Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 35: Catch it with one's hands


Catch with one's hands

Entering the tunnel three feet, the road is still straight, and corners begin to appear after three feet.

One corner followed by another corner, with more than ten corners in succession.

Turning to the fourteenth corner, Chang Huhua couldn't help but sighed and said:'How did this tunnel work? '

Gao Tianlu also sighed behind him, saying:'I'm already a little dizzy. '

Chang Huhua said: "Fortunately, there is no fork in this tunnel. '

Gao Tianlu said:'This is enough. I was still praising this tunnel for its good design. Now I think that sentence will be taken back! '

While speaking, he has already turned a corner.

A stone level vaguely appeared two feet in front.

Chang Huhua couldn't help speeding up her pace.

After this fast, Long Yubo could not chase him.

Sure enough, it was a stone level.

There is no access ahead, and the tunnel has come to an end.

Chang Huhua blurted out without realizing it, saying:'There is a stone level! '

Long Yubo chased up from behind, responding:'Is it the end? '

His voice has become a little hoarse, and his breath has become thicker.

It seems that this speeding up the pace and chasing has already consumed a lot of his energy.

People still don't realize it in the distance, and when they get close, let's not say that they often protect the flowers, ordinary people believe it will not be difficult to hear.

There are still beads of sweat on his horrible face!

No matter how you look at it, he is not like a martial arts master.

It's not like it at all.

A strange color appeared in Chang Huhua's eyes again.

He didn't turn his head, his eyes didn't fall on the stone steps, but the lantern in his hand.

The lantern actually didn't look good. Although he looked at the lantern, there was no lantern in his eyes.

He was thinking about one thing.

It wasn't until Gao Tianlu and Yang Xun both arrived that his eyes moved to the top of the stone level.

As soon as Gao Tianlu let go, he asked: "Where does this stone level lead? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I want to know too. '

Long Yubo interrupted and said:'Go up and find out. '

Chang Huhua said nothing, and stepped onto the stone level.

More than 30 stone steps extend upward obliquely. Above is a platform.

There was a six-foot platform on three sides of the stone wall, and the stone wall facing the stone steps had a stone gate about two feet wide and seven feet long. The four sides protruded about three or four inches.

An iron ring is embedded in the center of the stone gate.

Chang Huhua's ears were attached to the stone gate, and after listening attentively for a while, he reached out and grabbed the iron ring.

He tried to pull back.

Shimen didn't have any reaction, and it was the same before the push.

He can only twist the iron ring to see if there is any reaction.

The stone gate immediately made a soft noise, and slowly opened to the back.

It's pitch black outside—what is it

Chang Huhua let go of the hand holding the hoop, and didn't move her footsteps, just stretched out the lantern with her left hand first.

The light illuminates the place outside the door.

The floor tiles depicting flowers are not unfamiliar to Chang Huhua, but for a while, he can't remember where he has seen it.

He stepped out.

His actions seemed to be rash, but in fact he was already very careful.

Gao Tianlu and Long Yubo followed closely, and Yang Xun was even more unwilling to succeed.

The five of them stepped out the door one after another when they heard Chang Huhua's unexpected oh.

Gao Tianlu blurted out and asked: "Where is this place? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'The small room behind the bedroom of Cui Beihai and his wife is piled with debris. '

Yang Xun, Fu Biao, and Yao Kun had already recognized them all at once, and said in unison: "That's right, it's the hut. '

The outward side of Shimen is actually a wall on the left side of the small room!

The attic is also above their heads.

Although Gao Tianlu has never been to this place, he already knows the whole case and the scene of the crime.

Du Xiaotian's reports are very detailed, and he really spent a lot of time on Du Xiaotian's reports. As for the understanding of the scene, he is afraid that he is still above Yang Xun.

Upon hearing this, he immediately raised his head and looked at the attic above, and said:'Could the body of Cui Beihai and those blood-sucking moths be found in this attic? '

Yang Xun hurriedly answered, "Yes. '

His whole body jumped up almost at the same time.

For unknown reasons, the secret door suddenly closed with a bang.

