Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 34: Ghosts are human hearts



Yang Xun said:'Your loss is not light, but it is finally comforting to get the treasure of the Golden Eagle Alliance. '

Long Yubo sneered and said:'So even though we have lost four brothers, we are not very sad. We happily moved the treasures of silver, boxes and boxes outside. Who knows that happiness is the most sorrowful, and it is right to be the last with Ruan Jianping. A box of jewels was moved out of the treasure house, and two masked men appeared like ghosts, without saying a word. Ruan Jianping and I stepped out, and they started using both swords. A few swords forced us to put down the box and retreat. We came out and shouted at someone. We were not ready to fight. The treasure house was already there. The secret door that was broken by us actually worked again and suddenly closed, shutting us in the treasure vault. '

Yang Xun said:'You just lock it up like this? '

Long Yubo said:'Getting this treasure was too sudden, and we were shocked just because the other party's martial arts was so powerful, thinking about the other party's sacredness, and didn't even notice that we had been forced into the treasure house. within. '

Yang Xun added for him:'What's more, you all think that the door has been broken. '

Long Yubo said:'Exactly. '

Yang Xun said:'How many days did you end up being kept in the treasure house? '

Long Yubo said:'For two days. '

Yang Xun said:'How can I come out? '

Long Yubo said:'We spent a whole day opening the secret door. '

He sneered again and said:'When we come out next time, all the gold and silver jewels have been lost, and there is not one left. '

Yang Xun said: "The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind, amazing! '

Long Yubo said:'It's really amazing. '

Yang Xun said: "You didn't mention Zhu Xia just now. Is he also trapped in the treasure house? '

Long Yubo said:'No. '

Yang Xun said:'Where is it? '

Long Yubo said:'The injury lies outside the exit of the treasure house. '

Yang Xun said:'Then he saw the actions of the two masked men after the secret door of the treasure vault was closed? '

Long Yubo said:'He watched eagerly at the two masked men putting all the jewels on the backs of a large group of camels and leaving. '

Yang Xun said:'I didn't stop it. '

Long Yubo said:'He is lucky to be able to save his life. '

He sighed and said:'However, even though his life is left, it will not last long. When Ruan Jianping and I went outside the treasure house, he was in a coma. '

Yang Xun said:'Is it hurt too much? '

Long Yubo said:'This is one reason. The most important thing is that he can't swallow his breath. He has a grumpy temper and narrow-mindedness. Seeing the Golden Eagle Alliance treasure that he has already obtained is taken away like this, it is strange that he is not angry. Soon after returning home, he also died of illness. '

Yang Xun said:'Is it the treasure of the Golden Eagle League that Cui Beihai left for the three of you to divide equally? '

Long Yubo said:'It can't be wrong. '

He glanced away and said: "Otherwise, we and Cui Beihai are neither close to each other nor unreasonable. Why does he leave so many gold and silver jewelry to us? '

After a meal, he said again:'A person knows he is about to die, and it is inevitable that he will regret it. He probably felt that he was too sorry for our brother, so he made this move. '

Yang Xun asked again:'Why are you sure that the two masked men who intercepted you that day were Chang Huhua and Cui Beihai? '

Long Yubo said: "The sword master who can repel me and Ruan Jianping in one shot, as far as I know, there are at most 13 people in the world. Among these 13 people, there are only four groups of eight people who are connected to each other. I spent three full years observing in many ways, and then sorting out the collected data, and I found that only Chang Huhua and Cui Beihai were the most suspicious. '

He sneered, and went on: "What's more, I am also a master of swords. I knew what the opponent's sword skills were. I had seen two shots in the past three years. '

Yang Xun said:'Is it the same? '

Long Yubo nodded and said:'I still had doubts, but now I have finally confirmed it. My suspicions were not just doubts, but facts. '

Yang Xun said:'It seems that you really put a lot of effort into it. '

Long Yubo sighed.

Yang Xun continued:'I can't figure this out for you. '

He gave a gesture, and said: "The treasure of the Golden Eagle League is undoubtedly the stolen goods, your brothers, ruined the Golden Eagle League and took the gold and silver jewelry as your own. It is already black! '

Long Yubo did not deny it.

