his hands stopped in the air, and he stared at the table intently.

This time he saw it clearly. There are still several blood-sucking moths lying on the table.

The eyes of those blood-sucking moths are as red as blood and green as jasper.

The table is like a stone covered with moss, and the concave place is filled with blood-red liquid. Those blood-sucking moths are lying on it, one inadvertently, it is indeed easy to neglect.

Du Xiaotian looked at it more clearly and found that the few blood-sucking moths were all spitting the straw into the blood-red liquid.

That squeaking sound seems to happen because of this. It seems that they are obviously sipping the blood red liquid.

What exactly is that blood red liquid

Du Xiaotian couldn't help dipping it with his fingers. Fingering is a cool feeling, like dipping your finger in water.

Du Xiaotian raised his hand, the blood-red liquid had dyed his fingers red, like paint.

He moved his fingers to the end of his nose again, and it was a weird stench.

Du Xiaotian had no judgment as to what it was.

-Could this be the drink of those blood-sucking moths, if so, what is the food of those blood-sucking moths

Du Xiaotian's mind moved, and he smelled a scent again. In fact, that smell has always filled the entire dungeon.

Du Xiaotian didn't realize it until now.

His attention had been focused on the stone-like table covered with moss before, and he wanted to smell the blood-red liquid, and wanted to know what it was.

Even before dipping his fingers in the blood-red liquid, he had smelled the weird stench.

In fact, it was not the first time he had come into contact with that blood-red liquid. He didn't feel the smell that filled the entire dungeon.

This is also a psychological effect, which he suddenly noticed now.

Soon he noticed that there were many flowers and leaves piled under the four walls of the dungeon, and many of the leaves had withered.

Most of the flowers are crippled, but they are still yellow. Could this be the flower leaves of those flower trees planted in the backyard

Only then did Du Xiaotian realize that the smell was actually the kind of floral fragrance. Is this the food for those blood-sucking moths

He looked around, the entire dungeon didn't even have a bone, and there was no animal carcass.

His idea is undoubtedly very possible.

If the flower leaves are not the food of the blood-sucking moths, what reason is there to pile up in the dungeon

-Apart from the meat-sucking moths, are they still vegetarian

Du Xiaotian wanted to walk over, as long as he walked over and took a look, he could further confirm it.

If the flower leaves are really food for the blood-sucking moths, there must be blood-sucking moths on them.

If this is confirmed, the owner of those blood-sucking moths is not Guo Pu, but someone else-Shi Shuanghe!

Du Xiaotian's suspicion towards Shi Shuanghe was at least ten times heavier at this moment. His steps have been lifted, lifted and put down.

Because he remembered that he had spent a lot of time in this dungeon.

If Shi Shuanghe wants to come back, now is the time. If the two meet, Shi Shuanghe will definitely not let him go.

He didn't know whether it was Shi Shuanghe's opponent, but at this moment, he suddenly had fear of Shi Shuanghe.

A strong fear that he must leave as soon as possible.

This is undoubtedly a big discovery, if he is seen by Shi Shuanghe, it will not be difficult to turn back into a secret.

Once experience, Shi Shuanghe will definitely re-deploy and will definitely be more careful.

So even if there is a second suspicion to this place, it will not be so easy to discover this secret again.

It is even possible that this secret becomes a secret forever.

Du Xiaotian was about to turn around, when the index finger of his left hand suddenly hurt.

His gaze couldn't help falling, and the straw of the blood-sucking moth held in his left hand had pierced the skin of his left index finger.

He had almost forgotten the blood-sucking moth, and the thumb against the blood-sucking moth had already moved away.

As soon as he let go, he just let go a little. Once he had room to struggle, the blood sucking moth began to struggle again.

Du Xiaotian tightened the palm of his hand and said with a sneer: "One experience is enough. Now it is the Moth King that has fallen into my hands, and I don't want to escape. '

A voice sounded in real time. It's not a moth hissing, it's a human voice! Eerie vocals.

The voice came from behind, saying:'Show me, you are the same! '

Du Xiaotian looked back in shock.

Shi Shuanghe is standing at the entrance of the dungeon!