Everyone turned their heads in unison.

Yang Xun ate and said: "The six of us have come out, who is... shut the door inside?" '

Chang Hu Huadao:'This is not artificial. '

Yang Xun changed his color and said:'Is it a monster at work? '

Chang Huhua smiled lightly and said:'The stone gate is equipped with organic springs. '

Yang Xun didn't seem to believe it very much, saying:'Really? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'The door can be closed automatically just because of the machine spring. '

Yang Xun breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked:'How do you know? When did you know? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I already knew when I opened the door. '

Long Yubo suddenly interrupted:'Maybe he knew it earlier. '

Yang Xun said:'Oh? '

Long Yubo continued:'Otherwise, how could he be so familiar with everything? '

Yang Xun immediately turned his head to the side, squinting at Chang Huhua.

Chang Huhua closed her mouth and said nothing.

Long Yubo sneered triumphantly.

Gao Tianlu cut off Long Yubo's laughter suddenly, and said:'The stone gate is closed, there should be some traces on the wall, but now, there are no traces at all. '

Chang Huhua replied to Gao Tianlu's words, saying:'If so, we have noticed it when we searched this small room that day. '

Gao Tianlu whispered and said:'Cui Beihai is really a genius in organ design. '

Chang Huhua didn't deny it, saying:'From my point of view, his achievements in this area are still higher than his master's mystery. '

Gao Tianlu nodded and said: "Qing is blue, genius is genius after all! '

Long Yubo interrupted again:'There is also a genius among geniuses. '

Everyone knows who he is talking about.

Chang Huhua sneered and said:'You are not too suspicious. '

Long Yubo said:'It's really not small. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "You are sure, I stole all the gold and silver jewelry from Shishi. '

Long Yubo said:'It's already affirmed. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Apart from those reasons just now, what reasons do you have? '

Long Yubo said:'Isn't it another good reason that you can bring us here? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'This is also the reason? '

Long Yubo said:'If you haven't already entered and exited this tunnel, how can you lead us here through the tunnel so easily? '

Chang Huhua sneered and said:'Do you think I am easy? '

Long Yubo said:'Easy and very easy. '

He took a meal and said:'Even if there are so-called demons and ghosts, they will never steal gold and silver jewelry from the world. Even if those blood-sucking moths are as legendary, they will suck human blood and eat human flesh, and will never suck and eat people. The gold and silver jewelry, this matter is undoubtedly the work of people. '

His voice was steep, saying:'Only people like jewelry and the idea of hitting other people's treasures. '

Chang Huhua's lips moved, but the words had not yet been spoken. Long Yubo's words had already been picked up, saying:'But the idea of hitting Cui Beihai's jewelry gold and silver hidden in the stone chamber is not easy. This person must know the mechanism and be flexible. Not to mention, but also a little clever. '

His voice was even deeper, and he said:'There is only one person in this place who meets these conditions, and that is your Chang brother. '

Chang Huhua sneered and asked: "What do you mean by this place? '

Long Yubo said:'Of course, including the entire county. '

Chang Huhua said:'You only arrived this evening. '

Long Yubo said:'Not bad. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'As soon as you arrive, you enter the Yamen and haven't left? '

Long Yubo said:'Not bad. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "You are so familiar with this place? '

Long Yubo said nothing.

Chang Hu Huadao:'Perhaps most people in this place have great wisdom. '

Long Yubo sneered, and said:'At the moment, the most suspicious thing is that you are the only man! '

Chang Hu Huadao:'How are you going to do this? '

Long Yubo said:'My dragon is just a civilian, what can I do? '

He turned his gaze back and forth, turning to Yang Xun's face, and said coldly:'The person in charge of public security here is President Yang who catches his head.

Yang Xun straightened his chest involuntarily.

Long Yubo then asked Yang Xun:'For such a suspect, what should the head catcher think? '

Yang Xun blurted out and said:'Of course it was detained first...'

After this sentence, he remembered how good Chang Huhua was, and hurriedly closed his mouth.

Long Yubo immediately took over and said:'What kind of experience is the chief catcher, since he thinks this is the best, of course it is the best. '

Yang Xun nerdy said:'This...'

