Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 30: Blood moths dance


Blood Moth Dancing

Between the fingers of Shi Shuanghe's left palm, there was a bit of cold light flashing!

As soon as the palm of the hand was shot, the cold light flew out-a hidden weapon!

The sharp and extremely violent sound of breaking through the sky!

Du Xiaotian was shocked, but he yelled out of exclamation, but blood was already surging in several places on his body!

Being so close, once the hidden weapon is used, it is inherently difficult to dodge and block.

Du Xiaotian was entangled with a knife in his hand alone. The figure has also been constrained, and can't resist dodge.

At this moment, Shi Shuanghe wasn't in a sudden attack, he was obviously a hidden weapon master!

It seems that one of these hidden weapons is enough to deal with, and a few come together, even if Du Xiaotian's sword is not entangled with Shi Shuanghe's sword, it can't be dealt with.

The power of the hidden weapon is quite strong. After passing through the clothes and inserting into the muscles, Du Xiaotian has become a blood man in the blink of an eye.

His back buckled immediately, and almost all the muscles in his face were twisted.

Suddenly, he was hit by seven or eight hidden weapons, and he was seriously injured in seven or eight places.

Seven or eight wounds spurted blood all at once, and in this moment, I was afraid that one-third of the blood on his body had been sprayed out.

Shi Shuanghe hit the concealed weapon with his left hand, and his right hand was also strong at the same time, the sword stab wrapped, and with a clatter, Du Xiaotian flew him with the knife in his hand and shot it into the night sky.

At least one third of his mixed strength has disappeared, but if he concentrates his remaining energy in his hands, Shi Shuanghe may not be able to take his knife so easily.

At that time, he seemed to have lost his soul, he didn't even reach out to cover the wounds that were still bleeding.

But it was hard to hide it, he only had two hands.

Fortunately, those hidden weapons did not hit the deadly key, he still could support it and did not fall.

Maybe he was just because there was nowhere to go around, and he had to wait to die to this point, so he didn't even dodge, and stood blankly on the spot.

His eyes were wide open, staring at Shi Shuanghe's face.

Shi Shuanghe is now easy to kill him, just another sword.

He didn't make another move, with the horizontal sword as his chest, and the thumb and index finger of his right hand pinching the tip of the sword. He stood on the stone-like table and looked at Du Xiaotian with a smile, his eyes full of ridicule.

Du Xiaotian's eyes were extremely complicated, and he didn't know whether it was fear, surprise, or grief.

At this moment, his complexion turned white again, but the clothes on his body were even redder, and the blood had soaked through his clothes.

The moths still flying in the dungeon seemed to smell the smell of blood. One after another, they flew towards Du Xiaotian in a flash, some fell on Du Xiaotian's body, and some flew around him. .

The temptation of blood to them is so strong.

Are those blood-sucking moths lying on Du Xiaotian's body sucking the blood flowing out of Du Xiaotian's body

Du Xiaotian seemed to have no feeling for these blood-sucking moths.

White moon, blue sky, emerald green moth wings, bright red moth eyes, bright red blood.

The flowers and leaves scattered on the ground, the leaves are blue-green, and the flowers are bright yellow.

Shi Shuanghe was dressed in white, while Du Xiaotian's official uniform was purple and black.

The dungeon is colorful, very beautiful, beautiful and mysterious.

Shi Shuanghe's expression was also strange, already strange.

Now even Du Xiaotian's expression has become strange. He opened his mouth to speak, but didn't say a word.

Instead, Shi Shuanghe's words came first. 'Am I boasting? '

Du Xiaotian replied:'No. 'His voice is not as loud as before.

It is not easy for a person to shed so much blood and still have the strength to speak.

Shi Shuanghe said again:'You don't have a weapon, and you have a hidden weapon in your body, what else can you do? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Wait for death. 'He really has to wait to die now.