Under the moonlight light, Shi Shuanghe's already pale face appeared paler, so pale that he didn't seem to be a living person.

The look on his face is as gloomy as the voice he speaks, and there seems to be a layer of white air-ghost air!

His people seemed to be erratic because of this, erratic like a ghost from the underworld. His appearance is like a ghost at all.

Although Du Xiaotian was distracted by the blood-sucking moth in his hand, his ears and eyes were extremely sensitive, but his ears and eyes were so sensitive that he didn't realize it until Shi Shuanghe appeared at the door of the dungeon and spoke.

The oil lamp in Shi Shuanghe's left hand is no longer there, and he still carries the bamboo basket in his right hand.

The bamboo basket contains flowers and leaves, the flowers and leaves of the flower tree in the backyard, the green leaves, and the bright yellow flowers.

The faint fragrance of flowers has diffused in the dungeon.

The moths flying around the moon seemed to become more active because of the fresh flowers and leaves in the dungeon.

Suddenly, the sound gradually became stronger.

Du Xiaotian's heart was upset. He stared at Shi Shuanghe and unconsciously opened his voice:'Shi Shuanghe...'

Shi Shuanghe had a dead eyebrow and a blank expression on his face. He said, "What's the matter? '

Du Xiaotian was full of words, but he didn't know where to start first.

Shi Shuanghe didn't ask further, his eyes slanted on the bamboo basket, and said:'I was ready to take a good night's sleep. '

Du Xiaotian casually said:'You went to bed so early? '

Shi Shuanghe smiled and said:'Go to bed early and be in good health. '

Du Xiaotian said:'When did you start to care about your body? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Not now. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Why don't you sleep? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'How can I sleep if I can't sleep? '

Du Xiaotian said:'What is your concern. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'There is nothing to worry about. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Then what makes you unable to sleep? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'My babies are so noisy. '

Du Xiaotian said:'You mean those blood-sucking moths? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Exactly. '

Du Xiaotian asked: "Is it your baby or Guo Pu's baby? '

Shi Shuanghe asked back:'Don't you hear me clearly? '

Du Xiaotian closed his mouth. He heard very clearly.

Shi Shuanghe continued his words, saying:'By now, you should know that I am the master of the blood-sucking moth. '

Du Xiaotian nodded blankly, and suddenly said:'Can you answer some of my questions. '

Shi Shuanghe thought without hesitation, and said:'Yes. '

Du Xiaotian remained silent, not knowing where to ask.

Shi Shuanghe gave him a hint and said:'Do you already know why my darlings are arguing so much? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Why? '

Shi Shuanghe asked back: "In your opinion, when is most of a person the worst temper, the most impatient, and the most noisy? '

Du Xiaotian said:'When you are hungry. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'The same goes for moths. '

Du Xiaotian said:'You forgot to give them food. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I have been too busy these days. '

Du Xiaotian said:'What are you busy doing? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Can you wait a while before asking me this question? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Why wait for a while? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I haven't finished what I was about to say. '

Du Xiaotian sighed and turned back to the topic:'Your darlings are actually very patient. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Oh. '

Du Xiaotian said:'I am the one who transfers, I believe I will never wait until now to make a noise. '

Shi Shuanghe said: "They didn't just start to make noise. It's just that I've been out at night and day, and when I came back, I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as I lay down. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Today is an exception? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'It's just an exception today. '

Du Xiaotian said:'That's why you remember that you haven't given them food for several days. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Actually, I have already stored enough food in the dungeon, but after a few days, it has become stale. '

Du Xiaotian said strangely and authentically: "They also choose to drink and eat? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Like people. '

Du Xiaotian shook his head and said:'This kind of thing is really strange. '

He even asked Shi Shuanghe: "Is their food the flower leaves of the flowers and trees in the backyard?" '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Exactly. 'His gaze fell on the bamboo basket again, and said:'I originally planned to pick up this bamboo basket.