Long Yubo said:'What is this? '

Yang Xun said:'He is very powerful in martial arts. If he refuses to submit, we will have no way. '

Long Yubo said:'The head catcher was worried about this problem...'

He still had something to say below, but he hadn't picked it up yet, and was interrupted by Yang Xun.

Yang Xun suddenly frowned and said, "I almost forgot about Young Master Long, who is the number one martial arts master in Jiangnan. With the assistance of Young Master Long, this matter is much simpler. '

Looking at his expression, it seemed that he really wanted to detain Chang Huhua.

In fact, in this case, after Chang Huhua came to Chang Huhua, his head catcher had almost no room to speak, and he was already uncomfortable in his heart. I don't know how many times he wanted to take a chance and Chang Huhua had to fall down.

Now, there is a rare opportunity, how can he miss it.

Since Long Yubo has beaten Jiangnan Invincible, even if he is not as powerful as Chang Huhua, there should be no problem with a tie, plus his long knife.

Yao Kun's short spear, Fu Biao's iron rope, even if Chang Huhua refused to catch it, the four of them believed it would not be difficult to take it down.

He had a certain idea, and even Suixiang Fu Biao and Yao Kun made a gesture.

This gesture also implies that they are ready to make a move.

Both Yao Kun and Fu Biao were stunned at once, especially Yao Kun, whose expression was even more embarrassing.

Yang Xun's gaze turned, and he returned to Long Yubo's face.

Just waiting for Long Yubo to make a move, he rushed forward with Yao Kun and Fu Biao.

Long Yubo still did not respond.

Yang Xun waited for a while, and couldn't help but greet:'Young Master Long! '

The muscles on Long Yubo's face jumped in response, but they didn't make a sound.

Instead, Huhua took the conversation and said:'If he can make a move, he has already made a move. '

Yang Xun said:'Why can't he make a move? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Because he is no longer the Long Yubo of that year. '

Yang Xun was even more surprised:'Is his identity confirmed and there is no problem? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I didn't say that there was a problem with his identity, he is undoubtedly Long Yubo. '

Yang Xun said:'So how is he different from that year? '

Chang Huhua didn't answer immediately, her gaze turned to Long Yubo's face, and said,'Brother Long said that it's me or me? '

The muscles on Long Yubo's face jumped again, and he asked instead:'When did you know? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'As soon as you stepped into the tunnel, I already doubted it. '

Long Yubo said:'Is it because of my heavy footsteps? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'This is a reason. By the time I discovered the stone level and you caught up with it, I was completely certain. '

Long Yubo said slightly.

Chang Huhua immediately asked: "Is it the effect of Poison Boy's Wudu Powder? '

Long Yubo said:'Not bad. '

Chang Huhua said in shock:'What a powerful Wudusan! '

Long Yubo said:'It's really amazing. A handful of Five Poisons Sanfei ruined my face and dispelled my skills. '

He turned half of his body and said:'I don't have the power to bind a chicken now, and I am simply two people who beat the invincible hand in Jiangnan back then. '

Only then did Yang Xun understand, and his face changed immediately with a cry of oh.

Without Long Yubo, how can the three of them deal with Chang Huhua

At this moment, Chang Huhua suddenly turned her head, staring at the door of the bedroom, and whispered:'Who? '

A man opened the door and walked in.

Cui Yi!

The light illuminates Cui Yi's face.

I don't know whether the light affects Cui Yi's face, it seems to be pale, but his expression is stable.

Before Chang Huhua spoke, Yang Xun had already asked:'Cui Yi, what are you doing sneakily hiding outside the door? '

Cui Yi shook his hand and said:'I am not hiding outside the door. '

Yang Xun said:'Isn't it what? '

Cui Yidao:'I just walked outside the room, and accidentally discovered that there was a faint light moving in the room, thinking that I was a thief, so I walked in and took a look. '

Yang Xun said:'You have good eyesight. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Skills are also good, if you hadn't just touched that door, I wouldn't have noticed anyone outside the door.