Yang Xun continued:'Chang Huhua and Cui Beihai come here to eat black, just these few relationships are enough for you to have a headache. '

'But—'Yang Xun followed after a pause:'In the circumstances at the time, those gold and silver jewels can be said to be unowned. Because they have not left the Golden Eagle League, they cannot be said to be Chang Huhua and Cui. Beihai robs you. '

Long Yubo waved his hand:'Whether it is or not, it is irrelevant now. What we have to solve now is just a problem. '

Yang Xun said:'Which question? '

Long Yubo said:'Before we talk about that issue, we must first understand that those gold and silver jewelry cannot be treated as stolen goods. '

Yang Xun said:'Oh? '

Long Yubo said: "There is no recognition on the gold and silver jewelry. No one can prove that those gold and silver jewelry are stolen, because the head of the Golden Eagle League is dead, and none of my brothers exists, except I. '

Yang Xun said:'Of course you will not accuse those gold and silver jewelry as stolen goods. '

Long Yubo said: "Absolutely not. As for the protection of flowers, what is the basis for one-sided words? So now, those gold and silver jewelry can only be treated as Cui Beihai's legacy. '

Gao Tianlu answered, "That's good. '

Long Yubo said:'That is to say, those gold and silver jewelry are now completely mine and my property! '

His voice was steep and loud, saying:'At this moment, only I can bear the legacy of Cui Beihai. 'No one denies this fact.

Long Yubo continued:'Now those gold and silver jewels are missing. Of course, in the government, in me, both aspects must be investigated.

Long Yubo glanced away and said:'Who stole those gold and silver jewelry? '

Yang Xun was speechless, and the others were silent.

Long Yubo slowly continued:'This is the only problem we need to solve now. '

As he said, his gaze swept again, saying:'According to the three reasons I just mentioned, the treasure thief is not someone else, obviously it is him-Chang Huhua! '

He turned to Chang Huhua again.

Chang Huhua ignored it. He still stood in the original place, looking up at the ring-shaped copper frame that was hung under the top wall and embedded with eight ever bright lamps.

No one knows what he is looking at, but he has obviously been looking at it for quite some time.

Looking at him, he was clearly focused on the ring-shaped copper frame. He didn't seem to care about other things at all, so he didn't respond to Long Yubo's words and actions at all.

Did he discover something again

Yang Xun didn't pay attention to Chang Huhua's weird expression. Seeing that he didn't respond, he immediately connected, saying:'Your three reasons just now are undoubtedly very good, but you also have to pay attention to one thing. '

Long Yubo said:'Please speak. '

Yang Xun said:'With his skill, yes, he can steal in without the eyes and ears of my subordinates, but how can he completely remove so many gold and silver jewelry by himself. Especially those rare and exotic treasures, if they are stacked together, one of them will be easily broken if one is not careful. They almost need to be transported one by one, back and forth at least dozens of times. Where does he have the time, not to mention those Gold and silver jewellery does not need to be moved out of this stone room, but also to be moved outside the study room and hidden away. How much time does it take? You might as well think about it. '

A look of surprise appeared in Long Yubo's eyes, as if he was wondering how this person could become shrewd again.

Yang Xun snorted and said:'My subordinates are not blind people with open eyes, nor do they only know how to sleep. '

Long Yubo smiled coldly and said:'Of course it is difficult to do this by one person, but it is very easy with a few more people. '

Yang Xun said:'You mean he still has accomplices? '

Long Yubo said:'Who dares to say no? '

Yang Xun said:'Where is it? '

Long Yubo said:'Why don't you ask him? '

Yang Xun actually asked Chang Hu Huadao again: "Are you still with the party? Where are they now

Chang Huhua didn't answer, she still looked at the ring-shaped copper frame above her intently.

Gao Tianlu saw it strange and couldn't help asking:'What is Brother Chang looking at? 'He raised his throat especially.

Chang Huhua lowered her head in response, and said:'You all know the source of those gold and silver jewelry. '

Did he really ignore what Long Yubo and Yang Xun had just said

Gao Tianlu nodded and said:'It doesn't matter whether it is clear or not. What we have to solve is how the gold and silver jewels were stolen, and who did it. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'It's hard to know who started it, but how to be stolen is now already known. '

Gao Tianlu was about to ask what his eyebrows were, and Long Yubo had already intervened and said:'He only eyebrows, you know exactly what it is. '

Chang Huhua just pretended not to hear it, and looked at Gao Tianlu, saying: "The four officials who stayed in the study to guard, in my opinion, are all honest people. They said that they have not neglected their duties in the past few days, and there is nothing wrong in the study. , It should be trusted. '

Gao Tianlu said in surprise:'This stone room has only one entrance and exit. The theft of the gold and silver jewelry is caused by demons and ghosts? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Where are there so many demons and ghosts? '

Gao Tianlu said:'But how did those gold and silver jewelry leave this stone room? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'This stone room does not have only one entrance and exit. '

Gao Tianlu was startled and said:'You mean there is a second entrance? '

Chang Huhua nodded and said:'I hope my guess is not wrong. '

Gao Tianlu asked, "What did you find? '

Chang Huhua looked up at the copper frame with eight beacon lights embedded on the hook hanging under the top wall, and said:'This is the copper frame. '

Gao Tianlu's gaze couldn't help but fall on the copper frame.