Shi Shuanghe laughed. He laughed and said: "But don't worry, I promise you won't die very hard, because my hidden weapon has never been poisoned! '

Du Xiaotian said:'I know. 'His face suddenly showed a painful color, and said:'The hidden weapon is not poisonous, the poison is in your heart! '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Non-toxic, not a husband! '

Du Xiaotian said:'I really can't think of...'

Shi Shuanghe said:'You can't think of many things. '

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'What the hell is this for? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'You are dying, why are you still asking? '

Du Xiaotian asked:'Just because I'm about to die, I have to ask a clear question. I really don't want to die unclearly. '

Shi Shuanghe sighed and said:'I know your thoughts, but it's a pity that I think. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Anyway, I can't escape, so why don't you accommodate me once. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'It was fine at first, but unfortunately now I don't have much time left. '

Du Xiaotian said:'You still have things, waiting to be resolved? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'It must be resolved. '

Du Xiaotian couldn't help but asked again:'What is it? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Are you here again? '

Du Xiaotian couldn't help sighing, even his sigh has become weak now.

His complexion became paler, pale as a dead man, and his body began to falter.

In his eyes, the surrounding things seemed to float in the air, and everything seemed to have become two parts.

Shi Shuanghe also became two.

Du Xiaotian knew that he had lost too much blood and his mind had begun to fall into a coma. He bit his lower lip fiercely, and his skin was ripped apart.

The blood ran down from the corners of his mouth, and through the gaps between his teeth, into his mouth, and he still felt pain.

This feeling is not so strong anymore, but it can make him sane.

He swallowed a mouthful of blood, then looked at it with concentration. This look made him chill.

Shi Shuanghe's sword has been raised!

With a snort, the sword pierced out like lightning.

Du Xiaotian watched the sword stabbing at him without moving. It's not that he doesn't know how to dodge, nor is he unable to dodge.

He can still control and mobilize the functions of the entire body, but he is desperate.

Because he knew that even if he could dodge this sword, he might not be able to dodge the second sword and would always die under Shi Shuanghe's sword.

So he simply gave up the struggle altogether.

Shi Shuanghe ignored it, and didn't stop the sword. He had obviously made up his mind to kill Du Xiaotian.

Since the sword is like lightning, it will pierce it naturally! His sword kept piercing Du Xiaotian's chest! The blood flies, but the blood volume is not much.

There is really not much blood in Du Xiaotian's body.

At that moment, he felt that an ice thorn was suddenly pierced into his chest, and the remaining blood seemed to have begun to condense.

Then his sanity began to fall into a coma again. He still felt tingling, and this tingling sensation was immediately replaced by anger.

He suddenly hissed and yelled:'I can't stand your eyes! 'The cry is still on, and the man has fallen.

Shi Shuanghe has pulled out the sword.

Du Xiaotian was already unable to support his body, so he still stood firm, but with the support of Shi Shuanghe's sword.

Du Xiaotian did not die immediately.

Shi Shuanghe's sword was not stabbed in a deadly place.

Was it that at that moment, he suddenly changed his mind, not wanting Du Xiaotian to die, so he was merciful and prepared to tell Du Xiaotian all his secrets

Du Xiaotian's awakening was only a moment later.

He suddenly woke up from a coma under a series of stimuli.

He felt that, but he didn't open his eyes, and shouted in a mute voice:'Where is this place? Is it hell? '

He actually thought he had entered hell.

A voice entered his ear immediately, saying:'Is it right? Why don't you open your eyes and take a look? '

Du Xiaotian reluctantly opened his eyes. His people were already weakened, and he almost didn't even have the strength to open his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a dark blue night sky and a pale moon.

His memory has not completely declined. He still had an impression of where the other person was and what happened before he fell into a coma.

He knew immediately that he was still in the dungeon of Yunlai Inn.

Of course he remembered that that piece of night sky is not the real night sky, and that round of bright moon is not the real bright moon either.

I am still in the world. He barely rolled his eyes and turned to the direction where the sound came from. At this turn he saw Shi Shuanghe.

Shi Shuanghe stood there, holding a small and long iron box in his left hand, and pinching a five or six-inch silver needle with his middle finger on his right hand.

