Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 3: The night is long


The long night Cui Beihai rubbed his eyes, then looked around.

The four blood-sucking moths were still on the lampshade, and their blood-red eyes seemed to be mocking.

It's definitely not dazzling!

How could Yi Zhujun not see? He stared at Yi Zhujun abruptly, and said solemnly:'You really didn't see it? 'Jun Yi Zhu sighed again, and simply closed his mouth.

Cui Beihai hummed, and suddenly moved towards the silver lantern.

He walked very slowly, holding the hilt tightly with his right hand, and staring at the four blood-sucking moths fiercely!

Whenever there is a change, his Seven-Star Desperate Sword will attack with all strength.

The four blood-sucking moths remained motionless.

Cui Beihai stepped out in three steps, and the veins in his right hand were already violent.

The same goes for the left hand, the five fingers are already like a hook!

He came before the silver lantern in just seven steps.

As soon as he can take over, the sword has not yet attacked, and the murderous aura from his body can almost extinguish the lights.

The lights were still on, and the four blood-sucking moths remained motionless, and the ridicule in their eyes seemed to grow thicker.

They simply don't put Cui Beihai in their eyes.

Cui Beihai also feels this way.

Suddenly feel angry!

Anger replaced fear.

The anger rose from the heart, and the evil grew to the side of the gall. He stopped drinking with a cry and grabbed it with his right hand.

Seeing that this hand was about to grasp the lampshade, the four blood-sucking moths suddenly became transparent.

The blood-red eyes turned yellow in an instant, leaving only four green outlines of the four blood-sucking moths.

It was like four green moths painted on the lampshade with emerald green paint.

Cui Beihai's pupils shrank sharply, but one hand became stiff, frozen in the air.

The green outline also turned dimly yellow at this moment.

The lampshade of the dim silver lamp, the four blood-sucking moths have completely disappeared!

Disappear like a devil!

This is the second time this kind of thing has happened.

-Is this a vampire moth or a vampire? Cui Beihai looked around, and the four blood-sucking moths that disappeared on the lampshade did not appear elsewhere.

Cui Beihai couldn't help but hesitated.

This monster and ghost appeared like a blood-sucking moth that couldn't be caught. He really didn't know how to deal with it.

Jun Yi Zhu looked at him in surprise, his expression was like looking at a madman.

If she really didn't see the four blood-sucking moths, Cui Beihai's behavior just now looked like a lunatic in her eyes.

Could it be that these blood-sucking moths were originally the incarnations of demons, and only the one with their vitals could see it? Cui Beihai's gaze turned again and again, and finally fell on Yi Zhujun's face again.

He wanted to say a few words to ease the turbulent mood. Who knew that as soon as his gaze fell on Yi Zhujun's face, he saw a blood-red eye!

This was Yi Zhujun’s eyes, but they turned red at some point!

Red as blood, red as dripping blood!

The black paint-like eyes have disappeared, and Mr. Yi Zhu's eyes are like the nests of bees, the holes of the bamboo sieve!

Thousands of eyes like honeycomb meshes are combined to form this pair of eyes!

Don't the eyes of the blood-sucking moth look like this? The color of Yi Zhujun's face changed, and the blushing face turned blue and white, blue and white and crystal clear, just like the blood of a blood-sucking moth!

Cui Beihai was dumbfounded.

Yi Zhujun's lips opened immediately, as if he was about to speak, but the lips opened, but the words did not come out, and the tongue came out instead.

What a long tongue, sharp as a spear, bright red as blood!

She is simply the incarnation of a blood-sucking moth!

Cui Beihai blurted out a strange cry, and stepped back three steps!

He pointed at Yi Zhujun, his lips trembled, but he couldn't even say a word.

An unprecedented fear choked his throat.

The fear quickly covered his whole body, and his whole body began to tremble.

My wife turned into a monster and wanted to suck her own blood. If she changed to a second person, she would be scared to death.