He looked at it carefully for a while, and said:'There seems to be no problem with this copper frame. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Is there dust on the copper frame? '

Gao Tianlu said:'Not bad. '

Chang Huhua said:'You look carefully at those dust accumulations. '

Gao Tianlu looked carefully, and finally found that many of the dust on the copper frame had fallen off.

There is not much dust on the copper frame. If you are not careful, it is not easy to detect it.

No matter where it is, as long as it is exposed to the air and is not cleaned frequently, it is inevitable that there will be dust accumulation, so dust accumulation on the copper frame is not a strange thing.

The strange thing is that the copper frame hangs high and can't be detected, the dust on it will fall off like this

Gao Tianlu touched his chin and said:'The dust on the copper frame seems to have been wiped off by something. '

Yang Xun said to the side:'Maybe a mouse walked on it. '

Chang Huhua smiled faintly, and said: "If it's a mouse, that mouse must be that big, and he knows how to go wrong. '

Yang Xun hummed, just about to reply him a few words, Chang Huhua had already pulled up.

Chang Huhua stretched out his hands violently, grabbed the ring-shaped copper frame, and immediately sank down.

He didn't even wear a copper frame, so he fell.

That copper frame could bear the weight of his entire body, and it didn't move even when he sank.

A sturdy copper frame like this is really rare.

Chang Hu Hua sank to no effect, and the whole body was pulled upwards.

This pulling force is not under that sinking. The copper frame is still unresponsive.

Yang Xun saw strangeness from the side, and asked in a letter:'What are you doing? Monkey play. '

Chang Huhua didn't answer, she made a mistake with her left and right hands, and tried to turn the copper frame. Although he was in the air, he turned his hands and crossed his feet at the same time. With the help of strength, it was as strong and very strong.

The grid made a soft sound, and immediately came from behind a curtain next to it.

The brass ring that was motionless was turned by him.

Chang Huhua's whole body also turned from left to right in midair following the rotation of the copper ring.

He didn't let go, he used his hands harder, and turned the copper ring again.

This time, the copper ring did not turn again, and the sound continued behind the curtain.

A very strange, heart-palpitating sound, like a lot of poisonous snakes, winding behind the curtain over there.

Yang Xun is a frightened bird. He moved aside and wanted to drive away.

But only half of his body turned, and he turned back on his own.

Gao Tianlu is standing behind him, how dare he slip away.

Of course, his gaze then fell on the curtain, hoping that there weren't really a lot of poisonous snakes behind, and he was not disappointed.

Gao Tianlu's gaze also fell on the curtain, and so did the others, without exception.

The strange noise soon stopped, and nothing happened on the other side of the curtain, and nothing appeared.

Everyone wanted to go over and open the curtain to see what was going on, but no one went over, and Long Yubo was no exception.

How can such a martial arts master who has beaten Jiangnan martial arts invincible hands be so timid

Does he already know that there is a powerful killing mechanism behind the curtain

Chang Hu Huaren was still hanging under the copper frame, his eyes widened like pigeon eggs, staring at the curtain, condescending, of course he saw a lot more than others.

It's a pity that the curtain hangs down from the top of the stone chamber. Although he is condescending, he can't see what is behind the curtain.

The curtain has also remained the same.

Chang Huhua's hanging body suddenly left the copper frame and fell in front of the curtain. His figure was as light as a swallow, and he landed silently.

The curtain only slightly fluctuated when he was on the ground.

There was still peace behind the curtain, and he didn't say a word, but he flicked his sleeves. A strong wind immediately raised the curtain.

All eyes immediately focused on the back of the curtain.

Without snakes, there is nothing behind the curtain.

The wall disappeared, and a hole was opened where it was originally the wall.

With a hole seven feet high and no more than two feet wide, this stone room really has a second entrance and exit.

The darkness inside the wall was extremely dark, and the darkness seemed to be filled with ice, and the ice seemed to be dissolving.

Chang Hu Huaren was outside the hole in the wall, as if feeling cold.

What is the situation inside, and what can be stored in it

Although his eyes were very good, they were not really clear, and the raised curtain quickly fell.

Chang Huhua staggered in real time, flashed to the other side of the curtain, and pulled the curtain up easily.

With this pull, the curtain was taller and wider than the one that just stretched out, and the light of the lamp on the copper frame went deeper.

With this light, he finally distinguished that the wall hole in front of him was connected to a tunnel.

The tunnel stretched straight forward, not knowing how long, the light changed from bright to dark, from dark to black, and plunged into the darkness that seemed like ink and ink.

Where does this tunnel lead, and what is its function

Chang Huhua really wants to go in.

He was groaning, everyone has moved closer to his side.

Both Yao Kun and Fu Biao were carrying lanterns in their hands, and as they approached the tunnel entrance, the vicinity of the tunnel entrance became brighter.

The range of the light is farther, and no matter how far away it is, it is still in darkness.