The silver needle gleamed in the moonlight, with a sharp end but a surprisingly large head. What exactly does this silver needle do

What is Shi Shuanghe doing with this silver needle? Du Xiaotian glared at Shi Shuanghe, his eyes filled with doubts.

Shi Shuanghe was smiling, but that smile was creepy.

Du Xiaotian struggled to sit up, but even raising his head felt very difficult.

At this moment, he felt all convulsions in his body, and the blood in his body was not constantly being drawn out.

There were only a dozen blood-sucking moths flying in the night sky. Where did the rest go

—Are they all leaning on my body, piercing their suction vessels into my muscles, sucking my blood, Du Xiaotian did his best to raise his head.

Sure enough, swarms of blood-sucking moths were on his body, a large patch of green, with countless spots of blood red.

The green one is the moth body, and the blood red one is the moth eye.

The silver was shining in the green, blood and red, and there were more than a dozen silver needles in his body that were exactly the same as the silver needle in Shi Shuanghe's three fingers in the thumb.

The head of the silver needle shot out like a fountain of blood.

The silver needle is obviously hollow. Once inserted into the muscle, blood from the muscle is ejected through the needle tube.

Although the needle tube is not big, there is not much blood left in Du Xiaotian's body. With more than a dozen needle tubes like this drawn at the same time, it is not difficult to draw the blood left in the body.

Du Xiaotian's face was pale, and he was struggling desperately. He just wanted to pull out the silver needle inserted on it. He didn't like this way of death.

He has only one head and can move freely, his hands seem to be numb, and he doesn't accept the control of his will at all.

The same goes for chest, waist, knees and feet, he can't even turn around.

He couldn't help sighing, even the strength of raising his head was dissipated in the sigh, and one head fell back to the ground.

Shi Shuanghe saw that he was struggling, and said:'You don't want to die like this? '

Du Xiaotian gasped and said dumbly:'Grandson Turtle is willing. '

Shi Shuanghe continued:'In fact, there is nothing wrong with dying like this, I promise you will not die too hard. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Why don't you let me die a little easier. '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Do you want to die happily? '

Du Xiaotian said:'This is my only hope and my last hope. '

Shi Shuanghe groaned and said:'Listening to you, if I don't give you a good time, it would be impossible to explain it. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Let's do it quickly. 'His face has been distorted, distorted and unhuman.

It doesn't feel good that the blood is being drawn out slowly. Although this kind of death is not very painful, it is definitely not comfortable.

Shi Shuanghe looked at him, suddenly smiled, and said:'But this time, it's not like it. '

Du Xiaotian said:'What does it look like? '

Shi Shuanghe's eyes fell on the group of moths and said:'It's not like being killed by a blood-sucking moth. '

Du Xiaotian suddenly realized:'This is the reason why you are here to release the blood of ****. '

Shi Shuanghe did not deny, saying:'Exactly! '

Du Xiaotian said:'You...what are you thinking about? '

Shi Shuanghe said:'It's nothing, just ask others to believe that your death was caused by the blood sucking moth that sucked up the blood in your body. '

Du Xiaotian thought about it, sighed again, and said:'You really are there! '

Shi Shuanghe said:'Good to say. '

Du Xiaotian smiled sorrowfully and said: "The blood in my body is probably almost running out of it now. Even if you start it now, it's almost the same.

NS. '

Shi Shuanghe turned his eyes and smiled again, saying:'Okay, I will fulfill you! '

His right hand flew immediately, and the silver needle pinched between the three fingers in the thumb and sniper shot out.

The silver light flashed in the moonlight, and shot out at Du Xiaotian's eyebrows as soon as he let it go!

That silver needle was inserted above his eyebrows! One shot desperately!

Du Xiaotian didn't evade at all, there was a slight smile on his face, he smiled and greeted death.

Under the current situation, being able to die earlier is indeed a happy thing for him.

His eyes were still not closed, and his eyes were wide open as usual, but his pupils were completely lifeless, showing a disgusting and terrifying light.