Although he was not scared to death, his guts were almost broken.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that such a thing would happen.

At this moment, Yi Zhujun's tongue has stretched a lot.

She has put her hands on the chair handles, she has to stand up depending on the situation, walk over, and suck Cui Beihai's blood!

She hasn't stood up yet, Cui Beihai is already terrified.

A cold air rose from under his feet, hit his chest, and rushed away from his choked throat.

He hissed loudly:'Don't come over! 'The voice was full of fear, not like his voice at all.

Yi Zhujun sat down half-rising and said, "What's the matter with you?" 'As soon as the words were spoken, her bright red tongue disappeared, her pale complexion returned to blush, and her eyes returned to their original appearance.

This was just an instant event, Cui Beihai only felt a flower in front of him, and the terrifying image of Jun Yi Zhu completely disappeared!

I am afraid that magic is not so fast!

Cui Beihai really doubted that all of this was entirely his own illusion.

He suddenly dashed to Jun Yi Zhu, his hands stretched out like lightning, his left hand clasped Jun Yi's face, and his right hand opened Jun Yi's mouth.

The two rows of teeth of Yi Zhujun are as beautiful as shellfish, and as usual, his tongue is no different from usual, no doubt with ordinary people.

Cui Beihai let go of his hands with a sigh.

Yi Zhujun's mouth was still open, his eyes widened, without blinking, as if shocked by Cui Beihai's actions.

Cui Beihai stared at her, slowly backed away, and fell on a chair'sazy', his face pale as paper.

It is dark outside the window, the night is as thick as splashing ink, and the night is long, how can we wait for dawn? On the fourth day of March, the long night finally passed away.

Cui Beihai got up early in the morning with red silk in his eyes.

This night, he did not sleep well for a while, and he almost kept his eyes open until dawn.

At this time on weekdays, he is mostly still in a dream, even if he wakes up, he will stay in bed.

Because besides him on the bed, there is also Mr. Yi Zhu.

Now Yi Zhujun is still on the bed, but he can no longer lie down on the bed.

He was already afraid of Yi Zhujun.

He stayed up all night, just because he was worried that when he fell asleep, Jun Yi Zhu became a blood-sucking moth again, sticking out his long tongue and sucking his blood.

Not sleeping all night has little effect on him.

He stretched his waist, cheered up, and walked slowly to the front of the closet.

In the past three years, I took my clothes and wore them almost every day.

Because he didn't want Yi Zhujun to work too hard, and today is no exception.

With a drop in his hands, he opened the two doors of the closet.

As soon as the closet opened, he saw eight eyes!

Eyes flashing with blood, blood red eyes.

There was a strange sound of'suddenly, eight blood-sucking moths rushed out of the cabinet like locusts at the moment the door of the cabinet was opened, and pounced on the face of Cui Beihai.

The blood-red straw is going to pierce Cui Beihai's face!

Cui Beihai's weird cry of'wow', shocked to the ground.

Mr. Yi Zhu, who was asleep, jumped out of the bed in shock at the strange scream.

She stared at Cui Beihai who was falling on the ground, and asked urgently:'What happened? 'Cui Beihai hissed:'What happened, don't you see those moths, blood-sucking moths! 'Jun Yi Zhu looked around and said:'Where are the blood-sucking moths? 'Cui Beihai jumped up from the ground and searched the entire room with bloodshot eyes.

There are indeed no moths, none at all.

Eight blood-sucking moths flew out of the closet and disappeared instantly!

The windows on all sides are closed, and the door has not yet been opened. Could these eight blood-sucking moths disappear like a devil again? Cui Beihai held the closet with his hands, looked at the closet and then at Yi Zhujun. He was rustling and couldn't help shaking.

The blood-sucking moths appeared early in the morning. Is this a warning or a threat? Only one blood-sucking moth appeared on the first day of March, two on the second day of March, four on the third day of March, and eight on the fourth day of March today!

Every time the blood-sucking moth appeared exactly twice the day before!