Du Xiaotian only noticed the bamboo-blue flower and leaf, but it was half full, and asked in a letter:'Why don't you pick it up? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Because when I was picking flowers and leaves, suddenly a blood-sucking moth came. '

Du Xiaotian said:'What does this have to do with? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'You know, they are originally wild animals in the forests of Xiaoxiang Mountains. They are extremely vital and very different from other moths. They are not afraid of the sun and fly everywhere like in daylight. Even if they are locked up, as long as they still fly There is always room to fly for quite some time every day, and I will not give up until I get tired. "He paused, and said: "Although they are wild animals, after a long time of training, I have learned to obey my orders. Even though the door of the dungeon is wide open, if there is no sudden thing that disturbs them, they will never fly. Go out. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Really? '

Shi Shuanghe nodded and said:'So I immediately knew that someone had stolen into the dungeon. '

Du Xiaotian said:'How do you know that it must be a human being, not a mouse. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I placed a medicine for Snake and Rat Piyi at the entrance of the dungeon. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Snake Rat Piyi's medicine may not be effective for other animals. '

Shi Shuanghe did not deny it.

Du Xiaotian said:'Maybe it was just a cat or a dog who broke into the dungeon. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I don't keep these two animals here. '

Du Xiaotian said:'There must be someone nearby. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Of course there is, how can it be counted as a county without cats and dogs? '

He suddenly smiled and said:'Even if a cat and dog stole in, I have to come back and take a look to be relieved. '

Du Xiaotian sighed again.

Shi Shuanghe smiled and said:'If you don't come back and take a look, how can you know if it was a dog or a person who stole in? '

Du Xiaotian sighed again and said:'I have been very careful from beginning to end, I have no intention of alarming them, and I don't intend to alarm them at all. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I know you must be very careful. '

Du Xiaotian said: "They are too courageous. I just reached out and prepared to dip a bit of the bloody liquid on the table to see what it was. Who knew they were startled, and they even escaped in one breath. Outside the prison. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Didn't you see them lying on the table at first? '

Du Xiaotian said:'No. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Your eyes are not always good. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Their color is too similar to the color of that table. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'In the mountains and forests of Xiaoxiang, they liked to stay on things of the same color as them, because they did not have enough ability to resist the enemy's invasion, so they had to use this method to conceal their existence. , To confuse the enemy's eyes and protect their lives. '

Du Xiaotian couldn't help asking:'The teeth and straws in their mouths are not powerful weapons? '

Shi Shuanghe laughed again. This time his smile looked very strange. He smiled and said:'Do you think they can really eat meat and suck blood? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Isn't it? '

Shi Shuanghe just smiled without answering, and then asked:'What are you doing here suddenly? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Detect your secrets. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'My secret? '

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'That is the secret of the blood sucking moth. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'When did you start to suspect that I was related to those blood-sucking moths? '

Du Xiaotian said:'It has already started. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'When is it early? '

Du Xiaotian said:'The first time I entered this place, I already had doubts about you. '

Shi Shuanghe was surprised and said:'Could it be that I showed a flaw in the first place? '

Du Xiaotian nodded.

Shi Shuanghe asked: "What is the flaw? '

Du Xiaotian couldn't answer.

Shi Shuanghe looked at him and suddenly shook his head and sighed.

Du Xiaotian saw the strangeness, and asked in a shocked voice:'What is it so emotional? '

Shi Shuanghe sighed and said:'You were an honest person, how come you have become so cunning now? '

Du Xiaotian pretended to be startled.

Shi Shuanghe's gaze condensed on Du Xiaotian's face, and said:'Looking at your appearance, it seems that nothing happened. '

Du Xiaotian didn't seem to understand Shi Shuanghe's words.

Shi Shuanghe continued:'It's a pity that although your expression is full, your ability to lie has not yet reached home. '

Du Xiaotian was still stunned.

Shi Shuanghe continued his words, saying: "A person who really knows how to lie must first deceive himself before deceiving others. How can he deceive others if he can't even deceive a lie? 'He seemed to be worried that Du Xiaotian didn't understand, and even then explained:'This actually means that you must first believe what you say when you speak. It seems simple to say, but it is not simple. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Oh? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Because it's not enough to say and believe, those words must be able to convince themselves. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Believe in your own words, does it matter if you don't believe in others? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'It's a big deal. '

Du Xiaotian said: "I believe it or not, only I know it. Unless I say it, who knows? '

Shi Shuanghe suddenly asked: "Do you have any friends? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Yes, there are many. '

Shi Shuanghe asked again: "A friend? '

Du Xiaotian said:'There are also. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Are you lying, can they hear it? I can tell? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Maybe it can. 'He laughed again and again, and said:'You are not my confidant friend. '

'Shi Shuanghe is not a confidant friend, you know. '

Du Xiaotian nodded.