Cui Yi smiled and said:'When my master was alive, he taught me martial arts for several years. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Why do you push the door and come in as soon as I drink, so that you are not afraid that the person asking is a thief? '

Cui Yi laughed and said:'How can a thief be so bold. '

The laughter suddenly fell, and he looked at Gao Tianlu and said:'My lord is here too? '

Gao Tianlu replied calmly and said:'Where did you go just now? '

Cui Yidao:'After eating, I went out and walked around. '

Gao Tianlu said: "You didn't tell the other family members? '

Cui Yidao:'Because it was not to go far, so I didn't order to come down. '

Gao Tianlu said:'When you came back, did other family members tell you that we were coming? '

Cui Yidao:'I came back from the back door and didn't meet them. '

Gao Tianlu suddenly asked again:'Why are you not surprised at all when you see us here? '

Cui Yi sighed lightly:'There are so many things that have surprised me these days. '

Gao Tianlu nodded slightly and then asked, "Do you know that there is a tunnel in the underground stone room where your master stores jewelry? '

Cui Yi was taken aback, and said:'Authentic? '

He shook his head repeatedly.

Gao Tianlu asked:'Didn't your host mention it to you? '

Cui Yidao:'No. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Really? '

Cui Yidao:'The master doesn't talk much on weekdays, and most of what he says are ordinary daily trivial things. '

Gao Tianlu didn't ask any more, waved his hand and said:'You temporarily retreat from the side. '

Cui Yi stepped aside very obediently.

Gao Tianlu turned his eyes back to Long Yubo's face.

Long Yubo said in real time:'I have heard what I just said, adults? '

Gao Tianlu nodded.

Long Yubo continued:'Now I am no different from ordinary people. I am no longer a master of martial arts, and I don't have enough ability to protect my life and property. '

Gao Tianlu said:'What about this? '

Long Yubo said:'Of course we must rely on legal protection, just like ordinary people. '

Gao Tianlu said:'This is a good thing. '

Long Yubo said again:'Of course the adults treat me equally. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Of course this. '

Long Yubo said:'In other words, the adults must be fair in this matter. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Definitely. '

He faintly said:'The official has been an official for ten years, and he has always handled things impartially, no matter whether he is dealing with matters or others. '

Long Yubo said:'I'm relieved. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Don't worry. '

Long Yubo asked again and again:'How is such an adult going to deal with Changhuhua? '

Gao Tianlu pondered.

Long Yubo said again: "Do you think Chang Huhua is not questionable? '

Gao Tianlu said:'Not bad. '

Long Yubo said:'What reason? '

Gao Tianlu said:'I am confident that I will not misunderstand people. '

Long Yubo said:'Do you think you can handle this case based on your own perception? '

Gao Tianlu said: "No. '

Long Yubo sneered and continued:'In my opinion, it is better for an adult to detain Chang Huhua. If a suspect like this is not detained, the adult's name of justice will only be there... Hehe! '

Yang Xun also said to the side:'My lord really has to seriously consider this matter. '

Gao Tianlu pondered repeatedly.

Next to Chang Huhua suddenly interposed and said:'Brother Long seems to want me to taste the taste of jail. '

Long Yubo sneered and said:'Brother Chang believes that this kind of taste has long been used to it. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'On the contrary, completely unfamiliar. '

Long Yubo laughed and said:'I almost forgot what Brother Chang is, a big thief who is like Brother Chang, even if the case happens, which government can bring it to justice? '

Chang Huhua didn't speak.

Long Yubo said:'I'm afraid there will be no exceptions this time! '

Chang Huhua smiled suddenly and said:'There is always a clear understanding of right and wrong. When someone asks himself to be innocent, he will go to jail when he is in jail. '

Everyone was shocked when this sentence was spoken.

Chang Huhua laughed and said: "Anyway, I have been preparing to find an opportunity to taste the taste of jail. '

Gao Tianlu said:'Brother Chang...'