There are eight today, and if the blood-sucking moths appear tomorrow, there should be sixteen.

Unless this is all coincidence, this blood-sucking moth is really the incarnation of a monster!

If it were not for the incarnation of a demon, how could one understand that twice as much as four is four, and four as double is eight.

On the fifth day of March, at night, the night wind shines through the window, and the lights are shaking.

The silver lamp is like a revolving lantern, and a cluster of blood-sucking moths flies around the silver lamp'suddenly'.

Cui Beihai didn't move. He sat quietly on the edge of the bed, counting the cluster of blood-sucking moths.

Sixteen, Cui Beihai came out from the heart.

He secretly glanced at Jun Yi Zhu, who was sitting in the bed, also looking at the silver lamp.

He looked at Mr. Yi Zhu humbly, and asked:'What are you doing looking at that lamp? 'Jun Yi Zhu was startled, and said quietly,'I see you always looking at the lamp, and I feel very strange in my heart, so I also look at it. 'Cui Beihai' uttered, and then asked:'What do you see? 'Yi Zhu Jundao:' a silver lamp. 'Cui Beihai said coldly:'Just a silver lamp? 'Yi Zhujun nodded.

Cui Beihai turned to ask:'Are the lights flashing constantly? 'Yi Zhu Jundao:'There is no such thing. 'Cui Beihai asked again:'Did you hear a sudden sound? 'Yi Zhu Jundao:' No. 'Cui Beihai said dumbly:'Don't you really see the sixteen blood-sucking moths flying around the lamp? 'Yi Zhujun shook his head and said:'Really not. 'Cui Beihai smiled sadly:'You lie, you lie to me. 'Yi Zhujun sighed and said nothing.

Cui Beihai said dazedly:'What is wrong with me, why are you treating me like this? 'Yi Zhujun only sighed.

Cui Beihai stood up blankly and walked slowly towards the silver lamp.

Before he walked, the sixteen blood-sucking moths were transparent, and only a green round corridor disappeared.

Cui Beihai remained unmoved, he had known that this must happen again.

This is not the first time this happened before his eyes. He smiled miserably, and only grinned.

On the sixth day of March, the night is late.

The wind forbidden bells are as clear as a whisper, and the moon screens are as thin as smoke.

Cui Beihai was lying on the bed, feeling very peaceful.

In the past six days, only today he feels better.

Because all day, the blood-sucking moth did not appear in front of his eyes.

The misty moonlight has an indescribable beauty.

He looked at the beautiful moonlight, and suddenly a strong impulse was born in his heart.

He turned half of his body and looked at Mr. Yi Zhu who was sleeping beside him.

Yi Zhujun has fallen asleep, sound asleep, and the moonlight is faint.

Although he couldn't really see Yi Zhujun's charming sleeping state, he could imagine it.

He and Yi Zhujun have been married for three years and have seen Yi Zhujun's charming sleeping posture and beautiful carcass more than a thousand times.

What's more, he can still hear Yi Zhujun's slight breathing and the light flesh fragrance.

Jun Yi Zhu's body is full of temptation, and even the sound of breathing now sounds very sultry.

Cui Beihai couldn't help it anymore.

His hand stretched out from under the quilt and he touched Yi Zhujun's hand.

Jun Yi Zhu's hands were as slippery as fat, but as cold as fat, as if the blood in Mr. Yi Zhu's body had already condensed and had frozen.

This is a stimulus for Cui Beihai.

Strong stimulus!

His throat gradually became dry, but his breath became urgent.

He half stood up, moved his hand up, and reached Jun Yi Zhu's shoulder, then turned down and moved to Jun Yi Zhu's chest.

Yi Zhujun's chest was rising and falling subtly.

Although I didn't see it clearly, Cui Beihai was already in awe.

His breath became more rapid, and his hand stretched out further, gently rubbing Yi Zhujun's chest!

His hand stopped as soon as he rubbed it, strange.