Shi Shuanghe said:'You don't need to know your friends when you said that. Even ordinary friends can tell that you are lying. '

Du Xiaotian was startled:'Why? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'What is your temperament, I believe it is not difficult to know for your friends who only need to pay attention to it. '

He stopped after a meal and said:'With your temperament, if you have discovered something from the beginning, how can you wait until now to investigate? '

Du Xiaotian did not answer. He looked up and down Shi Shuanghe several times, and suddenly said:'You and I were not friends before, nor are ordinary friends. '

Shi Shuanghe made no sound.

Du Xiaotian said:'It's really strange that you are so clear about my temperament. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'This is the only strange thing. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Oh? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I also know that you always like to be alone, this time it's just one arrival. '

Du Xiaotian's heart trembled, his expression still calm, and he smiled lightly:'Yes, I always like to be alone, but this time it is an exception. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Really? '

Du Xiaotian said: "Knowing that as soon as you step into this place, it will not be difficult to cause death. With a careful person like me, how can you not be guarded? '

Shi Shuanghe smiled suddenly and said:'Even if you tell the truth, I will not let you go. '

After this sentence, Shi Shuanghe’s footsteps began to move, one step, two steps—

Du Xiaotian stared at Shi Shuanghe and walked towards him, startled step by step. Two steps out, Shi Shuanghe suddenly stopped again.

The door of the dungeon behind him closed in real time, silently and automatically! Behind the door is also painted like a wall.

The entire dungeon became a sky, a deep blue sky, a night sky.

The moon-like wall lamp seemed to be brighter again. The two of them are like being in the wilderness under the moon in the middle of the night.

The cold moon was mournful, but the wilderness was not silent in the middle of the night.

A large group of blood-sucking moths are still flying around the wall lamp like a bright moon, and the flapping of its wings is like the laughter of the devil.

The blood-red moth eyes, the green moth wings, and the red and green light shone under the light, like stars gleaming in the sky.

How can starlight be these two colors? If this is a real sky, a real moon, and a real star, it won't be like everything on earth.

Du Xiaotian only felt like he was in the devil world.

-Is this Shi Shuanghe a demon from the demon world

Du Xiaotian thought about it, unconsciously coming out from the chills, and shuddering several times in a row.

His hand was already firmly on the handle of the knife, his eyes widened like pigeon eggs, staring at Shi Shuanghe.

Shi Shuanghe's eyes were staring at the bright moon in the night sky. His eyes were originally covered with red threads, under the pale moonlight, but he didn't realize it at all, and his entire eyeball seemed to be transparent.

These eyes are not like human eyes. A sigh suddenly leaked from his teeth. The erratic light breath also seems to come from the netherworld.

He sighed and said:'Where are you not going, why do you want to come to this place? '

Du Xiaotian smiled bitterly. He didn't know how to answer.

Shi Shuanghe sighed and said again:'I didn't mean to kill you at all, but now I found this place for you, knowing so many secrets, I really can't think of a second way besides killing my mouth. '

Du Xiaotian also sighed and said:'I can't think of it, otherwise I will tell you. '

Shi Shuanghe smiled slightly and said:'You are in favor of me killing you. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Don't you say that I don't agree, you won't kill me? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Why not? '

Du Xiaotian smiled indifferently and then asked:'You know my temperament so well, do you know my martial arts as well? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Also clear. '

Du Xiaotian asked again:'Kill me, how sure are you? '

Shi Shuanghe didn't even think about it, and immediately said:'Twelve points! '

Du Xiaotian was startled again, and couldn't help asking:'Why is this so sure...'