Shi Shuanghe was unmoved, he looked directly at Du Xiaotian's white eyes, and even laughed.

He smiled and said:'You have got your wish now, why are you still not looking down? '

Du Xiaotian didn't respond at all.

How could the dead respond? There seemed to be a faint white breath in his mouth and nose.

Could this be corpse gas? Moonlight also didn't know if it was because of this corpse qi, it gradually became hazy.

The wind is blowing, the rain is falling, the wind is not urgent, and the rain is not too strong.

When Chang Huhua, Fu Biao, and Yao Kun returned to the Yamen, the rain gradually weakened.

The weakening is like fog, like smoke. The lights also became hazy in the rain, hazy like a light moon wrapped in the sky in a foggy night.

The three of them walked through a flower path and two moon gates in the rain and smoke, and finally entered the lobby.

Gao Tianlu and Yang Xun were already waiting in the lobby. In addition to Gao Tianlu, there are three people in the lobby.

The two waited on Gao Tianlu's side. They are the two body and mind guards of Gao Tianlu.

There is another person in a splendid suit, dressed as a brother-in-law.

No matter how he observes, that person is neither like a yamen nor a guest. No guests still wear bamboo hats in other people's living rooms.

The boss wore a bamboo hat on the head, but there was still a layer of yarn hanging around the bamboo hat.

The human face is separated by a layer of veil, and the shadow of the bamboo hat is also an obstacle. Under the dim light, he is extraordinarily mysterious.

Who the hell is it? Is it Long Yubo

Chang Huhua's gaze fell on that person's veil. That person seemed to be looking at Chang Hu Hua through the veil.

Gao Tianlu immediately leaned forward and said:'Brother Chang came quickly. '

Chang Huhua turned her head in response and said:'Unhappy, I have to wait for a long time, I'm really sorry. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Where are so many kind words, please sit down. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Thank you for sitting. '

Two steps forward, sit down in the next chair, facing the man in Jinyi, and his eyes fall on Jinyiren's veil.

Gao Tianlu turned his eyes and turned to Jinyiren, saying:'This is the son of Long Yubo. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Really? 'His voice is full of doubts.

Jin Yiren's face is hidden behind the veil, he is really not sure whether it is Long Yubo or not. He is not familiar with Long Yubo.

Gao Tianlu said to Long Yubo:'Does Young Master Long still have an impression of Brother Chang? '

Long Yubo nodded and said:'My memory has always been very good, especially for celebrities, unless I have no chance to see it, I must pay attention to it. 'He had a meal and then said:'Brother Chang is a celebrity among celebrities! '

Chang Huhua smiled and said:'Why not Long Brother? '

Long Yubo said:'Brother Chang treats me, I'm afraid he won't care. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'On the contrary, it's just now...'

Long Yubo cut his mouth and said:'Now, I wear a bamboo hat on my head and a scarf hanging in front of me, so Brother Chang can't be sure. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Exactly. '

Long Yubo said:'Even if I remove the bamboo hat, Brother Chang may not be able to recognize me. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'My memory, I believe it is not worse than yours. '

Long Yubo said:'This has nothing to do with memory at all? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'But what is the reason? '

Long Yubo said:'My face is no longer what it was back then. '

Chang Hu Hua said in surprise:'Oh? '

Knowing that he didn't understand, Long Yubo slowly grabbed the bamboo hat on his head.

Gao Tianlu frowned, but Yang Xun turned half of his face.

Chang Huhua looked in his eyes, Xinzhao felt strange, and subconsciously stared at Long Yubo's hand that grabbed the bamboo hat.

The hand slowly took off the bamboo hat.

Once the bamboo hat was removed, Long Yubo's face was exposed to the light.

Chang Huhua's heart immediately seemed to be slapped with a whip, and her whole heart shrank.

One of Yao Kun's ghost words reached his lips, and there was almost no exit.

The face of Long Yubo, which was exposed to the light, did not look like a human face, nor did it look like a grimace.