This is indeed a very strange thing, when he rubbed his hand, he touched three breasts!

His hand is now resting on Yi Zhujun's third breast—how can there be three breasts? He moved his hand away a bit, squinted his eyes and stared.

It is not an illusion, there are indeed three breasts—the third breast!

The third breast swelled up where it was supposed to be a ****.

The hand felt limp, and the breast was still trembling gently.

No one knows Yi Zhujun's body better than him.

He knew clearly that Yi Zhujun, just like ordinary people, always only had two breasts.

Now, there is one more!

—What the hell is going on? -Could it be that she put something in the ****? —What is that again? Cui Beihai couldn't help but separate Yi Zhujun's collar, slid in with one hand, leaned toward the ****, and touched the third breast!

Touching it with one hand, Cui Beihai is even more strange!

That breast was covered with fluff—what the hell was it? Cui Beihai was about to explore clearly when he suddenly felt a series of tingling pains on the five fingers of that hand!

The sting like acupuncture, like countless sharp needles sucked into his fingers!

Then he felt his whole hand twitching suddenly, and the blood in his hand seemed to be constantly being drawn out!

He shrank his hand!

As soon as this hand was pulled out, Yi Zhujun's third breast also came out with his hand!

There is no blood, no meat, and it is not a breast at all!

It's a moth-a blood-sucking moth!

A group of blood-sucking moths swarmed into that breast. As soon as Cui Beihai's hand touched it, the group of blood-sucking moth-tip straws pierced under his fingers and sucked his blood!

Cui Beihai's fear at this moment is beyond any words to describe!

He screamed!

It's not like a cry from a person!

The horrible cry shook the whole room. His people were like wounded jackals, who turned upside down from the bed and hit a window!

The slammed window shattered, and people flew out of the courtyard from the broken window!

Cui Beihai landed on the ground and rolled twice before jumping up, his eyes widened, staring at his hands!

There was no blood-sucking moth sting on that hand, not one, and no blood, but it seemed to have dozens of more pinholes, blood-red pinholes!

The muscles of Cui Beihai's entire face were convulsed, and he looked at the broken window again.

There is no blood-sucking moth over the broken window, but there is a human face.

Jun Yi Zhu was standing inside the broken window, looking at him.

The dim and pale moonlight was shining on Jun Yi Zhu's face.

As a result, her complexion looked pale, but pale, not green, and her eyes did not turn into a sieve honeycomb or blood red.

She is exactly the way she is, and some of them are not scary.

Under the moonlight, she only felt that she was beautiful and refined, like a godlike person.

That kind of beauty is no longer what the world has, it's so bleak and beautiful.

She looked at Cui Beihai in surprise, walked closer to the window, looked out the window, and the pale moonlight shone on her face.

That face was even paler, so pale that it was completely bloodless, and even her lips appeared pale.

Looking at such a face, Cui Beihai couldn't help but remembered that when he touched his hand just now, he felt the skin that looked cool and had no blood temperature.

It was a stimulus to him just now, but now that he thinks about it, he only feels horrible.

It's like a muscle with lost blood. Where is the blood? Is it because that group of blood-sucking moths just fell in her **** and is sucking her blood? Most of her blood has been sucked by that group of blood-sucking moths? Was she actually the one chosen by the blood-sucking moth this time? If not, why did that group of blood-sucking moths fall in her ****? Cui Beihai was puzzled and stared at Yi Zhujun.

Jun Yi Zhu was also puzzled, and suddenly asked:'What are you doing? 'The faint voice also seemed to come from outside the sky.

The sky at night was as cold as water, and her tone was undoubtedly as soft as water, but as cold as water.

The white silk bedding on her body was misty under the moonlight. It was really smoke, but it was more like the air-conditioning exuding from the ice.

Cui Beihai seemed to have sealed his throat by the cold air, and he did not make a sound.

Jun Yi Zhu couldn't help asking again:'What happened just now? 'Cui Beihai replied in a dumb voice:'Mo -'He had already shuddered several times when he exited with the word moth.