Gao Tianlu poked his head and couldn't help but said:'This seems to be a tunnel. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'It seems so. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Where does this tunnel lead? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I also want to know. '

As he spoke, his hand loosened and the curtain slid down again.

Gao Tianlu's eyes flashed, and he whispered:'Tear it off. '

Chang Huhua was about to tear off the curtain. Gao Tianlu called out like this, and he didn't even need to think about it. He tore off the curtain with his backhand.

He threw the curtain beside his feet, handed it out, and said:'Give me the lamp. '

Yao Kun immediately handed the lamp forward.

Chang Hu Hua is attached to his left hand, and the hilt of the sword is already in his right hand.

Although he drew his sword quickly, in such a narrow tunnel, his movements would inevitably be affected.

He held the lamp in one hand and the sword in the other, then raised his steps and stepped into the tunnel.

Yang Xun saw it really closely, and a heart barely jumped out.

He couldn't help but shrank to the side.

In this way, even though there is a very powerful killing mechanism installed in the tunnel, Chang Huhua will start it as soon as he steps into the mechanism, and the hidden weapons are everywhere. Unfortunately, Chang Huhua and the people standing in front of the tunnel entrance will never shoot him. Body!

Unless those hidden weapons can still turn.

No one paid attention to his actions, all eyes were on Chang Huhua.

Chang Huhua has crossed the hole in the wall and entered the tunnel.

The tunnel entrance is no more than two feet wide, but it is only about three feet inside the entrance. After three feet, it will spread out from side to side. It is almost four feet wide and three feet taller.

Stones are embedded on the left, right, up and down.

The blue-white stones, under the reflection of the lights, exudes a cold light.

The cold air seemed to radiate from above the rocks.

There is no cold ice in the tunnel, and the stones are just ordinary stones. The feeling of cold air just now is just a feeling.

But going deeper, Chang Huhua really felt the wind and wind.

The lights also started to jump slightly, but they couldn't tell the direction at all.

The wind is almost like blowing from all directions.

Chang Huhua was really strange. He looked around and finally realized that there were small round holes every six feet above the stone walls on both sides of the tunnel, and the wind must have leaked from those small holes.

He smiled, and his footsteps continued.

Outside of those round holes, there were no other gaps on the walls of the tunnel, so he took his footsteps up and down. Although it was very light, it still made a clear sound.

Chang Huhua kept walking, and she was already two feet away for a moment.

The tunnel is still calm, some things have not happened, and it seems that there is no killing mechanism set up.

There was no sound other than Chang Huhua's footsteps.

Everyone sees it.

Long Yubo couldn't help being the first one, stepping through the hole in the wall two or three steps, chasing after Chang Huhua.

His footsteps are particularly loud.

Chang Huhua walked ahead, hearing the sound of footsteps, subconsciously tilted her head.

Seeing that it was Long Yubo who was catching up, a very weird look suddenly flashed in his eyes, and his footsteps slowed down again before continuing.

Gao Tianlu was the first to follow into the tunnel.

Seeing Gao Tianlu leaving, Yang Xun dared to neglect, and suddenly he jumped ahead of Yao Kun and Fu Biao, and followed Gao Tianlu closely.

Yao Kun and Fu Biao also followed.

Gao Tianlu walked forward for a long time, then suddenly stopped, took a deep breath, and said:'Strange! '

His voice was already loud, but now it sounds like a thunder, and even himself was taken aback.

Chang Huhua stopped in response and asked:'What's strange? '

Gao Tianlu said:'This tunnel is sealed on all sides, and the air is so refreshing. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Did Brother Gao pay attention to the small round holes on the left and right walls? '

Gao Tianlu looked up and said,'What are the functions of those small round holes? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Ventilation. '

Gao Tianlu raised his hand and pressed it on a small round hole next to it!

A feeling of coldness.

He nodded slightly and said:'That's it. '

Lian Sui asked again:'Where do those small round holes lead? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'The ground, where the ground is now unclear, but it is not difficult to be clear. '

Gao Tianlu said:'This doesn't matter, we must first figure out where this tunnel leads to. '

Chang Huhua smiled and said:'No matter what the road is, as long as it belongs to the world, there must be an end. We just need to move forward now. '

He moved on.

Long Yubo followed closely behind him step by step.

He suddenly took off the bamboo hat he was wearing.

There was a ghost in the tunnel.

Very ugly ghost, terrible ghost!

In fact, even if there are demons and ghosts in this world, seeing his face, I'm afraid I will shun it.

Although he didn't look back, Gao Tianlu couldn't help but shudder when he saw it behind him.

Yang Xun's heart seemed to be shrinking.

They have not forgotten how terrifying Long Yubo's face is.

Chang Huhua walked in the forefront, with his keen sense, how could Long Yubo not know what he was doing.

He didn't look back either!

Because there is no such need, and although his courage is not small, in the current environment, he does not want to see a face like Long Yubo's horror.