Shi Shuanghe smiled lightly and said:'Know yourself and the enemy, and win every battle! '

Du Xiaotian looked at Shi Shuanghe strangely:'How do you really know my martial arts? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Now you can't believe it. '

Du Xiaotian said:'You and I didn't know each other before, and there was no conflict of interest at all. Since I am a quick arrester, Cui Beihai's case will definitely fall into my hands, and there is no reason. You will study my martial arts level from the beginning and prepare to deal with me. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'If we really didn't know each other before, there really is no reason. '

Du Xiaotian tentatively asked:'Isn't it? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'No. '

Du Xiaotian groaned and said:'I really have no impression. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Soon, you will know. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Oh? '

Shi Shuanghe said: "Ghosts and gods are said to be able to know the past and the future. '

Only then did Du Xiaotian understand, and said with a faint smile:'I am not a bad person, and all those who die by my sword are bad people, so the possibility of going to hell after death is not very high. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I'm just sending you on the road. As for whether you go to Biluo or Huangquan, it has nothing to do with me. '

Du Xiaotian smiled slightly and said:'I understand this. '

Du Xiaotian smiled and said:'How can you show up in time? I have explained it in great detail, and I understand it very well. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'You are a wise man. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Now I can probably ask you to answer other questions. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'No. '

Du Xiaotian was startled again.

Shi Shuanghe said:'I know now that you have thought about where to ask first. '

Du Xiaotian nodded and was about to speak. Shi Shuanghe's words had already been spoken, saying:'It's a pity that I don't intend to answer any more questions. '

Du Xiaotian blurted out:'Why? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Because I am also a smart person. '

Du Xiaotian didn't understand.

Shi Shuanghe continued:'Smart people will never do stupid things. '

Du Xiaotian still didn't understand.

Shi Shuanghe said again:'Now I suddenly remembered that there is really no reason to say so much to you. '

Du Xiaotian couldn't help asking again:'Why? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Because you will soon become a dead person! '

Du Xiaotian suddenly said:'It turns out that this is the reason. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Exactly! 'His gaze finally fell, and he continued:'Talking to you is completely meaningless. '

Du Xiaotian sighed and said:'Listen to you, I will die tonight...'

Shi Shuanghe immediately interrupted Du Xiaotian's speech, saying:'There is still a ray of life after nine deaths, but I think there is no ray of life. '

Du Xiaotian said:'You have to answer my question even more. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'How? '

Du Xiaotian sighed and said:'Otherwise, I won't look down on my eyes, how can you feel good about it? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Your words are not without reason, but it's a pity that this fact is too complicated. '

Du Xiaotian said:'This is okay, you can explain it slowly, anyway, I am already in your grasp and there is plenty of time. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'My patience is limited. '

Du Xiaotian said:'This can be summarized...'

Shi Shuanghe interrupted Du Xiaotian's speech again and said:'This is not bad, it's okay, but it's a big headache for me. '

Du Xiaotian said:'I know you have a flexible mind and a flexible speech. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Now, I don't want to worry about it anymore. '

He smiled and said, "It's not difficult to give you a chance to take advantage of my brain and my tongue. '

Du Xiaotian said: "Don't worry, I promise, before you finish speaking, even if there is a good opportunity, I will never get into trouble. '

Shi Shuanghe laughed again.

Du Xiaotian hurriedly said again:'I have always had a good credit. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I know this. '

Du Xiaotian said:'You still don't worry about this. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'I don't worry, it's just...'

Du Xiaotian asked anxiously:'Just what? '

Shi Shuanghe smiled again and said:'Why am I taking this risk? '

Du Xiaotian sighed and said:'Do you really want me to die? '

Shi Shuanghe smiled and said:'For the sake of safety, I'm sorry to have to do so. '

Du Xiaotian could only sigh.

Shi Shuanghe said again: "What's more, it's a dead person anyway, what is the difference between looking at it and not looking at it? '

Du Xiaotian said:'I'm not afraid that I will stay in my shadow and turn into a devil, demanding my life from you! 'He was very serious.

Instead, Shi Shuanghe laughed again and said:'Do you think there are so-called demons and ghosts in the world? '

Du Xiaotian asked back:'Are you sure not? '

Shi Shuanghe immediately shook his head and said:'No way. '

His voice immediately changed, gloomy and terrifying, and said grimly:'I hope, there really is such a thing. '

Du Xiaotian was stunned.