He trembled and said: "A group of blood-sucking moths are lying on your chest, sucking your blood... "This sound is like a sound from the throat, and it is still clear in the quiet night.

He said it very truthfully, and never looked like a lie.

Yi Zhujun was shocked at once, and naturally opened his collar to check his chest.

Under the cold moonlight, her chest was as sparkling as white jade, and Cui Beihai's eyes were straight.

He had never looked at Yi Zhujun's chest in the moonlight.

In an instant, he almost completely forgot the fear in his heart.

The panic on Yi Zhujun's face quickly disappeared, but she was surprised when she changed it, and she didn't seem to notice it.

With a sigh, she gently concealed the skirt of her chest.

At this moment, Cui Beihai fluttered back in a swaggering stride, jumped over the railing, and stumbled down, holding onto Yi Zhujun's hand on the edge of the window.

Yi Zhujun shrank her hand subconsciously, and of course her hand could not escape Cui Beihai's grasp.

Cui Beihai didn't use much force with that hand, and it didn't hurt to hold her, so she gave up struggling without shrinking it.

Her hands are a little different from those just now, although they are as slippery as fat, they are warm.

Cui Beihai couldn't help but stayed, and the other hand was separated, Yi Zhujun secretly covered the skirt of his clothes.

His gaze also fell on Yi Zhujun's chest.

Of course he could see more clearly at such a distance.

Yi Zhujun's chest is smooth and crystal clear, and there is no flaw in the ****, there is no red needle, even moth powder.

It is not surprising that there is no needle, because the group of blood-sucking moths has not pierced her skin and sucked her blood, but so many blood-sucking moths gathered together, even if they moved, when they crawled in, they inevitably It will also rub against clothes, and there should be some moth powder left behind.

He has not forgotten that time when Du Xiaotian grabbed a blood-sucking moth and threw it on the moth powder.

Now that Yi Zhujun's chest can't find even a little bit of moth powder, how can such a thing happen? How did those blood-sucking moths get into Yi Zhujun's clothes? What are they doing in Yi Zhujun's ****? As Cui Beihai thought, he checked Yi Zhujun's clothes again and again.

Nothing means nothing.

He smiled bitterly, but there was not much surprise on his face.

Over the past few days, too many things that are not possible have happened.

He has been surprised too much.

Although this strange mood is not numb, it has begun to numb.

He stared at Yi Zhujun, and suddenly there was fear in his eyes. At this moment, he thought of many things.

—I have been with her three times. I saw the blood-sucking moth, but she didn't see it. Although she was surprised, she didn't appear panicked. Afterwards, she didn't ask at all, as if she knew everything.

-On the night of the third day of March, after the blood-sucking moth disappeared, her eyes became blood red, like thousands of honeycomb meshes combined together, her face also turned green at the same time, and she also spit out a piece as long as a foot. Blood red pointed tongue!

-Just now a group of blood-sucking moths entered her lapels and fell in her arms. It was a very sensitive place for a woman, but she had no feeling at all. This is simply impossible.

—The group of blood-sucking moths huddled in her ****, neither moth powder left nor her blood sucked, but when I touched my hand, it pierced my hand and sucked me wildly Her blood, shaped like her patron saint, does not allow people to invade her body, could it be...—could it be that she is a moth spirit, the incarnation of a blood-sucking moth!

The thought of this made Cui Beihai's face green.

Unconsciously, he let go of his hand, drew back, and leaned against a pillar on the corridor.

Although he didn't fall down, his body seemed to be half weak.

According to ancient legend, everything in the world, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, will become psychic over time, and will be transformed into a ghost and transform into a human form at will.

There are quite a few legends of leprechauns.

Of this kind of legend, the fox is naturally the most, and other birds and beasts, and even flowers, plants and trees are also indispensable.

Even flowers, plants and trees can become refined humans, so how can moths not