The grimace painted by ordinary people is at least ten times more beautiful than his face.

That face is like a rotten watermelon, but this is not a usual metaphor.

The watermelon is red, but the face is white. It was creepy, disgustingly white, so white that it exuded a dark glow like a light.

There are no eyebrows and no beard on his face. The eyes are not the same size. The muscles in the corner of the left eye are split, and a ditch is slashed downwards. The ditch varies in depth, and the deep part has exposed pale bones.

The right eye looks like a human eye, but the left eye looks nothing like any eye. The pupil of the eye is milky white, like a stone.

The nose is just two holes, the lips are mostly turned up, a piece of meat is missing on the left, and the teeth are looming in the gap.

Some of the gray-yellow teeth are broken.

There is also a ditch on the top of the head, which seems to split at any time, with only a few sparse hairs in the first half.

If someone thinks a head like this is a human head, there is a problem with that person's head.

Chang Huhua had no problems with their heads.

The mouth of this head is talking to them, and they don't think this head is a human head and it's impossible.

Suddenly seeing such a human head, I believe everyone will inevitably be surprised.

Chang Huhua is no exception.

Long Yubo felt the ditch on the top of his head in real time, and said:'I used thread to sew this wrap, but my wife thought it would look better without sewing, so I removed the thread. '

Chang Huhua shuddered, then faintly replied:'Oh? '

Long Yubo smiled and said:'Is this the way Brother Chang saw me before? '

It's okay for him not to laugh. When he smiles, the corners of his mouth split, and his muscles fold up, as if he is about to peel off.

Chang Huhua couldn't bear to look again, and sighed:'No. '

Long Yubo continued:'Brother Chang doesn't recognize my face at all. '

Chang Huhua did not deny it.

Long Yubo said again:'So, Brother Chang must be very suspicious of whether I am Long Yubo himself. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'It is inevitable. '

Long Yubo smiled again and said:'Fortunately, I still have a way to prove my identity. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'What is the solution? '

Yang Xun intervened and said:'He has a three-striped dragon on his body! '

Chang Huhua hasn't replied yet, Long Yubo's left hand is removed, and the shirt on the upper body has been dropped to the waist.

He was wrapped in no other clothes. As soon as he took off his shirt, his half-length muscles were exposed to the light.

The muscles under his head are like human muscles. Sure enough, there is a three-striped dragon on the muscles.

With teeth and dancing claws, colorful dragons have different positions and shapes, but they are all lifelike.

Long Yubo's eyes fell and said:'I am ranked third, so people in the rivers and lakes call me Long San Gongzi. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I heard people mention this. '

Long Yubo continued:'That's why I specially find someone to tattoo these three dragons on my body. I really like dragons. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "I also heard. '

Long Yubo said again:'These three dragons were made by Mrs. Yu in Beijing, but the graphics were my own design. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Ms. Yu's hands are full of capital, and the tattooing technique is said to have reached its peak. '

Long Yubo said:'That's why I found her. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'With a master like her, she is naturally cautious and strong in imitating. '

Long Yubo said:'Are you worried that she will stab these three dragons for others? '

Chang Huhua said lightly:'This is not entirely impossible. '

Long Yubo nodded and said:'It's not unreasonable that you are so worried, but there is one thing you must be clear about first. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'What's the matter? '

Long Yubo said: "Not long after Mrs. Yu stabbed these three dragons for me, she was paralyzed with one of her hands, and she will no longer be able to tattoo others. These three dragons are her last works, and I am her last guest. . '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Oh? '

Long Yubo smiled and said:'So don't worry, there is absolutely no second person in the world with three dragons like me. '

Chang Huhua suddenly asked: "How long is it actually not long after you said?" '

Long Yubo said:'Three days. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'How many years ago was this? '

Long Yubo said:'About seven or eight years ago. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "You don't seem to be sure? '

Long Yubo said:'Who can be sure of things seven or eight years ago. '

Chang Huhua said strangely: "Why is the three **** so sure? '

Long Yubo smiled without answering.