Chang Hu Huadao:'Brother Gao, don't bother for me. '

He sighed up to the sky and said:'What's more, the prison is always quieter than ordinary places. I really need a very quiet place now. Stop and think about what happened in the past few days. '

Long Yubo immediately bent his elbow and hit Yang Xun, saying:'What are you waiting for? '

Yang Xun was startled, and blurted out:'Come here! Lock it up! '

Yao Kun and Fu Biao both had shackles on their bodies, and they heard very clearly, but they still stood there like puppets.

Yang Xun only knew what that sentence was when he exported the words, but the words had been exported, and they would not be able to be collected if they were to be collected.

He could only bite his scalp, glared at Fu Biao and Yao Kun, then shouted again, saying:'Why are you staying there? Don't lock him up. '

Yao Kun looked embarrassed, his steps raised and lowered, but Fu Biao was already choking out of the shackles around his waist.

There is no friendship between him and Chang Huhua, he is not like Yao Kun.

Chang Huhua looked at the shackles, still smiling, and said,'Why? Need this kind of thing? '

Fu Biao accompanied with a smile and said:'The head catcher commanded this. The only way we are subordinates is to do this. '

Long Yubo interrupted and said:'The torture instrument represents the king's law. If you don't stretch out your hand, you will really have no king's law. '

Chang Huhua smiled and stretched out her hand.

He didn't seem to care about these things at all.

Fu Biaolian stepped forward with two steps, and stepped out on the third step, and he drank Gao Tianlu:'Wait! '

Of course Fu Biao stopped immediately.

Gao Tianlu continued: "Who is Chang Daxia? If you promised us, you will never repent or go off the beaten path. Since they are cooperating in this way, how can you give them all this trouble? '

Fu Biao glanced at Yang Xun and lowered his head.

Yang Xun also lowered his head and said, "This rule. '

Gao Tianlu said:'I will take care of all the rules and regulations. '

His voice sank and said:'With me here, how can it be your turn to be the master, Duh! Give me back, back! '

Yang Xun hurriedly retreated, not to mention Fu Biao.

Gao Tianlu returned to Changhu Huadao:'Even if Brother Chang doesn't go to prison, it doesn't matter. '

Chang Huhua smiled and said:'It's better to get in. '

Gao Tianlu said:'I'm afraid I'm wronged Brother Chang. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Brother Gao seems to have affirmed that I have nothing to do with the matter. '

Gao Tianlu said:'I believe that there is no error in my judgment. '

Chang Huhua smiled and said:'But as Long Brother said, the most suspected person is me. How can a suspect like me not go to prison? '

Seeing him smiling happily, Gao Tianlu couldn't help sighing:'Listening to your tone, you seem to be very happy to go to jail. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I am happy now. '

Gao Tianlu said:'I have been an official for ten years, and this is the first time I have seen a person in jail. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "I have a friend who once said that no matter what bad things or bad things are, there is nothing great if you don't understand and don't go, you can only say that your knowledge is shallow. Only if you have experience but don't do it anymore, you can count as a skill. '

He smiled and said:'I happen to have never been in jail. '

Gao Tianlu said:'So you take this opportunity to learn from experience? '

Chang Hu Hua nodded.

Gao Tianlu immediately shook his head and said:'Your friend must be a young man. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'How can you see it? '

Gao Tianlu said:'Only young people who have not yet entered the WTO can speak like that. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Oh? '

Gao Tianlu said:'Because only young people who have not yet entered the world do not know some things, some places, do not need to do more, do not have to go too much, one time is enough for a lifetime of pain and regret. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I should have said the same to him, but I didn't remember it at the time. I only hope that he understands now, and not because he has had terrible experience. '

Gao Tianlu said:'I hope you understand thoroughly first. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Is it a terrible thing to go to jail? '

Gao Tianlu said:'I am also completely inexperienced, but as far as I know, people with experience are not willing to go in again after being released from prison. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "If the prison treatment is better, I believe they will reconsider. '

Gao Tianlu smiled and said:'If this is the case, I will keep you back soon after you leave prison. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Oh? '

Gao Tianlu smiled and said, "Because I will take care of them and serve you well. '

Chang Huhua couldn't help laughing, he smiled and lifted his steps.